What does it mean to be robbed in a dream? Why do you dream of a bank robbery - interpretation of the dream from dream books

To see that you have been robbed: this means to be robbed by the people closest to you.

If a person sees that he has been robbed, this foreshadows the loss of his parents.

To see that you have been robbed: foretells the deprivation of a relative.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the meaning of dreams

Dream Interpretation - Robbery

Hello. Perhaps a situation will happen in your life in which you will be tempted to harm (be mean) to a friend... Don’t give in! Pray often and ask God for help so that he will give you the strength to resist evil! If you are Orthodox, then pray the Jesus Prayer more often: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!” This prayer, said with faith, helps Christians. Wisdom of life and strength of spirit to you! And turn to God more often! Stay close to Him! Save and preserve you, Lord! With respect to you, I.

Dream Interpretation - Robbery

Think about what destructive subconscious programs (malicious people) you regularly run through in your personal life (handbag). Their voices may sound something like this: I don’t deserve better because......., naturally, this happened to me because I...... /lists self-deprecating “because”/ Sister, how symbol of embodied female luck. You do not value yourself, you allow dirty, rough hands to twist your soul. You need to understand that these voices are hostile to you, counteract them.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Robbery

Dreams in which you encounter bandits, bandits or robbers openly speak of your fears for your physical and material well-being and your distrust of the people around you. If in a dream you try to resist or escape, and you succeed, then the supply of your vitality has not yet been exhausted and big shocks do not threaten you in reality. But if such dreams are repeated too often, this means that your fears have reached a critical level. In this state, you can unwittingly attract real robbers with your behavior. Try to trust fate more and not be afraid of losses, especially since most losses in this life are either reparable or inevitable anyway. For women, especially young women, such dreams can foreshadow a stormy love affair that will jeopardize their well-being.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Robbery

Hello, Nailya! You saw an interesting dream, I’ll try to interpret it. Your dream suggests that you want to improve your living conditions materially. You have a claim to a higher-paid position in your own field of activity, but you doubt whether it will suit you, whether this is your place and whether your current age will interfere with this (this thought is carefully forced out of your consciousness and replaced with a calm thought of self-acceptance, because you kick out an elderly woman with a child, and she behaves surprisingly calmly). Do you understand that changing your life better side it is necessary right now, otherwise it may end in material need and purely female loneliness. Use your opportunities right now, your dream tells you! Good luck to you!!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Not all dreams are good. The same can be said about their interpretation. Waking up after a negative dream, you want to erase it from your memory. But, having forgotten this, is it possible to avoid the previous consequences in reality? As shown multiple cases- No. Therefore, it is better to prevent the situation than to solve it. The dream book will tell us about this. Robbery, crime, theft in a dream - this is what we will talk about in our article.

Seeing a robbery from the outside

Have you watched a robbery take place in a dream? So, in real life you are overly gullible. What can the dream book advise? A robbery is usually dreamed of when the dreamer is surrounded by a person who is trying with all his might to put a spoke in the wheels. Therefore, you should be extremely careful.

This dream also has a number of other meanings. Firstly, it may mean that in the near future you will get rid of the attacks of a person who is unpleasant to you. Secondly, such a vision may mean that you are in debt to the state (did not pay taxes). Thirdly, a robbery in a dream can promise serious trouble. Soon you will be faced with a huge number of problems that will not be so easy to solve. What can the dream book advise in this situation? The robbery happened on the street, at home, at work - it doesn’t matter. In any case, you will need help from friends or relatives. The dream book also advises not to neglect the services of strangers.

If in a dream you stand and watch a person being robbed, it means that in life you are principled and firm. That is why you have many enemies trying to harm in any way.


If you are attacked by several robbers on the street, then expect disappointment in the near future. And this will happen because of a situation that you cannot influence in any way. In this case, the dream book advises not to get involved in dangerous matters and intrigues. This won't bring anything good.

A dream in which robbers overtook you on the street means worries related to your health. In this situation, you should not rely on the advice of strangers or resort to such actions that will only do harm. The most rational and effective way would be to see a doctor. The dream book speaks about this.

A robbery on the street, which was accompanied by beating and desecration, means that in reality you will suffer humiliation and sorrow. In this case, the dream book advises you to forget this situation, otherwise the accumulation of resentment can lead to depression or the commission of a crime.

