Energy vampires among us: how to recognize and protect yourself? Am I a vampire? If a friend suddenly appeared.

Have you ever met a person who regularly hurt you, tried to humiliate you, or proved that you are worthless, don’t know how to do anything, can’t do anything, etc.? Remember what emotions you felt towards him at the time of the attacks? What do you think the man himself felt when he saw that his “attacks” were ending successfully? If you have not encountered anything like this, we can only be happy for you, but the majority, having carefully delved into their memory, will probably remember several similar personalities. And someone will even find such an individual in their environment now.

It is noteworthy that having caused irritation or despondency in the target of attacks in the form of fairly strong emotions, these people experience satisfaction and an uplift in mood, although outwardly this may not be so obvious. They seem to be “full” and leave the “victim” for a while until the next time. Have you never encountered this before? Maybe they were watching from the sidelines? Or... are you not averse to doing this and is this a common thing for you? In fact, to one degree or another, such phenomena are quite common in modern society.

If you carefully consider the phenomenon described above, the associations suggest themselves. The aggressor behaves like a vampire, only he “drinks” not blood from his victim, but emotions. Therefore, without the slightest touch of mysticism, it is most reasonable to call such a person a vampire - this is the most appropriate term, if we call a spade a spade. Just not an ordinary vampire, no one drinks blood from the body, but an energy vampire. It would be more clear to use the term “emotional vampire,” but the phrase “energy vampire” has already taken root, and having understood more deeply the essence of such a phenomenon as emotion, one can understand: emotion is the energy of life! And to emotion, oddly enough, we apply the general principle of conservation of energy of the physical world: if it decreases in one place, it arrives in another: having spoiled your mood, the vampire improved it for himself!

For complete understanding, let's give a definition.

is a subject of communication who initially, consciously or unconsciously, openly or covertly provokes the other side of communication into negative emotions of a destructive nature in order to suppress and obtain moral satisfaction. Such relationships are common in an environment of communication with a social hierarchy: in a work team, among students and students, even in the family.

How to recognize?

  1. The main feature of an energy vampire is the desire to evoke negative emotions and receive satisfaction from it. This property is common to all of them, but manifests itself in different ways, depending on the temperament and “viciousness” of the vampire.
  • Aggressive energy vampires they provoke scandals, insult, sometimes shout, criticize, humiliate and enjoy it. They are quite easy to identify, and they are not particularly camouflaged. It is important to understand this nuance: if a person has a scandal or has a conflict with someone, this does not mean that he is now a vampire . Perhaps he is defending his rights, trying to prove something, albeit at the cost of his nerves. But there is no joy in that for him. A real “bloodsucker” loves to create scandals, he enjoys keeping someone in nervous tension and likes to suppress. He has such a “lifestyle”.
  • "Hidden" energy vampires not as obvious as aggressive ones, but much more dangerous and evil. When a person lacks personal energy, and for some reason there is no opportunity to openly suck it out, as aggressive people do, he begins to act secretly. He may constantly complain about life and harass the “donor” with his whims. Gossip is another favorite tool of such a person - they love to savor the “piquant details” of someone else’s life and slander those around them. The hidden vampire rarely says nasty things to your face. He will “secretly open your eyes” to your friends, “throw mud” at them, and tell you how badly they “really” treat you. And then something similar will tell them about you. Like the aggressive ones, the hidden ones love all sorts of conflicts and scandals. However, they prefer to remain on the sidelines, pitting others against each other, and then watching and gloating in their souls, so that they can secretly and secretly feed on the release of negative energy. They love to find fault and cling to children, tormenting them with nagging and lectures.
  1. Surrounded by energy vampires, equipment often breaks down, things become unusable and quickly wear out, plants and animals get sick and even die. There is no mysticism here, but the point is that these people have a destructive nature. They rarely keep the house and things in order, they usually handle equipment incredibly carelessly, and do not finish things to the end. And vampires treat animals and plants no better than they treat people.
  2. The loved ones and relatives of an energy vampire, especially children, who are forced to constantly communicate with him, are unhappy, unlucky, people in poor health.
  3. Energy vampires themselves are unhappy, self-sufficient creatures who do not know how to truly receive joy from life. They do not enjoy the success of others, they do not know how to empathize, no matter what they say about it.

An energy vampire does not always harm consciously, often considering his behavior to be the only normal and correct one, but this, of course, does not make it any easier for his victims.

