Promoting blogs on social networks. Free ways to promote your blog online

I’ve recently started writing more often about making money on blogs, probably because I myself used to monetize and continue to monetize content sites. Today we’ll talk about how to promote a blog.

This is why I know firsthand that you can make money in this difficult business. As I wrote earlier, the good thing about this type of earnings is that each article posted once brings money for a long time. , I also wrote, and now let’s talk about finding readers for your site.

GS or SDL?

I’ll say right away that it’s better to make normal sites for people, and not GS (g...nosites) for search engines and making money on eternal links. Then people will be drawn to you, and not bans from search engines.

Readers from search engines

From search engines, readers are simply necessary for your future site. Because these readers will create an endless stream of readings of your articles and a constant influx of new people who may become regular readers.

2. Update the site as often as possible. Write new posts every day. This is important because search engines will see that the site is being worked on.

3. Install a convenient comment system, because... It is important for search engines that you are not only read, but also discussed. It is necessary to increase reader activity on the site. I advise you to leave the standard one from WordPress, like mine. Very convenient and well indexed.

4. Engage in SEO optimization, internal and external. Place links to your site wherever possible. It is better to use sites on your topic that are higher than you in the search results. Buy articles there with a link to your site or just links. Search engines will trust you more if others link to you.

You will also need to make a site map. Plugins will help with this; each engine has its own.

In addition to all this, you need to optimize your blog. Remove all external links, clean the code from all garbage so that the site loads faster, get rid of duplicate content, etc.

5. Register your site with Webmaster Yandex and Google

Then your articles will be indexed faster.

To begin with, it is enough to do the above so that search engines pay attention to you and begin to respect you. But these are longer term readers. Let's look for those who will come to the site right now. More on this below.

Make announcements on social networks

It is very important. These are your first readers. Create official accounts or groups on VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and G+ (Google Plus). This will not only give you new readers, but will also be a big plus for search engines. They see that you are active in in social networks.

Also be sure to post your articles to the Surfingbird recommendation service. I really don't like it, but it's more of a personal dislike for the service. But with it you will have a constant stream of readers, but for monetization these readers are useless. One of my former sites is not updated much but has about 300 daily visitors from this service alone. Just be sure to post links to any other sites in your account. Otherwise, you will be banned because you are advertising your site in this way.

Also, be sure to use the Subscribe service and post entries to thematic groups. I get good traffic from there too.

Answer questions

Be sure to answer questions in the question-and-answer service and on thematic forums. This will give you constant traffic. Because these questions are well indexed and your answer will be seen by everyone who is interested in this question. Just don’t post links in empty spaces, i.e. By clicking on your link, a person should receive an answer to their question. It is necessary!

Buy links in VKontakte public pages

This is not an expensive type of advertising, but it is effective. If you beautifully compose an announcement of the article and post it in a thematic public, then through likes and reposts your post will circulate for a long time across the expanses of the social network. Only post in thematic public pages with good activity. This is a plus for you and the public administrator can give a discount, because... The post is not commercial, and also thematic.

By doing this, you will attract traffic, add social activity, improve behavioral factors, etc.

Keep readers on your site

Place social media widgets prominently so that readers can always quickly subscribe to updates on your site. as an example, you can look right now on this site in the column on the right. There are 4 social network widgets. Taking this opportunity, please subscribe to one or more =). Also, at the end of each article, you should have a list of similar or most interesting articles, so that after reading one, you will be tempted to read another.

What not to do!

1. Do not spam on forums and thematic sites. This will not help, but it will also create a bad impression of you. Respect yourself, don't be like spammers.

2. Don’t spam on social networks. This is also not good.

3. Don't buy too many perpetual links. For this, search engines can ban young sites.

4. Don’t make GS (g...but sites). Write for people.

OK it's all over Now. I start all my new content sites with exactly the same procedures and so far they have not given bad results. If you have any questions, be sure to write in the comments. I'll be glad to answer. And I will be even more glad if my advice and my articles help you.

Thank you for your attention, and don’t forget to like the articles, this lets me know in what direction to write, what you like and what you don’t!

