Indoor bamboo. Caring for bamboo in water

The houseplant bamboo received its name among the people due to its external resemblance to real bamboo. In fact botanical name of this plant Dracaena Sandera. In the 19th century, the English florist Frederick Sander, while traveling in China, saw an unusual plant and brought it to Europe.

Adherents of the teachings of Feng Shui greatly revere indoor bamboo, call it the bamboo of happiness and believe that its presence in the house brings success and prosperity.

Indoor bamboo looks great in a variety of compositions. It is widely used in decorating the interiors of apartments, offices, hotels and restaurants. The stems of the plant can be made to twist and turn in any direction, which gives free rein to the imagination of designers. We will tell you in this article how to care for this unusual plant.

Indoor bamboo or Dracaena Sandera is a perennial ornamental plant that has long bare stems of green or straw-golden color, ending at the top with several leaves and shoots. The leaves are dark green, glossy, lanceolate. The plant blooms with white fragrant flowers only once in its life, after 30 years, and only in the wild (see photo). After flowering the stem dies.

Subspecies of indoor bamboo differ from each other in shades and stem heights:

  • Medium-sized subspecies native to Japan can reach 4 meters in height. Their leaves are variegated white and green in color. They can withstand bright sun and are quite demanding when it comes to lighting.
  • Low-growing subspecies reach a height of no more than 1.5 m and are more suitable for breeding in apartments. Grows well in shade, cool conditions and high humidity.

Choosing a location and conditions for keeping indoor bamboo

Lighting. Considering that indoor bamboo does not tolerate direct sunlight and grows well in diffused light, it is preferable to choose a place near an eastern window for its maintenance. But it is not recommended to place it on the windowsill; it is better to place the pot on a stand next to the window. The plant does not need additional lighting.

Temperature. Indoor bamboo does not tolerate cold air and drafts. We must try to protect him from this, especially in the winter season. The optimal temperature for keeping the plant should be between + 18- +28 degrees. It does not have a pronounced rest period, so there is no need to change the conditions of detention in winter.

Humidity. Since the plant comes from the tropics, we must try to create additional humidity in the surrounding air. Under no circumstances should you place a pot with a plant next to heating appliances. It is not recommended to spray bamboo; this can lead to rotting of the stems. A good solution would be to place a vase with water or an aquarium nearby. Leaves and stems are wiped to remove dust with a cotton pad or sponge moistened with water.

Containers for planting. Depending on the number of stems, choose the size of the container. If planting is planned in the ground, then any pots with a drainage hole will do, deep enough and wide enough so that the stems can be 5 cm from the edge. For planting in water or hydrogel, choose a variety of transparent vases.

Priming. The soil for planting indoor bamboo should be loose, permeable, with a small amount of peat. Ordinary garden soil with river sand in a 3/1 ratio works well. When planting in the ground, be sure to put drainage at ¼ of the height at the bottom of the pot. Drainage may consist of clay shards, brick fragments, and expanded clay.

Planting indoor bamboo

Indoor bamboo can be planted in three ways - in soil, in water and in hydrogel.

Planting in a pot with soil:

  1. Prepare a suitable pot large enough for the rapidly growing roots of the plant. There should be a drainage hole at the bottom.
  2. Prepare soil suitable for bamboo. You can purchase a special store-bought mixture for dracaenas or make it at home using the above recipe.
  3. Place a layer of drainage material at ¼ height on the bottom of the pot.
  4. Place a layer of soil on top of the drainage layer.
  5. Place the seedlings vertically at a distance from each other, 5 cm away from the wall.
  6. Spread the roots and carefully fill in the remaining soil, lightly crush and water.
  7. After planting, the plant especially needs timely soil moisture.

Landing in water:

  1. Choose an appropriate transparent container for planting; vases in the form of a cube or cylinder will look better. It should be clean, it is better to pour additional boiling water over it from the inside.
  2. Decorative elements in the form of shells and pebbles, which will lie at the bottom of the vase, must first be boiled or doused with boiling water.
  3. Wash and inspect the roots of the seedling, remove rotten and too long roots.
  4. Place the plants on pebbles placed at the bottom of the vase and fill them with rain or melt water.
  5. The water must be changed once a week to prevent cloudiness.
  6. Periodically add charcoal to the water for disinfection.

Planting in hydrogel:

  1. Prepare suitable disinfected transparent containers.
  2. Wash the roots of the seedlings and trim off the excess.
  3. Pour hydrogel granules into the bottom of the container and pour in rain or melt water.
  4. Place the seedlings in the granules so that the roots are completely submerged.
  5. If the hydrogel begins to change color, add water to the container.

Features of caring for bamboo at home


Since the plant is tropical, it does not tolerate drying out of the soil. It is necessary to water frequently and little by little, especially during hot periods; in winter, reduce watering. Water for irrigation should be rain or melt. To prepare melt water, you need to pour water from the tap into a plastic bottle and put it in the freezer.

When the water freezes, remove the bottle and leave it to thaw at room temperature. Spraying bamboo can be harmful, so it is enough to periodically wipe the stems and leaves with a damp cotton pad.

Top dressing

Indoor bamboo needs to be fertilized regularly. Nitrogen and phosphorus, mineral and organic substances are included in special fertilizers for dracaenas, which can be purchased in the store. In autumn and winter, fertilizing is done once every 3 months, in spring and summer - once every 3 weeks.


