Is oatmeal with milk healthy? The benefits of oatmeal for the body

If you want to prepare the healthiest breakfast, then you should opt for oatmeal. This cereal is not only nutritious - many consider it a panacea for all diseases. Is this really true? Let's learn more about the benefits and harms of oatmeal.

This grain product contains simply a huge amount of vitamins and useful minerals that every person needs.

Women, having breakfast with oatmeal, not only saturate the body with nutrients, but also help the body resist various diseases and pathologies.

How does oatmeal porridge affect:

  • promotes normal digestion;
  • removes accumulated toxins and toxic substances, promoting weight loss;
  • strengthens blood vessels, prevents thrombosis and atherosclerosis;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • increases the body's defenses;
  • helps resist depression, improves mood;
  • improves the condition of bones and joints;
  • normalizes the functioning of the glands of the endocrine system;
  • stimulates hematopoietic processes;
  • improves kidney function;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • improve complexion and skin condition;
  • eliminates signs of aging;
  • fights varicose veins;
  • gives health to nails and hair;
  • improves memory;
  • eliminates signs of toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • promotes normal fetal development during gestation;
  • normalizes hormonal balance during menstruation and menopause;
  • reduces the risk of breast tumors.

This impressive list makes oatmeal an almost universal product.

What are the benefits of rolled oats for men?

In addition to the positive effect that porridge has on both the female and male body, oatmeal has “secret” properties for representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

It’s not for nothing that this cereal received its second name from the name of Hercules, the son of the ancient Greek god Zeus, known for his exploits. He was very strong and resilient, and also attracted women with his masculine grace and beauty.

This is exactly how porridge affects the descendants of Hercules:

  • builds muscles, increases physical endurance;
  • eliminates erection problems;
  • enhances potency by accelerating blood flow to the groin area;
  • increases sexual desire;
  • normalizes the level of the male hormone testosterone;
  • prevents prostate cancer;
  • improves reproductive function.

Oatmeal in the morning will make a man a real macho, full of strength, health, energy, physical endurance and special attractiveness.

Useful properties of oatmeal for children

Pediatricians recommend introducing oatmeal into the diet of children starting at one year of age. The rich vitamin composition and complex of microelements fully meet the needs of the child’s body. Buckwheat can only be considered more useful.

Hercules porridge has a complex effect:

  • normalizes the child’s weight;
  • removes toxins;
  • improves intestinal motility;
  • reduces the risk of developing asthma;
  • stimulates growth and normal development of all systems;
  • improves vision;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • gives energy for the whole day;
  • eliminates signs of allergies;
  • promotes the growth of teeth, nails, hair;
  • stimulates brain activity, memory and attention, which affects school performance.

Use for weight loss

The beneficial properties of oatmeal are used in dietary nutrition. Many people who are overweight, using a diet based on this cereal, improve their metabolism, which promotes weight loss.

A 2-3 week diet will help you lose a couple of kilograms, in which you need to cook oatmeal for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In this case, you should adhere to the following nutritional rules:

  • do not add anything to the cereal during cooking except water;
  • in between servings of oatmeal, you can enjoy fruits (except grapes) and vegetables (except potatoes) - raw and boiled;
  • during the diet, take vitamin supplements;
  • drink plenty of liquids - water, tea, juice (all without sugar!).

The minimum duration of such a diet is 1 week, during which you can get rid of 5 – 7 kilograms.

If you want to speed up the process of losing weight, then an express diet will help you with this. It requires special rigor. For three days you can eat only oatmeal, no more than 200 grams per serving. In this case, you need to drink enough liquid. According to reviews from people who have used such fasting days, you can lose up to 4 kilograms in 3 days.

In order not to cause harm to your health when trying to lose weight, you must remember that you cannot go on an oatmeal diet more than once a year.

How to properly cook oatmeal

The British cannot imagine their morning without a traditional dish. Why is oatmeal recommended for breakfast?

The reason is the high calorie content of this cereal: 380 kcal per 100 grams of dry cereal. There are only about 60 percent carbohydrates, which makes Hercules especially nutritious and satisfying. This is exactly what breakfast should be.

This does not mean that porridge cannot be cooked for lunch or dinner. Of course, it is possible, but still, people who are prone to obesity should take into account that this option threatens to deposit extra pounds on the waist.

