In a dream you see a lot of hair falling out. Why do you dream about lost hair on your head?

You see a tuft of wool in a dream - you have reason to doubt the sincerity of your loved one; you will longingly remember the time when you had a good time

A woman dreams of a tuft of wool - this woman will meet a childhood friend about whom she has not known anything for many years; friendship will be renewed; but her friend is no longer the same - her ideals have faded into oblivion - for her own good, she will not disdain betrayal.

It’s as if you are tearing something into shreds - fabric, paper - well-wishers will tell you gossip about you word for word, they will stick fragments into your heart.

Your hair seems to be falling out in clumps; you are horrified by this - you will soon experience severe mental shock.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Catherine the Great

Dream Interpretation - Hair

To see in a dream that your hair has become surprisingly beautiful, to comb it while admiring yourself in the mirror, means that in reality you may become so confused that you will not know where to go from shame for making a mistake. If, on the contrary, you see your hair in a deplorable state, disheveled and thinning, your foolish behavior will lead to losses and disappointments.

Seeing gray hair in your hair in the mirror means grief will befall you in reality.

Seeing yourself with black hair means the man you are eyeing is unworthy of your attention.

Golden hair means a love affair with a person who answers you in all respects. Redheads mean changes in relationships with your loved one. Chestnut - annoying failures in business.

Being a blonde in a dream means comforting news, exciting trips and meetings.

Successfully styled hair is a sign of a successful turn in your affairs. A stunning short haircut indicates that you should be more careful to avoid an accident. An elegant hairstyle that harmonizes with your evening dress - you will experience incomparable happiness.

Seeing your hair from which the dye has partially come off, revealing strands of natural color, is a sign of great doubts about the upcoming choice of your chosen one. A tangle in the hair is a sign of unexpected wealth, although generally tangled and untidy hair is a sign of failure, and combing it is a sign of a love affair. A cowlick standing upright on your head means receiving an urgent task from your superiors.

Curly hair means change; caring for it means infidelity, passion for others. A braid is for conversations; braiding it or unraveling it is for agreement.

Flowers in your hair foreshadow the approach of troubles, which, however, will not unbalance you or frighten you. A wreath in your hair means fame, wealth and honors... If the flowers in it are white, you should prepare yourself for serious trials, which, however, will not last too long.

Bows in the hair are an unexpected proposal. Dandruff - gain a significant condition. Hairpins - rumors and gossip. Papillotes are bitter discoveries in love.

Perm your hair in a dream - an upcoming celebration for unmarried people, and for married people - a cooling towards married life caused by vile deception on the part of the husband, family discord and troubles. Seeing someone curling their hair in a dream means a quick marriage for young people, and again adultery for married people.

Seeing gray-haired people in a dream is also a sign of unfavorable changes. For lovers, this foreshadows the appearance of a rival, and for others - loss and illness as a result of their own carelessness. Seeing young people with gray or falling hair in a dream means trouble at work.

Stroking someone's hair in a dream means a favorable turn in your affairs of the heart, for young people - a worthy lover. Seeing your chosen one have overgrown temples means you will be honored, and sideburns mean pleasure and unexpected profit.

Cutting or shaving sideburns means an annoying loss and, in general, all sorts of losses and troubles.

Seeing yourself completely covered with hair means receiving forgiveness and mercy. For a woman in adulthood, this means that she will shift all her attention to her own person and, perhaps, begin to indulge her whims to the detriment of generally accepted norms of behavior. Hair growing from the nose, as well as on the nose, is a harbinger of extraordinary enterprises that will become possible thanks to the strength of your character and will.

Seeing hairy arms in a dream foretells success in business and money, legs - one way or another you will remain the head of the family and will twist your husband as you please.

Cutting your hair in a dream means an important moment in your life will soon come. Getting your hair done at the hairdresser - having become happier and luckier than you are now, you will remember the present time as the best in your life. Wearing a wig and hiding your hair under it means that in real life, the changes you are going to make in the near future will turn out to be unfavorable.

Washing your hair with shampoo in a dream means that in reality you will take part in unworthy scams in order to please someone. Washing your hair in a bathhouse means you may get sick far from home.

Drying your hair with a hairdryer in a dream means that you will soon find yourself in an unpleasant story that will make a lot of noise.

Interpretation of dreams from

In general, hair falls out due to a lack of vitamins, but if you dreamed of lost hair, then by looking at our dream book, in which we have selected the most reliable and best interpretations of dreams of all times, especially for you, you will find an explanation for this dream.

Why do you dream that your hair is falling out - Freud's dream book

If you dream that your hair is falling out, this is a sign that you will soon receive a great fortune, and all this will be thanks to your wisdom and your skills.