There are circumstances, such as illness or an accident, when an ordinary person begins to exhibit the properties of a vampire: getting irritated, blaming others out of nowhere, complaining about life, or otherwise “nervous” others, especially loved ones. This does not mean that a person has turned into an energy vampire. It’s just that sometimes the energy of an ordinary person seriously suffers and there is a sharp shortage of it. In that case you should help the person, support him in difficult times. When the situation improves, he will return to normal. While for an energy vampire the norm is vampirism and no amount of support will correct the situation, it will only increase appetite.

How to protect yourself?

There is probably nothing in the world as useless as proving a vampire wrong. He himself must realize the depth of his fall and begin consciously working on himself - then and only then will he have a chance to change his life for the better. Therefore, you should not correct the vampire, but protect yourself from him.

What is protection from energy vampires?

The surest way to protect your own energy from theft is to reduce communication with negative individuals to a minimum. It's better not to communicate at all.

However, it is not always possible to apply such drastic measures. An energy vampire may be a wife or husband, a mother-in-law, a boss at work, or one of her colleagues. And running away every time is not the best option. Alas, this is simply impossible - people with chronic lack of energy are everywhere.

The first thing to do, if you are sure that you are dealing with just such a person, is to limit communication to the necessary minimum. In any case, you shouldn’t open your soul to him and share your innermost thoughts, but on the contrary, keep your true feelings as far away as possible.

Second, learn to control your emotions. Remember - the vampire needs to get a surge of negative emotions. Moreover, it will not be possible to “put on a good face when playing poorly.” If attacks hit home, it's not enough to pretend you don't care. For him, it’s even better if the victim endures and endures everything stoically. You need to learn to control your emotions and become tougher on yourself. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into conflicts, be able to joke and laugh in the right place. The vampire hates positive emotions; he needs negative ones. Having made sure that you won’t get any “blood”, he will eventually fall behind and switch to more accessible victims. Perhaps from time to time attempts will be made to cling to your energy, but if you continue to pursue your line, you will remain invulnerable.

Don't give in to the whining of hidden energy vampires. Their constant complaints, vocal grievances and nagging take up no less energy than open conflict. Talk to them about neutral topics, and if this is appropriate, generally invite them to talk about something good from their life. At the same time, look at the response: if they were going to borrow energy from you, it is unlikely that such a proposal will be met with enthusiasm. This method is not only excellent protection, but also a good diagnostic method.

Don't trust people who criticize everyone behind their backs. It is unlikely that they speak better about you when you are not listening.

How to become an energy vampire?

Oddly enough, some people ask this question. Unfortunately, there is no romance here. Life is not a fantasy film or fiction. There is nothing good in the described state, and first of all, for the person himself.

But it’s not at all difficult to explain how one actually becomes an energy vampire. The method is simple:

  1. Be angry deep down at the world around you and at all people without exception. Even on loved ones. And then realize that you are the only one who is truly important to you personally (just don’t talk too much about this discovery).
  2. It would be good to get out of your way in such a way as to get some kind of chronic sore, or better yet several at once, which would torment and give no rest. This is not a prerequisite, but it helps greatly in enhancing vampire skills. You can exchange physical pain for serious psychological trauma.
  3. Make it a habit to irritate others or someone in particular. Perhaps it makes you fear and hate. Or you can evoke pity by flaunting the sores received in step 2. It doesn't matter.
  4. Now comes the most important thing! You should learn to enjoy it when others feel bad. Feel it. Annoy people, oppress, suppress and feel satisfaction. You can monotonously harass, if possible. In any way, think, your imagination will tell you... First, try to find a weak person who is easy to poison or torment. Then one or two more. Eventually you will become a seasoned vampire! Just try to avoid strong people who can give serious resistance. Look around, you will probably find a “weak link”.

That's all. The rest will take care of itself. Have you changed your mind yet? Then go ahead and sing! Just don’t be surprised that you will become a truly unhappy person with perverted morals, poor health, whom no one really likes and everyone tries to avoid if possible.

I'm an energy vampire, what should I do?

If you understand that all of the above more or less describes you and decide to change, then consider the first step already taken.

It will be useful to change the environment. If possible, change your place of residence or job. At least renovate the house, change the wallpaper, furnishings, and update your personal wardrobe.

Find an outlet, some hobby, something you would enjoy doing.