If in your dream you are trying to hide from a thief, then in reality you are trying to get rid of negative energy. Also, this night vision can predict fear of someone. This person regularly puts pressure on you mentally, and you, unfortunately, cannot resist him for unknown reasons. What does the dream book advise in this case? The robbery that you are trying to avoid in your dream acts as protection from a hated pest. Be bolder and stronger.

Home robbery

What can the dream book tell us about this dream? Robbery of an apartment indicates that troubles and disappointment await you. After this situation, you will have to get out of this for a long time and restore your reputation.

If in your dream you saw a robber in your home, this means that someone is plotting against you. Take a closer look at your surroundings. Perhaps you will be able to find out who this scoundrel is.

What else can the dream book tell? The interpretation of dreams in which a robbery took place in your home may be different. It all depends on what kind of atmosphere haunted you in your night vision. For example, if you watch a thief climb into your window, then your spouse is cheating on you.

If you see a thief sneaking around, this means that soon all your hopes will come true. For the most part, this will concern work issues. For example, a project you have been working on for a long time will bring profit.

See what's in own home being robbed by people you know well means being robbed completely by those whom you have always trusted.

What else can the dream book tell us? Robbery of an apartment - cooling of relations with the other half. In the near future you will have serious quarrels and scandals. Damage to relationships with children due to an absurd situation is also possible. Disrespect on their part will be felt constantly, but, alas, this situation cannot be corrected.

Resist the thief

If after the robbery you set off in pursuit of the “uninvited guest,” then expect that in the near future they will haunt you both at work and in personal relationships. What does the dream book recommend? Robbery of a house in this case means your desire to improve the situation. Don't stop under any circumstances.

A dream in which you prevented a robbery suggests that profit awaits you in the near future. But this will only happen when you truly learn to help people in need.

Catch a thief

Have you caught the criminal? This is a good sign. Soon all your competitors and attackers will be defeated.

A dream in which you are being pursued by a robber is interpreted in the opposite way. In this case, you should be extremely careful.

If you catch a thief in your home, this means your distrust of others. As the dream book says, in this case this is what is needed.

If in a dream you caught and punished a thief, it means you need to be more lenient towards others.

If the thief is the dreamer himself

Were you the robber? You will be able to solve the problem that has been bothering you for a long time. Only in this case you should not rely only on your knowledge and strength. It is better to listen to the advice of experienced people. Maybe their advice will be decisive in your life.

Also, this dream can be interpreted in a slightly different way. If you watch yourself robbing a person, then soon all your hopes and plans will turn into dust.

If in a dream you robbed someone and went on the run, this means that your health is under attack. Visit a doctor immediately!

Do you steal money in your sleep? This means that in reality you will ruin your reputation.

What if you rob a bank? This means material difficulties and problems.

Accusation and persecution of the dreamer

What interpretation can the dream book give us? The robbery ended in pursuit - therefore, the meaning of such a vision in this case will be negative. Here, theft acts as a warning against participating in a situation that will have a bad impact on future fate dreamer

If in a dream you see how the police are pursuing you for committing a robbery, then this indicates that soon there will come a moment in your life when everyone around you will turn their backs on you.

Have you been charged with theft? Expect failure in all matters due to minor troubles.

If you are robbing a premises with someone, then in reality you will set up

If you are watching someone else get punished for robbery, then you should treat people more favorably.

Happy dreaming!

What kind of nightmares does our imagination scare us in our sleep? For example, why do you dream about robbery? Such an event in reality can lead to a semi-fainting state, a trance. But no less emotions can be experienced with such a criminal incident in a dream. It is the feelings experienced by the sleeper that will become the starting point in the interpretations proposed by dream books for this vision.

Most of the predictions regarding why a robbery is dreamed of are unlikely to please the sleeper, but there are some pleasant exceptions.

For any sleepy message we need to thank the higher powers, because in this way they are trying to reason with us, send a certain signal, warn us. So in cases of dreamed robbery attacks, we must look for secret meaning. Often this is a warning about upcoming troubles in reality. But if you remember where it happened, who was in the role of the criminal, then you can predict in real life and avoid many mistakes and dangers. And find out: where to expect trouble?

Versions from various sources

You lack independence, so sometimes you dance to someone else’s tune, which has a detrimental effect on your interests and business; this is what dreams of robbery mean, according to Hasse. The dream book under his authorship mentions that often the dreamer willingly gives up his positions, not wanting to take responsibility.

