Notes on modeling in the junior group "Ladybug" lesson plan on applique, modeling (junior group) on the topic. "Ladybug"

Lesson notes in middle group by sculpting

On the theme "Ladybug"

Target: Teach children to sculpt a ladybug from separate parts: body, head, eyes, antennae. Practice the techniques of rolling, pressing, rolling, attaching and smearing. To instill in children a love of nature and insects.

Material: A picture of a ladybug. Ready-made flowers. Plasticine. Planks

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: What time of year is it now?

Children: Autumn

Educator: How did you guess?

Children's answers

Educator: And how I would like it to be warm, for summer to come. Let's remember what we did in the summer?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's go for a walk on the carpet. And let's imagine that this is a meadow.

Fizminutka :

On the lawn, among the daisies The group runs around the free space.

The beetle was flying wearing a colored shirt.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu They stop and stand up straight.

I'm friends with daisies.

I sway quietly in the wind, Perform body bends left and right

I bend low, low. Bend forward and down

I sat on a flower Squats

I rested and flew. They run and then sit down in their places.

Educator: Oh, look at my flower, it’s not a butterfly that has arrived, but some kind of insect. Listen to the riddle. If you guess right, I'll show you who came to us

This babe puts it on
The dress is red with polka dots.
And he knows how to fly deftly

The teacher shows the flower where the ladybug sits.

Educator: Let's remember the saying about the ladybug. Let's put her on our palm and say:

Ladybug, fly to the sky,

Bring me some bread.

Black and white

Just not burnt.

Educator: Let’s all make ladybugs together and plant them on a flower. And then our group will not have a gray autumn, but a bright and warm summer.

The teacher shows a picture of a ladybug.

Educator: Let's take a closer look at the ladybug.

What does she have? What color are the wings? What else is on the wings? What does she have on her head?

Let's get to work. They raised their sleeves, took red plasticine, formed a ball and slightly flattened it on one side. This is our torso. We take black plasticine, tear off small pieces, mold balls and attach small black spots to the body. We also roll a ball out of black plasticine, this is our head. We attach it to the body. Is our ladybug ready?

Children: No.

Educator: And what will be missing?

Children: eyes, antennae

Educator: Then we take white plasticine and sculpt small balls - 2 pieces. We attach it to the head. And don't forget about the pupils. Now our eyes are ready. All that remains is to mold the antennae. We take yellow plasticine and roll thin, thin sausages. Wrap the end of the sausage. Did it work? We attach it to the head. Well done. Here we have a ladybug. Beautiful, neat. But they are bored without their flowers. I will give you each a flower, now you can plant them there. This will be their house. Our lesson is over. Thanks kids. Let's go wash our hands.

Golotenko Anna Yurievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: GBDOU kindergarten No. 18 Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg
Locality: Saint Petersburg
Name of material: Abstract
Subject:"Ladybug" (modeling 1st junior group)
Publication date: 13.10.2016
Chapter: preschool education

State budgetary preschool educational institution of a combined type, kindergarten No. 18, Kirovsky district. Abstract of the GCD on the artistic and aesthetic development of children of primary preschool age.
“Ladybug” (modeling 1st junior group) Compiled by: Golotenko A.Yu., teacher of the first quarter category St. Petersburg 2015

creating conditions for the artistic and aesthetic development of children of primary preschool age.
 to develop children’s interest in working with plastic materials - plasticine;  continue to master the techniques of working with plasticine - pinch off, roll, press, place plasticine balls at an equal distance from each other, maintain the symmetry of the pattern;  develop children's creative abilities and fine motor skills;  educate careful attitude to living nature;  enrich children’s understanding of the time of year;  create conditions for active cognitive activity;  educate children to be neat and attentive.
Methods and techniques:
A surprise moment, a show, an examination, questions for children, a literary word, an outdoor game, an explanation, a problem situation.
Sculpting techniques:
Pinching, rolling, pressing.
Materials and equipment:
Toy - “ladybug”, black plasticine, napkins, boards, blank ladybugs (without spots) for each child, tape recorder.
Preliminary work:
Conversation about the time of year, about the ladybug; looking at pictures and illustrations about nature; learning finger play.

