Parasites in the human body. Parasitism: examples, distribution, role and methods of protection External and internal manifestations of infection

Different types of “freeloaders” have their own preferences, or preferred habitats. This happens:

  • transmissibly, through blood-sucking insects;
  • placentally, from mother to embryo, or into the fetus;
  • contact-sexual method.

Optional forms

Important Features

The residence time of a facultative helminth in the host’s body may depend on its size, speed of spread and transmission to another individual, and nutritional efficiency. In the latter case we are talking about the quantity nutrients, which are accessible to the helminth at different stages of existence.

Many organisms have complex developmental cycles. They have to use two or three masters who belong to different types, only one of them will be a person.

How dangerous are flukes for humans?

Characteristic features of the structure

Flukes are classified as flatworms, of which there are over 7 thousand species in modern science. Flatworms, or Plathelminthes, include 3 classes:

  • Eyelash worms;
  • Tapeworms;
  • Flukes.

Most eggs and larvae die due to the low probability of meeting a new intermediate host, however, the high fertility of each surviving individual perfectly compensates for the losses incurred. The type of flatworms of the class of flukes differs from tapeworms and ciliated worms in some structural features.

Sexual reproduction

In all flatworms, organs are located on both sides of the body (the so-called bilateral structure), the space between the internal organs is filled with parenchyma (loose connective tissue), and they already had organ systems (nervous, reproductive, muscular, excretory and digestive). Just like other flatworms, flukes are hermaphrodites that have male and female reproductive systems.

A sexually mature individual always settles in the body of the host - a mammal or vertebrate, where it reproduces eggs. In the mature period, trematodes have a leaf-shaped body, which, due to the absence internal cavities, is fully supplied with the received nutrients, and its existence and nutrition is ensured by a powerful suction cup mouth, and, in some species, by spines with which they are attached in the right place. Marita (a sexually mature individual) is equipped with everything necessary to release eggs.

Fertilization in flukes occurs internally, in a cross way. The eggs are supplied with nutrients from the vitelline, receive a shell in the shell glands, mature in the uterus, after which the marita releases eggs, which must enter the external environment through the intestines of the intermediate host, and there they will certainly end up in the water. In the water, a miracidium (larva with eyes and cilia) emerges from the egg, which goes in search of a new intermediate host.

The next stage of fluke development is its new intermediate host, a gastropod, which is strictly unique and specific for each fluke. In the body of the mollusk, the miracidium turns into a sporocyst, which has only female genital organs. The sporocyst reproduces by parthenogenesis.

Parthenogenesis of the sporocyst, at a certain stage of its development, leads to the appearance of multicellular redia, which also reproduce by parthenogenesis and generate, in last generation of its development, in the cercaria. The cercariae leave the body of the mollusk, and must then either enter the body of a new intermediate host, or, if this does not happen, encyst on the grass.

Most of these forms enter the body of cattle, which eat grass along with cercariae, but the main part dies because it is incapable of searching on its own. Those of them who are lucky enough to get into the body of the final host make their way into the organ necessary for their habitat, and after reaching sexual maturity they live and release eggs again.

The general characteristics of the class of flukes may have some differences in each specific species, such as:

  • in the form of a mollusk in which sporocysts live, followed by redia;
  • in the structure of the testes, which in the liver fluke are branched, while in others they are compactly arranged.

But the common essence of the structure and sexual stages became the reason for their unification into a group of flukes, which differ from other types of flatworms.

Species and representatives of the class

The most common:

The preferred routes of penetration of trematodes into the human body are orally, and usually through food. The causative agent of opisthorchiasis penetrates through river or lake fish that have not been subjected to heat treatment, or have not been sufficiently boiled or fried. From the intestines, the pathogen easily penetrates into the blood, after which it reaches biliary tract, constituting its natural habitat in the human body.

Schistosomes enter the body when a person swims in an infected river or lake. Schistosome eggs can be laid in the abdominal organs, where they enter through the intestines.

Pulmonary flukes, as their name suggests, live in the lungs and can enter the human body through infected pork, or through eaten crayfish and crabs. The symptoms of the disease are painful and, starting with cough and shortness of breath, can cause bradycardia, which can also be fatal.

The larva, once in the intestine, almost immediately sheds its shell and rushes through the bloodstream to the liver. The colonization of liver tissue by the liver fluke leads to the destruction of healthy cells, for which it needs spines and a sucker. An enlarged liver leads to bleeding and subsequent cirrhosis.

Another threat to human health is that they do not show any special signs until they reach sexual maturity, but by then internal organs their carrier is already affected and it is discovered that there are a huge number of them in the body.

The main trouble with such an infection is its second wave, when the formed individuals begin to populate not only those organs where they usually exist. Penetration of flukes in a secondary lesion into the central nervous system and brain almost always leads to death.

Prevention of trematode infection

Prevention of the disease in different cases consists of various measures that a person should take in Everyday life. In many cases, the cause of the disease is failure to comply with sanitation and hygiene rules, or eating unprocessed foods. In order to avoid infection with flatworms, including flukes, a person must take daily precautions.

Wash vegetables and fruits, especially greens thoroughly. Do not swim in random bodies of water or swallow water from them. Do not drink unboiled water, and do not eat undercooked meat or fish.

The division into types, as already indicated, is based on the degree of dependence on the host.

Thanks to this indicator, two main types can be distinguished:

The former, preferring a certain type of multicellular organism as a habitat, can, on occasion, live in another, completely different morphology. At the same time, in external environment, can also exist for a fairly long period of time. A prominent representative is fungi. Once in the human body, they cause the development of subcutaneous diseases.

