Why do you dream about a mug according to the dream book? Why do you dream about a mug?

To see a dream in which the mug was lost and the dreamer cannot find it promises him a difficult situation from which it will not be easy to get out. The situation will also be complicated by the fact that friends will refuse to help, so you will have to decide everything on your own, but there are also advantages in this situation; it will be possible to identify obvious enemies among your friends who will put a spoke in your wheels and laugh insolently in your face.

If the drink from the mug tastes disgusting, then in reality you will have to endure disappointment, since a long wait will not bring results. When a dreamer drinks good wine from a mug and inhales its pleasant aroma, in reality he will have good luck in business, so he needs to act, then he will become a rich man. If a person breaks a mug in a dream, then this promises him an inheritance or an unexpected profit, but he should not waste money, it is better to try to invest it in a profitable business so that the money does not go to waste.

What if you dream about a mug?

A mug is a dual symbol, and it all depends on whether it was empty or full, so you should remember this detail and then begin to interpret the dream. To dream of a mug from which the contents are overflowing - in reality you will have a good position in society and wealth, which will soon increase several times.

If there is water in the mug, then such a dream foreshadows a rich patron who will help secure the future and become a good friend, so you need to treat new acquaintances kindly.

If someone walked by and touched a mug and a little drink spilled out of it, then this promises an expression of emotions in public, but it is better if the dreamer restrains himself, since his statements will not affect his reputation for the better. Therefore, even if someone makes fun of you, it is better to bite your tongue and remain silent than to subsequently be an outcast from society. A mug of jelly promises a person a new friend with whom you can have a lot of fun.

What does it portend?

Many people do not know why a mug is dreamed of, but the meaning of this symbol can be found in several dream books. For example, Miller promises profit, which will be very useful, since the dreamer will experience financial difficulties.

The Wanderer's Dream Book foretells a trip to the mountains with his friends, which will be remembered for a long time, since a pleasant atmosphere will reign in the company.

The Ukrainian dream book foretells new acquaintances who will turn out to be quite responsible and will help the dreamer in his affairs. An aluminum mug portends boredom, but a person does not need to do anything stupid, otherwise he will get into a bad story that will affect his reputation very negatively. Pouring something into a mug means receiving unexpected profits. Changing a mug for a wine glass means that in reality you will have to make a choice that will not turn out to be successful, so you will need to wait a while with it.

A big mug in a dream reflects big appetites in life. Why does she dream about it? Can a person find out how close he will get to his goal? Dream Interpretations believe that life can really change dramatically, but these are not always joyful changes.

What kind of mug did you dream about?

Compared to a cup, a mug is less elegant, but it is spacious. According to the Modern Dream Book, this is a symbol of the desire for something more. Are these dreams justified or will the person be punished for his insatiability? For anyone who saw a large, camping one in a dream, Miller’s dream book foreshadows exciting travels.

If you consider the material from which it is made, then it also matters: steel can prophesy separation from a friend, aluminum - despondency. A homemade porcelain mug is considered a sign of danger - an unexpected event will occur in the future with distressing consequences. The glass beer hall encourages people to be more attentive to their health. Taking it in your hands in a dream means taking your destiny into your hands.

What is it filled with?

A person who dreams of a mug of water will receive a substantial profit or a salary increase. It’s curious, but if water or tea was poured into it to the brim, “heaping”, the dreamer will face desperate need, or at least financial losses.

Empty is also an unfavorable symbol, indicating serious difficulties, loss of hope, and inability to change anything. According to the interpretation of the Wanderer's dream book, this will lead to poverty. Why dream that you wanted to, but never managed to pour something into it: in reality you will have to look for a way out of a difficult situation.

A dreamer who drank from a mug in a dream will, due to an unfortunate accident, in the near future be involved in events that do not bode well, however, if it was without a handle, he will be able to get away with it.