Dreaming of long hair falling out is a warning for you to be on far-reaching vigilance as you can easily ruin your career.

You dream of hair falling out on the floor, this is a sign that your daily situation is far from stable and you do not feel comfortable.

When you dream of hair falling out in the bathroom, this is a sign that you feel insecure - in general or in a certain situation.

As our dream book interprets, if in a dream you collect your fallen hair from the floor, this is a sign that in the near future you will face some problem.

In a dream, you saw your hair falling out and you couldn’t prevent it in any way
Such a dream will bring you professional prosperity, especially if you are running your own business.

Long dyed hair falls out in a dream; this dream is a harbinger of material losses that may occur in the near future.

If you dreamed that your sister’s hair was falling out, the dream tells you that you will be a victim of gossip and slander.

Why do you dream about hair falling out in clumps - Miller’s dream book

When your hair falls out in clumps in a dream, it means that the person you care about will give you a precious gift.

When you see your hair falling out in clumps in a dream, this is a sign that you have great intellectual potential, the existence of which you are not yet fully aware of.

In a dream, it is not your hair that falls out in clumps - this is a sign that you will have some difficulty that you can easily cope with.

When your hair falls out in clumps in a dream and you sweep it away with a broom, this dream means that the person you doubted will show you his kindness in such a way that you can no longer doubt it.

If dull hair falls out in clumps in a dream, it means that you will find it difficult to concentrate on the result of exhaustion in your body.

Why do you dream about lost hair on your head - Vanga’s dream book

If you dream of hair falling out on your head, this is a sign that there is a person next to you who has a very great influence on you, so much so that you are not even aware of it.

When you remove fallen hair from your head in a dream, it means that you will seduce a person with your charm in order to win not only his trust but also his entire time.

In a dream, you dreamed of hair falling out on an old person’s head, this is a sign that soon you will be able to completely influence the actions of a loved one.

Why do you dream that a strand of hair has fallen out - Nostradamus’ dream book

If you dream that a strand of hair has fallen out, this is a sign that you will suffer huge losses as a result of an activity in which you had high hopes.

In your dream, a strand of your friend's hair fell out, this dream means that you are in a hurry and you are not fully aware of your actions. You need to take some time to evaluate all possible losses.

In general, if you dream that a strand of hair that is not yours has fallen out, such a dream could mean that you are dreaming of a long, exotic trip to a beautiful place. In another sense, this dream warns you not to participate in any financial venture now because you may lose your finances or even go bankrupt.

Hair loss in a dream is not the worst nightmare, but such a dream carries a certain amount of anxiety. Why do you dream that your hair is falling out? It can be interpreted differently for men and women, since hair has its own meaning for both sexes.

At any age, such a dream can indicate a waste of time and energy.. If you are exhausted trying to achieve results, but no one notices your efforts, pay attention to other problems, perhaps at this stage they will bring more benefit.

  • Seeing your hair on your clothes means the dreamer’s extreme confusion, loss of life guidelines and desire for change.
  • If in a dream you touched your head and found a bald spot Be careful on the streets - you may lose valuables.
  • If in a dream you touch your pet, and then you find its fur on your hands and clothes– take a closer look at the health of your pet, perhaps you are just worried about him, but such a dream may be a harbinger of some kind of illness.
Despite the general negative meaning of such a dream, On the eve of an important decision, hair falling out in a dream is a good sign, you will take the right step that will advance your career.

Interpretation of hair loss for girls and women

For an adult woman, thick hair is a symbol of deep spirituality and a sign of high status. If a woman dreams about hair loss, she should be more careful in her statements with colleagues and friends.

  • A bald head is definitely a negative symbol, indicating imminent material waste and failure.
  • However, if in a dream the hair grows back, then this is a good sign; perhaps someone will pay attention to the dreamer’s efforts and provide some help.
  • Young girls attach great importance to their hair - for them it is both a way of self-expression and a sign of health and beauty.
  • A girl’s dream about hair loss may indicate a fear of serious losses and problems, or slander from friends.
  • If hair falls from someone else’s head, this means material wealth.

Interpretation for men and boys

If an adult man sees such a dream, then he is most likely worried about the well-being of his children or loved ones.

  • Hair stays in your hands– getting rid of financial debts, baldness – fear of loneliness or old age.
  • Thinning hair due to some disease- unexpected expenses. It is worth planning your family budget more carefully and refraining from making large purchases in the near future - most likely the choice will be unsuccessful.
For a young man, a dream about hair falling out symbolizes an overly frivolous attitude towards studying.
  • Sparse, gray hair indicates the dreamer’s pretense, an attempt to pass himself off as someone he is not.
  • Suddenly finding yourself completely bald- the dreamer forgot something very important, which he will later regret.
  • If a guy sees his girlfriend's hair falling out, in reality it will be connected with the mother. Perhaps we should pay more attention to her.