This explains the colossal fertility of most of these organisms - some of them can lay up to several million eggs per day.

Practically complete absence nervous system(it is present in the most primitive form - for example, in the peripharyngeal nodes) and the sensory organs relates precisely to “cutting off the unnecessary.” This is due to constant presence in an environment with stable conditions: temperature, light level, acidity, etc.


The most prominent representatives are the following:

Once in the human body, they cause many serious pathologies.

Bottom line

Considering that they most often cause the development of serious diseases, it is necessary to know and follow preventive measures against infection with them. And at the first sign of the opposite, contact a specialized specialist to undergo the necessary examination and prescribe adequate treatment.

given by lice, were not released into the external environment, but were deposited and developed here, on the host.

. inoculation, when the pathogen enters the host’s blood through the arthropod’s mouthparts directly through blood sucking;

. contamination, when the pathogen is released by arthropods in feces or otherwise onto the host’s body, and then enters the blood through damage to the skin (wounds, scratches, etc.).

The causative agents of a number of diseases can be transmitted “vertically” from mother to fetus, sometimes repeatedly (for example, with toxoplasmosis in rodents). In this case, transmission of the pathogen will be transplacental.

Even more rare cases transfusion infection during the provision of obstetric surgical care, blood transfusion (blood transfusion) or organ transplantation.

Multicellular organisms are characterized by a high degree of development of the reproductive system and the formation of a huge number of reproductive products. This is facilitated by the primary hermaphroditism of flatworms, the initially high fertility of roundworms and the bulk of arthropods. Often the high intensity of sexual reproduction is complemented by reproduction of larval stages life cycle. This is especially true for flukes, whose larvae reproduce parthenogenetically, and in some tapeworms- internal or external budding.

oilers, annelids and arthropods) and have preservative properties of enzymes of the digestive system (in annelids and arthropods).

A person becomes infected diphyllobothriasis And opisthorchiasis, eating fish that have not undergone enough heat treatment. This route of infection is unlikely for a child. East African trypanosomiasis more common among middle-aged people - hunters, travelers, members of geological exploration parties in the uninhabited savannahs of Africa. This pattern often manifests itself in intermediate hosts: large adult fish have more opportunities to become carriers of metacercariae of flukes or plerocercoids of tapeworms than small juveniles.

The likelihood of infection also often depends on the profession. So, balantidiasis workers on pig farms are more likely to become infected, taeniasis And teniarincho-

zom- meat processing plant workers, hookworm infections in temperate latitudes - miners, and in the tropics - agricultural workers. Diphyllobothriasis fishermen are more often infected, and alveococcosis- hunters and persons involved in the processing of fur raw materials.

Persons with severe forms malignant tumors, as a rule, are not infected with visceral leishmaniasis. Iron deficiency anemia practically provide human protection from malaria, while treatment with iron preparations aggravates severe course of this disease.

Malignant tumors of the colon and female reproductive system aggravate the course of amebiasis and trichomoniasis.

Damage to the peripheral nervous system aggravates the course of scabies. All immunodeficiency conditions (AIDS, treatment with corticosteroid hormones and immunosuppressants) lead to aggravation of the course of most invasive diseases. For example, cryptosporidiosis is an acute, short-lived disease that ends in spontaneous recovery, but in HIV-infected people it is severe and, in the absence of adequate therapy, ends in death. In immunocompetent individuals, latent toxoplasmosis often reactivates against the background of HIV infection and affects the lungs, central nervous system, lymph nodes, and myocardium. Unlike classic Mediterranean visceral leishmaniasis, which is also called childhood leishmaniasis, since it is registered mainly in children, visceral leishmaniasis in adults with HIV becomes malignant and is accompanied by resistance to specific drugs, as a result of which the patient’s life expectancy is reduced.

In non-immune persons traveling to countries in the tropical zone, many tropical diseases are more severe than in native residents.

The role of genetics was first assessed in experimental models in which environmental changes can be controlled and measured. Animal research has led to the discovery of the most interesting gene NRAMP1 which appears to play an important role in the formation of innate immunity against intracellular pathogens.

Recent studies in schistosome-infected populations have taken advantage of new epidemiological and genetic techniques that allow integrated and simultaneous assessment of the role of environmental and host-specific factors in the control of infection and disease. This work allowed the discovery of two main loci, one of which controlled the level of infection, and the other controlled the development of the disease.

In the case of filariae or schistosomes, individuals from endemic areas will become infected throughout life as a result of prolonged exposure and failure to acquire protective immunity. Host immunity usually develops slowly and is almost never complete.

Convergent evolution of tropomyosins 1 and 2 S. mansoni and their intermediate host Biomphalaria glabrata, which share ~63% homology is believed to be a form of molecular mimicry. Tropomyosin belongs to a family of proteins associated with the contractile activity of actin and myosin. It is ubiquitously expressed in invertebrates and vertebrates, but there are many isoforms that differ structurally and functionally. A relatively high degree of homology and functional similarity has been shown between tropomyosin of phylogenetically distant species, including helminths (S. mansoni, O. volvulus, Brugia pahangi).

In clinical immunology, the highly conserved muscle protein tropomyosin is of interest as a cross-reactive protein between many common allergens, including mites, shrimp and insects. It has been suggested that a "general allergy" to insects may develop in people who have previously been sensitized to one or more insects, and that the allergenic similarity may possibly extend to other non-insect arthropods.