Work on strengthening your own energy. Master meditation, you will benefit from yoga, relaxation and breathing exercises. If you don’t like yoga and your health allows it, take up sports. Swimming is great. At least start running in the morning.

Don't set big goals for yourself right away. Start small and gradually you will feel that harassing and suppressing (no matter what you called it before) has become completely uninteresting, instead completely different priorities have appeared.

It is best to do this after a weekend, vacation, or vacation. If you only have 1 day free, this is also quite enough.

The first thing about becoming a vampire is that it's quite slow, so step by step, start acting a little like a vampire. Something to do: stop fiddling with things like pencils or hair, don't blink so much (but blink! Don't ruin your eyes! Blink slowly, blink at least 5-10 seconds apart!), pretend you're not breathe (but still breathe! If you don't breathe: you could get hurt!), and stare at people! Don't be creepy. Just watch for 6-10 seconds. But look intensely. When "transforming", pretend that you have "serious headaches" or "your teeth hurt." This enhances the effect.

After about a week of "transformation" you are a vampire! Congratulations! So now let's move on to food. Eat a big breakfast, and don't eat a big lunch. Maybe a salad, or a small sandwich. If your school allows it, eat where no one else eats. If you cannot eat a small lunch as above.

Carry a metal thermos with you at all times. Drink what's in the thermos more often than you eat. Be careful what you drink (“blood”), and if anyone asks what’s in it, just say, “Oh, nothing.” Also, when you drink, breathe deeply, as if with relief.

If you invite someone to spend the night at their house, say something like “I can’t, I’m busy tomorrow. But we can pass the time before dark." Vampires tend to become more active after dark. This is not necessary, but it adds to the effect.

Don't be too socially active. Have a few close friends and keep them close. Stay close to them, and if there is a threat, protect them.

As for music, give preference to either classics, Mozart, Beethoven, etc. Or listen to rock bands such as Paramore, Evanescence, Flyleaf, Nightwish, Shinedown, Black Veil Brides, Metallica, etc. The choice is yours.

NEVER complain about being cold, hot, or tired. Vampires never get tired! Avoid light. You imagine a modern, I-can-walk-in-the-sunlight vampire, not an old, I-turn-to-dust-in-the-sunlight vampire. When you are in the sun, wear large, dark glasses. If it's actually sunny, pretend the sun is bothering you a little and walk away. If you're in class and sitting next to a sunny window, wear a sweater. However, don't overheat. When you're outside, try to stay in the shade.

If the person gets too close, step back, hold your breath, and clench your fists. Then take a sip from the thermos. The person will probably ask, just say that you were a little uneasy and thirsty.

But we have successfully brought our plans to life, now it will be useful to know the answer to the question: “What should I do if I am a vampire?”

I would like to immediately note that from now on you have two options: live the life of a vampire, forever, or find out how to recover from vampirism using one of the existing methods. Let's consider everything that a vampire who has decided to remain one needs to know.

What if I am a vampire and want to control myself?

To maintain its existence, any living creature requires energy, which it receives from food. Your food from now on is blood. As long as you are just a beginner vampire, it will be very difficult for you to control your thirst. Whenever you see blood in any form (whether from cutting up an animal at a meat market or cutting a friend's finger), you will want to immediately rush to the food and revel in it.

This is no good, because in this case you will quickly be exposed, after which forced treatment will inevitably follow, or even execution according to all the rules of hunting vampires. You need to learn to meditate. It wouldn’t hurt to do some auto-training as well.

All this is necessary in order to control the beast sitting inside you, to learn patience, endurance, and willpower. You will definitely need them in your vampire existence. For example, when your spirit gets stronger, you will be able to increase the time intervals between meals, reduce doses to a minimum, and not descend into ghouls who harm health and life, biting and drinking everyone left and right.

Try to avoid situations where the sight of blood can make you feel hungry. DO NOT walk through meat markets, watch gory or horror movies on TV, or hang out near emergency rooms. Remember that hunger is similar to paranoia, an obsession. Although vampirism is not a mental disorder, the state of thirst can be accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as headaches, anger, irritability, body aches, and abdominal cramps. If you learn to control yourself, it will be easier for you to survive all these illnesses.

If you have become a vampire, then now your time is from sunset to dawn. When going on your next night walk, don’t forget to set your alarm for an hour before sunrise so that you have enough time to get to your shelter.

