Unusual and original decor for your cake. Sweet creativity: decorate the cake with chocolate

Sugar decorations, edible beads, wafer pictures and even chocolate lace can be found on sale.

There are silicone molds on store shelves, molds and lace rolling pins - all the attributes for independent decoration.

How to use it and not spoil the cake, but turn it into a work of culinary art, read on.

Try decorating a homemade cake based on a given theme. You will need patience to decorate. Or choose quick way– bake an anthill and pour chocolate over it.

If you are ready to spend time and effort on a beautiful design, there are ways to decorate with your own hands:

  1. Spices and seasonings. This is a simple method that does not require much effort. Cover the cake with cinnamon or poppy seeds; you can make a cocoa topping using special stencils.

    In this way you can decorate not only pastries, but also pancake cakes.

  2. Meringue. Small airy flowers can decorate both the entire product and its parts. Such decorations are available for sale or you can make them yourself.
  3. Icing. This glaze is used not only to decorate gingerbread cookies, but also to cover cakes and sweets.

    The icing adds a glossy sheen, making your creation sparkle in every way.

  4. Cream. The most important component, which is used not only for layering cake layers and for decoration.

    For decoration use dense thick cream ice cream or charlotte, decorated with cream using a pastry syringe.

  5. Jelly. This filling method is used to decorate cheesecakes or cottage cheese pies. Colored jelly with pieces of bananas or other fruits creates a spring mood.
  6. Chocolate. Classic of the genre! You can use chocolate to make frosting, cream, or paint directly on the cake.

    Chocolates, cookies, wafer rolls are helpers for realizing sweet ideas. Even a beginner in the confectionery world can do this method of decoration.

By the way, unusual decoration with fresh flowers and “naked” cakes have come into fashion.. Red velvet with open sides, decorated with fruit or confectionery toppings, looks very impressive.

How to make your culinary fantasies come true? There are several secrets.

Use the table for calculating the weight and tiers of the cake for the number of guests:

How to decorate a cake with protein custard at home

Not every cream is suitable for decorating a cake. Protein, whipped cream, butter custard, and cottage cheese hold their shape well.

But with sour cream or regular custard for Napoleon You won’t be able to decorate it voluminously; it’s better suited for layering. Protein custard has a delicate taste and light texture.

To prepare this cream you need a few ingredients:

  • Proteins – 3 pieces.
  • Sugar – 6 tablespoons.
  • Water – 50 milliliters.

Recipe This type of cream requires care and precision. The hardest part is making the sugar meringue.

You can decorate with cream made from raw proteins, but the custard method is safer and suitable for baby food.
First you need to brew the syrup.

Heat the mixture of water and sugar over low heat. The mixture will be ready in 10–15 minutes. The syrup should thicken and stretch, but not caramelize.

Important! Do not overcook the syrup, otherwise the cream will be spoiled.

While the syrup is cooking, you need to beat the whites. It is better to cool them in the refrigerator to make whipping easier.

The crucial moment is to pour hot syrup into the whites in a thin stream to brew the cream. With this method of preparation, all microbes are destroyed. Beat the whites until the mixture cools completely.

The cream is ready. It has an elastic shape and is suitable for decorating any cake. If you have a pastry bag at your disposal, use nozzles to create flowers of different shapes.

You can also decorate the sides or sides with cream, or layer sponge cakes.

An easier option is to cover the entire cake., thereby hiding the unevenness, sprinkle with grated chocolate and walnuts. Add food coloring to create bright color cream.

How to decorate a cake with various fruits and juicy berries

Sometimes there is not enough time to bring confectionery fantasies to life, and guests are already on the doorstep, then fruit decor is what you need.

If the cream fails with an inexperienced housewife, then nothing can spoil the fruit. Use grapes, orange slices, garnish with blackberries or strawberries, whatever berries are available for sale.

To prevent the sponge cakes from becoming saturated with berry juice and becoming soft, decorate the cake with a layer of cream or glaze.

For decoration, use not only fresh fruits, but also canned ones. To do this, drain off the excess juice.

Choose products that match your color scheme and taste. Before making bright arrangements, wash and dry the fruits.

Decorating with strawberries with a tail or orange rings in the peel looks impressive. Try making a citrus flower by folding orange circles like petals.

Even use frozen berries to create fruit heaven. Raspberries and blueberries do not lose their shape when defrosted; you can decorate them with frozen cherries and red currants.

To make the berries delightful with their appearance, use the method of gradual defrosting. Temperature changes may cause the berries to fall apart.