Particular attention was paid to homologous antigens in domestic cockroaches (Blatta germanica And Periplaneta americana) and house dust mites (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus And D. farinae), because they play a very important role in allergy diseases.

Interesting homologies in the schistosome genome include complement protein Clg, insulin-like receptor, insulin-like growth factor binding protein, and the tumor necrosis factor family, as well as homologies of genes associated with B and T lymphocytes, such as pre-B-enhancing factor cells (PBEF).

A high degree of sequence homology and structural similarities have been shown for human and helminth C-type lectins (C-TLs). One explanation for this is that host hormones are a key mechanism in maintaining helminth development and maturation, including sexual development.

Protozoa that live outside cells are covered with antibodies and, in this form, lose their mobility, making it easier for them to be captured by macrophages.

Antibodies do not attach to intact helminth integuments, so immunity in case of helminthic diseases, partial (and as a consequence unstable) and acts mainly against larvae: the development of migrating worm larvae in the presence of antibodies slows down or stops. Some types of leukocytes, in particular eosinophils, are able to attach to migrating larvae. The body surface of the larvae is damaged by lysosomal enzymes, which facilitates tissue contact with antibodies and often leads to the death of the larvae. Helminths attached to the intestinal wall can be exposed to the mechanisms of cellular immunity in the mucous membrane, and due to intestinal peristalsis, helminths are released into the external environment.

The main role in the development of cellular immunity belongs to T-lymphocytes. Upon antigen recognition, T cells differentiate into memory T cells and effector T cells. These specialized T cells function in several ways. For example, memory T cells return to a “resting” state and serve as a source of new antigen-specific T cells whenever the same antigen may re-enter the body. Effector T cells can be functionally divided into two groups: T helper cells (Th) and cytotoxic T cells (Tc). The original type of Th cell can be differentiated into subgroups of cells that differ in the secreted cytokines: Th-1 and Th-2 cells. Most T cell activity involves the synthesis and release of various chemical mediators called cytokines. Cytokines interact with a variety of cells required for a range of immunological processes. Th-1 cells typically secrete interleukin-2 (IL-2), interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). These cytokines support the inflammatory process, activate macrophages and induce the proliferation of natural killer (NK) cells. Th-2 cells typically secrete several cytokines, including IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10. They activate B cells and immune responses that depend on humoral antibodies. As a rule, the predominance of Th-1 is associated with the acute course of infection and subsequent recovery, Th-2 - with the chronic course of the disease and allergic manifestations. Th-1 cells provide protection against intracellular protozoa, Th-2 cells are necessary for the expulsion of intestinal helminths.

. deterioration of health of varying degrees, up to the death of the owner;

Inhibition of the reproductive (reproductive) function of the host until his death;

Changes in the host's normal behavioral reactions;

Intestinal epithelial cells infected with cryptosporidium undergo a number of pathological changes, which leads to a reduction in the absorptive surface of the intestine and, as a result, impaired absorption of nutrients, especially sugars.

Intestinal helminths damage the intestinal mucosa with their hooks and suckers. The mechanical effect of opisthorchis is to damage the walls of the bile and pancreatic ducts and the bile duct.

zyra suckers, as well as spines covering the surface of the body of young helminths. With echinococcosis, there is pressure from the growing bladder on the surrounding tissues, resulting in their atrophy. Schistosome eggs cause inflammatory changes in the wall Bladder and intestines and may be associated with carcinogenesis.

The mechanical effect of helminths, sometimes very significant, may be associated with the characteristics of the biology and development of helminths in the host body. For example, the death of a huge number of villi occurs with the massive development of dwarf tapeworm cysticercoids in them, and the deeper tissues of the intestinal wall are often damaged. When roundworms are localized in the intestinal lumen, they rest their sharp ends against its walls, damaging the mucous membrane, causing a local inflammatory reaction and hemorrhage. Violation of the integrity of the tissues of the liver, lungs and other structures of the host can be very serious as a result of the migration of the larvae of some nematodes (roundworm, hookworm, necator).

Changes in the host's normal behavioral reactions. Directed modulation of host behavior facilitating pathogen transmission has been noted in

Antigenic variability of surface proteins during the molting period is also known for roundworm larvae during migration in the body.

Protein disulfide isomerase produced by micro- and macrofilariae Onchocerca volvulus- the causative agent of onchocerciasis, leading to irreversible blindness, is identical to the protein that is part of the retina and cornea. Tapeworms have an antigen similar to the human blood group B antigen, and the bovine tapeworm has an antigen similar to blood group A.

Trypanosomes are also capable of synthesizing surface antigens that are so similar to host proteins that the body does not recognize them as foreign.

Immunosuppression. Suppressing the host's immune system allows pathogens to survive in the host's body. This applies to both humoral and cellular responses. Among the many physiological factors causing insufficiency of the immune system, the dominant influence should be recognized as the impact of pathogens, among which helminths play a leading role. Helminths can disrupt the physiology of the host's immune system by producing soluble chemical compounds that have a toxic effect on lymphocytes. Suppression of the immune response mainly occurs through inactivation of macrophages.

