Fish aspic with gelatin. Which fish is best to make aspic from? Jellied fish fillet

Hello friends. Today is our fish day and we will prepare aspic. Let's consider several options for preparing this dish, which will decorate any festive table, be it New Year, March 8 or birthday.

The process of preparing jellied fish itself is very simple, but, as in any business, you cannot do without subtleties. It often turns out that you did everything correctly, but the jelly does not harden. Sound familiar? Therefore, in this article I tried to tell you what affects this and how to make sure that there is always a guaranteed option.

Well, since I mentioned holiday tables, fish aspic coupled with will make your table simply magnificent, and you will earn a reputation as a jack of all trades.

The first recipe will be simple, but as you prepare the recipe we will tell you about the subtleties that are the same for all the others. So make yourself comfortable and let’s get started.


  • Fish – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Gelatin – 1 tbsp.
  • Black peppercorns – 7-8 pcs.
  • Bay leaf – 1 pc.
  • Lemon – 0.5 pcs.

It so happened that the pike perch had already been sold, so I had to choose which fish to take for aspic. The choice settled on grass carp. A good, large fish of the carp family with quite delicious meat. But unlike carp, there are still fewer bones in it, and they are larger, which you will agree is important. In general, this is such a beauty.

The preparation began with cutting the fish. Washed and cleaned of scales. By the way, we’ve been using this device for a long time now; the scales are easy to clean, and most importantly, they don’t scatter all over the kitchen, but stay in the sink.

After this, the head was separated and gutted. This is all left behind the scenes; the sight is not very attractive. The gills were removed from the head, and the scales were carefully collected; we will cook the broth together. The fillet was cut.

Then the fillet was immediately cut into portioned pieces. We didn’t remove the small bones, we left this for later; it’s easier to do this with cooked meat.

The scales were placed in a gauze bag and, together with the head, ridge and fins, were placed in a saucepan. Added water and set to cook. After boiling, reduce the heat so that the boil is barely noticeable. After about 15-20 minutes, spices and onions were added to the broth.

You don’t have to peel the onions; the husks will give a light, beautiful tint to the broth.

While cooking the broth, pour gelatin into a bowl and pour in a glass of cold water. Stir and leave to swell.

After about 30-35 minutes of cooking the broth, we dipped the fish pieces into it.

Bring to a boil and cook for 7-8 minutes. During this time they managed to cook. Then carefully removed it onto a plate to cool. The bulb with a bag of scales was sent into a bucket. And they took out the head and other trimmings and put them aside separately, this won’t go for aspic, but it looks like the cat will have a holiday?

The broth was poured through a sieve into another pan. It seemed a bit cloudy to us and they decided to lighten it up.

The operation, of course, is completely optional, but I would like to show you how to do it and what it leads to. To do this, beat the whites of two chicken eggs in a separate bowl and pour into the cooled broth. Immediately upon boiling there was a lot of foam, and then it practically disappeared. Boil for a couple of minutes and turn off the heat. After some time, part of the protein settled to the bottom, while the other remained floating.

Then the broth was carefully poured through... a medical cap. I’m sharing a life hack. We have been using such caps for this purpose for a long time; they cost a penny, but they filter much better than several layers of gauze. And thanks to the elastic band, they are convenient to put on pans, they hold well, and this is important when you are doing something alone. The clarified broth looks like this.

The swollen gelatin was poured into the broth, while still hot, and stirred well. Then there was a not entirely interesting task - all the bones were removed from the pieces of boiled fillet. This took approximately 7 minutes. After this, the pieces were placed in dishes, garnished with carrots and lemon, and carefully poured over the broth. We left it on the counter to cool slightly and then put it in the refrigerator.

Everything took about 1.5 hours, which, you see, is not that much. Bon appetit!

How to make fish aspic with gelatin at home

Fish aspic can be made from any fish if you use gelatin. At the same time, it doesn’t matter to us whether it’s fatty or not, frozen or fresh, it will always work out. And if you use fish gelatin, it will turn out not only tasty, but also very healthy.


  • Fish – 0.8-1 kg. (any)
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf – 2-3 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns – 3-5 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Gelatin – 2 tbsp.

For the recipe, we take about a kilogram of absolutely any fish, the main thing is that it has a beautiful appearance, after all, we will have aspic, not jellied meat.

Pour a couple of tablespoons of gelatin into a bowl and pour a glass of cold water, stir everything well and leave to swell.

Place a pan on the stove and pour about 650 ml of water into it. Add carrots, unpeeled onions, black peppercorns and bay leaves to the pan. Turn on maximum heat and bring to a boil.

We will need carrots to decorate the dish, and onions to enhance the taste of the broth, its light golden color and lightening. Do not remove the skin from the onion, just wash it under the tap.

When the water boils, drop the fish into it.

Bring to a boil and reduce the heat to the very minimum, the water should boil almost imperceptibly, not even boil, but slightly bubble. Salt the broth, remove the foam from above, close the pan itself with a lid, leave a small crack and cook until the fish is ready.

It is impossible to say the exact cooking time for fish; it is all cooked differently depending on the type and size of the pieces. If you have, for example, a large piece of carp, it can be cooked for 30 minutes, and portioned pieces will be cooked in 15. In general, the average cooking time for fish is 10-15 minutes. Our pieces took just that long to cook.

When the fish is cooked, remove it from the broth. At the same time, we taste the broth itself; if there is not enough salt, add more salt.

We throw the onion out of the broth, it has served its purpose, and remove the carrots and let it cool. After cooling, cut into circles that will be used to decorate the aspic.

Pass the broth through 2-3 layers of gauze into another pan.

If you really want, the broth can be further clarified. To do this, beat a couple of egg whites with a whisk and pour them into the cooled broth. I repeat, the broth should be warm, not hot! Then turn on the heat and bring to a boil, cook for a couple of minutes. Turn off the heat and remove the protein floating on top. Let the sediment settle to the bottom, then carefully strain through cheesecloth into another pan.

Pour the swollen gelatin into the hot broth and mix well. And for now we put it aside.

Carefully separate the fish from the bones and cut into portions. The size of the pieces depends on your imagination and the future dish.

After the bottom layer of broth has hardened, place pieces of fish on it.

Place lemon slices between the fish and carrot slices in the center. Add green peas and sprigs of greenery.

Then carefully pour in the rest of the broth and put it in the refrigerator to harden. After complete hardening, serve.

It is best to prepare the aspic in advance, for example a day before the holiday; it still needs time to harden.

Bon appetit!

Transparent red fish aspic

Aspic made from red fish looks very impressive. Thanks to its decor, it will decorate any holiday table, and thanks to its taste, it will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • Red fish pieces - 500g.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf – 3 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns – 10 pcs.
  • Gelatin – 2 tbsp.
  • Green peas - for decoration
  • Quail eggs - for decoration
  • Lemon and herbs - for decoration

For the aspic, we will use store-bought steaks and a salmon soup set.