Decorating the cake with sweets: chocolate, candies, ememdems

Chocolate decor is an ideal option for decorating at home. Even a child can use this method.

Invite your little one to help you. The baby will fantasize and create sweet pictures with the help of mmdems, sweets and chocolate.

This method will save time. For registration you can use:

  1. Raffaello sweets and others.
  2. Dragee or raisins in colored breading.
  3. Peanuts in glaze.
  4. Marshmallow, marmalade.
  5. Marshmallow.
  6. Wafer rolls.
  7. Oreo cookies, Snickers or brand name sweets.

Decorate the cake as your imagination dictates. Combine colors, lay out inscriptions from dragees. To decorate, the candies must stick, so grease the cakes with cream. This way the candies will stick better.

Make a fence of wafer rolls for the cake and decorate with openwork ribbon. You can use Kit-Kat or Twix sticks. You need to attach it to cream walls.

If you are ready to spend more time, melt the chocolate and draw butterflies, hearts or roses on parchment using a pastry bag. After hardening, quickly transfer the design to the cake.

Beautiful decorations for children's cakes made from mastic

Such figures have become popular. Buy or make them yourself. For this we need mastic. There are several recipes. Mastic is prepared from gelatin, milk powder and even condensed milk.

Tasty and simple - marshmallow recipe:

  • Marshmallow – 200 grams.
  • Butter – 5 grams.
  • Water – 5 milliliters.
  • Powdered sugar – 100 grams.
  • Starch – 10 grams.

The recipe is quick. Take chewing marshmallows of the desired color, sprinkle with water, add a piece of butter, and microwave for 10 seconds.

The marshmallows will double in size. Add powdered sugar and coloring in portions to the hot mass and knead. If necessary, sprinkle the table with starch.

Attention! Sift the powdered sugar thoroughly to make the mastic smooth. Don't add too much powder, otherwise the dough will crumble.

You can cover the entire cake with fondant. Sour cream cake will not hold its shape, it is better to prepare honey or bird's milk for the mastic.

Use as a base for mastic butter cream. From the marshmallow mass you can make bears, cars or cartoon characters - whatever you can think of.

Important! Use natural ingredients, syrup or juice as coloring agents. Should not be used for impregnation alcoholic drinks, and add vanillin or orange zest for flavor.

Original decorations for cakes and cupcakes for birthdays and holidays

For children's parties, prepare a cake in the shape of a number, decorate with multi-colored cream or sprinkle with marzipan decoration.

Make sugar figures from your favorite cartoons and delight your baby with an edible hero. Decorate a cake for a man with real bottles of whiskey or rum. Such miniature versions are sold in souvenir departments.

Build snowmen! Decorate New Year's cupcakes with them. And for Easter, mastic chickens sitting in green cream will be popular.

For your mother's anniversary, prepare a two-tier cake decorated with a festive inscription on top. Such a large dessert will be relevant for wedding events.

The first birthday is a real event. Small bottles, pacifiers, booties cause tenderness. You can make tags and write the baby’s height and weight in chocolate.

For a little girl's birthday party, make a dress-shaped cake using cupcakes decorated with pink frosting. Decorate a cake with cars for boys and with flowers for girls.

It is worth proceeding from the interests and age of the birthday person. A cake prepared with love and care will be the best holiday gift.

Useful video

There is no doubt that a delicious homemade cake is much better than a store-bought one. A home product should also look beautiful, but this task is not always as simple as it seems at first glance. There are quite a few simple and not so simple ways to decorate a cake beautifully.

Probably the most popular method today is decorating with mastic (it comes in many types). This “material” is good because it is quite easy to use and gives the dessert beautiful view. You can also create different figures from mastic - petals, flowers, cartoon characters, etc. - that is, everything you can dream up.

Cooks also often use “classic” methods for decorating a cake - they make special ganaches, icings, buy or whip cream with powdered sugar themselves, and make butter creams. When working with these materials, it is convenient to use special culinary spatulas (or a wide knife), syringes with different attachments and cornets.

There are also quite complex ways to decorate a cake, for example, covering it with velor or a glossy surface. A beautiful glossy surface, for example, is created on mousse cakes. I must say that it will be quite difficult for a beginner to master such a complex, newfangled cake decorating technique at home.

Don’t forget about other fairly easy and proven ways to decorate baked goods. Probably each of us has seen or tasted cakes beautifully decorated with special confectionery balls, chocolates, marmalade, and, of course, fruit.

Let's take a closer look at the process of making the most popular baking decorations at home.