Progress of joint activities:
- Guys, today I suggest you go to a beautiful clearing where the first flowers appeared. Are you ready to hit the road? (Yes) - let's go find flowers. - Look how many flowers there are. What are they? (Children's answers) - Tell me, why did the first flowers appear? (Because the sun is shining, it has become warm, spring has come) - That's right, well done! - Oh, guys, it looks like someone is hiding here. Let's see? (We take out a toy) - Look guys, who is it? (Ladybug) - That's right, it was Ladybug that flew to visit us with the arrival of spring. - Look how beautiful she is! What color are her wings? (red), and what is on the wings? (spots), what color are the spots? (black), how many spots does Ladybug have? (many). - That's how beautiful she is! Let's tell a poem about her: I can fly deftly, Motley Ladybug. The wings are red with dots, as if in black circles. In a bright festive shirt I save the harvest. I'm a useful bug, don't hurt me! - Oh! Ladybug wants to say something in my ear. - Ladybug says that she did not fly alone, but with her friends. (We take out the blanks). - Today they have a “Spring” holiday in the clearing and they should be in their beautiful outfits. But it seems to me that something is missing in their outfits. What do you think? (Spots) - That's right! Let's guys help Ladybugs, don't you agree? (Yes)
- We will draw a lot of spots for the ladybugs and their outfits will become beautiful. But first the ladybugs want to see how you can play with your fingers: A bug is crawling on a flower (extend your index finger and little finger from your left fist - this is the ladybug’s “whiskers”) red shirt (cover the back of the “ladybug” with your right palm) Small crumb (stroke the “ladybug” with your right hand) There are polka dots on the back. (use the index finger of your right hand to place dots on the back of the “ladybug”) - Guys, take one ladybug at a time and go to the table, sit down. - How do we make spots on the backs of ladybugs? (Let's draw); and what will we use to draw the spots? (Plasticine); What color plasticine do we need? (Black) - Guys, what are the spots on the Ladybug? (Small, round, black), but you and I have a large piece of plasticine, what should we do? - I’ll pinch off a small piece from a large piece of plasticine and roll it into a ball between my palms. Place this ball on the ladybug’s wing and press it down with your finger. You will get a black speck. The spots need to be placed at a distance from each other so that the outfit of the ladybugs becomes beautiful. - Guys, Ladybug will watch you decorate the wings of her friends. - Get to work. (Audio recording sounds) - Well, you decorated the ladybugs. Ladybugs thank us. Now they have a beautiful, bright polka dot outfit. And I suggest you play with ladybugs. Outdoor game "Ladybug"

Synopsis of NEO on artistic and aesthetic development in the second younger group on the topic: "Ladybug"

developed by teacher: Evlampieva O.V.

Goal: expand and clarify children's knowledge about insects.


  1. expand children's vocabulary on the topic: insects.
  2. instill in children a love of nature.
  3. develop speech, memory, attention, creativity.
  4. develop fine motor skills of the hand.

Integration of educational areas: Social and communicative development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.


Sheets of paper with the outline of ladybugs, gouache, brushes, napkins, cotton swabs, cups of water.

Preliminary work:

  1. Watching a ladybug on a walk. Conversation in a circle with children, looking at pictures of insects. Reading riddles.
  2. Learning nursery rhymes:

Black head
Fly to the sky
Bring us some bread

Black and white
Just not burnt.

GCD move:

Organizational moment: Gathering of children to music in a common circle. Carrying out spatial orientation tasks with children. Raise your arms up, arms to the sides, behind your back, stop, take a step forward, step back, step to the right, step to the left. Then the teacher says: let’s hold hands and smile at each other.

Educator: Guys! I'll tell you a riddle now. A red, small lump, with a few dots on its back, it doesn’t scream or sing, but crawls along a leaf. (Ladybug)

Children: Ladybug.

Educator: That's right, well done! Please tell me what insects do you know? Educator: let's pass the flower around in a circle and name the insects. Children take turns naming insects (Children's answers) butterfly, ant, grasshopper, dragonfly, bee. Educator: that's right, well done guys!


And now I suggest you do finger exercises about a ladybug together.

black head, (clench and unclench your fists)
Fly to the sky (raise your hands up)
Bring us bread (put your hands to your chest)

Black and white (clench fists alternately)
Just not burnt. (threaten with finger)

Educator: Guys, look at the picture and tell me which ladybug?