Hello friends! Now I have some free time and decided to write a new article. My blog will be 8 months old one of these days, and about how competently and promote your blog for free I already have an idea based on my own experience. The Internet is full of lies, many write that they received a TIC in 3 months, others write that in six months they became thousands of bloggers, they also offer to bring your site to the top in a matter of days and crowds of people to your site - it’s all lies, don’t believe it! I'm already sick of these empty promises. The main thing for them is to RIP THE MONEY FROM YOU!

No one except search engines can give you a guarantee of getting to the top and the like, only search engines with their unknown algorithms decide where your site belongs, and everyone, remember this forever! And here the question arises, as in Shakespeare’s famous monologue: “To be or not to be?” Of course, be and create your own blog immediately.

And then, if you are a conscientious blogger and follow the rules of search engines, you are guaranteed success. But this will not come right away, you just need, as always in this life, to work, and gradually your blog will get closer and closer to the top. What is proper blog promotion? I'll tell you a promotion plan using my blog as an example. I promoted the blog absolutely free of charge, and 20-40 people a day from Yandex and Google searches at this moment, not counting referrals from other sources, I think is very good, especially since I’m new to this business.

I divide blog promotion into 2 stages:

  1. Blog age up to 6 months
  2. Blog age after 6 months

This is the safest promotion plan, if you follow it and a number of other rules, which are discussed below in the article, then you will not fall under.

Blog age up to 6 months

You've created a blog. Let's say you've written several articles and they've already been indexed. But you won’t get to the top right away, in the first 1-2 months of the blog’s life, Yandex robots are reluctant to visit the site, and they are in no hurry to index everything, and in Google, the site is generally in the “sandbox” for the first six months - this is one of Google’s filters. If for 6 months you frequently update your blog and write articles, then after this time your visitors will increase sharply, this is exactly what happened to me, after 6 months people left Google, and in the beginning you can try to promote only low-frequency queries.

1. Articles only ( unique content) is the most important and main rule at the beginning of blogging. Write new articles (3000-10000 characters) 1-2 times a week, be sure to check them for uniqueness, it’s written about this, and don’t forget about SEO optimization of these articles, although in the first months of creating a blog, don’t bother too much about SEO, it’s better to write more .

When I wrote my very first articles, I didn’t even know about SEO optimization, I just wrote for people and what I enjoyed. And what’s interesting is that two such articles are in the top for MF (mid-frequency query), as it happens! I wrote when inspiration struck. The main thing for me is to write not according to a schedule, but according to my mood, and so that people can understand it. But I tried to publish a new post once a week.

Make internal linking of these articles, putting 1-3 links from one to another, the main thing is that this is necessary and relevant to the materials. The WordPress Related Posts plugin helps a lot with this; it displays similar materials at the end of articles.

2. Create a subscription form from Smartresponder or Feedburner on your blog so that readers can subscribe. Subscribers are one of the important rules blog promotion are site visitors who will come when new articles are published, receiving their announcements in your newsletter. If a visitor returns to the site, then search engines love it, so they rank the blog higher in the search results.

4. Create an RSS feed, when new articles are published, their announcements will immediately go to the news feed, where people will read them using RSS aggregators, and accordingly go to your blog, and based on these announcements, search robots index articles faster.

6. Comment on other blogs on similar topics to get your blog and yourself out there. Especially comment on dofollow blogs, so you will receive an indexed link to your blog, participate in various forums and competitions on your site topic.

7. Don’t forget about design, the behavior of visitors largely depends on it, and now behavioral factors come first in SEO. Links fade into the background, and PF plays a huge role in website ranking.

8. Giving away something useful for free helps in promoting a blog. For example, on my blog you can get 2 gifts for the first comment, some bloggers give out gifts for subscribing, and you can come up with a lot of things like that.

9. Leave links to your blog on trusted resources that have high TICs and PR, this will give weight to your site, and it will look authoritative in the eyes of search engines. But leave them a little and gradually (1-2 links per day), otherwise you can get caught by the filter for spam with links. By the way, you can get a fresh database of trust sites from me (150 pcs. detailed description and instructions), all you need to do is leave one comment.