For those who dreamed of sipping hot tea with a spoon, fate had prepared difficult trials. Beer is a different matter: those who drink it from a mug foretell successful sexual activity, and for women a pregnancy that will proceed safely. A man's wife's pregnancy is indicated by a mug of water being given to him in a dream.

Serving someone coffee in it means an irreparable loss. According to the interpretation of Miller’s dream book, drinking wine from it means that one can benefit from a problematic situation; the dreamer will be able to emerge with honor from a hopeless situation.

Dirty, broken

A dirty mug in a dream reflects problems in family relationships. The one who washes dirty dishes will make peace with an old enemy. If a dirty or shabby one warns of everyday troubles, then a broken one attracts poverty.

I dreamed of a lot of broken mugs - this is a sign that you can expect troubles in the service, and cracked ones predict discord in the family.

Anyone who happened to see exactly how the mug broke can learn interesting forecasts from dream books - about inheritance, family happiness and betrayal. for Why do you dream that it fell out of your hands? Do not rush to be upset; unexpected profit is not a reason for sadness.

If the mug breaks, interpreters predict that the dreamer will experience fear in reality. For a woman, a broken mug means broken happiness. For a man who broke her in a dream, dream books predict infidelity to his wife or mistress.

According to Medea’s dream book, if you dreamed that your favorite mug broke, big changes will happen in reality, a new life will begin - as if from scratch. It is important to note why you dream about dishes being broken by a person intentionally - this is always fortunate. Smashing a yellow mug to smithereens in a dream means that the family will be protected by higher powers.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Falling - profit, inheritance.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • A falling mug- profit, inheritance.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • The mug is empty- poverty.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Mug – empty – poverty (id.: “ask with a mug”).

Culinary dream book

  • An empty mug, into which you are looking in vain for something to pour in a dream, means the most difficult situations in which you are placed by chance.

Culinary dream book

  • The mug is empty, into which you search in vain in a dream for something to pour.- means the most difficult situations in which you are placed by chance.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

  • Mug- to the hike.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

  • Seeing a mug filled with water- to profit.

A big mug in a dream reflects big appetites in life. Why does she dream about it? Can a person find out how close he will get to his goal? Dream Interpretations believe that life can really change dramatically, but these are not always joyful changes.

What kind of mug did you dream about?

Compared to a cup, a mug is less elegant, but it is spacious. According to the Modern Dream Book, this is a symbol of the desire for something more. Are these dreams justified or will the person be punished for his insatiability? For anyone who saw a large, camping one in a dream, Miller’s dream book foreshadows exciting travels.

If you consider the material from which it is made, then it also matters: steel can prophesy separation from a friend, aluminum - despondency. A homemade porcelain mug is considered a sign of danger - an unexpected event will occur in the future with distressing consequences. The glass beer hall encourages people to be more attentive to their health. Taking it in your hands in a dream means taking your destiny into your hands.

What is it filled with?

A person who dreams of a mug of water will receive a substantial profit or a salary increase. It’s curious, but if water or tea was poured into it to the brim, “heaping”, the dreamer will face desperate need, or at least financial losses.

Empty is also an unfavorable symbol, indicating serious difficulties, loss of hope, and inability to change anything. According to the interpretation of the Wanderer's dream book, this will lead to poverty. Why dream that you wanted to, but never managed to pour something into it: in reality you will have to look for a way out of a difficult situation.

A dreamer who drank from a mug in a dream will, due to an unfortunate accident, in the near future be involved in events that do not bode well, however, if it was without a handle, he will be able to get away with it.

For those who dreamed of sipping hot tea with a spoon, fate had prepared difficult trials. Beer is a different matter: those who drink it from a mug foretell successful sexual activity, and for women a pregnancy that will proceed safely. A man's wife's pregnancy is indicated by a mug of water being given to him in a dream.

Serving someone coffee in it means an irreparable loss. According to the interpretation of Miller’s dream book, drinking wine from it means that one can benefit from a problematic situation; the dreamer will be able to emerge with honor from a hopeless situation.

