Interpretation of the name. The meaning of the name Agatha

Name meaning

Agatha is a persistent, strong-willed, patient, independent and ambitious woman who is restrained in her expressions of feelings and emotions. At the same time, she is always open to communication, learning about herself and the world around her, observant and inquisitive. Agatha has a keen sense of justice; she will never make a deal with her conscience. At the same time, this woman with a leadership character does not know how to admit her mistakes and takes criticism towards her quite hard.

Characteristics of the name Agata (Agafya)

But it should be noted that if from childhood Agatha is called Agafya, then her character will be softer and more flexible, she will be sensual, emotional, touchy, passionate and vulnerable at the same time. Summarizing the above, we can draw the following conclusion: Agatha relies on reason, while Agafya completely and completely trusts her feelings, forgetting about the arguments of reason.

In addition, the character and fate of Agatha is to a certain extent determined by the time of year in which she was born.

Winter Agatha – the owner of a rather difficult and contradictory character. She is emotional, temperamental, straightforward and uncompromising, which is why people close to her often simply do not understand how to behave with her in a given situation, so as not to offend or hear a lot of unpleasant things about themselves. Behind a mask of gaiety and cheerfulness, winter Agatha hides self-doubt and indecision. This woman needs a strong, reliable and patient man who can not only see in Agatha a vulnerable child in need of care and love, but also help her grow up, become a wise and loving wife and mother.

Spring Agatha acts guided by emotions and momentary impulse, without thinking at all about the consequences. She is tough, harsh and critical in her judgments and statements, which hurts those around her. This woman’s shortcomings include her inability to listen and accept someone else’s point of view, which is why she has problems at work. At the same time, thanks to her kindness, sincerity and responsiveness, she has many friends and acquaintances who are ready to accept Agatha for who she is. But in her personal life, spring Agatha is unlucky, because she has little understanding of men. Her novels are short-term and superficial. Only at the age of 35-40 does she find real family happiness.

Summer Agatha diplomatic, reasonable and tactful. She easily finds a common language with everyone, regardless of political views or religion. She manages to adapt to any life circumstances without any problems, while Agatha always analyzes what happened and draws appropriate conclusions. Optimism, openness, sincerity and a cheerful disposition help summer Agatha not only make a brilliant career, but also realize herself as a homemaker, a caring mother, a beloved and loving wife.

Autumn Agatha I got used to attention from early childhood. In her youth and adulthood, she is always surrounded by an army of fans ready to fight for the hand and heart of the tender, feminine and sensual Agatha, who perfectly manipulates her virtues. The main goal of autumn Agatha is to get married successfully. She will be a wonderful wife, ready to devote herself entirely to her family, but on the condition that her husband will adequately provide for her, pamper her with gifts and manifestations of love. And in general, this woman is of the opinion that a woman was created for love.

Stone - talisman

Amethyst, aquamarine and topaz are Agatha’s mascot stones.


This stone, which our ancestors called “widow’s,” symbolizes devotion: thus, jewelry with amethyst was worn by widows as a sign of fidelity to their deceased spouses.

In India, it is believed that amethyst is capable of developing intuition and the gift of foresight, while Feng Shui experts claim that this mineral strengthens marriage bonds if kept under the bed.

In addition, amethyst brings material wealth to the life of its owner, attracts love, and neutralizes the negative energy of hostility and envy. This mineral is capable of transforming negative energy into positive.

For business people, the stone will help establish the necessary contacts, successfully negotiate, and solve problems related to doing business. In addition, amethyst will protect its owner from useless expenses and dubious enterprises.

In general, amethyst is considered a stone of moderation and harmony, as it balances the positive and negative qualities of its owner. But this stone must be properly cared for, otherwise it will begin to transmit accumulated negative energy. To clean the stone, you should periodically keep it under running water.


Aquamarine enhances oratory abilities and the gift of eloquence, helping to overcome the fear associated with public speaking.

This stone will help you organize your thoughts, concentrate on the main thing, resolve conflicts and disputes, achieve justice, and discover the truth. Aquamarine gives confidence, courage and courage.

In general, aquamarine is a talisman for sailors; it protects against storms, storms and accidents.

Aquamarine was also used in love magic to bring back faded love, reconcile quarreling lovers, and build harmonious family relationships. This stone protects against damage, the evil eye, black magic, slander and gossip.

To prevent the stone from losing its abilities, it is recommended to regularly wash it in sea water (you can use ordinary running water for this purpose). And remember that you cannot wear products with aquamarine for a long time, since it can bring on its owner a state of apathy, melancholy and melancholy.

Interesting fact! It has been noticed that aquamarine is able to change color depending on the mood of its owner. If there is bad weather outside the window, and the owner of the stone is uneasy in his soul, then the stone turns green. Good weather and good mood make aquamarine blue. A stone becomes cloudy if its owner is sad or is being lied to.


Topaz is a symbol of purity, sincere love, devoted friendship, justice, prudence and generosity. At the same time, it is important to remember that it brings success in any endeavor only to honest and noble owners, while topaz can harm deceitful and evil people.

For men, topaz promises wisdom, generosity and rationalism, while for women it will help to be more patient, calm and wise, and to preserve beauty and youth for a long time.

This mineral will reconcile warring parties, help find a compromise and peacefully resolve any dispute. It is believed that no negativity can penetrate through the positive energy of topaz.





Animal - symbol

The dolphin and the seagull are Agata’s totem animals.


This animal symbolizes intelligence, intelligence, loyalty and kindness.

For its speed, reliability, caution, foresight, courage and valor, the dolphin is considered the patron saint of shipping. At the same time, the image of a dolphin is associated with celebration, love of life and joy.

In Ancient Greece and Rome, the dolphin was considered a symbol of repentance and atonement for one’s guilt.

In the Christian tradition, a dolphin chained to an anchor represents the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, his martyrdom and rebirth.

And, of course, the dolphin is a symbol of freedom, rebirth, optimism and constant movement forward.


The seagull is an ambivalent symbol. On the one hand, it means longing for a loved one and heartbreaking maternal crying, and on the other, freedom, flight and the desire to live.


Pisces is the most favorable zodiac sign for Agatha, the influence of which on fate can be read in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life.”


The water lily is a plant symbol of Agatha, personifying beauty and femininity. The white flowers of this plant symbolize innocence and purity of thoughts.

Residents of Ancient Greece believed that this flower enhances the gift of eloquence and helps to defeat their enemies.

The Slavs believed that water lilies protected against evil spirits and illnesses. This plant will also protect from accidents, especially those related to the road.

The water lily is able to neutralize negative energy, balance good and evil, and concentrate all forces on the main thing.


Iron is the metal symbol of Agatha. It symbolizes assertiveness, perseverance, will, fortitude, self-confidence, courage and masculinity.

Auspicious day

Time of year

Origin of the name Agata (Agafya)

Name translation

From Greek the name Agatha is translated as “good”, “kind”, “good”.

