The magical power of the moon. The power of the moon in the zodiac signs

There is an opinion that the Moon is a source of radiation of astral energy. Perhaps this is so. The moon “owns” the secrets of every soul, is connected with the most intimate and mysterious - with dreams, and therefore controls emotional world person. With each new position of the Moon in the sky, our inner world also turns on a different side, highlighting new facets of the soul. It depends on the Moon how truthful and predictive our dreams are and with what key we need to approach their solution. It is not for nothing that astrologers agree that the Moon is responsible for the subconscious, imagination, perception, and feelings. Yes, exactly The Moon is “responsible” for the development of intuition Therefore, those born under the sign of the Moon are characterized by such character traits as sensitivity, impressionability, insight, receptivity, dreaminess, and some mystery. These are the most refined natures.

In addition, we should not forget that the Moon also symbolizes something dark and mysterious. Let us remember the immortal “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. How strong in this work are the ideas about the demonic principle awakening in a person under the influence of the Moon! The peak of negative activity, aggression, and conflict, as studies have shown, occurs precisely on the full moon, when the influence of the night luminary is most pronounced. Perhaps this is why “lunar” people have long been credited with possessing witchcraft, and the Moon itself symbolized magical power.

Women need to be restrained and tactful during the full moon.

The Moon's systematic change of its appearance has led to the fact that almost everywhere The moon has become a symbol of the cyclical rhythm of time. The phases of birth, flourishing, disappearance and reappearance of the Moon in the sky symbolize eternity and immortality in constant renewal. A very interesting fact is that in different religious beliefs there are different interpretations of the meaning of the phases of the moon. Often the new moon is represented as the period of the dying god's descent into the underworld, from where he, like the Moon, soon rises again. On the contrary, the full Moon means completeness, integrity, spiritual power. Thus, on Muslim tombstones the Tree of Life was sometimes depicted, illuminated by the growing or full Moon. The waxing Moon is associated with light, growth and rebirth, while the waning Moon takes on a dark, demonic character. In Hinduism, the waxing Moon is a symbol of a newborn child, developing quickly and energetically, and it is also the personification of the cup of the elixir of immortality. For Buddhists, the Moon is peace, beauty and serenity, and the full and new moon phases are times of increased spiritual power.

Moon symbol

The symbol of the Moon in images is usually the month or the horns of a cow (buffalo).

Recently, the question of the professional qualities of people “born under the Moon” has become very relevant. Astrologers claim that the profession of such people should be related to children, animals, the service sector, as well as water and travel. This could be work in social services, charitable organizations, etc. Now discussions on this topic have become fashionable, but centuries-old observations of people about the Moon and knowledge are by no means groundless. And since this is relevant, it means that we, women, simply need to know this.

The symbolism of the Moon is incredibly diverse., but to fully embrace its meanings, it is necessary to say not only about what the Moon represents, but also about what symbolizes it - the Moon.

So, the lunar day is Monday. To the lunar and precious stones and metals include pearls, moonstone and silver. The color is usually white, opal, pearl, pale blue, light green, as well as all silver and iridescent shades.

The Moon is unusual and mysterious in all its manifestations.

It has its own rhythms, which have a huge impact on the life of our planet in general.

The energies and influences of planets close to the Earth, as well as the influence of the four elements of nature, are used in various types magic. It is no coincidence that all these planets bear the names of the Olympian and Italic gods, who patronize various spheres of human activity. So, Venus is the planet and goddess of love, and turning to her enchanting secrets will give you this wonderful feeling. The planet Moon and the goddess Selene are the queen of fragile night beauty and feminine influence on the earthly world, and it is this influence that is especially important to us today. Jupiter is the planet of greatness. Saturn is responsible for the passage of time. The sun is for beauty and vitality. Mercury is the god of trade and entrepreneurship. Mars is the god of war and confrontation. The most important influences on all spheres of human activity are exerted by the Moon and the Sun. The energy of these luminaries nourishes your personal strengths and qualities, and without this energy not only any witchcraft activity is impossible, but also life itself.

The magical power of the Sun.

At noon, when the Sun is directly above your head, stand in a place where its influence will not be diminished by any shadow. Spread your arms to the sides and close your eyes. Place your face and palms under the warm rays of the sun and say:

O shining Sun, Ruler of the entire sky, grant me your greatness, your strength and power, so that I can conquer the unconquered and fulfill the unfulfilled.