How to decorate a cake with mastic: a simple recipe with photos

The easiest way to make fondant at home is to use store-bought marshmallows. There is nothing complicated about this, and now you will see for yourself.

So, we need:

  • 300 g marshmallow candies.
  • 400 g (or more) powdered sugar
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice

It is better to use store-bought powder in the recipe, since it is very finely ground (unless you have a really high-quality grinder). This guarantees the absence of grains, smoothness and elasticity of the “dough” for mastic.

Let's get started. Pour the candies into a deep bowl and add lemon juice. Then place the bowl in the microwave (at full power) for 20 seconds. The mass should become soft. It needs to be mixed with a spatula until smooth, and then put back in the microwave for the same time.

Add powdered sugar to the bowl with melted sweets and begin to knead the “dough”. Then transfer the mixture onto a board and stir in the powder if necessary. The result should be a smooth and plastic mass that does not stick to your hands and does not tear.

Afterwards, wrap the finished “dough” in film and leave it in the cold for an hour. Then the finished mastic can be rolled out with a rolling pin on a board and formed into individual figures or a whole cake cover.

Mastic can also be prepared using gelatin. The ingredients are:

  • about 500 g of powder
  • 6 tsp. water
  • 1 tbsp. l. liquid glucose
  • vanilla bag
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (refined, odorless)
  • lemon juice - optional

In a bowl, soak the gelatin in cold water, and then melt it in a water bath (when it swells) until completely dissolved. Add glucose, vegetable oil and vanillin. Mix everything with a spoon.

Place 2/3 of all the powder in a bowl and make a hole with your finger (this is often how simple unleavened dough is prepared), pour the gelatin liquid into it.

We mix everything with our hands like a regular dough, gradually adding powder (you need to watch how much the dough itself takes). If the mastic crumbles, add half a teaspoon. lemon juice and mix again. The finished mass should not stick.

Place the dough in film and let it “rest” in the cold for about 2 hours. Decorating your cake with this mastic will not be difficult at all - it is very plastic and easy to work with.

If you don’t want to bother with candy, powder or gelatin, or you simply don’t have time to prepare homemade mastic, then don’t despair. In many confectionery stores or supermarkets you can easily purchase ready-made mastic for every taste and color. This will significantly save you effort and time. Especially if guests are already on your doorstep.

Making your own ganache for decorating baked goods

A shiny and sweet dark or white icing always looks great on a delicious homemade cake. In addition, ganache is very easy to prepare. Even a culinary novice can cope with this task.

To prepare we need:

  • white chocolate bar – 100 g
  • cream – 33-35 g
  • butter – 30 g

Melt the chocolate in a water bath and add cream to it. When the mixture has cooled, add oil to it. You can do it even simpler - break a chocolate bar into squares, pour in cream and heat in the microwave to the desired consistency. But this must be done several times (3-5 times) for several seconds (10-15 seconds) so that the mixture does not overheat and has the desired consistency.

Stir the cooling mass, add oil and stir again. The oil must be of high quality, otherwise the ganache may not turn out. Butter also gives the ganache shine and the desired thickness. Pour the prepared liquid into a bag.

It can be stored in the refrigerator and simply “thawed” to room temperature before use. You can safely cover the top and sides of the cake with white ganache. It will turn out very tasty and beautiful if you decorate the cake with coconut shavings and sweets on top.


Decorating baked goods with icing (or, as it is also called, royal icing) allows you to create the finest elements and designs. Cakes, gingerbreads, cupcakes decorated in this way instantly attract the eye and will not leave any sweet tooth indifferent.

Properly prepared icing should be completely white and harden well. You can also work with this type of decor in different ways. If you already have a cake covered with fondant or chocolate ganache, then icing will give it an even more presentable look. By placing the icing in a pastry bag, you can draw a variety of swirls and patterns on the surface of the cake. Don't worry if it doesn't turn out as planned the first time. With a little practice, decorating your cake will be nothing but fun.

In addition, you can create different figures from this white glaze. To do this, you will need paper, a pencil and a transparent, blank file (the usual one that we use to store papers or documents). On paper you need to draw the pattern you want (flowers, leaves, butterflies) and place it in a file. Then, with a pastry bag in a small hole, you need to follow the contours. Then the file with the applied ornament should harden (dry) well. Then the icing will easily “come off” from it and you can carefully transfer it to your baked goods.