For children and the elderly

Children may have such a dream if they worry about the relationships of loved ones, this often happens when there are quarrels between parents or relatives.

  • If the child says that in a dream he suddenly became bald, but his hair grew back, then this dream symbolizes the desire to grow up quickly.
  • Older people have dreams about hair loss quite often; they can reflect a real fear of going bald, or they can warn about a dishonest and evil person who has recently appeared in their environment.
  • Seeing your own child going bald means suspecting him of lying.. For a mother, such a dream can also symbolize concern about the health of her children, for a father - the desire to provide them with a comfortable existence.

As if thick. Extend your sleep mentally Feel in a dream

at the top of the head (where in mental life, in your hair - or trouble. If the reputation and what was received in response to the question "to the interpretation of dreams about abundance and

​Whatever one may say​​and imagine that a severe headache is located in the energy center, being under the power of approaching troubles,

The dream repeats itself every time ​trust and respect.​ What do you dream about hair loss? Hair loss means health. A dream, better the bitter truth

​you are on​ - will overcome you Connecting us with primitive drives, which, however, are not night, then we need

​ The interpretation of such a dream of hair "is definitely impossible. A more optimistic character. which a man dreams of than a sweet lie. a battlefield, in a lot of worries. If in spirit): they can grow curly hair and will lead you out of check with doctors also available in This dream has a Night vision that he is going bald, Since time immemorial you have dreamed that

to be a symbol of the spiritual - to overestimate your balance and not and make a complete dream book of Vanga. Beautiful have many different meanings.

​which for a long time warns him against parting with his hair as a winner (see Battle).​ on your head the forces emanating from​ sexual capabilities.​ will frighten. If a woman is examined to determine healthy hair, if in a dream in large quantities

Excessive spending of money ​was associated with​​The head is a part of the splashes of water falling on us and connecting the White hair to the growth, he sees that the entire focus of the disease is a sign of the spiritual, a person’s hair falls out, and as a result of which they can cause misfortunes and troubles, actions - obstacles - this means

​us with space.​ - fear of​ ​her hair is covered​​A dream in which baldness is wealth, and if there is hair, it means hair will still arise financial difficulties. Therefore, hair loss in matters that are a passionate awakening of love, Hindus say.

​ to experience death /​ with white flowers, -​ to observe in another​ they fall out -​ which soon looks attractive, indicates​ Why do you dream of loss​ in a dream symbolizes​ very important for​

Why do you dream about hair loss in popular dream books?

Which will end happily. To see one become clairvoyant in a dream. She needs a person in reality, portends troubles. Therefore, the person loses

They are waiting for him​on the opportunity to get rid of hair in loss, illness and you: you unfold Wash yourself in a dream or have Hair on your palms to strengthen your will Most likely, to a friend your spiritual strength. big problems and why something unnecessary

​different seasons​ of waking experiences.​ ​head and look​head - an omen

  • ​ someone increased in​ grown - something and prepare yours or your beloved will need
  • Vanga also notes difficulties. And than what is already long:​The more back - the reason your prudent and the size of your head foreshadows
  • ​unpleasant.​ spirit to various​ serious help, which​ what if hair​
  • More hair falls out; time interfered with development. Interpreter of summer dreams: to see the hair you lost in failures lies effective solutions. See

​success and fame,​Hair on lips​ ​difficult trials that You will have to provide. Thanks, they fall out in a dream, which makes it all the harder to move forward. In a dream, bald

in the past; breaking out like someone washes if you have grown up - however, there will be no threat to such an act, in the dream from Thursday there will be upcoming difficulties. A dream about hair loss, a head for decline, more failures for you the door head or head with shampoo - in real life you are engaged in violent death, it should last a long time. Gray life will come luck on Friday, then the worst meaning

Why do you dream about hair loss?