For example, in malaria, the pigment hemozoin accumulates in macrophages - a product of the breakdown of hemoglobin, which suppresses various functions of these cells. Trichinella larvae produce lymphocytotoxic factors, and schistosomes and the causative agent of American trypanosomiasis produce enzymes that destroy IgG antibodies. The causative agents of malaria and visceral leishmaniasis are capable of reducing the production of interleukins and, at the same time, the ability of T-helper cells to produce lymphokines necessary for the growth and differentiation of B-lymphocytes. This in turn disrupts the formation of specific antibodies. Entamoeba histolytica can produce special peptides that promote the survival of amoeba trophozoites in the human body by inhibiting the movement of monocytes and macrophages. Synthesis E. histolytica neutral cysteine ​​proteinase promotes the breakdown of human IgA and IgG, which ultimately ensures their effective protection against nonspecific and specific resistance factors of the macroorganism. Essential in development chronic forms Giardiasis has the ability of Giardia to produce IgA proteases, which destroy host IgA and other proteases.

oxygen produced in the cells of the immune system. Some nematodes and trematodes have developed a mechanism for damaging antibodies by secreting proteases that break down immunoglobulins.

helminths and bacteria from feces on food products flies, cockroaches and other arthropods.

According to E. N. Pavlovsky (Fig. 1.1), the phenomenon natural focality vector-borne diseases is that, regardless of humans, on the territory of certain geographical landscapes there can be outbreaks diseases to which a person is susceptible.

Such foci were formed in the process of long-term evolution of biocenoses with the inclusion of three main links in their composition:

Populations pathogens illness;

Wildlife populations - natural reservoir hosts(donors and recipients);

Populations of blood-sucking arthropods - carriers of pathogens diseases.

It should be borne in mind that each population of both natural reservoirs (wild animals) and vectors (arthropods) occupies a certain territory with a specific geographical landscape, due to which each focus of infection (invasion) occupies a certain territory.

In this regard, for the existence of a natural focus of the disease, along with the three links mentioned above (pathogen, natural reservoir and vector), the fourth link is also of utmost importance:

. natural landscape(taiga, mixed forests, steppes, semi-deserts, deserts, various bodies of water, etc.).

Within the same geographical landscape, there may be natural foci of several diseases, which are called conjugated. This is important to know when vaccinating.

Under favorable environmental conditions, the circulation of pathogens between vectors and animals - natural reservoirs - can occur indefinitely. In some cases, infection of animals leads to their illness, in others there is asymptomatic carriage.

By origin natural focal diseases are typical zoonoses, i.e., circulation of the pathogen occurs only between wild vertebrates, but it is possible that foci may exist for anthropozoonotic infections.

Rice. 1.1. E. N. Pavlovsky is the founder of the doctrine of natural focality.

According to E. N. Pavlovsky, natural foci of vector-borne diseases are monovector, if in

transmission of the pathogen involves one type of carrier (louse-borne relapsing fever and typhus), and multi-vector, if transmission of the same type of pathogen occurs through vectors of two, three or more species of arthropods. The majority of foci of such diseases (encephalitis - taiga, or early spring, and Japanese, or summer-autumn; spirochetosis - tick-borne relapsing fever; rickettsiosis - North Asian tick-borne typhus, etc.).

The doctrine of natural focality indicates the unequal epidemiological significance of the entire territory of the natural focus of the disease due to the concentration of infected vectors only in certain microstations. Such a center becomes diffuse.

In connection with general economic or purposeful human activity and the expansion of urbanized territories, humanity has created conditions for the mass spread of the so-called synanthropic animals (cockroaches, bedbugs, rats, house mice, some ticks and other arthropods). As a result, humanity is faced with an unprecedented phenomenon of the formation anthropogenic foci of diseases, which can sometimes become even more dangerous than natural foci.

Due to human economic activity, it is possible for the old focus of the disease to irradiate (spread) to new places if they have favorable conditions for the habitat of carriers and animals - donors of the pathogen (construction of reservoirs, rice fields, etc.).

Meanwhile, it is not excluded destruction(destruction) of natural foci when its members that take part in the circulation of the pathogen fall out of the biocenosis (during the drainage of swamps and lakes, deforestation).

In some natural foci there may be an ecological succession(replacement of one biocenosis by another) when new components of the biocenosis appear in them, capable of being included in the pathogen circulation chain. For example, the acclimatization of the muskrat in natural foci of tularemia led to the inclusion of this animal in the circulation chain of the disease pathogen.

E. N. Pavlovsky (1946) identifies a special group of lesions - anthropourgic foci, the occurrence and existence of which is associated with any type of human activity and also with the ability of many types of arthropods - inoculators (bloodsucking mosquitoes, ticks, mosquitoes that carry viruses, rickettsia, spirochetes and other pathogens) to synanthropic way of life. Such arthropod vectors live and breed in settlements of both rural and urban types. Anthropourgic foci arose secondarily; In addition to wild animals, the circulation of the pathogen includes domestic animals, including birds, and humans, so such outbreaks often become very intense. Thus, large outbreaks of Japanese encephalitis have been noted in Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore and other large settlements in Southeast Asia.

Foci of tick-borne relapsing fever, cutaneous leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis, etc. can also acquire an anthropourgic character.

The stability of natural foci of some diseases is explained primarily by the continuous exchange of pathogens between carriers and animals - natural reservoirs (donors and recipients), but the circulation of pathogens (viruses, rickettsia, spirochetes, protozoa) in the peripheral blood of warm-blooded animals - natural reservoirs is most often limited in time and lasts several days.

Meanwhile, the causative agents of diseases such as tick-borne encephalitis, tick-borne relapsing fever, etc., multiply intensively in the intestines of tick carriers, perform transcoelomic migration and are carried with the hemolymph to various organs, including the ovaries and salivary glands. As a result, the infected female lays infected eggs, i.e. transovarial transmission pathogen to the offspring of the carrier, while the pathogens are not lost during further metamorphosis of the tick from the larva to the nymph and further to the adult, i.e. transphase transmission pathogen.