Dirty, broken

A dirty mug in a dream reflects problems in family relationships. The one who washes dirty dishes will make peace with an old enemy. If a dirty or shabby one warns of everyday troubles, then a broken one attracts poverty.

I dreamed of a lot of broken mugs - this is a sign that you can expect troubles in the service, and cracked ones predict discord in the family.

Anyone who happened to see exactly how the mug broke can learn interesting forecasts from dream books - about inheritance, family happiness and betrayal. for Why do you dream that it fell out of your hands? Do not rush to be upset; unexpected profit is not a reason for sadness.

If the mug breaks, interpreters predict that the dreamer will experience fear in reality. For a woman, a broken mug means broken happiness. For a man who broke her in a dream, dream books predict infidelity to his wife or mistress.

According to Medea’s dream book, if you dreamed that your favorite mug broke, big changes will happen in reality, a new life will begin - as if from scratch. It is important to note why you dream about dishes being broken by a person intentionally - this is always fortunate. Smashing a yellow mug to smithereens in a dream means that the family will be protected by higher powers.


    In a dream, I returned a mug to my neighbor’s daughter (in real life he doesn’t have a daughter). It was small, made of porcelain and with a lip mark left behind. After that, I accidentally ended up at someone’s wedding. I saw a cortege and a bride in a creamy dress with a child. The guests joyfully greeted her and sprinkled her with flower petals. It was warm and sunny outside, the mood was great.

Seeing an empty mug in a dream means you will experience disappointment in reality.

A mug full to the brim portends financial losses.

A metal mug means the loss of a friend, a porcelain one means an accident, a glass one means an illness.

Breaking a mug means that in reality you will experience severe fright.

Drinking from a mug in a dream means that an absurd incident will put you in a difficult situation.

A mug with a broken handle is good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Buy

A dream in which you make a large selection of purchases, but upon calculation it turns out that you have no money with you, is a harbinger of both large expenses and significant profits. Paying for purchases in a dream means freeing yourself from the anxiety that oppresses you about the condition of your loved ones.

If you buy goods in a company store, department store or supermarket and acquire the best and most expensive, it means that in reality your business will quickly go uphill thanks to the significant support of friends who have extensive experience in business and long-standing connections in the business world. If you dream that you are shopping at the market or in small shops and stores, while gaining some small amount on each item, in reality you will lose more than you save by chasing cheapness.

Buying a car in a dream is a sign that you will regain lost positions, having significantly succeeded in a new field. If you buy oranges and other fruits from hot countries, it means that difficulties and obstacles on your way will be easily overcome, and with considerable benefit for you.

If in a dream you buy yourself underwear, this promises illness from overexertion. Purchased tickets to a theater or some other performance are a sign of unscrupulous deception and extortion. Jars with any contents mean the instability of your success and severe disappointment in case of complete failure. The loaf you bought portends profit if it is fresh, and loss if it is stale.

Buying a dacha in a dream means receiving a rich inheritance; boards mean indulging in sadness and heartache; firewood means gossip about your address.

If you buy jewelry in a dream, this portends success in business.

Buying perfume yourself is a disappointment in your loved one, even if the perfume is bought by none other than him and just for you - it means that in reality a happy life and prosperity in everything await you.

A dream in which you buy paintings foreshadows an unsuccessful business; carpets - to make a big profit; lace - there will be no end to admirers, so you will be faced with a difficult choice of whom to give preference to.

If in a dream you buy some medicine at a pharmacy, this portends a breakdown in business, and if it’s a laxative, you’ll be packing for a long journey.

Buying ribbons means that in reality you will incur empty expenses.

Buy a shovel - you may lose your place, a horse - you will spend your holiday in the lap of nature, having a wonderful rest and gaining new impressions.

Buy butter - you will live in complete pleasure, milk - you will be meanly and insidiously deceived, meat - a sign of a bloody deed or a serious illness.