Sometimes, having witnessed a robbery in a dream, you can count on global changes in fate, Miller’s dream book explains. Moreover, the changes will clearly be to your benefit. But under one important condition. And it is this: such a dream should occur at the most critical moment, when it seems that things can’t get any worse, so fatally unlucky. But upon awakening, you will feel the first positive changes. And most importantly, now there is no need to fear revenge and other attacks from a strong enemy with full power.

In Tsvetkov’s dream book, a robbery in a dream is the threshold of the separation of spouses and lovers. And the reason for the collapse of relationships is not that people “didn’t get along.” It’s just that the dreamer (dreamer) had a rival (rival) who took her husband away from the family.

It is interestingly interpreted in Longo’s dream book: why do you dream about a robbery on the street? When a robber behaves quietly, trying to remain unnoticed, the sleeper can actually hope for a promotion or business expansion. But swooping down like a kite in a dream is a sign of inevitable financial losses.

Did you fight off the raiders?

In a night dream, you were attacked by villains who intended to rob, but did you manage to fight them off? The dream book promises bright prospects. So, in reality, you will be able to avoid any adversity thanks to your resourcefulness, enterprise and ability to find a common language with people. Remember, these are your trump cards for all time!

The goal of the attackers

A young lady or girl should be pleased with the prediction as to why a robbery is dreamed of. For the dreamer, the vision promises enormous success with members of the opposite sex. In reality, there will simply be no end to the fans. And most importantly, one of the gentlemen will turn out to be the most worthy, wealthy, serious, and a little later will become the groom and husband of the sleeping beauty, the dream book prophesies.

The entrepreneur will also be curious to know what the robbery meant. Moreover, if in his night fantasy he was the leader of gangsters. This plot prophesies business expansion, mainly due to new foreign partners and markets.

If you are sleeping and see that raiders are robbing a store full of goods. Don't be nervous when you wake up. This picture prophesies in reality an increase in material well-being.

But if they operate in a car, then someone will actually try to invade the personal space of the sleeper, the dream book warns.

The interpretation of the dream of robbery and... seems unexpected. Such a crime in a dream reflects the extreme degree of uncertainty and complexes of the sleeping person. He should treat others a little easier. Attach less importance to their words and statements, and do not be afraid to make new connections and acquaintances.

Dream interpretation of apartment robbery

The human subconscious is sometimes capable of constructing unpleasant plots in dreams. Most of them involve forced entry into a home. It is quite difficult to explain why you dream of an apartment being robbed. Because any such dream can be viewed from two different points of view.

The first is psychological interpretation. It is based on the fact that an apartment in a dream personifies the dreamer’s personality, and entering and searching for valuables in it means that a person is undergoing unnecessary pressure and is under complete authoritarian control. The second is symbolic. She interprets this dream as a shapeshifting vision. If an apartment was robbed in a dream, it means that in real life the dreamer will have good luck and a quick profit.

If you dreamed of your own apartment being robbed, you should remember your sensations and feelings immediately after waking up. They will help you correctly navigate in choosing the right point of view on interpretation. If the dream did not bring you exorbitant mental anguish and a feeling of hopelessness, then you should rely on the symbolic meaning and expect profit.

How authoritative sources explain the dream

In order to explain such a dream in detail and as accurately as possible, you can use the most popular sources.

If you dreamed of a robbery

The most proven to date is Miller's dream book. He gravitates towards a psychological interpretation, and draws the dreamer’s attention to contacts with others. Robbery is a sign that someone is jealous of your position and is ready to do anything to humiliate you.

Ancient interpretations, such as Veles’s dream book, consider such a dream to be a good sign. The lower otherworldly entities, which the evil spirits were considered to be personified, will leave you forever. But be prepared to either lose some valuable item or give generous alms.

Warning about envy - Miller's dream book

Enough clear explanation by Gustav Miller. He believes that having a dream about your own apartment being robbed, you should be much more attentive to all the people around you. Competitors are ready to deal a crushing blow, but they can be helped by imaginary friends, which, unfortunately, you also have.

It is important to distinguish between dreams when your apartment was robbed, or you yourself were the organizer or participant in the crime.

Your apartment has been robbed

Seeing in a dream how unknown people break into your apartment and rummage around in search of money and valuables, turning everything upside down is not a very good sign. Most likely, you are not a very self-confident person, but despite this, you were able to achieve some position in the work team. On the one hand, your superiors are putting pressure on you, and you often give in, even to your own detriment. On the other hand, envious people are waiting for every uncertain word to challenge your achievements.