Blog age after 6 months

Six months have passed. If you followed the rules written above, then you will already have dozens, or even hundreds of visitors, and robots will almost “live” on your blog. Now you need to pay special attention to SEO optimization and external factors.

Already in the first six months, some articles were in the top of Yandex for midrange, but in Google only for low frequency and very few, but after 6 months it was a bust. Several articles reached the top for midrange and low-frequency queries; the sandbox freed up the blog. And now you need to try to move posts for all frequency queries, even for high-frequency queries (it is advisable to choose low-competition ones), while paying attention to their relevance. Do proper internal linking to give promoted pages more static weight.

1. Unique content-he was and will always be in first place.

2. You can, but carefully, start running your blog through trust databases and social networks (especially Twitter - search engines love it). For running there is different ways, you can look it up on the Internet.

The main thing is to try to get more external links to your blog, this will give authority, trust and weight to your blog, and perhaps you will receive the coveted TIC or PR bells. TIC is usually given for the number of external links, and PR is for the static weight of pages, which also depends on external and internal links - so it’s all interconnected.

3. Register on such exchanges as: Miralinks, Gogetlinks, Rotapost, etc., here you can buy guest posts and eternal links from trust resources, and these are all external factors.

4. Pay more attention to SMO, social networks are a powerful stream of traffic, and search robots are constantly spinning on social networks.

Here is a rough plan for blog promotion. Now I have little free time, so I write less often and how it turns out is up to you to judge! If you want to add something, then let's discuss it in the comments... Now I have a plan to redo my ““ page, I wrote it at the very beginning of creating the blog, and it turned out somehow not “blogger-like”.

Good afternoon, readers of my blog. Today we will talk to you about promoting your blog. Previously, I have repeatedly pointed out that creating a blog and filling it with quality content is good, but not enough to attract readers. It is imperative to promote, and do it efficiently from the very first days. If you have already tried to find information regarding SEO optimization and promotion in search engines, then you should know about the existence of two methods - black and white SEO. If you haven’t heard about this, then I advise you to read my article. So, immediately forget about all sorts of cheating, running through millions of forums and manipulating search results, that is, discard all the black methods, you should have a blog for people and we will promote it beautifully and Right.

Today we will talk about article promotion, as one of the most popular in our time. As you understand, when you submit a request to a search engine, you see a list of 10 sites that best meet your search requirements. They didn’t get there by accident, and the optimizers did a very good job for this. I wrote in more detail about what affects a site’s rankings and how to improve them in the article “How to promote your blog - improving search engine rankings”

I’ll say right away that except correct design articles, compliance with all the basics and recommendations from search engines, links from other resources to your site play an important role.

There are several types of links:

  1. Temporary– are purchased on exchanges like Sape and payment is made for each month of placement. Such links are placed in separate blocks on the site or in the footer. They are the lowest quality, but also the cheapest. I’ll tell you frankly that I’ve never used them, but taking into account the latest trends from Yandex and Google, which have begun to seriously fight openly purchased links, I won’t use them. As a rule, such links are placed on all pages in a row, on non-thematic ones, on low-quality ones. It is very easy for the search engine to understand that the backlink is not natural and then wait for it to sank.
  2. Eternals— such links are placed once and for all. You also pay for it once. In this article, I will not describe in detail about eternal and temporary links, their pros and cons, since I have already discussed this issue in detail in the article “Temporary and eternal links - what's the difference?”
  3. As a rule, they are placed forever, which means that over time the weight and trust transferred through the link in this article will increase.
  4. The article is written according to your anchor, it looks natural and organically fits into the general context. The search engine should not have any doubts.
  5. If the article is written well and interestingly, then in addition to weight, you can also get visitors to your blog. For a young blog, any reader is worth their weight in gold, and the opportunity to attract new ones should not be missed.