Speaking of shelter. Your home needs to undergo some cosmetic changes. Of course, it won’t be possible to seal all the window openings in an apartment or house, but getting the darkest and thickest curtains will not hurt if you are not going to hide from sunlight in your wardrobe all day long.

What to do if you are a vampire? Consider acquiring a retinue, that is, one or several devoted people who will serve you and carry out errands in exchange for your promise to turn them into vampires, thereby giving them eternal life. Well, at the same time, from time to time you can use them to satisfy your insurmountable hunger. Such donors, in critical situations for you, can express blood into a vessel for you.

In addition, you should take care to eliminate all items made of silver from your home. Remember that under no circumstances should a vampire take them with bare hands, so either wear thick mittens for household work, or entrust this task to your minions. Do not forget to remove all supplies of garlic, aspen furniture, etc. from the house.

And yes, do not forget to send servants to get rid of silver not to a landfill, but to the nearest buying salon. This way you will have extra funds to, for example, negotiate the supply of fresh “food” with some careless but greedy employee of a blood transfusion station or a morgue attendant.

This article is fictitious and has no relation to reality.

They are irritable and intrusive, often dissatisfied with themselves and those around them, selfish and annoying, in their company you constantly feel uncomfortable, which makes communication with them painful and unwanted.

All these “kind” words are about energy vampires living among us and unprincipledly patching up their own energy gaps at the expense of other people’s forces.

Who are they?

Nature has arranged it this way that not all people, despite their external similarity, look the same on the inside.

The energy field of any person consists of many emotions, feelings and thoughts, which, intertwined, form a strong shell that protects not only the emotional background, but even the physical body from various negative influences from the outside.

For some people, the connections between particles of the energy field are broken, which is why the energy necessary for their life, received from nature, the sun, air and society, endlessly disappears without the possibility of its preservation and accumulation. Such people with a “leaky” shell are usually called energy vampires.

The purpose of any action performed by a vampire is to search for a new source of energy to temporarily close their own gaps in the energy field. This process has no end, since it is believed that it is impossible to recover from energy vampirism.

How to recognize?

Feeling that an energy vampire is near you is not always as easy as it might seem. Psychological practice shows that often people with a negative energy balance are best friends, buddies and colleagues, that is, those people who spend a lot of time with a person, which is why the victim’s feeling of constant lack of energy dulls over time.

However, there are several universal signs by which you can still identify a vampire.

Thus, aggressive vampires most often try to provoke the victim to release emotions. There can be a lot of options for provocations: from a banal domestic scandal to offensive insults. There is only one task - to cause an uncontrollable energy surge in the victim, which will become the main prey of the vampire.

The classic image of an energy vampire involves saturation immediately after a scandal or quarrel. Within a few minutes, the negative energy balance of the vampire is normalized, and now he, having already forgotten about the problem he just created, is already a kind-hearted person, ready to give joy to everyone around him. True, only until the next “withdrawal”.

There are also calm energy vampires who do not provoke scandals, but suck energy from donors in a daily monotonous and boring manner. Such people are almost never in a good mood.

Most often, conversations with them end with complaints about life, as well as discussions about the imperfections of everything around them. After even short conversations with such vampires, one begins to feel sleepy, the head aches and apathy and lethargy sets in.

Have you ever felt guilty for troubles and troubles in the lives of acquaintances, friends or relatives? Yes? Do you remember where you got it from? Most likely, thanks to the constant complaints and sad stories of energy vampires.

Inducing guilt and forcing other people to solve their own problems with their own hands and heads is one of the main tasks of vampires, who in such situations find regular donors and suck energy from them methodically and mercilessly.

By the way, lovers of television, tabloid and virtual scandals, intrigues and investigations with a touch of yellowishness are also a kind of energy vampires who, however, feed not on individual emotions, but on social negativity. Deaths, accidents, wrecks, conflicts, tragedies - all these topics give “negative” vampires reasons to involve potential victims in their game.

In big cities, aggressive energy vampires are found in transport, on the street, in cafes, clubs, cinemas and other public places.

Such vampires are fueled with energy not through conversations or quarrels, but through their gaze and postures. That is why it is recommended, firstly, not to look into the eyes of random passers-by or fellow travelers for a long time, and secondly, to “close” your energy field from outside attacks (for example, cross your arms or legs).

How to protect yourself?

