Oriental Pig, Chinese horoscope, compatibility and characteristics. Pig and Pig: Compatibility in Love

Compatibility Horoscope for Pig (Boar) Woman

The Pig (Boar) belongs to the group of Yin animal symbols with a predominant passive (water) principle, therefore birth in this sign is considered especially favorable for women. Grants women's health and fertility, softness and some kind of enveloping aura of tenderness that disarms even the sternest man.

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Pig (Boar) woman has the talent to learn other people’s secrets, guess other people’s desires, and knows how to remain silent more eloquently than any words. The Pig (Pig) Woman is considered one of the sexiest, most attractive and desired women by many men. Such people are called alluring, witchcraft, enchanting, beautiful and are willingly taken as wives.

Pig (Boar) Woman – Ox Man

The family union of an Ox man and a Pig (Boar) woman is quite promising, since in it, each spouse reveals and enhances the best qualities of the other. The seriousness, focus on success and good manners of the Ox man allow the Pig (Boar) woman to show her devotion, even sacrifice, as well as her ability to endure difficulties and hardships. In addition, the Pig (Boar) woman can create the family comfort that the hardworking Ox man needs, and his protection and care will be necessary for her psychological stability...>>

Pig (Boar) Woman – Tiger Man

The family union of a Tiger man and a Pig (Boar) woman may well become happy and successful. Here two inspired individuals are united, who are able to act together for the sake of the happiness of others and act as missionaries, ready to put personal goals on the line for the sake of general harmony. In this union, the Pig (Boar) woman is devoted to the idealistic plans of the Tiger man, and he, in turn, admires the stamina, courage and selfless support of his wife...>>

Pig Woman (Boar) – Cat Man (Rabbit)

The family union of a male Cat (Rabbit) and a female Pig (Boar) is very good and has every chance of becoming happy. Here each spouse needs the other. The talent and intelligence of the Cat (Rabbit) man, who can always resolve any troubles that arise, allows the Pig (Boar) woman to maintain a positive outlook on life. She is also fascinated by the sophistication and snobbery of the Cat (Rabbit) man, and she is ready to help him in the most risky activities...>>

Pig Woman (Boar) – Dragon Man

The family union of a Dragon man and a Pig (Boar) woman is, as a rule, stable and reliable. In it, each partner compensates for each other’s shortcomings and enhances their own strengths. The Pig (Boar) woman is capable of not only approving and supporting the ambitious aspirations of the Dragon man, but also providing him with reliable support and giving wise and practical advice...>>

Pig Woman – Snake Man

The family union of a Snake man and a Pig (Boar) woman is very difficult and is rightfully considered one of the most difficult in everything Eastern horoscope. Spouses rarely fully understand each other's motives and aspirations. The inexhaustible determination and fortitude of the Snake man can clash with the excessive complaisance, sociability and sociability of the Pig (Boar) woman, thereby creating the ground for her criticism...>>

Pig (Boar) Woman – Horse Man

The family union of a Horse man and a Pig (Boar) woman is very complex. In it, the Pig (Boar) woman will have to restrain her emotional impulses and yield to the desires of the wayward and selfish Horse man. If the couple has common views and hobbies, and at the same time the Pig (Boar) woman, with her kind-heartedness, homeliness and sociability, can provide the Horse man with a reliable support, then their marriage will be long-lasting...>>

Pig (Boar) woman – Goat (Sheep) man

In general, the union of a Goat man (Sheep) and a Pig woman (Boar) is quite good, but to achieve complete idyll, the partners will have to work hard. Although both make mutual concessions quite easily, the difference in character and manner of communication often affects them. The less emotionality and sociability of the Pig (Boar) woman forces the Goat (Sheep) man to often take offense, since he prefers a bohemian life and greater personal freedom...>>

Pig (Boar) Woman – Monkey Man

In the combination of a man-Monkey and a woman-Pig (Boar) there is a fairly strong attraction, but that can pass over time. Spouses are very different, but their qualities are so different that they can be complementary. The Monkey man is active and solves all problems persistently, while the Pig (Boar) woman solves problems no worse, but simply waits for an opportunity. The difficulties between them relate to the desire of the Monkey man to enslave his wife, who will resist this in every possible way...>>