By the way, to give a good taste to the broth, the salmon soup set can be used with any fish. It’s inexpensive, but it’s perfect for improving broth. It consists of a head, bones and fins, everything that suits best in our case. Just remember to remove the gills, they impart an unpleasant bitterness.

Instead of salmon steaks, you can take pink salmon and the same soup set. In the meantime, put fish, carrots, onions in a pan, bay leaf and pepper. Fill with cold water.

Pour in enough water to just cover the fish, you don’t need much.

At the same time, in another container, pour a glass of cold water into the gelatin to swell.

Turn on the heat under the pan, bring to a boil, add salt and cook over low heat until the fish is cooked. Remove the foam from above.

In our case, the salmon was cooked for about half an hour. Carefully remove everything from the pan and strain the broth through a fine sieve. We remove excess fat from the strained broth using a paper napkin; to do this, lower the napkin into the broth and immediately take it out. Repeat this again with another napkin.

By this time, the gelatin has already swollen, pour it into the hot broth and mix well. Pour a little broth into the bottom of a beautiful dish and lay out the fish. Place slices of carrots, green peas and pre-boiled quail eggs on the fish.

Pour in hot broth and leave to cool at room temperature. After cooling, put it in the refrigerator until completely hardened. If you turn the aspic into another dish, it will turn out even more beautiful.

Bon appetit!

Fish aspic without gelatin

A very good fish for aspic is carp. It is inexpensive, it tastes good, and most importantly, it contains a lot of gelling agents, which allows you to make aspic without gelatin. One minus is the bones, but they are easily removed from the cooked fillet.


  • Carp – 1 piece. (average)
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Root parsley – 2 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns – 10-12 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Lemon - for decoration

First, let's prepare the fish. We wash it, clean it from scales, cut off the head, fins and tail. We remove the gills from the head and gut the carcass.

The only thing you can immediately throw away is the gills and offal. Do not throw away the scales, they contain a lot of gelling substances.

We cut the fillets from the carcasses and cut them into portions.

We also leave the spine and ribs. Don’t think about small bones in fillets yet; it’s better to remove them from boiled fish, it’s much easier.

In a saucepan we put the onions, carrots, fins, head, tail and all the trimmings from the fish, as well as the scales, which were previously placed in a fabric bag. Add bay leaf and black peppercorns. Fill with cold water, just enough to cover everything, no more.

Place on the fire and bring to a boil. After boiling, remove the foam, add salt and reduce the heat to low. Cook at the lowest simmer for about 40 minutes.

After the time has passed, add carp fillets cut into portions into the broth and cook for another 10-15 minutes.

When adding fish pieces, the boil will stop, add gas a little and bring to a boil, and then reduce again. The broth should not boil too much.

When the fish is completely cooked, remove everything from the pan. Discard the onion, tail, head, bones and ribs, as well as scales. Strain the broth into another pan.

Carefully remove small bones from the fillet pieces. Cut the carrots into circles. And then we move on to creating a beautiful dish. After this, fill everything with strained broth.

Leave to cool at room temperature and then put in the refrigerator to harden completely.

Bon appetit!

Pink salmon aspic - step-by-step recipe

I would like to present another version of red fish aspic, but much more budget-friendly than the previous one. And let’s take pink salmon for this. It will also look great in appearance.


  • Pink salmon – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Gelatin – 1 tbsp.
  • Water – 600ml. (approximately)
  • Bay leaf – 1 pc.
  • Black peppercorns – 10 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Lemon, carrots, egg, corn, peas, greens - for decoration

Before cooking, prepare the fish. To do this, we clean it, clear it of scales, but do not throw out the scales, gut it and remove the head. We remove the gills from the head, but leave the head itself.

I repeat once again: for aspic, never throw out the head, fins, tails and scales. Only the giblets and gills can be discarded from the fish. Everything else is necessary because it contains gelling agents. To prevent the scales from floating around the pan, place them in a cloth or gauze bag, and simply throw them away after cooking.

We cut the fish into portions, and place the scales, along with the fins, tail and head, in a gauze bag, which after cooking will go into a bucket.

We do not peel the onions, but simply wash them under running water; we clean the carrots of dirt. Pour gelatin into a bowl and pour half a glass of cold water, stir and leave to swell.

We have all the ingredients prepared, let's move on to cooking. Pour about 600 ml of cold water into a saucepan and put on fire. Salt and bring to a boil. Then we send a bag with bones and fins. After boiling again, reduce the heat and cook for about 10-15 minutes. Remove foam from the surface.

After the time has passed, add the onion, carrots, and all the spices. Continue cooking for about another 20-25 minutes. If foam appears, remove it.

Then add portioned pieces of pink salmon, increase the heat slightly and bring to a boil. After this, reduce the heat to low so that the boil is barely noticeable and cook for about 7 minutes. Remove foam from the surface.

Why exactly 7 minutes, everything is simple, during this time the pieces of pink salmon have time to cook. If you cook longer, they will begin to disintegrate into fibers.

After this, remove the pan from the stove, carefully remove the fish pieces from the broth onto a plate, and throw away the bag with the tripe. Pour the swollen gelatin into the broth and mix well.

If you did not use high heat when cooking, then, as a rule, the broth is quite clear and does not even require straining through cheesecloth. But if you don’t like transparency, then you can strain it into another pan through several layers of gauze and lighten it using the method from previous recipes.

Carefully remove the skin from the fish pieces and remove the bones. Then arrange it beautifully on a platter. Decorate with carrots, corn and herbs.

Carefully pour in the broth and leave at room temperature to cool. After this, put it in the refrigerator or cold balcony to completely harden.

Serve immediately before the holiday. Bon appetit!

Which fish is best for aspic?

As you have already seen from previous recipes, aspic can be prepared from different fish. But why then does such a question arise? Yes, because sometimes it does not harden, but remains a broth. In order for the aspic to be guaranteed to harden, three conditions are necessary: ​​either the fish is very fatty, or it must contain a lot of gelling substances, or simply use gelatin.

In almost all previous recipes, I wrote that under no circumstances should you throw away the fish head, fins, spine, tail and scales, for a simple reason, they all contain the same gelling substances that are necessary for the aspic to harden. And if your fish is not cleaned, gutted and headless, and you do not pour in a lot of water for cooking, then eventually the broth is guaranteed to harden as it cools.

It’s another matter if you bought already gutted fish, or even fillets. Here, of course, you can’t do without gelatin, it’s simply necessary. But in this case there is a big plus: your broth will be the most transparent and you won’t have to forcibly clarify it.

In general, gelatin makes aspic of the best quality, so there is no need to strive to make it without it. And the worst thing will happen after cooking fatty fish. In this case, the cooled filling turns out loose, cloudy and unsightly.

I think you have already guessed what the answer will be to the question about the best fish. Just be guided by your taste and choose the most delicious one. And by adding gelatin, your broth is always guaranteed to harden.

