If withdrawal bleeding does not occur, what should I do? No withdrawal bleeding

When starting a family, every couple should take the issue of pregnancy planning seriously. Modern medicine offers a wide range of contraceptives that can be taken to protect against unwanted pregnancy. One of the most popular methods is to take birth control pills. What happens to the female body when they are canceled? Why might withdrawal bleeding occur?

Why do hemorrhages occur when taking OCs?

Today, oral contraceptives are widely used not only for protection against unwanted pregnancy, but also in the treatment of various hormonal disorders. A wide range of tablets allows you to choose a specific contraceptive for any woman, girl, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

When choosing this method of protection or treatment for themselves, each woman should know that bleeding when taking birth control pills is a fairly common complication.

Bleeding when taking OCs occurs due to hormonal changes in the female body.

Most often violations occur:
  • in the first weeks of taking the drugs. For the female body, this is the norm, since adaptation occurs to the hormones that come from the drug;
  • from the first day of admission and for 6 months. This picture is a serious signal, after which the woman should visit a doctor. He will conduct a diagnosis and determine why the heavy bleeding lasts so long. Most often, gynecologists recommend discontinuing the drug or reducing the dosage.

In some cases, it is difficult for women to choose an oral contraceptive. Then doctors carry out complex therapy, prescribing in parallel special medications that neutralize the effect of contraceptives.

Normal breakthrough bleeding when taking OCs is considered to be in the first two to three months after the prescription of the drug. If the discharge remains normal after this, and its quantity is not increased, then the endometrium of the uterus does not reject the egg prematurely. Gynecologists then say that the drug and its dose are selected correctly, there is no need for adjustment.

Some features of taking OK

While monitoring a patient who has started taking OCs, doctors examine the discharge in different periods menstrual cycle.

There are several features:
  1. When a woman takes hormonal medications to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, she does not experience true menstruation, but breakthrough bleeding. Most often, such discharge is within normal limits.
  2. Most medications women take are designed for a 21-day course. Then a 7-day break is expected. During this break, discharge should begin.
  3. There are cases when, during these seven days, breakthrough uterine bleeding does not begin. There is no need to wait for the discharge to begin; it is necessary to start taking the second pack of tablets after a set interval.
  4. If for some reason a woman needs to avoid discharge, then she can not take a break between taking pills, but drink them until the required date.
  5. As a rule, women whose periods were normal, at the same time, after discontinuation of the drug, manage to fully recover within 2-3 months.
  6. In the case when the adaptation period has ended, but the “spot” type discharge remains, this is a signal about the wrong contraceptive. It needs to be urgently replaced with another one, after consulting with a gynecologist.
  7. The same dose adjustment or replacement of the medication is necessary if bloody, spotting discharge is observed while taking it. This reveals a lack of the progestogen component.

What does heavy bleeding indicate?

Some women experience heavy bleeding when taking the drug, which is similar to menstruation. This picture may occur if endometrial rejection occurs due to the influence of progesterone, and the OCs taken do not contain enough estrogens to stop bleeding.

When heavy discharge symptoms that do not stop for five to seven days, you should consult a gynecologist.

In the case when the discharge intensifies, and the possibility of resorting to medical care at a particular moment no, you need to take a double dose of the medicine. The best option It is considered to take 1 tablet in the morning, 1 in the evening.

Analyzing situations in which breakthrough bleeding occurs, gynecologists name several facts that provoke its onset:
  • the regimen for taking oral contraceptives is disrupted. Women may forget to take the tablet at set time, then take 2 at once;
  • While taking the drug, the woman suffered from poisoning with diarrhea. Due to a malfunction of the intestines, the concentration of the hormone that is absorbed into the blood may decrease;
  • in parallel with taking OCs, the woman takes antibiotics or other drugs that affect the central nervous system;
  • taking medications or decoctions containing St. John's wort.
  • use of long-acting contraceptives. In these cases, the period of taking the medicine without a break lasts 63 days, after which there is a break of 7 days.

Some girls use emergency contraception, which can cause severe bleeding during the first two days. If the discharge begins and does not stop within 2-3 days, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

How to avoid withdrawal bleeding after OC?

A woman should not risk her health and hope for chance; taking hormonal contraceptives throughout the world is considered the norm, the main thing is to choose them correctly.

If it is necessary to stop taking the pills, then there are certain rules that will help avoid complications - breakthrough bleeding.

