Significant events in the world of music are days of remembrance.

Archaeologist's Day

Despite the fact that the history of Archaeologist's Day is not connected with any events or discoveries, and the holiday itself is neither state nor national, archaeologists of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine celebrate their professional holiday on August 15.

Archeology - (from the Greek archaios - ancient and logos - teaching) - the science of antiquities, the study of the life and culture of ancient peoples based on the material monuments that have come down to us. This is a completely separate science. All historical events are established either from written sources or from archaeological data. Very few written messages are preserved, and sometimes more household material than one can imagine.

In Russia, archeology began to develop in the mid-19th century, when Count Alexei Sergeevich Uvarov became interested in archeology. At first, he did not have the slightest idea about the technology of excavation. But it was his research that formed the basis for the further development of the science of antiquities. In recent years, interest in the history of the Fatherland has been revived in Russia, and many manuals and monographs on this topic have been published. But it is safe to say that almost none of them would be scientifically substantiated without archaeological data.

Every summer, new field seasons open in all corners of Russia. One of the interesting archaeological finds of the last century can be called the discovery of the very first ancient Russian birch bark letter during excavations in Veliky Novgorod. In 2008, the President and Vice-President of the World Archaeological Congress approached UNESCO with the initiative to establish World Archeology Day on July 17, which will help draw public attention to the importance of this profession, which is a powerful tool for understanding the past and one of ways to preserve priceless cultural heritage.

Inventor Thomas Edison first proposed using the word “Hello” to call people on the phone.

In 1876, at the Philadelphia World's Fair, the American scientist Alexander Bell publicly demonstrated his apparatus for the first time, exhibited under the motto “Visible Speech,” which soon became known as the “telephone.” It was derived from the Greek words “tele” (“far”) and “phono” (“sound”).

Bell's invention became the sensation of the exhibition after its guest of honor, the Brazilian king Don Pedro II, picked up the phone and, hearing the voice of the inventor at the other end of the room, dropped it in surprise with the exclamation: “Oh my God, she's talking!”

The success of the new product among the public was not at all hampered by the fact that the first telephone worked with monstrous sound distortion, and it was possible to talk with its help at a distance of no more than 250 m. Soon, however, disputes arose about how its users should contact each other. Alexander Bell himself proposed the word “Ahoy”, i.e. - "Hey". This shout was used by English-speaking sailors when they met ships.

However, his famous colleague Thomas Edison (who, by the way, did a lot to improve the telephone) soon put forward an alternative option. On August 15, 1877, while discussing the prospects for using the telephone in correspondence with the president of the Pittsburgh Telegraph Company, he proposed the address “Hello,” i.e. - "Hello". In Russia it quickly transformed into “Hello”. In 1879, the first long-distance telephone conversation took place on the St. Petersburg - Malaya Vishera line. On November 1, 1881, engineer von Baranov received a concession from the government for the construction and operation of telephone networks in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Warsaw, Odessa and Riga. However, this contract was immediately... resold to Alexander Bell.

Born on this day

1717- Carmontelle French poet, artist and architect

1769- Napoleon I Bonaparte French commander and statesman, Emperor of France (1804-1815)

1771- Walter Scott English poet, novelist and historian

1787- Alexander Alyabyev Russian composer, pianist and conductor

1863- Alexey Krylov Russian and Soviet shipbuilder, mechanic, mathematician, academician

1892- Louis de Broglie French physicist, one of the creators quantum mechanics, Nobel laureate

1922- Boris Sichkin Soviet film actor, dancer, choreographer

1924- Suren Kasparian Soviet officer, Hero of the Soviet Union

1931- Mikael Tariverdiev Soviet and Russian composer, People's Artist of the RSFSR

1934- Valentin Varlamov Soviet test pilot

1934- Georgy Garanyan Soviet and Russian jazz musician, composer, conductor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation

1944- Gianfranco Ferré Italian fashion designer

Significant events in the world of music - BIRTHDAYS

August 15, 1787 born - Russian composer, pianist and conductor. In the 19th century he enjoyed great success, writing about 200 romances, 7 operas, 20 musical comedies, and many other works. Among best works Alyabyeva you can call it a romance "Nightingale" (1826 ) to words A. A. Delviga, "Winter Road", "Two Crows" for poetry Pushkin, "Evening Bells"(to text Kozlova).

P published his first musical compositions in 1810.

Since 1823 Alexander Alyabyev settled in Moscow. Together with A. N. Verstovsky And F. E. Scholtz wrote the prologue music "Triumph of the Muses" for the opening of the Bolshoi Theater January 6, 1825.

At the beginning of 1825 Alyabyev arrested on false charges of murder and, despite the understatement, sentenced to exile to Siberia with deprivation of all rights and the title of nobility. IN 1828, after three years of imprisonment in the fortress, he was sent to Tobolsk. Organized here Symphony Orchestra of "Cossack Music", led symphony and choral concerts, performed as a conductor and pianist.

Early 1830s lived in the Caucasus, Orenburg and the Moscow region. Only in 1843 Alyabyev received permission to live in Moscow under police supervision. Here he re-entered the theatrical environment and wrote music for dramatic performances. IN 1847 made friends with A. S. Dargomyzhsky. Seriously ill, the composer did not give up creative work until the end of his life. His latest works include songs with lyrics N. P. Ogareva.

A echo of the song's words “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, Russian and Soviet poet and writer born August 15, 1878. Little is known about her life. She graduated from a women's gymnasium, served as a governess for Prince Kudashev, and later married him. According to reviews from relatives, she had a teaching gift. She worked as a teacher, and in Soviet times as a librarian for several decades.

Raisa Adamovna I wrote poetry since childhood. The first essay appeared in print in 1896. Since then, poems and children's tales Kudasheva began to appear on the pages of many children's magazines, such as “Malyutka”, “Firefly”, “Snowdrop”, “Solnyshko” under the pseudonyms “A. E", "A. Er", "R. TO.". IN 1899 the story was published in the magazine “Russian Thought” Kudasheva"Leri", which remained her only work for adults.