Children's answers: (round, red, beautiful, with mustache).

Educator: Maybe some of you saw her?

(children's answers) Yes, on a walk.

Educator: I suggest you play a game: Earth, water, air. The teacher chooses the driver, and the remaining players stand in a circle. The driver begins to walk in front of the players and touch each of the children with his hand. At the same time he says: Water, earth, air.” He stops in front of some player. If the driver stops at the word air, then the player must name the bird. If you stopped on the word "Earth" then you need to name the animal, If "water" either a fish or a sea creature living in the water.

Educator: Well done, guys! We had fun playing. Now let's color the ladybugs in beautiful, bright outfits with black dots. Do you agree?

Educator: Let's prepare our fingers for work, let's play with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics
Let's count our fingers together
We call insects (compress and unclench)
Butterfly, grasshopper, dragonfly

This is a beetle with a green belly. (bend your fingers into a fist one by one)
Who's calling here? (rotate with little finger)
Oh, a mosquito is flying here!
Hide! (we hide our hands behind our backs).

Educator: Guys, we are now going to decorate the ladybug. Like this one. (Show picture). What shape is the back of a ladybug? Round. What color? Red. It is convenient to paint the red back with a brush. When painting the back, remember that you move the brush lightly, only in one direction. Then rinse the brush thoroughly in one water, rinse in another and dip the bristles of the brush on a napkin. Now let's take a cotton swab, pick up black paint and draw dots, and then the cow's head - a semicircle, paint it with black paint. Divide the back of the ladybug in half with a black line. Draw a line with the very tip of the brush bristle. And draw the grass with green gouache in straight lines.

Educator: Let's have a rest. I suggest you stand in a circle and do our physical exercise. /Perform actions in accordance with the content of the poem/

Our scarlet flowers open their petals,
The breeze breathes a little,
The petals are swaying,
Our scarlet flowers cover their petals,

Quietly falling asleep
They shake their heads.

Result: Educator: Guys, what beautiful ladybugs you turned out, I suggest you decorate our drawing corner with your works.

Summary of modeling classes in the younger group


Program content:Continue to teach children to pinch small pieces of plasticine from a piece and roll them into balls with a diameter of 5-7 mm, press the index finger onplasticine ball, attachingit to the base, place the plasticinehigh balls at equal distances

from each other, maintain symmetry of the pattern; to develop an interest in working with plasticine and to develop fine motor skills.

Preliminary work:the day before, children have a conversation about the ladybug, looking at pictures and illustrations.

Preparation for class

For the teacher:toy – ladybug, audio player.

For children: Sheets of cardboard white with blanks (applique) according to the number of children; black plasticine.

MODELING TECHNIQUES: Remove kicking, rolling, pressure.

Direct educational activities.

Part I.

1 Interesting techniques.

The teacher plays the recording “Flight of the Bumblebee.”

Children go to the carpet, where there are colorful flowers.

Q: Guys, what color are our flowers??

D: Red, yellow.

Q: Correct.

The teacher plays the recording “Flight of the Bumblebee”

Q: Guys, do you hear someone buzzing??

D: Children's answers.

Q: Let's see. Who could it be? The teacher and the children go around the group and find a ladybug on the table under an indoor flower.

Q: Who are these guys??

Children answer: Ladybug. (If the children find it difficult, the teacher helps them).

The teacher picks up the toy and reads a poem on its behalf:


black head,

Fly to the sky

Bring us bread

Black and white

Just not burnt.



Sits on a leaf.

On her back

Little black dots.

2. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Today we will sculpt such a ladybug.

3. Consideration.

Let's look at it

Educator: What color is her back??

Children's answer: Red.

Educator: Correct.

Educator: What color are the spots??

Children: Black.

Educator: What color is her head??

Children: Black.

Educator: What else does a ladybug have?

Children: Mustache, she also has legs and a tummy.

Educator: Correct.

I clarify the goal for the children.

You will sculpt a ladybug.

4. Show with explanation.

On the easel for children there is a blank with the image of a ladybug attached.

Look, we also have a ladybug in the picture.

There's just something missing from her.

You guessed it ? That's right, black spots on the back. Let's make spots!

