Class hour once on Epiphany evening the girls wondered. Holiday scenario “once on Epiphany evening...” or “Yuletide fortune telling


Presenter: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys,
all our guests, expected and invited! Congratulations on your
Feast of Epiphany! We wish you all health, joy,
May your cherished wishes and predictions come true! How
We will always have fun today - sing, dance,
answer questions, guess, play - for all this you get
tokens, and then receive (according to the number of tokens)
prizes. Our evening begins! (music sounds)

Presenter: The holiday of baptism fell on the month of January.
Tell me, who is this month named after? (In honor
ancient Roman god Janus - token 1.)
What other names for January do you know? (Old Russian -
Stukalo, Ukrainian - Studen, Belarusian - Sechen, prosinets | token 2.)

Our evening is called, according to the poster, “Once on Epiphany
evening..." Again there is an opportunity to earn a prize, but not
token, and a sweet prize - chocolate, if you continue this
verse (if there is anyone willing, read it, if not, then read
"Once on Epiphany evening
The girls wondered:
A shoe behind the gate,
They took it off their feet and threw it;
The snow was shoveled under the window,
Listened, fed
Counted chicken grains;
The ardent wax was heated;
Into a bowl of clean water
They laid a gold ring,
Emerald earrings.
White boards spread out
And over the bowl they sang in harmony
Podblyadnye songs"

What is the name of the work and who is its author?
("Svetlana" - ballad by V. Azhukovsky - token 3.)
Who is this work dedicated to?"
(Niece, Alexandra Andreevna Protasova - token 4.)
And now - the main question of the evening and a special prize.
What kind of holiday is this "Epiphany"?
(The answer comes, the prize of the evening is awarded, if there are no takers,
answers the host of the evening.) .
As people also call this holiday - holiday
(Epiphany, because God appeared to people -
Holy Trinity; the voice of the Father God was heard, and his Spirit
the saint descended on his son, the Lord Jesus Christ - token 5.)

Now you have answered most of the questions, so you
a reward awaits everyone. We begin our musical part
(Dancing, 20 minutes according to age category)

Host: While you were dancing, I had new questions.
In which work did the heroine love fortune-telling and believe
signs? Who is the author of this work?
("Eugene Onegin", A.S. Pushkin - token 6.)
Who can name the heroine?
(Tatyana Larina - token 7.)
Who can confirm fortune telling with excerpts from works?
Tatiana Larina?
(Everyone is given a token.
Excerpt about Tatyana Larina:
"Tatiana believed dowries
Of common folk antiquity,
And dreams, and card fortune-telling,
And the predictions of the moon...
She was worried about signs...")

Do you remember what prophetic dream Tatyana had?
(those who wish, read token 8.)

Host: Yes, in a dream Tatyana saw a duel and knew that
Lensky will be killed. Today we have the opportunity to tell fortunes. How?
What is the most important thing in a person's life? Meet your other half
build a happy family. Now you can find out the name
your betrothed, and what kind of life awaits you with him or her
(The presenters have boxes in their hands. One with male names,
the other is with women's. The names of the betrothed are written on cards.
Everyone can pull them out themselves. Can be held
cards fanned out in their hands, evening participants read the names written
predictions and return the cards back to the box.)

Host: I see joyful, excited faces. Appeared
hope. Someone got a card with the treasured name.
Emotions are overwhelming you, so throw them out by dancing

(Dance program, 15 min.)

Host: Not a single Epiphany evening is complete without songs,
laughter, jokes. And a folklore group came to visit you
Cossack circle. Let's sing together and dance for the prize.
(The group is performing, everyone sings together, and then
announce competitive dances: lady, gypsy, lezginka,
rock and roll. The competition is judged by group members and awarded
sweet prizes - chocolates for the winners.)

Host: At our evening there are young people who
they are friends and want to know what awaits them ahead. Will they
together, or fate will decide differently. Let's
Shall we find out? There is an opportunity to tell fortunes."
(Divination is being carried out on a nut shell. A large basin is taken.
Pieces of paper with inscriptions are glued to the edges of the pelvis with tape
names of cities, villages, planets, etc. A couple who wants to guess
takes halves of a nut shell and puts candles there
(candles are cut 2 cm long) and lights. Then the shells
lowered into the center of the pelvis and observe where, to what
the shells will stick to the strip, together or not.)

