Gor Batumi Adjarian Assr. Artistic encyclopedia What is the Adjarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, what does it mean and how to spell it correctly

The Autonomous Republic of Adjara is a historical, political and geographical region within Georgia. This part of the country is completely different from other administrative units of the Georgian Republic, because for many centuries it was the subject of dispute between the different empires that influenced it.

History of Adjara

Civilization has continuously existed on the territory of the autonomous republic for almost two and a half thousand years, when the first Greek settlers appeared on the shores of the Black Sea at the foot of the Caucasus.

The Greeks lived on the territory of Colchis for several centuries, and their colonies had a high degree of autonomy from their mother cities, but the period of independence ended in the 2nd century BC, when this region came under the rule of the Roman Empire, which established centralized administration and taxation.

The Roman region, known as Ergisi, lasted until the 800s AD, and was then incorporated into the newly formed united Kingdom of Georgia, which lasted until 1624. In that fateful year, the still young Ottoman state captured the southwestern coast of the Caucasus and began to actively instill Islam in the local residents.

Wars and occupations

Throughout its long history, Adjara has not known quiet years, regularly being raided and plundered. The fertile lands were plundered by the Mongols, Seljuks and Ottomans.

And after the conquest of the region by the Ottoman Empire, a long period of struggle for national independence began, and uprisings followed one after another, but did not have far-reaching consequences. The period of oppression came to an end when the interests of Turkey and Russian Empire.

However, in the two hundred years that passed from the moment of annexation to the liberation by Russian troops, the Adjarians managed to endure oppression and persecution from Turkish officials. In the seventeenth century, the authorities of the Ottoman Empire were no longer distinguished by the religious tolerance that they so readily demonstrated at the dawn of their state building.

Most residents of the cities of Adjara fled without waiting to convert to Islam, and those who remained were forced to change their faith. However, the majority converted to Islam only formally, continuing to profess Christianity and performing rituals at home, in places hidden from the eyes of Turkish guards.

Under Russian rule

In 1878, troops of the Russian Empire entered Adjara and thereby initiated a mass exodus of Muslims from these lands. So the pendulum swung in the opposite direction. While entire villages of Muslims abandoned the sea coast in Adjara, crypto-Christians came out of their hiding places and openly declared that Islam was only a cover for them.

In the same year, the new capital of Adjara was announced at the Berlin Congress. Batumi was proclaimed a free port, after which active development of both the city itself and the surrounding lands began.

The rapid growth of the city of Batumi was greatly facilitated by the fact that it was associated with oil fields on the other edge of the Caucasus ridge, because oil from Baku was supplied to Europe, including through the port of Batumi. Russians actively moved to the city and Georgians, whose ancestors left the region after the conquest by the Turks, returned.

It is noteworthy that in 1892 the port facilities were so well developed that the first oil tanker in history departed from the capital of Adjara, which was destined to pass through the Suez Canal to reach the capital of modern Thailand - the city of Bangkok.

Early 20th century

However, the flourishing of industry and trade in the region did not last long, and already at the beginning of the twentieth century, mass strikes began to occur in Batumi, many of which escalated into clashes with the military and police in 1905, when the first revolution began in the capital of the Empire. As in other regions, the uprisings in Adjara were suppressed.

Revolutionary sentiment soon died down, but tensions rose again with the outbreak of World War I, when Turkey and Russia came into direct conflict in the region.

Collapse of the Empire

However, the February Revolution soon happened, and the tsarist government fell, Turkish troops entered the city, the garrison of which remained in Batumi until it was replaced by the British Expeditionary Force, with the help and under the patronage of which the first Adjarian autonomy was created within democratic Georgia.

However, both the new Georgian Republic and the Adjarian religious and cultural autonomy did not last long. In 1921, the Red Army occupied Georgia and drove out the Turkish troops that had newly arrived in these lands. This is how the history of the Adjarian Autonomy within the Georgian SSR began.

Democracy in the South Caucasus

After the collapse of the USSR and the start of the Georgian-Abkhaz war, the Ajarian leader Abashidze did everything possible to strengthen his personal power in the region and achieve maximum independence from the central Georgian government.