Before the plant turns 3 years old, it is replanted every spring. Afterwards you can replant once every two years. When choosing a pot, you must take into account that the roots grow very quickly, so it is better to take a larger pot.


To shape bamboo, stems and shoots are cut annually and can be used to produce seedlings. The cut cuttings are then placed in water to allow roots to germinate. Cuts on the stems are lubricated with liquid wax to prevent rotting. If the plant does not sprout, you need to pinch the top of the stem, and then leaves will begin to sprout on the sides.



Indoor bamboo is propagated by cuttings, suckers, apical shoots and, in very rare cases, by seeds. The easiest and most popular method of propagation among gardeners is by cuttings. To do this, the shoot is cut off, placed in water to obtain roots, and then planted in the ground. The process of propagation by cuttings is best done in the spring after pruning the plant.

Diseases and pests

If not properly cared for, bamboo gets sick:

  1. If spots and white dots appear on the stems, then the plant is suffering from a fungus. It is necessary to treat the plant with fungicides and ventilate the room more often, while avoiding drafts.
  2. Like all houseplants, bamboo is susceptible to aphids and mites. If these unpleasant insects have already appeared, you need to wipe the stems and leaves with a sponge dipped in soapy water and treat with insecticides.
  3. Yellowing of shoots and leaves can be caused by many factors environment– bright rays of the sun, stagnation of moisture in the roots, frostbite of the roots, too hard water. Yellowed leaves should be removed and the plant should be properly cared for.
  4. If the bamboo has stopped growing, it may need feeding or too little light. It is necessary to analyze the conditions of detention.
  5. If the leaves curl and fall off, it means the room is too low temperature, it needs to be increased.
  6. White pigmentation appeared on the leaves. This does not always indicate a disease. It may be a type of bamboo with white flecks.
  7. If mold appears on the roots, it means the soil is too moist. This should not be allowed, since mold is the first enemy of indoor bamboo.

Advantages of indoor bamboo

Summarizing the reviews of gardeners, we can conclude that indoor bamboo has a number of advantages that make it a desirable and popular plant:

  • Easy to care for.
  • Unpretentiousness to living conditions.
  • Rapid growth of seedlings.
  • Simple reproduction. Fast rooting of cuttings.
  • 3 planting options - in soil, in water and in hydrogel.
  • Wonderful decorative look.
  • Ability to create compositions.

How to bend bamboo

The stems of Dracaena Sandera, or indoor bamboo, grow upward if they are not given the desired direction. The peculiarity of this plant is that with the help of improvised means you can make the young shoots curl as you like:

  1. Push the shoot into a properly bent plastic tube and leave the plant in this position for several weeks. Then carefully remove the phone. The stem will retain its given shape.
  2. Another option is to bend the young stem of the plant in the desired direction and secure it with wire. After a few weeks, the wire can be removed, and the stem will remain in the shape that was given to it.

According to Feng Shui, the number of bamboo stems planted at home should be chosen depending on which benefit the owner wants to receive:

  • 3 stems – joy and tranquility.
  • 5 stems - material wealth and business prosperity.
  • 7 stems – good health and long life.
  • 20 stems – mutual love and family happiness.
  • 21 stems – well-being in all areas of life.

It is better not to allow other numbers of stems, especially 4 - they can cause trouble. To enhance magical properties indoor bamboo in a pot, put figures of a frog, panda, elephant, dog, multi-colored pebbles are poured into it and the stems are tied with gold and red ribbons.

Indoor bamboo (Dracaena Sander or dragon tree) is an evergreen plant with high decorative properties. Dracaena Sandera, a native of the tropical forests of Africa, fits perfectly into almost any home or office interior. The plant pleases the owner's eye for a long time with proper care. Unpretentious in maintenance, indoor bamboo can be grown both in water and in soil. The plant is attractive on its own and as part of compositions.

Indoor bamboo: description, care, cultivation

Decorative or indoor bamboo has nothing to do with real wild growing. These are completely different plants, belonging to different families and similar only in appearance. House bamboo is a yellow-green shoot with bright green foliage at the top. It is easy to grow if you create conditions similar to those for bamboo.

How to care for bamboo at home

There are two ways to grow a plant in soil or water, depending on the chosen option, the corresponding rules apply. Some conditions are common to the two types of cultivation.

Location and lighting. He loves diffused sunlight. Diffused ultraviolet light can be created using a curtain that allows the sun's rays to pass through. The best location is the western or eastern window sill of the apartment. Poor lighting will affect the appearance of the plant. The foliage will fall and growth will slow down sharply.

Temperature. The optimal temperature level is +18 to +25 degrees Celsius. If necessary, the plant can withstand more high temperatures. Summer heat of +30 degrees will not harm bamboo.

Humidity. Air humidity does not play a significant role for good condition plants. But the tree loves wet procedures. Wiping the leaves with a cloth or napkin soaked in water should be done regularly.


Growing bamboo in water. Dragon tree is easy to grow in water. The water in the vessel is changed once a week. The plant is so unpretentious that the water base is sufficient for the development of bamboo. The dragon tree grows quickly and in indoor conditions can reach a height of 1–2 meters. Growing several plants, thanks to active growth, will allow you to create a small tropical corner in a short time.