Imagine that with every breath you take, your skin absorbs the warmth and energy of the Sun. When you exhale the air, you should feel how the heat you acquired spreads throughout your body and becomes your own energy and strength. Feel the warmth of the Sun on your palms. Start by slowly bringing your arms forward in front of you and finally fold them crosswise across your chest. If you feel that the energy of the Sun is especially needed in your work, then perform a similar ritual three times a day - at dawn, at noon and at sunset.

The sun is inherently a masculine planet, so it is the man who should place more emphasis on restoring solar energy. For a female witch, the influence of the night luminary is more necessary. But still it's just general rules. The main thing is that all the energies and forces you perceive are equally sufficient and harmonious. All this will be determined through personal practice. Therefore, just starting your first witchcraft experience, use generally accepted rules, and then determine your own energetic sympathies.

Many conspiracies are pronounced, as a rule, at dawn or evening, turning towards the east in the morning, and towards the west in the evening. It is believed that when the sun rises and sets, the magical powers nature. In folklore, the morning dawn is usually called “clear”, and the evening dawn “dark”. It is interesting that in conspiracies the dawns are addressed by name, calling the morning one Maria, and the evening one Maremyama.

According to legend, the Sun darkens in the evening because it sees the sinful deeds of man. After sunset, it sinks into the sea, where it washes itself, washing away everything negative, so that the next morning it can rise again into the sky clean and clear.

Some healers go out every morning and watch the sunrise. They turn to face east, extend their arms forward and upward, palms up, and loudly say: “Hello, Father”! In the evening they go out into the street again, turn their faces to the west and say loudly: “Pleasant dreams to you, Great Worker. See you"! Knowledgeable people They said that in the old days people knew how to communicate with the Sun. They revered the Great Heavenly Fire and it, in turn, gave people vitality, health and eternal youth. Later, the person became more selfish and angry, and this affected the ability to perceive solar vibrations.

The secret of the magic of the Sun.

It has long been known that the use of the life-giving energy of the Sun by magicians and sorcerers stretches back to ancient millennia. The sun gives us warmth and gives us the strength of life. This symbol, creative for us, is the source of life and prosperity. At sunrise and sunset of the golden disk, all magical energies in the natural world are activated; it is only important to be able to accept the life-giving power of sunlight. Ancient ancestors knew that you could ask the heavenly body for health and youth, creativity, inspiration, fame, honors and wealth.

Professional magicians have secret rituals, ancient conspiracies and amulets that involve the magic of the Sun. They help solve everyday problems, provide protection from any malice, attract wealth and good luck in business. But sunlight is a gift to everyone on Earth, and no one is stopping you from calling on the energy of the golden luminary to help you make your desires come true.

A magical session to make a wish come true.

During a magical session, the sorcerer uses ritual gestures and visualizes a celestial body, asking for energy from it. Hand movements clockwise represent the trajectory of the golden disk across the sky. By doing such rotational movements at sunrise facing east, it is useful to ask for help in all endeavors and support for new projects. To say goodbye to illnesses, hated people, misfortunes, troubles, you use your hands to move counterclockwise and strictly at sunset.

To properly carry out the ritual to attract the magic of the Sun, your clothes should be white, and the hair is free. And make sure that no one distracts you. The best day of the week to perform the ritual is Sunday, the best place is wildlife, but you can also perform the ritual indoors. So that your magical ritual does not lose its effective power, take courage, fearlessness and sincere faith in the result. It is also necessary to let go of any negative thoughts, all resentments, anger, disappointments, that is, to cleanse your thoughts and soul. In a calm, rhythmic voice, under the falling rays of the sun, ask the Luminary for solar energy and support in fulfilling your desire, then voice your intention out loud.

Speak from the heart, ask from the heart, and your wishes will certainly come true. Using the magic of the Sun, you connect to the natural energy sources that surround us and our world. Use solar energy for your benefit!

The magical power of the moon.