Pig (Boar) Woman – Rooster Man

A family union between a Rooster man and a Pig (Boar) woman can bring happiness to both spouses. Here, the complaisance, good nature and gullibility of the Pig (Boar) woman allow her to accept the character and claims of the Rooster man, and he, in turn, will be grateful to her for her understanding. The impulsiveness of the Rooster man, his constant desire to prove something and assert his own opinion, will be broken by the disarming smile and kindness of the Pig (Boar) woman - she is ready to listen and understand, and therefore there seems to be nothing to argue about...>>

Pig (Boar) Woman – Dog Man

In a family union, a man-Dog and a woman-Pig (Boar) can have stable relationships, although it is very difficult to predict them, since this union is absolutely different people. The Dog man is quite dependent on the Pig (Boar) woman, but at the same time he is quite smart to act independently. And the Pig (Boar) woman loves her husband without complaints or reproaches, and is ready to forgive all his weaknesses...>>

Female Pig (Boar) – male Pig (Boar)

The family union of a male Pig (Boar) and a female Pig (Boar) is quite good and promising. Here you meet people who are close in spirit, with the same weaknesses and the same strengths. Both have an abundance of patience and forbearance, which is necessary to create a stable and favorable union. Despite the fact that partners lack dedication and concentration, through joint efforts they can strengthen strengths each other and neutralize the weak...>>

Such situations often arise, because, as a rule, these are unions of peers or lovers who are 12 years old, which indicates the karmic background of the relationship. At first, the partnerships seem ideal. Eastern Pigs are very similar in character, they have many common interests. But not everything is so rosy in the alliances that such people build, as described in this article. Let us consider this interaction in various aspects.

Pig and Pig: compatibility of feelings

These passionate people see each other from afar. After all, they can give one another those emotions that they crave to receive from love. Moreover, these relationships can be quiet and calm, but at the same time they are never devoid of eroticism and sensuality. Pigs take care of each other and show warmth and sincerity. They feel comfortable and good together. However, misunderstandings cannot be ruled out in such a partnership. The Pig, as mentioned above, is a very passionate sign that has a penchant for various pleasures. If the relationship in this couple cannot be characterized as strong, then the partners may cheat on each other. If the feelings in a couple are strong, then such people will never commit betrayal. Pigs are also known for their irresistible stubbornness, so when someone’s personal interests are hurt in a quarrel, reconciliation will not come soon. In this case, it will be very difficult for Pigs to reach a compromise among themselves.


If such people nevertheless decide to legitimize their relationship, then this will last for a long time. Pigs are big conservatives; they do not like change. In a partnership, the main thing for them is mutual understanding and feelings. As a rule, compatibility between people born in the year of the Pig is favorable. After all, despite their stubbornness, Pigs can, with mutual desire, achieve mutual understanding. Their marriage is quite successful. Together they reach career and financial heights. Treason and betrayal in the legalized union of Pigs are practically excluded. Children play an important role in the relationship between Pig parents. Generous and sincere representatives of this sign of the eastern horoscope sometimes behave like children themselves. Therefore, trusting and warm relationships are usually established between these two generations.

Pig and Pig: sexual compatibility

Since these people love to have fun, they feel very good together. In their intimate life they are passionate, vibrant and frantic lovers. A man born in the year of the Pig knows how to please his partner, however, the Pig woman also knows how to do this. Their compatibility in this area of ​​life is ideal. Sometimes in such relationships one can see the desire of one of the partners to enslave the other. They need to find a reasonable compromise both in matters of the heart and in intimate ones. Then this couple can truly be called harmonious.

The compatibility of Pig with other signs is primarily influenced by their character. Good-natured and sensitive Pigs need a partner who has the same views on life. They are looking for an exemplary family man who would help them build a family nest.