A dream in which you acquire a weapon means that you will arouse a negative attitude towards yourself from a person with whom you refuse to have an intimate relationship. If the weapon is a bow and arrow or other children’s toy that is not capable of seriously hitting, then in reality you will be forced to resort to the services of a lawyer to protect your interests. Buying shoes means minor troubles and inconsistencies.

If you buy gloves in a dream, in reality you will be thrifty and thrifty, but this will not allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses due to unforeseen circumstances. Buying a new belt in a dream means marital fidelity, and for a young girl it means chastity and maiden modesty before marriage.

If in a dream you went to buy fabric for a wedding dress, it means that you will soon please your relatives by announcing your decision to marry a worthy person known to them, preferring him to your former admirer.

If you buy a beautiful inlaid or carved box, you will find out the secret by reading someone else’s letter. Buying a fashionable hat means changing your image, if not your entire lifestyle. Buying an antique cabinet means you will achieve prosperity through hard work; buying modern furniture means you will achieve the same without much effort.

Interpretation of dreams from

Kitchen utensils are rarely found in dreams, but aptly. Especially when it comes to a cup. Why do you dream about a cup? A broken cup in a dream, seeing a cup of tea or coffee in a dream, even with blood - there are many variations. And only our combined, most complete dream book will give you a lot of interpretations to match each specific dream. To fully understand sleep, we will consider a cup for a drink and a bowl for fruit/bread as identical concepts.

Idiomatic dream book

This dream book does not interpret the dream itself, but the circumstances within which you saw the cup.

  • The cup of patience is overflowing: you are clearly exceeding the limit in some way. In a dream, it may look like a cup into which you are pouring liquid without stopping.
  • The house is full: there will be abundance and prosperity in the house. In a dream, it looks like a large bowl (exactly like a dish), full of fruits, bread, and some other treats.
  • Drink a full cup to the bottom: you are destined to survive all the bad weather and suffering, or you have already experienced it, but it seems to you that there will be no end to the torment. Such a dream says that peace and tranquility will soon return to your life. In a dream, it may look like a cup without a bottom, from which you still cannot drink or in which the drink does not end.
  • Invitation to: this could be a phrase thrown by a participant in your dream, or the fact that you came to visit someone in a dream and sat down at the table to drink tea/coffee. This means that guests will soon visit you or you will go to see old acquaintances.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cup is primarily a vessel that represents your ego. Depending on the size of the cup and what is contained inside it, you should understand the state of your “I”. Full cup - you have enough of something; a broken cup - to misfortunes, difficulties, because you need to bend down and collect all the fragments. But any bowl in a dream, say such a large dish for food, is a reflection of the situation in the house: peace and tranquility, prosperity, family relationships.

Autumn dream book

  • Why do you dream about a cup: you are destined for a face-to-face conversation at the table.
  • Why do you dream of an empty cup: disappointment and indignation due to changed circumstances.
  • Why dream of breaking a cup: a slight shock awaits you. And why is it small - it’s a cup, and not a whole service, which, due to your carelessness, shattered into small pieces that still have to be collected without getting hurt.
  • Why do you dream of cups and saucers: for communication, a feast, a light, idle atmosphere at home or at a party.
  • Why do you dream of dirty cups: there is clearly no place for order at home or there has been a breakdown in family relationships. Sometimes such a dream indicates that it is time to take on more responsibility in terms of housekeeping. (cm. )

Spring dream book

The spring dream book interprets almost all dreams more positively. This is explained primarily by the position of the Sun, which is the main element of astral mechanics and is of decisive importance for the fate of every person. In addition, nature is blooming all around, those feelings and expectations that were dormant in the cold winter come to life.