  1. Withdrawal should begin after taking the last pill from the pack. The woman will begin to experience menstrual-like discharge.
  2. Before stopping taking the drug, it is better to consult your doctor. There are certain cases where abrupt withdrawal will lead to serious complications.
  3. It is recommended to take tests to determine the amount of sex hormones in the body.

It happens that a woman has to abruptly stop taking the pills.

These include:
  • current pregnancy;
  • thrombosis;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • pathological processes in the liver;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension.

In this case, abrupt withdrawal requires regular monitoring by a gynecologist and testing.

Withdrawal bleeding is a condition that is inevitable in every woman taking oral contraceptives.

When protecting your body from unwanted pregnancy and treating hormonal levels, you need to remember that taking OCs requires a responsible and serious approach. Only a gynecologist can recommend the drug and provide consultation on its discontinuation in order to avoid complications and pathological bleeding.

QUESTION 1: Can I take pills if I have irregular menstruation?

ANSWER: It depends on the reason for the "irregularity". If bleeding
appears every 2-4 months or at large intervals, then it is advisable
refuse admission combination tablets. For some women, after
When you stop taking the pills, there may be no bleeding for months, i.e.
the egg is not released. In women who have menstruated
irregular (3-4 months) even before taking the pills, the likelihood
The occurrence of amenorrhea after taking the pills is much higher. Therefore, so
Women, if possible, are not recommended to use tablets as
main contraceptive method. This occurs mainly in
thin women whose first menstruation appeared much later
ordinary. It also happens that young women take pills for reasons other than
to prevent pregnancy, but to normalize irregular menstruation.
But this applies only to the competence of a gynecologist.

QUESTION 2: How to delay the onset of your next menstruation when using

ANSWER: If necessary, you can delay menstruation by taking hormonal hormones.
tablets. To do this, you should not stop taking it for 21 days (the last
tablet package), and continue taking tablets from the new package and
stop taking 3 days before the desired bleeding. Approximately
Bleeding will occur 2-3 days after finishing the dose. For example, if
you have been taking the pills for 40 days, bleeding is expected
approximately on the 43rd day. Of course on the 5th day, counting from the first day
new bleeding, you need to restart taking the pills.
Bleeding can be caused earlier by premature termination
taking 21 tablets (for example, on the 16th day). However, in this case
the risk of pregnancy increases.

QUESTION 3: I take the pill regularly and there was no bleeding. What

ANSWER: If there is no suspicion that protection from pregnancy
decreased for certain reasons (for example, they forgot to take a pill,
diarrhea, vomiting, some medications), then after a week interval you should
start taking the pills in the usual way. However, if subsequently
Bleeding also does not occur within a 7-day interval; it is necessary to contact
See your prescriber before taking the next pack of tablets.

QUESTION 4: There is minimal or no bleeding between pill doses.
missing . Why do menstruation disappear? Is this normal when taking OK?

ANSWER: While taking OK, there are so-called. MPR - menstrual-like reactions (or withdrawal bleeding). This is not menstruation, it shouldn’t exist, that’s why microdosed coke was invented. Why is this happening? Because when taking modern OCs, the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus) does not prepare for pregnancy and remains thin, so there is nothing to be rejected. After all, monthly menstruation is the rejection of the endometrial walls. How is menstruation different from bleeding and withdrawal? Because the effect of artificial hormones on the lining of the uterus is different from that of natural hormones, withdrawal bleeding is smaller in volume, often darker than normal menstruation, and usually less painful.

QUESTION 5: Bleeding occurred while taking the pills. Is it necessary
stop taking them?

ANSWER: No way. In such cases, it is natural to continue
taking the pills up to 21 days, and then making a 7-day interval, completely
regardless of the nature of the bleeding (spots, more
intensive, etc.). Bleeding that occurs during a 21-day cycle
called breakthrough bleeding.
The reason for this is that the level of hormones in the blood according to certain
reasons has decreased and the inner surface of the uterus under their influence is not
rebuilt. At this point, protection from pregnancy decreases. If
bleeding appears while taking the first or second tablets
package, you need to wait, since in most cases it
subsequently stops spontaneously. In other cases (for example, if
bleeding is constant or occurs during sexual intercourse), it is necessary
consult a gynecologist.
This type of bleeding can also be caused by certain rare
gynecological changes (polyp, damage to the os of the uterus, etc.). Such
changes can be detected by a simple gynecological examination.
However, if there is no gynecological reason, the mentioned decrease in the level
hormones explain the occurrence of bleeding. In such cases, the doctor
prescriber of contraception, as a rule, recommends an additional dose
one tablet. Switching to more hormonal pills may also help.