Characteristics of the sign

In the Eastern horoscope, the Pig’s compatibility with other signs is quite high. If someone offends Pig, he will never live with the thought of revenge or try to sort things out with the offender. The sign solves all problems through calm dialogue.

People born in the year of the Pig are overly sentimental. For this reason, they always try to look for only positive character traits in others.

The fact is that this sign is fixated not only on physical satisfaction (eating a tasty meal or sleeping). Financial security is important to him: they are avid spenders.

In love, people of this sign are very loyal and responsible, due to which the compatibility of the Pig with other signs is almost ideal.

The influence of the elements on the sign

In order to fully explore the compatibility of the two Pigs with other symbols eastern calendar, you should pay attention to what natural element people were born under.

  1. For the Earth Pig, born in 1959, the main character traits are considered to be the desire to accumulate money and diligence. Such people clearly know why they are working and what they will spend their money on.
  2. Metal Pig - born in 1911 and 1971. Such people know what achievements they need most. They clearly set a task for themselves and boldly try to accomplish it.
  3. The Water Pig, born in 1923 and 1983, is always cheerful and unable to sit in one place. She needs to be in constant motion.
  4. The Wood Pig, born in 1935 and 1995, has a balanced character, so it is quite difficult to unbalance her.
  5. The Fire Pig, born in 1947 and 2007, is characterized by aggressiveness and a love of extreme sports.

Union with the Rat

Compatibility between a Pig and a Rat is very rarely successful. The fact is that these characters have completely different views on life, so it is difficult for them to find a common language. The ideal union of these people is only in bed.

If a woman and a man agree only to have sexual relations, the relationship lasts several years. If the Rat learns to listen to his partner, everything will be fine in sex. Otherwise, even intimacy will not be able to save the relationship.

Union with the Bull

The compatibility of the Pig with the Ox, despite the difference in characters, has every right to exist. Many people believe that opposites attract and create the perfect relationship. In this case, not everything is so simple.

To create a strong relationship, the Pig must moderate his demands and listen to the opinion of the ascetic Ox. As soon as the first one understands that it is time to save, conflict situations will stop.

Union with the Rabbit

Pig and Rabbit compatibility is very good. Both the woman and the man have optimistic outlooks on life, and both prefer to build strong relationships. Once they get married, both will work for harmony in the family. Despite the fact that the Pig prefers to be alone with himself from time to time, the Rabbit treats this with understanding.

Conflicts can only mature in sex, because a man and a woman have different characters, which does not allow them to achieve harmony. For this reason, quarrels may arise, which the signs can easily cope with.

Alliance with the Tiger

Compatibility between the Pig and the Tiger is achieved not only in love or sex. These are 2 people who can achieve complete harmony in work or friendship. Nature has endowed everyone with character traits that their partner does not have. In marriage there will be no quarrels based on jealousy, because partners can trust each other. If a woman or man is surrounded by the opposite sex, it will not in any way affect their marriage or love.

Unpleasant situations can arise due to the fact that the Ox has an overdeveloped sense of curiosity. To save the existing relationship, he should fight this, because it makes the partner nervous.

Union with the Dragon

The compatibility of the Pig with the Dragon has a positive effect on the spiritual state of the Pig. The wisdom of the Dragon will help you make the right decisions and avoid difficult mistakes.

The problem is that reciprocity and trust cannot be found in this couple. The Dragon pushes the Pig into the background.

Union with the Snake

In this couple, the intensity of passions is in full swing. In these relationships, the Snake seeks benefit. She thinks that the Boar does not understand her true intentions. But if he notices them, he will be able to give a worthy rebuff.

The couple may separate due to the fact that the Snake likes to have relationships on the side. Since Pig is an owner who does not like to share his partner with someone else, the relationship may reach a dead end.

Union with the Horse

Both signs love comfort and cleanliness in the house, so it will not be difficult for them to achieve harmony. The only drawback of such a union is the selfishness of the Horse.

The Pig does not always understand why her partner constantly goes for walks alone, this causes attacks of jealousy.