Oatmeal with milk

Milk gives oatmeal an additional delicate taste. This porridge is a favorite treat for little gourmets and supporters of proper nutrition who cannot bring themselves to eat oatmeal with water.

To cook this porridge you will need:

  • oatmeal – 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons (can be omitted);
  • water;
  • milk - 400 ml.

The process of preparing this porridge is simple.

  1. Pour the cereal into a bowl, pour in enough water to cover half the grains.
  2. Place the pan on gas, bring to a boil and reduce heat.
  3. Cook for 3 – 4 minutes.
  4. Pour in the milk, stirring constantly, and cook for another 5 - 6 minutes.

You can add butter, sugar, honey, nuts, berries or fruits to the finished porridge.

The following recipe makes it even easier to prepare oatmeal. It is suitable for those housewives who have a microwave in their kitchen.

Cooking steps:

  1. Place 1 glass of Hercules in a plate, pour 4 glasses of milk, add sugar and salt.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, close the lid and place in the microwave at maximum power.
  3. After 10 minutes you can enjoy ready-made and healthy porridge!

Cooking with water

This option has fewer calories, benefits the intestines, cleansing it of toxins, and also, with the help of specific mucus that appears during cooking, envelops the stomach, improving digestive processes.

How to cook oatmeal with water:

  1. Soak a glass of washed cereal for half an hour to an hour in cold water.
  2. Pour “Hercules” into a saucepan with water (2 cups), place on low heat.
  3. When the porridge boils, stir it regularly.
  4. After 15 minutes, turn off the gas and leave the product in the pan with a lid.

After 7 - 10 minutes the dish is ready. You can add sugar, honey, frozen or fresh berries and nuts to it.
If you want to enjoy the oatmeal that English gentlemen eat in the morning, you need to reduce the amount of water.

  1. Cereals contain phytic acid, which interferes with calcium absorption. Moreover, if this substance is constantly in the body (in the case when oatmeal becomes the main product in the diet), then even the calcium that is already there is gradually washed away. This is fraught with dangerous pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, and also interferes with normal cardiac activity and causes problems with the skin.
  2. The same phytic acid has the ability to bind microelements that enter the digestive organs along with food. They are more difficult to digest and remain unchanged, which causes unpleasant sensations: pain in the epigastrium, a feeling of fullness in the stomach.
  3. The increased amount of fiber, which is abundant in cereals, causes intestinal problems. Frequent bloating may occur.
  4. Diabetics should be aware of the high glycemic index of cereals. To reduce it, you can cook porridge with the addition of berries and fruits. Under no circumstances should you add sugar or other sweeteners, or full-fat milk. Nutritionists advise such patients to enjoy cooled oatmeal, in which the index is significantly reduced.
  5. If you are taking any medications, it is better not to take them together with Hercules, maintain an interval of at least 1 hour. The fact is that fiber reduces the effectiveness of some medications, preventing them from being quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

The optimal dosage of healthy oatmeal is a regular serving of 250–300 grams three times a week for breakfast. Such nutrition will not cause unpleasant side effects and will allow you to get maximum benefits.

Doctors prohibit some people from including Hercules in their diet.

Among them:

  • babies under 1 year;
  • people with severe renal pathologies;
  • patients with celiac disease - intolerance to gluten, which is found in cereals.

Do not forget that whole grain porridge has all the beneficial properties. And the fast food products that are common today not only do not bring benefits, but can also cause harm to the body.

Packaged instant oatmeal contains a lot of flavors, dyes and additives. All this “chemistry” irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, and then it is also “deposited” on our stomach and thighs.

Make a choice in favor of a natural product, and then, when consumed correctly, oatmeal will bring health to the body, give vigor, energy and a good mood.

The harm of oatmeal is a subjective concept. Many nutritionists claim that oatmeal is the most suitable dish for breakfast, as it provides an energy boost and a supply of nutrients for the whole day. Proponents of a healthy diet believe that oatmeal is good for health, helps cleanse the body and strengthen functional systems, so it should be included in the diet not only in the morning, but also instead of one of the main meals. Oatmeal is a natural product made from oat grains. Everyone knows the English love for oatmeal, but in fact, oatmeal comes from Scotland, where it is a national dish.