The royal icing recipe is quite simple. We will need:

  • one protein
  • 150-170 g powdered sugar
  • 4 drops citric acid
  • food coloring (if desired)

In a deep bowl, stir the egg white (but don’t beat it, just stir it). Add citric acid and powder to it. Add the powder gradually. That's all, actually. We check readiness: the icing should not flow very strongly (intermittently) from the fork.

The glaze that drips down should hold its shape noticeably. Then the icing is ready. We place it in a bag and draw the desired patterns on the file. We are waiting for the drawings to dry (at room temperature). We put them in baking and enjoy our work.

We decorate baked goods with sweets, marmalade, fruits

There are many more ways to beautifully decorate a homemade cake. You can use different candies (for example, chocolate truffles), M&M's, marmalade, seasonal fruits.
In addition, you can combine decoration methods. For example, you make it for a cake chocolate ganache, and decorate it beautifully with chocolates and sprinkle with coconut flakes or cocoa powder.

Also, such candies will look beautiful as a decoration on a cake covered with white fondant. Chocolate truffles can be replaced with the popular multi-colored M&M's candies, for example, if the cake is baked in honor of a child's birthday.

It’s always a good idea to decorate baked goods and cakes with seasonal fruits. Strawberries look beautiful and impressive when placed on ordinary whipped cream. But here we must take into account that strawberries are a perishable product, so such baked goods must be eaten immediately and decorated immediately before use.

Even simple whipped cream can give the cake a festive look. And for this you need some special devices. You won’t surprise anyone with fancy roses, but using an ordinary tablespoon or dessert spoon you can easily make “embossing” and decorate the cake in this way. See the photo below for an example of such a light decorative technique.

No confectionery product can outshine the taste of homemade baked goods. And no event is complete without a birthday cake, where the main stage is its decoration. And not every housewife knows how to decorate it beautifully at home, but to know how to do it, you don’t have to have the skills of a professional confectioner.

Decorating it with mastic is practically the same as sitting in a craft class and sculpting various figures from plasticine. The sweet material for decoration is so flexible to use that any housewife can make an outlandish pattern, bow or any other composition for a birthday cake out of it.

There are many recipes for making mastic. It’s impossible to talk about each one, so we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most common and fairly simple ones.

Recipe No. 1: milk mastic

Average preparation time for milk mastic: half an hour.

Calorie content: 368.56 kcal.

Step by step process:

Recipe No. 2: gelatin mastic

This recipe is suitable for those who want to create clear figures for the cake.


  • multi-colored food colors;
  • gelatin – 10 g;
  • lemon juice – 2 tsp;
  • powdered sugar – 600 gr.;
  • water – 55 ml.

Preparation time for gelatin mastic: 40 minutes.

Calorie content: 333.24 kcal.

Cooking process:


So, we’ve learned how to prepare mastic, now it’s time to learn the basics of design and acquire the necessary tools:


Having the essentials at hand, we move on to covering the cake with a sweet background, that is, a layer of mastic. How to do it right:

Forms and their purpose

Plungers. To get started, purchase the most necessary things: gerbera, quinquefoil, ivy and rose leaves, and a butterfly. To begin with, this is enough, as needed and experience, buy the rest.

Cutters. Sometimes look for covers different sizes I don’t want to, I don’t have time, and cutters come to the rescue - circles of different diameters.

Tassels. They must be synthetic; a budget option can be found at a stationery store.

When sculpting flowers, you will need a drying kit. But at first you can replace it with a box of chocolates.

A soft mat will be needed to roll the edges of the petals.

Silicone molds. Absolutely any molds of figurines, animals, beads, bows, buttons are on sale.

By purchasing an initial set of tools, molds, and watching demonstration video tutorials, you can create a culinary masterpiece to your liking.

How to decorate a cake with icing

Thin shiny icing is a fairly popular way to decorate cakes. To prepare it you will need:

  • icing sugar – 200 gr.;
  • oil – 2 tsp;
  • water as needed.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calorie content: 48.93 kcal.

Mix the ingredients and melt in a water bath. For smoothness and density, you can add a little water. Constantly stirring the mixture until the glaze becomes shiny and smooth.

Types of glaze:

Principles of decorating with glaze

Mirror glaze

Makes the surface glossy and smooth.

Before cutting, it is necessary to wet the knife in hot water or heat it, otherwise the mirror glaze will crack.

To prepare it you will need:

  • chocolate – 1.5 bars;
  • glucose syrup -150 ml;
  • water – 75 ml;
  • sugar -150 gr.;
  • condensed milk – 100 gr.;
  • gelatin – 12 g (melt in 60 ml of water).

Cooking time 30 minutes.