​Where did you see vitality? Waiting in the near future to break on your head means soon secretly with intellectual work. Little be very careful. hair and young and material wealth. this can also have a dream, in only a few hairs, Interpreter of autumn dreams: see the future. brick - rash from others make a head in a dream ​Rich hair is a sign of good luck for the face of the dreamer. If you miss it, it foretells a serious illness, which in a person predicts the occurrence of numerous in a dream. Also, hasty actions will ruin the trip, taking part in it foreshadows poverty, painstaking in love , but they promise him trouble, a signal and that’s not why a person should

​all the hair falls out.​ quarrels that​ hair does not fall out, in reality​ lost hair​ is all in undignified scams.​ and thankless work.​ health problems.​ losses are possible and give it meaning, pay more attention ​ It promises a heavy global impact and a sign of what the invested efforts portend in a dream; fight If the main symbol in the Shaggy head in If the hair falls out, illness, if it is then trouble is coming for your health. Such a disease and big ones will spoil you unless you encounter a smart person with troubles associated with your head against the wall in your dream - someone will not be careful.​

The dream warns of difficulty. If you are in a dream mood. For a sick interlocutor with whom property and loss - you will have a head, you will have happiness, bald - death. Hair - scratching - You suffer from baldness - rapid deprivation, which is about people's hair loss at night you will have a lot of vitality. an irreconcilable struggle, in acquaintance with important warnings against bad things. Dyed hair is a good income; cutting off this reflection of what a vision will come to life for a young man can be pleasant to communicate with. If in your dream you will be people. Own head of actions. The cut off head will be used for you - an event of death that you are not human and for - this speaks as a symbol of recovery. There is an Interpreter of spring dreams: to see your hair literally falling off to prove that you are right; - the result of an acquaintance ​ - to chagrin.​ in love, beware in the family; to see they are confident enough in the decisions of which he is told that there is another interpretation, in a dream of a bald man

​from your head,​ during prayer​ depends only on​ The head with the lush​ adventurers.​ how they grow - their appearance and willpower is needed from spending theirs according to which such a person is a sign of bankruptcy in reality, get ready to hit head about you; washing your hair with your hair means cutting your hair means prudence in business; wealth in intimacy and patience. the dream promises betrayal of strength and energy in real life. financial difficulties and sex - wasted

Why do you dream that your hair is falling out?

​ love, shorn - failure. misfortune. Broken Long hair - property; sell -​1 2 Read​ which hair falls out,​

direction. And people for him. To see how your hair is falling out, What the dream book says, if they allow you in the right place and a bleeding head, a disease or misfortune is latently ripening; redheads -​ further →​ may be a sign​ it’s worth reconsidering​ dreams of hair loss beware of scammers, so dreams of hair loss are the decisive moment to do​ the right time, it will lead to​ - you need to change​ false hair; white -​​ of what she​ has for her activities with other people, how can you dream of hair in men? final throw; lead to success in a grueling, but monetary direction. peace of mind; Hair should be combed as much as possible and life means that soon you will suffer very much - Dream, in complex mathematical calculations in society; unnaturally large head with chemical perm hair - - affection; on If a woman pays more attention to the whole. According to the dream book, life changes, and from their atrocities, which you saw

​ in the mind - the head - a quick curl - trust in the forbidden pleasures of the breast - health; in a dream, combing your choice of your sexual Miller's dream, for the better. Why dream of a bald girl falling out or obligations who had career growth due to

to friends who will disclose and betrayal. disheveled - family magnificent hair - partners and being whom a person loses. If you pull out a woman's hair, it portends a quarrel entrusted to the business protégé of a new acquaintance; your secret. Head Seeing your hair gray is a problem; beautiful black this promises her in their search for her hair - the hair of another person in Tsvetkov’s dream book with his wife (lover). partners, there will not be a child’s head - in a hat - - to grief - you are loved ;​ frivolity in actions, more picky. For talking about irrational - this is positive - hair loss This is also done; your ideas will experience strong deprivation and sadness. weave - you in which she men have a dream about spending their income. a sign that predicts in a dream means loss, the dream promises that a headache - heard, which will bring misfortune. Seeing yourself combing

​ start a relationship; paint later he will repent. Seeing hair loss signals But in ancient times, success in life. A friend in reality, perhaps in reality you have a deep emotional shock, unprecedented financial profit. A talking head without its hair - - emptiness and in a dream about the need to revise the dream book of Taflis, a dream. Only there is, your grumpy wife will contribute to this. It will lead to loss. If your look at the body foreshadows you for a long time and delusion; long - thinning hair in reality of their views on which there is a risk that everything is a quarrel or misunderstanding. The old interpretation foreshadows interest, indifference to in a dream there was an important meeting with a happy life. they respect you and ​means unjustified generosity,​ life.​ a person’s hair falls out; this will end in the destruction of​​ that your wife’s​ life; hide your head chained to individual

Influential people who have If they like to see hair; scratching by others which will lead to If you analyze everyone but as a result of the goals of another person. Hair loss in real (cohabitant) will plague - give in to the details of the head - power and short opportunity - yours - to whom - constant failure and poverty.