In December 1903 in the New Year's issue of the magazine "Malyutka" the poem "Yolka" was published, signed with the pseudonym "A. E". A poem set to music two years later Leonid Bekman, gained nationwide fame, but the name of its true author remained unknown for a long time. Raisa Adamovna didn't know that "Herringbone" became a song. Only in 1921 Quite by accident, when she was traveling on a train, she heard a girl singing it "Christmas tree". The poem was republished again just before the start of the war in 1941 in the collection “Yolka”, the compiler of which Esther Emden specifically looked for the author of the poem and indicated the name Kudasheva in the text.

IN She has published about 200 songs and stories, fairy tales and books of poetry: “Sled-scooters”, “Stupka-rasshka”, “Trouble Cockerel”, “Granny-Fun and the Dog Boom”. WITH 1948 after a many-year break, collections of her works began to be published again: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...”, “Fir-tree”, “Lesovichki”, “Cockerel” and others.

AND fame and recognition came to the writer only in late 1950s when she was already in her eighties.

F French composer born August 15, 1890. According to advice Manuel de Falla, applied to the Paris Conservatory and was accepted as a “listener”, and a year later - for full-time studies. Iber He made his living by giving private lessons, playing the piano in Montmartre cinemas and composing pop songs and dances.

WITH the beginning of the First World War Iber went to the front as an orderly, fell ill with typhus and returned to the rear. For a short time he joined the created Eric Satie group of composers “New Young” and participated in several concerts. A year later Iber entered service in the navy, where he received the rank of officer. IN October 1919, not yet demobilized, Iber participated in the competition for the Prix de Rome with a cantata "The Poet and the Fairy" and immediately received the Grand Prix, which allowed him to live in Rome for three years. IN February 1920 the composer wrote the first major composition for orchestra - "The Ballad of Reading Gaol". Opera dates back to the Roman period "Perseus and Andromeda", suites "Stories" for piano and "Seaports" for orchestra.

In 1923, Jacques Ibert returned to Paris, where he was active as a composer and also taught orchestration at the Universal School. The most famous works: Divertimento for orchestra, opera "King Iveto", ballet "Knight Errant" and others. 1927 marked by the appearance of opera "Angelica", which brought the author world fame. In subsequent years Iber worked a lot on music for theatrical productions and films, among which he stands out "Don Quixote" (1932 ) With Fedor Chaliapin starring. The composer also created a number of orchestral works, including "Sea Symphony", which, according to his will, was not to be executed until his death.

Iber died February 5, 1962, from a heart attack. The last years of his life he worked on Second Symphony, which remained unfinished.

was born August 15, 1893. The Soviet conductor and composer studied at the Petrograd Conservatory in composition classes with Alexandra Glazunov, Vasily Kalafati, Jazeps Vitols, Mikhail Chernov and conducting Nikolai Tcherepnin. IN 1917 Gauck became conductor of the Petrograd Musical Drama Theater, with 1923 By 1931 worked at the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater.

In 1930-1934 Alexander Gauk headed the symphony orchestra of the Leningrad Philharmonic, and in 1936 became the first chief conductor of the newly created State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the USSR and led it until 1941 finally in 1953-1963 directed the Great Symphony Orchestra of the USSR State Television and Radio.

Gauk He was active in teaching, teaching at the Leningrad, Tbilisi, and Moscow conservatories. Among his students are Evgeniy Mravinsky, Alexander Melik-Pashaev, Konstantin Simeonov, Eduard Grikurov, Nikolai Rabinovich, Evgeniy Svetlanov, Gennady Provatorov wrote a number of original works: symphonies, concertos for piano and harp and orchestra, piano and chamber works, orchestrations of works ( "Patriotic Song"), ("Seasons"), Mussorgsky(unfinished opera "Marriage").

P about management Alexandra Gauka compositions were performed Khachaturian, Myaskovsky, Shaporin, Ovchinnikova and other contemporary composers (many of whom were performed for the first time), along with the classical repertoire (works, Handel, Berlioz). November 13, 1945 exactly Gauk conducted the restored Rachmaninoff's first symphony, which had not been performed before for almost 50 years. He toured in different countries Oh.

- Soviet film actor, dancer, choreographer, master of conversation and composer - born August 15, 1922. Father died when the boy was 4 years old. Elder brother taught Borya dancing. After running away from home, he was expelled from school. IN 1937-1941 studied at the Kiev Choreographic School, and at the same time danced in the Folk Dance Ensemble of the Ukrainian SSR. WITH June 15, 1941 as part of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Kyiv Military District. Participant of the Great Patriotic War.

In 1941-1946 Boris Sichkin participated in the front ensemble, in 1947-1948 – soloist of the Song and Dance Ensemble Soviet Army them. A. V. Alexandrova, V 1948-1966 - artist of the Mosconcert. WITH 1955 worked in the ensemble of the literary and theatrical parody “Blue Bird” under the direction of. V. Yu. Dragunsky, performed sideshows, was the author of lyrics, and choreographer. Participated in the work of the “backstage” theater “Kroshka” (CDRI), a jazz orchestra Eddie RoseNera. Choreographer of many variety numbers and programs. His role as coupletist Buba Kastorsky in Edmond Keosayan’s films “The Elusive Avengers” and “New Adventures of the Elusive” brought him fame.

In 1979 Boris Sichkin left for the USA. IN 1994 came to Russia for the first time after emigration. He starred in several films. Died March 21, 2002 from a heart attack in his apartment in New York. The urn with ashes was placed in the columbarium of the Vagankovsky cemetery.

August 15, 1925 was born Oscar Emmanuel Peterson is a Canadian composer, trio leader, teacher and one of the most outstanding virtuoso pianists in jazz.