It is known that oatmeal was mentioned as a dish at the ceremonial feasts of Ancient Rus', but many people still prefer to eat porridge in the morning or adhere to a diet based on oatmeal. Oatmeal contains an optimal ratio of nutrients and is excellent for cleansing the intestines and improving the condition of the skin and hair. Porridge with water is especially useful, since it contains a minimum of calories and eases the work of the stomach, but it can also be prepared with milk, kefir, broth, with the addition of honey, nuts and fruits. If you regularly eat porridge, there is an improvement in digestion, liver function and cardiovascular system. If you eat it in moderation, then there will be no harm from eating porridge.

Varieties of oatmeal

Of all oat products, whole grains are especially beneficial. The benefits of oatmeal are determined by the degree of its processing. Whole grains contain the maximum amount of useful substances, since they do not undergo additional processing, but are only peeled and washed. Therefore, for medicinal purposes, whole grains are the most useful. They require longer cooking, but the benefit is a dish with a uniform consistency and viscous texture, which perfectly envelops the intestines, protecting it and normalizing digestive processes.

Flour is made from whole grains. In cooking, oat flour is in less demand than wheat or rye flour, but oat flour is no less healthy than the grains themselves. This is due to the fact that not only the oats themselves are used for grinding, but also their husks, which contain a large amount of useful substances. The flour is prepared by grinding dry oats, so it is an absolutely natural product. Flour is used for baking and for consumption in the form of jelly. Often flour is poured with kefir to prepare a nutritious dish, which is especially useful to eat in the morning. Flour is often used for cosmetic purposes to make masks; oatmeal is also used to care for facial skin and hair. Oat flour is also used for medicinal purposes, where it is recommended to take it in dry form.

Oatmeal is used for baking and using jelly

Oat derivatives are oat flakes. This is a product that has been processed with a special press. Whole grains are dried and pressed, breaking down into flakes. In this form, the product is easier to heat treat and does not require long cooking in the morning. It's good to eat oatmeal for breakfast because it cooks quickly and turns into a smooth paste. It is best to cook oatmeal with milk, since with minor heat treatment all the beneficial properties of the product are preserved.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the benefits of oatmeal. Normalization of metabolism, stimulation of digestion, prevention of anemia and cardiovascular diseases, cleansing the body of toxins: this is only a small part of what systematic consumption of oatmeal can provide. However, in order to get the maximum benefit from this valuable product, you need to master some rules for its preparation and consumption.

Which oatmeal is healthier?

When it comes to the benefits of oatmeal, it turns out that most people mean boiled or steamed Hercules flakes. Oats, like any oats, are a covering shell (bran), an intermediate layer of grain (endosperm) and a germ. Oat bran contains proteins, fiber, iron and B vitamins. These representatives also occur in the endosperm, but the main supplier of vitamins and minerals is still the embryo.

Oatmeal is also healthy and nutritious, but during the steaming process some of the properties inherent in whole grains are lost. In a healthy, nutritious diet, it is recommended to cook porridge from grains. It is clear that they take more time to cook, but you can buy crushed oatmeal.

Many people wonder how to cook oatmeal healthier: with milk or water. Simply steaming the cereal, as is done with cereal, will no longer work. Experts say that the healthiest porridge is cooked in water without adding salt or sugar. Especially when it comes to dietary nutrition. After all, oats will have to process milk fat first and only then in the human body. Its effectiveness will be reduced.

Oatmeal in the diet: only in the morning or 3 times a day

Fans of oatmeal enthusiastically tell everyone around them how much their condition has improved since they started eating it every day. Those who want to lose weight go on an oatmeal diet and consume oatmeal three times a day. Complex carbohydrates keep you feeling full for a long time, and the biotin contained in oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it smooth and velvety to the touch. An oatmeal diet can even help cope with dermatitis. No wonder many women love the oatmeal face mask.

Despite all the positive

A common dish of the Scots and English is oatmeal, with the addition of berries or fruits. In these countries, the question of the benefits and harms of oatmeal has long been closed.

Oatmeal is a mandatory component of many diets, it is recommended by doctors for certain diseases, and, in the end, it is simply a tasty dish that is not so difficult to prepare. But is oatmeal really healthy and can everyone eat it? Let's try to figure this out.