How to beautifully serve fish aspic

There are so many ways to serve aspic that they are limited only by your imagination. To do this, you can use salad bowls, both simple and ceramic, you can make small aspics in large glasses or round glasses. Recently it has become fashionable to make in silicone molds. It turns out very impressive.

Or look at the collage, I have collected interesting options for serving aspic. It's amazing to see, and some of them are simply breathtaking.

Carrots, lemon, green peas, olives and bell pepper will the best products for decorating the aspic. After hardening, a real picture can be obtained.

And finally, especially for those who like to watch recipes more than read, I have interesting video which I want to show you.

That's all for me, I hope everyone will appreciate your aspic. Well, I say goodbye to you, until we meet again.

Best regards, Alexander.

And so, today we are preparing fish aspic with gelatin (or without, if the fish is very fatty). A recipe with step-by-step photos of the process is attached.

We associate any mention of jellied fish with the slightly over-done Hippolyte from “The Irony of Fate” and horseradish, which is missing from this very fish. However, in front of you is not only elegant holiday dish, but also quite everyday, which for 2-3 days will solve the important question in the daily menu of what to eat for lunch or dinner, so that it is both healthy and your waistline is not compromised. Well, the difficulty of cooking for a solid D - even if the need for culinary research does not evoke the most positive emotions, you can cope without difficulty. We promise.

Interesting from “Pate”: It is generally accepted that jellied fish is an original Russian dish. This is only partly true - its ancestor is indeed our beloved jellied meat. However, the French came up with the idea of ​​preparing aspic based on fish and seafood in the 19th century.

Since all Russian nobility preferred to live on Cote d'Azur, the gentlemen brought with them many recipes from Russian cuisine, which the French adapted for themselves. Jellied fish is proof of this. And your favorite marshmallow, by the way, too, because it came from Russian marshmallow.

What kind of fish should I use?

Any kind that is at hand: pike perch, pink salmon, mackerel, catfish, silver carp, etc. It is desirable that it has fewer bones. We took salmon. And to make the broth as rich and fatty as possible, don’t forget about the head and tail.

For jellied fish with gelatin you will need:

  1. Salmon head and tail - about 1-1.5 kg
  2. 1 onion
  3. 1 carrot
  4. 1 parsley root optional
  5. 3 boiled eggs
  6. 10 g gelatin
  7. Bay leaf
  8. Black allspice
  9. Greens for decoration

Fish aspic with gelatin - recipe with photos, step by step preparation

Step 1: We prepare the fish: wash, clean, remove the gills from the head. Divide the tail into pieces of the required size and set it aside - it will be cooked second. Peel the carrots, onions and parsley root.

Step 2: Place the head and vegetables into a saucepan with a volume of no more than two liters. Fill with water and put on fire. When it boils, skim off the foam with a slotted spoon, add salt, add a few peas of allspice and then turn on the gas to low and forget about the broth for an hour.

Step 3: hard boil the eggs. We dilute gelatin in half a glass of water and leave to swell for 30-60 minutes.

Benefits from “Pate”: You can replace regular gelatin with vegetarian agar-agar or use fish agar itself, as we did. It can be purchased at any large supermarket.

Step 4: our broth is boiling, its quantity gradually decreases in size - under no circumstances should you add water. In order for fish aspic with or without gelatin to harden, the liquid must boil away as much as possible. In the recipe this is clearly visible in the step-by-step photos.

Step 5: After an hour and a half, remove the head and onion from the pan, and put the tail pieces in their place and cook for another 20 minutes. Remove the carrots if they are cooked. If it’s too harsh, leave it to flounder in the broth.

Step 6: all the preparations are done. Place the fish on a plate. While it cools, we dilute gelatin in the broth and begin to actually form the dish.

Step 7: Separate the salmon from the bones and remove the skins. At the bottom of each plate we place a sprig of greenery for decoration, then the required amount of salmon, half a boiled egg, a piece of carrot and fill 2/3 with broth.

When the liquid has cooled completely, place the plates in the refrigerator to harden for 3-4 hours.

Fish aspic with gelatin is ready - we brought you the very easy recipe with photos and step-by-step instructions.


Bon appetit!

Elena 11.11.2018 12 2.2k.

If you prepare fish aspic according to the recipes presented in this article, then you will definitely not hear any criticism about your dish. catchphrase from the film “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath.” Simple and delicious recipes with step by step description will help you prepare it so that it will become one of the best appetizers on the New Year's table, no worse.

Did you know that aspic, although it is considered a dish of French origin, the idea for its preparation was our Russian jelly, known for a long time.

This type of food was usually fed to servants. The remains of food from the master's table were crushed, boiled in broth and exposed to the cold.

A French chef who worked in Russia, looking at the jelly, decided to prepare a similar dish. It is clear that for its preparation he used not leftover food, but large pieces sterlet, pike, garnishing them with pieces of vegetables and filling them with clear broth. I liked the aspic so much that since then it has been invariably present at festive feasts.

What is the best fish for aspic?

Before we begin to study cooking methods, we will find out which fish is best used to prepare this dish.

  • One of the frequently asked questions is which fish is better, frozen or fresh. You can, of course, cook from frozen, but if you want to get a dish with a rich taste and aroma, then give preference to a fresh or chilled product. It’s better to buy a carcass with the head on, so it’s easier to determine how fresh the product is.

The gills are the surest indicator of freshness; they should be red. Gray and black gills indicate that the fish was caught a long time ago.

  • The basic rule when preparing this dish is that there should be no bones in it. Therefore, it is better to use larger fish, it is easier to select bones from it. If it is very large, then it is not necessary to use the entire carcass for aspic; some can be set aside for preparing other dishes.

When thinking about which part of the carcass to use for aspic, give preference to the one that is closer to the head, it has fewer bones.

  • Perhaps one of the main questions is the type of fish. Through trial and error, culinary experts came to the conclusion that pike, pike perch, perch, carp, carp, silver carp, sturgeon, sterlet, hake, pollock, cod, salmon, trout, salmon, and chum salmon performed best.

If you wish, you can prepare this appetizer with any fish, but the above-mentioned representatives make a really tasty aspic. They also differ from other types in that they contain more collagen, which acts as a thickener.

Although classic cooking dishes are a clear broth with gelatin, but it depends on the type of fish whether you add more or less of it.

An option without gelatin is also possible, but then the parts of the fish that contain more collagen - the head, fins, tail, skin and even scales - are necessarily used for the broth.

Fish aspic - 2 step-by-step recipes with gelatin from pike perch

White pike perch meat has a delicate, pleasant taste. It contains a large amount of easily digestible protein, practically no fat and carbohydrates, so nutritionists recommend including this product in the menu of those who are watching their weight.