On the night of the full moon, when the Moon is especially clearly visible, find a place where no one could interfere with your secret action. Stand so that you are completely illuminated by the enchanting moonlight. Keep your clothes on or choose nudity. Direct your gaze and prayer to the Moon:

Oh, Mistress of the night sky, Queen of the starry night, Goddess of light and love! Grant me the witchcraft power and authority that you possess to transform simple things into actions, actions into events, and events into reality. My soul will be filled with your light, my body will be filled with your strength, my deeds will be marked by your power. So be it!

Feel the light of the moon become your personal glow. Every breath you take should add a new sensation to you, every breath should bring you new strength, and exhale to make this strength your personal advantage.

If you do not have the opportunity to perform such a ritual, then take advantage of the property of water, which can well absorb and transmit witchcraft lunar fluids. To do this, fill a crystal vessel with clean spring water and leave it overnight in a place where it is well illuminated by moonlight. When morning comes, put the water soaked in lunar energy in a dark place and use it to take a bath. Simply pour your Lunar Elixir into a bathtub already filled with regular water. And then, having entered this enchanted water, imagine how the lunar energy belonging to it becomes your personal witchcraft power.

If you feel a greater need for lunar energy, then perform moon-related rituals more often. Perform them only on the waxing Moon if your witchcraft is aimed at creation. Leave communication with the Moon in her dark days for representatives of the “black art”.

The Moon is the main planet of female magic, so its protection is indispensable for a woman practicing the art of witchcraft. But as already noted, all types and forms of energy must be used for witchcraft. The male witchcraft power bestowed by the Sun will give a woman efficiency and the ability to overcome serious obstacles, and the female energy of the Moon will add flexibility to you in matters that cannot be solved by direct and quick methods.

Moon magic.

The execution time is any lunar day, but it is especially recommended to do it on critical lunar days – 9, 15, 19, 23, 29.

Look at your reflection in the mirror, smile and say:
“Smile at happiness, and turn away at misfortune.” Now you can do whatever you want.

Moon magic to increase attractiveness.

Read the spell over a glass of water. On a full moon, pour a glass of spring or blessed water, throw a pinch of salt into it with your left hand, place the glass so that the moonlight falls on it and say the words until all the salt has dissolved:

Moon water, like a girl’s tear, may I be young, white-faced, carefree, may the one I love love me for my beauty, for my complaisance!

Let the glass sit all night. In the morning, after washing your face, on an empty stomach, take a sip of the enchanted water, mentally saying: Water - into me, beauty - onto me! Repeat these steps every morning until the water in the glass runs out.

For the beauty of hair.

To ensure that your hair grows well and does not fall out, be sure to read on Monday for the new month, sitting by the window and combing your hair:

Field to grain, light to the sun, crown to comb, and hair to hair. Amen.

A simple money ritual.

On the new moon, pour a glass of water and leave it behind the curtain on the window until the moon becomes full, then wash your face with this water, saying:

Just as you, month, were thin and became full, so I have every good thing to be full. Amen.

May your wish come true.

The execution time is new moon.

Write (most conveniently in block letters) your desire, for example: “I want to find an interesting and high paying job"on a thick piece of paper. Take two church candles, one should be larger and the other smaller. Light a large candle with a match, place it in a candlestick, and then light a smaller one from it. At the same time, think about your desire. Then carefully and carefully burn the last letter in your note, that is, the letter “u”, over the flame of a smaller candle, and at the same time say the following words: “Today I am burning the letter “u.” The Holy Spirit will immediately deliver from curses, damage, and the evil eye.” After this, extinguish the candles without blowing them out. Hide used items. The next day, do the same actions, preferably at the same time, with the second letter from the end, that is, with “t”. Do this until you burn all the letters. When you burn the last one, leave the candles to burn out completely.

For vigor and strength.

To make you feel invigorated, place a bowl of water so that the entire Moon is reflected in it. Use your left hand to move across the water, counterclockwise, so that the reflection of the moon “ripples” in the water. In this case you need to say:

As the month progresses, the strength increases. The month is growing and the strength is growing. A month walks on the water under my hand, and strength comes to me, God’s servant (name). The keys are on the horns, and the strength is in the legs - for now, forever, indefinitely. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Patronage of the Higher Powers.