IN At the age of 14 he became a prize-winner of a competition (organized by a local radio station) for young talents and received the right to regularly perform on radio shows. Debuted in 1944 in Canadian jazz orchestra Johnny Holmes . The musician's first recordings were released in Canada in mid 1940s. And although they testified to the emergence of a technically impeccable pianist, Canadian jazz lovers did not pay tribute to their compatriot at that time. However, the young businessman Norman Granz, sensing the commercial possibilities of jazz, assembled a “combined team” of jazz luminaries, where he invited him as a young talent Oscar Peterson.

Since 1949 he participated in concert tour “Jazz at the Philharmonic” across the United States of America. IN 1953 toured Europe with his trio. IN early 1960s Peterson opened in Toronto (Canada) Advanced school of contemporary music, presented in 1964 your composition "Canadian Suite". Collaborated with many outstanding jazzmen. Trio Oscar Peterson traveled all over the world, recorded more than 150 albums. IN 1974 the trio performed in the USSR (Tallinn).

D jazz studies Peterson have become part of primary music education throughout the world.

"WITH Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”, “My Little Brother”, “The Deer King”, “Man Follows the Sun” - all these films are united by the name Mikaela Tariverdieva. He is best known for his music for popular films, but in addition to the fact that he wrote music for 132 films, he is also the author of chamber vocal cycles, four ballets, four operas, and organ music.

Was born August 15, 1931. Was a student Aram Khachaturyan. He made his debut as a composer in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory - his romances were performed by the famous chamber singer Zara Dolukhanova. From his opera "Who are you?" The Chamber Theater began Boris Pokrovsky. A comic opera "Count Cagliostro" remains one of the most repertoire operas of this theater and has been successfully shown on tour in different countries.

IN In recent years he has worked a lot in the field of instrumental music. He wrote three organ concertos ( "Cassandra", "Polyphonic Notebook"), “Ten Chorale Preludes”, Symphony for Organ “Chernobyl”. Among the works Tariverdieva also two concertos for violin and orchestra and "Concerto in a romantic style for viola and string orchestra", written by a composer commissioned by a wonderful musician Yuri Bashmet.

L winner of 18 international awards died July 25, 1996. IN 1988 established award for best music Mikaela Tariverdieva as part of the main competition of the Open Russian Festival "Kinotavr". International Organ Competition named after Mikaela Tariverdieva takes place every two years (from 1999 ) in Kaliningrad.

August 15, 1934 born - Soviet and Russian jazz, classical and pop saxophonist, artistic director of a number of musical ensembles.

M musical career Garanyan started in orchestras led by and Oleg Lundstrem. IN 1966-1973 worked in the Concert Variety Orchestra Vadim Ludvikovsky. IN 1973-1982 led the ensemble "Melody". The hallmark of the group was the music of popular Soviet composers in jazz arrangements. The first record sold 4 million copies. Over the years of work under the management Garanyan The ensemble recorded 16 solo giant records and 9 mini-albums.

He performed the saxophone part in the films “The Diamond Arm”, “We are from Jazz”, “Autumn Blues”, in the cartoon “Well, Just Wait!” and others. He has broadcast on radio and television. Also in 1972-1979 was conductor of the USSR State Symphony Cinematography Orchestra.

Garanyan became a laureate of many international jazz festivals. The only jazz musician who had a subscription - 3 concerts a year - in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. For recording a CD with an American group Oregon, where he acted as a conductor, was nominated for a Grammy Award.

TO In addition, he wrote music for several theatrical performances and dozens of films. IN 1990s created Moscow big band. He was the chief conductor of the Moscow circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. WITH 1998 headed the Krasnodar Municipal Big Band, with 2003 By 2006– State Chamber Orchestra of Jazz Music name O. L. Lundstrem , then revived the ensemble "Melody" and created based on it Big band Georgy Garanyan .

– British drummer and percussionist – born August 15, 1942. While studying in school and college, he played trombone and drums in several ensembles. WITH 1960 studied music professionally. Together with Spencer Davis, Steve Winwood And Maf Winwood created in 1964 Spencer Davis Group which he left in 1969 . Afterwards he collaborated with Eddie Hardin And Eric Clapton.

In the early 1970s Pete York created a project Pete York's Percussion Band. The group included three percussionists, a brass section, a vocalist Miller Anderson. IN 1974 collaborated with Jon Lord, and also returned briefly to Spencer Davis Group. IN February 1987 started a series "Superdrumming" with the participation Ian Paice, Louis Belson, Cozy Powell, Geri Brown And Simon Philips.

Since 2004 Pete York takes part in the project of a German musician, actor and director Helge Schneider, participating in both his studio works and concert performances.

F French singer and film actress born August 15, 1944. At the age of 8, she moved from Bulgaria to France with her parents and brother. Not fluent in French, Sylvie She entered the Lyceum named after Victor Hugo, and then the Lyceum Hélène Boucher.

In the spring of 1965, Sylvie Vartan married rock star Jean-Philippe Smet, known as Johnny Hallyday.

P first duet Sylvie With Johnny Hallyday "J'ai un problème" was recorded in 1973 on different languages and very soon received “gold” status. IN November 1980 Sylvie And Johnny divorced.

IN Currently, he continues to record records, including songs for children, tour and act in films.

(Svetlana Bezukh) was born August 15, 1964. The Russian pop singer studied at the pop department at a music school. How the singer made her debut in 1985 as part of the school's jazz orchestra. Subsequently left educational institution without receiving secondary education.

Since 1986 By 1989 worked in a team "Labyrinth" under the leadership of S. Muravyov at the Novosibirsk State Philharmonic, while simultaneously engaging in solo work. So, in 1986 The singer's first solo album was released "Take My Heart". It also included a song "Plantain-grass", which became the singer’s first hit after her performance in “Song-88”. The festival brought the performer an audience award and all-Union popularity. IN late 1980s the first big tour took place Alice Mon and groups "Labyrinth".