Host: And those who want to tell fortunes individually can find out
what awaits them ahead, guessing with the help of a “daisy”.
The leaders have large daisies with tear-off petals in their hands,
and on each petal something humorous and good is written.

Presenter: I see everyone is in a joyful, cheerful mood, and we
We invite you to dance.
(Dance program, 20 min.)

Presenter: It’s time to award prizes to the winners
our quizzes. Who collected the most tokens?
(The winners are being awarded, at the request of the winners
the next dance is announced and everyone dances for another 20-25
Leading: New Year just started. Difficult forecasts:
eclipses are promised, earthquakes are promised, inflation, even THE END
the light was foreshadowed. It's the 21st century. Anything is possible, but a person believes in
the best, because I live by hope. I'm very curious what lies ahead.
And we offer one more fortune telling for those who are going to do this
year to get married or get married. Daredevils, go ahead!
(Fortune telling “Chicken”. A live chicken is given into the hands of the fortuneteller.
There is a plate with grain (wealth) and water on the floor
(drunkard), with greens (joy). The chicken needs to be petted.
talk to her in her ear and put her on the floor. To one paw
there is a ribbon tied to it. Where will she go, everything
comment. 3-4 people guess.)

Host: And now the last dance block will begin. U
some developed sympathy for each other, some on our
I made new friends in the evening, so don't be shy,
invite, dance, rejoice!!!
(Dance program)

Host: The sad time of parting has come.
We wish you all fulfillment of your desires,
And in parting, here are some tips for you on the road:
Ask the first person you meet what their betrothed or betrothed will be called.
Eavesdrop on conversations: “stop” - you won’t get out, “sit down” - you won’t get out, “go away, get out” - you’ll get married.
. As you go up the stairs home, say the rhyme "widower - daredevil - poor - rich - good - evil." Whatever you stop at will come true.

Good luck, joy, cheerfulness to all of you! See you again!

For this script, I received a Diploma as a laureate of the “Winter Fun” competition in the category “Ideas for holding mass or intimate celebrations” by the magazine “Holiday”

Once on Epiphany evening

The girls wondered:

A shoe behind the gate

They took it off their feet and threw it;

The snow was cleared; under the window

Listened; fed

Counted chicken grains;

The ardent wax was heated;

In a bowl of clean water

They laid a gold ring,

The earrings are emerald;

White boards spread out

And over the bowl they sang in harmony

The songs are amazing.

V. Zhukovsky

Christmas fortune telling is in full swing. Here and there at night, inviting girls’ voices are heard: “My betrothed, the mummer, come!”
The beautiful girls have been guessing and will continue to guess.

The Internet is literally jammed in various ways Christmas fortune-telling, usually beginning with the words: " In the old days, girls took a glass of water …" or "Before going to bed, put four kings under the pillow and ... "

My friends and I already have a kind of tradition. We get together on one of the holy days and tell fortunes. Everything is fun and with a bit of mystery.This is another “good” reason to chat.

Desires, naturally, are different (many are still unmarried) and V deep down we all believe in the existence of a miracle.

In the first year we came up with fortune-telling using “kinder surprises”; mCaptain Vrungel, sitting on a camel, did not get it. I turned it around it was in her hands “why would it be” and she safely gave it to her daughter. And, what do you think, literally, two weeks later, a friend offered me a last minute trip to Egypt. We flew, and there, in the next room, the captain was resting, well, he looked like Vrungel, such a colorful guy.He entertained us the entire time we were there..

For several more years we wrote notes with wishes and put them in a hat (like in the movie "Garage"). And in 2009, one of my friends pulled out a note “little boy Fedya” (at that time the friend was free as the wind), and in December of that year she realized that she was pregnant. Over time, an ultrasound showed a boy. I had to call him Fedya. Now, by the way, Fedyunka is already four months old.