The links in the articles that we will talk about today are eternal and the most natural. As always, I try not to be unfounded and write all my articles based primarily on my experience and the experience of my friends who are optimizers. I already wrote above that search engines are actively fighting against openly purchased links, and therefore optimizers try to make the backlink to their site as believable and natural as possible, so that the search robot does not have any questions about what this or that person is doing on this site. another link.

Articles are ideal options for several reasons:
1. As a rule, they are placed forever, which means that over time the weight and trust transferred through the link in this article will increase.
2. The article is written according to your anchor; it looks natural and organically fits into the general context. The search engine should not have any doubts.
3. If the article is written well and interestingly, then in addition to weight, you can also get visitors to your blog. For a young blog, any reader is worth their weight in gold, and the opportunity to attract new ones should not be missed.

Basic ways to promote articles

As you understand, promotion with articles also has several options. Of course, the basis of everything will be the written article, but what we will do with it varies greatly.

Method 1. Natural promotion.

This method is worth describing, but a young blogger shouldn’t rely too much on it. What is the essence of this method? You write a good, unique and interesting article, post it on your website and... and that’s it. Then the reader who comes to your blog and reads the article shares it on his social networks and places a link on his blog or website. Of course, the option is ideal, since you don’t spend any money at all. But, as I already indicated earlier, a young blogger should not count on this; promotion may take years. This method of article promotion is acceptable only for mature and established blogs with a good readership.

Method 2. Writing announcements of your articles on other sources.

To implement this method, you must first write an article on your blog, and then create several small announcements that will be posted on other resources with an active link to your blog. The advantages of this method are that it also does not require any financial investments, since there are many different article directories and sites ready to happily accept your announcement. The costs will only be temporary. Personally, I see one drawback - there is no guarantee that the announcement will not be deleted. Personally, I used this method before, but then I decided to give up and decided to use the method that I will describe below. Of course, a young blogger should try it and it will give a certain effect.

Method 3. Purchasing and posting articles on other resources.

This is perhaps the most effective and efficient way. Let's look at several options for developing this situation.

Paid placement of your articles on other sites

There is also the option of not writing the article at all. Many web masters offer a placement service that includes writing material for your anchor. Of course, such a service is more expensive, but you need to take into account the fact that you will only need to accept and pay for the work, the web master will do the rest himself. This is very convenient, given the fact that you can spend the time saved on writing articles for your blog.

Where can I find good sites for article promotion?

Speaking about paid placement, one cannot help but recall article exchanges - Miralinks, Liex, Seozavr. In general, there are a lot of them and you can find more by asking “Article exchanges” in the search engine.

Also, a lot of web masters offer placements on their sites, leaving advertisements on SEO forums. Personally, I very often find good offers on maultalk, cy-pr, seobuilding and search. Of course, there are also plenty of frankly low-quality offers, but after reading my article “A high-quality donor site is excellent promotion,” you will learn to weed them out and choose only the best sites for yourself.

Free posting of your articles

As you understand, along with paid placement, there is also free placement. There is one minus here - the limited number of sites, what is offered, you need to take, but there is also the most important plus - you don’t pay any money. We can say that you, as an optimizer, get a backlink, and the site owner gets good and unique content on his site. Everyone is happy with everything.

Offers for free placement can be found on the same forums. Many of them are from rather weak sites, with a small or even zero TIC, but if you search, you can find very good offers. Personally, I once posted an article on a website with a TIC of 50, and now this resource already has a TIC of 120, and on top of that it has good visitor numbers.

To be frank, initial stages promoting your website, any site will suit you - with zero or small TIC, with a small number of visitors and clumsy design. Remember that you shouldn’t post your articles on open GS, but you also don’t need to neglect the site just because it has 50 visitors and not 5000. This is free placement, take this factor into account.

There are also many sites that are willing to accept your unique article with a backlink. By the way, I forgot to indicate that all articles must be unique, no copy-paste. Firstly, no one will accept copy-paste. Secondly, even if it does, there may not be any effect from such a back. Why waste your and other people's time and not get results. Don't forget what I said at the very beginning. From the first days of its existence, your blog should be for people, which means you need to choose the most effective promotion methods, don’t waste your money on small change.

