Political science as a science: object, subject, functions, methods. Western and domestic approach to the definition of political science

The term "political science" is formed by combining two Greek words: polity political order, the way of exercising power and logos – knowledge.

Political science– a branch of knowledge about politics, the laws of structure, functioning and development of the political life of the state and society, reflecting the process of including the individual in the activities of expressing political interests and political power.

Object Political science deals with the political life of people, social communities that make up the state and society.

As a scientific discipline political science is synonymous with political science. The concept of “political science” has many definitions; it is considered as: a) a form of spiritual and creative activity to obtain new knowledge about political reality; b) a social institution for the transfer, storage and production of political knowledge. The goal of political science is to acquire new knowledge about political reality.

Political science represents a system of developing knowledge, consisting of the general theory of political science, applied political science and the history of political thought. Contents of political science as a theory of politics, it consists of a number of blocks: a) a system of knowledge about the essence and foundations of politics as a specific sphere of activity and social relations, the concept of political subjects, driving forces and motives for their actions; b) theory of political power c) doctrine of political systems and institutions; d) theory of political culture; e) a complex of knowledge in the field of international politics.

The central link of political science, its theoretical and substantive core is the doctrine of power. It also includes an analysis of the structures and mechanisms of functioning of specific types of political systems, the interaction of their individual elements, primarily the state and political parties.

An important aspect of political science is the study of the interaction of political systems with civil society. Also an essential element of political science is the theoretical analysis of the role of man in politics, that is, the study of politics in its human dimension.

Political science also includes a complex of practical knowledge about the technology of political activity, techniques and motives of individual behavior in politics.

Political science helps ensure that members of society - leaders and ordinary citizens - are aware of social needs and interests, understand problems, and understand long-term tasks, which are often overlapped by basic needs.

One of the main tasks of political science– identifying the basic patterns of the functioning and development of politics and, thus, understanding the essence of politics. Based on knowledge of political laws, political science develops principles and norms of political activity. The study of politics is important for citizens to understand their place and role in modern society, and the ability to analyze political processes develops in an individual the ability to independently navigate the world of politics.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Moscow State University

technology and management


by discipline


Political science as a field of knowledge


4th year student

specialty 080109 (full name)

Stoyunina Anna Igorevna

Moscow 2011


Subject of political science

Methods of political science

Functions of political science



Political science occupies a prominent place among the social sciences. This place is determined by the fact that political science studies politics, the role of which in the life of society is very large. Politics is connected with all spheres of society and actively influences them. It influences the destinies of countries and peoples, the relations between them, and influences the daily life of a person. Issues of politics, political structure, democracy, political power, and the state concern all citizens and affect the interests of everyone. Therefore, the problems of politics and political life have never lost, and even more so do not lose, their current significance for literally all members of society.

In connection with these reasons, scientific research into politics, increasing knowledge about the political sphere, and developing theories of politics and political activity are currently becoming particularly relevant. The science of politics, political science, deals with these issues. Being the science of politics, political science analyzes, to one degree or another, all processes and phenomena associated with it, the entire political sphere of social life.

Modern political science began to take shape at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. Today it has become one of the most influential social sciences and the most widespread academic discipline.

It must be borne in mind that in political science throughout its existence, as in most other sciences, the question of its subject has been interpreted ambiguously. Among modern political scientists, there are also significantly different opinions on this matter. Some scientists believe that political science is only one of the sciences about politics, and its subject does not cover all areas of the political sphere of society. Other researchers essentially identify political science and political sociology as the most general sciences about politics. The third point of view is that its supporters view political science as a general, integrative science of politics in all its manifestations.

All three points of view on approaches to defining the subject of political science have both advantages and some weaknesses. Most political scientists still prefer the latter point of view.

Political science is a holistic, logically harmonious body of knowledge about politics and the organization of political life.

In all spheres of life of Russian society, a process of renewal is underway. The intrascientific status of humanitarian knowledge is also increasing. Political science plays a vital role in it. As a branch of science, it studies the political life of society, explores politics as a type of productive activity through which people change their fate and environment, search for and implement alternative projects for the future. The most important aspect of modern political science is identifying the reasons, and not the goals of political activity, clarifying who is who And who where in political life.

Subject of political science

Political science is a term formed from two Greek words: politike + logos , and literally means political science . Original meaning of the term the science - knowledge . Science is a system of constantly developing knowledge that adequately reflects objective reality in concepts. Consequently, defining the subject of political science requires clarification and analysis of political reality as such (the political sphere, politics as a system of activity, political space) and the conceptual apparatus as the tools of this science. The difficulty in defining the subject of political science today is that many authors strive to answer the question: What is the science of political science? But the problem, I think, lies on a slightly different plane. It is necessary to focus on what political science does, highlighting the main things that gradually make up this science (approaches, methods, concepts, models), its main elements, so that the latter can then be applied to the analysis of political reality, studying politics, power, political system in their concrete form.

The object of political science, like other social and humanitarian disciplines, is human society. In such a complex multidimensional and diverse object as human society, political science occupies its niche - the political sphere, politics.

Since politics is a specific form of activity of social groups and individuals, aimed at organizing and using political power, the immediate subject of political science is: political power itself, its essence and structure; mechanism for distribution and exercise of power; legitimation of political power, i.e. her ability to secure support from society. This approach to the content of the subject of political science dominates in domestic and foreign research.

The structure of political science in the most general sense consists of theoretical and practical knowledge.