In addition, ticks retain pathogens in their bodies for a long time. E. N. Pavlovsky (1951) traced the duration of spirochete carriage in ornithodorine ticks to 14 years or more.

Thus, in natural foci, ticks serve as the main link in the epidemic chain, being not only carriers, but also persistent natural guardians (reservoirs) of pathogens.

The doctrine of natural focality examines in detail the methods of transmission of pathogens by carriers, which is important for understanding the possible ways of infecting a person with a particular disease and for its prevention.

As already indicated, according to the method of transmission of the pathogen by an arthropod vector from an infected vertebrate donor to a vertebrate recipient, natural focal diseases are divided into 2 types:

. obligate-transmissible, in which the pathogen is transmitted from a donor vertebrate to a recipient vertebrate only through a blood-sucking arthropod during blood sucking;

. optional-transmission natural focal diseases in which the participation of a blood-sucking arthropod (vector) in the transmission of the pathogen is possible, but not necessary. In other words, along with transmissible (through a bloodsucker), there are other ways of transmitting the pathogen from a donor vertebrate to a recipient vertebrate and to humans (for example, oral, nutritional, contact, etc.).

In the course of studying the natural focality of plague, tularemia, tick-borne encephalitis, cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis and other infections and infestations, it turned out that each natural focus is an individual phenomenon that exists in nature in singular, and the boundaries of a natural focus can, in principle, be established on the ground and drawn on a map.

Currently, according to various sources, more than 40 human diseases are known on the territory of Russia, the foci of which can independently exist in nature, regardless of human economic activity. The carriers of their pathogens are about 600 species of vertebrates. Terrestrial vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles and in some cases amphibians) They are the feeders of many hundreds of species of blood-sucking arthropods, among which many dozens of species of guardians and carriers of pathogens have been identified.

Large epidemics of completely unknown previously severe febrile natural focal diseases have occurred in Africa and South America in recent decades (Argentine and Bolivian hemorrhagic fevers, Lassa fever, etc.). The existence of natural foci of diseases is confirmed, the causative agents of which have themselves been known for quite a long time.

Thus, the role of arthropods in the spread of pathogens can be represented in the form of a diagram (Scheme 1.1).

From diseases viral etiology, in addition to tick-borne and Japanese encephalitis, natural focality has been established for West Nile encephalitis (common in Equatorial and East Africa), Australian encephalitis (Murray Valley encephalitis), St. Louis encephalitis, equine encephalitis, yellow jungle fever, dengue fever, Kyasanur forest disease of India, etc. Some diseases of viral etiology are also found in our country: Omsk hemorrhagic fever, Japanese and taiga encephalitis, Crimean hemorrhagic fever, pappataci fever, rabies, etc.

Among rickettsial diseases natural focality is inherent in Tsutsugamushi and American Rocky Mountain fevers, tick-borne typhus in Asia and Africa, Q fever and other vector-borne rickettsial diseases.

Among spirochetosis Typical natural focal obligate-transmissible diseases are tick-borne relapsing fever (caused by

Scheme 1.1. Diseases transmitted by arthropods

tel - Obermeyer's spirochete), tick-borne borreliosis, of which the so-called village spirochetosis has the greatest epidemic significance.

In addition to tularemia and plague, bacterial Diseases such as pseudotuberculosis, brucellosis, yersiniosis, etc. have etiology in our country.

Protozoans vector-borne invasions, characterized by a pronounced natural focality, are found in tropical and subtropical countries. These include leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis, etc.

Natural focality extends to some helminthiasis: opisthorchiasis, paragonimiasis, dicroceliosis, alveococcosis, diphyllobothriasis, trichinosis, filariasis.

IN last years Individuals began to be considered natural focal mycoses- endemic diseases that occur due to a deficiency of microelements in soil and plants.

The doctrine of natural focality substantiates the connection between natural and anthropourgic foci of diseases, knowledge of which is important for epidemiological and epizootological assessment, especially in newly developed territories, and provision of possible preventive measures.

E. N. Pavlovsky pointed out that neutralization activities and subsequent elimination of a natural outbreak should be aimed at disrupting the continuous circulation of the pathogen by any means that influence its stages.

The system of these activities is as follows:

Decrease in the number and extermination of animals - donors of the pathogen;

Direct and indirect control of vectors based on knowledge of their biology and ecology;

Destruction of vectors in farm and domestic animals;

Rational economic measures that exclude an increase in the number of vectors;

Protective measures against attacks by vectors: use of repellents, special suits, etc.;

Specific prevention through vaccination with mono-vaccines, and in conjugate areas - with poly-vaccines.

The teachings of E. N. Pavlovsky provide the keys to preventive medicine and veterinary medicine not only to the study of natural focal infections and invasions, but also to the systematic, conscious elimination of natural factors that negatively affect the health of humans or farm animals. It has spread beyond the borders of our country and on its basis work is being fruitfully carried out in many foreign countries.

Food, in whatever form, is essential for the survival of living things. Millions of years have resulted in a variety of foraging strategies, and these different interactions are the glue that binds everything together.

Some feeding strategies are more familiar to us, such as carnivores (and plants), which eat other animals, and herbivores, which eat plants. However, there are different types of symbiotic relationships that involve closer and more complex interactions.

It is a partnership between organisms in which each of the life forms involved benefits the other.