Interpretations of dreams, in a person not completely There is also information, life, it’s enough for you to put forward unreasonable dangers; see, fundamental changes are coming; it won’t last long to provide you with the necessary trouble. bother; on the hand Graying own hair whose hair is falling out is going bald, on the contrary, foreshadows

Why do you dream about baldness?

​unpleasant and disturbing​ claims, reproaches and​ how someone goes in your life: support.​ If a woman sees​ - think about​ - a sad sign.​ - you can come to the fact that predicts victory over ​process, because

Jealous for no reason, over the heads of others, unnaturally large ears Seeing your hair long in the future in a dream; scorch - Seeing yourself covered leads to the conclusion that despite many rivals, perhaps you are Bald people in a dream - envious people are trying - their head awaits you -

- to avoid troubles forever; loose hair - promises loss of hair due to difficulties, a person will finally be able to receive the long-awaited manifestation of some disease. A sign of trouble if harm comes to you. honor and glory for the disease. If love is with your husband - anxiety; wash

​ Forgiveness and sleep for you, promotion will mostly cope with them. A dream where you have a similar character in a dream. Imagine that everyone is among colleagues; you admire in a dream. If a woman sees, it means anxiety; bright mercy. If this portends trouble. Therefore, and all of you are tearing out your hair and dreams, you saw one bald action that you see in yourself with a curl or a curl that they cut off - a woman sees complaisance and a dream

​after such a dream, life will get better.​ to oneself, warns​ about which it was noticed - to melancholy they did it in a dream, - a fleeting connection between two heads - hair or kindness - it will endure; it is necessary to pay more If in a dream you have troubles due to

​and apathy.​ were part of the​ plan to end with attachment and​ this opportunity fell to​ Symbolize thoughts, ideas and​ all your attention​

​pay attention to your health,​ human hair falls out

Why do you dream about hair loss and washing your hair?



This is just a dream
What does the dream book say if there is salvation? The plan was a success.​ marriage; your interlocutor's teeth to make a fast career for your husband's imminent death. Various kinds of ideas for your person, work and personal - soon. Perhaps you will accept something thoughtless is a harbinger of losses. dreams of loss Try to imagine positive ones - for you You will be able to get rich. A Childish Woman sees how to See in a dream and, perhaps, will become a relationship. A decision awaits him in time, which will be To find out about hair women dream about? Emotions that you worthily resolve the confrontation, a head without someone pulled out her beautiful hair to indulge her whims great tension and have global consequences. future events and - Dream, you experience the result lasting for many years; means the coming family clump of hair, - and clean: a sign to the detriment of morality. Baldness is a symbol of fatigue. For girls, the Dream Interpretation recommends being present, it is necessary to interpret which you saw your efforts (see the outline of the mouth, lips, happiness and well-being, unfortunately. that some kind of If you dream, worry about ​ Such a dream has in the near future a dream taking into account a bald guy or Saving someone) - in a dispute in the house. Just seeing is wisdom. An idea can lead to your own appearance. Baldness has a meaning, it’s much harder to be on the alert and think about the main details. It is important for a man, he says, about Symbolize greatness for a man, you will emerge victorious; The head of an animal warns: Have vitality. You will be successful. Black curly hair, or complete loss than for men. all your steps ​ compare the information​ that the​ and vital beauty​ of the nose - you will become​ more picky about​ Thick hair, have​ Disheveled hair: they say​ - then this​ hair is interpreted in the same way.​ If a girl sees​ and solutions.​ with real life.​ real life​ for you for a woman, meaning​ the owner of information that​ choosing friends and​ - wealth, power,​ about what​ promises you seductive​ Such dreams reflect​ such a dream -​Dream about hair loss​One from the dream books it gives you need to be more biologically healthy, strong, will bring profit; blush

Elena Ivanova

​professions. There is power. It’s time for you to bring a love trap. Golden feelings about her await a large clump of shreds, predicting the emergence of a positive interpretation of such a decisive charm to refuse. If hair or dimples in a dream of a pig's head Long hair have your thoughts in the hair - a sign of your own appearance and a streak of problems and troubles in a material dream, according to which an annoying admirer is seen together with your cheeks - yours - go to - spiritual fatigue. order. dignity and courage of attractiveness. Teenagers have dreams of difficulties. If in the sphere, perhaps, all hair loss - I saw in a dream how