  • pike perch fillet - 500 gr.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • celery - 40 gr.
  • gelatin - 30 gr.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • spice for fish - 1 tbsp. l.
  • red peppercorns
  • parsley root - 1 pc.
  • greens, lemon - for decoration
  • salt to taste
  • water - 1.5 liters

How to cook:

  1. First you need to cook the vegetable broth. Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire. As soon as it boils, add the prepared spice mixture, bay leaf, parsley root, a few red peppercorns, and chopped garlic into the water. Also add unpeeled onion and carrots cut into rings to give it a golden color and taste. Add salt and cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Soak the gelatin in advance: pour dry gelatin into a bowl and pour half a glass of boiled water at room temperature.
  3. Cut the prepared pike perch fillet without bones and scales into portions, place in boiling broth, and leave to cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the fish and carrot pieces and let cool. Strain the broth through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  5. Measure out 1 liter of broth and add the swollen gelatin into the hot broth, stir until it is completely dissolved. You can put it on the stove, but it is important that the broth does not boil.
  6. Pour a little broth with gelatin into the aspic bowl and let it set a little. Cut the celery into half rings. Lay out the carrot and celery rings, then place the pike perch skin side up with the vegetables.
  7. Pour in the remaining broth. Garnish with lemon slices, dill sprigs and red peppercorns. Let cool, then put the pike perch aspic in the refrigerator to completely harden.

When working with gelatin, you must first of all read the instructions on the package, since gelatin is different and, accordingly, it needs different amounts of water and time for soaking.

In the video, watch another recipe for jellied pike perch, it is interesting for its beautiful, festive design.

Fish aspic - a simple and tasty salmon recipe

If you like fattier fish, prepare cold salmon. This fish is a holiday in itself, and the aspic made from it, decorated with bright vegetables, turns out to be doubly festive.

What products to prepare:

  • fresh salmon - 2 kg (head, spine, fish pieces)
  • quail eggs - 12 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • green peas - 50 gr.
  • gelatin for 2 liters of liquid
  • black peppercorns
  • green
  • lemon
  • handful of pomegranate seeds

Step by step description:

  1. Place fish, carrots, onions, bay leaves and peppercorns in a saucepan. Pour in cold water and cook.
  2. When boiling, remove the foam, add salt, cover and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. While the fish is cooking, add water to the gelatin and leave to soak.
  3. Carefully remove the finished fish from the pan. After it has cooled, divide each piece into 2 parts and carefully remove the bones.
  4. Strain the broth and let it sit for a while. Fat will rise to the top; if desired, some of the fat can be removed with a paper towel.
  5. Add the swollen gelatin to the hot broth, stir until completely dissolved.
  6. Pour a little broth into the bottom of the pan and arrange the fish pieces nicely so that they look in one direction. Decorate the dish by laying out quail eggs. Some of them can be cut in half, some can be put whole. Add carrot pieces, peas and pomegranate seeds.
  7. Pour in the broth, let cool, and then put in the refrigerator.
  8. Before serving, take a dish of suitable size and lay out the aspic, turning the dish over. Garnish with sprigs of herbs and lemon slices.

If the aspic does not come out of the mold on its own, it needs help. It is enough to hold the mold for a few seconds in hot water, then turn it over onto the prepared dish. The main thing is to make sure that hot water does not get into the jelly itself.

Recipe for jellied silver carp without gelatin

As mentioned above, you can cook cold fish without gelatin, using certain parts of it. This recipe uses the head of a large silver carp, its fins, spine and tail.

Large fish is a guarantee that the aspic will set without gelatin.


  • parts of a 5-kilogram silver carp - head, spine, fins, tail
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • black peppercorns
  • salt, garlic to taste
  • greens for decoration

How to cook:

The taste of aspic directly depends on the amount of water in which it is boiled. The more fish and less water, the brighter the taste of the dish.

Video recipe on how to make aspic without gelatin from small fish

It turns out that not only large fish are suitable for aspic; knowing the cooking technology, you can make this dish from small fish. Detailed recipe look in the video.

Pike aspic (chopped fish recipe)

This recipe is interesting because it is made from minced meat. It’s not scary to give this aspic even to children; you definitely won’t find a bone here. The only difficulty is that you need to remove the skin from the pike. But, as the craftsmen say, “the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.”

Required Products:

  • pike - 2-3 kg.
  • white bread - 2 slices
  • milk - 1 glass
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.
  • peppercorns - 7 pcs.
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste

Cooking method:

Transparent broth is an indicator of the quality of the aspic. If the broth is cloudy, you can lighten it with a pull. To do this, you need to beat the white of one egg to a strong foam, put it in the broth, stir and boil. Collect the resulting protein “flakes” with a slotted spoon, and strain the broth through gauze folded in several layers.

Delicious festive fish aspic with shrimp

This is truly a festive dish; it is made in portions with the addition of shrimp. Its beauty lies in the fact that the broth is cooked from different types fish with the addition of the same shrimp, which makes the broth rich and tasty. Real New Year's aspic.

What products to prepare:

  • pike perch fillet - 1 kg.
  • perch fillet - 300 gr.
  • cod fillet - 200 gr.
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • leek (white part) - 10 cm
  • shrimp - 200 gr.
  • gelatin - 115 gr.
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves
  • dill, parsley
  • salt, pepper
  • water - 1.5 liters

Step by step recipe:

  1. The secret to a delicious aspic is the right broth. In a dry frying pan, lightly bake the onion, cut in half, and carrots. This will give the broth a pleasant aroma and color.
  2. Cut the leek lengthwise and in half, put it in a pan of water, which you previously placed on the stove. There we also put baked onions, carrots, a sprig of dill and parsley, peppercorns, and a bay leaf.
  3. The broth must be strong and rich, so it is prepared from assorted fish. Cut it into arbitrary pieces and add it to the vegetables.
  4. Shrimp is added to improve the taste. While the broth is boiling, skim off the foam, add salt and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.
  5. You need to remove all the contents from the finished broth. For aspic, only pike perch is used. It must be cut into portions and simmered in boiling broth for literally one minute.
  6. Remove the fish, strain the broth and let it cool slightly. Pour gelatin with cold water, after 10-15 minutes combine with broth.
  7. Peel the shrimp, cut the lemon into thin slices and cut them into 4 parts. Cut the carrots nicely.
  8. Place lemon slices, 2-3 shrimp, a parsley leaf into silicone portion molds, pour a thin layer of jelly and put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  9. Remove the molds from the refrigerator, put in a piece of pike perch, and pour in the broth. Place in the refrigerator and it will be ready in an hour.
  10. Before serving, place lettuce leaves on a plate and place portioned appetizer on them.

Soon New Year and an appetizer prepared according to one of the recipes will not only be a table decoration. It will become the dish about which everyone will say: “What a joy, your jellied fish!”

Bon appetit!

A classic appetizer for any table is fish aspic. All the cooking secrets are in our selection of the best recipes!

  • Fish (pike perch, carp, sturgeon about 2.5-3 kg) - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Allspice - 7 pcs
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs
  • Parsley
  • Lemon - 1 piece
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.

Soak 1 tbsp. spoon of gelatin in ¾ cup of cold water.

Wash the fish, clean it, cut off the head, fins and tail. Remove the gills from the head.