Treating an energy vampire is a thankless task. That is why one of the surest ways to protect yourself from attacks is to limit contacts up to complete separation. True, such drastic measures cannot always be taken. Especially if your energy is consumed by your brother, husband, best friend or boss.

That is why the first thing you need to do in such cases is to learn to control your own emotions, the release of which in critical situations causes maximum harm to you and your body.

Try not to succumb to the vampire’s provocations, no matter how carefully he plans them. If you can't help yourself, count astronauts, sheep or elephants. Finally, turn on autopilot. The main thing is to show maximum indifference to provocation. If you learn to do this consistently and in a timely manner, the vampire will retreat and begin to look for another source of energy.

The favorite time of day for vampires to “hunt” is morning or evening, when the victim’s body has not yet fully woken up, or is already in a state of fatigue from the day’s worries.

If you work with people, try not to schedule meetings with new people at early or late hours. Make it a rule to stay alone or surrounded by people you know in times of weakness, depression, illness or apathy. At such times, you yourself need energy.

It is easy to limit the interest of a whining and soul-pulling vampire in your person by learning to control the conversation with him in a positive direction. Invite one day a whining vampire to tell you something good and kind from his unhappy life. In such situations, the vampire, as a rule, gets lost and tries not to resort to energy supply from “positive” provocateurs.

If you have become a victim of a deception called “I am the most unfortunate person in the world, you need to feel sorry for me and help me solve my problems,” there is only one piece of advice - let the vampire go free, no matter how cruel it may seem. Otherwise, the history of your energy exchange will end with the last drop of your energy. As a result, not only your friend, acquaintance or colleague will end up at the bottom, but you and him too.

Of the most effective practical techniques for protecting against vampire attacks, energy experts most often name the construction of a mental brick wall or glass dome between the potential victim and the vampire.

Another well-known method of defense is to imagine yourself surrounded by bright light while communicating with a vampire. In such cases, the “stuffing” of the provocateur “burns out” without reaching the energy field of the victim.

An excellent help in restoring lost energy is exercise, contrast showers in the mornings and evenings, as well as massage and swimming.

However, the main weapon against attacks from energy vampires still remains self-control and maintaining an internal balance of positive and negative energy.

Remember that as soon as resentment, anger, pity, envy and malice begin to prevail within you over joy, happiness, kindness, good mood and a feeling of lightness, you will immediately become the object of increased attention from the energy vampire.

What if I am an energy vampire?

If you clearly understand that everything written above was said about you, then we can assume that you have already taken the first step on the long path to healing from permanent energy hunger.

Here are some more self-help tips.

Try to study your complexes and failures, analyze them, draw conclusions. If one day you can cope with yourself, there will immediately be one less “hole” in your field.

Calm your ego. It resides at heights unattainable for a normal person. Make an effort and come down from heaven to earth. A sense of self-importance is the first thing that prevents energy vampires from fighting their complexes and shortcomings.

Engage in sports, meditation or energy concentration practices (for example, yoga, qigong, etc.). Try to be in nature more often, walk in the fresh air, look at the sky and celestial bodies.

Find yourself a new activity or hobby. Change the environment around you and never sit still. Most “holes” in the energy field arise from an excess of unfulfilled ambitions and secret desires.

And finally, eat right, because food is the second most important source of energy for the body after nature. Do not eat foods containing “bad” cholesterol (fat from animals and birds). Avoid GMOs and any “chemical” food. Load up on vegetables, fruits and natural drinks.

I will try to describe the most common and striking symptoms of vampirism, without delving into its causes. I hope this helps you answer the question for yourself: “Am I still a vampire?” I will only talk about ordinary vampires who need blood for their vital functions - since this subject is closer and more understandable to me. But, as far as I know, energy vampirism is similar in symptoms. This will be discussed in more detail in one of the following articles.

So, the first and most important sign is the physiological need for blood consumption, in other words, thirst for blood. Typically (not necessarily) it is expressed as:

1) A constant feeling of hunger or thirst that cannot be satisfied with regular food.
2) Chronic headaches, reaching the level of migraines.
3) Muscle pain and spasms, usually occurring in the shoulders, arms, legs or neck muscles.
4) Insomnia, however, this should not be confused with the tendency of some vampires to be nocturnal.
5) Emotional instability - mood swings, attacks of uncontrollable rage, followed by periods of depression.
6) Paranoia - in the extreme stages of Hunger.
7) Mental disorders - in the extreme stages of Hunger.
Most or all of the symptoms listed are common in a vampire who has not consumed blood; The strength of their manifestation varies; no two vampires experience the same thing. They disappear completely within about 24-28 hours after feeding, and appear again after about two weeks.