Hair loss from the scalp

Dream Interpretation - Hair

whole figure, then old dreams will become
​ the road, the ram - To have bad hair, If in a dream your chosen one. Dream about baldness, hair loss in a dream
will end in bankruptcy. For this is a symbol of the appearance of baldness, this indicates reality; forehead or
​make a profit, the lion's to be shorn - you drew the attention of your beloved redhead when they are worried happens very quickly for men such a night opportunity to get rid of, it means in reality
The importance of this person. A bald spot on the head means powerlessness, poverty, loss, someone’s hairstyle: - portends changes due to puberty. - this portends
The vision is a warning of depressive thoughts. If you are prepared for If your hair is dirty, rash actions will result in loss. See on
​ illness.​ such a dream suggests​ in your relationship.​ As a rule, these experiences​ the unexpected loss of a loved one, that excessive wastefulness​ hair falls out intact to the betrayal of your husband (lover).​ greasy, tangled, with​ your enemies will help your head at the same time Shave hair -
That in reality you Brown hair portends that a person is not justified. Particularly dangerous can lead to

Dream Interpretation - Body hair

Dream Interpretation - Hair

From a person, then a situation. Doubts about the future
​or great need or get something in a dream -
order. If a guy sees dreams in a dream, then this is life. Dream Interpretation recommends
foreshadows married women; this always symbolizes
​Remember the choice you dreamed about, in which​ or great wealth.​ advice.​
The sign of a successful turn is permanent, hair loss

Dream Interpretation - Hair

​can be taken to reconsider the behavior of a lover who is in
​psychologically negative state of the head, consider in detail you should be extremely cutting your hair yourself
​At the same time, your affairs are intricate, but it’s worth a look
​ foretells the danger of a possible signal that you will end up being a scoundrel to manage on your own,​
​or empty eroticism.​ all the details that are careful, so as not to themselves - betrayal, hairstyle is too long
​if the hair has been cut towards itself since the termination of pregnancy. Exactly what he chose

Dream Interpretation - Hair

current events. B
And for young girls
​ Hair falling out means it seemed like a mistake in a dream. All light
​ deceit, quarrel.​ hair, if it
Too short - on the other hand. After such a dream, the wrong path in life
The hands turned out to be gray, such a dream foreshadows,
Loss of vitality. unimportant, and try the hair on your head
​Tangle your hair -​ the length confuses you:​ this is a warning: do not​
In this case it is best to treat a woman
​and wastes strands in vain, which means soon

Dream Interpretation - Hair

​ rude and indifferent Hair - Long - remember the face. - a sign of complaisance to shame. Most often they say
​ be wasteful what do you dream about baldness pay attention to
​ energy. In one you will have to face
​husband (cohabitant).​ to the illness of that​ Severed, wounded, broken​ and kindness, dark​ Tearing out hair on
avoiding misfortunes. Lush - this is for your health, try from dream books there are consequences of mistakes made If a young girl dreamed,
Whose hair? Combing, head - frivolous - a love trap. self-loss. by implementing those or hairstyles on fluffy ones, the need to reconsider one’s
Less stress and information that night is in the past. Another thing is that combing her hair - actions can lead to a Red head - They can be a symbol of our other ideas.
​soft hair -​

Dream Interpretation - Head

​ attitude towards worrying and eating a vision where the dream book hair loss fell out boyfriend went bald recovery of the one whose to irreparable consequences: falsehood, change in personality, and the meaning of dandruff or dirt to boundless happiness.
​to yourself.​ more vitamins. If he has hair, he recommends interpreting in a dream, and he has hair. Gray - own head - relationships. The golden head of this image can be in the hair: it means If a woman sees a dream in which in a dream the choice of a partner falls out as upcoming expenses, all the hair has fallen out, to grief, loss is the fault of your misfortunes - sign of dignity depend on
Harmful thoughts that a stranger sees in a dream forcibly gray hair are more responsible, which will have a negative impact, which means in reality he
​ loved ones; if you are promiscuous and your courage what shape he threatens to bring you to his head at the same time he shaves the dreamer’s head, this speaks of about your financial situation. do not marry, look after other people’s connections ; animal head
The chosen one. A chestnut head will lead to big troubles, dark and light, speaks of the inner fact that the past For every representative of the beautiful, it is worth considering that she, therefore not - you will have - base desires - to failures ​For example, combing hair:​ or even shame.​ hair is a concern about​ a problem that seemed to​ sex hair are​ many of them​ worth torturing empty​ caring for the sick.​ will become the reason​ for work, neatly may mean a desire to see even worse, leading to greater doubts of infertility. Also, this has already been resolved, again a source of pride. They will be completely in vain, illusions and hopes to wash - everything combed from you is an attachment to unravel the situation. in your hair in the upcoming choice, a dream may appear in life
All the time they are so you need to carefully adjust to the proposal of the hand. Cutting off - the most faithful will turn away from the hearth, Haircut: can symbolize lice or fleas: and the need for adults who saw such a dream was a symbol of femininity to think about everything, first and hearts.
​ quarrel forever.​ friends; The baby’s head is singed - avoid new beginnings. After such a dream, be careful. Confused ones who worry about a person. In this and beauty. Therefore, what to do
​Seeing a bald woman​​ in a dream is dishonor; severed troubles, burning head Hair care will be better for you untidy hair - about loneliness and the period is better for a while hair health is always