  • If you are afraid of a break-in and robbers rushing into the room, you will have to quickly make a decision that is painful for you.
  • They are threatening you with violence so that you hand over money and jewelry - the authority of one of your relatives is putting pressure on you.
  • A girl may dream about her apartment being robbed on the eve of an important business or a job appointment.
  • Robbers tying up or otherwise immobilizing you in your own home is a dead end situation that will require a wait-and-see attitude.

Participate in such a crime

If you participated in a crime

If in a dream you have to organize or participate in a robbery, it means that you do not always show your true emotions to the people close to you. You clearly understand your goal and are ready to go towards it, through any obstacles, regardless of moral standards. And only strong self-control curbs the strong passions of your nature.

  • To be an organizer - to get the desired position you will have to commit an act that borders on your conscience.
  • Participate by following all commands - experiencing minor financial difficulties, you gravitate towards easy receipt of money (sell something from your property or take out a loan). If you pull yourself together and agree to a more difficult job, you will be able to improve your own financial situation.
  • To enjoy the fear of others in a dream, to rummage through other people's things with pleasure - you are overwhelmed by envy and you are ready for any tricks just to denigrate this person.

Profit - ancient Veles dream book

The ancient Slavs believed that all troubles, whatever they may be, can have human-like face. And if you dream that strangers forcibly entered your home and took away any valuables, it means evil spirit took away his material sacrifice and can no longer rule over a person.

  • The robbers took out a chest (or casket) with valuables - profit, a big harvest.
  • Only money or wallet was stolen - have a good trip, good trade.
  • They took the cattle - to great brood.

Forbidden pleasures - Freud's dream book

He believes that a dream in which strangers enter a home against the will of the owner means a strong sexual desire to dominate.

  • Dreaming that your apartment is being robbed means fear of sexual intimacy and long-term serious relationships.
  • You yourself are a participant in the robbery - strong sexual energy demands more and more victories.
  • Scare members of the household, threaten with violence – a desire for violence, a tendency to cause pain to a partner.
  • Enjoying going through things in search of valuables - it is common for you to invade your personal space, which is why previous relationships ended so quickly.

Analysis of your own feelings

It is very important to remember exactly what sensations this disturbing dream caused you. Only then can one begin to interpret, taking into account all points of view on interpretation.

It's a good sign if you cried and sobbed loudly. After such a dream, in the morning the feeling of emptiness will be pleasant and light. All the negative emotions that could have accumulated for years came out in a dream. Now is the time to engage in self-development or start a new project.

Being scared, feeling hopeless, suffering greatly is a bad sign. Most likely, someone else's authority weighs on you. These could be immediate blood relatives, or superiors. If you feel constant discomfort, it is better to change your job or place of residence.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Robbery – Get rid of evil attacks.

Big family dream book / Olga Smurova

Dreaming of a Robbery, what does it mean?

If you saw in a dream that you were robbed, then this predicts you a happy deliverance from torment or the end of unpleasant affairs.

See also: why do you dream about robbery, why do you dream about robbers, why do you dream about theft.

Astrological dream book

See Robbery what does it mean

If you dreamed of a robbery, then you need to pay taxes.

Everyday dream book

Everyday interpretation of a dream about a Robbery

Seeing a robbery in a dream means that you will soon have to face big troubles. You will be put in a position from which it will be difficult to get out without damaging your reputation or your financial situation.

If you dreamed of your home being robbed, then expect a cooling of relations with your partner in the near future: quarrels and scandals can even lead to divorce. Relationships with children will also be complicated - you will feel disrespected towards you and at the same time you will not be able to do anything.

If you had a dream in which you yourself are participating in a robbery, then in reality you will deliberately or accidentally put another person in a difficult situation.

If you dreamed that you were caught during a robbery and will now be judged, then it’s time to think about what methods you use to achieve success. Think about the fact that the result is not always worth the means you use to achieve it.

It is also worth thinking about the fact that all evil usually returns to the one who created it, and if you have ever set someone up in your life, then in the near future you will face retribution. But at the same time, the dream only warns of impending punishment, and if you have time to correct your mistakes, then troubles may pass you by.

Why do women and men dream about Robbery?

Experts have determined that the plot women's dreams emotional and made up of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore Robbery in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

Dreams on the 23rd almost always come true and tell of future troubles. If you dreamed about many events that were not connected in any way storyline- this suggests that you can make a mistake and go far from your goal.