Pour water over the head, fins and tail, add onion, pepper (6-7 peas), bay leaf (2-3) and salt, bring to a boil and cook for 3-4 minutes. I pour water over the eye to cover the fish.

Then add the pieces of fish, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes over low heat.

Then take the fish out and put it on a plate.

Strain the broth, add the swollen gelatin, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Then immediately remove from heat and let cool slightly.

Remove all bones from the fish and place the pieces on a plate.

Garnish with chopped boiled eggs, parsley, lemon and carrots. Let stand on the counter for a while (cool to room temperature).

Pour in broth with gelatin. Let stand on the counter for a while (cool to room temperature). Place in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf overnight. Cover the top with a plank.

Recipe 2: how to make fish aspic

Let's make aspic from the most suitable fish for this, in the presence of which no housewife will ever make aspic from another - this is pelengas.

  • Pelengas or large mullet - 1 pc.
  • Fish heads, tails, fins for broth
  • Gelatin - 1 tbsp.
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Medium carrots - 1 pc.
  • Black peppercorns - 5-7 pcs.
  • A small bunch of dill and parsley (stems can be used)
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Clean the fish, do not throw away the scales, collect in a separate bowl.

Take out the insides

scrape off the black film,

rinse. Cut off the head and tail.

Cut into pieces 2.5 - 3 cm wide.

Place the scales from the cleaned fish in a sieve, rinse in several waters, until the last water is clear.

Place the scales in food gauze and tie them in a knot so that the scales do not fall out.

Wash the fish heads and tails prepared for the broth (the heads must be completely cleaned and free of gills), put them in a saucepan, and put a bundle of scales there. You can add the heads and tails of other fish if you still have them but don't last very long. Wash the onion, peel the carrots and add to the pan with the heads.

Pour 1-1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, reduce heat, add salt, black peppercorns and bay leaf. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 25-30 minutes, without letting it boil too much.

Prepare decorations.

Pour gelatin into 1 glass of cold boiled water and let it swell for 40-60 minutes.

If desired, if your broth is very cloudy, you can make a draw.

To be honest, we didn’t make a pull in this recipe. Our broth was light enough for aspic.

Strain the broth through a sieve. We will no longer need fish heads and tails.

For our fish, pour 0.5-0.7 liters of broth (depending on the size of the fish). Freeze the rest of the broth for future use.

Pour the strained broth into a saucepan, taste for salt, it should be a little saltier than regular soup. Bring the broth to a boil, put pieces of fish into it (by the way, you can fillet the fish by removing the bones and cut it into pieces, as you will see later, we remove the bones from boiled fish), cook for 5-6 minutes, removing the foam, do not letting it boil vigorously.

Remove the finished fish with a slotted spoon.

put on a plate, cool,

Take out the bones and divide each piece in half.

Carefully place the fish pieces on a plate.

You can use individual molds for jellied fish, which is very convenient. In this case, decorations (carrots and greens) are placed on the bottom of each mold,

and the fish is added from above, skin side down.

Add the swollen gelatin to the fish broth, bring to a boil with constant stirring, do not boil, remove from the burner, and let stand for a while.

strain the broth through 4 layers of gauze. Let the broth cool slightly.

Pour this broth into the fish in the dish for one third of the dish,

in small molds half. Let it stand for 20-30 minutes. If possible, you should put the dish in a cold place, or on the balcony (if you do not live in Africa), or in the refrigerator.

On a platter, place decorations of carrots and herbs on top of the fish.

After half an hour, if the dish is in a cold place, add broth so that it completely covers the fish and leave for 8-10 hours, until completely frozen.

We take our aspic out of the refrigerator and serve it on the table. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: fish aspic with gelatin

On the eve of the holiday, you should think about fish aspic. This dish is a constant success among guests. And for the culinary abilities of the housewife who undertakes to prepare it, it is a challenge, because it requires some knowledge. For example, how to ensure that the aspic definitely hardens. But this dish will take a special place among other holiday dishes, becoming a real decoration of the table.

  • 2 kg cleaned white fish (with large heads)
  • 15 g edible gelatin
  • 1 onion
  • 1 piece carrot (200 g)
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 1/3 tsp. fennel (dry seasoning)
  • ½ lemon
  • 2-3 dry bay leaves
  • black peppercorns - to taste
  • parsley - for decoration
  • salt - to taste

Peel the carrots and onions, cut in half.

Place the head of the washed and chopped fish on the bottom of the pan along with the fins and tail, and put the onions and carrots there.

Place fish fillets on top.

Pour cold water 3 cm above the layer of fish. Bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook over low heat, opening the lid slightly so that the broth evaporates sufficiently and solidifies well when cooled.

After 30 minutes, remove the fillet pieces so that the fish does not overcook and lose its structure. Add pepper, fennel, bay leaf to the broth and continue cooking for 40-60 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt.

A proper fish aspic should not shake. If it shakes, it means it was either undercooked or the fish were not reported. To prevent it from shaking, gelatin should be added to the fish broth. For 1 liter it is enough to take 15 g of gelatin. While still hot, lanspik must be strained through a sieve.

And dissolve gelatin in it according to the instructions indicated on the package.

Boil the eggs, cut into semicircular slices.

Cut out decorations from boiled carrots.

Cut the lemon into slices.

Remove the skin from the fillets of boiled fish and divide them into pieces. Place pieces of fish, eggs, carrots, a slice of lemon, and herbs on the bottom of the dish.

Carefully add fish broth with gelatin to half the volume of the dish and place in the refrigerator until it “sets” slightly. Place the next portion of fish, eggs, carrots and herbs on the first layer of aspic in the same way, and fill with lanspik.

Place the fish aspic in the refrigerator to completely harden.

When the laid out products are interspersed with layers of jelly, the aspic is not only tasty, but also beautiful. When serving, the aspic is cut crosswise and all its layers become visible.

But the aspic can be served directly in the form, uncut.

Recipe 4, step by step: delicious fish aspic

Fish jellied pike perch will appeal to both children and adults. This low-calorie, but satisfying dish can be prepared at any time of the year: it will always be appropriate. Fish aspic is also good for a regular dinner.

We have prepared a classic for you step by step recipe with photo. Visual instructions will ensure simple and quick cooking.

Even if you've never made this dish before, we'll show you exactly how to prepare the broth so it's rich and not watery, as well as when and how to add gelatin to help it set. We'll tell you what to do if you purchased not a pike perch fillet, but a whole fish. Let us help you prepare this delicious and refreshing dish at home. Are you ready? Then look at the recipe and start cooking.

  • pike perch – 1.2 kg
  • onion - 1 piece
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 100 gr
  • lemon - ¼ piece
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • parsley - 10 g
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs
  • salt - ½ tsp.
  • gelatin - 10 g

If the aspic is not made from meat, then from fish. And large, fleshy fish without large quantity seeds. We will use fresh pike perch. If you purchased unfinished fillets, then the fish will have to be prepared.