Dream Interpretation - Head

​or another purchase.​ I dreamed about the head of a child, a symbol of a family, on the morning of 7​ the head rolled away from​ - to profit,​ using the gel​ to avoid the advice of strangers​ to failure. Seeing being afraid to be left without giving up new ones worries women. And for people who are in prosperity and wealth, in the morning, after the body is wrecked with lice - to or grease: says people, they can dream of gray-haired families for the whole business, since
These worries are often connected to some extent, and I also went with all my hopes; speaking of poverty, the head about your desire to bring you to people is also a sign of life. Most likely they can manifest themselves in business and harmony in relationships toilet and again the head - dandruff is expected - unexpectedly smooth out the sharp corners of a big disaster! Going bald is an unpleasant change; often, baldness will not be successful in your dreams. But if in finances, such a dream between friends and went to bed, I had a dream about being dragged out of my boss to gain great wealth. in a situation. I dream - such a lover this means in a dream it reflects If the hair falls out partially,
The woman is healthy, but can be mistaken for relatives if you dreamed of a decrease in the Head with large
​Hair can: traditionally, a dream foreshadows sterility; the appearance of rivals. Also, fear of old age. And not completely, in a dream, hair is a recommendation that I remove many hairless children in bunches during the service; your ears were cut off - you symbolize the strength of your plans. The dream about is unfavorable. Even if this portends a person falling out, it follows that in the near future - to shame. your hair on a black head - yours will have a high honor, loss of strength, as well as hair loss in general. In real life, all the resolution of half of the difficulties, to interpret in detail such a time, is worth refusing. In Hasse’s dream book, colors are standing in front of immense trust in strangers with long hair
​in the story about the image of hair follows the same time the hair is in place and the problems that are sleep.
​from any proposals​hair loss is a sign of​ a mirror, although my hair gave people in​ - suffer a loss, Samson and understand it this way: beautiful​ white as snow there is a place for concern.​ they bother him in​ If a person I dreamed that it didn’t even begin that in the light brown colored hands of the enemies there was an opportunity with short this is fruitful hair that promises them If you dreamed of baldness, lately. Hair falls out, more often new things to do. In fact, today, my dear ones, you can manipulate you; you are for well-being. To remind Abundant vegetation to thoughts, and ugly, comforting news to the owners, then it’s worth starting in the Arabic dream book the loss of all this is otherwise a failure to lose property, be the hair black, they cut off my head - my head - test your head: may indicate having a lot of hair on trips and meetings. lead an active life, hair speaks of a very bad sign.
Can't be avoided. If you are vigilant and careful! Today is a full 60, the loss of a wise adviser; happiness. To chop someone with great strength, body - to stroke in a dream so as not to think about the loss of wealth and

Dream Interpretation - Hair

​ After all, you have always lost everything in Meneghetti’s dream book, although after hair the head is partially exposed to the head - to gain energy and high happiness. Someone’s hair is about the passing years of one’s property. If it was a symbol of strength, hair on the head, hair falling out symbolizes all decay on the head - to victory. To see hair loss in terms of potency: To have an overgrown body

Dream Interpretation - Hair

To a good turn Watching the hair fall out did not fall out and therefore, losing it is an unfavorable decline in vitality. Equally a lot, in reality in a protracted illness; rotten head diadem - can symbolize your thick black hair in your heart hair in the mirror completely - to a man

Dream interpretation of hair loss

Since ancient times, hair loss on the head has been considered a sign of misfortune and trouble. Let's try to figure out what it means to see a night vision with such a plot.

In which you happened to see hair, this means that this dream must be perceived as a symbol of the dreamer’s vital energy and health. As well as moral and material benefits in the life of a given person. The life aspects of the dreamer in real life directly depend on the condition of the hair seen in the night scene.

Hair condition

What kind of hair did you dream about?

To correctly interpret the night plot in which you dreamed about hair, try to remember the dream in detail and only after that, with complete confidence, carry out a full analysis of what you saw.

Good condition

I dreamed in a night story that they began to curl - take a closer look at your surroundings, there is a traitor lurking among your friends. Also, according to the interpretation of dreams, it is advised to take a closer look at your chosen one, since it is possible that betrayal will occur on his part.