  • A cup in a dream is a generally positive sign, but you need to remember more details, which will add specifics.
  • Dream interpretation: the cup is empty. Things in general are going positively for you and there is a possibility that the cup will soon be filled - allegorically, your affairs will improve even more and events will occur that will have a positive impact on your destiny.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cup of tea/coffee. This means permanent prosperity, but nothing more. What you have now is enough for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: break a cup. It’s not a big problem, just think... In fact, it’s your carelessness, which at one point will poke your face into the problem that you created for yourself. But the lesson will be clear and you will remember it for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cup without a handle. Don’t worry, because this is a symbol of prosperity, but with a small caveat: if there is no pen, you will have to make an effort to maintain wealth. But who gets blessings and happiness on a silver platter today?
  • Dream interpretation: white cup. Here an interesting fact is revealed - almost all cups in a dream are either white or bright. Black people come across as often as people win the lottery. So you shouldn't attach much importance to color. Better look at its contents.

Summer dream book

A dream book for those who are full of optimism, but understand that the world around them is built on pragmatism and sober calculation. This dream book can be described approximately as: “I’m positive, but I know that bad things happen and we all have to live with it.” So:

  • Dream Interpretation: a bowl is a symbol that a parasite will appear in the house or there will be someone in your environment who does not appreciate your efforts and takes everything for granted.
  • Dream Interpretation: cup of blood. Don't worry about what you see. This is a reminder that you are as small in the world order as any other creature, object, phenomenon, which in their essence is transitory. And only the natural course of things is immortal. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: wash cups. How do you manage the household and your responsibilities in the family?
  • Dream Interpretation: cup and saucer. A complete set, just missing a spoon, tea, sugar, food. But not all at once! It's about slowly but surely getting from life what you want and what you really need.
  • Dream Interpretation: breaking a cup in a dream. There may be discord in the family or a temporary deterioration in living conditions.
  • Dream Interpretation: buy a cup. There is not enough comfort in your life, and you are used to enjoying every opportunity that will improve your quality of life, you also willingly help others, and the realization of the successful completion of any task is the best reward for you.

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo - White Magician

Interpretation of dreams: a cup is a very multifaceted sign, which sometimes has diametrically opposed interpretations. A fairly illustrative example is the expression “full cup”. It means that there is prosperity in the house, but it is also a metaphor that a couple more drops, and the cup of patience will be full, which will lead to anger and rage. Another vivid metaphor: the cup of life, which is either full (your life is full) or empty (you only exist, but do not live). Speaking of cups, one cannot fail to mention the Holy Grail, the carpenter's cup, which symbolizes purification and redemption.

Wanderer's Dream Book

A dream book for ascetics - modern people who can be content with little and put health, a friendly atmosphere and prosperity at the forefront of their homes, which is necessary for a comfortable life without excesses.

  • A cup in a dream represents your spiritual development. But the bowl in a dream can be large, which needs to be held with both hands. This speaks volumes about your development. If the cup is small, then you need to continue working on yourself.
  • The dream “cup and saucer” means that you are completely satisfied with everything in life, in comfort, and there is no need to rush into the embrasure in pursuit of ephemeral wealth.
  • Why do you dream of a cup filled to the brim with a drink? This is for prosperity, making a profit. If you let someone else drink from a cup, then you are ready to share your modest wealth.
  • Why dream of washing someone else's cup? This is your share, which depends on the success of another person. However, everything is temporary and you can free yourself from the shackles of addiction, but you will have to go through a period of need and deprivation.

Dream book of psychologist Antonio Meneghetti

  • Dream Interpretation: a cup is your attitude towards your share. It reflects how you feel about what you have. It may seem to you that fate has deprived you of something, but when you look from the outside and compare yourself with others, you will understand that everything is not so bad and could be even worse and you even won in some ways.
  • Dream interpretation: broken cup. You take what you have too lightly. But as soon as you lose part of your fortune (even if it’s just a house, family, car and job), you will immediately realize that life has become empty and meaningless.