QUESTION 6: Does the
pills for normal menstrual bleeding?

ANSWER: If before taking the pills monthly cycle was normal (appeared
every 28-30 days menstruation), then after stopping the pills bleeding, in
the vast majority return immediately. In most cases (65%)
The first bleeding after taking the last tablet appears within 6
weeks If your bleeding was irregular before taking the pills
(appeared every 2-3 months or less), then this problem may return
appear even after stopping taking the pills. In some cases the first
menstrual bleeding after stopping the pills may still occur
more delayed. This mainly happens in cases when menstruation
Before taking the pills, they were rare and irregular. In such cases, more
It is advisable to use other methods of contraception, while taking hormonal
tablets are not recommended.
If there is no bleeding more than 2-3 months after finishing treatment
tablets, it is advisable to take a pregnancy test.
If bleeding does not appear within 6 months after stopping use
tablets, and the woman is not pregnant or breastfeeding, you must contact
see a doctor.

QUESTION 7: Can taking OCs reduce pain before menstruation?

ANSWER: Sharp pain in the lower abdomen just before menstruation
or during bleeding represent serious and common problem. These
Complaints related to menstruation are common among young women. About
Many people experience cramps in the lower abdomen and general malaise.
miss classes at school, college or be late for work. In a number
cases 3-4 months after starting to take the pills, these complaints sharply
decrease or disappear completely. Moreover, in some cases after
pain of this kind does not recur when discontinuing tablets. This influence is OK
due to the fact that while taking them, activity is greatly reduced
ovaries, and as a result of this, the functioning of the uterus is reconstructed.

For the fair sex who accept hormonal contraceptives, withdrawal bleeding is quite normal. The doctor should warn every woman about this before prescribing her such drugs.

Hormones and the menstrual cycle

Nowadays, planning a family has become very easy. There is a huge selection of drugs and methods that will help you avoid unnecessary pregnancy. One of the most popular forms of contraception is birth control pills. These are hormonal contraceptives that are quite effective and almost never fail if used correctly.

Doctors often recommend the use of contraceptives not only for those who are not yet ready to join their family, but also for women who have hormonal imbalances. In this case, the tablets play a double role.

The tablets are suitable for almost all ladies. But you need to keep in mind that different drugs are suitable for each type of organism. Therefore, you should not use birth control pills on your own without first consulting your doctor. Incorrectly selected oral contraceptives can lead to side effects. Some pills are strong enough that you don't need to take any risks. This is especially true for those women who have poor health and unstable hormonal levels.

Both at the beginning and at the end of use oral contraceptives There are always strong disruptions in the female natural cycle. The doctor must warn the woman about this before prescribing the medicine. Moreover, representatives of the fair sex should take into account that complications cannot be ruled out when using birth control pills. The most obvious of these will be bleeding.

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When using pills to prevent unwanted pregnancy, bleeding may occur at the beginning of taking them, in the middle, and at the end. Moreover, the latter case occurs in almost everyone, since withdrawal bleeding is common when using oral contraception. Every woman who decides to take contraceptive pills should be prepared for this.

In general, serious menstrual irregularities occur in every second woman who uses birth control pills. But most of all, the arrival of menstruation is confused at the beginning and at the end of the intake medicines. This is considered normal, since the use hormonal drugs completely rebuilds women's system. But it is worth noting that bleeding when taking OCs is not always significant. A lot depends on the type medicinal product and health status of the fair sex.

Bleeding when using these medications

Experts believe that hormonal pills are one of the the best ways in order to protect against unwanted pregnancy. However, while taking them, the fair sex often complain that they experience bleeding.

In this case, it all depends on the duration of treatment contraception, on the woman’s health condition and the amount of blood released. Considering that oral contraceptives are hormonal drugs, they can cause serious changes in the female body. This often leads to bleeding. But it doesn't have to be strong. Only spotting is allowed in the first 3-4 months after starting to take birth control pills and for 2 weeks after stopping the pills.

If there is a lot of blood coming out and it does not stop for more than 2 weeks after the withdrawal has occurred, this indicates a big problem. The thing is that minor bleeding is normal, since this is the body’s reaction to the lack of replenishment of hormones, which will cease to occur after the end of taking the pills. But in such a situation there should not be a lot of blood. Heavy bleeding, especially if it appears later than a week after stopping contraceptives, is a signal that you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Breakthrough bleeding can happen both during and after you stop taking birth control medications. In this case, you need to consult a doctor to establish a natural female cycle. Often, breakthrough bleeding when taking OCs occurs due to a lack of estrogen, so a specialist may prescribe additional pills to normalize hormonal levels. But the treatment must be correct. You cannot use hormonal medications on your own or increase the dose of existing medications. If breakthrough bleeding occurs after stopping oral contraceptives, you should definitely consult a doctor. This phenomenon may indicate not only a hormonal imbalance, which the body is not able to cope with on its own, but also gynecological pathologies, such as polyps and injuries of the uterine pharynx.

In addition, heavy bleeding upon withdrawal hormonal drugs contraception may be caused by improper completion of medication. Before stopping the pills, a woman must visit a doctor who will tell the patient how to safely stop taking OCs.

But even without any pathologies, bleeding will still occur when you stop taking birth control pills. But such bleeding will normally be spotty and will last no more than 1 week. In just 10-14 days menstrual cycle should make a full recovery. But this may also be hampered by additional factors that are unacceptable for the first time after stopping hormonal medications. We are talking about drugs that affect the central nervous system, contain St. John's wort and belong to the class of antibiotics. All this can significantly increase the withdrawal syndrome and lead to the development of severe bleeding and other unpleasant and dangerous symptoms after stopping the use of oral contraceptives.

How to stop taking birth control pills?

In order to avoid dangerous bleeding after stopping using OCs, you must follow the rules. The patient must be told about them by the attending physician, whom the woman must visit after she decides to stop taking the pills. Consultation with a specialist is especially important for those representatives of the fair sex who were prescribed hormonal contraceptives to normalize hormonal levels. In this case, you can stop taking the medicine only after taking tests and determining all the risks.

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Birth control pills are taken according to a specific schedule. This is important, otherwise they will not act as they should. In each cycle there is a break of 7 days. Experts do not recommend giving up pills if a woman has just started taking the drugs. So, this will be too much of a hormonal shock for the body. It’s another matter when withdrawal occurs immediately after the woman takes the last pill from the package. If no negative factor affects the female body at this moment, then the menstrual cycle should be restored within a week. Normal critical days will come, and next month the woman will be able to get pregnant.

It is worth noting that bleeding while taking contraceptives, that is, when they are discontinued, is not an indicator that pregnancy is impossible at that moment. Therefore, experts recommend additional protection for the first 3 months after stopping taking oral contraceptives. This time will be enough for the female body to fully prepare for the complex process of bearing a child.

Planning and starting a family is an important and serious stage in the life of a couple. Currently, there are a large number of different means of protection against unplanned pregnancy, with contraceptives considered the most popular. What is the body’s reaction to taking tablets of this group and for what reason withdrawal bleeding may occur, we will consider in this article.

The effect of contraceptives on the body

The body of representatives of the weaker half of humanity includes the presence of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen. What are progesterone and estrogen? These are hormones that influence the duration and nature of the menstrual cycle, promote ovulation and the process of conceiving a child.

All hormonal drugs are divided into several types:

  • by mechanical impact;
  • chemical component.

As for the second group, in this case hormonal pills can consist only of progesterone, while their functional feature will consist in increasing the resistance of the channel to the movement of male seminal fluid, mainly sperm. In addition, these types of drugs prevent the ability of the egg to attach. The so-called combined type contraceptives, which include both progesterone and estrogen, are in particular demand.

In addition to the above functions, an additional one arises, which excludes the possibility of the egg being fertilized, since estrogen begins to actively stop the process of maturation of the egg. The use of this type of contraceptive can cause withdrawal bleeding. We will consider in more detail the reasons for this reaction of the body below.

Causes of bleeding

It should be noted that female hormones present in the body in sufficient quantities large quantities, which is directly related to the reproductive age phase. In the first part of the menstrual cycle, estrogen is most active, with its maximum effect occurring during ovulation.

In the absence of fertilization, the influence begins from estrogen.

After starting to take contraceptive medications, a woman’s body needs to go through a period of adaptation to their effect on hormonal levels. This is primarily due to the fact that the quantitative content of sex hormones in the body in any case exceeds the dosage of the active components of this type of contraceptives.

Bleeding when taking birth control pills can vary in volume and consistency. Bleeding when taking OCs is considered optimal if they are spotting in nature, and their duration is about several months of taking contraceptives. The correct dose can be determined using secretions, since if selected correctly, they should not increase. If spotting occur in the middle of the dose, this indicates that it is recommended to adjust the dosage in this particular case.

The types of bleeding deserve special attention. In some cases, breakthrough bleeding may occur. Breakthrough bleeding is only possible if the endometrium is shed in the uterine area, and the amount of estrogen is not enough to stop this bleeding.

These kinds of changes can occur with the use of synthetic hormones.

Also, such bleeding can occur if contraceptives are completely discontinued or if at least one pill is missed. This may lead to changes in hormonal levels, and consequently, disruption of the menstrual cycle. A similar reaction of the body cannot be ruled out due to the simultaneous use of hormonal drugs together with certain groups of drugs, for example, antibiotics or tranquilizers.

Heavy bleeding

Some women, while taking contraceptive medications, may experience heavy bleeding, reminiscent of menstruation, and very often almost every woman asks the question, why is this possible? Bleeding when taking birth control pills is not excluded if there is insufficient estrogen in the OCs used. If the bleeding does not stop within several days, the woman should consult a specialist.

If it is not possible to contact a specialist, if there is bleeding, you should take a double dosage of the drug, for example, one tablet in the morning and in the evening. Heavy or breakthrough bleeding can occur due to the influence of certain factors:

  • violation of the schematic use of contraceptives;
  • disruption of the action of the contraceptive due to poisoning accompanied by diarrhea, since due to such failures the concentration of the drug is significantly reduced;
  • joint use of antibiotics or other drugs that affect the functionality of the central nervous system;
  • use of decoctions or infusions containing St. John's wort;
  • use of long-acting contraceptives.

Breakthrough uterine bleeding may also occur in the following cases:

  • gynecological diseases;
  • bad habits (mainly smoking);
  • the presence in the body of infections that can be transmitted through sexual contact;
  • Individual intolerance OK.

Whatever the cause of heavy bleeding, if possible, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. The specialist will conduct an examination and, if necessary, refer you for certain tests, since breakthrough blood flow can be triggered by pregnancy. It is possible that the discharge may be profuse due to the presence of diseases of the reproductive system in a woman.

Ways to Avoid Withdrawal Bleeding

There are certain methods to prevent withdrawal bleeding. In this situation, each representative of the fair sex must carefully monitor the state of her health, therefore the selection of hormonal drugs and the regimen for their use should be selected only from specialists based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

If it is necessary to stop taking hormonal drugs, you should use a specific regimen that will make it possible to avoid bleeding, especially heavy bleeding. It involves the following sequence:

  • It is better to cancel immediately after taking the last tablet from the pack, as a result of which the woman will begin to have discharge similar to menstruation;
  • consult a specialist about discontinuing the drug, as there may be situations in which discontinuation of birth control is prohibited;
  • carry out tests in advance to determine the amount of sex hormones present in the body, especially since this set of tests can be taken at any antenatal clinic.

Despite the order presented above, there are cases when the reception has to be stopped abruptly.

Such situations include pregnancy, the occurrence of thrombosis, diagnosing the presence of malignant tumors in a woman’s body, pathological processes in the liver area, increased level blood sugar and hypertension.

In such a situation, the patient needs to be regularly examined and consult with a gynecologist regarding taking birth control pills and in the event of a body reaction such as uterine bleeding.

After stopping birth control pills, the work of the ovaries can significantly intensify. Such activity can cause a number of side effects, but at the same time it can be used for its intended purpose. For example, active functionality after the abolition of ok can help speed up the process of conception.

Thus, the use of hormonal drugs requires special attention from a woman regarding her health, since in the event of bleeding or any disturbances in the general functionality of the body, it requires urgent consultation with a specialist and, if necessary, complete cessation of taking contraceptive drugs.

19.12.2009, 14:39

Hello. I am 31 years old. Height: 178 cm, weight: 70 kg. Menstruation since the age of 12, regular (cycle 28 days), heavy, painful. There were no abortions. This is the only pregnancy.
A year ago there was a birth by caesarean section (non-gynecological indications). 4 months after giving birth, the menstrual cycle improved. Due to painful periods, the doctor suggested taking Zhanine (I had already taken it for more than a year, before pregnancy). I've been taking it for 5 months now. I take my pills at the same time and never miss them.
Last time, when there was a break between taking the pills, my period did not start, although one day it was a little blurry. Before taking the next package, I took a pregnancy test. The result was negative. Now there is a break between taking pills again. This time there is no bleeding again. Previously bleeding began 2-3 days after discontinuation of the drug. Today, on the 4th day of withdrawal, I took a pregnancy test: negative. I remembered that from the 11th to the 18th day of taking the pills I took the antibiotic amoxicillin. The description of the drug states that antibiotics can reduce the protective function of contraception.
Is pregnancy possible in my case? How can I eliminate it before taking the next package? Can I take a pregnancy test again in 2-3 days?

19.12.2009, 21:33

To rule out pregnancy, the best way is to take a blood test for hCG. More reliable.
It is unlikely that pregnancy has occurred, but still.

While taking Janine, your periods may become more scanty, even to the point of “missing” your periods. If this bothers you, then discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking other COCs.

16.02.2010, 12:34

Hello. I am turning to you again with the same problem.
I also take Janine. There are no bleedings between tablets. The doctor suggested switching to the drug Yarina. The instructions for it say that “it is preferable to start taking Yarina the next day after taking the last active tablet from the previous package.”
Today is my 7th day off, i.e. Starting tomorrow you need to start taking Janine.
1. Tell me, in my case, is it possible not to switch to another COC? In general, I like Janine: I feel good, I haven’t gained any weight. If the constant “loss” of menstruation is normal for this drug, which does not negatively affect the body in any way, then I would continue to take it.
2. Can menstruation “miss” while taking Yarina?
3. Is it possible to switch to Yarina this month, or is it better to do it next time without stopping taking the pills (as indicated in the instructions)?

16.02.2010, 23:10

1. You can.
2. Occurs less frequently than when taking Janine.
3. In principle, it is possible.

03.04.2010, 23:08

Hello. It’s been a month since I switched from Zhanin to Yarina. I switched to the first day of stopping the Janine pills. Then there was no bleeding again. Now there is a seven-day break after taking Yarina. It’s already the fifth day of withdrawal and there is no bleeding. Although on the 2-3rd day of withdrawal there was a slight tightening in the lower back, as if a discharge was about to begin. I didn’t miss taking pills, I took them at the same time. The pregnancy test is negative.
The instructions for using Yarina state that during the first months of using the drug, irregular bleeding may occur. “Therefore, assessing for any irregular bleeding is only meaningful after an adaptation period of approximately 3 cycles.”
Could this be the reason for the lack of bleeding in my case? (After all, before taking Yarina, I drank Janine for more than six months)

04.04.2010, 21:43

Maybe. there is no cause for concern, you can continue taking the drug

02.06.2010, 22:20

Hello. I have been drinking Yarina for 3 months now. In the first month, there was no bleeding on the days of stopping the pills. In the second, on day 4, there was spotting that lasted 1 day. And in the third cycle there was also spotting on the 4th day of stopping the pills for 1 day. Although on the 7th day in the evening it felt a little anointed. I took a pregnancy test, although I take pills regularly. The result is negative. Today I started drinking my fourth pack. In the evening there is again a slight spotting of discharge (very scanty).
1. In my case, was it possible to start taking a new package of pills?
2. The instructions for Yarina say that the cycle should normalize in 2-3 months. Do I need to undergo any testing, or can I still wait?

03.06.2010, 11:56

1. You can.
2. Usually after 2-3 months they come for a second appointment with the gynecologist and discuss whether there is side effects and so on.

In principle, periods can become significantly sparser and shorter while taking any COC.

06.06.2010, 13:37

Hello. Now I have another question. I decided to write in my topic.
I am in my first week of taking Yarina after a seven-day break. I started taking the pills, as always, on Wednesday. On Friday at 8 am I drank a pill. And on Saturday, on the 4th day of taking it, I missed taking a pill for the first time. I only remembered this morning, Sunday. I drank 2 pills at the same time. The interval from the moment of taking the last tablet was exactly 24 hours. There was sexual intercourse on Friday night.
The instructions for use of Yarina say:
“If the delay in taking the pills is more than 12 hours (the interval since the last pill was taken is more than 36 hours), the following recommendations can be given:
The first and second weeks of taking the drug.
You should take the missed tablet as soon as possible (even if this means taking two tablets at the same time). The next tablet is taken at the usual time. Additionally, a barrier method of contraception (condom) must be used for the next 7 days. If sexual intercourse took place within a week before missing a pill, the possibility of pregnancy must be taken into account."
I didn’t really understand this information, probably because I was nervous.
Tell me, does this point apply to my case? It says here that the interval from the moment of taking the last pill is more than 36 hours. For me it is 24 hours.
Is there a chance of pregnancy in my case?
Or can I safely take the drug, using another method of contraception for a week, and not worry about pregnancy?