Fertilizing when growing in water is mandatory, otherwise the foliage and stem will turn yellow and lose their freshness, beautiful and attractive appearance. Fertilizer should be chosen specifically for indoor bamboo plants. Fertilizer is added directly to the water. It is most convenient to apply fertilizers at the time of changing the water in the container. It is enough to add minerals once a month.

Growing multiple stems in one flower container- a well-known decoration technique. To make the stems look aesthetically pleasing together, they are tied with bright braid and placed in pots or containers. Dragon tree sprouts placed in glass flowerpots and glasses look elegant. As the plant grows, the containers should increase in size. When the tree reaches a height of 80 cm, it is better to use large-capacity buckets and jugs, which are placed on the floor close to light sources.

Particular attention should be paid to water for irrigation. Do not use filtered or tap water. It is optimal to let the water sit for 2–3 days or use melted water for irrigation.

Algorithm for preparing melt water:

Growing bamboo in soil.

Practice shows that bamboo grows best in soil, not in water. An aquatic environment is not an optimal environment for plant roots. Indeed, in the wild, the root system is immersed in the soil, which is not subject to stagnant moisture. Caring for bamboo grown in soil is easier since the soil does not need to be changed every week. The plant is not picky about soil composition. Therefore, you can use the most common soil mixtures, which are suitable for most indoor pets.

Regular watering should be organized. The soil should not dry out; even the surface layer should always be left slightly moist. At the same time, allowing moisture to stagnate is dangerous, as this leads to the formation of mold and death of the plant. Autumn and winter periods are the time to reduce watering. To prevent mold, a drainage layer is required when planting; you need to choose flowerpots with special holes for drainage.

Fertilizer application- the key to the health and normal development of the dragon tree. If you apply special fertilizer for the Dracaena family once every 2-3 months, the plant will grow and develop harmoniously.

Reproduction and transplantation

There are several known ways to propagate bamboo:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • apical shoots.

Reproduction by apical shoots and seeds is a labor-intensive process that does not always end with positive results. The most effective and simplest method of propagation is cuttings.

Dragon tree is propagated by cuttings in spring. New, young shoots are used, which grow on an adult plant during the spring growing season. Young shoots are carefully separated from the main stem of the mother plant and grown in soil mixture to form a root system.

The soil for cuttings is no different from the soil for mature plants. Distinctive quality bamboo - fast growth. All parts of the plant grow quickly, including the root system, so it is worth choosing spacious flowerpots with room for growth. The walls of the container should also be quite high. Even if the bamboo opening is small, it will take a little time and the plant will occupy all the space provided to it.

Reproduction is best done in spring, as well as a transplant. It is usually recommended to combine picking and cutting. Bamboo is replanted into new soil 1–2 times a year. Transplanted plants and cuttings need special attention to avoid problems and difficulties in development and the occurrence of diseases.

After transplanting and rooting, it is necessary to organize loosening of the soil, as well as regular watering. It is recommended to water every day, always infused for 2-3 days at a temperature of +22-25 degrees Celsius. Wiping the foliage with a damp sponge removes dust from the plant and moisturizes the leaf blades. The wiping procedure provides comfortable living conditions for the dragon tree.

The root system of young plants needs access to fresh air Therefore, loosening the soil is an important part of caring for decorative bamboo. Air flow ensures the rapid formation of a healthy root system.

Homemade bamboo is easy to care for and does not lose its decorative properties when developing in water and soil. The qualities of the dragon tree make the plant a universal decoration for home and office interiors. The intensive growth of bamboo allows you to create a green corner in a short period of time.

Increasingly, bamboo is being used as a decorative element in modern homes. Caring for grass is simple, especially if its stems are not in the ground, but in water. Before introducing a beautiful herbaceous plant into the interior, you need to familiarize yourself not only with the requirements for its maintenance, but also with the recommendations for placement according to the Feng Shui technique. It is believed that in this case the presence of the plant in the house guarantees happiness, wealth and health to its inhabitants. And if you know how to propagate specimens, you can organize a real greenhouse even at home.

Optimal conditions for growing bamboo

When planning to grow bamboo, both in water and in soil, you need to take care to create the following conditions:

  • The optimal location would be a window sill on the east or west side. In this case, it is recommended to further isolate the flower from sunlight with a thin curtain. In this case, the plant will not suffer from a lack of ultraviolet radiation, but will not burn.

Tip: If you follow the recommendations of Feng Shui, then at home it is better to place the flower in the south-eastern part of the room, but this may negatively affect the condition of the plant. In this case, he will have to provide additional lighting, otherwise the leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off.

  • Bamboo is not picky about temperature; it gets along well at home if the temperature does not drop below 18ºC.
  • Humidity is not so important, but in a very dry atmosphere bamboo will not feel very comfortable. In this case, it is recommended to regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Caring for bamboo stems is not at all difficult. You just need to choose best option its maintenance, ensure disease prevention and regularly reproduce.