And what can you say about faith in fortune telling? I wrote about two significant episodes, and a lot of little things also come true.

P.S. Whatever happens to you in fortune telling, remember that good things will come true, but don’t believe in bad things, the main thing is to be confident in your happiness.

“Once on Epiphany evening the girls wondered: they took a shoe off their foot and threw it behind the gate...” - who doesn’t remember the lines of this wonderful work by Vasily Zhukovsky? It is on Christmas and Epiphany evenings that fortune telling is the most truthful.

Fortune telling rules

If you decide to really tell your fortune, then remember that you should always tell fortunes in a good mood.

During fortune telling, everyone must adhere to certain rules:

1. You cannot cross your arms and legs - this can confuse the things with which you are going to perform the ceremony

2. Be sure to remove all rings and other objects that are tied to you or encircle any limbs. These can be belts or bracelets. They let down their hair and take off their shoes. Clothes should be loose and without ties.

3. There must be no noise in the room; there must be complete silence. All other lighting except candles is excluded.

4. During Christmas fortune-telling, a girl should not be under the protection of her religion. Therefore, be sure to remove crosses and remove icons from the premises.

Christmastide fortune telling for your future husband using a wedding ring

Fill the most ordinary glass glass with a simple, unpatterned bottom three-quarters full with water, then place on the bottom (preferably strictly in the middle) a cleaned wedding ring, borrowed for fortune-telling from someone you know.
It is believed that if you look at it, more precisely, at its center, inside the contour, through a layer of water, then the image of your future spouse will be displayed inside. However, don’t count on it to appear quickly; you’ll have to look closely for quite a long time.

Yuletide fortune-telling for your future husband using a frying pan

You can tell fortunes in this way on any day of the Christmas period. To find out who your groom will be, you need to put a frying pan under your mother’s bed without her noticing and, of course, without informing her about it. When going to bed, say the following phrase to yourself: “Betrothed, come and visit your mother-in-law for pancakes.”
All that remains is to find out in the morning which of your mutual friends she dreamed about. It is quite possible that he will take the vacant place of his lover in the new year.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a mirror

Fortune telling using a mirror is considered one of the most dangerous.

Fortune telling begins at midnight. For fortune telling you will need a mirror and a candle. Let your hair down, if you are wearing a belt, take it off. Place the mirror in front of you, next to it there is a candle, which should be the only source of light. Quietly say the spell: “Mummer, come to me for dinner” and look in the mirror. The appearance of the groom is heralded by a slight flickering of a candle and a fogged or darkened mirror. Look closely at the left shoulder of your reflection. Examine the face and say the amulet spell: “Beware of this place!” After these words, the image of the man will disappear, and you will be out of danger.

You can tell fortunes using two mirrors. Place them opposite each other, and candles between them. If you did everything correctly, a kind of corridor should appear in the reflection. Leave only your closest friends in the room, but they should not disturb you or comment. Start peering into the corridor and wait for the groom to appear. After completing the fortune telling, it is also necessary to cast a talisman spell.

Fortune telling for the future husband

1. At all times, young girls went out at night and asked the first man they met his name. It was considered the name of the future husband.

2. The names of possible candidates for marriage are written on the bulbs. They put them in the water. Which bulb will sprout first - on behalf of that, wait for the proposal.

3. Write little notes with names, roll them up and put them under the pillow. The next morning they pull one out and read the name of the betrothed.

Who will the future husband be?

One of the most interesting fortune telling for Christmas. Objects are laid out on the table from which the husband’s profession can be guessed. In the old days it was bread, a book, keys, coal, meaning the work of a peasant, blacksmith, priest and merchant. Nowadays modern things are used, but among them there should be a wedding ring. A blindfolded girl chooses an object. If a ring comes into her hands, it means that she will certainly get married in the coming year, but who this person will be is unknown.

Scissors - this will be a fashion designer, a computer disk - a programmer, a candle - a priest, a pen - a writer (official), a knife - a military man, a glass - a drunkard, cereal - a businessman, ashes - a loser, a coin - generous, a mirror - a dandy (reveler), a hatchet - wicked. And if a girl comes across a piece of coal, she will be a bride for another year.