Union with the Monkey

Between this man and woman there is simply an ideal union in both friendship and love. Only the Pig is able to accept all the quirks of the Monkey and not instruct her, pointing out mistakes in behavior.

The monkey is not capable of offending its partner, because it feels for him strong feelings. This helps her to be strong and balanced.

Union with the Goat

Everyone in the couple loves financial well-being. Both men and women love to spend a lot of money on their own desires. Partners are able to understand each other perfectly, which makes their union strong and unshakable. The idyll may end if the Sheep does not accept the fact that only the Pig decides everything in the family.

Union with the Rooster

The Rooster is noble, due to which the compatibility of the signs is at a high level. Also, the Pig can easily control his partner’s temper.

> Year of the Pig

People who were born in the year of the Pig, have fortitude and courage. They are able to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their loved ones. They are selfless, kind and considerate towards those they value, love and respect. We can say that the Pig is truly a knightly nature. All friends and relatives of a person born in the year of the Pig will confirm this. She has all the knightly traits - politeness and gallantry, subtle spiritual structure and accuracy in every sense.

The Pig has a strong but simple-minded mind. Therefore, she may be defenseless against cunning, cunning and resourcefulness of the mind. She is helpless in the face of flattery and gets lost when she tries to make excuses. The Pig makes great demands on itself and others, and does not make concessions. She is naive and does not try to verify the information she is told, taking everything on faith. She always argues and backs up her words with evidence.

The Pig personality is quite sensitive. She is harmless and kind. By nature, the Pig is conflict-free and avoids unnecessary disputes and quarrels. He tries not to enter into open confrontation. IN family life also prefers comfort and tranquility. You can always tell her about your problems, and she will listen to you carefully. She is very naive and trusting, so she can often become a victim of deception. However, she does not hold a grudge against her offenders for long and treats other people’s imperfections with condescension. She is a pleasant competitor in any game, but doesn't get too carried away because she doesn't really like competition. He deceives only to protect himself or his loved ones.

If the Pig borrows something, he will never forget about it. She takes all her obligations very seriously. If the Pig decides to achieve any goal, rest assured that she will achieve it. But she moves straight to achieve her goal, not recognizing tricks and workarounds. She throws herself wholeheartedly into all her activities, giving all her strength and putting her soul into it.

She is not very sociable, new acquaintances are difficult for her, but she is devoted to her true friends to the end. The Pig values ​​​​his friendship very much and is always ready to protect his friend from harm with his body. In disputes with comrades, she prefers to give in. Even if she does not agree with her friend's point of view, she will prefer to pretend that she has decided to change her point of view.

Of course, the pig appreciates the joys of life. Since birth, she loves to be independent and strives to protect herself and her family. She cannot be led astray by threats, this will only double her energy. She knows how to live for her own pleasure, but she values ​​other people’s personal space, so she builds her life in such a way as not to disturb anyone. Most Pigs are healthy and developed both physically and spiritually. They do not have their head in the clouds and set themselves only those goals that can be achieved. Therefore, they always get what they want and are usually happy.

The Pig will be happy in a job that requires enthusiasm, attention to detail and the ability to work without disturbing others. They have a deep inner world and good imagination, so they can be successful in literature, poetry and painting.

In the economic sphere, the Pig will never remain in a bad position. She will always have a job and the necessary amount of money, without putting any extra effort into it. Start life path will be relatively calm and cloudless. In the second half, some family problems may arise. The Pig copes with all difficulties on its own, never asking anyone for help. Her tenacity and quickness of mind allow her to find a way out of any situation.

Pig and Rat

Peace and tranquility in this couple are possible only if the Rat stops behaving aggressively and obeys the Pig. Then the marriage will be prosperous. Friendship in a couple will be wonderful; both signs know how to relax cheerfully and noisily. Business relations may fail, since the Pig knows how and loves to earn money, and the Rat will try to cheat.

Pig and Ox

These personality types are similar. They both love to relax. However, compared to the Ox, the Pig is much more restless. In marriage, the latter may seek adventure on the side, as she will not be sexually satisfied. Friendship will be strong only if the comrades do not see each other very often. A joint business will be successful, since the Pig has many useful qualities, and the Ox knows how to use them correctly.

Pig and Tiger

In a marriage, this couple can be successful. Especially if the Tiger does not test the angelic patience of the Pig, he will satisfy her sexually. Friendly relations are also quite possible, since the two signs understand each other quite well. But business relationships are unlikely to work out well; they are especially dangerous in this pair for the Pig.

Pig and Rabbit

Everything in their relationship can be just wonderful, but the problem is that the Rabbit is unlikely to agree to a family lifestyle. Friendship will be successful, but not for social outings in society, since the Pig’s boasting can unbalance the Rabbit. This is one of the best couples for doing business. A wonderful combination - the dexterity of the Rabbit and the luck of the Pig - can lead partners to wealth.

Pig and Dragon

Unfortunately, the union of these two signs will not be successful. But in vain: the opportunities for a fruitful marriage here are very good. Despite the fact that the kindness and attentiveness of the Pig suits the Dragon very well, he is simply not able to appreciate it. But in friendship the relationship will be strong and cheerful.

Pig and Snake

The Pig will be subject to the hypnotic influence of the Snake and will be unhappy due to its tyranny. Therefore, their relationship will be unsuccessful both in marriage and in friendship or business. The Pig is happy without the Snake; she does not need her wisdom. The Snake can only shake the Pig’s mental balance.

Pig and Horse

The marriage will be marred by constant anxiety, worry, irritation and turmoil. The Pig will not be able to satisfy the passionate demands of the Horse and will be unhappy due to constant selfishness. Friendship and business relationships are also futile, since the two signs absolutely do not understand each other.

Pig and Goat

This is a wonderful union in which there will be everything: mutual understanding, happiness, prosperity and complete peace of mind. The Goat loves material security, and the Pig is usually financially successful. This is an example of an excellent friendship; during an intimate conversation, two signs are able to forget about everything in the world and talk for hours. The Pig and the Goat successfully complement each other, so they will also be successful in business relationships.

Pig and Monkey

These signs can create a good and strong marriage, in which there will always be mutual respect and understanding. Together they are able to discuss mutual friends and laugh at difficulties. They can also be friends for a long time and successfully, making each other laugh. Business relationships can be interesting and fruitful.

A person born in the year of the Pig is a true optimist when it comes to love. Once they meet “that” person, Pig People fall in love hard and fast. When a representative of this sign is in love, it is difficult for him to hide his feelings, which are reflected on his face. Basically, representatives of the year of the Pig are kind-hearted and open people, striving for happiness in love. They will do anything to bring joy to their loved one, just to maintain harmony in the relationship. Typically, Pigs are very sentimental people: they can even overdo it in outpouring love and showing affection. Consequently, Pig need to take care that their chosen one does not feel that he is “suffocating”, since all the same, only a few are able to appreciate the constant attention to their person. The Pig also likes to emphasize his independence, but deep down he knows that he is emotionally dependent on his partner. As a rule, people born in the year of the Pig are very vulnerable when falling in love. It can be assumed that if they are greatly offended or hurt, they can turn into very cruel people who are wary of starting such relationships in the future.

Compatibility of Pig in love and relationships with other signs

Compatibility of Pig and Rat

This sensual couple can make great friends who can stay together for a long time. However, the gullible Pig is very vulnerable to the charm of the cunning Rat and can end all relationships without saying no at the right moment. In general, the combination of Rat and Pig can be considered good. In their bed, in general, everything should be wonderful! If they do not interfere with each other doing their favorite things, then peace and harmony will be established between them.

Compatibility of Pig and Ox

Both signs love peace and quiet, but the Pig may find the responsible behavior of the Ox quite tiresome. The Pig loves parties and himself; his “horned” partner, on the contrary, prefers to stay within the walls of his home, where he truly rests in body and soul. Perhaps the impractical Pig will think that the Buffalo is too demanding of her, and the latter may be annoyed by her “pigish” behavior. Despite this, the Pig will be grateful to the Ox for ensuring material well-being in their life together. In principle, the combination of these signs can be considered positive.

Compatibility of Pig and Tiger

Pig and Tiger can get along quite well with each other. Representatives of these signs are sociable, independent and tolerant of others. The Tiger will guard the interests of the Pig, protect it from enemies, and he will show loyalty to the actions of his “mustachioed” friend. A situation is possible when the Tiger begins to arrange a test of self-control and endurance for the Pig, after which he risks losing the love of his partner and being left with nothing.

Compatibility of Pig and Rabbit

One of the most favorable combinations. The pleasure-loving and tolerant Pig will be a wonderful match for the Rabbit. Both will respect each other and do their best to prevent various factors influencing negative influence on their relationship. Perhaps the Rabbit will be annoyed by the Pig's frank displays of feelings in public, but this will be a minor drawback in their relationship.

Compatibility of Pig and Dragon

Despite the considerable difference between the Dragon and the Pig, their union is promising for a serious relationship. Together they may well be happy, especially if there is mutual understanding and mutual respect. The calm Pig will be delighted by the spectacular character of the Dragon. In addition, the Dragon is ready to carry the Pig in his arms, and he, in turn, is ready to adore and blow away specks of dust from him. “Fire Breather” truly appreciates only strong and vibrant personalities. Therefore, the inert Pig should take this into account and try to live up to his romantic ideals, otherwise the Dragon may lose interest in him.

Compatibility of Pig and Snake

People of these signs are two opposites. They simply cannot coexist peacefully, much less get along together. The Snake considers the Pig to be a naive and innocent person, the latter, in turn, will be able to recognize the real essence of the Snake. People of these signs are very sensitive people; this quality may well unite them, but still, things are unlikely to go beyond friendship. If, nevertheless, any long-term relationship develops between them, then this will be the merit of the Pig.

Compatibility of Boar and Horse

Let's start from the beginning: representatives of these signs can live alone anyway. The Pig will be charmed by the Horse's cheerfulness, and she, in turn, will enjoy his kind and loving nature. Ultimately, the selfish Horse will constantly test the Pig’s patience or simply die of boredom in his company. Both signs see each other as a partner that is far from ideal, and therefore their union is unlikely.

Compatibility of Pig and Goat

This is a positive union for both signs. Both value harmony and tranquility and know how to find a middle ground in their relationships. However, the Goat must learn to behave more prudently and responsibly and not test the Pig’s patience too much. Overall, they are very suitable for each other; The Goat longs to receive love, and the Pig longs to give it, therefore, these two can live happily for many years.

Compatibility of Pig and Monkey

Representatives of these signs are friendly people who love to visit and can make a completely harmonious couple. The Monkey will teach the Pig to limit his generous nature, and he, in turn, will admire the “monkey” mind of his dexterous partner. The union of the Pig with the Monkey is emotionally comfortable for both and can last for a long period, especially if they do not severely limit each other’s freedom.

Compatibility of Pig and Rooster

They can be good friends and true lovers with tender feelings. The Pig will be able to recognize the sensitive and kind nature in the Rooster, and the Rooster will be disarmed by the Pig’s understanding. This combination is unfavorable for long-term relationships. The Rooster is too rude and bellicose for the impressionable and gentle Pig; he can torture her with his constant nagging and attacks, which will sooner or later give negative results.

Compatibility of Pig and Dog

The Pig brings a dose of lightheartedness and optimism to any union between representatives of these two signs. Such a relationship can completely satisfy the Dog, who will feel calm and happy with the Pig. In principle, both signs are kind, sensual, devoted and altruistic people who, together, can find happiness in family life.

Compatibility of Pig and Boar

Boar maybe good friend to his zodiac namesake. But despite this, misunderstandings may also appear in their relationship if each of the couple shows the worst, selfish side of their character. Moreover, in these relationships, frequent mutual insults and reproaches are possible, as well as a lack of interest in each other, which, of course, adversely affects the strength of this union.