Compared to other cereals, oatmeal is especially beneficial for the human body. The main reason is the presence of fiber with protein compounds that are quickly and easily absorbed, as well as the following components:

  • Microelements in large quantities, more than 10, represented by magnesium, fluorine, iron, iodine, sulfur, phosphorus, and others;
  • Many B vitamins, as well as A, K, E and PP;
  • Organic acids - oxalic, erucic, malonic, nicotinic and pantothenic;
  • And also niacin with pyroxene.

All of them fill the human body, helping to gain health and cheerfulness.

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The disproportionate benefits of oatmeal in comparison with other cereals are manifested in the presence of amino acids necessary for the body:

  1. Choline, a vitamin-like amino acid with an anti-sclerotic effect, is necessary to activate brain function. The substance has hepaprotective and lipotropic properties. The positive effect of the amino acid is manifested in stimulating the outflow of bile, which reduces the risk of gallstones.
  2. Methonine. This substance is not able to be synthesized by the body, so products containing it are required to replenish it. The introduction of a sufficient amount of methonine eliminates the deposition of fat in the liver and improves the functions of the pancreas.
  3. Lecithin. Helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Its presence ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system and also stimulates mental activity. Increasing the lecithin content in muscle tissue increases their endurance.
  4. Tryptophan. An essential amino acid necessary to get rid of negative emotions, fear, aggressiveness and nervous tension. It is considered a substance that can naturally eliminate insomnia.

Calorie content. How many calories are in 100 grams? product

100 g of dry flakes contain 352 kcal. If you cook porridge in water using half a glass of cereal (100 ml) and a glass of water, then one serving will contain only 123 kcal. When using milk and various fillers (sugar, butter, cereals), the calorie content will be significantly higher. So, for example, if you cook porridge in milk with a fat content of 3.2%, then the energy value of one plate will already be 250 kcal; with the addition of sugar and butter, it can increase to 350 kcal.

The combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in rolled oats is as follows:

  • Proteins 12.3 g
  • Fat 6.1 g
  • Carbohydrates 59.5 g

The table shows that oatmeal is rich in protein, and almost all carbohydrates in its composition are slow. That is why rolled oats give a long-lasting feeling of satiety and are recommended for those losing weight and athletes.

What's good about oatmeal?

Indeed, oatmeal contains a lot of useful components. Oats are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, which are essential for our body.
In fact, it is carbohydrates that have high energy value, which means that a serving of oatmeal will be a good boost of strength and energy for a fairly long period of time.

Besides, oatmeal benefits and harm which turns out to contain fiber and protein, and contains a set of useful components that help normalize metabolism. This quality makes the product useful for overweight people and those trying to lose weight. Due to this beneficial property, oatmeal is also recommended for people who have problems with the digestive system, diarrhea, and bloating.

Oats also have incredible benefits due to their high content of calcium and phosphorus. These components are necessary for people with problems with the musculoskeletal system. In addition, a lack of calcium affects the condition of nails and hair. To eliminate muscle strain, potassium and magnesium are needed - oatmeal contains plenty of these elements.

The iron and minerals that make up this miracle product will be very beneficial for people with cardiovascular problems. They are also necessary for those who have certain blood diseases.

Cosmetologists confirm that oatmeal is an excellent antioxidant. The content of vitamins A and E in the product makes it a wonderful tool for maintaining beauty and youth.

In other words, the richness of the elements that make up this product gives it certain beneficial properties:

  • Eating oatmeal at breakfast is beneficial because it helps relieve drowsiness, depression and negative thoughts. And they are replaced by energy and positivity with cheerfulness.
  • This cereal normalizes metabolic processes in the body, fights constipation, indigestion, colitis and bloating.
  • People with dermatitis and allergies should first consume oatmeal.
  • Calcium and fluoride help cope with problems of the musculoskeletal system, strengthening bones.
  • Liver, kidney and thyroid activity is normalized. It is also beneficial for blood vessels, heart and blood. Oatmeal is great for lowering bad cholesterol levels.
  • This product is able to efficiently remove all harmful substances accumulated during life.
  • Diabetics need to eat this porridge as it has a very low glycemic index, which helps normalize blood sugar levels.
  • Oatmeal has a very good effect on hair - with regular use, it becomes shiny and silky. And a substance such as biotin can eliminate muscle pain, increase the overall performance and protective capabilities of the body.

