Deltamethrin 5 instructions for use. Deltamethrin - how to use the drug so as not to cause harm? Interesting video: this is what insatiable bed bugs and their larvae look like

Deltamethrin is a 2nd generation pyrethroid insecticide. Available in powder form white. Practically insoluble in water. Organic solvents are used for this. Efficiency is not lost when exposed to sunlight. It is used in the fight against many harmful insects in fruit and vegetable plots, as well as in animals. Deltamethrin removes fleas from domestic animals - cats, dogs. Included in many insecticidal products.

The mechanism of action is based on blocking nerve impulses in insects. Fleas experience paralysis, then death. Penetrates into the body of fleas by contact. In terms of toxicity, it belongs to class 2 when ingested. Since it does not dissolve in water, the composition in this form is non-toxic for warm-blooded animals and humans. For external use. The protective effect lasts about 15 days. Available in polymer bags and capsules. A bag weighing 40 g is intended for domestic cats.

Instructions for use

You can treat the drug in its pure form or prepare a solution. Do this immediately before use. Use water at room temperature. In this case, you can place the product in a spray container. Since deltamethrin does not come into contact with water, the dosage is not particularly important. Start from the required amount of powder.


  • for cats – 0.3 g per 1 kg of body weight;
  • for dogs – 0.5 g per 1 kg of animal body weight.

Animals are processed in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated room. The composition is rubbed into the fur and skin against hair growth. Repeated treatment is carried out after 2 weeks.


The drug causes side effects in case of individual intolerance. In addition, there are several contraindications regarding the age and condition of the animals:

  • not for use on kittens and puppies up to 8 weeks of age;
  • cannot be used by sick or convalescent animals;
  • It is not recommended to treat pregnant and lactating females.

When processing wool, make sure that the drug does not come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth.

Side effects

Deltamethrin causes irritation upon contact with the skin; repeated treatment causes poorly healing wounds. A certain dose that enters the stomach of an animal or person leads to poisoning.

Human precautions:

  • Processing should be carried out in the fresh air;
  • protect your hands with rubber gloves, wear a long-sleeve suit, a respirator or a gauze mask;
  • After handling, wash your hands with soap and wash.

Side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • convulsions;
  • seizures;
  • allergic skin reaction.

If the composition gets on the skin, it must be washed off with water. If the product enters the respiratory tract, go out into fresh air, take off the protective suit, rinse your mouth with water, drink activated carbon. Call an ambulance; you cannot induce vomiting. If the drug accidentally gets into your eyes, rinse with clean water.

Precautions regarding animals:

  • before starting treatment, it is recommended to show the animal to a veterinarian or independently assess the pet’s health;
  • the wool is processed in places where the animal cannot reach with its tongue - the withers, along the back.

After a few hours, the Deltamethrin composition will be distributed throughout the entire coat. However, the concentration is not so strong as to cause severe poisoning of a pet when licking its fur. After treatment, the animal’s condition should be observed for 2 hours.

Among side effects that do not require emergency assistance, contact a veterinarian:

  • increased salivation;
  • refusal of food;
  • change in behavior towards passivity.

In case of severe poisoning in animals, the following is observed:

  • weakness;
  • prolonged lack of appetite;
  • yellowness on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth;
  • difficulty urinating, change in urine color;
  • increased body temperature;
  • shiver;
  • convulsions.

If the dose is not lethal, symptoms of poisoning disappear within 1–2 weeks.



Physical and chemical properties

Molecular weight 505.2.

Technical deltamethrin is a white crystalline powder, odorless. Emulsifies well in water, but is practically insoluble in it; it dissolves well in organic solvents ( ethanol, acetone, dioxane), moderately soluble in xylene, benzene and other aromatic solvents, slightly soluble in kerosene. Stable in the light. Has a slightly acidic reaction.

Deltamethrin is the most active isomer in its pure form out of 8 possible, which explains its high insecticidal properties.