This is when one organism uses another for its own purposes, but without causing obvious harm to it. An example is mosses growing on the bark of a tree.


Some galls, such as ink nuts on oak leaves (caused by wasps), support insect communities, which in turn can provide food for birds. Look at the crown of a birch tree and you will see dense branch structures that look a lot like birds' nests. This is the result of infection with fungi of the species - Taphrina betulina.

Classification depending on the number of hosts.

Depending on the development cycle and characteristics of infection, there are the following groups of helminthiasis:

Biohelminthiasis helminths, life cycle which occurs with a change of hosts, or the development of all stages occurs within one organism without exiting into the external environment (flukes, Trichinella).

Geohelminthiases are helminths, the eggs or larval stages of which develop in the external environment of the earth (ascaris, crooked head). Contact helminths are helminths, the invasive stage of which can enter the body of a healthy person through direct contact with patients (dwarf tapeworm, pinworm). Autoinvasion and superautoinvasion are characteristic.

Inspection of stool.

When examining feces (macroscopic method), helminths, their heads, strobila fragments, and segments released independently or after deworming can be found in them. This method is especially recommended for identifying pinworms and pork tapeworm segments.

Small portions of feces are mixed with water in a flat tray or Petri dish and, viewing in good light against a dark background, if necessary, using a magnifying glass, tweezers or pipette, all suspicious formations are removed, transferred to a glass slide in a drop of diluted glycerin or isotonic sodium chloride solution for further studying.

With the settling method, the entire portion of feces being tested must be mixed with water in a glass cylinder or pot, then the top layer of settled liquid must be carefully drained. This is repeated several times. After the liquid becomes clear, it is drained, and the sediment is examined in a glass bath or Petri dish, as indicated above.

Microscopy of stool.

Microscopy is the main method for examining feces to detect helminth eggs and larvae. Stools for analysis should not be delivered

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Cell cytoplasm
The cytoplasm is divided into the main substance (matrix, hyaloplasm), inclusions and organelles. The main substance of the cytoplasm fills the space between the plasmalemma, nuclear membrane and other intracellular

Cells of multicellular organisms
The cells of multicellular organisms, both animal and plant, are separated from their surroundings by a membrane. A cell has a nucleus and cytoplasm. The cell nucleus consists of a membrane, nuclear

In the nucleus, chromosomes are material carriers of information in the cellular blood. Direct evidence of this is hereditary diseases associated with violations of number and structure

Features of eukaryotic cells
One of the main features of all eukaryotic cells is the abundance and complexity of the structure of internal membranes. Membranes delimit the cytoplasm from the environment and also form membranes

Cell life cycle
The set of processes occurring from the formation of a cell to its death is called the life cycle. Speaking about the life cycle, it should be noted that in the tissues of plants and animals there are always cells

Mitotic (proliferative) cell cycle
The most important component of the cell cycle is the mitotic (proliferative) cycle. It is a complex of interrelated and coordinated phenomena during cell division, as well as before and after

Among the diverse manifestations of life activity (nutrition, habitat arrangement, protection from enemies), reproduction plays a special role. In a certain sense, the existence of an organism is

Sexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction is distinguished by the presence of a sexual process, which ensures the exchange of hereditary information and creates conditions for the emergence of hereditary variability. In it, as a rule,

Genetics as a science: goals, objectives, objects and methods of study. Levels of study of genetic phenomena. The main directions and stages of development of genetics since 1900. The role of domestic and foreign scientists. Basic concepts of genetics. The importance of genetics for medicine
As the science of genetics, it studies two main problems: heredity and variability; it tries to explain the mechanisms of transmission of traits from parents to their children, as well as the similarities and differences between genders.

Basic patterns of inheritance
The basic patterns of inheritance were discovered by Mendel. According to the level of development of science of his time, Mendel could not yet connect hereditary factors with certain cell structures. Subsequently

Genotype as an integral system. Forms of interaction between allelic and non-allelic genes
Properties of genes. Based on familiarity with examples of inheritance of traits during mono- and dihybrid crossings, one may get the impression that the genotype of an organism is made up of the sum of individual, independent

The science of immunogenetics studies the laws of inheritance of antigenic systems, studies hereditary factors of immunity, intraspecific diversity and inheritance of tissue antigens, genetic and population

Histocompatibility system (HLA)
Histocompatibility system (HLA) human leukocyte antigens, discovered in 1958. This system is represented by proteins of 2 classes; the genes encoding this system are localized in the short arm of chromosome 6

Chromosomal theory of heredity
The rules of constancy in the number, pairing, individuality and continuity of chromosomes, the complex behavior of chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis have long convinced researchers that chromosomes play an important role in the biological

Genetic phenomena at the molecular level (basics of molecular genetics)
The chromosomal theory of heredity assigned genes the role of elementary hereditary units localized in chromosomes. However, the chemical nature of the gene remained unclear for a long time. In the present

Genomics - the study of genome structure and function
A comprehensive study of the structure and function of the genome led to the formation of an independent scientific discipline called “genomics”. The subject of this science is the structure of the genomes of humans and other living beings

A gene is a functional unit of hereditary material. Relationship between gene and trait
For a long time, a gene was considered as a minimal part of the hereditary material (genome) that ensures the development of a certain trait in organisms of a given species. However, how does it work?