But let’s return to our sheep, or rather to sites that will accept your article for free. There are many of them on the Internet, but I will recommend you a few proven ones, those of which I am 100% sure (there will be a list of sites with a short description)

As you can see, there is plenty to choose from. Of course, if this is not enough for you, then you can rustle around in the search and find a dozen more good options.

This is where I will end my article. I am sure that I helped you understand the basics of article promotion, and if you still have any questions, ask them in the comments. I will be happy to answer everything and give practical advice.

Outbound links – good or bad?

Promoting a blog in search engines can be considered the most important task for any webmaster, because traffic from search engines is considered to be of the highest quality. In the last article I promised to tell you how it happened that site traffic doubled in one day. Despite the fact that I rarely write new articles and almost I do not use paid or aggressive methods of blog promotion.

I'm interested in traffic from search engines. Why? Because I'm lazy! But seriously, when I say “lazy” I mean efficiency. The longer you live, the more acutely you feel how the clock of life is ticking. In my room there is an old mechanical alarm clock - one of the most favorite things in the house. It ticks loudly. It mobilizes.

And after I read Tim Ferriss’ “How to Work 4 Hours a Week,” I stopped sleeping. At night. You work more efficiently at night - silence, minimum distractions from all sorts of household chores and excellent concentration.

From the book I learned about the Pareto principle: “20% of actions bring 80% of results.” This seemed reasonable to me, and I began to learn how to free up time by clearing my life of meaningless activities. Including in such matters as blog promotion.

Promoting a blog in search engines: the basics

It is not necessary to have a bunch of texts on your blog, but it is important that the article is found by your reader - what is called the target audience. I don’t like complicated and crooked ways of attracting visitors. Therefore, we are interested in pure traffic from search engines: a person types his question and finds the answer. It is from search that the bulk of readers come to us.

If the site is interesting to the guest, perhaps we will become friends, because a constant audience of friends who help the blog develop is no less important. But this is a more intimate, intimate relationship - everyone develops their own circle over time.

This is how the blog grows and advances - completely naturally and - what is important - without the constant presence of the creator. But how can you explain your idea to search engines? Make friends with them.

Three fundamental ways to promote a blog

At the very beginning, it is important to lay a strong foundation on the basis of which you can build your brainchild further. The jump in traffic that is visible in the graphs of the article ““ occurred as a result of three actions:

1. Building a semantic core

I chose a niche, selected queries and carefully wrote them down in the All in one SEO pack plugin. The topic is not easy, and I dealt with it for quite a long time until I understood the principle. By the way, without a semantic core, it is very, very difficult.

2. Contact has been established with Yandex

There are probably many ways to make friends with Yandex, but I liked one - installing Yandex search on the site. The implementation can be viewed at the top of the right sidebar. I replaced it with the “native” search from the template, which is still of no use. And Yandex likes this one, because it’s its brainchild... Besides, the search works like a boomerang - it returns you back to the site.

3. Contact established with Google

To make friends with Google, I linked the blog to my Google account, confirming my authorship. Now, when a person types a query on Google, next to the article he sees a photo of the author. This way, my blog posts visually stand out from the rest.

How to Visually Highlight a Blog on Google

These three actions are the foundation that gives you strong ground under your feet. A correctly selected and constructed semantic core makes the site understandable to search engines. And establishing friendly connections with the major search engines opens the door to the top of both Google. The results are always reflected in the graphs. Here's how search engines Yandex and Google reacted to the innovations:

Increase in traffic in Yandex and Google on a weekly chart

Also, over the months of working with the blog, I realized that it is important to structure articles without cramming several topics into one text. Long texts, especially if they are devoted to technical issues, are not only difficult to read, but also much more difficult to find the necessary, targeted information in such a blog.

The most popular articles that receive traffic are dedicated to a single topic. A person is looking for an answer to a very specific question.

If the answer consists of several parts, then you can make one review article and then a series of more specific ones, and then promoting your blog in search engines will be the fastest.