In 1991, Alice Mon became a diploma holder "Midnight Sun" competition in Finland, where she performed two songs: one in Finnish and the other in English. IN early 1990s left the stage and returned to the city of Angarsk, where she worked as artistic director of the Energetik House of Culture. IN 1995 resumed her artistic career by recording her most famous song "Diamond" and filming a video for it.

WITH Nowadays, the singer rarely appears on television, mainly performing concerts in clubs. Lives in Moscow.

R Russian singer (Yulian Vasin) was born August 15, 1973. In the 8th grade, he passed the exams as an external student in two years and thus graduated from school, after which he entered GITIS, where, due to his young age, he was admitted as an exception. In the second year of study he became a laureate and winner of the Grand Prix International competition of pop artists with a song "Old Maple" .

In 1994 Julian performed in the St. George's Hall of the Kremlin in honor of the arrival of Queen Elizabeth II of England. In the same year he was admitted to the International Union of Pop Artists, and in 1995 the artist became the official performer of the Moscow Anthem. IN 1996 created his own Song Theater.

Participated with a song "Russian Waltz" in the first festival "Slavic Bazaar". According to the results of the competition, the artist was not among the ten finalists.

In 1999 the artist celebrated his 10th anniversary creative activity, and in the same year, by Decree of the President of Russia, he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, which is the earliest award (26 years) in the history of Russia and the USSR at that time. In total, over the years of creative activity, 6 CDs and 1 vinyl record were released.

(Timur Yunusov) was born August 15, 1983. Russian rap/hip-hop/R'n'B performer, composer, music producer, actor and entrepreneur, graduate "Star Factories-4".

WITH collaborated with such American performers as Snoop Dogg, Busta Rhymes, Diddy and his group Diddy – Dirty Money, Xzibit, Mario Winans, Fat Joe, Eve, Craig David And Timbaland.

"Welcome to St. Tropez (DJ Antoine Remix)"– remixed by Swiss DJ Antoine version of the song "Welcome to St. Tropez" hit many European charts and also has over 97 million views on YouTube.

In June 2012 The world release of the first English-language album took place - « Swagg» . A new video was released that same month. "Come on, goodbye" featuring rappers such as L’One, ST, Nel, Jenee, 5 Plyukh, Misha Krupin. This single has been viewed more than 18 million times on YouTube.

At the beginning of February 2013 shooting of a video for the soundtrack to the film “” took place with the participation of Snoop Dogg.

Significant events in the world of music – REMEMBRANCE DAYS

A Austrian pianist, teacher, composer born April 17, 1882. From the age of 7, he studied piano in Vienna with Theodor Leschetizky, then with O. Mandychevsky, one of his closest friends Brahms.

Since 1900 Arthur Schnabel performed in Berlin as a professional pianist. Then his repertoire took shape: Brahms. Meanwhile, my own writings Schnabel belonged entirely to atonal music.

He toured in the USA, Russia, Great Britain, Spain. WITH 1925 taught at Berlin High school music. He performed in ensembles many times with Pablo Casals, Carl Flesch, Hindemith(as a violist) Pierre Fournier, Jozsef Szigeti, Hugo Becker, Grigory Piatigorsky.

In 1933, after Hitler came to power, left Germany. Lived in Great Britain, Italy, with 1939 – in the USA (in 1944 received American citizenship). After the end of World War II he performed in Europe, but never returned to Germany.

U measures Arthur Schnabel August 15, 1951. He had a great influence on Glenn Gould.

WITH Soviet rock musician, songwriter and artist born June 21, 1962.

In the summer of 1981, Viktor Tsoi, Alexey Rybin And Oleg Valinsky founded the group "Garin and the Hyperboloids", which was already accepted as a member in the fall Leningrad rock club. Soon Valinsky were drafted into the army, and the group, changing its name to , began recording its first album. The team, under the leadership, recorded at Andrey Tropillo’s studio in the House Young Technician. All musicians participated in the recording.

IN soon "Movie" have already performed their first electric concert at rock club festival. TO summer 1982 the album was completely completed, its duration was 45 minutes, which is where the name came from. But later the song was removed from the final version "I am asphalt", which can be found in the reissue "45", where it is included as a bonus track. The recording received some distribution throughout the country, people started talking about the group, and apartment concerts began in Moscow and Leningrad. In the fall, together with the drummer "Zoo", "Movie" recorded several songs in Kuskov's studio, including "Spring" And "The Last Hero" included in the collection "Unknown songs of Viktor Tsoi"(four editions in total). Then the recording was rejected and did not receive distribution, because Tsoi took the tape for myself.

P There were triumphal tours about Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. "Movie" sold out all the concerts.

August 15, 1990 at 12:28 p.m. he died in a car accident. The accident occurred on the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talsi highway near Tukums in Latvia, several tens of kilometers from Riga. According to the most plausible official version, Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel, after which his light gray Moskvich-2141 flew into the oncoming lane and collided with an Ikarus-250 bus. August 19 Viktor Tsoi was buried at the Bogoslovskoye cemetery in Leningrad. The singer's death was a shock to many fans. Several fans committed suicide. Thousands of people came to the funeral Victor

TO composer, one of the prominent masters of the St. Petersburg school of composition was born January 20, 1923. A multi-talented person, he received a composition education at the Leningrad Conservatory.

B more than 60 years Tolstoy hundreds of works of different genres and forms have been written, including ballet "Aelita" based on the fantastic book by his father, Alexei Tolstoy. Based on the poems of his mother, Natalya Krandievskaya, he composed a cycle of romances. Among his works large shape there are operas "Masquerade", "The Captain's Daughter", " Garnet bracelet", "Prince Silver", "Maryuta the Fisherwoman" based on the story “41st” by Boris Lavremiev. He wrote 24 sonatas for piano.

P professor Tolstoy was a brilliant teacher, a favorite of the students of the St. Petersburg Conservatory. An extraordinary literary gift Dmitry Tolstoy, a hereditary Russian intellectual, appeared in the book of his memoirs “What Was All This For,” which critics praised as a striking phenomenon of memoir literature of the late twentieth century.