Velesov's dream book

  • Dream interpretation: new cups are on the table. You will be invited to visit or guests will come to you.
  • A cup broke in a dream: is it fortunate?! No! This refers to quarrels in the family and banal superstition has nothing to do with the dream.
  • In a dream, seeing cups full of tea, coffee, water means profit and prosperity.

Erotic dream book

  • A bowl/cup in a dream is a desire for power, to possess someone. The interpretations of dreams will be the same for both women and men.
  • Fill a cup and give it to someone: you want to be with the person you like.
  • Dream Interpretation: breaking a cup in a dream means that a woman has lost her femininity in the eyes of a man, however, it is also the same for a man to lose his masculinity in the eyes of his admirer.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Why dream of washing a cup: you are about to go on a visit.
  • Why dream of a cup of tea: prosperity and order at home.
  • Why dream of a broken cup: a happy occasion, but only if it was broken before you. If you broke it yourself, then the incident will be quite unfortunate.
  • Dream Interpretation: drinking water from a cup means a reward for your efforts.

Culinary dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a cracked cup means the atmosphere in the house is bursting at the seams. People tolerate each other, do not give in on anything, and make contact only when necessary.
  • To see in a dream a porcelain cup, beautifully painted, or it is given to you as a gift - they treat you with a kind heart, with cordiality.
  • The dream book calls dirty cups the need to be more responsible and accountable for your actions and words.

Azar's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream about a beautiful cup? To noisy guests or you will be invited to some kind of celebration.
  • Seeing a broken cup in a dream means family troubles.
  • A cup of coffee in a dream means being content with your current life.
  • Dream Interpretation: The handle of the cup has broken off. This means that some trouble will soon happen in life, which will slightly spoil the course of events, but will be fleeting and you can quickly return to your usual track. After all, if the handle of a cup breaks off, this does not mean that you can no longer drink from it. It’s just inconvenient and sometimes you can get burned.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

A broken cup in a dream is a symbol of quarrels; just seeing a cup in a dream means a quick invitation to a reception; clay cup - your life is modest and you can be content with little; buy a cup - fright, fear in the family.

Esoteric dream book

An empty cup symbolizes equally empty efforts and unnecessary troubles that do not promise any benefit; Perhaps you will purchase something and only then will you realize how much you really didn’t need this thing. A full cup on the contrary speaks of prosperity, abundance at home and your complete contentment.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

A broken cup promises only quarrels and unnecessary squabbles in the family; a simple cup, say, made of clay - a symbol of your modesty and the same modest life; buying a cup in a dream means unexpected news that will take the family by surprise; A cup full of tea/coffee/water is a symbol of profit and financial well-being.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

The cup/cup nourishes the powers of the one who saw it in a dream. Holding a cup in your hands means having complete control over your life and destiny. A full cup is a favorable sign in all respects. Breaking a cup is also a positive sign, which promises changes in life, the beginning of a new period.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

A cup in a dream is a sacred sign. Especially if it is a church thicket or the Grail itself. It’s time for spiritual enlightenment in your life, and in addition to work, hobbies, communication, travel, you need to devote time to spiritual self-improvement, which will open your eyes to many things. A full cup, as in most dream books, means prosperity. An incomplete cup is a slight dissatisfaction with your arrangement in life. A broken cup - again, alas and ah, to family quarrels. Buying a cup means changes in life. If you wash other people's cups in a dream, then most likely this will be the case in reality when you are invited to visit.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

According to tradition, the enlightened Indians of the New World give two interpretations.

  • Bad meaning: a full cup means that you are taking on responsibilities beyond your capabilities. To keep up with everything, the following ritual is proposed: place a wooden bowl in the center of the room and fill it with 10 stones from the river and sand.
  • Good meaning: an empty cup dreams, oddly enough, of love! To make the feelings mutual, fill the proverbial wooden bowl with water, crumble some bread into it and take it to the tree in the cemetery.

Noble dream book by Grishina N.