Benefits for men

Rolled oats contain substances that affect testosterone production. With age, the amount of this hormone in the body decreases, and the aging process begins. Therefore, to slow it down, a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast will be a great help. Testosterone also affects sexual activity, so oats are also responsible for the prevention of sexual dysfunction.

Benefits for women

This product is widely used in medical and professional cosmetics for the preparation of ointments, creams, soaps, and gels. Oatmeal is beneficial for the face due to its action:

  • This cereal has an anti-inflammatory effect, increases the protective functions of the skin, and accelerates healing.
  • Helps cure diseases such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, and excessive dryness.
  • Silicon in porridge fights the formation of wrinkles.
  • Sulfur in cereals improves metabolic processes.

The benefit for women lies mainly in the use of oats in cosmetology, and many products can be made at home. For example, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of cooked oatmeal can replace the cleanser. To do this, distribute oatmeal over the damp skin of the face and gently massage the face, as with a gel or foam. Do this washing 2-3 times a week, as a result of which the condition of the skin will improve, you can get rid of oily shine and acne.

Benefits for weight loss (with diet)

Oatmeal is a well-deserved dish in the diet of athletes, those losing weight and everyone who adheres to proper nutrition. When gaining weight, it is useful because it contains
contains a protein that is involved in muscle growth. Sitting on a purely protein diet is not only harmful, but also dangerous to health, so the slow carbohydrates included in its composition make such a meal balanced. If desired, people who are gaining weight can eat egg whites for breakfast.

When losing weight, oatmeal will also be necessary. In addition to normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, a useful property will be the inhibition of fat absorption, as well as the same fiber that swells in the stomach and, together with proteins and slow carbohydrates, gives a long feeling of fullness.
The iron contained in rolled oats has an effect on the nervous system, so those who are losing weight are less susceptible to bad mood, resulting in a reduced risk of breakdown.

Benefits and harms during pregnancy

This porridge is included in every list of products required in the diet of every pregnant woman, because it helps solve several important problems at once:

  1. Replenishes the lack of folic acid, which helps the child grow. A lack of this substance can cause abnormalities in fetal development.
  2. Vitamin B-6 alleviates the toxicosis that accompanies pregnancy.
  3. Iron acts as a preventive measure against anemia, a common problem for pregnant women.
  4. Acts as a prophylaxis against constipation, which often happens especially in the first trimester, since the body’s functioning is restructured and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is often disrupted.
  5. Rolled oatmeal with water helps prevent swelling.

In addition, even after giving birth, a young mother can safely eat oatmeal while breastfeeding. There are no contraindications for this porridge for pregnant women, except perhaps consuming more than 1 kg of dry flakes per day, since this helps to wash out calcium, but hardly anyone can handle such a portion.

What can be harmful in oatmeal?

It would seem that many benefits make this product indispensable in every person’s menu, but in oatmeal, benefits and harms are strangely combined.

The fact is that oatmeal, like any product, cannot be eaten uncontrollably. Oats contain phytic acid, which, if oatmeal is consumed too often, will begin to accumulate and contribute to the removal of calcium from the body.

There are people who should not eat gluten, which is found in some crops, including oats. This disease is called celiac disease, which does not make itself felt immediately. Only in its advanced form can it be recognized by symptoms expressed in atrophied intestinal absorption.

Another disadvantage of this product is that instant oatmeal is significantly different from traditional oatmeal. It undergoes a special chemical treatment, which destroys a large percentage of the vitamins contained in the product and deprives oatmeal of its ability to normalize metabolism.

And, of course, oatmeal is not suitable for people suffering from grain intolerance or, as it is also called, celiac disease.

Instant product

In the modern world, everyone is constantly in a hurry to get somewhere, and therefore there is not enough time to prepare food. This situation contributed to the appearance on the shelves of instant oatmeal, which can be prepared in a couple of minutes. But at the same time, most of the beneficial properties are lost. Such a breakfast does not add energy and does not stimulate metabolic processes.

The reason lies in the maximum grinding of the grain with its preliminary steaming. This production process allows the dish to be absorbed by the body very quickly, leaving nothing useful behind.

And the final product of instant oatmeal is sugar. And if you eat such a dish every day, you can greatly harm the pancreas, which will lead to diabetes.