The process begins by removing the tail and head of the fish. Then the gills are cut off. Using a sharp knife, make an even cut along the bottom side. Gut the insides. Separate the fish fillet from the spine.

Add the tail, entrails and head to a deep saucepan, add one liter of water and bring to a boil. Then add the onion, washed but not peeled. Rinse the carrots under water and remove the peels, then also add them to the pan. Add bay leaf, allspice peas and salt to the broth. Cook over low heat for 40 minutes.

Cut the cleaned fish fillet into small equal pieces.

Pass the finished broth through a sieve, remove and set aside the cooked carrots. Return the clean broth to the heat and add the fillet pieces to it. Cook for another 10 minutes until done.

When the fish is ready, remove the pieces to a separate dish. For the final straining of the broth, we need gauze folded in several layers. We pass liquid through it. To give the aspic the desired color, break an egg into a bowl and mix it thoroughly. Pour the mixture into the broth, stir and bring to a boil. Then we repeat the procedure of decanting the broth. Add gelatin pre-soaked in water to the pan and mix until completely dissolved.

Prepare your favorite molds for filling. Pour broth into the bottom (no more than 1 centimeter) and let it harden in the refrigerator. We cut the cooked carrots into rings of arbitrary thickness and cut out figures from them. We put the carrots together with sprigs of greenery, as shown in the photo, put the fillet pieces on top and fill it all with broth.

Place the finished molds in the refrigerator. Within 1-2 hours our aspic will harden and it can be served. Turn the shapes over onto a plate, decorate with herbs and lemon slices. Fish aspic with gelatin is ready.

Recipe 5: how to make fish aspic (step by step)

You can use any not very bony fish (pike perch, perch, pike, any types of red fish, sturgeon,...). The main thing is to bring the broth to taste, and then the aspic will definitely please you and your guests. For decoration, you can use halves of quail eggs or chicken slices (category C2, small), sour berries or a slice of lemon, olives, herbs... If you use a different brand of gelatin, then when preparing, follow the instructions on the package. I like the jelly itself not to be very much, but with a lot of filling. Therefore, you can completely adjust the amount of filling and jelly to your taste, because you will have almost 2 liters of delicious fish broth. Maybe some of you prefer a lot of jelly. Then use more broth and more gelatin. Or less fish.

  • Fish - 800g.
  • Small carrots - 1 pc.
  • Medium size onion - 1 pc.
  • Parsley root (if available) - 7 cm
  • Parsley (if there is no root) - 50g
  • Allspice - 3 peas
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Gelatin - for 1 liter of broth (I have 2 bags of 10g each)
  • 2 liters of water

Wash the fish, put it in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it (I boil the water in a kettle in advance). Bring to a boil, add salt (I put 2 tsp of salt for 2 liters of broth), add carrots, onions, peppers, parsley (pre-tie in a bundle with thread) or parsley root, bay leaf. Then cook over low heat until tender (20-30 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces). It is important to cook over low heat, then the broth will not be cloudy. Next, remove the fish and cool the broth slightly. I don’t strain the whitefish broth, because... there are no small bones in it and there are no small pieces that fall off during the cooking process. Broth from pike, perch, pike perch... is better to strain through cheesecloth. Measure out 1 liter of broth. I once measured how much water fit in my ladle (I poured water into it, and then poured it into a measuring cup). My ladle contains 100 ml of water. I measure out meat and fish broths with ladles so as not to stain the plastic measuring cups, and they will crack when hot... So, cool the measured 1 liter of broth a little.

While the broth is cooling, place the decorations on the bottom. I have special molds for fish aspic, but you can use shallow bowls, trays, deep plates,... I take the aspic out of the molds onto a plate (I turn them upside down), so I put the decorations down and the fish on top. If you don’t take it out onto a plate, but cut it and serve the aspic in portioned pieces (like jellied meat), then you need to put the fish on the bottom and the decorations on top.

We remove the fish from the bones and divide it into small pieces.

Pour gelatin into the slightly cooled strained broth (1 liter) and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.

Pour a little broth into the molds with decorations (or fish). And put it in a cold place so that the gelatin sets. We do this so that decorations or pieces of fish do not float to the top, but are layered. You can, of course, not bother and pour it all at once, but then the berries, olives, and herbs will be mixed with pieces of fish. This will not affect the taste in any way, only appearance dishes.

As soon as the gelatin has set (this happens quickly on the balcony in winter), place pieces of fish on top (or decorations, if you had fish as the first layer).

Fill everything with the remaining broth. If the broth has completely cooled down during this time, heat it again and stir (so that the gelatin disperses). Place in a cool place until completely frozen.

That's it! As I already said, I do not serve it in molds, but place it in portions on plates. To lay it out beautifully, the form with the filler should be dipped in hot water for a few seconds and carefully turned over. The filler “pops out” very easily. If you want to serve in portions (and not cut into pieces), you can also use bowls. Beautiful, tasty, festive! What else do you need?!? :)) And we also need white horseradish for serving! Very tasty!

Recipe 6: simple fish aspic at home

For a recipe for making fish aspic with a photo, it is better to choose fish, as people say, of noble origin: sturgeon, pike, sterlet, pike perch. This dish will please everyone both on weekdays and on holidays. In my opinion, this is one of the best holiday cold appetizers that everyone should know how to cook. experienced housewife! Step-by-step recipe for jellied fish with gelatin.

  • pike perch 500 g
  • broth 1.5 l
  • carrots 1 pc.
  • bay leaf to taste
  • fresh frozen green peas 150 g
  • black pepper to taste
  • onion 1 pc.
  • salt to taste
  • gelatin 30 g

Let's start preparing fish aspic according to a step-by-step recipe with photos. Clean the pike perch from scales and entrails. Cut off the head and fins. Wash and peel the carrots and onions.

Pour 2 liters of water into a multicooker pan, add chopped carrots, a whole onion, spices, and fish. I cut the pike perch into pieces and cooked it in the “steamer” mode for 20 minutes.

While the fish was boiling, the gelatin was poured with cold boiled water and allowed time to swell. Take the finished fish out of the pan. Cool and separate from bones.

We dilute the swollen gelatin with strained fish broth, bring to a boil, and taking a little broth, fill the bottom of the mold. Let it harden and shape the bottom of the mold as desired. This is done so that the fish aspic according to this recipe is not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Grind the fish.

Place a layer of fish on top of the frozen jelly,

then boiled chopped carrots,

and then - boiled green peas. Add the remaining broth.

Place in a cool place and let it harden. Then turn it over onto a plate and serve the jellied fish with horseradish. To easily turn it over, you need to hold the bottom in hot water for 30 seconds. Bon appetit!

Well, now you know how to make fish aspic, a recipe with step-by-step photos that I showed you!

Recipe 7: the best fish aspic (with photo)

Prepare fish aspic with gelatin for any holiday; the recipe with photos will show step by step that the preparation is not as difficult as it seems at first. But in order for it to turn out really beautiful and tasty, you need to carefully follow all proportions and recommendations, as well as creatively approach the decoration of the dish. Our photo recipe for fish aspic is exactly the recipe that will help you prepare a tasty and at the same time beautiful dish that you won’t be ashamed to put on your holiday table. This aspic turns out to be light and low-calorie, which has a very positive effect on the stomachs of the guests gathered at the table, in contrast to the abundance of fatty and high-calorie foods.

  • fish broth – 250 ml,
  • fish fillet – 200 g,
  • onions – 75 g,
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.,
  • peppercorns – 5 peas,
  • carrots – 0.5 pcs.,
  • pepper - to taste,
  • instant gelatin – 10 g,
  • water,
  • salt - to taste.

Fish fillets for aspic should be thawed at room temperature. Then we put it in the pan. Add onions, carrots, bay leaves, peppercorns and add water. Before cooking, the onion must be peeled, but there is no need to chop it, i.e. we will cook it whole.

Boil the fish for 30 minutes.

When the fish is ready, remove it from the finished broth. Cool the broth until warm. Grind the fish fillet into small pieces. Season the fish with ground allspice.

Dissolve instant gelatin in not completely cooled fish broth.

You can pre-soak gelatin in 50 ml. water to swell. This way it will dissolve in the broth faster.

To prepare our fish aspic, it is convenient to use silicone molds. Place boiled pieces of fish fillet on the bottom of the molds.

Fill everything with fish broth.

Place in a cool place to harden. It is best to prepare this aspic in the evening so that it can stand in the refrigerator overnight and have time to harden well. This way you won’t have to worry about whether it will have time to take on the desired state.

Before serving, of course, you need to take care of decorating the dish - after all, it’s festive for us! Turn it upside down silicone molds onto a beautiful dish so that our fish aspic gets out of the mold onto the plate. Next, decorate it with any greenery that you like best. You can decide for yourself how else to decorate our fish aspic. For decoration, you can use lemon slices, or any other products at your discretion.

You can serve the aspic in portions or on a large platter.

To make the aspic prepared according to this recipe look brighter, you can add pieces of boiled egg, lingonberries, peas, pickled corn or pieces of greens to the fish in silicone molds.

Bon appetit!

Jellied fish is by no means disgusting (remember, that’s what the hero of the famous movie said). This is a real holiday dish that is not only tasty, but also very beautiful.

Jellied fish is cooked much faster than meat, since the fish is boiled much better. Several recipes for making fish jellied fish with photos are presented below.

Jellied fish is not disgusting, but a wonderful holiday dish (still from the film “The Irony of Fate”)

We can immediately make a reservation that the raw material for preparing fish aspic can be almost any fish - both sea and river. The most popular:

  • chum salmon;
  • trout;
  • mackerel;
  • zander;
  • pike;
  • carp, etc.

In this case, it is necessary to use gelatin in any case - otherwise you will not achieve the desired consistency.

The only exceptions are red varieties of fish, provided that they are boiled with the head - for example, trout, salmon or salmon. However, even in this case, it is better to play it safe and add at least a tablespoon of gelatin per 1 liter of broth.

To prepare fish aspic, in general, you will need the following components:

Ingredients for fish aspic with gelatin

  • fish – 1 carcass (600-800 g);
  • water – a little less than 1 liter;
  • gelatin - a heaped tablespoon (this is 30 g);
  • carrots and onions – 1 piece each;
  • boiled eggs – 2 pieces (optional);
  • salt, spices and herbs - at your discretion.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

Step 1. First you need to get fish broth - for this, cleaned and washed fish along with onions are placed in cold water. It is better to cook carrots separately.

Step 2. As soon as the broth boils, cook for another 30-40 minutes and turn off. At the beginning of cooking, you can add salt, but it is better to add spices (peppercorns, bay leaves) a few minutes before it is ready.

Step 3. Meanwhile, dissolve 30 g of gelatin in half a glass of cool boiled water. Stir thoroughly and leave to swell for half an hour.

Step 4. Place pieces of fish, vegetables and pre-cooked eggs, as well as greens and other decorations (peas, cranberries) along the bottom of the dish (mold) for aspic.

Step 5. Add the swollen gelatin to the cooled broth, heat it (but not to a boil) and stir. Then strain through cheesecloth and pour in the fish and vegetables.

As soon as the liquid has cooled, put it in the refrigerator overnight - that’s it. This step-by-step recipe for fish aspic with gelatin is essentially universal. Everything else is just details, but the principle will be exactly the same.

River fish aspic: how to cook

Any aspic is prepared in two stages. First, a strong broth is boiled, to which swollen gelatin is added. And then the whole mixture is thoroughly mixed and poured over the fish, vegetables, herbs and other ingredients, and the dish is put in the refrigerator so that it has time to harden.

Jellied pike perch: recipe with gelatin

In the case of jellied pike perch, the whole process goes very quickly, because pike perch meat is tender and does not need to be cooked for too long.

For preparation we will need the following components:

  • 1 piece of pike perch (weigh 1 kg);
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 60 g gelatin (that’s 2.5 tablespoons);
  • 1 carrot and onion;
  • greens for decoration;
  • 10 quail eggs also for decoration;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of green peas;
  • 1 lemon;
  • salt and spices - at your discretion.

To prepare the dish we will proceed as follows:

Step 1. Prepare all the ingredients, gut the fish, wash the vegetables. If the pike perch was frozen and not chilled, it needs to be thawed by simply keeping it at room temperature for 5-6 hours.

Another option is to put it in cool water (2 liters per kg of carcass) and add 2 tablespoons of salt to it. Thanks to this, the meat is well salted and all the beneficial minerals remain in it.

Step 2. Now you need to cut the carcass into portioned pieces of the same size.

Step 3. Fill the fish with 2 liters of water, also add the peeled vegetables and cook for 15 minutes after boiling. At the same time, remove all the foam and add spices.

Step 4. It is very important that the pieces remain intact - the meat is very tender and can easily fall apart into its component parts. To do this, you need to cook them for no more than the specified time, and then carefully remove them onto a plate.

Step 5. Meanwhile, soak 60 g of gelatin in 2 glasses of cool water or completely cooled broth. It is important to stir it very well and wait from half an hour to 60 minutes.

At the same time, you can cut carrots into flowers and hard-boiled quail eggs in half. They also cut the lemon into thin slices, chop the greens and lay out the green peas.

Step 6. Add the swollen gelatin to the cooled broth and strained through cheesecloth or a fine sieve, then heat it over medium heat and stir again. Under no circumstances should you bring it to a boil - otherwise the pike perch aspic simply won’t work.

The broth is allowed to cool, after which the ingredients carefully laid out on the dish are poured over it. Then cool in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Jellied pike with gelatin

Let's prepare jellied pike for the holiday table according to the recipe with gelatin.