  • Cups in a dream are fortunately dreamed of, as a symbol of a successfully drawn lot.
  • The dream “cup of wine” predicts peace at home and harmony in the family. (cm. )
  • The dream “a cup of bitter drink” says that you are not yet destined to be happy.
  • They gave you a cup in a dream - your fate is in your own hands.
  • Throwing a cup and breaking it means you have given up your chance and an unknown fate awaits you.
  • Passing the cup to another means you trust the person with your happiness.
  • Seeing an overturned cup means a certain period of time is running out, important changes are coming.
  • If two people drink from the same cup, they will have to share equally.
  • Drinking from a cup in a dream means an unexpected visit from someone.
  • The dream of “breaking a cup” only means an accident.

Russian dream book

A tea cup in a dream is a short joy that you did not expect.

Family dream book

  • A cup of tea in a dream means that you spend a lot of time on pleasure, instead of working and changing your life for the better.
  • If a woman breaks a cup in a dream, then her happiness will be threatened by some unpleasant news.
  • If in a dream you drink wine from a cup, then in reality you will combine business with pleasure.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Tea cups in a dream represent your craving for pleasure, to which you will devote a lot of time.
  • As soon as a woman breaks a cup in a dream, failures and troubles will befall her in reality, and only with regard to personal family happiness.
  • If in a dream you drink wine from a cup, then your waking activities will be both useful and pleasant at the same time.

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

  • Buying a bowl made of valuable material (porcelain, jade, jasper) is a great blessing.
  • Simple cups on the table, cutlery nearby - all this leads to a good feast.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The dream book calls cups an indication that it is time to get ready for a visit or to prepare for their visit. Circumstances will judge.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

The most thorough and detailed dream book that reveals the meaning of a dream, not as a guide to action or instructions, but breaks it down into its component parts so that you can understand the full depth of the symbolism.

  • The primary elements of a bowl in a dream are earth, fire, water, metal, wood.
  • The elements of the sign are humidity, heat, dryness, wind and cold.
  • Emotions – anger, sadness, thoughtfulness, fear.
  • Organs - stomach, bladder, small and large intestines, spleen, kidneys, liver, lungs and heart.
  • Planets – Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn.

The bowl is one of the main objects in the rituals, cults and beliefs of many peoples around the world. Any drinking containers are evidence that a person cannot do without water, so you need to pay attention to the contents of the cup. Water is the most important liquid, the basis of all things and other drinks. It takes the form of a vessel into which it is poured, absorbs and stores information and emotions. Unlike a mirror, water releases its energy only after synchronizing with the recipient through resonance or must be consumed internally. That is why the opinion is so alive that before drinking liquid, the container with it needs to be warmed in your hands. Water begins life. A very good habit is to start the morning with a glass of warm water, which awakens the whole body. Therefore, any dream involving a cup cannot be just an accident...

  • Seeing a cup or any other drinking utensil in a dream means being filled with information that is looking for ways out in the form of specific actions.
  • Seeing a cup in a dream and drinking from it means you consciously accept an obligation to do something. If you think for a long time before using it, then this sign is even better, since thoughtless actions do not benefit anyone.
  • Seeing a cup in a dream, but hesitating whether to drink or not drink has the following meaning: you do not have sufficient willpower to influence your life. If you refuse to drink and push the cup away, then in reality you can commit unseemly acts, even betrayal, which can be directed at yourself. Simply put, you can change your principles, although you have previously successfully lived by them.
  • Drinking from the same cup with someone means that you exchange energy, provide mutual support and are responsible for each other.
  • Breaking a cup or spilling from it means things are falling out of your hands, and your energy has waned.

Dream book of health

A cup of water dreams of the need to cleanse the body; an empty cup speaks of psychological problems; breaking a cup in a dream is tantamount to inviting stress and conflict into your life.


A bowl in a dream is a very strong symbol that has the most direct influence on fate. The interpretation can be positive, negative, neutral, but know one proven truth - your destiny is in your hands and you, with your willpower and great desire, can change your life at your discretion and no signs will change or stop you.

