How to make fruit ice. How to make popsicles: delicious ice at home Fruit ice

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients.

Since our main ingredients are plant-based, they must be washed before cooking. We rinse with running water to remove dust and harmful substances that have settled on the fruits. We do the same with mint. Cut the apple in half and then into large pieces. We use one half for the recipe, and eat the other half to get a positive charge of vivacity and energy. If the apple is small, then use the whole fruit. The core with seeds and skin must be removed. We also peel the kiwi and cut out the tight connection that attached the berry to the branch. Cut the kiwi into large pieces.

Finely chop the mint and set aside.

Step 2: Prepare fruit ice.
Take a blender and put pieces of kiwi and apple into it. Grind them to a puree for 30 seconds. Why exactly the puree state? Because otherwise, small pieces of fruit will freeze, and fruit ice will turn out heterogeneous, consisting of many small pieces of ice. The finished puree must be rubbed through a sieve to get rid of the kiwi seeds. Then add chopped mint to it and use the blender again to chop the leaves. You can make ice cream from the resulting puree, but I suggest adding syrup to it - this way the fruit ice will be sweeter, because kiwi is a sour product. Therefore, we pour water into the pan and put it on the stove. Pour in the sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved. Bring the water to a boil, then turn off the stove and cool the syrup slightly.

Mix fruit and berry puree with syrup, stir the resulting mixture and pour it into ice cream molds. Place the molds in the freezer for 3-4 hours until completely frozen.

Step 3: Serve homemade popsicles.

After the specified time has passed, check the readiness of the ice cream. You can take it out of the refrigerator and start tasting. The sourish kiwi and menthol taste of mint will refresh you better than a cold shower! Plunge into a sea of ​​taste!

Bon appetit!

Instead of special molds, empty cups, for example, from yogurt, and sticks will do.

Try making other ice cream flavors: watermelon and melon, banana and strawberry, peach and lemon, apricot and raspberry, and many others! You can add yogurt to fruit ice and get milk-fruit ice cream. Add spices such as nutmeg for a spicier taste.

In the hot summer, every person thinks about only one thing - how to cool down? When you don’t want to drink regular water, but you’re already tired of watermelon, fruit ice is perfect! Moreover, it is very easy to make it at home. This ice cream will appeal to both children and adults. Moreover, it contains only natural ingredients and no chemicals.

You can make such a delicacy easily and quickly at home, and together with your child, enticing him into cooking. Fruit ice can be either single-colored or multi-colored, it all depends on the color of the berries and juice that you add there. But the whole secret is not just in freezing an eye, there are special recipes for making ice cream, which we will tell you.

Delicious ice treat

  • Fruit juice to taste - 250 ml.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Gelatin - 6 gr.
  • Starch - 20 gr.
  • Citric acid - 5 g.
  • Pure water - 450 ml.

IMPORTANT! If you make ice without starch and gelatin, it will also work out, but it will be softer.

Dissolve sugar in water and put on fire, wait until it boils. Then gelatin and starch are added there as needed (they must be prepared in advance: separately soaked in water for 20-30 minutes. Water is included in the total amount).

Boil this whole mixture over the fire for about 3 minutes. Fruit juice and citric acid are poured into the hot mass in a thin stream. Stir slowly, pour into molds, insert sticks and leave in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Afterwards you can enjoy the taste of harmless ice.

IMPORTANT! You can make it two-color: pour a mixture of one shade down the mold, and another on top.

Coffee ice at home

This ice cream is also easy to make. Everything needs to be taken from the recipe above, only instead of juice, add coffee or melted cocoa. Then you will get real chocolate-coffee ice. In addition to citric acid, you can add natural lemon juice here, and the result will be very tasty.

Ice made from milk

Making such ice cream is not difficult either at home or in a cafe. They can surprise both guests and visitors.

  • Low-fat milk - 750 ml.
  • Powdered milk - 150 gr.
  • Sugar - 100 gr.
  • Gelatin - 6 gr.
  • Starch - 20 gr.

First, sugar and milk powder are mixed, then they are dissolved in regular milk. Place on fire and bring to a boil. When the mixture boils, add pre-prepared gelatin and starch (instead of water, use milk included in the total amount).

IMPORTANT! Add vanillin here to get delicious vanilla-cream ice. An unusual combination.

Chilled ice cream is poured into molds and left in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Afterwards you can enjoy the taste!

Fruit ice popsicle

Making any delicacy at home is very simple, you just need to use your imagination. This is how, for example, you can simply cut watery fruits, such as watermelon or orange, into interesting shapes. Insert sticks into them and freeze. This will result in delicious fruit ice cream made from natural ingredients.

IMPORTANT! If, when removing ice from the molds, it runs the risk of breaking, then before removing it, dip the mold itself in warm water for a few seconds. The ice inside will melt and slide out without breaking.

In order to make such a delicacy at home in the summer heat, you need to use all your imagination. The above recipes are the basis for making ice, choose a different filling and flavor, but cook according to the same scheme.

This experience will be very interesting for children who love sweets, especially in the summer. Start making dessert with your child and let him choose the flavors that come to mind. Bon appetit!

Fruit ice is a favorite treat for many children and adults. No wonder it is in such great demand. After all, it is so refreshing in the heat and very tasty. This dessert is low in calories, does not spoil your figure and contains a large amount of vitamins. Many housewives are wondering how to make fruit ice at home. It's actually quite simple. There are many recipes by which you can prepare this dessert yourself. Its ease lies in the fact that the fruits needed to make the delicacy are always at hand. In spring and summer they are fresh; in the cold season you can use frozen or canned products.

The photo shows a multi-colored frozen fruit dessert

To make popsicles, gelatin or starch is usually used. The dessert can be frozen both in ice cream bowls and in regular ice trays. You can experiment with this delicacy as much as you like. You can make it multi-colored (pour different juices in layers one at a time) or add whole berries to the puree. Layers can be changed in size, slope and shape. You just need to get used to it and everything will work out. You can mix purees from different fruits in one mold at the same time and then you will get amazing frozen drawings.

Freshness with pineapple flavor

Pineapple is a very healthy fruit. It is recommended to drink juices from it in order to receive more vitamins and strengthen the body. That is why fruit ice with pineapple is not only tasty, but also a very healthy dessert. To prepare it you will need the following products:

  1. Pineapple (whole or canned) - 500 g
  2. Water - 500 ml
  3. Lemon juice - 100 ml
  4. Sugar - 400 g
  5. Ice or ice cream molds
  6. Ice cream sticks.

The first step is to prepare the syrup. For this you will need water and sugar. The amount of sugar you add to popsicles at home depends on your taste. The difference in quantity may also depend on what kind of pineapple you decide to use: fresh or canned. The fruit pulp must be cut into pieces and blended in a blender to form a puree. You need to pour sugar syrup and lemon juice into it. In addition, you can use ready-made pineapple juice.

The resulting mixture can be distributed into pre-prepared forms. For convenience, it is advisable to insert ice cream sticks into them. Then the fruit ice can be easily taken out when it is completely ready. It is worth paying attention to one fact: if you decide to prepare ice at home, then you do not need to make puree in advance and pre-freeze it. The syrup must also be fresh.

The photo shows a plate with molds for fruit ice

Delicious dessert with melon

Melon, as one of the most popular berries, is used in the preparation of many delicious desserts. Therefore, making fruit ice with the addition of this berry is a great idea. If you're wondering how to make melon popsicles, there are several answers to this question. To bring one of the recipes to life, you will need the following products:

  1. Melon - 3 pieces
  2. Lime (you can use lemon) - 2 pieces
  3. Sugar - 2 cups
  4. Water - 2 glasses.

First, use sugar and water to make a syrup. Once it's ready, set it aside to cool. The melon needs to be peeled and seeds removed. It is better to cut the slices into small pieces. The next step is to place the melon pieces in a blender and pour in lime juice and a cup of simple syrup. Grind everything until smooth on high power.

Now the resulting pulp needs to be filtered through cheesecloth. Add the remaining syrup to the mixture and taste it. If the mixture turns out to be too sweet, this can be corrected with lemon. If, on the contrary, it seems sour, add a little sugar. Pour the resulting juice into molds. Keep in mind that when the liquid freezes it will increase in size. Therefore, do not fill the forms to the brim.

If suddenly you don’t have special molds, pour the prepared mixture into small plastic cups. Just don’t forget to cover them with foil and cling film on top. It is advisable to repeat this procedure 2-3 times so that the cups are tightly closed.

The photo shows molds for making fruit ice

Your home is a place where even popsicles can be used not only as a delicious dessert. Melon fruit ice has a very good effect on the skin of the face and hands. So don’t miss the opportunity to have a cream massage session and pamper not only yourself, but also your skin.

Berry delight with chocolate

You can endlessly list delicious recipes that children like. After all, all kids are real sweet tooths. If your child really loves sweets, then he will definitely appreciate this fruit ice. After all, there is everything here: berries and chocolate. In addition, this dessert is very easy to prepare at home. You will need:

  1. Watermelon - ½ joke
  2. Lime or lemon - 1 piece
  3. Dark chocolate - 100 g.

The first step is to wash the watermelon well and cut it in half. Peel it and cut the pulp into pieces. Remove all seeds from the watermelon. After this, place the pieces in a container and place in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Once the watermelon is cool and firm enough, remove it and place it in a blender. Pour the juice of one lemon over the pulp. Grind ingredients at high speed.

Separate half the chocolate and break it into pieces. Add to the prepared mixture and stir. Chocolate is the delicious “seed” in a watermelon. Pour the mixture into molds and place in the freezer. Once the puree has hardened, take it out and start preparing the glaze from the remaining half of the chocolate.

Once the chocolate is melted, cool it slightly and dip the popsicles into it. The treat can be returned to the freezer and wait until the chocolate hardens. The puree for such a dessert should be made during the cooking process, and not in advance. You can experiment by adding a layer of puree, then a layer of chocolate, then again puree.

The photo shows a children's dessert in the form of fruit ice in chocolate glaze

Fun colorful dessert

Nowadays everyone likes colorful desserts that have different tastes. Making such colorful fruit ice at home is not difficult. To do this, you can take completely different fruits and juices and just experiment a little. To create a three-layer multi-colored dessert you will need:

  1. Orange juice - 1 glass
  2. Tangerine juice - 1 glass
  3. Grapefruit juice - 1 glass
  4. Powdered sugar - ½ cup.

First, decide what color you want to make the main one. Let it be, for example, orange. So first, take a glass of orange juice and add a little powdered sugar into it. Taste it. The juice should become pleasantly sweet, but not cloying. If you still go too far with powdered sugar, then add a little lemon to the orange juice. It will add sourness.

Pour the juice into the molds in a small layer and place in the freezer. As soon as the juice freezes, do the same steps with grapefruit juice and tangerine juice. Once you have poured the new layer, place the molds back into the freezer. This multi-colored fruit ice consists only of natural juice. That's why it has such a rich smell, bright taste and is very healthy. It is advisable to eat this dessert within a few days. Because otherwise it will become very hard.

More recipes for colorful desserts can be found in this video:

Strawberry Ice Extravaganza

Strawberries are a delicious addition to any dessert. It will add sophistication and sophistication to the dish. To create this berry ice, use fresh strawberries. It will exude a pleasant aroma and contains many vitamins. To make an ice extravaganza at home, you will need the following syrup ingredients:

  1. Sugar - 100 g
  2. Water - 120 ml
  3. Lemon zest - 2 strips.

For the strawberry puree:

  1. Strawberries - 600 g
  2. Orange juice (can be apple or lemonade) - 250 ml.

The first step is to prepare the syrup. To do this, add sugar and lemon zest to water and bring to a boil over low heat. Sugar should completely dissolve in water. So let the mixture boil for a couple of minutes. After this, remove the saucepan from the heat and let the syrup cool. Now you can remove the zest. This syrup can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week, but no more.

Wash the strawberries, remove the stems and place them in a blender. Blend at high speed until pureed. Now you can add syrup and the juice of your choice to the finished mass. All ingredients must be mixed well until smooth. The resulting mixture must be placed in the prepared mold, and then returned to the freezer for 12 hours. It is advisable not to dilute the puree with large amounts of syrup and juice. The thicker your mixture is, the tastier the resulting ice will be.

Homemade fruit ice or juice ice cream is a delicious and healthy dessert. And not just for children. If you are on a diet and really want ice cream, then homemade fruit ice can completely replace it. How to cook it at home?

There are many varieties of popsicles, and there is no standard recipe. It all depends on what fruits and berries you prefer. But there are still certain rules that you need to follow to avoid disappointment.

Any. It may not be one juice, but several. If you pour this juice in layers, it will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful. But before pouring the juice, you need to taste it, is it too sour? Syrup must be added to cherry, lemon and apple juices, otherwise your ice will be unedible.

The syrup for making fruit ice is prepared as follows:

For 500 gr. you need 100 grams of juice. sugar and a little water.

Pour sugar into a saucepan and add a little water. Bring to a boil, stirring, and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and pour in the juice. Wait until it cools completely, prepare the molds and wooden sticks. When the juice has cooled, pour it into molds and place in the freezer for 20 minutes. After the ice freezes a little, you can insert a wooden stick into the mold and wait until it is completely frozen.

The most delicious fruit ice is made from juice with pulp, or with pieces of fruit. Using a blender or fork, mash the berries, add a little syrup, and pour the puree into the molds. Don't be afraid to experiment by trying new flavors. It's only scary the first time, but over time you will get the hang of it and making popsicle juice will take you very little time.

How can you freeze fruit juice?

Don't have a special ice cream mold? Do you have any empty yogurt cups or silicone baking molds? Well, at worst, borrow some beads from your child, just wash them with a brush. Well, this is an extreme case, but it helped me out. I even bought a set of children's beads especially for fruit ice. And it's a lot of fun to make colorful ice cream from juice with your kids.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

As a rule, on hot summer days we try to hide from the scorching sun under shady canopies on the beach or under the canopy of branchy trees in a nearby park. Well, those who have to be at work at this time simply cannot be envied. It’s good if the office has air conditioning, then you can at least solve work issues in comfort, but if not, then the working day turns into a heated test for all employees. And then the only salvation can be only soft drinks, for example), which we usually stock up on for future use, or ice cream. By the way, on such days I only eat this delicacy: I go out on my lunch break, buy a portion of ice cream instead of the usual lunch, and also take a couple of packs with me to the office.
Just the other day, a colleague treated me to a treat that is very easy to make at home, even without having a special device for this - an ice cream maker. I liked the treat so much that on the same day I bought these original ice cream molds (although you can completely do without them) and made popsicle ice cream at home. I offer you a recipe with a photo of this delicacy.
How we all liked it. By the way, you can prepare it with absolutely any taste by adding different fruits or berries to the natural yogurt base.
Moreover, the cooking process is very simple and even a child can handle it, you just need to mix your favorite and fruits using a mixer, and then put the mixture into molds and put them in the freezer for a day to freeze.
This delicacy will not leave either children or adults indifferent, especially if you prepare it with your favorite filling. The ice cream really tastes like popsicles.

- yogurt (natural without additives) – 500 ml,
- pieces of fruit (kiwi, banana) – 400 g,
- granulated sugar – 150-200 g (to taste),
- lemon juice to taste.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Peel the banana and cut into pieces.
We wash and peel the kiwi, and then cut it.

Now pour yogurt into the blender bowl and add pieces of fruit. This delicacy turns out tasty and low in calories, especially if you take low-fat yogurt.
Next, add granulated sugar (if you want a brighter taste, add lemon juice) and blend the contents using a blender into a homogeneous mass.

Then pour the mixture into ice cream molds (you can easily make them yourself from plastic cups).

We put them in the freezer for a day to completely freeze.

This refreshing “Fruit Ice” ice cream can be prepared at home. Bon appetit!

Starinskaya Lesya