How will we make spots: by pinching off small pieces

plasticine with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, roll from

them balls. Then we attach the balls to the back of the ladybug,

using the pressure method. Help the children begin to complete the task and monitor its completion.

5 Reminder.

When starting work, do not forget that you need to sculpt on a board, do not forget to pinch off small pieces from a large piece.

Part II of the lesson. Techniques for individual work with children.

Invite the children to make 2-4 balls themselves and attach them to the back of the ladybug. If kids find it difficult, you can draw dots in the places where the balls should be stuck to make it easier to navigate.

III part. Analysis of children's works.

What beautiful ladybugs you made! Well done!

Now let's take our ladybugs and they will fly.

Outdoor game "Beetles"

Goal: to train children to run in all directions, take their house when given a signal, and be attentive.

Program content:

1. We continue to work on modeling with salt dough. We enrich the child’s experience of sensations and perceptions (sensory experience).

2. We strengthen the children’s ability to: roll a ball between the palms of a large red ball (torso), a small black ball (head); apply different types techniques to add expressiveness to the image (poking technique - black spots on the back).

3. We develop the child’s ability to work neatly at the table, to see beauty in living nature.

Methods and techniques:

A surprise moment, a show, an examination, questions for children, artistic expression, an outdoor game, an explanation, a problem situation, instructions.


Red and black salt dough, “pokes”, black gouache, wet wipes, boards; ready-made leaves of green colored paper.

Preliminary work:

The ladybug was examined: during a walk and in the illustration.

We learned the physical education exercise “Ladybug”.

Progress of the lesson:

In the group there is a table on the carpet. On the table there is a slide of multi-colored leaves, and under them on a green leaf sits a toy ladybug. A teacher comes into the group with children.

Educator - Guys, what are these leaves lying on the table, let's see what's under them. The teacher and the children come to the table and remove the leaves. Look guys, who is it?

Educator - That's right, this ladybug flew to visit us today. Guys, look, our guest is sad because today is the “Spring” holiday in the forest, and she has no friends with whom she could fly to this holiday. Guys, let's make friends for her?

- Okay, let's take a closer look at what the ladybug has.

- Body and head.

- That's right, what color is the body?

- Red.

Educator - What color is the head?

- Black.

Educator - What is that on her back?

- Black spots.

Educator - How many spots does a ladybug have on its back?

Educator - Guys, who can tell me what shape the ladybug’s body is?

- Round.

Educator - What shape are the black spots on the back?

- Also round.

Educator - What shape is Leysan’s head?

- Round.

Educator - Guys, tell me, what is larger, the body or the head?

- Torso.

Educator - Correct, the body is large, the head is smaller, and what size are the spots?

- Small ones.

Educator - Well done, that’s right, very young.

Guys, let's show our guest the game "Ladybug".

Physical education game “Ladybug”

Ladybug, black head

Fly to heaven, bring us some bread

If it's raining, then sit

If the sunshine fly.

(During physical education, children pronounce words and perform movements.)

Now guys, please take your seats. Sit up straight, your hands are friends, your eyes are looking at me. Today we will make friends for the ladybug from salt dough. You must try very hard because only the best ladybugs will be invited to the party. Educator - Guys, first we need to make the body, so what size piece will we take?

- The biggest one.

Educator - Correct! I take the largest piece of red dough, roll it between my palms, and I get a big ball, you need to put the ball on a piece of paper and press it a little. The ladybug's head is black and we will make it from a small piece of black dough.

And now I take a piece of black dough, roll it between my palms, it turns out to be a round head. Now I attach the head to the body, helping with my fingers. I got a ladybug. What is my ladybug missing?

- Spots.

Educator - The ladybug has black spots. I take a poke, dip it in black paint and poke round spots on the back of the ladybug. Guys, you can apply as many spots as you want. You already have on your tables: pieces of red and black dough; poke, black gouache; ready-made leaves on which you will plant your ladybugs.

Now you yourself will make friends for our guest. And at this time the ladybug will watch how you diligently and carefully do your work.

During the work, the teacher approaches and helps children whose motor functions are poorly developed.

At the end of their work, the children bring their ladybugs on leaves and place them next to the guest. The guest (ladybug) thanks the children for making so many friends for her, now she and her new friends will be able to fly to the Spring Festival. The teacher praises all the children and highlights particularly successful works.