Nucleic Acids: Biological Functions
NUCLEIC ACIDS are biological polymer molecules that store all the information about an individual living organism, determining its growth and development, as well as hereditary characteristics transmitted to the next

Protein synthesis. Broadcast
Translation (from the Latin translatio translation) is the synthesis of protein from amino acids carried out by the ribosome on a matrix of information (or messenger) RNA (mRNA or mRNA). Protein synthesis is

Modification variability
Modification variability does not cause changes in the genotype; it is associated with the reaction of a given, one and the same genotype to changes in the external environment: under optimal conditions, the maximum possible

Hereditary, or genotypic, variability is divided into combinative and mutational
Combinative variation is called variability, which is based on the formation of recombinations, i.e., such combinations of genes that the parents did not have. Combinative variability is based on

Methods for studying human heredity
The main methods for studying human heredity include. Clinical and genealogical method. He was introduced into late XIX V. English scientist Francis Galton and is based on the compilation and

Phenylketonuria (phenylpyruvic oligophrenia) hereditary disease
Phenylketonuria (phenylpyruvic oligophrenia) is a hereditary disease of the group of fermentopathies associated with impaired metabolism of amino acids, mainly phenylalanine. Accompanied by nako

Chromosomal diseases
Chromosomal diseases include diseases caused by genomic mutations or structural changes in individual chromosomes. Chromosomal diseases arise as a result of mutations in the germ cells of one of the chromosomes

Chromosomal diseases associated with disruption of chromosome structure
Chromosomal diseases associated with disruption of chromosome structure represent a large group of partial mono- or trisomy syndromes. As a rule, they arise as a result of structural rearrangements of the chromosomal

Medical genetic counseling
Medical genetic counseling is a type of specialized medical care, the purpose of which is to prevent hereditary diseases, this is the most important method of preventing hereditary

Basic provisions of STE, their historical formation and development
The 1930s and 1940s saw a rapid, broad synthesis of genetics and Darwinism. Genetic ideas penetrated taxonomy, paleontology, embryology, and biogeography. The term "modern" or "evolutionary"

Basic methods for studying the evolutionary process
Let us consider the most important methods for studying the evolutionary process presented by biological disciplines in a sequence that reflects the penetration of evolutionary ideas into these disciplines:

Ontogenesis - individual development organism from fertilization (for sexual reproduction) or from the moment of separation from the mother (for asexual reproduction) until death. Individual

Fertilization is the process of fusion of germ cells. The diploid zygote cell formed as a result of fertilization represents the initial stage of the development of a new organism. Process

Postembryonic development
Postembryonic development begins from the moment of birth or the release of the organism from the egg membranes and continues until the death of the living organism. Postembryonic development is accompanied by growth.

Phylogeny of motor function
Phylogenesis of motor function underlies the progressive evolution of animals. Therefore, the level of their organization primarily depends on the nature motor activity, which is determined specifically

Evolution of excretory organs
Many organ systems have an excretory function: respiratory, digestive, skin. But the main thing is the kidneys. In evolution there was a successive change of three types of kidneys: pronephros, mesonephros,

Evolution of the nervous system
Development occurs from the ectoderm, the neural tube with the neurocoel differentiates into the spinal cord and brain vesicles. First, three bubbles are laid, then the front and back are divided in half

A unique feature of the organization of chordates is the phylogenetic, embryonic, as well as functional connection between the digestive and respiratory systems. Indeed, only in chordates the respiratory system

Insufficient and unbalanced (improper) nutrition of the mother, oxygen deficiency
Various diseases mothers, especially acute ones (measles rubella, scarlet fever, influenza, viral hepatitis, mumps, etc.) and chronic infections (listeriosis, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, etc.)

Classification of congenital malformations
Congenital malformations are those structural disorders that arise before birth (in prenatal ontogenesis), are detected immediately or some time after birth and cause

Anthropology (from the Greek “anthropos” - man, “logos” - science) is the science of the origin and evolution of the physical organization of man and his races. The main task of anthropology is the study of

Man is a biosocial being. Factors of anthropogenesis
The appearance of man is a huge leap in the development of living nature. Man arose in the process of evolution under the influence of laws common to all living beings. Human body, like all living organs

Similarities between humans and apes (similarities between pongids and hominids)
There is much evidence of the relationship between humans and modern apes. Humans are closest to gorilla and chimpanzee. General anatomical features of the human

Stages of evolution of primates and humans
At the end of the Mesozoic era, about 65-75 million years ago, and according to the molecular clock 79-116 million years ago, ancient primitive insectivorous mammals appeared. To the base of the evolutionary trunk of primates, perhaps

Intraspecific polymorphism. Races and raceogenesis
Within the species Homo sapiens there are several races. Human races(the term was introduced in 1684 by F. Bernier) these are historically established intraspecific groups of people with a similar set of heritage

Shigo classification
Seago's classification (Sigo-Chaillou and McAuliffe) is built on a morphological basis according to the general proportions of the body and the structural features of individual systems, especially depending on the severity of the head, group

Pavlovsky's teaching
Pavlovsky identified a special group of diseases characterized by natural focality. Natural focal diseases are diseases associated with a complex of natural conditions. They exist in certain bi

Protozoa (medical protozoology)
The type of protozoa (Protozoa) includes a number of forms that are pathogenic for humans, affecting individual tissues and organs and causing diseases of varying severity, including with lethal (deadly) outcome

Dysenteric amoeba Entamoeba histolitica (Class Sarcodidae Sarcodina, Order Amoeba Amoebina, Species Dysenteric amoeba Entamoebina histolytica)
The causative agent of a serious disease is amoebiasis. Localization: large intestine. Distribution: everywhere. Characteristics and life cycle: found in three forms: large