It is also unlikely that you will be able to lose weight with such a diet, since the resulting sugar very quickly turns into fat deposits.

About oatmeal on water

Oatmeal cooked in water has a positive effect on the intestines and stomach, coating the walls and facilitating digestion. The mucus that forms during cooking in water can even heal an ulcer. And regular consumption of such porridge will relieve any problems related to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

You can also quickly recover from a serious illness with the help of oatmeal in water. To prepare it you will need:

  1. Oatmeal – ¾ cup.
  2. Water – 2 glasses.
  3. Pour water into a bowl, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  4. Add oatmeal to boiling water and cook until fully cooked.
  5. If desired, you can add salt, butter, nuts, berries or fruits to the finished porridge. Honey is perfect.

There is another recipe - pour boiling water over oatmeal and steam until it swells.

But even such cooking options require adherence to measures - you shouldn’t eat like this every day, much less several times a day. The diet should be varied, so you should alternate between different cereals.

The benefits of oatmeal with milk

Porridge with milk is not as healthy as with water, since milk adds both calories and animal fat to the dish. In addition, with age, many people experience a deterioration in the absorption of lactose, and eating this product can cause bloating, increased gas formation and loose stools. If a person cannot eat unleavened oatmeal, then you can try a recipe with kefir or yogurt:

  1. Oatmeal is poured with kefir (1 teaspoon of flakes and 3 teaspoons of kefir);
  2. If desired, add nuts, dried fruits or berries;
  3. Everything is mixed and put in the refrigerator;
  4. After 6-8 hours you can start eating.

This version of porridge without cooking is better digestible and more healthy than with milk.

For diseases

Oatmeal is indicated as a diet for any disease, excluding celiac disease. It is useful for liver suffering from hepatitis or cirrhosis. Among other common problems, oatmeal is allowed for gout, kidney stones, vascular diseases, etc. But rolled oats have gained particular popularity as a menu item for ulcers and gastritis.

For gastritis

For gastritis, oatmeal is the first product approved by doctors. The walls of the stomach are damaged by the disease, so some food irritants can greatly aggravate the situation. These include pickles, herbs, spices, fried and fatty foods. Oatmeal, thanks to its gluten, does not irritate, but rather calms the stomach. Thanks to this, its walls are restored faster, and treatment is more effective.

Benefits of oatmeal in the morning

If you eat fast carbohydrates for breakfast, then after a long sleep a sharp increase in blood sugar levels will become a great stress for the body. In this regard, rolled oats will be a more suitable dish. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to just porridge. Breakfast should be at least 30% of the daily kcal requirement, and in one serving of porridge with water it should be significantly less than the desired value.

You can further enrich your breakfast with bread and a piece of cheese or toast with chicken breast. For children, you can add milk and a couple of teaspoons of jam when cooking. They will probably also like oatmeal with dried fruits.

Oatmeal for constipation

Constipation causes enormous harm: it disrupts the functioning of the digestive system, poisons the body with toxins, and interferes with normal blood supply. Stagnation is harmful at any age. There are many medications and folk remedies to combat constipation. Oatmeal is one of the most affordable and safest. It is allowed to be used by children from 7 months of age, provided there is no allergic reaction to gluten or other ingredients of the dish.

Constipation porridge recipe

  • Oatmeal - 0.3 cups
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp.
  • Prunes - 3 pcs.

Preparation: In a saucepan on the stove, prepare an ordinary viscous cereal porridge. Wash the prunes, cut into small cubes, add 3 minutes before the end of cooking. Season the finished dish with vegetable oil: sunflower, flaxseed or olive. It is important that the product is unrefined. You can add salt and sugar, but in small quantities. It is recommended to consume porridge on an empty stomach in the morning as the main breakfast.

Recipe for washing with oatmeal

Take a handful of flakes in your hands, hold them tightly in your hands and bring them to a stream of warm water for a couple of seconds. After that, we begin to gently massage the face with the soaked flakes; this procedure should not last long, since after a few seconds the oatmeal will begin to lather, thereby cleansing the skin of the face.

Don’t be alarmed if redness or small pimples appear after washing with oatmeal - this means that the skin is being cleansed. After just a week of washing your face with this folk remedy, you will forget about pimples and blackheads, acquiring smooth, soft and velvety skin.