It will turn out to be one of the most frequently viewed images. People often have dreams like this, so they need to know specifically what to expect in the near future. Why do you dream about mugs according to the dream book? There are many different assumptions, but most of them are usually wrong. To understand and correctly interpret the dream, you should take into account all the little things. Since a broken mug means one thing, and a completely filled vessel means another.

Dream Interpretation: broken mug

According to the interpretation, in our case, the mug symbolizes the approaching split in relations with a loved one or loved ones. However, at the moment this opinion is a little outdated.

So, a small number of cracks should not be considered a clear sign indicating a break between spouses. They need to reconsider their relationship with each other and try to find new points of contact.

If in a dream a representative of the fair sex dreams that she drops a cup, in real life the sleeping woman will change her manner of behavior and change her attitude towards her own appearance. Night dreams of this nature indicate that a girl may lose attractiveness in the eyes of men if she begins to devote less time to her appearance.

According to the dream book for a man, a broken mug is a warning from the subconscious that should not be ignored. For a lonely representative of the stronger sex, such a dream recommends that you pay closer attention to your actions and words, so as not to spoil your own reputation. There is a high probability that someone will be disappointed in the sleeper.

For a man whose heart is busy, night dreams with a broken mug indicate that he needs to devote more time to his significant other.

Dream Interpretation: break a mug

If in a dream you dream that the sleeper breaks a mug, such a dream symbolizes a deterioration in relations with colleagues or management. Night dreams in which a mug falls but does not break indicate the possibility of receiving additional income.

According to the dream book, a mug that was caught while falling means in reality that the dreamer will harm himself and, as a result, will not receive what he expected.

A mug touched by someone, from which a small amount of drink pours out, represents the dreamer's expression of emotions in public. In order not to become an outcast in society in real life, you should refrain from responding, otherwise you can spoil your reputation.

Filled or empty mug

A mug filled with water symbolizes profit or unexpected wealth. To obtain more accurate information, you should take a closer look at the drink with which the vessel is filled.

Coffee means receiving interesting news. A mug of water dreams of an increase in salary. Drinking from a filled vessel means in reality making new friends with whom the dreamer will have a lot in common. Drinking a light alcoholic drink, such as beer, from a mug means you will feel the envy of those around you.

An empty mug in a dream is usually associated with receiving news. For young girls and women, such a dream may foreshadow an approaching pregnancy. Empty dishes in night dreams are associated with the womb, in which a new life is born.

According to the dream book, an empty mug, which the sleeper is trying to fill with something, dreams of a difficult situation in life. In addition to what drink was poured into the mug, in order to correctly interpret the dream that appears, you should remember what material the mug is made of.

Glass or clay?

A mug made of glass, which appeared in night dreams, speaks of a new acquaintance with a person who will treat the sleeping person with disdain.

Expensive and elegant porcelain symbolizes the dreamer’s emotional and physical fatigue. In order to rethink your actions and actions, as well as replenish the existing supply of energy, you need to devote proper time to rest and sleep.

To see a clay mug in a dream - in reality the dreamer will have more free time, which he can devote to his family or loved one. A favorable period in life will soon come.

A mug made of ceramics is a symbol of lost opportunities. This is especially true in the financial sector.

Actions with a mug

If in a dream the sleeper sees himself washing a mug, in reality he will experience a sharp rise up the career ladder. Buy a mug - for a short rest. Buying a set of mugs in your dreams means having fun in your free time in real life.

To dream that a mug accidentally gets dirty is the beginning of a new stage in life. The changes will most likely affect the dreamer's personal life. A new hobby will appear, which can develop into a serious romance.

If in a dream the sleeping person is presented with a mug or a set of mugs, in reality he will have a pleasant acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex. Giving dishes to another person means the beginning of a new relationship. Pour something into a mug - in reality you will receive a pleasant offer or unexpected profit.