Features of the approach to a plant that is kept in a liquid medium

Many novice plant growers believe that they just need to place bamboo stems in water and the plant will exist peacefully. In general, everything is correct, but besides this, keeping curly grass at home involves following simple recommendations:

  • The water needs to be changed at least once every 5 days. If the temperature approaches the minimum acceptable value, then the fluid can be changed once a week. At the same time, bamboo needs to be watered daily.
  • If the stems are constantly in water, the plant will grow actively. We must not forget to care for the sprouts, give them the desired shape, separate the cuttings in time and reproduce.
  • Once every 2-3 months it is necessary to introduce fertilizing using specialized fertilizers.
  • It is forbidden to use ordinary water for watering and maintaining the stems; the best option would be the softest liquid, for example, melted snow or ice. As a last resort, you can use the settled liquid.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  1. It is necessary to ensure good air circulation in the room, but prevent drafts.
  2. In summer, it is recommended to increase the humidity in the room to the maximum permissible level, otherwise the leaves may begin to turn yellow and fall off.
  3. In the first time after purchase, you should not abuse fertilizers; in stores they often go overboard with this matter. It's better to wait about six months.

If you regularly propagate bamboo, then after some time there will be a lot of bright green stems available. They can be arranged by linking them together. If desired, it is possible to change the shape of the components, which allows you to simulate complex, attractive designs.

Ways to propagate bamboo at home

Propagation of stems can be carried out using one of the following methods:

  • Seeds. At home this is very problematic. All stages of the approach, starting from the process of seed germination to stimulating seedlings, involve a lot of hassle and complexity. Even if you care for the plant according to all the rules, a positive result is not guaranteed.
  • Cuttings. The simplest and most accessible approach that gives positive results in the vast majority of cases. It is best to carry out manipulation in the spring, it is at this time that young shoots form on the stems. They are planted in new pots with soil or water. The main thing is to provide the roots with enough fresh air and adequate humidity.

Too slow growth indicates a lack of mineral components. Darkening and excessive softness of the leaves indicate that the temperature of the grass is too low.

In order not to damage the stems in the process of forming complex compositions, it is better to first consult with a specialist and stock up on special devices. With proper care, bamboo can even bloom, but this takes decades, after which the plant dies.

An evergreen exotic stem can exist for a long time at home. With proper care, the bamboo indoor plant will bloom with beautiful small flowers. The frequency and size of the color depends on the species. Any of them can be grown in soil or placed in water. You can make it even more decorative if you twist the elastic stems in time by fixing them on a guide object, by limiting the space. Green shoots look good alone and in compositions.

About the plant

Another name for decorative bamboo is Dracaena Sander. In the 19th century, it was brought from China by the English florist Frederick Sander. The plant has a bare stem with lanceolate leaves at the top. The greenery quickly increases in size. After a few months, even dwarf varieties can reach 1 meter in height.

Indoor bamboo is used for decorative purposes. It will fit perfectly into any interior and will be an original decoration for a residential or office space. The ability of the stems to twist in different directions gives designers the opportunity to imagine in any direction, creating original compositions.

Types and varieties

Indoor bamboo is a miniature plant. It is grown at home in pots with soil or special transparent containers covered with pebbles and filled with water. Bamboo care is minimal. The plant requires lighting, watering and periodic feeding. All varieties have a hollow stem in common. Various species are classified by size and are divided into the following groups:

  • Low. Plants grow up to 1 meter. Popular varieties are “Golden Lily”, “Tsuboi”;
  • Average. Reach 3.5 meters in height. Beautiful varieties - “Shiroshima”, “Mexican weeping”;
  • Tall. A rarity for interiors, as they stretch up to 6 meters. Bright representatives of the group, similar to giants, are “Tropical Black”, “Monastic”.

When choosing a variety, you must clearly understand the purpose of planting. It is necessary to take into account the height of the plant and how it will look, the shape of the leaves, and the type of root system. For some species, solitary existence is more suitable, while others feel better in groups.

Conditions for keeping the plant

It is very easy to create comfortable living conditions for bamboo. Houseplants need good lighting and fresh air. The shoots receive nutrition through the root system, so systematic watering and fertilizing are important. Depending on the type of planting (soil or water), certain care rules apply.

Lighting and location

Indoor bamboo does not tolerate direct sunlight. The place must be chosen to be bright, but with dosed penetration of ultraviolet radiation. Darkening in the midday heat can be achieved with the help of a curtain. In regions with predominantly cloudy weather, during periods of decreasing daylight hours, plants can be artificially illuminated with special lamps. Lack of light affects appearance greenery - the foliage falls off, the trunk turns yellow, growth slows down sharply.

It is better to place a pot of bamboo on a western or eastern window sill. It should not be allowed to overcool, so in winter it is better to move the container to the center of the room and carefully ventilate it.

Air temperature and humidity

As the seasons change, the temperature preferences of indoor bamboo change. Elevated values ​​for it are equally destructive as low ones. To maintain a good humidity regime, the temperature in summer should not exceed 35 °C, in winter – 15 °C. If the room is very hot, the pot with the plant should be temporarily moved to a room without windows (hallway, bathroom). Optimal temperature indicators are 25-30 °C.

Humidity is not very important for plant development. But since dracaena is a tropical plant, too dry air can harm it. You should not use a spray bottle to spray the foliage; oversaturation with liquid will lead to rotting of the stem. If the air is warm and dry, you can place a plate of water next to the bamboo. Regularly wiping the leaves with a damp cloth will do more good than watering on a hot day.

Choosing a container for planting

The pot must match the size of the bamboo and the number of its stems. The shoots must be at least 5 cm from the edge of the container. It is not necessary to place them strictly in the center. Any flower pot with drainage holes is suitable for planting in the ground. If you decide to grow a plant in ordinary water or hydrogel, it is better to use a beautiful transparent vase. You can hide the root system with the help of beads and pebbles.