Calorie content: 170.75 kcal.


  1. Soak the gelatin and leave to swell;
  2. Mix glucose syrup with sugar and boil;
  3. Remove from heat and cool;
  4. Add gelatin and pour in condensed milk;
  5. Pour the chopped chocolate into syrup and beat with a blender;
  6. Place the resulting mass in a cold place overnight, and in the morning heat it in a microwave oven to 35C, beat again and begin coating the cake.

How to decorate a cake with fruits yourself

Decorating a confectionery product with fruits, mostly exotic ones, is a fairly popular action among housewives. Firstly, it is bright, secondly, there is an incredible taste contrast and, thirdly, the fruit cake looks beautiful when cut.

The easiest way to decorate at home is to fan out mangoes, apples, kiwis, strawberries, and oranges cut into slices on the surface of the cake. And thin slices can be decorated in the form of a fruit rose. But the most spectacular option is considered to be a “bed” of fruit, filled with transparent jelly.

We decorate children's cakes with our own hands: inscriptions, sweets, figures

A child’s birthday is a wonderful occasion to please a little miracle with original baked goods. Most often, children's cakes are decorated with ready-made figures made from fondant and marshmallows. This design is especially popular for children under 2 years old.

Cream flowers and leaves are no less loved by children, so we take note of this decor option. The decoration turns out to be more solemn and festive.

Another decoration option that will not leave any child indifferent is a cake completely covered in chocolate. And we’re not just talking about glaze, but also about various candies, curls, and shavings. Believe me, such a cake will be a real “chocolate happiness” for the birthday boy and all his friends.

But you need to be extremely careful with nuts and fruits, since many children may be allergic to these ingredients.

How to decorate a cake for a boy with your own hands

There is nothing complicated in this matter, because absolutely all boys love cars, cartoons, and want to become super heroes.

A cake made from Lego figures will look original, since all the boys love to build something from this construction set. To do this, bake the cake in the form of a rectangle, and make the round parts using Oreo cookies.

For a boy athlete, a cake in the shape of a ball would be an ideal option. There is nothing complicated in preparation. It is enough to bake round cakes and, after completely coating them with cream, give the product a spherical shape.

For the laziest, there is also a decor option. Find round foam molds and attach candy bars, chewing gum, and chocolates to them.

Decorating a cake with your own hands: other original ideas

Standard roses won’t surprise anyone now, so you have to use your imagination. To make your work easier, we suggest looking at the most popular and little-known ways to decorate holiday baked goods.

A stencil will help you quickly and easily decorate the surface of the cake. You can buy ready-made or make it yourself. Which one should I use?

For surface decoration – large and round; small ones are for cupcakes and muffins; The sides are made rectangular; but single stencils with figures and inscriptions can be used on both large and small confectionery products.

To decorate through a stencil, you can use powder, finely grated chocolate, fine sprinkles and nut flour. Patterns are applied using melted chocolate, glaze, liquid mastic, fondant, cream and icing.

Nut mass is not new in cake decoration. Most often, the base of production includes almond flour and sugar paste. The marzipan mass has a very delicate taste and elastic consistency, which allows it to perfectly retain its shape. Marzipan is not only used to cover cakes, but also to create voluminous toys and figurines.

A lot has been said about this option for decorating cakes. There is probably not a single person who has not tried a confectionery product decorated with red roses and bright lime leaves.

You can use cream not only to make petals and flowers, but also to write congratulatory inscriptions, create an aesthetic edging, and more experienced housewives have long learned to create cream animals using attachments.


They will decorate not only a cake, but also any dessert, including ice cream, in an original way. In terms of design, they captivate with their snow-white hue, airy consistency and, of course, taste.

It’s easy to decorate a cake at home using cream: just cool it in the refrigerator and beat at high speed until strong foam. Be sure to use a piping bag when decorating.

Crispy meringue tops almost any dessert. Traditionally they are baked in the form of hemispheres. Which, when decorating a cake, look more voluminous and unusual. The decor will especially appeal to little ones with a sweet tooth.


This is not only an ingredient for layering and making glaze, but also an excellent material for decoration.

The decoration is quite rare and few people know about it, although decoration with candied flowers has long been used in European countries.

To do this, you need to collect violets or rose petals. Dip them into lightly beaten egg whites, and then carefully roll them in icing sugar. The finished decoration is dried on a wire rack and stored in an airtight container.

“Ice pattern” always looks gentle and romantic. The appearance resembles patterns on glass, and the taste of the icing is similar to crispy pieces of ice. The universal decor never spreads, so it retains its shape perfectly. Icing decor is mainly used in the design of wedding cakes.