Fortune telling by thread

Only girls use the thread to tell fortunes. Thread three threads into three needles - black, white and red. Have someone carefully pin them to the back of your clothing. Without knowing in what order the needles are located, pull out one thread. Red thread - rejoice, this year you will get married and have a child. Belaya - the road to the registry office is still closed to you. Black - better pay attention to your career: marriage will not bring you happiness.

Fortune telling by wax

Fortune telling, very common in Rus' since ancient times. You need wax (wax candle), a large spoon, a bowl of water, a small open fire (a regular burner or candle fire will do).

If the candle is hard, you can grate it on a coarse grater or simply cut it into pieces. You need the wax to fit into a tablespoon. Melt the wax and then quickly pour it into a bowl of cold water in one motion. And look, look! Silhouettes, shapes and strange patterns can tell a lot about the future. You can interpret many of the figures yourself - they can resemble a palm tree (vacation in a hot country), Pushkin’s profile (discovery of a poetic gift) or the $ sign.

But some figures have special meaning:

  • If the wax breaks up into small droplets, it means money.
  • Many stripes - there will be many trips in the year.
  • Fan - difficulties at work, friction in the team. The more clearly the fan is “drawn”, the more serious problems should be expected.
  • Grapes - good luck and happiness in the coming year.
  • Mushroom - life force, health, and not only yours, but also those of your loved ones.
  • The figure of the dragon is the achievement of a goal, the fulfillment of a dream.
  • The bell always means news. A bell that is straight on all sides portends good things, a curved bell means bad things, and several bells mean alarm.
  • Asterisk(s) – good luck at work or in school.
  • A leaf from a tree - someone is up to no good, they envy you and weave intrigues behind your back.
  • The Monkey promises betrayal, false friends and lies.
  • Pants portend a quick choice on the path of life.
  • Flower - congratulations! He promises happy marriage or a romantic meeting.
  • Human figure - a new friend will appear.
  • If a figure resembling an apple has been formed from wax, take a closer look: the smoother it is, the better the sign; if the apple turns out to be crooked, a temptation awaits you in the future, which you should refuse.
  • The egg has always symbolized new life, be it the birth of a child or changes in life. In any case, it will be something new and unknown.

Fortune telling the gender of the unborn child

Needed: ring, thread, glass of water.

Thread the thread through the ring and slowly lower it into a glass of water. Then just as slowly pull it out and bring it to your girlfriend’s palm. If the ring moves in a circular motion, a girl will be born. If it starts swinging like a pendulum, then it’s a boy.

Fortune telling by things

As many people as possible who want to know their future for the coming year should participate in this fortune-telling. On the night of January 18-19 after midnight, each participant must take off the jewelry that is constantly with him. If there is no ring or chain, even a simple button will do. Items must be placed in a basket or box and mixed thoroughly. Two people should stand with their backs to each other so as not to see whose decoration they are taking out, but so that all guests can see this item. When one presenter takes a decoration out of the box, the second begins to sing a song, preferably with the meaning: “We wish you happiness,” “Oh, this wedding,” “He left into the night on a night train,” etc. Which song will be sung to the owner of the chosen one? subject, that’s what he should look forward to in the new year. Back