The recess of the container should be twice the size of the rhizome. A flat, small flowerpot will not work. Plants planted in water will have to be pruned periodically, since the root system is branched and grows quickly. Each grower chooses the growing method for himself, having previously assessed the pros and cons of each option.

Growing in soil

The option of growing in the ground is more preferable for dracaenas. Water does not linger for long, which prevents root rotting. Any soil mixture for indoor plants, consisting of clay turf, peat, and humus, is suitable. There must be a drainage layer - 5-6 cm of sand, small pebbles. After planting in the ground, the plant is watered and placed in partial shade for several days.

Bamboo grown with a closed root system must be fertilized. In spring and autumn, complex lawn mixtures saturated with nitrogen are used. The first flower transplant is carried out after 2 years. Then only the top layer of soil is replaced. A shallow cut at the bottom of the stem will help stimulate root development.

Each time you replant, you must carefully inspect the bamboo roots. Rotten, old and damaged ones should be removed.

Growing bamboo in water

For a long and trouble-free existence of bamboo in a liquid environment, simple room not enough in the water. An unpretentious plant will need to create optimal conditions for rapid growth. By doing group plantings, you can create your own tropical garden in a short time. The original method of cultivation will give best result– a strong trunk, lush greenery, if planting bamboo in the house is carried out according to the following plan:

  1. The root system is inspected, overgrown, weak roots are removed. You can safely cut off up to 1/3 of the base;
  2. Select a container. It should be a low, wide vase. A transparent glass with decorative natural stones looks beautiful;
  3. The decor and container must be boiled in water before use;
  4. The bamboo stem is lowered into a vase, the roots are carefully leveled and fixed with decor;
  5. Fill the plant with filtered, settled water 2 cm above the stones;
  6. The fluid must be changed at least once every two weeks. The first signs that the water requires replacement are a musty smell, bubbly, cloudiness, and the appearance of foam;
  7. When watering every month, bamboo is fed with phosphorus, nitrogen fertilizers and their varieties.

How to properly care for a plant

Growing bamboo at home is not easy, despite its love of moisture and rapid growth in favorable conditions. Creating such an environment will require constant attention, the availability of prepared water, and certain skills in floriculture. A unique green perennial will be an excellent decoration for a house or apartment if you provide it with suitable growth conditions - choose the right location, moisten it in a timely manner, prune it, protect it from pests and diseases, and properly care for it.


You can use any soil for bamboo. A simple mixture of lawn soil and sand will do. But it is better if the soil is acidic, slightly acidic. Heavy soil contributes to root rot and slower growth. Broken shards, expanded clay, and small pieces of brick can serve as drainage. The bottom layer should occupy 25% of the capacity.

The plant is placed in the center of the pot, the roots are lowered onto the drainage. After filling the soil, it should be lightly pressed down to release the air. The soil should always be moist. The top layer is checked by touch daily and loosened once a week.


The frequency of watering bamboo palms depends on the time of year. In spring and summer, moisture should be plentiful, in autumn and winter - moderate. With the arrival of cold weather, the plant can be transferred to independent control of its moisture needs by transplanting it into a vase with water.

It is recommended to water bamboo through a tray. The roots of the plant absorb liquid according to their needs. After a few hours, the water is poured out of the pan. The procedure is repeated when the top layer of soil is completely dry. Do not use a spray bottle or water at the root. Such methods of moistening can lead to the formation of rot on the roots.

Watering should be stopped if the soil begins to emit a putrid odor. If the top layer of soil is covered with a gray or white coating, it must be replaced, the bamboo roots must be washed and disinfected.


The hardest and fastest growing grass can be replanted when it has sufficiently developed the root system, up to 4-5 cm. To do this, the cuttings are placed in water and left in a lighted place. Roots that are too long must be shortened to at least 7 cm, otherwise they may get tangled and break at the very base. The transplant procedure is as follows:

  1. Just before planting, the cuttings are removed from the germination medium, and the still wet roots are treated with a rooting agent;
  2. Lower the sprout into the hole or onto the drainage, add portions and compact the soil along with the mixture for root growth;
  3. The soil should reach the top edge of the pot; if it settles during watering, it should be added.

It is better to replant bamboo in early spring, so that the root system has time to strengthen and its leaves do not fall off with the arrival of cold weather. The pot should be deeper and wider than the previous one. During the growth period, the plant should not have its roots in contact with the walls of the container.

Throughout the growing season, bamboo can be replanted several times. The movement is facilitated by rapid growth and the desire to propagate the plant.

Feeding and fertilizers

Indoor bamboo grows much better in a nutrient medium, although it may long time to be in ordinary water, content only with its renewal. The main thing when working with fertilizers is not to overdo it. Abundance nutrients, especially in the first weeks after transplantation, will only cause harm.

All ground types of bamboo are strengthened once a month, starting in spring. In the summer, during the period of active growth, the dosage can be reduced and the time interval between approaches shortened. You can use universal fertilizers specifically designed for palm trees or decorative deciduous perennials.

A herbaceous plant growing in water must be fertilized regularly, even in winter, since such an environment contains much less nutrients than soil. For this purpose, liquid compositions based on nitrogen and phosphorus are used. The recommended dose on the package must be reduced by at least 5 times so as not to provoke rapid growth. You can also use foliar fertilizers instead of root fertilizers, strictly following the spraying rules.