During civil war in Georgia, the capital of Adjara could boast of relative prosperity and political stability, especially against the backdrop of impoverished Tbilisi. The main conflict between Batumi and the Georgian government flared up around Adjara’s failure to pay taxes to the central treasury, but Aslan Abashidze did not at all think of changing his behavior and starting to support the central government.

In this regime, the authorities of the autonomous republic and Georgia existed for thirteen years, until, with the power of active actions of Mikheil Saakashvili, the territorial integrity of the country was restored.

Adjarian crisis

In November 2003, the Shevardnadze regime in Georgia was overthrown, and immediately after this Abashidze declared a state of emergency to protect himself from the actions of the new government. However, already in 2004, residents of Adjara took part in the general Georgian elections, and Aslan Abashidze was forced to leave the republic and go to Moscow, transferring power in the autonomy to the central government headed by Mikheil Saakashvili.

The Russian military also left Adjara, although several years later. However, military bases in South Ossetia and Abkhazia remain to this day.

Economy of Batumi today

Located in the southwestern part of the country, Batumi is not only the second most populous city in the country, but also the resort capital of all of Georgia. The subtropical climate favors this situation and the fact that Batumi is located on the very coast of the Black Sea.

After Tbilisi established control in the republic, the new government took steps to increase the attractiveness of the region for foreign investors.

Since 2007, the city of Batumi has been actively constructing hotels of various levels, but, of course, five-star hotels managed by world-famous brands attract the most attention. The Radisson and Hilton hotels rise above the city to a height of several dozen floors and are striking examples of modern architecture.

In addition, the development of the tourism sector of the economy contributes to the growth of the number of jobs for the local population. Active construction of tourist infrastructure facilities is also underway in other cities of Adjara: Kobuleti, Gonio, Makhinjauri, Sarpi.

The dynamic development of the city is also affected by the proximity of the Turkish border, through which little cross-border cooperation takes place. Many households in Adjara have economic ties across the state border. Both regular buses and minibuses run from the capital of Adjara to Turkish cities at a reasonable price.

Adjara, - part of Georgia. SSR. Located in the southwestern part of Georgia, at the very south coast Black Sea region. Formed on June 16, 1921. Area. 3.0 thousand km2. Us. 245286 (Georgians (Adjarians, etc.). Russians, Armenians, etc. (1959)); mountains us. 110843, village. - 134 443. Capital - Batumi (82 t. h.). A. (Adjara, Achara) - source. region of Georgia. In cargo. and Byzantine. sources mention it in the 10th century. n. e. Even earlier, data about it is found in Armenian sources (Movses Khorenatsi and others). In the 6th-4th centuries. BC e. A. formed part of the spare cargo. kingdoms of Colchis, then Iberia. In the 4th century. n. e. A. was part of the Georgian state. association - Lasika. In the 6th century. Zap. Georgia was the scene of struggle between Rome and Iran. In the 7th century. was subjected to devastation. Arab invasion. In the 9th century A. became part of the prince of Tao-Klarjeti, whose ruling princes were among the initiators of the unification of Georgia. From the end 10th century A. was part of the united feud. Georgia; was ruled by royal eristavis (provincial rulers). Later the territory of modern Primorsky A. was part of the Gurian agriculture. In the 11th-13th centuries. A. suffered greatly during the invasion of the Seljuks and Mongols. Due to the weakening of Georgia, due to the growth of feudal fragmentation and internecine struggle, most of A. in the 2nd half. 16th century was captured by Turkey. Tour. domination brought ruin to A. and threatened the national and cultural degeneration. Türkiye traded prisoners and pursued a policy of violence. Turkification, deprived the peasants of their land. The population of Armenia repeatedly rose up to fight the invaders (1680, 1685, 1697, 1744, 1819, 1856), defending their identity and culture. After the annexation of Vost. Georgia to Russia (1801) Armenia remained in the power of Turkey. Only as a result Russian-Turkish war 1877-78 according to the Berlin Treaty (see Berlin Congress of 1878) Batum (Russian name of the city of Batumi), Kars and Ardagan were annexed to Russia. A. reunited with Georgia, got rid of the tour. dominion, which had a progressive meaning. Despite the colonialist policies of tsarism, Africa received greater opportunities for production growth. strength, joined the advanced Russian. culture. From the end 80s Industry began to develop in A. Batum quickly turned into one of the leading cities. cities of Transcaucasia, occupying an important place in the external. trade and industry of the Russian Empire. In 1898, there were more than 10 large industries in Batum. enterprises, no. workers reached 11 thousand (mainly port stevedores and oil refinery workers). In 1897-1907 the Baku-Batum oil pipeline was built. In 1896, the first Marxist group was created in Batum; Russians took an active part in the group. Social-Democrats G. Franceschi and I. Luzin. In 1901, the Social Democratic Party was created in Batum. org-tion On March 9, 1902, the Batumi committee of the RSDLP organized a large demonstration of workers (see Batumi strike and demonstration of 1902). During the revolution of 1905-07, strikes occurred in Armenia. At the end of November 1905, an armed conflict took place in Batum. workers' speech. In the 1st world war A. became an arena of war. actions. After Feb. Revolution of 1917 Azerbaijan was under the authority of the Special Transcaucasian Committee - the body of the Temporary. pr-va. At this time, the Bolshevik organizations of Armenia came out of hiding, organized the publication of Bolshevik newspapers (Petrel, Worker and Soldier, etc.) and began to create Red Guard detachments. In November 1917, the power of the Transcaucasian Commissariat was established in Azerbaijan. In April 1918 Turks captured Batum, part of Guria, Akhaltsikhe, Ardagan. From Dec. From 1918 to July 1920, Armenia was occupied by the British. troops (see Foreign military intervention in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia 1918-21). Beginning in 1917, the working people of Armenia, under the leadership of the Bolsheviks, fought for the victory of the Soviets. authorities.

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Adjara, - part of Georgia. SSR. Located in the southwestern part of Georgia, on the southernmost coast of the Black Sea region. Formed on June 16, 1921. Area. 3.0 thousand km 2. Us. 245286 (Georgians (Adjarians, etc.). Russians, Armenians, etc. (1959)); mountains us. 110843, village. - 134 443. Capital - Batumi (82 t. h.). A. (Adjara, Achara) - source. region of Georgia. In cargo. and Byzantine. sources mention it in the 10th century. n. e. Even earlier, data about it is found in Armenian sources (Movses Khorenatsi and others). In the 6th-4th centuries. BC e. A. formed part of the spare cargo. kingdoms of Colchis, then Iberia. In the 4th century. n. e. A. was part of the Georgian state. association - Lasika. In the 6th century. Zap. Georgia was the scene of struggle between Rome and Iran. In the 7th century. was subjected to devastation. Arab invasion. In the 9th century A. became part of the prince of Tao-Klarjeti, whose ruling princes were among the initiators of the unification of Georgia. From the end 10th century A. was part of the united feud. Georgia; was ruled by royal eristavis (provincial rulers). Later the territory of modern Primorsky A. was part of the Gurian agriculture. In the 11th-13th centuries. A. suffered greatly during the invasion of the Seljuks and Mongols. Due to the weakening of Georgia, due to the growth of feudal fragmentation and internecine struggle, most of A. in the 2nd half. 16th century was captured by Turkey. Tour. domination brought ruin to A. and threatened the national and cultural degeneration. Türkiye traded prisoners and pursued a policy of violence. Turkification, deprived the peasants of their land. The population of Armenia repeatedly rose up to fight the invaders (1680, 1685, 1697, 1744, 1819, 1856), defending their identity and culture. After the annexation of Vost. Georgia to Russia (1801) Armenia remained in the power of Turkey. Only as a result of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78, according to the Treaty of Berlin (see Berlin Congress of 1878), Batum (Russian name of the city of Batumi), Kars and Ardahan were annexed to Russia. A. reunited with Georgia, got rid of the tour. dominion, which had a progressive meaning. Despite the colonialist policies of tsarism, Africa received greater opportunities for production growth. strength, joined the advanced Russian. culture. From the end 80s Industry began to develop in A. Batum quickly turned into one of the leading cities. cities of Transcaucasia, occupying an important place in the external. trade and industry of the Russian Empire. In 1898, there were more than 10 large industries in Batum. enterprises, no. workers reached 11 thousand (mainly port stevedores and oil refinery workers). In 1897-1907 the Baku-Batum oil pipeline was built. In 1896, the first Marxist group was created in Batum; Russians took an active part in the group. Social-Democrats G. Franceschi and I. Luzin. In 1901, the Social Democratic Party was created in Batum. org-tion On March 9, 1902, the Batumi committee of the RSDLP organized a large demonstration of workers (see Batumi strike and demonstration of 1902). During the revolution of 1905-07, strikes occurred in Armenia. At the end of November 1905, an armed conflict took place in Batum. workers' speech. During World War I, Armenia became an arena for war. actions. After Feb. Revolution of 1917 Azerbaijan was under the authority of the Special Transcaucasian Committee - the body of the Temporary. pr-va. At this time, the Bolshevik organizations of Armenia came out of hiding, organized the publication of Bolshevik newspapers (Petrel, Worker and Soldier, etc.) and began to create Red Guard detachments. In November 1917, the power of the Transcaucasian Commissariat was established in Azerbaijan. In April 1918 Turks captured Batum, part of Guria, Akhaltsikhe, Ardagan. From Dec. From 1918 to July 1920, Armenia was occupied by the British. troops (see Foreign military intervention in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia 1918-21). Beginning in 1917, the working people of Armenia, under the leadership of the Bolsheviks, fought for the victory of the Soviets. authorities.

After the establishment of the Sov. authorities in Tbilisi in February. 1921 Batumi became the last refuge of the Mensheviks, who entered into a secret agreement with Turkey. March 11 tour. troops occupied Batumi. On March 18, 1921, the working people of Azerbaijan, under the leadership of the Bolsheviks, with the help of the Red Army, established the Soviet Union. power. In the first years of the Sov. the authorities nationalized the land; A. peasants received 6,865 dessiatines. land. On June 16, 1921, Adj was created. ASSR as part of Georgia. SSR. On Dec. 1922 Adj. ASSR as part of Georgia. The USSR became part of the Trans-SFSR. Over the years of the Sov. authorities in Azerbaijan have created a developed industry and a diversified socialist. With. x-in. Completed cultural revolution. Illiteracy in basic liquidated (in 1913 there were 7% literate people in Armenia). National theaters, libraries, clubs, scientific. and culturally enlightening. institutions. 12th Congress of Soviets of A. 25 Oct. 1937 Adj adopted a new constitution. ASSR, which reflected the victory of socialism in the republic. During the years of Vel. Fatherland war in the republic, 19,207 people were awarded orders and medals, 5 people. awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Union. The republic has developed subtropical climates. farming, agricultural processing industry raw materials, oil, as well as mechanical engineering. In terms of tea leaf yield, A. occupies one of the first places in the world. Tea factories, tung oil and essential oil plants, shipbuilding and ship repair plants, and a large hydroelectric power station have been created. In the village x-ve is especially great specific gravity citrus fruits, making up half of Georgia's fruit plantings. Batumi is a large industrial city. center and seaport.

Adjara is the Autonomous Republic of Georgia, located on the Black Sea coast and bordering Turkey.

It is the wettest, hottest, and historically important region in the southwestern part of the country. It was Adjara that was part of the ancient kingdom of Colchis, where the Greek hero Jason sailed for the Golden Fleece.

Developed tourist infrastructure and gorgeous beaches are the main reasons why the most people come large number tourists.

Adjara is the only autonomy of the former Soviet Union, formed on a religious principle: it was here that the spread of Islam by the Turks began in the 16th-18th centuries.

The population of the region is Adjarians - a special ethno-religious group of the Georgian people. Currency– lari.

The capital of Adjara is Batumi

Flag of Adjara

The capital of the Republic of Adjara is a port city. This is the main tourist center of Georgia, the center of cultural monuments. The population is about 155 thousand people.

The city was first mentioned in the notes of the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle, dating back to the 4th century BC.

There are two types of architecture in the city: ancient buildings coexist with modern skyscrapers.

Skyscrapers of Batumi

It is in Batumi that the tallest building in Georgia is located - the building of the Batumi Technological University, its height is 200 meters.

Not far from it is the famous Alphabet Tower in the shape of a huge cylinder with a rounded top. Batumi people call it Chupa Chups 😉

All the letters of the Georgian alphabet are located on the tower in a circle - hence the name. The Alphabet Tower is considered one of the symbols of the city, although it is never open to the public. They planned to open a restaurant upstairs; at one time there was a studio for the Rustavi 2 TV channel there.

Batumi has a huge number of hotels and restaurants: both budget and designed for a very demanding tourist. Among the most expensive hotels are Radisson, Sheraton, and Hilton.

Guests and residents of the city have access to a variety of entertainment - excursions, bike rides, sports grounds, parks, gardens, shopping centers, casinos, dolphinariums and water parks. Batumi has the famous Tbilisi cinema, built during the Soviet era, and a drama theater. And they say Saakashvili flew to the Batumi Opera House in the evenings.

There is a lot of greenery on the streets of Batumi; there are monuments and fountains around almost every turn. The decorations of the city are the musical fountain and the Primorsky Boulevard, which stretches for 7 kilometers along the Black Sea coast.

Primorsky Boulevard

It is not for nothing that the Primorsky Boulevard attracts travelers - benches, cafes, palm alleys and fountains beckon, inviting them to walk along the sea coast and sit in the shade of well-groomed trees and bushes. There are bicycle rental points here - a tired traveler can use any of them.

National cuisine

The cuisine of Adjara has many peculiarities: for example, special sour cream “kaymaghi” is used by Adjarians as a seasoning for various dishes, and you will not taste cheese like in Adjara anywhere else in Georgia.

While in Adjara, try kavarma - spicy thinly sliced ​​meat served in a clay pot (ketsi); achmu - Georgian “lasagna” made from flour and cheese; sinori bread, which needs to be dipped in kaimagi, cottage cheese and butter.

The most popular local dish is Adjarian-style khachapuri. This boat-shaped flatbread is eaten with your hands, tearing off pieces, which are then dipped in mixed butter and a chicken egg.

Khachapuri in Adjara

In Adjara, dishes made from fish, chicken, beef, and lamb are respected, but pork is not so popular here.

When you are in Batumi, be sure to stop by the fish market next to the port. Here you can choose the freshest red mullet, which will be fried for you in the nearest cafe. Goes great with the famous Batumi beer 😉

Winemaking in the region

The art of winemaking in Adjara is not very developed. The main reason: lack of conditions for grapes to grow. Or rather, the berries grow here, but due to the climate, they do not have time to be fully saturated with sugar, and the wine turns out watery. But here, too, wine connoisseurs will find something interesting.

You can buy Adjarian wine at the Adjarian wine house in the village of Acharsitskali. By the way, this house is also a landmark of the region, because wine is produced right here, and you can see and even touch the wine tanks. Local wine is produced from grapes of the "" and "Chkhaveri" varieties.

Adjarian wine house


The region is mainly inhabited by Adjarians, a special ethno-religious group of Georgians, among whom Muslims slightly predominate. Previously, Adjarians professed Christianity, but in the Middle Ages, under pressure from Turkey, they were forced to convert to Islam. But this did not stop them from maintaining their native language, features of life and culture.

The first rule of every Adjarian is to be hospitable. Guests are always invited to the table, treated to the best traditional dishes, and wine is poured, which is drunk for the well-being of the host and the health of the guest, but the first toast at the table is always “For peace.”

Educational facts about Adjara:

  1. The tallest building in Georgia is located in Batumi.
  2. Here is the largest botanical garden Georgia.
  3. Locally produced pink wine Chkhaveri is considered healing.

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