A. A. Voeikova Once on Epiphany evening the girls wondered: They took the shoe off their feet and threw it behind the gate; The snow was cleared; listened under the window; fed the Counting chicken grain; The ardent wax was heated; In a bowl of clean water they placed a gold ring, emerald earrings; They spread out a white cloth and sang in tune over the bowl. The moon glows dimly In the twilight of the fog - Dear Svetlana is silent and sad. “What’s wrong with you, girlfriend? Say a word; Listen to the songs in a circular manner; Take out your ring. Sing, beauty: “Blacksmith, Forge me gold and a new crown, Forge a golden ring; I should be crowned with that crown, betrothed with that ring, with the holy vestment.” “How can I, girlfriends, sing? Dear friend is far away; I am destined to die in lonely sadness. The year has flown by - no news; He doesn't write to me; Oh! and for them only the light is red, For them only the heart breathes... Or won’t you remember about me? Where, which side are you on? Where is your abode? I pray and shed tears! Soothe my sorrow, Comforter Angel.” Here in the little room the table is covered with a white shroud; And on that table there is a Mirror with a candle; Two cutlery on the table. “Make a wish, Svetlana; In the clear glass of the mirror At midnight, without deception, You will recognize your lot: Your dear one will knock on the door With a light hand; The lock will fall from the door; He will sit down at his device to have dinner with you.” Here is one beauty; sits down at the mirror; With secret timidity she looks into the mirror; It's dark in the mirror; There is dead silence all around; The candle flickers with a flickering fire. The radiance is barely pouring... The timidity in it stirs her chest, She is afraid to look back, Fear clouds her eyes... The flame puffed with a crackling sound, The cricket cried out pitifully, the messenger of midnight. Leaning on her elbow, Svetlana barely breathes... Here... lightly with the lock Someone knocked, she hears; She timidly looks into the mirror: Behind her shoulders, Someone seemed to be shining with Bright eyes... Her spirit was filled with fear... Suddenly, a quiet, light whisper flies into her ears: “I am with you, my beauty; The skies have tamed; Your murmur has been heard!” She looked around... my dear one stretches out his arms towards her. “Joy, the light of my eyes, There is no separation for us. Let's go! The priest is already waiting in the church with the deacon and sextons; The choir sings a wedding song; The temple sparkles with candles." There was a touching look in response; They go to the wide courtyard, through the plank gates; Their sleighs are waiting at the gate; With impatience, the horses tear the silk reins. The horses sat down at once; They puff smoke through their nostrils; From their hooves a Blizzard rose above the sleigh. They gallop... everything around is empty; The steppe in the eyes of Svetlana; There is a foggy circle on the moon; The meadows sparkle a little. The prophetic heart trembles; The maiden timidly says: “Why are you silent, dear?” Not a word in response to her: He looks at the moonlight, Pale and despondent. The horses race over the hills; They are trampling deep snow... Here, to the side, the temple of God is visible alone; The whirlwind opened the doors; Darkness of people in the temple; The bright light of the chandelier will dim in the incense; In the middle there is a black coffin; And the priest says in a drawn-out voice: “Be taken by the grave!” The girl is trembling even more; The horses are passing by; the friend is silent, pale and sad. Suddenly there is a snowstorm all around; The snow is falling in clumps; The black corvid, whistling with its wing, hovers over the sleigh; The raven croaks: sadness! The horses are in a hurry, sensitively looking into the dark distance, raising their manes; A light glimmers in the field; A peaceful corner is visible, a hut under the snow. The greyhound horses are faster, exploding the snow, rushing straight towards her in a friendly run. So they rushed... and instantly disappeared from my eyes: The horses, the sleigh and the groom It was as if they had never been there. Lonely, in the dark, abandoned by a friend, in terrible places; There is a snowstorm and blizzard all around. There is no trace of returning... She can see the light in the hut: She crossed herself; She knocks on the door with a prayer... The door shakes... it creaks... It quietly dissolves. Well?.. There is a coffin in the hut; covered with a white cufflink; Spasov's face is standing at his feet; A candle in front of the icon... Ah! Svetlana, what's wrong with you? Whose monastery did you go to? The empty hut is scary. The unresponsive inhabitant. Enters with trepidation, in tears; She fell to the dust before the icon and prayed to the Savior; And, with her cross in her hand, she timidly hid in the corner under the saints. Everything has calmed down... there is no blizzard... The candle is smoldering faintly, Then it will shed a trembling light, Then it will be eclipsed again... Everything is in a deep, dead sleep, A terrible silence... Chu, Svetlana!.. in the silence A light murmur... Here he looks: in her corner a snow-white dove with bright eyes, quietly flying, quietly sat down on her chest, hugged them with his wings. Everything around fell silent again... Svetlana imagines that under the white canvas the Dead is moving... The cover was torn off; dead man (Face darker than night) All visible - a crown on his forehead, eyes closed. Suddenly... there is a groan in the closed lips; He is trying to move his hands away... What about the girl?.. She is trembling... Death is near... but the white dove is not sleeping. He started up and unfolded his lungs; He flew up onto the dead man's chest... Devoid of all strength, He groaned and gnashed his teeth terribly And flashed at the maiden with menacing eyes... Again the pallor on his lips; Death was depicted in the rolling eyes... Look, Svetlana... oh creator! Her dear friend is dead! Ah!.. and woke up. Where?.. At the mirror, alone in the middle of the room; The ray of the morning star shines through the thin curtain of the window; The rooster beats his noisy wing, greeting the day with singing; Everything glitters... Svetlana's spirit is confused by a dream. "Oh! terrible, terrible dream! He does not speak good things - a bitter fate; The secret darkness of the coming days, What do you promise my soul, Joy or sorrow? She sat down (her chest aches heavily) Svetlana is under the window; From the window a wide path is visible through the fog; The snow glistens in the sun, the thin steam turns red... Chu!.. in the distance, an empty ringing bell thunders; There is snow dust on the road; Sanki, zealous horses, rush as if on wings; Closer; now at the gate; The stately guest comes to the porch. Who?.. Svetlana's fiance. What is your dream, Svetlana, Diviner of torment? Friend is with you; he is still the same in the experience of separation; The same love is in his eyes, the same pleasant glances; The same conversations on Mila’s sweet lips. Open up, God's temple; You fly to heaven, Faithful vows; Gather together, old and young; Having moved the bells of the bowl, in harmony Sing: many years! ______ Smile, my beauty, To my ballad; There are great miracles in it, Very little stock. With your happy gaze, I don’t even want fame; Glory - we were taught - smoke; The world is an evil judge. Here is the meaning of my ballad: “Our best friend in life is Faith in Providence. The good of the creator is the law: Here misfortune is a false dream; Happiness is awakening." ABOUT! do not know these terrible dreams, you, my Svetlana... Be, creator, her protection! Not a wound of sorrow, Not a moment of sadness, let a shadow touch her; The soul in her is like a clear day; Oh! let the hand of disaster sweep past; Like a pleasant brook Shine in the bosom of a meadow, Be her whole life bright, Be the gaiety as it was, Her friend of days.