Bamboo trimming

Bamboo can be shaped into any shape. A flexible, unpretentious plant tolerates pruning well with good rooting and in the absence of the slightest disease. First of all, get rid of dry excess stems located at the base of the plant. Then select a branching point, if necessary, connect the shoots with tape, cut off below the marked node. Such herbaceous specimens will no longer grow upward.

For beautiful vertical growth, you need to regularly prune the branches. Thinning is necessary for both straight and spiral varieties of lacbamboo. The cut areas are sprinkled with ash or lubricated with wax. Cuttings are used for rooting. Small cuts in the lower part of the stem will help speed up the process of root emergence.

Bamboo propagation methods

There are several ways to get several plants from one stem of Dracaena Sandera. It is necessary to choose the optimal method of propagation at home after assessing many factors that may influence the further processes of bamboo development. It is necessary to take into account the humidity in the room, temperature, lighting. Most often, cuttings are separated from a healthy plant during transplantation, but seeds can also be used. Each option has its own characteristics.

Propagation by cuttings

The most popular method of propagating bamboo. It is often used at home because it requires minimal effort to implement. For an exotic plant, this is the best option. There are several options for cutting bamboo:

  • Apical. To obtain suitable cuttings, the top of the mother plant is cut off. The segment must be at least 15 cm long. Then the cutting is placed in water and a root stimulator is added. To prevent part of the stem from rotting during the process of root growth, all cut areas are lubricated with liquid wax.
  • Stem. Rooting occurs using the standard method in water with a solution of a growth stimulator. The mother plant is divided into parts and each section is processed. The method is relevant if the top has not taken root, has rotted, or is affected by diseases or pests.
  • Reproduction by knees. The method is rarely used in floriculture, but this does not make it less effective. Use knee propagation if it is necessary to save an old, weakened plant. Roots on the stem grow at the junction of the segments. They are separated, rooted and dug into the ground.


Growing bamboo from seeds is not an easy task and requires a lot of time and effort. At home, this method of reproduction is practically not used. From planting to emergence of seedlings it will take at least 2 weeks.

Before transferring seeds into the soil, they should be soaked in purified water for a day. This time is enough for the embryo to wake up inside. They are planted in a special substrate made from surface soil, ash, and wood shavings. All components must be mixed and sifted to remove debris and small stones.

The first planting of soaked seeds is done in a large, solid container. They are placed one at a time to a depth of 2-5 mm, covered with earth without compacting. Seedlings need fresh air, dosed sunlight, and daily watering.

The peculiarity of bamboo seeds is the initial formation of the root, not the sprout. A few months later, as soon as the first shoots form, the plants are planted in pots in a peat mixture.

Features of care in winter

With the onset of cold weather, the plant slows down its growth and enters a dormant state. During this period, it is necessary to make certain changes in care. First of all, reduce watering. Now you need to moisten the soil once a week, combining the procedure with wiping the leaves and spraying.

It is necessary to install the plant for wintering in a warm place where the temperature does not fall below +18 ° C and the humidity is below 40%. Using a special lamp you can organize additional lighting. In winter, it is better not to loosen the soil or do it very rarely.

Diseases and pests

Bamboo has good immunity to diseases, so the most common problem is the formation of yellow leaves and dullness of the stem. Often the cause of color loss is poor quality care. Strong and constant lighting, watering with dirty tap water, and insufficient drainage can cause harm to the plant and lead to similar consequences. Excessive moisture will cause rot, fungus, and bacterial development.

If you find even small spots on the leaves, they need to be cut off. After drying, the removal sites are treated with charcoal, and a few hours after disinfection, they are covered with wax.

Pests rarely attack indoor bamboo. But, like all house flowers, spider mites can be found on Dracaena Sandera. Treating all areas with a soap solution will rid the plant of insects.

Bamboo in the house: signs, superstitions and Feng Shui

All signs associated with bamboo in the house are exclusively positive. A persistent, hardy plant has a beneficial effect on human life. It is given and accepted as a gift with the desire to improve well-being, attract good luck, and harmonize all life processes. According to legend, each section of bamboo is responsible for a certain stage in life.

A plant with powerful energy can either improve or worsen the situation in the house, so you should know the rules for its location. By placing the “tree of happiness” in a certain place in the house, you can adjust the necessary areas of life. According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the number of stems is of great importance. They have the following effects:

  • 2 stems - a symbol of love and a strong marriage;
  • 3 – family well-being, happiness;
  • 4 – a symbol of death, you cannot keep such compositions at home and present them to friends;
  • 5 – wealth, financial success;
  • 7 – improvement of well-being, strengthening of health;
  • 8 – success in any endeavor;
  • 9 – successful job, career growth;
  • 20 – “Tower of Love” will strengthen friendship, renew love, warm family relationships.


Home-grown bamboo is no worse than exotic garden specimens. Curved, fancy branches in the form of a spiral will be an original gift that can remain in water for a long time even without a developed root system. Moving it into the ground will extend the life of the evergreen plant for several more years and will give you the opportunity to see more than one snow-white flower.

Growing indoor bamboo at home as a houseplant has become extremely popular, especially since it can be used to create an original exotic composition.

All about bamboo: growing according to Feng Shui

good luck symbol

plant of happiness

The ancient teachings of Feng Shui say that this plant will become a source of good luck and happiness for the person who started growing it.