Usually they cover fruits, but jelly-filled nuts will look no less original. You can surprise your guests with your imagination in another way: purchase various chocolate molds, prepare colorful jelly and pour them into these molds.

Voila, in a few hours you will have a lot of jelly figures to decorate your holiday baking.

Marmalade and candies

It’s unlikely that a children’s party would be complete without a cake with candles. And young guests, compared to adults, pay more attention to the design, and not to the composition of exotic ingredients.

Therefore, the most advantageous option would be decor in the form of multi-colored marmalades and M&Ms candies.

And another option for simple cake decoration is in the next video.

There is probably not a single person who would say that store-bought baked goods are much tastier than homemade ones, and especially those made with one’s own hands.

During the holidays, many of you have seen cakes decorated with various flowers, roses or other design intricacies. When you take a piece of such a creation in your hands, sometimes you first admire it, and only then start a pleasant meal. But not everyone knows what incredible work it is to create such a masterpiece yourself.

There are many ways to decorate cakes, today we will talk about the main ones. I will try to convey to you as much information as possible on creating a beautiful and, most importantly, unique decoration for a cake that does not yet stand out in any way. Let's get started.

Ways to decorate cakes

To make a beautiful design for your cake, you don’t need to study for a long time and be a pastry chef with a capital P, you just need to know the basic tricks that I’ll tell you about today. The main thing is to be patient and everything will work out for you.

To decorate the cake yourself, you will need 5 basic products, that is: cream, meringue, mastic, icing and jelly.

Let's look at all the methods in more detail.

How to make cream for a cake from condensed milk and butter

To transform your cake, let's first learn how to make buttercream. It holds its shape perfectly, does not smear and is very durable. We will prepare it from just two products that are in every home, this is butter and the most ordinary condensed milk.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance to allow it to soften. Place it in a bowl and beat thoroughly until fluffy foam appears. Next, add condensed milk in a small stream without ceasing to beat. You can decorate the cake immediately after preparing the mixture.

Depending on how much cream you need, the ratio of products is as follows: for one hundred grams of butter there are five tablespoons of condensed milk.

For decoration you will need a syringe (confectionery) or a special bag with nozzles. If you don’t have this device at hand, don’t worry. Take an ordinary A4 sheet and with simple movements make a small bag out of it. We fill it with the resulting cream, then cut off the spout and slowly, in a thin strip, squeeze it onto the cake. This device is also called a “cornet”.

This way you can draw a beautiful picture. Use your imagination and experiment. You can see more clearly how cakes are decorated with cream in the video below the article:

How to make meringue

You can decorate a meringue cake not only for children's parties, but also for weddings, anniversaries and birthdays. Let's start making the meringue itself.

Required ingredients:

  • sugar – 250 gr.
  • eggs (or rather their whites) – 5 pcs.
  • parchment paper

Separate the whites from the yolks. Mix the whites thoroughly with a mixer until foam forms. Without ceasing to stir, gradually add sugar to the eggs (1-2 tablespoons each). When the sugar runs out, beat for another 10 - 15 minutes.

Spread parchment paper on a baking sheet and use a syringe or cornet to spread the entire resulting mixture.

Preheat the oven to 100 degrees, place a baking sheet there and leave for an hour and a half. After cooking, cool the meringue and proceed to decoration.

Use meringue to make “sharp peaks.” It will turn out very beautiful.

How to make cake mastic at home

Mastic is probably one of the most popular products for decorating biscuits. In my own way appearance it resembles plasticine, from which various beautiful figures are made, be it a tree, a flower or an animal, that is, whatever comes to mind, sculpt (decorate).

To prepare it, you need to take condensed milk, mix it with dry milk, add powdered sugar and mix. You should get a viscous substance reminiscent, as I already said, of plasticine.

Watch the video for various ways to decorate with mastic:

How to make "Icing"

Maybe at first, dear friends, this incomprehensible word “icing” will scare you, but this is what they call the thick glaze with which they actually decorate confectionery sweets. With its help, you can easily draw various laces or figures on the cake. A lot of work is required to make the icing, because everything is done by hand.

Take and beat the egg whites using a regular fork until a fluffy foam forms. Next, add powdered sugar in small doses and stir until the mass becomes dense. Add lemon juice and mix.

To prevent you from getting mastic, make sure that the icing is not liquid or too thick

Apply icing in the following way:

An ornament is taken, covered with cling film and placed in a file. Next, the film is lubricated with vegetable oil and the contours of your drawing are outlined with a syringe. We wait about 10 hours for complete drying.

How to make jelly at home

You can use jelly to cover the top of your cake or make a variety of shapes. So that it keeps its shape and does not spread, I will teach you how to prepare it correctly.

We rinse the gelatin under cold water and then pour in not hot, boiled water, leave for 1.5-2 hours. If done correctly, the gelatin will increase in size. Make a water bath and bring it to a boil. Boil for about 5 minutes.

Let the jelly cool and add various colors and flavors. Pouring into pre-prepared forms. After it hardens, we cut out various figures. If you need to cover the surface of the sponge cake, then after cooking, pour it into the mold in which the cake was prepared, lay out cling film greased with vegetable oil and also cool.

  • Make your cake colorful by adding food coloring to cream, jelly or fondant.
  • to achieve a beautiful color, you can add orange or beet juice to the mixture
  • do the lettering right away so that it doesn’t get smudged later
  • Don’t make the inscription too big – it won’t look attractive
  • When writing words, do not make them too long and watch out for grammatical errors
  • think carefully about the design of your masterpiece in advance

See below for a variety of decoration methods:

Many housewives nowadays try not to buy expensive sweets for the holiday, but bake them themselves; this is not only cheaper, but also safer. But anyone, even the most delicious cake, needs an unusual and colorful decoration. It is worth noting that such delicacies have recently been served not only for birthdays, but also for other festive events, be it a wedding, anniversary or other significant event. The decoration should be selected for the occasion for which this delicacy is prepared. Below we will describe the most interesting ideas on how to decorate a cake at home; in the photo you can see the most original options decoration of desserts.

What devices should you use?

Before considering simple and original decoration options, it is worth finding out what equipment you need to prepare in order to beautifully decorate the dessert. It’s worth noting right away that even with the help of professional tools, it is not always possible to immediately get the design or decor that you would like. Still, first you need to take a pastry bag or syringe, it should have various types nozzles so that you can make a variety of designs. Also used are paper for baking desserts, a special device to make it easier to work with mastic, various types of flat spatulas and a sharp knife with a thin blade.

If you put in a little effort and use your own imagination, you can get a really, really beautiful cake that all the guests at the party will admire. In this article we will tell you in detail how to decorate a cake at home using a photo, as well as what ingredients you can use to do this.

A few important rules:

  1. To decorate a sweet dessert, completely different products can be used, these are berries and fruits, pieces of chocolate, icing, mastic and other decorative elements. But it is very important to know the main rule; it lies in the fact that to create decorations, mainly only those products are used that were used to prepare the dessert itself.
  2. One more thing important rule Regarding the addition of an alcoholic additive, many desserts today include adding a little liqueur or cognac to the dough or cream. If the delicacy is served to children, then you will have to abandon the alcoholic component in the decorations.
  3. It’s not uncommon for children to ask for a design that the hostess cannot always do with her own hands. In this case, you can do something close, but stick to a certain theme. In any case, before decorating the dessert, the cake must be covered with a layer of mastic or cream.

How to create whipped cream decorations?

If a housewife is wondering how to decorate a cake at home, then the most ordinary whipped cream will come to her aid; with its help, you can create beautiful and unusual decorations. This option is suitable for cakes that were created with cream based cream. This is one of the simplest methods for decorating a cake. You can use cream to decorate any delicacy, regardless of the dough from which it was baked.

For decoration, you will need a pastry bag, as well as cream, which has previously been well whipped with granulated sugar to obtain a very thick mass. If you don’t have a pastry bag at home, you can simply coat the surface of the dessert with a very thick layer of this cream, and then apply the design using any cutlery. In this case, the process will be more complicated, since you will have to use your imagination to make the dessert design original.

When you have a syringe with attachments, the process is greatly simplified, you can use any shape to make large or small roses using whipped cream, and this cream can also be used to apply a pattern or inscription. If desired, cocoa powder or various dyes are added to the finished creamy mass to make the color of the cream brighter and more attractive.

Rules for decorating with buttercream

If we talk about how to decorate a cake at home, you can use the very popular buttercream. It is prepared using high-quality and tasty butter. The thing is that oil makes the composition thicker, which makes it easier to work with. To prepare the mass, take half a kilogram of high quality butter, add one and a half cups of powdered sugar or fine sand to it. The ingredients are mixed, and during the process, a spoonful of cognac or liqueur, one can of condensed milk and three spoons of ready-made semolina are poured into them.