Deltamethrin is soluble in mineral and vegetable oils and practically insoluble in water. Therefore, when it is introduced into the body at oil solutions it is toxic, and when used in the form of aqueous suspensions it is non-toxic.

melting point 98 – 101 °C;

insoluble in water;

flash point 42 °C (however, the technical product can withstand heating at 40 °C for 6 months)

Effect of deltamethrin on harmful organisms

In comparison with other pyrethroids containing chrysanthemum acid as a base, deltamethrin's radicals in the general formula are represented by bromine atoms. The active substance contains only 1 isomer, but it is the one that determines the insecticidal properties. The remaining isomers have been removed from the technical product. This determines the high insecticidal activity of deltamethrin-based preparations.

Deltamethrin, like other pyrethroids, disrupts the function of the nervous system by acting on sodium-potassium channels and calcium metabolism at synapses, which leads to excessive release of acetylcholine during the passage of a nerve impulse. Poisoning manifests itself in severe agitation and damage to motor centers.

The duration of the protective effect is 15 days

Use of deltamethrin

Phytotoxicity. Deltamethrin at 0.01% concentration burns young leaves of Brussels sprouts.

When studying the biochemical processes in growing beans, it was revealed that deltamethrin at 0.00175% concentration reduces the accumulation of total and protein nitrogen in the leaves for 50 days after treatment and affects the synthesis of ascorbic acid.

In agriculture. Due to the strong lipophilicity of deltamethrin-based preparations, even rain does not affect the quality of processing.

Deltamethrin is effective against sucking insects, gnawing insects, and beetles. Preparations based on deltamethrin are approved for use against pests of wheat (sweet bug, beetleweed, aphids, thrips, bread bugs, grain flies, grain bollworm), corn (cotton bollworm, corn borer), barley (beetleweed, flea beetles, grain flies) , potatoes (Colorado beetle), sugar beet (meadow moth), rapeseed (rapeseed flower beetle, bugs, white bugs, flea beetles), etc. full list crops for the treatment of which preparations based on this active substance can be used can be found in the State Catalog, 2012.

On a personal plot. In personal plots, preparations based on deltamethrin are recommended for controlling pests of various fruit and vegetable crops: cabbage (cabbage and turnip whites, cabbage cutworm, flea beetles, leaf-eating caterpillars); open ground tomato (Colorado beetle, gnawing cutworms); apple trees (codling moths, leaf rollers, aphids); potatoes (Colorado beetle).

Instructions for use of deltamethrin.

According to common practice, instructions for the use of a particular substance are developed in relation to preparations containing this substance.

Toxicological properties and characteristics

Deltamethrin is highly toxic to bees, insects, warm-blooded animals and humans (LD50 for rats 128 - 138 mg/kg; for mice 33 - 44 mg/kg). Dermal toxicity for rabbits 2000 mg/kg. Highly toxic to fish. Cumulative properties are not expressed, weak allergen. An embryotoxic effect was noted.

Deltamethrin has low stability in environment. When used correctly, residual amounts of the active substance do not accumulate in the soil and are not found in plants.

A study of the degradation of pyrethroids in various soils showed that deltamethrin is the most stable, especially in soils rich in organic matter. It is relatively difficult to decompose, since it contains a dibromovinyl group in the acidic part of the molecule, which is quite difficult to hydrolyze and oxidize.

Persistence of deltamethrin in sterilized and natural soils - remaining amount 8 weeks after treatment:

mineral soil

sterilized -97%;

natural - 52%;

organic soil

sterilized -106%;

natural – 74%.

According to other data, the half-life of deltamethrin in soil is 12 – 50 days, depending on temperature and soil type.

Toxic effect. When determining the toxicity of deltamethrin, it was found that drugs based on it belong to the third class according to the degree of danger, i.e. they can be widely used if appropriate regulations are followed. When used in the recommended modes and doses, the active substance does not have a toxic effect on the body of cattle, does not accumulate in organs and tissues and is not excreted in the milk of treated animals. According to other data, deltamethrin is deposited predominantly in adipose tissue. From 0.4 to 0.7% of the orally administered dose is excreted in animal milk. Pyrethroids are detected in milk for 3–5 days after administration of a single dose, and in fat for 14 or more days.

Symptoms of poisoning. Deltamethrin irritates the skin and mucous membranes; repeated application results in non-healing wounds. Deltamethrin belongs to the synthetic type 2 pyrethroids – cyanopyrethroids. Characteristic features of their neurotoxic effect are salivation, seizures, and choreatosis.