D At the end of his days he worked with great creative output. Died Dmitry Tolstoy August 15, 2003.

R Russian pianist, music researcher, scientific editor and teacher was born January 8, 1948. Graduated from the Moscow State Conservatory named after. IN 1974 became the winner International competition named after in Zwickau (Germany).

lived and worked in St. Petersburg. Repeatedly served on the jury of various pianistic competitions, and with 1989 headed the jury of the annual International competition of piano duets "Brother and sister"(Saint Petersburg).

TO ak researcher Egorov was the scientific editor of the “Complete Piano Works of R. Schumann” (in seven volumes). IN 1989 was awarded the International Robert Schumann Prize and was elected an honorary member International Schumann Society(Dusseldorf). IN 2001 the musician carried out the first Russian urtext edition of “The Well-Tempered Clavier”.

In 2001-2002 Egorov took part in cycle of concerts “Circle of Life” in the Great Choral Synagogue of the St. Petersburg Jewish Community. WITH 2002 He constantly performed in recitals and master classes in Canada and the USA. Every year he conducted master classes “La scuola Russa” in Rome. Gave open lessons and master classes in Germany, Holland, Belgium, Sweden and Taiwan. He worked as a visiting professor at the Universities of Seoul and Daegu (Republic of Korea).

June 8, 2010 for the 200th anniversary Robert Schumann organized and conducted a 7-hour marathon concert in the Small Hall of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic.

At Pavel Egorov's had a huge repertoire, including music of various eras and genres, which can be heard in his recordings on CD (more than 50 programs from works both solo and with orchestra and chamber Bach,

August 15, 1968 without George Harrison, but with the participation George Martin, who played the saloon piano, recorded a humorous song Paul McCartney "Rocky Raccoon", included in the album "The Beatles (The White Album)".

August 15, 1969 The Beatles finished recording the song George Harrison "Something" included in the album "Abbey Road". He called this composition “the greatest love song of all time.”

From 15 By August 18, 1969 passed "Woodstock Festival - the end of the hippie era".

A autobiography George Harrison"I Me Mine" released in London August 15, 1980.

Updated: April 11, 2019 by: Elena

1534 Ignatius of Loyola founded the Jesuit order in Paris, reporting directly to the Pope. True, Pope Paul III was in no hurry to establish the order - and gave his consent only in 1540. The Jesuits were actively involved in science, education, upbringing of youth, and widely developed missionary activities. This is the largest order Catholic Church– it has about 20,000 people.

On this day in 1688, King Frederick William I of Prussia was born, transforming his country from a second-rate power into a powerful state. Under his son Frederick II the Great, Prussia became the main military power in Europe. The king's successes in the military field gave him the unflattering title of “sergeant major on the throne.”

On August 15, 1771, Sir Walter Scott, a scion of one of the large Scottish clans, was born. Thanks to him, two hundred years ago in the mountains of Scotland a historical novel was born in his modern form. Who doesn't know the brave Ivanhoe? Who hasn't admired the brave Highlander Rob Roy? In total, Walter Scott wrote more than twenty novels. He is practically unknown to Russian readers as a poet, but in Scotland he is valued for his poetry even more than for his prose.

“My nightingale, nightingale, vociferous nightingale!” - this romance remained the only thing that has passed through the centuries from the entire work of Alexander Alyabyev. The composer, author of not only romances, but also ballets and operas, was born on August 15, 1787.

Birthday word "hello". On this day in 1877, inventor T. Edison wrote a letter to the president of the Pittsburgh telegraph company, in which he argued that the best greeting on the telephone was the word “hello.” The inventor of the telephone, Alexander Bell, proposed his own version - the word “ahoy”, used when ships meet. If his advice had been accepted, then, when we picked up the phone, we would have exclaimed: “Hey, who’s there?”

1990 Viktor Tsoi, a rock musician who became a legend during his lifetime, died. Crashed after falling asleep at the wheel of a car. 12 years later, a monument was unveiled on the highway near Riga where the accident occurred.

778 - In the battle with the Basques in the Roncesval gorge, the Frankish Margrave Roland, who was covering the withdrawal of Charlemagne’s troops, died in the campaign to Spain. Roland became the hero of the epic "The Song of Roland"

1498 - During his third voyage, H. Columbus discovered Grenada.

1519 - On the site of an Indian fishing village, the city of Panama was founded, the name of which means “many, many fish.”

1534 - Ignatius of LOYOLA founded the Jesuit order in Paris. He and six of his comrades made a solemn vow to go to Palestine and spread Christianity among the Mohammedans. The attempt was unsuccessful, but Loyola went to the Pope with a request to create a new order, in which, in addition to the usual monastic vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, a fourth was added - the vow to “submissively and blindly obey the pope.” Despite the clause in the charter that was flattering for the pope, the Jesuit order was officially recognized only six years later.

1537 - The capital of Paraguay, Asuncion, was founded by the conquistadors.

1723 - The summer residence of the Russian emperors, Peterhof, opened.

1795 - A new currency has been introduced in France - the franc.

1808 - England’s attempt to establish diplomatic and trade contacts with Japan failed - the shogun refused entry to the British delegation.

1810 - The Vendôme Column was erected in Paris in honor of Napoleon's victories.

1811 - The Russian government approved the coat of arms of Bakhmut.

1832 - Pope Gregory XVI issued a bull condemning freedom of the press.

1843 - Tivoli amusement park opened in Copenhagen.

1848 - Waldo HANCHETT from Syracuse (New York) patented a dental chair.

1866 - University of Ottawa founded.

1877 - On this day of the last century, when Thomas EDISON wrote a letter to the president of the Pittsburgh telegraph company, in which he argued that the best greeting when communicating on the telephone is the word “hello”, which in our country was transformed into “hello”. The inventor of the telephone, Alexander BELL, proposed his own version - the word "ahoy", used when ships meet. If his advice had been accepted, we would have shouted and whispered (depending on our temperament and mood) into the phone: “Hey, who’s there?”

1888 - Six Norwegians, led by Fridtjof NANSEN, went on a ski trip to cross Greenland. Despite difficult weather conditions, the six successfully completed the entire journey and returned home in triumph the following May.

1893 - International arbitration ordered the United States to pay Canada a fine of $478 thousand for fishing in Canadian waters.

1908 - In Prussia, women are allowed to enter universities.

1914 - The Panama Canal is officially opened.

1921 - In Geneva, under the leadership of the navigator Fridtjof Nansen, an international conference on helping the starving people of Russia began.

1932 - During excavations in the Vatican, the ancient Roman “Triumphal Road” was discovered.

1935 - The flag with the swastika has been approved as the national flag of Germany.

1936 - The Spanish left executed 733 priests.

1940 - In Bukovina, occupied by Soviet troops, land and enterprises have been nationalized.

1943 - By order of Mao Zedong, a purge began in the Communist Party of China.

1945 - Indonesia declared itself an independent state.

1946 - At the plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, A. Zhdanov declared war on “adulation to the West.”

1947 - In accordance with the law “On Indian Independence” adopted in June by the British Parliament, the country was divided into two states: Muslim - Pakistan and Hindu - Indian Union.

1948 - After the elections to the National Assembly, the Republic of Korea (South Korea) was proclaimed, led by President LEE SYNG MAN.

1956 - In the USSR, the presentation of Lenin Prizes (instead of Stalin Prizes) has been resumed.

1960 - The independence of the Republic of the Congo is declared.

1972 - Ethiopia refused to participate in the Munich Olympics in protest against Rhodesia's participation in it.

1990 - Viktor Tsoi died (born June 21. 1962 ), leader of the Kino group.

1991 - The Bureau of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Control Commission, having considered the issue of a number of statements by the former member of the Politburo, Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee A. N. YAKOVLEV, aimed at splitting the CPSU and eliminating it from the political arena.

1992 - A new currency has been introduced in Azerbaijan - the manat.

2002 - Japanese electronics manufacturer Fujitsi announced its intention to cut 2,100 jobs at four factories in the country.

2002 - In the United States, the deadline for almost 700 of the country's largest companies to submit their financial statements to the Securities Commission has expired. The owners of these companies must swear to the commission that their accounts are accurate. Only half of the largest US companies swore to be honest.

2002 - American airline National Airlines announced on Thursday its decision to carry all passengers on September 11 for a nominal fee of $1.

August 15 in football history

August 15, 1992– the first matches of the English Premier League (EPL) were played, a tournament that replaced the first division of the English Championship in the rank of elite. The first Premier League goal belongs to Brian Dean's boot. The Sheffield United striker managed to score in the match against Manchester United in the fifth minute.

August 15, 1993– 20-year-old Mark Schwarzer gave a heroic performance in the return match of the play-off matches for the right to qualify for the 1994 World Cup between Australia and Canada. Schwarzer pulled out two strikes in the penalty shootout to ensure his country's passage to the next round of qualifying. Two weeks earlier, the young goalkeeper was forced to make his debut for the Australian national team, replacing the sent-off Robert Zebika in the 17th minute. Despite the fact that the inexperienced Mark withstood the super-stressful conditions of his first games in the national team jersey with dignity and triumphantly, the coaching staff decided to leave him in reserve during the next final clashes with the Argentines. Australia lost 1:2 on aggregate.

August 15, 2009– Burnley defensive midfielder Graham Alexander, at 37, became the oldest debutant in the history of the English Premier League. That day, in the first round match, his team met Stoke City. Alexander had previously spent 14 seasons as a professional in English football, but had never played in the top flight. At the end of the season, Burnley was relegated back to the Championship, and Alexander played 33 games in the league, scoring 7 goals. The following year he became team captain.

August 15, 2011– Swansea City made its debut as the first non-English club in the history of the Premier League in the first round away against Manchester City. The team has competed in the local league system since its founding in 1902, while being based in Wales. The Swans and their eternal rivals Cardiff City had previously played in the English top division in different years, but Welsh clubs had not previously appeared in the Premier League, established in the 1992/93 season. Swansea, led by Brendan Rodgers, finished their premier campaign in a respectable 11th place, surprising everyone with a confident and Spanish-style passing game.

Also born on this day:

  • Dutch winger Boudewijn Zenden
  • Italian defender, guard and Sampdoria legend
  • Moreno Mannini
  • Argentine goalkeeper Carlos Roa
  • Moroccan-Dutch attacking midfielder Mubarak "Mbark" Boussoufa
  • English winger/midfielder Alexander Oxlade-Chamberlaine
  • Spanish midfielder, one of the three Real Madrid players who played in all five of the first victorious Champions Cup finals José Maria Sarrago

On this page you will learn about the significant and memorable dates of the summer day August 15, what famous people were born on this August day, events that took place, we will also talk about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays of different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, and August 15 was no exception, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. You and I should always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

The fifteenth day of August left its indelible mark on history; events and memorable dates, like those who were born on this summer day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the fifteenth day of August, August 15, what events and significant dates it was marked and remembered for, who was born, folk signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, it’s just interesting to know.

Who was born on August 15 (fifteenth)

Napoleon I Bonaparte (cor. Napulione Buonaparte, Italian. Napoleone Buonaparte, French. Napoleon Bonaparte). Born 15 August 1769, Ajaccio, Corsica - died 5 May 1821, Longwood, St Helena. Emperor of the French in 1804-1815, a great commander and statesman who laid the foundations of the modern French state.

Sir Walter Scott (English Walter Scott; August 15, 1771, Edinburgh - September 21, 1832, Abbotsford, buried in Dryborough) - world famous British writer, poet, historian, collector of antiquities, lawyer, of Scottish origin. He is considered the founder of the historical novel genre.

Lyudmila Ivanovna Khityaeva. Born on August 15, 1930 in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod). Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1983).

Ekaterina Sergeevna Vasilyeva. Born on August 15, 1945 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1987).

Valeria Gavriilovna Zaklunnaya (married Zaklunnaya-Mironenko) was born on August 15, 1942 in Stalingrad (now Volgograd). She died on October 22, 2016 in Kyiv. Famous Soviet and Ukrainian actress.

imati, real name Timur Ildarovich Yunusov (Tat. Timur Ildar uly Yunusov). Born on August 15, 1983 in Moscow. Russian rap artist, music producer, actor and entrepreneur. Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic (2014).
Viktor Anatolyevich Shenderovich. Born on August 15, 1958 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian satirist, television and radio presenter, screenwriter, liberal publicist, journalist, human rights activist.

Jennifer Shrader Lawrence. Born on August 15, 1990 in Louisville (Kentucky, USA). American actress. Winner of the Oscar (2013), BAFTA (2014) and three-time Golden Globe winner (2013, 2014, 2016).
Mikael Tariverdiev (08/15/1931 [Tbilisi] - 07/25/1996 [Sochi]) - Soviet composer;

Boris Sichkin (08/15/1922 [Kyiv] - 03/21/2002 [New York]) - Soviet and American actor;

Pyotr Shelokhonov (08/15/1929 - 09/15/1999 [St. Petersburg]) - Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR;

Liliya Egorochkina (08/15/1961 [Chisinau]) - Soviet and Ukrainian theater and film actress;

Yoko Honda (08/15/1983) - Japanese voice actor;

Dmitry Borisov (08/15/1985 [Chernivtsi]) - Russian journalist, TV presenter;

Ben Affleck (08/15/1972 [Berkeley]) - actor, director and producer;

Chris Byrd (08/15/1970 [Flint, Michigan]) - American boxer;

Debra Messing (08/15/1968 [New York]) - American actress;

Debi Mazar (08/15/1964 [Queens]) - American actress;

Sylvie Vartan (08/15/1944 [Spark]) - French singer;

Janice Rule (08/15/1931 [Norwood] - 10/17/2003 [New York]) - American actress;

Signe Hasso (08/15/1915 [Stockholm] - 06/07/2002 [Los Angeles]) - American actress of Swedish origin;

Julia Child (08/15/1912 [Pasadena] - 08/13/2004) - American chef, writer and host;

Wendy Hiller (08/15/1912 [Stockport] - 05/14/2003) - British actress;

Estelle Brody (08/15/1900 [New York] - 06/03/1995 [Valletta]) - American actress;

Jonah Yakir (08/15/1896 [Chisinau] - 06/11/1937) - Soviet military leader, 1st rank army commander;

Theodor Nette (08/15/1896 [Riga] - 02/05/1926 [Salaspils]) - diplomatic courier People's Commissariat Foreign Affairs of the USSR;

Gertie Corey (08/15/1896 [Prague] - 10/26/1957 [Glendale]) - American biochemist, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1947;

Louis De Broglie (08/15/1892 [Dieppe] - 03/19/1987 [Louveciennes]) - physicist, one of the creators of quantum mechanics, Nobel Prize laureate in physics for 1929;

Raisa Kudasheva (08/15/1878 [Moscow] - 11/04/1964 [Moscow]) - Russian and Soviet poetess, writer;

Sri Aurobindo (08/15/1872 [Calcutta] - 12/05/1950 [Pondicherry]) - Indian philosopher, poet, revolutionary, yogi, guru and founder of integral yoga;

Pyotr Boborykin (08/15/1836 [Nizhny Novgorod] - 08/12/1921) - famous Russian fiction writer;

Carmontelle (08/15/1717 [Paris] - 12/26/1806 [Paris]) - French poet, artist and architect.

Below, at the end of this page, you will find a table with the days (dates) of celebrating Orthodox holidays - Exaltation of the Holy Cross , Day of Faith, Hope and Love , and also Intercession Holy Mother of God until 2035...

Dates August 15

Aircraft Manufacturer's Day

Poland celebrates Polish Army Day

In India and Congo - Independence Day

Egypt celebrates Nile Flood Day

In Nova Scotia and Liechtenstein - National Day

Liberation Day is celebrated in both Koreas

Paraguay celebrates the Founding Day of Asunion

Bangladesh observes Day of Mourning

According to the folk calendar, this is Stepan Senoval

On this day:

Panama city founded in 1519

The Jesuit Order was founded in 1534

Napoleon Bonaparte, first consul and first emperor of France, was born in 1769

in 1771 Walter Scott was born, who told about the valiant knight Ivanhoe

in 1878, Raisa Kudasheva was born, immortalizing herself with the birth of a Christmas tree

Ramakrishna, philosopher and preacher, died in 1836

in 1892, Louis de Broglie was born, who established that an electron can be a wave

in 1918, the war between the USSR and the USA began - American troops landed in Vladivostok

in 1922, Boris Sichkin was born, who, upon mature reflection, became Buba Kastorsky

Mikael Taraverdiev was born in 1931 and described 17 moments of spring in the language of music.

in 1945, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, the formidable director of NUINIU, was born

in 1964, Alice Mon was born, who loved not only diamonds, but also plantain grass

Woodstock festival began in 1969

Ben Affleck, two-time Golden Raspberry nominee, was born in 1972

Timati, a black Russian rap star, was born in 1983

in 1990, Nyusha was born, who, after miraculously making her way out, howled at the moon

in 1990, Viktor Tsoi died, who gave people a thirst for change and became the mouthpiece of the generation

In 2012, Harry Harrison, who showed what a steel rat is, died.

Events of August 15

Peterhof (Peterhof) was built two decades after its first mention. Back in 1705, Peter I liked the idea of ​​the French king Louis XIV about a country residence. Peterhof was conceived as a Russian Versailles. There is evidence that Peter 1 himself designed Peterhof.

Peterhof was located at the intersection of roads to Oranienbaum, to the ferry crossing through Kronstadt. During the construction process, a special workshop for processing granite for construction was organized here - the Cutting Factory.

A large palace, a park, a canal and small palaces with fountains were built before the opening of the residence. There was also the Hermitage, trellis fences and other attractions.

August 15, 1877 - a proposal was made to use the word “Hello” on the telegraph.

Alexander Bell's device was called telephone (“tele” (“far”) and “phono” (“sound”)). The visible speech apparatus, demonstrated at the Philadelphia World's Fair, became a real sensation.

The first user was the Brazilian king Don Pedro, who tested the device right at the exhibition. He was simply amazed, like the rest of the audience. Despite the fact that the sound was monstrously distorted, speech could be heard clearly at a distance of 250 meters.

Thomas Edison suggested addressing each other with a special word - “hello”, that is, “hello”. The Russian people quickly transformed it into “Hello”.

Even the medieval Spanish conquistadors dreamed of how to connect the Northern and Southern continents of the American continent. The Panama Canal was founded at the mouth of the Rio Grande River in 1880 (similar to the Suez Canal).

The legendary builder engineer Ferdinand Lesseps took part in its construction. It took more than thirty years for the first ship to pass through it. Construction was constantly hampered by errors in calculations and high-profile lawsuits related to miscalculations.

At one time, “Panama” was perceived as synonymous with a large-scale scam. Things moved faster when the United States received the right to build. The first ship to pass through the canal was the Cristobal.

Stepan Senoval is known as the patron saint of horses. They said that on August 15 the peasant should complete all work related to haymaking. Grass that had previously been mowed was growing back and therefore needed to be removed.
People observed natural phenomena, signs and analyzed them, since in this way it was possible to predict what the weather would be like in the period from September 15 to 19.

In the church on August 15, the memory of St. Stephen is honored, the first martyr who was an adherent of Christian teaching and came from the Jewish diaspora. According to legend, together with six fellow believers, it was Stephen who was elected deacon by the apostles and was supposed to maintain order and justice among the population. However, it must be said that in addition to this, Stephen also preached faith in Christ in Jerusalem.

Once in one of the synagogues he argued about one of the speeches, as a result of which he was summoned to court. True, it is not known whether Stefan died as a result of the sentence, or whether he was stoned to death after his release - in any case, he died a martyr’s death. During his torment, he asked Jesus to take him to heaven and prayed for mercy for the murderers. By the way, August 15 marks the transfer of the relics of the martyr Stephen from Jerusalem to Constantinople.

In Rus', Stefan was also called hayloft in honor of the end of haymaking. On August 15, the whole family collected flowers from which they were supposed to weave the so-called Stephen's wreath.

It was usually hung in the hut in the red corner, and when someone subsequently fell ill, they tore off a bunch of herbs and then brewed them, believing, in accordance with the signs, that the spirit of the summer meadow was able to ward off all illnesses. They believed that the power of the wreath remained until the next spring - until St. Hilarion’s Day, celebrated on April 10.

It was a common custom on August 15 to water horses through a hat, into which they then put a silver coin and hid it in the stable (usually under the manger). They believed that this helps make horses more docile, and the cattle themselves are not afraid evil spirits. It is interesting that the coin used in the ritual was often passed from father to son by inheritance. On August 15, radishes were re-sowed.

Folk signs for August 15

According to traditions, on this day it is necessary to feed horses with blessed water by immersing any silver object in it. They believed that this would help protect animals from evil spirits and diseases.

It was also time to mow the grass, which had already grown back. We tried to carry out work on August 15, which included sheltering the hay from the weather

What the weather will be like in Stepan - this will be the case throughout September

The frogs croaked - it will rain

The frogs suddenly fell silent - expect strong winds.

We hope you were interested in reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read? Agree that it is very useful to find out the history of events and dates, as well as which famous people were born today, on the fifteenth day of August, August 15, what mark this person left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world.

We are also sure that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with their help, you can check in practice the reliability and truthfulness of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and business, read more of what is necessary, important, useful, interesting and educational - reading broadens your horizons and develops your imagination, learn about everything, develop diversified!

Why is August 15th interesting and significant in world history, science, sports, culture, politics?

August 15th, what events in world history, science and culture make this day famous and interesting?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on August 15?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated annually on August 15? What religious holidays are celebrated on August 15? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What national day is August 15th according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with the day of August 15? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on August 15?

What significant historical events on August 15 and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? The day of remembrance of which famous and great people is August 15?

Which great, famous and famous died on August 15th?

August 15, the Day of Remembrance of which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes is celebrated on this day?

Now we will present to those interested in such information a table with the days (dates) of the celebration of three Orthodox holidays close to each other, the first of which is the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, the second is the Feast of Faith, Hope and Love, the third is the Intercession (Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary), and further and in another table, you can find out about the dates of the celebration of the Great Orthodox Easter (also Catholic), and also the Holy Trinity - in links...


Holy Cross

Faith Day

Hope and Love

Protection of the Most Holy

Mother of God

Events of the day 15 August 2017 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2017, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day 15 August 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2018, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day 15 August 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2019, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the nineteenth year.

Events of the day 15 August 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2020, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August in the twentieth year.

Events of the day 15 August 2021 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2021, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the twenty-first year.

Events of the day 15 August 2022 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2022, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the twenty-second year.

Events of the day 15 August 2023 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2023, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the twenty-third year.

Events of the day 15 August 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2024, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the twenty-fourth year.

Events of the day 15 August 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2025, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the twenty-fifth year.

Events of the day 15 August 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2026, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day 15 August 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2027, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day 15 August 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2028, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day 15 August 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2029, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day 15 August 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2030, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the thirtieth year.

Events of the day 15 August 2031 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2031, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day 15 August 2032 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2032, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day 15 August 2033 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2033, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day 15 August 2034 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2034, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day 15 August 2035 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 15, 2035, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifteenth day of August in the month of the thirtieth year.