Selecting a quality product

It is worth considering the fact that oatmeal will be most useful if whole grains were used for its preparation. The cooking procedure itself takes no more than 40 minutes, and it can be cooked with either water or milk. The latter, by the way, also has a lot of useful substances.

As mentioned above, you should not eat instant porridge, but cook oatmeal or cereal. When choosing a product, you need to carefully look at the labeling - it could be Extra or Hercules. The first type is further divided into certain varieties, depending on how the cereal was processed.

The printed Arabic numeral 3 indicates that such flakes can be given even to small children and people with serious gastrointestinal problems, since they are the most delicate.

Markings such as Extra 2 indicate that it was produced from chopped cereals. This means the package contains very thin flakes that take about 10 minutes to cook.

Extra 1 is a cereal made from a whole grain product with a dense structure and high carbohydrate content, which is especially beneficial for the digestive system.

Hercules is also very healthy, made from high-density flakes, the porridge from which has an excellent taste and thickness.

The packaging in which the product is placed must be sealed, otherwise moisture will most likely get in there, which will negatively affect the product. The shelf life should be looked at not at the time of packaging, but at the production of the cereal.

However, the benefits of oatmeal are much greater than the harm, so you can safely include it in your diet. The main thing is to remember about a sense of proportion, as, in fact, with other products.

Oatmeal is obtained from oats, which in turn contain a group of useful vitamins: PP, A, E, C, B12, B6. In addition, it contains minerals: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, chromium, zinc, calcium and nickel. Another benefit of oatmeal is the high content of proteins and complex carbohydrates. Thanks to these microelements, the body receives a charge for the next day and suppresses fatigue.

It is advisable to eat porridge in the morning for those people who:

  • are constantly in a drowsy, irritable state;
  • suffer from diarrhea;
  • suffer from dermatological rashes;
  • do not monitor cholesterol levels;
  • are on a strict diet due to a diagnosis of diabetes;
  • they want to cleanse the body and remove harmful substances from it;
  • want to get rid of extra pounds in a short period of time.

It is also advisable for pregnant women to eat oatmeal; it has a positive effect on the fetus and the health of the expectant mother, filling the body with folic acid and calcium.

Each product has a list of contraindications. Fortunately, for oatmeal this list is very small and only includes individual intolerance to gluten or other trace elements.

In other cases, oatmeal, namely porridge made from it, will only bring benefits.

How to choose the right product

You probably know that oatmeal is divided into four types: “extra No. 1”; "extra No. 2"; "extra No. 3" and "hercules". Each type of cereal is good in its own way, for example, rolled oats need to be boiled for 20 minutes; it is the healthiest cereal, made from selected durum oats. Rolled oats contain the largest amount of nutrients.

“Extra No. 1” differs from oatmeal in cooking time, more delicate flakes and is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.

“Extra No. 2” boils well, the porridge cooks for 9-12 minutes.

“Extra No. 3” is designed for business people for whom every minute counts, there is no need to cook it, just pour boiling water over it, wait about 5 minutes and you can have breakfast. Children love this porridge; it turns out soft and tender.

Pay attention!

if you want to lose weight, prepare porridge only from durum varieties cooked in water.

Oatmeal diet

Do you want to lose weight quickly? This diet will help you lose 3 to 7 kg in a week. However, with further gluttony, the lost kilograms may return, so be careful.

The diet for 1-2 weeks looks something like this:

Breakfast: freshly brewed green tea, after 30 minutes 150 g of oatmeal;

Late breakfast: salad of fresh vegetables or fruits, seasoned with lemon juice;

Lunch: boiled beef and vegetable salad;

Afternoon snack: fruit or a glass of fruit smoothie;

Dinner: 250 g of oatmeal without additives.

Throughout the diet, drink fluid at least one and a half liters per day.

Oatmeal - the best recipes for a diet

Option 1


  • rolled oats - 2 handfuls;
  • kiwi – 0.5 pcs.;
  • apple – 0.5 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • honey – 0.5 tsp.


Boil the oatmeal according to the instructions on the package. Cut the kiwi and apple into cubes and add to the finished porridge. Pour in the specified amount of honey and sprinkle everything with cinnamon. Stir and you can start eating.