Tryponasoma Trypanosoma brucei gambience (Class Flagellates Flangellata, Order Protomonadina Protomonadina, Genus Leishmania Leishmania, Species Trypanosoma Trypanosoma, Species Leishmania Leischmania)
Belongs to the class of flagellates, the distinctive feature of which is the presence of flagella (one, two, sometimes more), which are used for movement. Flagella are hair-like structures

Type Flatworms
Animals of the flatworm type are characterized by: - ​​three-layer structure: the embryo develops ecto-, ento-, and mesoderm; - the presence of a skin-muscle sac that has formed in the r

Type Roundworms. Nemathelminthes
Most characteristic features representatives of this type: - three-layer, i.e. development of ecto-, ento-, and mesoderm in the embryo; - presence of a primary body cavity and musculocutaneous

Arthropods (medical Arachnoentomology)
The phylum Arthropoda (Arthropoda) is important from a medical point of view, since many representatives of this type are pathogens, carriers, intermediate hosts, and other

Subphylum Chelicerata. Class Arachnida
Morphophysiological characteristics. The body is divided into the cephalothorax and abdomen. The degree of division of departments is not the same. In scorpions, the cephalothorax segments are fused, and the abdomen consists of 12 segments; in pas.

Subtype Tracheata. Class Insects (Insecta)
The tracheal breathing subtype includes two classes. Of these, only one has medical significance - insects. The most numerous class of the type Arthropods, the number of species is over 1 million, which with

Ecology is a biological science
The term “ecology” was first introduced in 1866 by the German scientist E. Haeckel in his book “General Morphology of Organisms.” It consists of two Latin words: "oikos" - house, habitat, dwelling, and

The body's reaction to changes in factor values
Organisms, especially those leading an attached, like plants, or sedentary lifestyle, are characterized by plasticity, the ability to exist in more or less wide ranges of environmental values.

Environmental factors
Ecological factors are properties of the habitat that have any effect on the body. Indifferent elements of the environment, for example, inert gases, are not environmental factors.

Laws of action of environmental factors
1. The law of relativity of the action of an environmental factor: the direction and intensity of the action of an environmental factor depend on the quantities in which it is taken and in combination with what others

Population is one of the central concepts in biology and denotes a collection of individuals of the same species, which has a common gene pool and a common territory. It is the first supraorganismal biol

Static and dynamic population indicators
When describing the structures and functioning of a population, two groups of indicators are used. If we characterize the state of a population for a specific given time t, then we use static

Biocenosis is a collection of animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms that inhabit a certain area of ​​land or water area; they are connected with each other and with the environment. Biocenosis is a dynamic way

Biogeocenosis, biogeocenosis concept
The entirety of the interactions and interdependence of living beings and elements of inanimate nature in the area of ​​the distribution of life is reflected by the concept of biogeocenosis. Biogeocenosis is dynamic and oral

Food chain. Food chain structure
A food chain is a series of species of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms that are connected to each other by the relationship: food consumer. The organisms of the subsequent link eat the organisms of the previous one.

Biological productivity. Ecological pyramid rule
BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTIVITY, ability natural communities or their individual components to maintain a certain rate of reproduction of their constituent living organisms. Typically measured

Cycle of substances in nature
There are two main cycles of substances in nature: large (geological) and small (biogeochemical). The large cycle of substances in nature (geological) is due to the interaction of salts

Biosphere. Structure and functions of the biosphere. Evolution of the biosphere
The term “biosphere” was introduced by the Austrian geologist E. Suess in 1875 to designate a special shell of the Earth formed by a collection of living organisms, which corresponds to the biological concept of biosph

Human ecology. Human habitat
Currently, the term “human ecology” refers to a complex of issues that have not yet been fully delineated regarding human interaction with environment. Main feature human ecology

Adaptation. Adaptation of living beings to natural environmental conditions
From a biological point of view, adaptation is the adaptation of an organism to external conditions in the process of evolution, including morphophysiological and behavioral components. Adaptability of the living

Thus, the larvae of cheese flies live in cheese or salted fish, having great resistance to chemical influences of the external environment. These larvae are able to resist the action of digestive juices of the intestines, thanks to which they can live for a certain period in such an unusual environment and cause painful phenomena in the infected individual.

Example: lice, scabies mite, Trichinella spiralis, etc.

Example: intestinal eel.

Example: Wohlfart fly, gadflies, etc.

Example: hookworms, the larvae of which live in the soil, and the adult stages live in the human duodenum.


Example: blood-sucking insects and mites.

Example: roundworm, pulmonary fluke, urogenital trichomonas.

Example: Guinea worm, Plasmodium falciparum, Leishmania.

Helminths, the development of which occurs with the participation of two or more hosts, are called biohelminths.

Transmission of helminths is also possible with the help of blood-sucking arthropods (mosquitoes, flies, horseflies), in whose bodies microfilariae develop (wuchereriosis, onchocerciasis).

A person becomes infected with geohelminths more often through the mouth, where larvae or mature eggs come from the soil with contaminated vegetables, berries, water and hands, and even dust. Some larvae emerging from eggs in the external environment and located on the soil can actively penetrate the human body through the skin (hookworm and necator larvae).

Example: many insects have piercing-sucking mouthparts and feed on plant juices, but nutrition by piercing tissues and absorbing liquids is the way all blood-sucking arthropods absorb food, a number of which, consuming the blood of humans and warm-blooded animals, also continue to use plant juices.