That is why quite a lot of people strive to acquire a type of Dracaena Sander, which, in fact, is called the bamboo of happiness and is perfectly grown as a houseplant.

According to the philosophy that has come to us from China, if you place a “tree of happiness” in the south-eastern room, and place a sculpture of a toad with coins next to it, then luck and financial well-being will never leave this house.

The number of stems grown in one container matters.

  1. If there are 3 of them, they will help attract good luck in business. It would be better to place these pots in the office.
  2. 5 stems symbolize personal happiness, and it is better to place such interior decoration, of course, in the bedroom.
  3. 7-fold stems predict strong, heroic health
  4. Well, in order to achieve a positive effect on all aspects of life, the Feng Shui technique recommends growing 21 stems in one pot.

A species growing wild in nature is not suitable for home conditions, and it is also unsuitable for decoration due to its enormous growth and rigid stems that cannot be intertwined. Wild bamboo plant has no relation to the indoor plant of the same name, moreover, they are not even relatives. In nature, where bamboo grows, it reaches as much as 50 meters in length and is considered the tallest herbaceous species. It is used by local residents to collect sap and also for construction.

Bamboo indoor plant care at home: what it looks like

bamboo spiral

The plant has a bare stem, which has green leaves at the end. At home, on the windowsill, the created composition with bamboo in a vase will look very exotic. The color of the stems can be either emerald green or straw yellow. But the leaves and shoots will have a more intense color only if good lighting is provided throughout the day.

Bamboo stems have amazing flexibility, they are able to twist into a variety of spiral shapes, it is this feature that makes the plant suitable for creating bonsai. Unfortunately, the flowering of Dracaena Sander at home is extremely rare.

Species diversity of indoor pets

Especially noteworthy are several types of indoor bamboo, which have gained the greatest popularity among plant lovers. Each of them has an individual shape and color of leaves, as well as a different shape of stems. The most famous and suitable for growing at home include the following.

Lucky Bamboo

The main one has a beautiful name - bamboo Lucky spiral care at home is simpler than the others, but gardeners call it somewhat simpler -. This plant can be classified as a species less demanding of care, but at the same time requiring constant provision of a special microclimate.

Dracaena does not complain about infrequent watering and dry soil, but rather welcomes it. Most often the plant is used as a landscaping area in a room or as part of an interior design.

Reproduction occurs by seed or using cuttings, due to the lack of root layering. Initially, Lucky's appearance is straight, but it is forced into a spiral one.

Bamboo Muriel

The largest indoor specimen with a stem height of about 2.5 meters is from the Muriel variety. This type is an excellent solution for a large room or growing in the garden. The plant gets along very well with any frame, but due to its enormous size, care is very difficult, especially if it is done by one person.


Variegated bamboo has achieved the greatest decorative value, and all thanks to its crown with unusual colors.

The leaves are slightly colored light green, and the edges are decorated with small white inclusions. The stem has a green-yellow color, Interestingly, by the time it is transplanted to a new place, it is covered with snow-white spots.

There is one significant drawback: the plant quickly becomes unattractive due to the drying out of the foliage in combination with the active change of the crown.

In addition to these representatives, in the indoor version there are:

  1. Multilayered with narrow foliage
  2. Bluish or short, growing in miniature sizes, which rarely exceed the 40 cm mark
  3. Variegated with decorative foliage, has an average height of up to 1 meter
  4. The brilliant variety appears as bright emerald green with narrow leaves.
Varieties for open ground in Russia

How is bamboo grown in Russia in open ground? For average climatic regions Russian Federation Only frost-resistant species that can be planted in open ground are suitable. The Chinese phylloblast (sinarundinaria pleioblastus photo) will not like such conditions. The plant will be able to withstand short periods of frost down to -20 °C. If the indicator becomes lower, the plant will freeze to the ground level. In some areas, the earthen layer often freezes, in which case the phyloblast will die from frostbite. The ideal temperature for the species is +30 -9 degrees.

Several species can be grown in the Moscow region, called Saza bamboo (Sasa tsuboiana). Their beauty is no worse than that of southern varieties and there is no compromise in height: they range from 30 cm to 3 meters.

Tree of happiness, bringing prosperity to the home care video:

How to grow bamboo at home?

The tree of luck is an amazing plant; for its successful maintenance, you can use not only flower pots, but also an aquatic environment. While the initial stage of growth is in progress, the stem can be given any needed by a person form. What methods of cultivation exist, and what are their features?

Use of the aquatic environment

The homeland is located in tropical forests, and there are not many dry places here, which is why some plants moved into the water.

How to care for bamboo in water? To create conditions as close to natural as possible, a special environment is created for the plant.

Before planting, the root part is washed; if necessary, shoots that are too long can be trimmed. They cut down to a third of the entire rhizome, and this will not harm it, because the growth rate of bamboo is impressive.

Any suitable item at the discretion of the gardener will be suitable as a container. You can use decorative stones to make the display more interesting, but before doing this, do not forget to treat them with boiling water. The stem parts are lowered into the selected container, the pebbles are carefully laid out, then it is the turn of the main component - water.

Note for plant lovers. This method of cultivation involves the use of distilled or melt water. There shouldn't be any problem with the last component. Water is poured into a plastic bottle and sent to the freezer. When defrosting, it is recommended to throw away the frosted core of the ice where all sorts of harmful components settle along with chlorine.