Very rarely are we in our everyday life We experience the presence next to us of those forces that we attribute to the manifestations of the Supreme Divine Mind. For some, visiting a church temple is a touch of mystery eternal life, for some, communication with Nature in its most natural form is an approach to the truth. In any case, the choice is yours, decide for yourself what gives you the strength to exist in this world.

Turning to the Power of Infinite Cosmos, go out into the street at midnight, stand facing east, raise your arms forward and turn your palms towards the center of the Universe. Turn your inner and outer gaze to the starry sky. Feel the importance of the coming moment. Now you are between two worlds, beyond time, beyond reality, where death and birth, infinity and eternity meet. At this moment, you are as close as possible to Nature and to its secrets, which are commanded by the Supreme Mind. It is to him that your words and thoughts should be directed:

I'm standing to the east.

I ask for patronage.

Infinite Wisdom of the Boundless Universe,

The one whose voice is heard in the night,

Filling her with light and hope,

The one who stands on top of the world,

Controls life and death

Ordinary people and heavenly bodies,

O Great Deity of All Deities,

I pray and ask you,

Guide and protect your slave(s) (your name)

From the forces of evil and unbelief, give me strength and reason,

So that I can conquer the unconquered,

And fulfill the unfulfilled.

You should feel the response of the Higher Powers, feel the breath of the Cosmos - the energetic movement, hear words of support and approval. Now, no matter what you do or undertake, your main support and patrons should be the Higher Forces of Nature.

Perform this ritual when you decide that the right time has come for it, or use the general rules that determine the night from Thursday to Friday best time for this witchcraft action.

It is not necessary to reproduce all the words given here exactly. You can and should own definitions identify those spatial and spiritual dimensions to which your prayers are addressed. Only when in general terms and phrases follow your witchcraft will, sincere desire and desire to change everyday reality, only then does witchcraft transformation occur in real life.

May 14th will be a restless night for some of us. Because there is a full moon in the sky! Although many aspects of its effects have not yet been proven, there is no consensus in scientific circles on these issues. But some points are recognized by everyone without exception.

Atlantico: Various studies on the influence of the Moon on behavior highlight two theories, although until now no concrete connections have been made. What exactly do these theories say and what do they rely on?

Olivier Sanguy: We've all heard stories like how more babies are born on a full moon. Some even claim that more crimes are committed during the full moon and the coming days. The problem is that serious statistical studies have been conducted on this matter, but they have not provided any evidence. In France, for example, from 1985 to 1990, just over 4.5 million newborns were counted, with an average of 2,106 babies per day, with a tiny increase of 0.14% at full moon, which makes no difference from a statistical point of view.

A similar study was conducted in North Carolina, US, from 1997 to 2001 and yielded similar results. The same applies to all other issues, except for those cases when the influence of the Moon is absolutely real and has received scientific explanation, which, for example, refers to tides. Here the change in sea level is most definitely related to the position of the Moon and Sun in relation to the Earth. The gravitational field of the Sun and Moon attracts large masses of water (lakes, for example, are too small for the effect to be noticeable), and this causes a rise in their level, which is called a tide.

The moon influences many aspects of our lives, in particular the tides and the development of certain species. It has been noted that some animals, such as owls, hunt more actively during the full moon. What is this connected with? Is something similar observed in other species? Where does this lead?

We have only considered the mechanism of formation of tides. In addition, the Moon influences depending on the alternation of phases and, one way or another, creates illumination at night. During the full moon, this lighting is most noticeable. Let us remember that the Moon does not glow on its own, but only reflects sunlight. Animal behaviorists do note marked differences depending on lunar phases. Thus, some birds of prey, such as owls, use the light of the moon to hunt at night. Their vision is adapted to low light, which gives them an advantage in attacking victims.

Planetologists have a hypothesis that the Moon helps stabilize the Earth. What exactly does this mean and how does it all happen?

The Moon is a relatively large satellite in relation to the size of the planet. Its diameter is 3,474 kilometers, and the diameter of the Earth itself is 12,742 kilometers. Such proportions are very rare in solar system. For example, the moons of Jupiter and Saturn are much smaller than the planets. Only Pluto has a truly large moon, which recently lost its status as a full-fledged planet and became a minor planet. As for Earth, planetary scientists believe that the Moon stabilizes our planet's orbit and, in particular, the tilt of its axis, which shapes the seasons. Some believe that without the Moon, the tilt of the rotation axis could change dramatically within a few million years. This would lead to instability in climatic conditions, which would make the environment less favorable for the development of life. Let's not forget that the presence of the Moon (due to gravitational forces) increased the length of the day. So, 400 million years ago, a day on Earth lasted 22 hours.

Could life have arisen on Earth if there was no Moon?

Scientists adhere to the so-called unique Earth theory. It follows from it that although on Earth there is a confluence of favorable circumstances for the emergence of life (suitable distance from the star, atmosphere, liquid water, relative stability of the climate over a long period of time, etc.), a repetition of all this somewhere else seems to be highly unlikely. Some note the stabilizing role of the Moon mentioned above as additional confirmation of the hypothesis of the uniqueness of the Earth. Be that as it may, there is no evidence that without the Moon life could not have arisen on Earth. Scientists recently discovered an Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone of a star (Kepler-186f). Currently available instruments cannot determine whether a planet has an atmosphere. But we are still finding more and more exoplanets that are at the right distance, not too close to the star, but not too far from it. So, given that there are 100 billion stars in our galaxy, well-placed planets are probably not that uncommon. The importance of the presence of the Moon has yet to be proven.

28.11.11 There is an opinion that the full moon has special powers. Lines of lunatics climb onto roofs, lust and madness awaken, the number of disasters increases, and so on, so on, so on... In principle, it is logical to assume that some cyclical conditions inherent in our body are controlled by the Moon, for example, regular fluctuations in the temperature of the human body and menstrual cycles . In addition, according to a long-standing belief, women are more likely to give birth on full moon days. Let's try to figure this out. Back in the mid-eighties, German biorhythm researchers showed that there is no connection between the temperature of the human body and the position of the Moon in the sky. It was also not possible to detect a connection between the sequence of lunar phases and menstrual cycle women. For different women, its duration varies from 24 to 35 days, while the period of change of lunar phases is 29.5 days. In the mid-nineties, American anthropologist Beverly Strassman lived for three years among the Dogon, a semi-wild people inhabiting Mali, and observed 58 local women. The conditions were almost perfect. Nothing extraneous could disturb the purity of the experiment. Blessed savages did not protect themselves from pregnancy, did not know electric light, etc. Extraneous factors could not influence the physiology of these women. Their body was left alone with the Moon, which supposedly commanded them, but no matter how attentive Strassmann was, she did not notice any connection between the phase of the Moon and menstruation. The same is true with birth control. In 1988, Canadian psychologist Ivan Kelly summarized the results of two dozen studies conducted on the topic “The Moon and Childbirth” over the past half century. His conclusion, confirmed by the works of many scientists who lived in different years at different latitudes and meridians, proves that “nothing is necessarily under the Moon.” Women in labor bring offspring without giving preference to any phase of the Moon. But not everything is so simple. Our body sometimes “aligns with the moon”, submitting to its changes. Thus, more than half a century ago, it was noted that in the twilight the sensitivity of the human eye to different colors is not constant. Typically, at night, humans are better able to distinguish blue tones than red ones. However, during the full moon, everything changes: our eyes suddenly begin to perceive red colors better than blue ones. Even people who had no idea “what kind of moon it was today” followed the general rule on these days: they could distinguish the color red more easily than on other days. But scientists still have not been able to explain the meaning of these mysterious changes in vision. On full moon days, heart attacks are more often recorded. This fact was noticed several years ago by a group of doctors led by Professor Fabrizio Sessa from the Swiss city of Lugano. The data they collected showed that of the 567 patients who suffered from a heart attack, almost a third - 170 - suffered it on the days of the full moon; fourteen people died. On the days of the new moon, there were 131 heart attacks and nine deaths. All other cases of heart attack were evenly distributed over the remaining twenty-odd days - days when the Moon either waned or waxed. However, other scientists believe that this fact still needs to be verified and verified. The situation is simpler with animals. Unlike us humans, they follow the command of the full moon much more obediently. Thus, the midge Clunio marinus celebrates its wedding only by a sign that flashes in the heavens. This midge lives on the island of Heligoland in the North Sea. Its larvae develop in water, clinging to thin, brownish algae. On those days when the sea at low tide recedes especially far from the shore, exposing underwater vegetation, swarms of midges flying out from the larvae immediately flutter above it. They are in a hurry to connect with each other and lay eggs - they only have about an hour left before death. On what days is the sea tide especially deep? Once every two weeks - during syzygies, that is, on a full moon or new moon, when the Moon and the Sun are on the same line and their tidal forces are summed up. For the sake of its survival, this midge is obliged to follow the lunar cycle. The granuon fish is another inhabitant of the sea, unable to develop without consulting the lunar calendar. This is the only fish in the world that spawns on land. This happens only on new and full moon days, when the tide is especially high. An hour or two after high tide, California beaches are dotted with thousands of small - up to fifteen centimeters long - bluish-green fish with a silver stripe. Females immediately burrow into soft sand; their defenseless gentlemen are nearby. The entire spawning lasts half a minute. During this time, the fish manages to lay eggs to a depth of five to eight centimeters. As soon as the eggs are laid, the fish calmly waits until a wave comes ashore again and washes it out to sea. However, not only the inhabitants of the sea check their internal clocks with the yellow dial in the sky. Attentive to lunar signs and ordinary earthworms. The periods of their activity are consistent with both the solar day and lunar days, and with the lunar month. Every day, three hours before the Moon reaches its lowest point in its orbit, earthworms become unusually active. They especially diligently dig their endless underground passages, again on the days of new and full moons. Even honey bees live by lunar hours, more indebted to the Sun than to the Moon, for only on fine, sunny days do they “hang among the greenery in buzzing clusters” (A. Chenier). Observations have shown that bees of the subspecies Apis mellifera carnica, living in South-Eastern Europe, swarm most heavily during the full moon, if their honeycombs are oriented from south to north and the entrance looks north. Plants also obey the moon, because land also has its own “tides” and ebb tides." A person does not notice that under his feet entire continents rise slightly and then settle again. Unlike us, plants are more sensitive to this “breath of the planet,” which is set by the pulsating Moon. Thus, the diameter of trees changes, marking the metamorphoses of the Moon. According to the observations of the Swiss biologist Ernst Zürcher, on days of the full moon, the trunks of pine trees swell: their diameter increases by hundredths of a millimeter. Zürcher believes that the reason for this is the water circulating in the vessels of the trees. Apparently, during high tides, the roots absorbed water more vigorously; she pressed on the walls of the vessels and burst them. The tiny changes added up, the thickness of the wood changed. The same is the case with other plants. However, critics do not stop. According to them, in order to finally understand the influence of tides, it would be necessary “for the purity of judgment” to conduct a decisive experiment in conditions where no tides are observed at all, that is, take some tiny pine tree into space orbit and there for many years, punctually checking With lunar calendar, watch how it grows, meticulously adding a micron to a

The power of the full moon and madness, the number of disasters increases and so on, so on, so on...

In principle, it is logical to assume that some cyclical conditions inherent in our body are controlled by the Moon, for example, regular fluctuations in the temperature of the human body and menstrual cycles. In addition, according to a long-standing belief, women are more likely to give birth on full moon days. Let's try to figure this out.

Back in the mid-eighties, German biorhythm researchers showed that there is no connection between the temperature of the human body and the position of the Moon in the sky. It was also not possible to find a connection between the sequence of lunar phases and the menstrual cycle of women. For different women, its duration varies from 24 to 35 days, while the period of change of lunar phases is 29.5 days.

In the mid-nineties, American anthropologist Beverly Strassman lived for three years among the Dogon, a semi-wild people inhabiting Mali, and observed 58 local women. The conditions were almost perfect. Nothing extraneous could disturb the purity of the experiment. Blessed savages did not protect themselves from pregnancy, did not know electric light, etc. Extraneous factors could not influence the physiology of these women. Their body was left alone with the Moon, which supposedly commanded them, but, no matter how attentive Strassman was, she did not notice any connection between the phase of the Moon and menstruation.

The same is the case with permission from the burden. In 1988, Canadian psychologist Ivan Kelly summarized the results of two dozen studies conducted on the topic “The Moon and Childbirth” over the past half century. His conclusion, confirmed by the works of many scientists who lived in different years at different latitudes and meridians, proves that “nothing is necessarily under the Moon.” Women in labor bring offspring without giving preference to any phase of the Moon.

But not everything is so simple. Our body sometimes “aligns with the moon”, submitting to its changes. Thus, more than half a century ago, it was noted that in the twilight the sensitivity of the human eye to different colors is not constant.

Typically, at night, humans are better able to distinguish blue tones than red ones. However, during the full moon, everything changes: our eyes suddenly begin to perceive red colors better than blue ones. Even people who had no idea what kind of moon it was today followed these days general rule: distinguished the color red more easily than on other days. But scientists still have not been able to explain the meaning of these mysterious changes in vision.

On full moon days, heart attacks are more common. This fact was noticed several years ago by a group of doctors led by Professor Fabrizio Sessa from the Swiss city of Lugano. The data they collected showed that of the 567 patients who suffered from a heart attack, almost a third - 170 - suffered it on the days of the full moon, fourteen people died. On the days of the new moon, there were 131 heart attacks and nine deaths. All other cases of heart attack were evenly distributed over the remaining twenty-odd days - days when the Moon either waned or waxed. However, other scientists believe that this fact still needs to be verified and verified.

The situation is simpler with animals. Unlike us humans, they follow the command of the full moon much more obediently. Thus, the midge Clunio marinus celebrates its wedding only by a sign that flashes in the heavens. This midge lives on the island of Heligoland in the North Sea. Its larvae develop in water, clinging to thin, brownish algae. On those days when the sea at low tide recedes especially far from the shore, exposing underwater vegetation, swarms of midges, flying out from the larvae, immediately flutter above it. They are in a hurry to connect with each other and lay eggs - they only have about an hour left before death. On what days is the sea tide especially deep? Once every two weeks - during syzygies, that is, on a full moon or new moon, when the Moon and the Sun are on the same line and their tidal forces are summed up. For the sake of its survival, this midge is obliged to follow the lunar cycle.

The granuon fish is another inhabitant of the sea, unable to develop without consulting the lunar calendar. This is the only fish in the world that spawns on land. This happens only on new and full moon days, when the tide is especially high. An hour or two after high tide, California beaches are dotted with thousands of small - up to fifteen centimeters long - bluish-green fish with a silver stripe. The females immediately bury themselves in the soft sand, their defenseless gentlemen staying nearby. The entire spawning lasts half a minute. During this time, the fish manages to lay eggs to a depth of five to eight centimeters. As soon as the eggs are laid, the fish calmly waits until a wave comes ashore again and washes it out to sea.

However, not only the inhabitants of the sea compare their internal clocks with the yellow dial in the sky. Ordinary earthworms are also attentive to lunar signs. The periods of their activity are coordinated with the solar day, and with the lunar day, and with the lunar month. Every day, three hours before the Moon reaches its lowest point in its orbit, earthworms become unusually active. They dig their endless underground passages especially diligently, again on the days of new and full moons.

Even honeybees live by lunar hours, more indebted to the Sun than to the Moon, for only on fine, sunny days do they “hang among the greenery in buzzing clusters” (A. Chenier). Observations have shown that bees of the subspecies Apis mellifera carnica, living in South-Eastern Europe, swarm most heavily during the full moon if their combs are oriented from south to north and the entrance looks to the north.

Plants also obey the moon, because land also has its own “ebb and flow.” A person does not notice that under his feet entire continents rise slightly and then settle again. Unlike us, plants are more sensitive to this “breath of the planet,” which is set by the pulsating Moon.

Thus, the diameter of the trees changes, marking the metamorphoses of the Moon. According to the observations of the Swiss biologist Ernst Zürcher, on days of the full moon, the trunks of pine trees swell: their diameter increases by hundredths of a millimeter. Zürcher believes that the reason for this is the water circulating in the vessels of the trees. Obviously, during high tides, the roots absorbed water more energetically - it pressed on the walls of the vessels and pushed them apart. The tiny changes added up, the thickness of the wood changed. The same is true with other plants.

However, critics are not appeased. According to them, in order to finally understand the influence of tides, it would be necessary “for the purity of judgment” to conduct a decisive experiment in conditions where no tides are observed at all, that is, take some tiny pine tree into space orbit and there for many years, punctually checking with the lunar calendar, watch how it grows, meticulously adding microns to microns.