It is important to note: these symptoms are the most important, namely the need for blood and the disappearance of symptoms after satisfying hunger! If you don't feel any of them, or if they don't go away after taking a sip of blood, you're unlikely to be a vampire.

But in any case, the first thing you need to do is visit a doctor. All signs may be symptoms of serious diseases; it is quite possible that their cause is not vampirism at all. A word of advice: It is not necessary to tell your doctor that you suspect you are a vampire. Just list the symptoms and ask what kind of testing would be best for you to undergo.

However, if no apparent reason is found, then you may indeed turn out to be a vampire.

Secondary signs:

Heightened senses are common for a vampire. Naturally, this manifests itself differently for everyone, but one way or another everyone talks about it.
1) Vision. Sharpened vision, including night vision (for example, the ability to read road signs at a distance of one hundred meters only by starlight); decreased vision during the day, similar to some people's inability to navigate at night. Possible shift in the perceived spectrum, unusual brightness or sharpness.
2) Hearing. Also aggravated, the vampire gains the ability to distinguish between low and high frequencies that are not perceived by the human ear; hear sound over a long distance and becomes more sensitive to frequency differences.
3) Smell. Not everyone reports any changes here, but some claim that they can, for example, understand that a woman is on her period, being a few meters away from her. There is also evidence of hypersensitivity to pheromones released by humans or animals.
4) Touch. Some say that they are able to understand whether someone else is in the room only by feeling the movement of air - others do not notice any changes. As with the sense of smell, everything is individual, and the range of possible changes is quite wide.
5) Taste. And here in each case the changes manifest themselves differently. Just don't be surprised if your usual food suddenly becomes intolerable or vice versa.
6) Some others. Most vampires claim that they can sense the presence of all sorts of creatures, and even objects. However, this ability manifests itself with age. A fairly common ability is to capture and manipulate the feelings and emotions of people around.

Increased physical strength is also common. The degree of manifestation varies from greater ease in moving a heavy object to a two to threefold increase in strength compared to “normal”.

The appearance of new allergic reactions, symptoms of stomach infections - for example, most vampires talk about intolerance to fermented milk products.

Almost all vampires report a change in the rhythm of their biological clock; the shift forces them to be predominantly nocturnal.

Another common problem for vampires is hyperphotosensitivity, almost everyone talks about intolerance to sunlight - in some cases the problem is solved with the help of sunglasses, sometimes it comes to skin burns.

Perhaps I have listed the main reasons. Don't be surprised if your body gives you surprises - its restructuring can be painful. The body must adapt to a new and necessary source of nutrition; it is possible that the temperature may rise after consuming blood, or vice versa - it may decrease and even transition to a state close to lethargy. However, these are really extreme cases. After some time, you will establish a clear blood consumption schedule and will be able to control the manifestation of all these symptoms.

By the way, ordinary human medications like aspirin will help you cope with at least a headache - but I would not recommend abusing it with antidepressants or sleeping pills. And one more caution: remember that the only thing that can eliminate all the symptoms of Hunger is blood. Any of the remedies that you have found most effective for yourself can only dull the sensations, but not eliminate their cause - but a complete refusal to feed on blood can destroy both your body and your psyche. They can only help cope with excessively unpleasant sensations - in a situation where there is no opportunity to satisfy Hunger. By the way, your own blood is also powerless here - moreover, constant attempts to get rid of the thirst for blood in this way can lead to an irreparable mental disorder.

And I want to repeat once again - if you notice any of these symptoms in yourself, do not immediately try to find the cause on vampire forums and websites! Don't consider yourself a vampire just because of this. The first thing you should do is visit a doctor. If the cause of the malaise does not become clear after a thorough examination, then try to quench your thirst with blood. You don't need several liters of it, just try drinking a tablespoon of fresh blood. If after this the symptoms have not disappeared or at least their manifestations have not weakened, return to the doctor, you need a more thorough and attentive examination. Remember: they can cause serious illnesses! By the way, do not overuse such “checks” of blood treatment - the human stomach is not adapted to digest blood, and its constant consumption for a person can cause serious diseases of the stomach and liver.