The preparation procedure is very simple: the butter is first softened, and then granulated sugar or powdered sugar is added to it. These products are whipped until fluffy for no more than five minutes. After this, you can add the remaining ingredients, adding a packet of vanillin to them to give the finished cream a pleasant aroma. Beat the ingredients for another ten minutes. This cream can retain its qualities for three days, but it can only be stored in the refrigerator.

If the housewife wants to know how to decorate children's cake at home, according to the photo step by step, using such a base, then you should use a pastry bag for this. The creamy mass is best suited for making flowers, applying inscriptions and various patterns. With the help of attachments, it will be very easy to create unusual decorations. If it is necessary to give the cream a certain shade, then add a few drops of food coloring to it. You can replace the artificial coloring with a natural one, then use cocoa, melted chocolate and vegetable juices.

Decorating dessert with chocolate

If the surface of the cake is covered with a thin layer of butter cream, then not only the cream composition, but also chocolate figures can be used as decoration. Making them with your own hands is not at all difficult, you just need to prepare high-quality chocolate and a pastry bag with a small hole. It is also worth using foil or baking paper; the figures will be applied to it.

After this, they begin to create the figures themselves; this is not difficult to do; first, take a bar of chocolate and heat it in a steam bath until it becomes liquid. It is very important to use dark chocolate without any additives. Next, the chocolate mass is poured into a pastry bag or cornet, and from it they begin to gradually apply a design to the foil. The pattern can be made in the form of a flower, a house, a butterfly, a car and any other figures.

As soon as the design is applied, the foil is carefully moved into the freezer compartment and left there for twenty minutes. After this, the figures are peeled off and used to decorate the dessert. Thus, we learned how to decorate a birthday cake at home. The photo shows many options for this type of delicacy design.

We create a design with mastic

Many housewives refuse to use mastic because they believe that this process is too long and complicated, but in fact this is not the case. If you prepare the mass correctly, the decorating process will be even easier than with cream or cream. You can prepare mastic using various methods, but we will only describe the classic version. It is worth saying that this composition is stored in the refrigerator for some time. For this reason, if the hostess decides to decorate the cake with just such a composition and make figures from it, then you can prepare them in advance.

There are some nuances that are worth knowing before you start creating material for decorating the dessert. So, the finished mastic can retain its freshness in the refrigerator, if stored correctly, for more than two months. It is also worth considering that to create a sweet base, you will have to use only well-ground powder, otherwise grains of granulated sugar will be felt in the composition. And so that even sometimes grains do not come across, it is best to sift the powdered sugar through a sieve.

If some parts need to be connected together, simply moisten the fastening area with water. To cover the cake with a sheet of mastic, the dessert must be kept in the refrigerator for at least five hours so that the cream hardens well. Only after the butter or butter cream has completely hardened is mastic used. If the cream does not harden, moisture will be released from it, which will eventually dissolve the thin layer of mastic on the dessert. The exact amount of powdered sugar is not given in the recipes, since the base can have different humidity levels and absorb powder at different speeds and in different volumes.

The kneading process is continued until the mass becomes similar to modeling clay. Once the composition is ready, bright figurines are made from it in addition. You can color the sweet dough in various shades using dyes. Thus, if the housewife is faced with the question of how to decorate a cake for a boy at home using a photo step by step, you can use bright and colorful mastic.

We use icing for decoration

Not many housewives even know how to decorate a cake at home using a video using icing. The thing is that the preparation of such a thick glaze is usually done by professional chefs, but you can create such a design with your own hands without having any specific skills. You should immediately take into account that to create such a design you will have to be patient and have a lot of time. The entire cooking process is carried out manually; the use of a mixer or blender is strictly prohibited here.

To begin with, take the whites of chicken eggs, beat them with a fork until a light foam forms on the surface, and after that they begin to gradually add powdered sugar to the mass. Do this until the mass becomes dense enough. Finally, add a little lemon juice to the mixture and mix everything. The icing should not be too liquid or too thick, otherwise it will not be able to hold its shape.

To create a decoration from this material, take any ornament, cover it with cling film, and the film itself is smeared with vegetable oil. After this, a design is applied to it using a syringe. This mixture should dry well, which may take about twelve hours.

There are many other options for decorating the cake; you can use pieces of jelly, various fruits and berries filled with gelatin. The design also looks beautiful mirror glaze. Don’t forget about using ready-made decorations, such as chocolate dragees, nuts and dried fruits. You just need to use your imagination to get a beautiful and original dessert.