I think you already understand the main points. Therefore, in order not to mix everything up and not overload with information, I will write about each method separately and sequentially in the following articles.

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One way to get an eternal backlink to your blog is to post materials on third-party resources. Lately, there has been more and more talk that article promotion is labor-intensive, costly and useless. Essentially, all SEO is link SPAM. What to do if the ranking of search sites depends on link juice. So SEOs are looking for loopholes in the search engine algorithm, which I decided to study within the framework of blog promotion activities. It’s summer now - everyone is on vacation and it’s not the time to submit a blog to a directory, so I’m trying article promotion.

Image 1: Public transport - the site will not be promoted (unless, of course, it is advertising on transport).

Positive points. On the one hand, promotion with articles means potential visitors. On the other hand, it is possible to distribute links on the Internet by copying the article. Third, growth in indicators.

There are several methods for posting an article on other sites. But how useful is each of them?

A recent Google PR update gave me a C grade. But this is due to links from PR sites.

I wonder what sites with a high TIC will give? Naturally, I am interested in free promotion, and not all kinds of article exchanges.

Bold links

  1. Placement in article directories. Kata-Log– one of such resources where you can leave an article for free, TIC160 PR3. True, you cannot put links in the article itself, but you are allowed to indicate three links to your sites and three to third-party sites in the signature under the material. There are many topics for an article that any blogger can write about. The main thing is to adhere to the rules of uniqueness and quality.
  2. To make a note available for search, you need to check the “Publish this notebook (create a public web page)” checkbox in the “Access Options” settings.

    True, the question arises here: is the weight of such pages transferred? After all, TIC is a Yandex unit. And Google services are its internal links. Are they available for other PS? And what is the optimal amount of text for Yandex to eat it up (perhaps it likes more)?

Blog Articles

  1. Crossposting. Everyone has heard about this method of promotion, and many probably have blog accounts on other platforms.
  2. I have a special opinion here. I believe that mass cross-posting to all possible accounts only causes harm. After all, if you broadcast entries to a dead blog, there will be no benefit, rather, on the contrary. After all, for a search engine, such empty blogs are not an authority. For myself, I started a Photo Journal blog in livejournal. True, LiveJournal has now closed nofollow links on free accounts, that is, they do not transmit PR.

    This means you need to promote such a blog and post your post on paid accounts.

    P.S from 04/24/2012: Now my blog on LiveJournal is on a paid account, I offer it with blogs on general topics.
    He has already gained PR1 and is transferring weight. And to promote it, I used the Twite service. Everything is simple there: click “Start an advertising campaign on LJ.” Select repost, address of the advertised post. In the link “There are n-number of suitable bloggers in the system”, select the PR value and other indicators. Set a price, for example for PR3 - 5 rubles. There is some effect from such advertising, even visitors from diaries, plus some dofollow magazines. Although, in this case, I am more interested in the TIC, and some blogs also have it.

  3. Guest Posts, competitions And relay races- perhaps the best and natural ways promoting your blog if you are going to keep it happily ever after. In any case, all blogs are developing, and this is a foundation for the future.
  4. In general, belly fat and trust are different concepts. A blog may have little or no metrics, but will be highly trusted by search engines. If the blog has high-quality, unique content and is constantly updated, then the trust will grow.

Conclusion: Indeed, most promotion methods are tricks of SEOs. Bold links may be useful, and probably relatively quickly. But they require a lot of time. Isn’t it better to devote this time to your blog, filling it with quality content? Which will pay off the costs through the natural growth of the link mass and indicators.

Thinking about what the well-known subscription service provides, I highlighted two main advantages.

  • Certainly, traffic. At large quantities subscribers both in the “Create your own website” group, this is a noticeable increase in traffic since the announcement.
  • The second advantage of the service is the opportunity post a link for free with the required anchor on such a trusted resource as Subscribe.

Who else promoted their blog with articles and how? And what promotion methods do you consider the most acceptable?

Eh, “I just wish I could get there”... - that’s how it is in this virtual world.