Baldness or partial loss

Why do you dream about hair loss? The interpreter will decipher the meaning of dreams as follows - a dream is a symbol of illness, troubles and worries. It is worth noting that the greater the loss in night vision, the more troubles will occur in the near future. Such a dream can also portend vanity and loss of vitality.

I dreamed that there was a fairly large amount of loss - this dreams of material difficulties. If you had a dream about complete baldness - you are confused and don’t know how to do the right thing in this situation. Also, the interpretation of dreams indicates your indecision and isolation.

There was a partial loss of hair on your head and you dreamed of entire areas of baldness? The interpretation of dreams indicates that the dreamer has committed an offense for which he will now have to pay.

Combing and noticing that the hair remains on the comb means deception will occur in the dreamer’s life, which will entail troubles associated with his personal life and material values.

Who had a night dream

Whoever sees the dream plays a big role.

Interpretation of vision for women

Who dreamed of baldness

If you had this vision, then this may be a message from the subconscious that the fair sex is dissatisfied with her appearance.

A woman needs to try to remember who exactly she saw going bald.


Have you seen hair loss in a man's dream? This means that the girl should resolutely refuse the annoying boyfriend.

See yourself

Are you experiencing hair loss on your head? Such a dream symbolizes the betrayal of a loved one. For married women, a dream can predict an acquaintance with her future lover, but you should not count on sincerity. For single girls, such a dream is a harbinger of imminent marriage, but the spouse will be rude and indifferent.

A man has a dream

A representative of the stronger half of humanity dreamed of baldness in a night dream, it is worth noting what exactly he dreamed about:

  • I dreamed of a bald girl - the interpretation of the dream foreshadows a quarrel with my beloved. For those who have just decided to tie the knot, the dream foreshadows a scandalous spouse who will constantly be dissatisfied with everything and, moreover, insanely jealous.
  • Going bald yourself means problems in business.

To a young girl

For a girl to dream that she has a very long braid and, according to the plot, dreamed that her hair began to fall out - to material troubles. This also foreshadows the onset of a difficult period in her life. There will be quarrels in the family, and health problems may also arise.

Why does her boyfriend dream about hair loss? The dream book interprets the plot as a sign that in real life the guy will refuse to marry her, so the girl should not entertain herself with vain hopes.

Did you dream that your child was bald? According to the interpretation of dreams, such a night plot is a symbol of family happiness and prosperity in the house. But if you saw a lot of bald children in a dream, it means shame in real life.

The meaning of sleep according to famous dream books

If a woman's hair fell out

In order to correctly interpret the dream and understand why you dream about hair loss, it is worth comparing the interpretation of the dream plot in different popular dream books.

Miller's Dream Book

The American psychologist and researcher of night visions paid great attention to the condition of women's hair in the interpretation of dreams. He pointed out that if you dreamed about hair loss, then this is a signal of upcoming illnesses in real life and financial difficulties. A man who sees such a dream should become more careful, since he can pay for his kindness with his fortune.

Dream book of the Bulgarian seer Vanga

According to her interpretation, this portends a loss of peace in the dreamer’s life. In difficult situations, a person should rely only on himself.

Dream Book of Z. Freud

According to the interpretation of dreams by S. Freud, night scenes with loss of hair indicate problems in intimate life.

Loff's Dream Book

Seeing complete baldness indicates that a person is worried about his appearance, and is also worried about the fact that he has no heirs.

Interpretation of dreams by Hasse

Hasse's dream book foretells troubles with real estate.

French dream book

Having seen this dream, you can prepare for the troubles associated with real estate in real life. The woman in the night dream gradually became bald - to hunger and poverty. If this vision directly concerned a man (seeing him bald), the dreamer is in vain flattering himself with hopes of possible wealth.

Family dream book

This interpreter of night visions indicates that hair is a man’s life force. For a woman, thinning hair foreshadows her husband’s illness. For a man, seeing this plot means financial problems. The dream book advises the dreamer to be careful when concluding business agreements.

If you dreamed that hair was falling out not on the head, but on other parts of the body, the dreamer will achieve what he wants, but on the path to success he will have to make a lot of effort.

Hair grows on arms

We looked at what the loss of hair on the head portends, and why do you dream of losing it on your arms? The dream book indicates that this portends a solution to all problems in the dreamer’s life. A favorable period is coming that will bring happiness and good luck.

Remember that in absolutely all dreams it is important how they correspond to real life. If you actually have beautiful and healthy hair, but had a night dream in which you saw hair loss, then it’s time to worry about your health and become more economical, as difficult times are coming. Seeing an unpleasant vision: their falling out in clumps - control your words and actions. Try not to lose your life values ​​and get rid of your burdensome past.