When caring for a plant, the water should be changed systematically; most often, this procedure is carried out once every 14 days. If it starts to appear bad smell, bubbles, foam, sediment, then the fluid needs to be changed more often. The presence of yellow foliage is an indicator for immediate water replacement.

It is worth considering that with this specific method of cultivation, plants need fertilizing, which is applied once every 30 days.

Using hydrogel

The procedure is similar to that described above, but here they use granules rather than stones.

How does bamboo grow in hydrogel? It has a specific feature: after some time it changes color, all you need is to systematically add a certain amount of water. Fertilizing is applied twice a year.

It is important not to forget about the root system; it should not dry out or be exposed and protruding above the granules.

Of course, such original way growing will be a highlight in the overall interior of the room.

Application of soil

This method can be considered traditional. Finding the soil you need for bamboo is easy; specialized stores offer a huge range of different soils that are suitable for dracaena. You can prepare the soil with your own hands, taking into account some important aspects.

Potted bamboo should develop along with a good drainage system to prevent possible:

  • mold formation
  • accumulation of excess moisture
  • the appearance of hostile microorganisms

You can plant several stems of bamboo dracaena in one container with soil. To make it more convenient to care for them, as well as to give them a more decorative look, it is recommended to tie several plants into a bundle with braid rope, choosing the color you like. Any container will fit under the pot, not just traditional devices. Some people use glasses and vases. As soon as the pet begins to “outgrow” its house, it is transplanted into a bucket or deep jug. If the height of the plant exceeds 0.8 meters, it is recommended to move the container with it from the surface to the floor in the immediate vicinity of a window opening or next to a light source.

Subtleties of care

Transplant Basics

Important to know! Bamboo is very painful to transplant, and therefore if there are no important prerequisites for this procedure, then you should refrain from it.

First of all, the required capacity is selected. There should be some space left for the root system, but not very much. The ideal option is if the rhizome easily enters the pot and leaves 4 cm of free space.

Secondly, drainage holes are made if there are none. Install a drip pan to allow excess liquid to accumulate. A layer of drainage is placed along the bottom of the pot.

After these manipulations, the dracaena is planted in a container and filled with soil; it does not need to be thoroughly compacted; if necessary, you can simply add more soil. The plant in a new location must be watered properly; sufficient time is given to the transplantation procedure. Excess water is poured out of the pan, after which the pot with bamboo is moved to the place designated for cultivation.

How to trim

bamboo pruning

This procedure is carried out if it is needed to create an attractive appearance or provide the desired shape. The owner must pay enough attention to the root system to remove defective, dry shoots.

Trimming branches from below and removing sections of insufficient thickness will help maintain decorative appeal. It is possible to give a certain shape to the stems only while the plant is still a seedling; garden twine or thick wire is used for garter.

Happiness bamboo propagation at home

There are several ways to breed dracaena:

When using offspring and tops, you need to have a lot of patience, and remember that this method will take time and effort. This method of reproduction is a rather difficult undertaking.

But the seed option is considered the most difficult and at home, plants grow very rarely. Sow the seeds, wait until the seedlings appear, and then properly care for them for a long time. Not every gardener will do this.

Division by root

Another method is used by plant lovers and it is called root method. It involves carefully separating the shoot from the central part of the root. The main thing is to prevent rupture or damage. Allows the separation of only mature specimens with root leaves. To treat the cut site, a garden varnish is used, which protects the plant from infections or rot. Thanks to this method, the root system is updated. The method is a preventive measure against corrosion and death of the root part.

Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings are the most commonly used, it is the most affordable, and is also ideal for a representative of this family.

How to propagate bamboo at home from cuttings? Using cuttings is very simple, and there is no need to replant the plant. It is best to reproduce with the onset of spring. For cutting, a part with a significant presence of a flank node, from which branching will begin in the future, is suitable. The selected part is carefully separated from the main plant and placed in a container with soil or water for the roots to appear. If the second option is chosen, then it is important to remember to systematically change the water. After 30–48 days, the cuttings will begin to develop a root system. Planting in the soil is carried out according to the rules of transplantation.

What can cause bamboo diseases?

Plant health problems arise due to improper care:

  • The appearance of dark spots indicates the presence of fungus. Fungicides are used for treatment, and the room with bamboo must be regularly ventilated;
  • There is no growth, most likely due to a lack of mineral components. It is necessary to apply fertilizers, but the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount;
  • Darkening and softening of leaves. It happens when the temperature regime is violated. At low levels, the pet sheds its leaves. The problem can be easily solved by installing additional heaters.
  • Why do the leaves turn yellow? If all conditions are met and proper care is taken, the foliage may begin to turn yellow and dry out. Most often this indicates the presence of some kind of disease. The infection can be spread even with soil purchased in a store. Or get it from mites that have moved from aphids from nearby plants.

Luck Bamboo is an undemanding and unpretentious plant. If the care is correct, it will immediately begin to grow rapidly and delight the owner with its bright colors and original appearance.

The plant can be used as an original part of the decor or as a decoration in apartment design. Especially if you form the stem in a timely and correct manner, twisting and turning it in different directions. Also, do not forget about the symbolism of this handsome man, because what if it really Can you use it to attract happiness, good luck and health?

When thinking about choosing one or another type of indoor bamboo flower, you should give preference to dracaena.

Important to remember that too much care for bamboo can be just as dangerous as its lack.

Decorative bamboo diseases and care video:
