The most necessary medicines in the medicine cabinet at home. What should be in a home medicine cabinet

Today's topic is a home first aid kit, what list of necessary medications it should contain. Things happen in life when we or our children need urgent medical care. However, it does not always reach a doctor or pharmacy. Why is this happening? It's very simple - we have a first aid kit in our house.

It’s our custom that we usually store all our uneaten medicines in our home medicine cabinets. We place them there, and after that they live there permanently. In our country, every second resident, who seems to be a completely healthy person, goes to the pharmacy and buys medicine, so to speak, just in case.

Usually people buy medicine only if someone really requires it. The law requires the driver to keep a first aid kit in his car, which is why he buys it.

And if you carefully examine this miracle, then the contents may just make your hair stand on end. But, nevertheless, everyone knows very well that if the driver does not have this first aid kit in his car, then various guys in uniform will pester him on the road.

This happens when something happens to a child:

  • he was injured;
  • got burned;
  • there was bleeding from the wound;
  • allergies appeared.

And what do you order me to do? Looking for a doctor? What if there is no doctor nearby, or we are vacationing somewhere far away, or even a day off? Or is it new year holidays, or the pharmacy is re-registering, and this is one pharmacy for the whole area. What should we do and what should we have at home in such cases? These are the questions you should ask doctors at appointments.

If something bad happens in the house, then all family members must be informed in advance about where they can get a bandage, for example. Give your home medicine cabinet a special place that everyone in the house will know about. And if something happens, then we will know exactly where and what to look for.

This often happens, for example, we broke our knee and we urgently need a band-aid. And so our dad runs around and shouts at everyone: “Where is our patch?” And his mother tells him: “Look for him in such and such a box, there and there.” And in almost every home there is a similar situation.

There are generally accepted rules for the contents of a home first aid kit. There are medicines and products that should be in every first aid kit. For example, there is a bactericidal patch there, or a tourniquet to stop bleeding. These things should be in every home medicine cabinet.

Let's try together to make an approximate list of what should be in every home medicine cabinet. It must necessarily contain:

  1. Dressing materials:
  • sterile bandages for dressings (different widths);
  • medical cotton wool (cotton pads are also available);
  • elastic bandage for fixation for bruises and fractures;
  • elastic tourniquet (rubber) to stop bleeding;
  • plasters – bactericidal (for cuts and abrasions) and medical for fixation.
  1. To stop bleeding and treat wounds:
  • brilliant green and iodine for treating and disinfecting wounds;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide for treating wounds and stopping bleeding in case of minor bleeding;
  • medical alcohol for disinfection of wounds.

To avoid additional burns in deep and large wounds, treat only the edges with iodine.

  1. For the treatment of burns (Bepanten, Panthenol, Spray)
  2. For gastrointestinal disorders:
  • Mezim;
  • Festal;
  • Smecta.
  1. At :
  1. For flu and colds:
  • Antigrippin, Theraflu, Coldrex – combination drugs;
  • Nurofen, Efferalgan, Paracetamol - to reduce temperature;
  • Inhalipt, Strepsils, Hexoral - for sore throat;
  • Bronchicum, Pexusin - for expectoration;
  • Nazivin, Sanorin, Naphthyzin - to ease breathing.
  1. Painkillers:
  • Corvalol, Nitroglycerin, Validol - for angina pectoris, heart pain;
  • Spazmalgon, No-Shpa - for severe abdominal pain;
  • Ointments for relieving muscle pain.
  1. Herbal infusions:
  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  1. Antihistamines for allergies:
  • Fenistil;
  • Suprastin;
  • Claritin.
  1. Others:
  • tonometer;
  • thermometer;
  • tweezers;
  • warmer;
  • ammonia;
  • measuring cup.

There are medications that are individual for each person. And it’s completely wrong to tell everyone: “Keep nitroglycerin in your first aid kit.” This is a medicine for heart patients. Or: “Just in case, keep anti-inflammatory medications in your first aid kit.” blood pressure. You never know what can happen to your grandmother.” It’s up to you to choose; we have compiled an approximate list of necessary medications in a home medicine cabinet.

If you find it too difficult to assemble it, you can buy a ready-made standard set at the pharmacy.

The contents of your first aid kit should also depend on where you are. There are medicines that are needed here and now. And we simply don’t have time to run to the pharmacy for them. For example, a child gets burned, and we need to immediately treat the affected area with a certain medicine.

Even if we live in a big city, we also need to spend some time to get to the pharmacy. But when you go somewhere to the country, and you know that it will be difficult for you to find a pharmacy there, then, of course, the contents of the first aid kit in this case will also depend on this specific situation.

The main purpose of our home first aid kit is to provide emergency assistance in those cases when we do not have time at all for a pharmacy:

  • if our child gets burned,
  • bleeding,
  • bitten by a bee, from which and the like.

Don't forget this. Thus, we need to prepare for such situations in advance. It is necessary that every person who lives in the house knows that a home first aid kit is, for example, in this box. Even those people who visit this house should know this.

If you have small children in your home, the first aid kit must be kept out of their reach and locked!

Let's say our child was treated with antibiotics, and after this treatment we have a few capsules left, this does not mean at all that these medications will be useful to you in the next few years. Therefore, there is no need to put these medications in your home medicine cabinet, just in case, so to speak.

Unfortunately, this is exactly how they are filled. We had a cough, the acute respiratory illness (ARI) went away, but all sorts of pills remained there. So we put them in our first aid kit. I don't want to throw it away.

It is necessary to decide what we will have in our first aid kit for the home not when we need something, but when everyone in the family is healthy. At the same time, we gather our thoughts and calmly decide which drugs may actually be useful.

It is necessary to remember that if your child is burned, you provided him with medical assistance on time, did everything as it should, the wound will heal much faster in this case. And when you don't do this, the child will suffer for another couple of months. And who is to blame in this case? Of course, mom and dad.

You can place medications for adults wherever you want. But if you have become a parent and are raising children, then you must take this matter very seriously. Be sure to pay attention to your home first aid kit.

Be healthy!

You can get sick at any time of the day, including when it is not possible to visit the pharmacy. Therefore, you need to keep at least the most necessary medications at home. Below we provide sample list contents of a home first aid kit. Choose the appropriate ones, supplement it with drugs that are suitable specifically for your family members.

Antipyretic medications in a home medicine cabinet

PARACETAMOL, CEFEKON D suppositories (for children from 3 months to 3 years), NUROFEN (pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic), EFFERALGAN, COLDACT, TERRAFLU and analogues, RINZASIP, COLDREX, etc. Most drugs are based on paracetamol.

Painkillers in a home medicine cabinet


Sedatives in a home medicine cabinet

Tincture of MOONOR, VALERIAN, peppermint herb, lemon balm and oregano, calendula, hawthorn and rose hips, NOVO-PASSIT, PERSEN, GLYCINE, soothing drops GERBION, soothing collection, etc.

Antihistamines in a home medicine cabinet


For sore throat

Rotocan, Hexoral, Imudon lozenges, pectusin lozenges, Doctor Mom lozenges, Iodinol, Lugol's solution, Furacilin for rinsing, etc.

For cough

Gedelix, Gerbion, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Bromhexine, Doctor MOM ointment (used for rubbing and local massage during sputum discharge), Linkas, cough tablets, Stoptussin, Mucaltin, Pectusin, ACC, licorice root syrup, etc. Read more about cough treatment

Nasal drops


Poisoning, gastrointestinal pain

ENTEROSGEL, ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, SMEKTA, MEZIM, FESTAL, sachets of REGIDRON - against dehydration, HILAC Forte, OAK BARK or St. John's wort - strengthening. Senna leaf, buckthorn bark, Duphalac - laxatives.

For burns, cuts

Ointments PANTHENOL, BEPANTHEN, DEXPANTHENOL - are used in children from birth, LEVOMEKOL - in children over 1 year. For burns, you can use Panthenol spray for non-contact application to the affected surface. ACTOVEGIN and SOLCOSERYL in the form of an ointment or gel are approved for use from the first days of life, they have wound-healing properties, but do not have a disinfectant effect, and it is also better not to combine them with other similar drugs. EPLAN cream has wound-healing, bactericidal, regenerating properties, and is effective against frostbite and insect bites.

Disinfectants in a home medicine cabinet

HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 3%, IODINE, brilliant green solution, potassium permanganate powder, medical alcohol.

Antiseptic for skin and mucous membranes

MIRAMISTIN, OCTENISEPT - a wide range of applications: treatment of wounds, for gynecological, ENT diseases, used as an antibacterial agent for inhalation (nebulizer, Octenisept diluted with water 1:4).

Additional items in your home medicine cabinet

Sterile bandages, cotton wool, bactericidal and regular plaster, tourniquet, elastic bandage, pipettes, rubber bulb, medical thermometer, tanometer, tweezers, heating pad, several syringes, baby cream, wet disinfectant wipes, paper handkerchiefs, cotton swabs and pads, powder, baking soda, mustard plasters, scissors.

Carefully! There are contraindications. Before use, be sure to consult your doctor!

The first aid kit should be stored in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children. Carry out an "inventory" medicines approximately once every six months for the purchase of expired ones or the liquidation of overdue ones. It is convenient to keep a sheet of paper with the telephone numbers of emergency services, pharmacies and paid clinics in the first aid kit.

Photo - photobank Lori

First aid kit medical care the home should be staffed in accordance with the likelihood of life-threatening conditions occurring in residents. Yes, if available arterial hypertension from family members, should be included in the list of required funds antihypertensive drugs fast action. For epilepsy and other neurological disorders, it is important to have special antipsychotic drugs on hand. The task of a properly assembled home first aid kit is to alleviate the patient’s condition before the ambulance arrives, prevent the development of complications, and carry out full antiseptic treatment of the wound surface.

Basic composition

A universal home first aid kit should not contain “extra” drugs and devices; it should contain only what will help with harmless burns and serious life-threatening conditions.




It is important to understand that increasing the dosage, as well as inadequate use, can not only aggravate the course of the attack, but also provoke death even before the ambulance arrives.

What medications help with hypertensive crisis? For chronic arterial hypertension, three main groups of drugs are prescribed:

    loop diuretics (Furosemide, Diuver, Hypothiazide);

    calcium channel blockers (Amlodipine, Valsartan);

    ACE inhibitors (Monopril, Fosinap, Fosicard).

All drugs are prescribed in advance by the attending physician in the appropriate dosage. The dose is determined based on the age, weight and nature of the patient’s pathology. In case of secondary arterial hypertension (for example, against the background of chronic renal or liver failure), drug correction is lifelong.

Emotional excitement

Sedatives for home use are intended to relieve emotional tension, relieve stress, and relaxation. For anxiety, restlessness and insomnia, the following medications from your home medicine cabinet can help:

    tincture of peony or motherwort;

    valerian tincture (tablet form);

  • Novo-Passit;

  • Corvalol and Valocordin;


The pharmaceutical industry produces many drugs to restore sleep and a stable emotional background. In case of severe disorders, these drugs will not have the desired effect due to the weakness of the sedative effect.

Diseases of the epigastric organs

Medicines for digestive disorders are necessary as part of a home first aid kit. Infectious diseases intestines and stomach always have a bright clinical picture in adults and children, require immediate correction. The list of main drugs for stomach disorders is presented in the table:

Name of the drug

Indications for use

Absorbents (Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel, activated carbon, Ultra Adsorb)

Food poisoning, chronic intoxication, intestinal infections

Digestive enzymes (Mezim Forte, Enzistal, Festal)

Heaviness in the stomach, bloating, discomfort

Antacids (Maalox, Gastal, Phosphalugel)

Heartburn, exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer

Antifoam drugs (Espumizan, Acelact)

Flatulence, increased gas formation

Antiprotozoal agents (Intetrix, Ersefuril)

Laxatives (Senade, Regulax, Bisacodyl)

Constipation of any nature

    Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel, activated carbon, Ultra Adsorb (absorbent preparations);

    Mezim Forte, Enzistal, Festal (improved digestion when traveling, during long feasts);

    Maalox, Gastal, Phosphalugel (for exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer);

    Espumisan, Acelakt (flatulence, increased gas formation);

    Intetrix, Ersefuril (treatment intestinal infections of any origin);

    Senade, Regulax, Bisacodyl (systematic constipation).

After a long drug treatment, long-term illnesses, it is necessary to restore the microflora of the intestines and stomach. For these purposes, you can store Linex Bio, Hilak Forte, and bifidumbacterin in your medicine cabinet.


Treatment of allergic reactions of any nature begins at home. Allergies to medications, vegetation, food products can grow rapidly and threaten the life and health of the patient. To the main effective drugs include:


  • Diazolin;

If an allergy attack is accompanied by respiratory depression, swelling, redness of the skin, rashes in the form of red spots, you should immediately take a tablet of the drug and call an ambulance. While waiting for help, the patient must be protected from the influence of a dangerous allergen.

Additional funds

In addition to medicines, the first aid kit should include herbal ingredients and raw materials for preparing decoctions and infusions. The safety and effectiveness of these products has been proven for generations. To the main medicinal herbs include:

    chamomile, sage, calendula, oak bark, peppermint;

    essential oils (tea tree oil, eucalyptus, citrus);

    alcohols for compresses and disinfection.

The use of herbal preparations for preparing decoctions for lotions and oral use is suitable for eliminating unpleasant symptoms of the disease in pregnant women and children. Herbal infusions are excellent for bathing for dermatological diseases.

Instruments and dressings

In the home medicine cabinet modern man You must have an inhaler for the treatment of respiratory diseases, a thermometer for measuring body temperature (infrared, mercury, electronic). Additionally, you can purchase nasal aspirators to remove mucus in children and adults, an enema, and a heating pad.

Mandatory dressing materials in the first aid kit should include bandages, sterile solid cotton wool, adhesive plaster (anti-callus, pepper), and plaster. The first aid kit should contain small scissors, a tourniquet, and an elastic bandage.

Rules for formation and storage

A home first aid kit should be constantly accessible to each family member, but at the same time be safe if there are young children in the family. A first aid kit for newborns should be located in the area where hygiene procedures are carried out. In some cases, you should create several first aid kits for each case (typical everyday situations, specific complex ones, children's). There are a number of rules for collecting a home first aid kit:

    storing medicines in a dark place;

    control of expiration dates and optimal storage conditions;

    saving instructions for use of the drug;

    restricting access to drugs for children and animals.

Your home medicine cabinet should be in order. The most necessary drugs should be at hand at the right time. It is better to store drugs in boxes, but if there is no space, they should be signed.

A properly folded and formed home first aid kit can significantly reduce the risks of deaths in acute conditions, blood loss, and pain shock before arrival emergency care. Older children are recommended to receive detailed instructions on behavior under various circumstances in everyday life.

Stocking a home first aid kit is not as simple as it might seem. Everyone knows that it must be in every home, but as soon as the need to use it comes, for some reason you just can’t find what you need. Why does this happen and how to clean up your home health center?

What should be in a home medicine cabinet

For the most part, all owners of first aid kits are divided into two camps: maximalists and minimalists. To find out which one you belong to, just look there right now. In the first case, your first aid kit is overflowing with medicines for all occasions, and even you yourself find it difficult to determine the origin of some packages and tubes. Your first aid box is full of expired pills, half-empty vials, tubes with worn-out names, medications that you bought on the advice of friends, on advice from the Internet, on the advice of a pharmacist and advertising, and just “just in case.” You tend to buy in advance and fill your first aid station with medicines and jars with the passion of a collector, without thinking about what medicines should be in a home medicine cabinet, and therefore often do not find the most necessary things.

Minimalists belong to the opposite camp. You think that the less medicine in the house, the better, and that aspirin is a cure for all ills. Therefore, the maximum that can be found from you is a painkiller. IN best case scenario, it comes with ascorbic acid, a set of plasters and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. As a result, when you get sick, you can’t even take your temperature, because you don’t have a thermometer either.

In fact, there should not be many products in a home medicine cabinet, and all of them are sold at an affordable price. Keep this necessary minimum on hand, and your doctor will prescribe the rest.

Home first aid kit - composition

All funds can be divided into several large groups.

1. Materials for treating wounds

This should include:

  • Set of plasters. Buy one that is universal with different types of patches.
  • Sterile cotton wool and bandage.
  • A bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
  • A bottle of chlorhexidine.

You can add: potassium permanganate.

Leave at the pharmacy: brilliant green, iodine.

Peroxide serves as a hemostatic agent, and chlorhexidine is a universal antiseptic, and you can get by with it in everyday life. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is also a proven remedy. Both will help not only with household injuries, but also with mild inflammation or a sore throat.

Broken knees with stains of brilliant green and iodine should remain in childhood memories. Both contain alcohol in the base, which burns and gets dirty terribly.

2. Pain reliever and antipyretic

Combined into one group, since most of the remedies kill two birds with one stone and can be taken for both headaches and fever.

None of us are immune from such troubles, so packaging of analgesics can be found even among notorious minimalists.

Almost all widely known drugs can be divided into several groups, depending on active substance underlying. It could be:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid
  • Paracetamol
  • Ibuprofen
  • Nimesulide
  • Metamizole sodium

The ones you most need are paracetamol and ibuprofen. It is better to keep both in your first aid kit. Experts agree that if paracetamol does not help, ibuprofen will do the trick, and vice versa. One of the most popular drugs based on ibuprofen is Nurofen, and one based on paracetamol is Pentalgin.

You can add: Nimesulide

Leave at the pharmacy: drugs from the group of aspirin and analgin. Unless you have a special case where only this drug helps you and you tolerate it well, aspirin and especially analgin, according to doctors, are not considered safe. Aspirin should absolutely not be taken by children under 12 years of age; it will not help with ARVI, and can only worsen the situation if you already have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Analgin also negatively affects organs gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. It is recommended to be taken only occasionally, when drugs from other groups do not have a positive effect. Both aspirin and analgin have their benefits, so don't shy away from them if necessary, but in most cases a paracetamol or ibuprofen tablet will be enough.

3. For colds and flu

Until a doctor prescribes, there is only one remedy that you can keep in your first aid kit - antigrippin. This is a combination drug based on the same paracetamol. In addition to this, the composition also includes ascorbic acid and chlorphenamine, an antihistamine that relieves swelling and congestion.

You can add: chamomile, eucalyptus, baking soda, sea salt.

Leave at the pharmacy: antibiotics, antivirals and immunomodulators.

Chamomile decoctions, solutions of potassium permanganate, salt water will help with unpleasant sensations in the throat without irritating the mucous membrane.

Antibiotics do not help with diseases of viral origin and can only be prescribed by a doctor, like immunomodulators. Instead of the latter it is better to use natural remedies: lemon, garlic, radish, etc. Experts are very skeptical about antiviral drugs; there is no serious evidence base for their effectiveness, and your body can cope with most viruses that cause colds on its own with the proper regimen.

4. Antispasmodics

Sometimes pain can be caused by contraction of smooth muscles, in which case an antispasmodic will be more effective than an anesthetic from the second group. Antispasmodics relieve the syndromes of cystitis and gastroenterological attacks, menstrual pain and headaches. The most popular drugs include drugs based on drotaverine (one of the most famous and inexpensive is no-shpa) and papaverine.

Leave at the pharmacy: drugs based on mebeverine (Duspatalin), hymecronoma (Odeston) and other antispasmodics, unless you know exactly what you came for.

The main active ingredients of antispasmodics act on different muscle groups. Only drugs based on papaverine and drotaverine have a universal effect. Mebeverine, for example, will not help with menstrual ailments or stomach cramps, but it is good for relieving pain from intestinal cramps. Just like other antispasmodics, they have very purposeful action, so there is no need to accumulate them in batches.

5. Sorbents, enzymes and antidiarrheals

Everyone, at least once, experiences a not-so-successful or overly plentiful feast that we regret a few hours later. To alleviate poisoning, sorbents are used, which actively participate in the process of cleansing the body, and to facilitate the absorption of excesses, enzymes are used, which help the gastrointestinal tract cope with the load faster.

The most famous drug from the first group is activated carbon. It has no contraindications, it is almost impossible to overdose, it is also good for diarrhea, and its cost is very low compared to other drugs.

More expensive sorbents, such as Smecta, Enerosgel or Polysorb, act more gently and, in addition, remove allergens from the body.

The most famous enzyme that alleviates the consequences of a feast is mezim.

Leave at the pharmacy: medications for constipation if you do not have a doctor's prescription. First, try natural remedies and methods: kefir, prunes, grated beets, gymnastics. If the problem is not caused by a disease, but by a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet, these measures will be enough to cope without medications.

6. Cardiac remedies

Unfortunately, heart problems often take people by surprise without any prior symptoms. Just in case, keep nitroglycerin on hand, validol and Corvalol.

Leave at the pharmacy: drugs, the purpose of which you received information about using the Internet. If you have problems with your heart or blood pressure, trying to choose a medicine for yourself based on articles on the Internet or reviews from neighbors on a bench can end in disaster. Visit your doctor on time and do not self-medicate.

7. "Gadgets"

A thermometer and tonometer should be in every home to monitor temperature and pressure.

8. Wound healing drugs

Panthenol or solcoseryl must be present in the home first aid station. Both drugs provide good first aid for burns and abrasions.

9. Antihistamines

Claritin or suprastin can not only overcome allergy symptoms, but also reduce swelling and nasal congestion during colds.

10. Calming and sedatives

The leaders in this group are, of course, motherwort and valerian. It is also worth paying attention to peony tincture, acting gently and without consequences in the form of lethargy and poor health in the morning. Taking stronger drugs without a doctor's prescription is dangerous.

We looked in detail at what medications should be in a home medicine cabinet. To this it is worth adding a list of remedies that save from individual misfortunes (pressure, chronic diseases), and your home health center is ready.

Be healthy!

At any pharmacy you can purchase a home first aid kit - a standard set that includes everything you need to help you and your family in critical moments. But such a set will not last for a long time in a large family, or it is not entirely suitable for a family where there are patients with chronic diseases. It is designed for adults, since a home first aid kit for children is selected according to a slightly different principle.

It is much better if the home first aid kit is selected by the housewife personally; she knows perfectly well what her husband, children, and elderly parents may need, and in what quantities all this should be purchased.

A home pharmacy is selected individually for each family, but there is a list of medications that should always be in any home, regardless of the composition and age of the household.

Necessary medications in a home medicine cabinet

It happens that there are expensive antibiotics in the house, but there is no simple antiseptic, this happens because the list of drugs for the home medicine cabinet has not been carefully thought out. Many people simply don’t know what should be in it, medicines They are bought only in a hurry, when one of the relatives is already sick or injured.

Creating a home first aid kit should begin not with making a list and going to the pharmacy, but with a complete audit of all medications available in the house and selecting a permanent place for them. No need to possess medical education to understand how to organize a home first aid kit with your own hands.

Once you have decided on its permanent location in the house, it’s time to make a list of necessary purchases. A home first aid kit contains numerous ingredients; everything can be divided into groups:

  • preparations for internal use;
  • products for external use;
  • dressings;
  • auxiliary materials.

Medicines in a home medicine cabinet for oral administration

Tablets, capsules, tinctures for oral administration can be divided into categories. Whatever problem may arise, you should take advantage of it. All of the drugs listed below do not need to be purchased: you can use the recommendation or choose another drug yourself, the main thing is that it can help at the right time.

Medicines to relieve pain or reduce fever

Most medications will help relieve pain and reduce fever at the same time: paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), analgin, ibuprofen. Their quantity should be such that one person will have enough for 2-3 days.

Almost every adult, alas, has experience using these drugs and knows what suits him best. Women should make sure they have combination pills to help relieve both the headaches and muscle pain that often occur during menstruation. But such combination drugs are not always suitable.

Popular painkillers that relieve spasms should not be used for pain in the abdominal area or the threat of a stroke. You need to have both painkillers and antispasmodics.

Heart and sedative drugs

Liquid sedatives to relieve heart pain, intestinal spasms, with excitement, increased heart rate, you need to store it in the refrigerator, these are: barboval, corvaldin, corvalol.

Validol, produced in the form of tablets or capsules, is used for neurosis, hysteria, mild angina, and motion sickness. It is enough to have one bottle or blister of heart medications.

Drugs for eliminating gastrointestinal disorders

It's hard to avoid food poisoning, if you do not always eat at home, therefore, to reduce intoxication you should have activated carbon or smecta; to restore intestinal microflora and normalize stool - probiotics.

In case there is poisoning with loose stools– imodium, lopedium. All you need is one package, and activated carbon is taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of person’s weight, so calculate for yourself how much you need for your family.

Medicines to eliminate various problems

  • After a festive feast, many people suffer from overeating, so if you are not inclined to control the process of eating, purchase enzyme preparations that will help with a single overeating: mezim, festal, pancreatin.
  • Allergy sufferers should have antihistamine tablets or syrups: Claritin, Suprastin, Diazolin; drops for rhinitis: galazolin, otrivin and others.
  • Spasm of cerebral vessels, abdominal pain, an attack of urinary or cholelithiasis will be stopped by antispasmodics: no-spa, drotaverine. There should be at least 20 such tablets at home.
  • People with chronic diseases and women who are monitoring to prevent an unplanned pregnancy should put the medications they need for frequent use in their home medicine cabinet.

Products for external use

What should be in a home medicine cabinet for external use? Anything that will help cope with various skin diseases and problems:

  • bactericidal agents for treating various wounds - solution of brilliant green, iodine;
  • antiseptics for purulent wounds - salicylic alcohol, calendula tincture;
  • means to stop bleeding - hydrogen peroxide (store in a cool place);
  • anti-burn agents - pantinol, lifesaver;
  • remedies for edema, hematomas - heparin ointment, troxevasin, etc.
  • anti-inflammatory local remedies for bruises, lumbago, sprains - ointments or gels based on ketoprofen, diclofenac, ibuprofen.

Dressing materials and other necessary items

The home first aid kit is already almost assembled; you also need to buy various dressings. If medications have a limited shelf life and you can’t buy a lot, then the bandage will not deteriorate from long-term storage, so don’t be afraid to stock up on it.

Minimum supply of dressings in a home first aid kit

  • A sterile and non-sterile bandage of different widths is a must-have for every family: 2-3 pieces of each type.
  • You should also have at least one elastic bandage for sprains and bruises.
  • Cotton wool - for compresses, cotton pads - for wiping.
  • Cotton swabs - for applying ointments, disinfectants to the skin, and for cleaning ears.
  • The adhesive plaster comes in rolls of different widths and is disposable bactericidal. You may need different ones, so you should buy both.

A home first aid kit will have an incomplete list if it does not contain other various items that will be useful to you:

  • thermometer - for measuring temperature, if it is mercury - you should handle it especially carefully so as not to break it;
  • scissors – for unsealing packages and cutting bandages;
  • tweezers without teeth - for removing a foreign object from the skin;
  • rubber heating pad - to relieve spasms and warm up the body;
  • gauze masks - for protection during the period if there are infectious patients in your family;
  • several syringes of different volumes;
  • syringes of several sizes.

Try to keep a medical reference book with your first aid kit, or at least collect all the instructions for all medications and keep them in one folder on the same shelf with the medications. This is necessary in order to know exactly how much and when to take the right drug so that an overdose does not occur.

That's all: you've got a home first aid kit, buy everything together or separately - it's up to you. The most important thing is to store medications so that they cannot reach your children and avoid getting sick. Be healthy!