0 Once on Epiphany evening...

Russia, Poikovsky urban settlement, Nefteyugansk district, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra
Municipal secondary education budgetary institution"Secondary school No. 4"
Teacher of Russian language and literature
Panfilova Tatyana Ivanovna

Once on Epiphany evening...

Target: recall the works of Russian poets that mention fortune telling and beliefs, reveal the influence of these rituals on the character of a Russian person, and also get acquainted with some types of fortune telling

Equipment: epigraph: “Once on Epiphany evening the girls wondered…”, bowl of water, candles, nut shells, white scarf, wax, logs.

Teacher: Today we will talk about the unusual connection between Russian literature and Russian fortune-telling and superstitions. And the goal of our event:

- recall the works of Russian poets that mention fortune telling and beliefs,

- reveal the influence of these rituals on the character of the Russian person,

- get acquainted with some types of fortune telling.

Oral folk art has always excited the souls of artists, composers, and directors. This topic has not spared writers either. More than once they paid attention to Russian rituals. Fortune telling, beliefs, and folk games became the main themes of many works. Let's remember some of them.

(students read excerpts from works).

Teacher: A. Pushkin. Fairy tale "Groom".

“I dreamed,” she says, “

I went into a dense forest,

And it was too late; a little moon

The light came from behind the clouds;

I lost my way: in the wilderness

Not a soul was heard

And the pines only ate

The peaks were noisy.

And suddenly, as if in reality,

The hut is in front of me.

I knock on her door - they are silent. I'm calling -

There is no answer, With a prayer

I opened the door. I enter -

A candle is burning in the hut, I look -

Everywhere there is silver and gold,

Everything is light and rich."

Tell me, what is bad about your dream?

Know that you will live richly.