The following clinical signs of acute poisoning of cattle with pyrethroids containing the CN group (deltamethrin) were noted: depression, refusal to feed, increased body temperature (41.5 - 42 ° C), pronounced yellowness of the visible mucous membranes, difficulty urinating with color urine from cherry to brown. Dairy cows' milk yield sharply decreased, and the milk of sick cows became nut-yellow in color.

When drugs are taken orally, excitement is first noted, and then depression, tremor, decreased skin and neuro-reflex excitability, and paralysis. At non-lethal doses, clinical symptoms disappear within 7–14 days.

Modern pyrethroid drugs are not capable of causing mutations with or without metabolic activity. For example, no mutagenic effect was observed in the bone marrow of mice treated with deltamethrin.

Acute human poisoning manifests itself as follows: ataxia, increased salivation, decreased activity, and convulsions occur.

At the first signs of acute poisoning, you must stop work, leave the area of ​​influence of the active substance, when removing personal protective equipment and clothing, you must avoid getting the drug on your skin, and seek medical help.

if the drug is inhaled, go out into fresh air;

In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with clean water;

in case of contact with the skin, remove with cotton wool or a cloth, avoiding rough rubbing if possible, then wash with soap and water;

if the drug gets inside the body, rinse your mouth with water, drink a suspension of water with activated carbon (1 g per 1 kg of body weight). You cannot induce vomiting. See a doctor immediately.

For severe neuralgic symptoms, take diazepam (Valium) 10–20 mg. Treatment is symptomatic.

Hazard classes. Preparations based on deltamethrin belong to hazard classes 2 and 3 for humans and hazard class 1 for bees.

Obtaining deltamethrin

Deltamethrin is obtained by the reaction between permethric acid esters and a complex of aluminum bromide with 1, 2-dibromoethane. First received in 1971.

C 22 H 19 Br 2 NO 3 – formula of the substance deltamethrin, synonymous names for which are “Supermethrin”, “Deltacid”, “Decamethrin”, “Butoflin”, “Splender”, “K-Otrin”, “Butox”, “K” –Obiol”, “Decis”, “K-Otek”, “Vesta”, “Fas”, “NRDC-l61”.

Deltamethrin belongs to the group of acaricides-insecticides. This is one of the pyrethroid substances in the preparative form, which is sold in a 2.5% emulsion concentrate (in the Biorin preparation - 1%). Deltamethrin has contact and intestinal methods of penetration and influence on pest organisms.

This substance is widely used in the agricultural sector, as well as in private households. It is used both in everyday life and in sanitary and medical practice, that is, wherever the fight against harmful insects, including synanthropic insects, is relevant.

In the agricultural complex it is used against bedbugs, leech, aphids, thrips, bread beetles, grain flies, grain and cotton bollworms, corn borers, flea beetles, Colorado potato beetles, meadow moths, rapeseed flower beetles, white flies, etc.

In private farms it is used against cabbage and turnip moths, flea beetles, cabbage cutworms, leaf-eating caterpillars, Colorado potato beetles, cutworms, aphids, codling moths, and leaf rollers. In sanitation - against cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes. Biorin is easy to apply and very effective - it gives a lasting result just a quarter of an hour after application.

Chemical and physical characteristics of deltamethrin

In its technical form, this substance is a crystalline, odorless white powder. It emulsifies well in aqueous suspensions, but does not produce a true solution in water. But deltamethrin will dissolve well in organic solvents (ethyl alcohol, dioxane and acetone); it is moderately soluble in benzene, xylene, and other aromatic solvents. The substance is quite weakly soluble in kerosene, it is characterized by stability to light and a slightly acidic reaction.

Deltamethrin is the most active of the eight possible isomers in its pure form, which is why this substance has such a high level of insecticidal activity. Other isomers are removed from the technical substance. Since it is practically insoluble in water, its use after mixing in water is non-toxic - deltamethrin is toxic only in mineral and oily plant solutions. It is characterized by volatility, its melting point level is from 98 to 101 ° C, although the flash point is at the level of 42 degrees, however, in the form of a technical product, the substance can withstand heating well up to 40 ° C for six months.