History of the name

There are several versions of the origin of the name Agatha. According to one of them, the name is derived from the Greek “agathos”, which means “kind”, “good”.

According to another version, the female name Agatha is derived from the male name Agathon, while the male name is based on the name of the semi-precious agate stone, which brings health, prosperity and longevity to its owner.

In Russia, the name Agafya was more common, while girls began to be called Agatami only at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Agata: Agat, Agati, Agasha, Agatka, Aga, Agi, Gata, Gatochka, Agusha, Gasya, Gasha, Aggie, Agafya, Agafia, Gatka, Agatochka, Agatha, Gatushka, Agatushka.

The secret of the name Agatha (Agafya)

Patrons of the name

  • Martyr Agathia (Agatha) of Sicily, Panorma (Palermo).
  • Martyr Agathia.
  • Venerable Martyr and Abbess Agathia of Nicomedia.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 6th and 10th.

February: 18th.

November: 11th.

The legend of the name Agatha

There is a well-known legend about Saint Agathia, one of the most revered early Christian saints (the martyr lived in the 3rd century).

Saint Agatha came from a wealthy Sicilian family. She was not only pious, but also very beautiful. It was Agatha’s beauty that captivated the prefect of Sicily, Quitian, who wanted to take her as his wife. But the maiden refused the prefect, because she decided to devote her life to serving the Lord. Kvitsian did not accept her refusal and tried to persuade her to marry with threats: he promised to subject Agatha to terrible torture, because in 250, Emperor Decius issued an edict on the persecution of Christians. But the threats had no effect.

Then Kvitsian sent Agatha to a brothel, where she spent 30 days, but still did not change her decision: she did not renounce her faith and rejected the claims of the prefect, who was not going to give up and initiated a lawsuit against the Christian. But neither the scourging nor the burning of her body with a hot iron broke Agatha’s will. Then the torturer ordered her breasts to be cut off and thrown into prison, where the Apostle Peter came to the bleeding girl in order to heal all her wounds. During Peter's arrival, Agatha's cell was illuminated with a bright light, which frightened the guards, who fled, leaving the cell doors open.

However, Agatha did not escape, taking pity on the guards, who would inevitably face punishment for her escape. In the morning, Kvitsian ordered the martyr to be burned over a low fire, but something strange happened - as soon as Agatha was thrown onto hot coals, an earthquake began. The people took this protest of nature as a sign and began to demand an end to the girl’s torment. And although the tormentors put out the fire, Agatha was already dead. The martyr was only 16 years old.

Famous people

Famous writers named Agatha:

  • Agatha Christie;
  • Agata Turchinskaya.

Famous actresses named Agatha:

  • Agathe de Lafontaine - French film actress;
  • Agata Rock;
  • Agata Muceniece (Priluchnaya).

Famous political and public figures named Agatha:

  • Agatha Barbara - the first and only female president of Malta;
  • Agata K. Sangma – Member of the Indian Parliament;
  • Agata Rustica is an Italian journalist and public figure.

Agata Mruz-Olszewska - Polish volleyball player.

Agata Bakker-Gröndahl – pianist and composer from Norway.

The meaning of the name Agata (Agafya)

For a child

Little Agatha is a cheerful, active, cheerful and curious child who gladly takes part in all the yard fun. At the same time, she most often makes friends with boys, with whom she easily runs across the roofs of garages, plays war games and dodgeball, which causes a lot of anxiety and worry to her parents, since the girl comes home with scratched knees. At the same time, Agatha loves her parents very much and always helps them: with her mom she will happily cook dinner or wash the dishes, while with her dad she goes to the garage or goes fishing.

Open, not touchy, not vindictive, fair and honest, Agatha enjoys authority among her peers. In addition, she always helps the weak, will never betray, will not be a hypocrite, lie or pretend. Among the negative character traits of little Agatha are self-love, pride and frequent mood swings.

Already in childhood, Agatha shows leadership qualities, however, not in order to stand out or assert herself, but in order to reconcile the warring parties or simply get to the bottom of the truth and restore balance. She resolves any conflict situations quietly and peacefully, but does not accept manifestations of rudeness and violence. Moreover, Agatha has this line of behavior not only with friends, but also with her parents. Therefore, it is very important to show understanding and attention to this girl, because authoritarianism and pressure can lead to her early departure from her parents.

Agatha studies well, which is not surprising, since she reads a lot and knows how to analyze and compare the information received. She prefers the humanities. But still, restlessness and excessive mobility can negatively affect her studies, especially in the lower grades.

For a girl

Young Agatha is sociable, open and good-natured, but at the same time she is in no hurry to let others into her heart. Despite the fact that she has many acquaintances, her true friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand. This girl is ready to tell only her closest and dearest people about her grievances, failures and disappointments, while for everyone else she will always be cheerful and carefree.

It must be said that in her youth, Agatha begins (or manifests) self-criticism. She is very demanding of herself, although she treats the mistakes and shortcomings of others with understanding. It is important for her to achieve the ideal in everything she undertakes, and not for recognition and praise, but for the sake of self-affirmation in her own eyes. While her peers dream of love and beautiful courtship, Agatha is engaged in self-development and finding harmony with herself and the world around her. She is firmly convinced that true love will not pass her by, while the foundation of a prosperous adult life is the knowledge and skills acquired in her youth.

The distinctive features of young Agatha can be called practicality, reasonableness of actions and logic. And the main thing here is not to cross the line beyond which morality and honesty are transformed into dogmatism, and justice into categoricalness.

Agatha, who is outwardly independent, is very vulnerable in her soul; she takes betrayal seriously and does not tolerate lies and injustice. Once burned, she closes herself for a long time and goes into her own special ideal world, drawn from novels in which good triumphs over evil, truth overcomes lies, and love overcomes hatred and malice.

For a woman

Adult Agatha is decisive, calculating and ambitious. She sets ambitious goals for herself and always achieves them, honestly and exclusively through her work. This woman is independent and freedom-loving, she perceives any pressure from the outside quite harshly, it is difficult for her to impose someone else’s opinion, and Agatha herself does not like to “dig” into other people’s problems and give out “practical” advice.

Over the years, her thirst for adventure, new knowledge and self-development does not disappear, so she is surrounded by interesting and extraordinary people with a broad outlook. Representatives of the fair sex do not like Agatha, considering her arrogant and narcissistic, and all for the reason that she is absolutely not interested in talking about children, home menus and unfaithful husbands. She sincerely believes that everyone builds their own destiny, and therefore there is no point in complaining about an unhappy life, you just need to change it, and not rant.

Agatha belongs to the category of people whose lives are planned and ordered, because established rules significantly save energy and time. The interesting thing is that this approach to life, which is more characteristic of men, does not make it tough. On the contrary, this woman has amazing charm, she is feminine and charming, erudite and interesting, so she has many fans. But the increased attention from men irritates Agatha, who takes a responsible approach to choosing her companion: fleeting and non-committal romances do not appeal to her.

In general, Agatha does not like to show her emotions; she is reserved and sometimes closed. In this way she protects herself from pain and disappointment.

Description of the name Agata (Agafya)


Agatha is an honest and fair woman who follows all generally accepted moral standards.


Agatha has good health, but with age it is necessary to pay special attention to her blood vessels, the condition of her kidneys and lungs. In general, many health problems for this woman can be avoided if you listen more carefully to your body and do not forget that it is always easier to prevent the development of a disease than to subsequently treat it.


Agatha’s charm, femininity and temperament do not go unnoticed by men, who see in her not only an attractive woman, but also a reliable friend and devoted partner who will support her in any life situation. Agatha, like all women, wants to love and, of course, be loved, but she is very careful when choosing a partner, because she wants to create a strong and happy family.

Agatha’s chosen one must understand that this girl has a strong masculine character, she is not characterized by ardent manifestations of feelings. Even in love, she is reserved and modest, which many perceive as coldness and harshness. To win Agatha’s favor, a man will have to show not only patience and perseverance, but also ingenuity, because she dreams of love, which is described in books.


Early marriages are not typical for women named Agatha (the exception is cases when a girl is raised by too strict parents from whom she wants to escape). On the contrary, they get married closer to 30 years old, when they independently achieve certain career heights, and, consequently, material wealth. Agatha will also look for a reliable, serious and financially sound husband, since paradise in a hut does not suit her, even with her loved one. Often, Agatha’s husband becomes an older man.

Family relationships

Agatha can safely be called a wonderful housewife, wife and mother. She loves to furnish the family nest on her own; in her house, every little thing has meaning and its place.

For the sake of family happiness, Agatha is ready to turn a blind eye to her husband’s shortcomings. The only thing she will never forgive is betrayal. She will gladly prepare a delicious dinner and devote time to all members of the household, without exception, but she cannot be called a mother hen, because she believes that home is home, and having personal space and devoting time to herself is simply necessary for maintaining a healthy atmosphere in the family.

The only quality of Agatha that can overshadow her family happiness is leadership ambitions. If she shows wisdom and manages to become the “gray eminence” in the family, then the well-being and prosperity of her family is guaranteed.


Agatha cannot be called a passionate and temperamental lioness, since by nature she is modest and reserved. To awaken these qualities in her, the partner must show care, tenderness and attention, and also not forget about the romantic surroundings. Only when Agatha completely trusts her chosen one, when she sees in him not only a reliable, but also a sensual man, ready to give pleasure, will she liberate herself and turn into an affectionate and sexy woman, next to whom any man will long to fall asleep and wake up day after day.

Mind (intelligence)

Agatha is smart and quick-witted, she has an analytical mind, although sometimes she allows herself to plunge into the world of dreams. Curiosity, excellent memory, innovative thinking and consistency help her achieve a lot in life.


Thanks to her sociability, responsiveness and keen sense of justice, Agatha can build a brilliant career in the field of psychology, medicine, pedagogy, and journalism. She prefers creative professions, devoid of monotony and routine, although the ability to properly organize time, discipline and practicality will help her succeed in any profession.

It must be said that Agatha’s career will never come first. Moreover, if she marries successfully and her husband fully provides for her financially, then she will gladly devote her life to family and self-development, which does not necessarily have to do with work activities.


Honesty, responsibility, organization, assertiveness and the ability to find common ground not only with subordinates, but also with business partners will make Agatha a successful businesswoman. It is also important that Agatha, when making decisions, is guided not by emotions, but by reason, which is undoubtedly a plus for a business person who wants to develop his own business and make a profit.


Agatha, despite her restraint and seriousness, is a real adventurer who loves to travel, and for relaxation she chooses interesting tourist routes that do not involve a monotonous pastime.

Another passion of the owner of this name is books, which in many ways shape her character, starting from childhood. She is also partial to sports, so the gym is an integral part of her life. The interesting thing is that she knows how to find time for all her interests and hobbies, and does this without compromising her family and work.

Character type


Straightforward, restrained, good-natured and fair, Agatha relies only on herself, and therefore does not consider it necessary to listen to other people's opinions. Sometimes she seems tough and closed, but this behavior protects her from many disappointments in life and helps her survive in the most difficult situations. She doesn’t have many friends, but for them she becomes a faithful companion, support, reliable protector, always ready to help.


Agatha has well-developed intuition. Knowing this, she can trust her inner voice, especially since it very rarely fails her.

Horoscope named after Agatha (Agafya)

Agatha – Aries

Energetic, independent and active, Agatha-Aries relies exclusively on herself in life. She will not ask for help even in the most critical situation, since she perceives any difficulties as a challenge, upon accepting which she becomes more active, and having won, she receives real pleasure from it. At the same time, Agatha-Aries is characterized by such qualities as childlike curiosity and daydreaming. She dreams of a romantic love story in which the ideal hero will melt her cold heart with attention, affection and care. But she is often disappointed, since fairy tales and real life have nothing in common.

Agatha – Taurus

Cheerful, open to communication and cheerful, Agatha-Taurus is always optimistic about the future, no matter what happens. She sincerely believes that kindness and a light attitude towards life will save the world, in which there is so much anger, hatred and envy. It is not surprising that the doors of her house are always open to friends, of whom she has a huge number, because this woman cannot stand boredom and loneliness. But in pursuit of new emotions and adventures, she may not notice the person who will become for her not only a protector, but also an unbreakable support. Friends come first for Agatha-Taurus, which also does not contribute to the organization of her personal life.

Agatha - Gemini

Charming, sincere and feminine, Agatha-Gemini is used to being the center of attention. She has a wonderful sense of humor, so she is welcome in any company. Boredom and monotony lead her into a state of apathy, because she is used to her life being like a holiday. Agatha-Gemini is a devoted friend who will rush at the first call, but, unfortunately, her kindness and responsiveness are not always responded to in kind. Active Agatha will pay attention to an open and cheerful man with a light character who will accept her as she is, with her strengths and weaknesses.

Agatha – Cancer

Sentimental, sensitive, vulnerable and touchy, Agatha-Cancer puts on a mask of carelessness and self-confidence for those around her in order to hide her inner experiences, which she does not share even with her closest people. Praise and recognition stimulate her and give her confidence, while criticism unsettles her. Agatha, born under the sign of Cancer, needs a caring, patient and attentive companion who will protect her from all worries and troubles. In return, she will give him all her love and tenderness, and will become his support and muse rolled into one.

Agatha - Leo

This is a born leader who always strives to be the best in everything. Agatha-Leo does not accept criticism; other people's opinions do not matter to her. She does not know how and does not want to make concessions, which pretty much ruins her life both at work and when building personal relationships. The power and narcissism of Agatha-Leo becomes the reason that she cannot create a truly harmonious and strong family, since men feel uncomfortable around her. This woman needs a strong, strong-willed and even tough man who can cope with the difficult character of his wayward and independent partner.

Agatha – Virgo

Erudite, well-read and self-sufficient, Agatha-Virgo leads a measured and planned life in which there is no place for passions, adventures and intrigues. Noisy companies and carefree pastimes do not attract this versatile personality.

She likes loneliness and silence, stability and confidence in the future. Many people think Agatha is boring and secretive, which is actually not true. This woman needs a calm, reliable and wise companion who sees the meaning of life in a quiet life, raising children and family comfort.

Agatha – Libra

Balanced, practical and judicious, Agatha-Libra values ​​calm and certainty. She is friendly, kind and responsive, but at the same time, if necessary, she will be able to stand up for herself and defend her point of view. This is a non-conflict woman, ready to give in for the sake of maintaining internal harmony, which is often used by others for their own selfish purposes. Agatha-Libra lives for the family and for the sake of the family, so to build a relationship she is looking for a reliable, responsible and caring man who is ready to sacrifice his freedom for the sake of family happiness and well-being.

Agatha – Scorpio

This woman has a complex and contradictory character. She is demanding of herself and those around her; her desires and interests always come first. It is selfishness and arrogance that causes her to have no friends. And Agatha-Scorpio’s relationships with men are not always successful, because coldness, restraint and narcissism are often hidden behind her external beauty. She is looking for an ideal man who will be smart, handsome, wealthy, courteous, and generous. If the chosen one does not meet all the listed requirements, she will not build a relationship with him. As a result, Agatha-Scorpio may be left alone with nothing.

Agatha – Sagittarius

Cheerful, sociable and cheerful Agatha-Sagittarius will grace any company with her presence. She has many friends and acquaintances whom she easily lets into her soul, which leads to severe disappointments. Naive and trusting Agatha-Sagittarius looks at the world through the prism of rose-colored glasses, removing which she finds herself in a cruel reality that she is not ready to put up with. This woman is waiting for a fairy-tale prince who will plunge her headlong into the world of romance and miracles. But, alas, the times of princes and princesses are long gone, and therefore Agatha-Sagittarius risks spending her entire life searching for a knight in armor without fear or reproach.

Agatha – Capricorn

Hardworking, disciplined and efficient, Agatha-Capricorn loves order in everything. Such scrupulousness, bordering on meticulousness, helps her achieve success in her career, but makes it difficult to find a life partner and build harmonious family relationships. Agree, not all men are ready to subordinate their lives to a strict daily routine, not to mention careful planning for the future. Tired of searching for a man with whom she will feel cozy, warm and comfortable, Agatha-Capricorn can connect her life with the first man she comes across, which is fraught with severe disappointment in the institution of marriage and love in general.

Agatha – Aquarius

This woman will easily find an approach to anyone; she is open, inquisitive and interesting. You can discuss any topic with her in a fun and relaxed manner, and given Agatha-Aquarius’ wonderful sense of humor, it becomes clear why she has many friends and acquaintances. This woman’s career is developing successfully, and she is able to organize her personal life at the highest level, but on the condition that her chosen one will not lock her in a golden cage and limit her freedom. It must be said that for all her merits, Agatha-Aquarius is insecure in herself, and therefore needs recognition, praise and universal attention.

Agatha – Pisces

Soft, non-conflicting and flexible, Agatha-Pisces does not know how to defend her own opinion. She goes with the flow, afraid to change anything in her life. She will go to an unloved job every day, live with an unloved man, but she is unlikely to muster up the courage and radically change her life for fear of losing that precarious and illusory stability to which she is accustomed. Therefore, we can only hope that initially Agatha-Pisces will competently approach not only the choice of profession, but also the choice of a life partner who will love, appreciate and understand this kind, vulnerable, but at the same time insecure woman.

Compatibility of the name Agata (Agafya) with male names

Agata and Dmitry

In this union, the partners complement each other in an amazing way. There is an inextricable connection between Agatha and Dmitry, akin to a mystical one, despite the fact that they have opposite characters, which does not prevent them from building a strong and harmonious family.

Agata and Alexander

The development of relations between the independent and freedom-loving Agatha and Alexander can follow two scenarios. First: partners complement each other, tolerate shortcomings and build a happy family life. Second: they diverge due to disagreements and dissimilarity of characters.

Agata and Evgeniy

Sincere, open and persistent, Evgeniy has been wooing the secretive and reserved Agatha for a long time, in whom he sees the ideal of a gentle and sensitive woman. But it is the inability of a woman in this union to express her feelings and emotions that can lead to understatement and ambiguity between partners, and this is fraught with the separation of the couple.

Agata and Sergey

This is an interesting and strange union at the same time. Ambitious and powerful, Agata and Sergei are not going to give up their independence, which suits both of them quite well.

And, despite the fact that there is not one hundred percent openness between partners, they may be comfortable in such a relationship.

Agata and Andrey

The prosperous and strong union of Agatha and Andrey is built on understanding, trust, common goals and interests. A man appreciates strength of character and feminine wisdom in his chosen one, while Agatha feels warm and calm next to the balanced and reliable Andrey.

Agata and Alexey

Both Agata and Alexey approach the issue of creating a family responsibly. They look closely at each other for a long time, test each other in various life situations, and only then create a truly strong family that is not afraid of any storms or thunderstorms.

Agata and Anatoly

The owners of these names, not wanting to give up their ambitions, sooner or later destroy their union. Ambitious Anatoly is not ready to devote all his free time to his family, which does not suit Agatha. The struggle for dominant positions in the family provokes scandals and conflicts, which also does not strengthen already shaky relationships.

Agata and Konstantin

Responsible and caring Konstantin sees in the vulnerable and sensitive Agatha his muse, for whose sake he is ready to go to great lengths. Agatha, for the sake of her beloved man, will gladly sacrifice her ambitions, because in return she will receive much more: attention, warmth, reliability and love.

Agata and Ivan

The extraordinary, bright and very emotional union of Agatha and Ivan is filled with love and jealousy, tenderness and acute emotions. And if initially this format of relationship adds zest to this tandem, then over time passions heat up and lead to a painful break in the relationship.

Agata and Yuri

Principled, sometimes tough and harsh, Yuri will not be able to create a harmonious and happy family with every woman. But Agatha refers specifically to the exceptions to the rules. Her restraint, practicality and prudence exclude a showdown on the grounds of jealousy, irrational spending of money and misunderstandings between spouses.

Agata and Maxim

There are many contradictions and understatements in the relationship between Agatha and Maxim. Everyone lives by their own interests, which, however, does not prevent them from maintaining relationships for quite a long time, which are based not on love, but on habit and reluctance to change anything in their lives.

Agata and Oleg

Agatha and Oleg are residents of different galaxies, so it is doubly surprising how such different people can not only get along with each other, but create a strong and happy family in which there is no room for quarrels and struggles for dominance. Here everyone lives in the interests of their family and their partner.

Agata and Roman

Initially, the tandem of Agatha and Roman resembles a real fairy tale, in which lovers feel good together always and everywhere.

But over time, as in any other family, they have disagreements, which both prefer to tactfully “ignore” so as not to disturb the existing idyll. Such silence leads to the accumulation of problems and separation.

Agata and Vladimir

This is a happy union that has everything: friendship, trust, understanding, passion and love. Agatha, with her Spartan calm, balances Vladimir's temperament and impulsiveness. Nothing threatens the well-being of this union.

Agata and Denis

This union brings together two creative personalities who are bursting with ideas. But it’s not enough to just come up with an idea, it’s important to find the desire and strength in yourself to bring it to life. And if Agatha is ready to fight difficulties and go towards her dream, then Denis is used to going with the flow. Disagreements on this basis often lead to the collapse of such an interesting tandem.

Agata and Artem

Artyom’s maximalism and impulsiveness initially attract the calm and practical Agatha, who sincerely believes that she can re-educate her chosen one. The amazing thing is that she actually succeeds. Artem is ready to change for the better for the sake of his caring, faithful and understanding companion.

Agata and Anton

Agata and Anton complement each other perfectly. And although they have completely opposite characters, this does not prevent (and often even helps) them build happy and strong family relationships. The secret of their happiness is simple: they accept each other as they are.

Agata and Mikhail

The bright, passionate and emotional relationship between Agatha and Mikhail, unfortunately, is short-lived. The independence of partners, their reluctance to make concessions and the power of their characters nullify all attempts to build a happy family.

Agata and Nikolai

Sensitive and attentive Nikolai understands the vulnerable Agatha. He knows how to discern behind the mask of this reserved woman a soft and gentle nature, which is simply hiding from disappointments. In this couple, the gentle bright sun always shines, capable of melting any ice.

Agata and Igor

Cheerful, active and energetic, Igor cannot imagine his life without friends and freedom. It is not surprising that at one point the family can become a burden for him, especially since Agatha does not share his love for noisy parties and friendly feasts until the morning.

Many people believe that a person's destiny and temperament depend on what they are named at birth. Agata is a beautiful female name that is rarely found in Russia.

A woman with this name, as a rule, has a strong character and energy. In this article you will learn the origin as well as the meaning of the name Agatha.

History of origin

The name Agatha has its origins in Ancient Greece. It comes from the expression “agathos”, which translates as “good” or “kind”. Ancient Greek mythology uses "agathos" as an epithet for Zeus.

Some sources claim that the origin is associated with the male name Agate (other forms - Agathon, Agathon), the source of which is the agate stone - a symbol of vigor and long life. Therefore, people have long believed that the name Agatha means health and longevity.

The shortened form of the name is: Aga, Gata. Agatha has another related name - Agapya, which comes from the Greek expression "agape", which means "love". The name is revered both in the Catholic tradition and in Orthodoxy.

In the Orthodox calendar, the name Agatha is used in slightly different forms - Agathia or Agapia. Often these names are perceived as separate and independent of each other. But in most cases, at baptism, a girl with the name Agatha is given this name.

Name talismans that bring success:

  • Patronizing planet - Uranus.
  • The happiest color is purple.
  • The talisman stone is amethyst.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign – .
  • Element – ​​water.

Characteristics of the name

The character of a child with this name can hardly be called calm. She is friends mainly with boys, since playing with dolls with other girls does not attract her much. As a result, Agatha often runs around in the yard and does not sit still.

From an early age, a child is inherent in the struggle for justice. She will not be afraid to stand up for the weak, even if she herself is smaller than the offender. To realize their daughter’s energy, parents often send her to a sports section. It is sport that becomes a girl’s serious hobby, and it also helps strengthen the child’s physical condition.

Despite her restlessness, Agatha loves to read. For her, there is nothing more interesting than detective, adventure stories and science fiction. At school, the girl is a fairly responsible student who has no difficulty in both the exact sciences and the humanities.

Despite her energetic character, the girl carefully keeps her inner world from prying eyes. The child will share his personal experiences only with the closest people.. Therefore, it is often difficult for others to understand what is going on in her soul.

The opinion of her parents is always important for Agatha. The girl constantly tries to be the reason for their pride. This desire, as well as attachment to mom and dad, continues as she grows up.

With age, the girl's character becomes stronger. She strives for independence, is distinguished by firmness and self-control. Agata uses her time very rationally: she does not like to put things off until later, and does not waste time on chatter.

This woman cannot stand gossip and empty talk; reasonable speech always comes from her lips. The girl knows how to defend her rightness and has the gift of persuasion. Her character contains a considerable amount of stubbornness, so it is difficult to convince Agatha, even if she is wrong.

But thanks to her sociability and excellent sense of humor, she always has many friends. She has leadership qualities and is always at the center of events. A woman with this name always strives to achieve her goals.

The girl is constantly striving for new knowledge, demanding of herself and striving for perfection. Agatha is very ambitious, full of ideas and easily finds a way out of all the difficult situations that fate presents to her.

Often a girl finds herself in professions where she needs to provide help to those who need it. Such a job could be, for example, a doctor. Women, as a rule, do not have problems with finances. She knows how to manage money wisely and often has a well-paid job.

Agatha has the ideal set of qualities to start her own business, where she has many chances of success. Her relationships with her colleagues are excellent; the team values ​​a woman’s strength of spirit, her willingness to help and her desire for development.

From an early age, a girl attracts the attention of men due to her uniqueness and strong energy. Agatha takes quite a long time to choose a life partner. Once married, a woman will make every effort to create an ideal family nest.

What this woman values ​​most in a relationship is fidelity. She is a real owner and jealous, but in marriage she manifests herself as a feminine and calm wife, capable of becoming an ideal wife for her husband.

A woman named Agatha is destined for a bright destiny and a happy life. This is an interesting and educated person who has leadership qualities and achieves success in all matters. Author: Maria Shcherbakova

What does the name Agata mean?
It is generally accepted that the name Agatha means good and kind.

Origin of the name Agatha:
A name like Agatha has ancient Greek origins. And in Rus' this name took root in the Old Russian pronunciation and sounded like Agafya.

Character conveyed by the name Agatha:
It will probably be difficult to find parents who will be able to find an opportunity to face problems when raising little Agatha. All Agatas are fairly balanced and unusually restrained girls. Already from early childhood, Agatha was unsure of her actions. She always tries to avoid active or noisy games, and always prefers to retire for quieter play. Then, growing up a little, Agatha will acquire rare purely feminine character traits - both logic and validity of her own actions. She often strives for independence, almost always avoids excessive frankness with strangers, and is unlikely to complain to anyone about her fate.

Thanks to the extraordinary balance of her own character, Agatha’s career will proceed just as calmly, without unpredictable sky-high ups and, of course, without downs. Outwardly, from Agatha’s face, it is quite difficult to determine what exactly is hidden in her head and soul. She is always serene in almost any environment. A fairly strong character helps her reach certain heights in her chosen profession. She often has such traits of a true leader as: determination and ambition, psychological openness, and impartiality and others. Therefore, quite often Agatha can be seen in leadership positions. Agatha was simply created for public and social work.

Agatha finds a companion in life too early. She always makes an excellent mother and a faithful, flexible wife. She can always handle any homework. In family life, Agatha can only understand words of love. Agatha will instantly withdraw into herself if she feels a commanding tone or other influence of force at home. Agatha will defend her position in an unusually straightforward manner both with all her household and with friends. And that’s why it’s incredibly difficult to be friends with Agatha.

However, despite the close relationship of such names as Agata and Agafya, they have radically different characters. Agafya, unlike Agatha, has a passionate and sensual nature. And such qualities can sometimes be a strong hindrance in her work. Agafya often lacks precisely that calmness that is so inherent in Agatha. However, nothing will stop you from one day trying to take advantage of the opposite side of your interesting name and, of course, adding those qualities that are so missing to it.

A person’s fate depends on a number of factors; a woman’s name influences the formation of character. The choice must be combined with the surname and patronymic. The meaning of the name Agatha deserves the attention of lovers of non-standard solutions. An interesting personality never ceases to amaze with the manifestation of new qualities.

The meaning of the name Agatha for a child will allow parents to mentally prepare for communication with an emerging personality. An active, cheerful girl is often bored in the company of her friends; she gets bored with dolls quite quickly. He can realize his energy in a noisy company of boys. Parents have to come to terms with the fact that scratches and broken knees appear on the baby’s body every day. It doesn’t matter if she’s wearing a dress or shorts, she won’t miss the opportunity to climb a fence or tree.

The meaning of the name Agatha for a girl is associated with a responsible student who will not miss the opportunity to demonstrate her abilities and earn recognition. I can’t imagine life without books; adventure, science fiction and detective stories especially attract my attention.
There are no serious health problems, especially if you are given the opportunity to attend sports clubs and get used to hardening.

Sport occupies a special place in a girl’s life, it allows her to realize her energy, increase self-esteem, and occupy a special position among her peers. Without hesitation, he will stand up for the weak, even if the offender is stronger. Justice is important for a developing personality; at the same time, it is completely unforgiving and quickly forgives insults. At an early age he shows interest in cooking and is happy to help his mother in the kitchen, but he does not have enough patience for needlework. The order in the room is incompatible with the temperament, as a rule, things and toys are scattered, exceptions are holidays, diligently preparing for receiving guests.

Another positive feature that the interpretation of the name reveals is restraint. In any situation, he will pretend that everything is normal, sharing his experiences only with the closest people.

Too strict with herself, strives for perfection all her life. She is naturally endowed with various abilities, which in most cases she cannot realize due to low self-esteem.

He knows how to make friends, intuition helps to identify people with whom it is better to refrain from communicating. In certain life situations, one may become a victim of those who ask for help; gullibility and reliability rarely bring benefits.

With age, she changes dramatically; for a striking girl, appearance matters; she closely monitors changes in fashion trends, regularly updating her wardrobe.


It has amazing energy, which means special success with men. Attracts representatives of the stronger sex like a magnet. At the same time, courtship and signs of attention can cause irritation in a girl, and in some cases, aggression. The uniqueness that cannot go unnoticed by men is that the girl herself does not completely know herself, and periodically reveals new qualities.


Marriage means too much for a girl and therefore has been a taboo topic for quite a long time. Only real feelings will force you to radically change your outlook on life. Having entered into a legal marriage, she feels confident and protected, and makes every effort to create a cozy nest. Loves to cook and pamper his family with culinary masterpieces.

As a rule, after the wedding, he tries not to have friends at home, since they become potential rivals; for the sake of family happiness, he will easily forget about many years of friendship. Remains faithful; betrayal is contrary to life principles.
For a young mother, the education of her children is important, providing them with the opportunity to attend the best schools and tutors.

Business and career

A capable woman can realize herself in various fields of activity, but the obstacle is low self-esteem and temper. She doesn’t face any financial problems: she either marries successfully or finds a well-paid job.

Easily finds a common language with different people. In addition, I am ready to provide assistance to those who need it. Can become a doctor or psychologist. Regularly improves the level of knowledge, and, therefore, every year gains greater respect from colleagues and patients.

Origin of the name Agata

Where the child came from and whose name the child will bear is the most important information that must correspond to a certain religion. From the Greek “agathos” - “kind”, “good”. Etymology accurately reveals the essence of personality. History contains many interesting facts about representatives of the fair sex who became famous and worthy of emulation. The Greek origin of the name Agatha is confirmed by historical facts. The secret of the name is inextricably linked with kindness and justice, the most valuable qualities.

Characteristics of the name Agatha

Pros and cons appear depending on the circumstances. It can be simply unbearable or perfect. For a woman, what matters most is the result; she is ready to do a lot for the sake of her goal. Logic and the ability to make the right decisions and show character in the most decisive moments allow you to take a confident position in life.

The characteristics of the name Agatha reveal more positive qualities than disadvantages. Secrecy very often becomes a source of problems for a girl; mistrust complicates life.

Strong character is evident in everything. Perseverance and firmness in decision making ensure independence and respect from others. She is reserved in expressing her feelings, although she sincerely rejoices at the achievements and victories of her friends. However, there are times when indifference towards loved ones becomes a reason for serious resentment.

The opinion of her relatives is of particular importance to her; she tries to bring exclusively positive emotions to her parents, with whom she maintains a warm relationship at any age.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone: amethyst.
  • Name day: January 10; February 18; July 6.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name: Aquarius.

Famous people

  • Agatha Christie - writer;
  • Agata Muceniece - actress, model.

In different languages

A simple translation of the name Agatha eliminates doubts regarding the choice: “good”, this information is quite enough to make a choice. The question often arises about how to translate into foreign languages, especially when preparing documents. For example, how to write correctly in Japanese or Chinese - 阿加塔.

Name forms

  • Full name: Agatha.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Agat, Agati, Agatka, Agasha, Agusha, Gata, Gasha, Aga, Agi, Agoti, Tatusya, Aggie, Agatina, Tina, Agapitsa, Pizza, Eggy, Teggy, Gate, Agatella, Agatula, Agatitsa, Gapa.
  • Declension of the name – Agatoy, Agatu.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Agathia.

The euphonious female name Agatha is endowed with very strong energy, which has a noticeable impact on the formation of the character of its owner. A girl with this name is strong-willed, patient, incredibly persistent, but restrained in expressing her own feelings and emotions. This is an observant person who is open to communication and everything new. As a leader, she has great difficulty admitting her mistakes, and reacts painfully to criticism.

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    Meaning and origin

    Today there are two main versions of the origin of this name:

    1. 1. According to the first of them, it was formed from the ancient Greek word “agathos”, and the meaning of the name is interpreted as “good” or “good”.
    2. 2. According to the second version, the female name Agatha comes from the male version “Agathon”, which is based on the name of the semi-precious mineral agate. It became widespread only at the beginning of the 20th century, and before that another form of the name, Agafya, gained great popularity in Russia.

    Agata is a Catholic name; in Orthodox culture, the variant Agathia is revered, which girls are given at baptism. According to the church calendar, the girl’s name day is four dates: January 6 and 10, February 18, November 11.

    Agatha has several patron saints:

    • Martyr Agatha of Sicily;
    • holy martyr Agathia;
    • Agathia of Nicomedia, venerable martyr, abbess.

    Possible forms of the name are presented in the table:

    Famous personalities

    Among the girls with this name, quite a few people have achieved world fame:

    • Christie- British writer and playwright.
    • Turchinskaya- Ukrainian Soviet poet and prose writer.
    • Barbara- Maltese politician and statesman, the first and only female president of Malta.
    • Mruz-Olshevskaya- Polish volleyball player, two-time European champion.
    • De la Fontaine- French film actress.
    • Rustica- Italian journalist and public figure.
    • Bakker-Grendal- Norwegian pianist and composer.


    Agatha's personal characteristics are mostly positive. This girl is kind by nature, but has a strong character. If in childhood a girl with this name gives the impression of a quiet and somewhat aloof child, then with age she will experience dramatic changes. She acquires developed organizational skills, becomes the owner of a wonderful sense of humor and shows incredible willpower.

    Cheerful and sociable Agatha has many close friends. Thanks to her developed intuition, she manages to avoid life's difficulties and obstacles. Nevertheless, the girl tries to be more restrained and sometimes tends to hide her emotions.

    The fate and description of Agatha’s character to a certain extent depend on the time of year in which her date of birth falls:

    Time of yearCharacter traits
    SpringAn emotional person who is inclined to act, succumbing to a momentary impulse. Her harshness and harshness in expressions often hurt others, and due to her inability to listen to other people’s opinions, “spring” Agatha faces problems at work. But thanks to her responsiveness and sincerity, the girl is surrounded by a large number of friends. Relationships with men are short-term; such a woman starts a family quite late
    Summer“Summer” Agatha is more tactful and diplomatic, so she is much more successful in finding a common language with others. The girl is open and has a cheerful disposition, which allows her to achieve great success in her professional field. Usually she manages to find a suitable man for the role of a life partner and realize herself as a wife and mother
    Autumn"Autumn" Agatha has been the center of attention of people around her since childhood. Growing up, she surrounds herself with numerous fans and knows how to manipulate them. A feminine and sensual girl considers her main goal to be successfully married. She dreams of a wealthy husband who will fulfill her every whim. The girl herself will gladly take on the role of a housewife
    Winter“Winter” Agatha has a very contradictory and difficult character. This is a straightforward, emotional and uncompromising person with whom it is quite difficult to find a common language. The girl is used to hiding her insecurities behind a mask of ostentatious fun and cheerfulness. She needs to find a patient and reliable man who can consider her vulnerable nature

    The secret of the name and its influence on fate

    The secret of the name Agatha lies in leadership inclinations and the ability to lead a crowd. A woman easily manages to capture the attention of others and instill in them the necessary information.

    But even with such abilities, Agatha most often lives a very calm and planned life without noticeable ups and painful downs. Excessive emotionality prevents her from achieving success in some areas.

    Interests and hobbies

    A girl named Agata loves lead an active lifestyle and never sits still. She travels often and prefers walking in new places. She likes to visit her many acquaintances, who are always happy to see a cheerful and cheerful friend.

    A woman chooses her social circle carefully. He gives preference to people with similar hobbies and interests; he does not let others into his small, cozy world.

    Agatha has a weakness for animals and everything connected with them. Sometimes her passion determines the appropriate profession in the future.

    Work and business

    By nature, the girl is quite ambitious. Throughout her life, she continues to gain new knowledge and improve various skills. Since Agatha loves order in everything, she also uses classification in her work process.

    This woman does not have the bad habit of putting things off. She manages her time effectively and always manages to complete tasks efficiently and on time. Sometimes Agatha tends to overestimate her strength and takes on too much. But this will not make her give up and give up - the girl always achieves her goals.

    Agatha is fluent in the art of oratory. She doesn't waste words and always keeps her promises. Being a leader by nature, the girl often finds herself in the center of events and strives to act. Ambition, determination and strong character give her the opportunity to achieve leadership positions in almost any chosen field of activity.

    Agatha has all the makings of creating her own business. Most often, she achieves success in it. She is rational and knows how to manage profits wisely. She will be able to achieve especially noticeable results in the sale of children's goods, cosmetics or jewelry.

    Love and relationships

    Agatha has incredible energy, which, combined with innate charm and a good sense of humor, becomes the key to success among men. She prefers light flirting, so too persistent advances can cause irritation and even aggression on the part of the girl.

    Numerous fans idolize Agatha for her sex appeal and natural femininity. In love relationships, she is very reserved and tends to hide her sympathy for a long time. If a man’s goal is to win her heart, he will have to show enviable persistence. In addition, the girl does not believe only words, so you can only prove your love to her through actions.

    Agatha’s chosen one will not be bored with her: a woman with this name is a mystery even to herself. From time to time she discovers new qualities in herself. If a man manages to awaken the sensuality of this person, he will be pleasantly surprised by his partner’s activity in the relationship.

    Behind Agatha's external calm lies incredible passion. The girl is very proactive in bed and understands how to give her partner physical and psycho-emotional pleasure. But her chosen one should know that she is very jealous. This feeling can cause significant inconvenience to both partners, so Agatha tries to restrain it.

    Family and marriage

    Agatha rarely marries early. Quite often, she rejects the advances of men without regret, since marriage is not an end in itself for her. She is not afraid to change her life, but takes such an important decision responsibly. Only truly strong feelings can change her views.

    Agatha's husband will find in his chosen one an amazing combination of femininity and fidelity. She wants to see a protector in her husband and feel confident behind his back.

    The girl loves her family and is ready to make many sacrifices for her. It maintains an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house so that household members would be pleased to return there. Agata is an excellent cook and tries to please her husband and children with new culinary masterpieces.

    Problems in a couple’s family life may arise due to Agatha’s unwillingness to come to terms with her husband’s point of view. She is jealous and even perceives long-time friends as potential rivals. Therefore, after getting married, a girl may abandon many years of friendship and will not invite other women into her home. Agatha does not accept betrayal and remains faithful to her man.

    Astrology and horoscope

    The following astrological symbols correspond to the female name Agatha:


    Agatha, born under the sign of Aries, is an energetic and active person. She is ready to fight to the last for what she wants, and she is not afraid of emerging obstacles. This girl is used to relying on her own strength and will not ask for help from others.

    Agatha-Aries dreams of a romantic meeting with a man who will be able to melt her cold heart with the help of affection and care. But because of these fantasies, she is often disappointed in real life.


    A cheerful girl, always open to communication and approaching what is happening with a fair amount of optimism. Agatha-Taurus sincerely believes that an easy attitude to life and kindness are the key to a happy future. He hates loneliness and boredom, so he gladly receives numerous guests in his home.

    The personal life of this woman does not develop immediately. For her, friends always come first, and besides, in pursuit of adventure, she runs the risk of simply not noticing her betrothed. Agatha-Taurus is characterized by a certain naivety, which makes it difficult to discern the shortcomings of the people around her.


    A girl born under the sign of Gemini is a very charming and sociable person. She strives to be in the center of everyone's attention, and thanks to her excellent sense of humor, she becomes a welcome guest in any company. Agatha tries to lead an active lifestyle, since dull everyday life and boredom can drive her into a state of apathy.

    This woman knows how to be a devoted friend and is always ready to offer her help. But not everyone appreciates this, so Agatha is often disappointed in people. The ideal chosen one for her would be an equally cheerful and open man who is able to accept her with all her shortcomings.


    Agatha-Cancer is distinguished by vulnerability and sentimentality. The girl is forced to hide her inner doubts and worries under the guise of carelessness. Often, even the closest people do not know about her problems. She needs constant recognition from others, while criticism can deprive her of self-confidence.

    To become happy, she needs a reliable and caring life partner who can protect the girl from adversity and unnecessary worries. For the sake of such a man, Agatha will be ready to make significant sacrifices. She will give her lover all the tenderness she is capable of and will become a real muse for him.


    Agatha-Leo is an undisputed leader by nature. Her life is spent striving to be the best. She cannot tolerate criticism directed at herself; she is not interested in other people's opinions. Due to the fact that a girl does not know how to seek compromises, she may have serious troubles in her personal life and at work.

    The reason for Agatha-Leo’s fragile relationships with men is her power and narcissism. The chosen one simply cannot feel comfortable next to such a woman. Only a truly strong and strong-willed partner will be able to cope with the girl’s complex character.


    Agatha-Virgo is a self-sufficient and well-read person. She is used to leading a measured, calm life and hates adventures and intrigue. She is not attracted to spending time in noisy companies - the girl prefers silence and solitude to them.

    For some, Agatha-Virgo may seem secretive or even boring, but this is far from the case. As a husband, a woman needs a reliable partner, as calm and erudite as she is. Virgo strives for a quiet life and family comfort and wants to see the same priorities in her man.


    A girl born under the auspices of Libra is sensible and has a balanced character. This kind of Agatha is very responsive, friendly and kind, she knows how to defend her own opinion, and in life she values ​​certainty and calmness. She strives for harmony, so in controversial issues she prefers to give in, which is often taken advantage of by those around her.

    Since the main thing for a girl is family, she chooses a responsible and reliable man as her wife. For the sake of the well-being of the family, she is ready to sacrifice her freedom, which is what she expects from her chosen one.


    Agatha-Scorpio is a rather complex personality, endowed with a contradictory character. She always puts her own interests first and is demanding of both others and herself. She has a very narrow circle of friends, the reason for which is innate arrogance and selfishness. Despite her external attractiveness, a woman’s personal life is not easy.

    Agatha-Scorpio is cold and reserved, while looking for a wealthy, generous, handsome and intelligent man. Often partners fail to meet her many demands, and the girl breaks off the relationship. As a result, she risks being left alone.


    Agatha-Sagittarius is the real life of the party. She is sociable, cheerful and cheerful. The girl is surrounded by numerous friends and acquaintances, to whom she easily bares her soul, which often leads to severe disappointment. She looks at what is happening through rose-colored glasses and is not ready to put up with the cruelty of the real world.

    As for her personal life, Agatha is waiting for a real prince to plunge into the world of love and romance with him. But living with dreams of such a partner, the girl risks spending her entire youth in search of him.


    A girl born under the auspices of Capricorn is incredibly disciplined and efficient. She strives to maintain order in everything, and such meticulousness becomes the reason for her successful career. But Agatha’s personal life is less successful.

    Not every man will like the prospect of a meticulously planned life and daily routine. The search for an ideal partner often takes longer than the girl had planned, so Agatha-Capricorn risks being disappointed in love.


    Agatha-Aquarius is a sincere and open person who knows how to find a common language with others. She is endowed with an incredible sense of humor, which helps her make new acquaintances. She is able to support any topic that interests her interlocutor, and this quality helps her achieve some success at work.

    A girl’s personal life can be very successful, but she needs a man who will not try to limit her freedom. This is the only thing she needs from her chosen one. Otherwise she cannot be happy.


    Agatha-Pisces is a soft and non-conflict nature, which prevents her from defending her own opinion. The girl is afraid to change her life and prefers to go with the flow. She is used to living in the illusion of stability and putting up with a job or person she doesn’t like.

    Due to this nature, Agatha needs to wisely choose a companion and field of activity from the very beginning of her independent life. If she fails to do this the first time, in the future the girl will hardly find the strength to change anything.


    A girl with the sonorous name Agatha can count on very high compatibility with the following men:

    • Andrey. Life together with this guy will be prosperous. The couple willingly spends time together, their relationship is filled with mutual understanding and trust. The marriage promises to be successful.
    • Elisha. A very successful union based on the spiritual unity of partners. In addition, people are united by a passion for traveling to other countries.
    • Zakhar. This man will become a real protector and support for Agatha. A shy girl will be glad to have a brave chosen one who is not used to throwing words to the wind.
    • Leonid. With such a partner, a woman will feel confident. Their relationship is filled with incredible tenderness. They will create a strong family and be happy together.
    • Peter. High compatibility, explained by common interests and strong sexual attraction of partners.
    • Vladimir. In union with this man, Agatha will find love, passion and understanding. Her chosen one is very impulsive, but the girl’s calm will help balance his temperament.

    Agatha may have some difficulties in relationships with men named:

    • Vyacheslav. The relationship with this man cannot be called ideal, but he will always be able to find words to reassure his chosen one when necessary. Agatha will give him affection and tenderness in return.
    • Hermann. Partners experience mutual sexual attraction and know how to find a common language in other areas of life together, but the leadership inclinations of each of them can cause disagreements.
    • Igor. The relationship between Agatha and Igor rarely develops rapidly: they need time to take a closer look at each other. But the probability of a successful union is quite high.
    • Kirill. The girl has nothing in common with this man, but opposites sometimes attract. If Agatha is ready to accept him with all his shortcomings, the relationship can work out.
    • Sergey. An unusual union in which the partners will not want to give up their independence. But the couple is quite happy with this, which means they will be comfortable together.

    Agatha has the least compatibility with Boris, Timofey, Alexander, Evgeniy, Ivan, Maxim, Roman and Denis. Living together with these chosen ones will bring the girl more pain and disappointments than happy moments.

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