School A. Pushkin. Novel "Eugene Onegin".

Tatyana believed the legends

Of common folk antiquity,

And dreams, and card fortune-telling,

And the predictions of the moon.

She was worried about signs;

All objects are mysterious to her

They proclaimed something

Premonitions pressed in my chest.

A cutesy cat sitting on the stove,

Purring, he washed the stigma with his paw:

That was an undoubted sign to her,

That the guests are coming. Suddenly seeing

The young two-horned face of the moon

In the sky on the left side,

She trembled and turned pale.

When is the shooting star

Flying across the dark sky

And fell apart - then

In confusion, Tanya was in a hurry,

While the star was still rolling,

The desire of the heart to whisper to her.

When did it happen somewhere

She should meet a black monk

Or a quick hare between the fields

Crossed her path

Not knowing what to start with fear,

Full of sorrowful forebodings,

She was expecting misfortune.

School"The Tale of Igor's Campaign." Translation by N. Zabolotsky.

In Kyiv far away, on the mountains,

Svyatoslav had a vague dream,

And great fear seized him,

And he gathered the boyars according to the charter.

"From the evening until this day, -

The prince said, bowing his head,

On the yew bed

They covered it with a black shroud.

They scooped me blue wine

Bitter poisoned potion

They sprinkled pearls on the canvas

From the quivers of enemy wares

My golden-domed tower stood

Without a skate, and foreshadowing grief,

The enemy raven in Plesensk screamed

And he flew, noisily, on the blue sea."

Teacher Fortune telling and beliefs that we want to introduce you to are a mysterious and fun ritual of any holiday. So we ask you to treat everything with a smile.

School Numerous types of fortune telling existed in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and other countries. Fortune telling was also common among the Slavs. On long winter evenings, accompanied by the crackle of a torch or candle, the girls tried to predict their fate. In paganism it constituted the main rite of worship. When Christianity came, fortune telling began to be persecuted, but remained as a folk pastime.

School Christmas fortune-telling was especially popular. Everyone wanted to know what awaited them in the new year. The peasants were interested in what the weather would be like, young people tried to find out their betrothed or betrothed. A girl will go out to the crossroads at midnight, draw a circle and listen. On the one hand, an ancient pagan game, and on the other hand, hope that it will suddenly come true.

Teacher Let's remember another work that is directly related to our topic. This is an excerpt from V. Zhukovsky's ballad "Svetlana".

Once on Epiphany evening

The girls wondered:

A shoe behind the gate,

They took it off their feet and threw it,

Snow was shoveled under the window

Listened, fed

Counting chicken grains,

The ardent wax was heated.

In a bowl of clean water

They put a gold ring.

The earrings are emerald.

White boards spread out

And over the bowl they sang in harmony

The songs are amazing.

Let's try together to figure out what the girls of Zhukovsky's time did!


Starts simple, short

Attract everyone with a call

Our beautiful girls

And the soul and heart are clear.

Daryushki, Natalya,

Please look at me

Good evening, sit down.

Harmonist, play suffering,

Be kind and be warm.

Go out and tell fortunes.

I invite all guests to the table!

(Girls in Russian folk costumes come out and sit around the table.)

Teacher So, let’s remember the entire sequence of actions of the girls from Zhukovsky’s ballad.

Teacher. “...Outside the gate, the shoe was taken off the foot and thrown...”

The girl takes off the shoe from her left foot and throws it over the gate, watching at the same time where the shoe lands with the toe. Wherever the sock points, go in that direction and get married. If the shoe lands on its toe towards its own gate, you won’t get married this year.

Teacher. “... The snow was shoveled...”

Old people remember: on a bright night they gathered in a group and walked out the gate. They picked up handfuls of snow and threw them in the direction from which the wind was blowing. If a “snowball” falls on a plate where a heart is drawn, love will meet in the new year. If snow fell on a dish with the devil’s face, empty troubles awaited.

Teacher. “...we were listening under the window...”

They went to listen or eavesdrop both under other people's windows and under their own. The first word heard was the clue to fate. In addition, it was possible to eavesdrop at the door of a locked church. According to legend, girls can hear a wedding song or a funeral service - who is destined for what this year.