We will need the following components:

  • pike – 1 or 2 small fish;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • gelatin – 60-80 g;
  • onions and carrots - 1 piece each;
  • half a lemon for decoration;
  • greens for serving; salt and spices - at your discretion.

The principle of preparing pike aspic according to this step-by-step recipe with photos is exactly the same - you need to get a strong broth with gelatin and then pour and decorate the dish. However, there are certain tricks associated with serving.

We will act like this:

Step 1. Wash the pike, clean it, remove the gills and immediately cut it into portions 3-4 cm thick.

Step 2. These pieces must be brought to a boil in a saucepan along with the vegetables. Then you need to cook from the boil for another 15-20 minutes - over low heat.

Step 3. Meanwhile, pour cold water over the gelatin so that it swells. And remove the pieces of fish and vegetables from the pan.

A very important point is that the fish should not be overcooked. The pike pulp should retain its consistency, so you should cook this fish after boiling for no more than 20 minutes.

Step 4. Cool the broth slightly, reduce the heat to the minimum possible. Add gelatin and, stirring thoroughly, let the broth brew for another 10 minutes. However, you cannot bring it to a boil, otherwise all the gelatin will collapse.

Step 5. So, there is little left: take the fish, completely remove the onion, and cut the carrots into flowers or circles. We lay out all the components of the future aspic along with sprigs of greenery along the bottom of the plate.

Step 5. Carefully pour liquid (broth with gelatin) on top, then let it sit for a while so that steam stops coming from the dish. Place in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours and forget. And after this time, the fish aspic can already be served.

Jellied sea fish: recipe for pink salmon with gelatin

Fish does not provide as much collagen as, for example, pork feet. But the pink salmon head contains a certain amount of sticky substances, which create the correct consistency of the finished product.

However, it still wouldn’t hurt to add gelatin when preparing aspic with pink salmon – then the dish will definitely work out.

Let's take the components in the following quantities:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • pink salmon fish (head and several pieces of pulp) - only 650-700 g;
  • gelatin – 30 g per liter of water (a total of 60 g will be needed);
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • 3 tablespoons of green peas;
  • bay leaf, pepper, salt and other spices - at your discretion;
  • 2 chicken eggs (pre-boiled).

To prepare pink salmon aspic, let’s reproduce classic recipe with explanations in the form of photos.

How to prepare pink salmon aspic - recipe with photos step by step:

Step 1. Prepare all the ingredients: cut the fish into pieces, wash and peel the vegetables. Only the gills need to be removed from the head of the pink salmon - everything else will be useful for the broth.

Step 2. Cook the broth: place the fish and vegetables in cold water and quickly bring to a boil, and then cook over moderate heat for another 30 minutes. The water should boil very low at this time.

Be sure to remove all the foam - then the aspic will turn out beautiful and transparent. Don’t forget about peppercorns and bay leaves, adding them during the cooking process.

Step 3. Meanwhile, cook hard-boiled eggs. To prevent the shell from bursting prematurely, the water must be generously salted during cooking.

Step 4. At the same time, prepare gelatin: dissolve 30 g of gelatin in 1.5 glasses of cool water and stir very thoroughly. Then leave in a cool (but not cold) place for an hour.

Step 5. In the meantime, strain the resulting broth, throw away the onions, and simply put the carrots and fish on a plate - they should cool. Pink salmon can be chopped into small pieces of the same size, as shown in the photo.

Step 6. Cut the carrots into flowers (first make circles, and then cut out 4-5 corners from them).

Step 7. Eggs are cut in half. You can put a circle of carrots on the center of each half, or add green peas - it will be tastier and more beautiful.

Step 8. Now pour the swollen gelatin into the broth and heat it up a little, stirring thoroughly. In no case should you bring it to a boil: as soon as the gelatin has dissolved, you can remove it from the heat.

Fill the fish and vegetable composition with liquid. A great addition is to decorate the fish aspic with shrimp (as in the photo).

Step 10. All you have to do is wait 3-4 hours. First, the dish cools to room temperature, after which it is put in the refrigerator. In a word, the next morning or evening you are guaranteed to get a delicious pink salmon aspic.

Fish aspic: step-by-step recipe without gelatin

What if you want to make fish aspic without gelatin and are worried that it won’t harden? The secret is very simple: there is enough natural gelling substance in the head and spine of the fish.

Therefore, you need to cook a very rich and strong fish broth - definitely with the head and spinal bone, and then you won’t need gelatin for the aspic. But if you only have fish fillets, be prepared for the fact that the aspic will not harden.

We will tell you how to prepare pike perch aspic without gelatin - a simple step-by-step recipe with photos is given below.

This time let's take the ingredients:

  • pike perch carcass with head and tail - 1.5-2 kg;
  • additionally fish ridges, tails and heads other river fish: cupid, bream, carp, catfish, carp;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • celery root - 1 pc.;
  • parsley root - to taste;
  • onions - 1-2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - to taste;
  • parsley and celery for decoration;
  • salt and spices - to taste.


To prepare jellied pike perch without gelatin, you need to take fish heads, tails and fins of river fish. Sea fish is not suitable for this aspic.

Recipe for jellied fish without gelatin (pike perch) step by step:

Step 1. Thoroughly wash and clean the fish carcass, remove the fins, tail, head, from which we must cut out the gills. We don’t throw away everything except the gills. Place the tails, fins, heads and ridges of pike perch and other fish in a saucepan and fill with water.

Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and then periodically remove the resulting foam during the cooking process.

Step 2. Peel the vegetables and roots, chop them coarsely or grate them and fry them in a frying pan without adding oil. Now add the fried carrots, onions, celery roots and parsley to the pan with the fish by-products. We turn the heat to minimum, lightly salt and pepper the broth and cook it for 1.5-2 hours.

Step 3. By the time all the gelling substances from the fish ridges and heads have boiled down and the broth has reduced in volume, remove the broth from the stove. We take cheesecloth or a sieve and strain the broth, and throw away the onions, roots, bones, ridges and heads of the fish.

Leave the carrots for decoration.

Step 4. Add bay leaf, spices and salt to our rich fish broth (by then its volume will have reduced by half) to taste, and put the pan on the fire again. When the broth boils, add the chopped pike perch fillet and simmer for no more than 20 minutes.

Step 5. Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool slightly. Remove the fish from the broth, place it in a dish for aspic or in portioned forms and decorate.

Here we give full scope to imagination and creativity: carrot slices, eggs (chicken or quail), lemon, olives and fresh herbs. A special chic is to decorate the pike perch aspic with red caviar (as in the photo).

Step 6. Strain the broth again (you can also lighten it with egg white) and pour it over the prepared fish. For the aspic without gelatin to completely harden, it will take a day in the cold.

Fish aspic for the New Year's table

It's time to think about the menu for New Year's table, Friends! Agree that it is impossible to imagine our holiday table without aspic - some people like aspic, others like aspic. And of course, jellied fish is always a welcome guest on the table.

Watch the video to learn how to quickly prepare delicious fish aspic for the New Year.

Bon appetit!