Effect of deltamethrin on harmful organisms

This substance disrupts the functionality of the nervous system; signs of poisoning are severe agitation with subsequent damage to the functioning of the motor centers. The protective effect of deltamethrin lasts up to 15 days. In addition, it is characterized by phytotoxicity, which must be taken into account when processing certain types of plants. For example, deltamethrin at 0.01 percent concentration will burn young Brussels sprouts plants. It also affects the development of growing beans.

It must be taken into account that it is also harmful to fish, and is quite highly toxic to humans, beneficial insects, and warm-blooded animals.

Products based on Deltamethrin: (deltamethrin 1% + synergists and adhesives)

White powder.

100 g of the drug contains: deltamethrin - 0.05 g; filler up to 100 g.

Do not treat animals under 2 months of age, animals with skin diseases, sick or weakened animals.

When working with the drug, you must adhere to general rules security. Animals should be treated with the drug wearing rubber gloves and a respirator. While working, it is prohibited to eat, drink, or smoke. After work, you need to wash your hands with soap. If the drug gets on the mucous membranes, rinse them with water. Upon contact with the drug, allergic reactions (sneezing, lacrimation) are possible. Containers containing the drug must not be used for household purposes. Wash water after processing containers and protective clothing should not be poured into open reservoirs and rivers, since aquatic fauna is very sensitive to the drug.

Release form:
The drug is packaged in plastic bags or polymer bottles of 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 g. Polyethylene bags of 10 kg, 20 kg.

In a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, away from feed, mixed feed, food products at temperatures from 0°C to 35°C.

Best before date:
3 years.

Release by order:
Deltamethrin II powder - deltamethrin 0.05%, cyhalothrin 0.05%.
Deltamethrin III powder - deltamethrin 0.10%, cyhalothrin 0.10%.

Manufacturer of the finished product:
PF "Basalt", 07400, Kiev region, Brovary, blvd. Independence, 14.

Indications for use

Composition and release form

Suspension for external use.

DELTANIL in 1 ml of the drug contains 10 mg of deltamethrin as an active ingredient.

The drug is released packaged in 500 ml, 1 l, 2.5 l and 4.5 l in polymer bottles of appropriate capacity, sealed with a screw cap. Each packaging unit is supplied with instructions for use.

Pharmacological properties

DELTANIL belongs to the insectoacaricidal drugs of the group of synthetic pyrethroids.

Deltamethrin has a wide spectrum of insectoacaricidal (contract and intestinal) action, and is active against ticks, lice, flies and other blood-sucking insects.

Dosage regimen

The drug is applied along the spine of animals using an appropriate applicator in the following dosages:

Cattle: 10 ml;

Sheep: 5 ml;

Lambs: 2.5 ml.

A single application to cattle provides protection against insects for 8-10 weeks.

After a single treatment of sheep, protection against insects and ticks lasts up to 4-6 weeks.

A single treatment protects lambs from insects for a period of 4-6 weeks.

Features of the action medicinal product during its first use and withdrawal was not established.

In case of overdose, animals may experience following symptoms: paresthesia and irritation in cattle, urge to urinate in young lambs. These symptoms are transient and do not require treatment.


A contraindication for use is the animal's individual hypersensitivity to deltamethrin. It is prohibited to handle weak, sick, exhausted animals, as well as animals of other species.

Special instructions

When using the drug in accordance with these instructions side effects and complications, as a rule, are not observed. In case of allergic reactions, stop using the drug. It is prohibited to use DELTANIL together with other insectoacaricidal drugs.

Slaughter of cattle for meat is permitted no earlier than 15 days after treatment, slaughter of sheep - no earlier than 35 days after treatment. Milk obtained from animals is allowed to be used in food purposes without restrictions. In case of forced slaughter of animals before the established deadline, the meat can be used as feed for fur-bearing animals.

Storage conditions and periods

Store in sealed manufacturer's packaging, in a dry place, protected from light, away from food and feed, at a temperature of 5 °C to 25 °C. The shelf life of the drug in unopened manufacturer's packaging is 3 years from the date of manufacture.

The shelf life after the first opening of the package is 1 year.

Do not use the drug after the expiration date.


"Virbak S.A.", France.