Teacher. “...we fed the hen a counting amount of grain...”

Chickens and roosters often acted as a soothsayer. The chicken was allowed to peck the grain scattered on the floor. She pecked everything - there will be a rich husband, something left - a poor one. They also scattered ashes and buried rings. Whose ring the hen or rooster digs up will get married.

A chicken was rummaging around in the rubble,

I dug out a silver ring.

To whom we sing, we give honor.

Teacher. “...Ardent wax was drowned...”

Ardent means white, pure. Fortune telling is the oldest. "Voskoley", they say, came from the Greeks. Not only wax was suitable for use, but also tin and lead, and in ancient times it was as if the rich poured silver and gold.

There are no fatal meanings in fortune telling,

Although some people would like to.

Wax fortune telling

Requires handiwork.

Sit down, girls, to the table again,

I invite you to participate.

You have to sculpt from wax,

Or maybe forge your own happiness.

The melted wax was poured into a dish with water and fortunes were told using the cast images. The ruins of a house were always interpreted in a bad way, a ring - for marriage, a bed - for illness, a train - for the road. Fantasy plays a big role in this.


"… IN bowl of clean water

They put a gold ring.

The earrings are emerald.

They spread out a white board.

And over the bowl they sang in harmony

The songs are amazing."

Some small objects were placed in a large bowl: a ring, earrings. They covered it with a white scarf, shook it and sang subbowl songs over the bowl.

(girls sing in chorus)

The girl is sitting in a cage

Scythe on a branch.

Who will succeed

The truth will come true.

Good for that.

Teacher:(taking out a ring from a bowl) Whose ring is, happiness is for him.

(girls sing in chorus)

There comes a blacksmith from the blacksmiths,

A blacksmith is carrying three hammers.

Blacksmith, blacksmith, forge a crown.

I should be married in that crown.

Whoever takes it out, the truth will come true.

Teacher(taking out a ring from the bowl) Whose ring he will meet the groom this year.

It’s a pity that apart from folklore collectors, no one knows these wonderful songs. And I really want to tell fortunes for the groom!

(all the girls sit at the table)


(the girls take a log each, and the matchmaker reports fortune-telling signs)

Matchmaker: A smooth log means the betrothed’s even character, a knotted log with cracks means an angry grumbler, a crooked log indicates the betrothed’s addiction to alcohol, a crooked and thick log means a tendency towards laziness and gluttony.


And now - fortune telling as a game and fun,

A clash of desires and even concessions.

I'm starting fortune telling with walnuts,

On boats made of shells.

(every girl is out of a shell walnut makes a “boat” in which he lights a candle and lowers it into a bowl of water)

Matchmaker: The girl whose candle burns out faster will be the first to start a family. The light of the last candle will mean that its owner will live in girls for a long time.

Teacher: Parting is approaching

Parting is approaching

And even the stars in the sky

They become paler.

The last fortune telling

The last fortune telling

For our red girls

And betrothed guys.

Teacher There was no such fortune telling in Rus'. We are hosting it for the first time. Under the chairs you sit on, there are pieces of paper taped to what awaits you in the new year. Stand up and see, your destiny is in your hands.

(the words “happiness”, “health”, “success”, “prosperity”, etc.) are written on pieces of paper that need to be glued to the chair in advance under the seat.


People wondered and wondered

Always under "Ah", under "Oh", under "Uh"

On a strangely moving platter,

Calling the dead spirit.

People guess with chamomile

And on the freckles on my face,

Burnt crumpled paper,

On wax, tin, lead.

On shoes, shafts, grains,

On hens and roosters,

On controversial zodiac signs,

Empty shells, mirrors.

On boards - slabs in the fence,

On bent and straight nails,

On pebbles in the sand at sea,

Cuckoos, cards, horses.

Again on the coffee grounds

And on the balusters of the porch,

On current messages

And without beginning, without end

Guess the fortune telling conclusion

At the end of the journey?

Guess! But make no mistake

May God grant you happiness!