Theoretical political science forms fundamental knowledge about political activity and processes of political development, develops the conceptual apparatus of science, methodology and methods of political research.

Applied political science studies the problems of transforming political reality, analyzes ways and means of purposefully influencing political processes, and offers specific recommendations for achieving practical results. The sphere of her attention is the technology and technique of organizing power, the specific activities of various political institutions, election campaigns, public opinion, features of political orientation and political behavior of various social groups. The conclusions of applied political science can serve as the basis for formulating the provisions of theoretical political science.

In the process of formation and development of political science, various theoretical approaches to the study of politics took shape. They are defined by the term “paradigm”, introduced into scientific circulation in the 20s. last century by the American historian of science and philosophy T. Kuhn.

The main paradigms of political science are theological, naturalistic, social and rational-critical.

The essence of the theological paradigm is to explain politics and power by divine will. Its emergence is associated with the early stages of the theory, when humanity did not have rational ideas about politics.

The naturalistic paradigm focuses on the conditionality of politics by the geographical environment, biological and mental qualities of people.

The social paradigm interprets politics as a derivative of other spheres of social life - economics, social structure, law, culture, ethics.

The rational-critical paradigm is focused on identifying the most important elements of policy, revealing its inconsistency and conflict potential.

There is an opinion about the uselessness of political science and on the basis that politics is only an art, and therefore scientific categories are supposedly inapplicable to it, that political situations are something one-time, not repeated, and therefore historical science is quite sufficient for their knowledge, that political science has dealing with forms of domination, and this falls within the competence of general state law, and sociology and other sciences are involved in its research.

This is why political science is still fights for its status of independence, despite the seemingly obvious recognition of it as a science on a par with other disciplines that study the political life of society. This is one of the stimulating factors for clarifying the subject of political science and related problems.

Political science reveals the nature, formation factors, methods of functioning and institutionalization of politics; determines the main trends and patterns operating in the political sphere of society, strategic priorities and, on this basis, contributes to the development of long-term targets and prospects for the development of political processes, shows politics as a struggle for power and its retention, forms and methods of power; develops a methodology for political analysis, political technologies and political forecasting, based on a theoretical vision of the problem, as well as on the results of empirical research. Like any science, it isolates only a certain moment from the totality of interactions, explores what What is political in politics?

Political science as an independent scientific discipline has its own categorical apparatus and system of methods for understanding political reality. Let's look at them.

Methods of political science

It is generally accepted that research methods are means of analysis and ways of testing and evaluating theory. Some authors believe that there are no specific political science methods, that the study of political life is characterized by a certain eclecticism, a symbiosis of the methodology of humanitarian research and the technique of empirical research. True, which of the social sciences can claim purely its own methods. A well-known trend in political science - empiric-analytical (scientist - the idea of ​​​​the unity of sciences), is based on the following position: all sciences are characterized by the same scientific-logical empirical-analytical criteria.

There are quite a lot of methods for understanding reality. There is also a classification of them. They talk, for example, about experimental methods, methods for processing empirical data, methods for constructing a scientific theory, methods for presenting scientific results. According to another classification, methods are divided into philosophical, general scientific and special scientific. Thus, methods of a general scientific nature are comparison, analysis and synthesis, generalization, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, induction and deduction, observation. There is another classification. It is based on the difference between methods of qualitative and quantitative study of reality. Figuratively speaking, methods can be qualified according to the following criteria: from a bird's eye view, from a mountain and from a mouse hole (L. Gumilyov). Currently, the deepening interconnection of sciences leads to the fact that the results, models and methods of some sciences are increasingly used in others, becoming more specific in each individual science.

In political science, it seems possible to divide methods into two groups: traditional and new. The first group includes the following.

Historical method. The importance of using the historical method in political analysis is largely determined by the needs of political practice, because its timely and correct application will avoid manifestations of voluntarism and subjectivism in politics. In addition, an accurate and complete reflection of the history of the political phenomenon or event being studied also presupposes the reproduction of specific features and specific features inherent in them in specific historical conditions.

Comparison method. From the point of view of formal logic, any comparison is an action aimed at establishing signs of similarity or difference between two or more comparable events, phenomena, since who knows one, knows none . Hume also famously said: If you want to know the Greeks and Romans, study the English and French . The comparative method in politics focuses primarily on revealing the common features of the political life of different countries, peoples and eras. However, he cannot limit himself to this alone, since in politics we are dealing with systems of particular complexity. For example, in politics, more than anywhere else, such moving variables , as the personality of the leader, the dynamics of political situations, processes, the relationship and alignment of political forces; as participants in political events, the nature of external and internal political conflicts, the development, adoption and implementation of political decisions, the behavior of voters, etc. Therefore, the comparative method cannot capture only the general features of political systems and regimes, but must also reveal the specifics of their functioning and development.

Systems approach. Currently, it occupies one of the leading places in scientific knowledge in general. The systems approach is most widely used in the study of complex developing objects - multi-level, usually self-organizing. These, in particular, include political systems, organizations, and institutions. With a systems approach, an object is considered as a set of elements, the interconnection of which determines the integral properties of this set. For example, among political institutions an important place belongs to the state. When analyzing it, the main emphasis is on identifying the variety of connections and relationships that take place both within the state (system) and in its relationships with the external environment (other political institutions within the country, states). The state is structurally represented by many elements. Among them, the main one is the control apparatus, which in turn consists of hundreds of elements. D. Easton (USA) was one of the first to use a systems approach in political science. Its concept is described in detail in the topic "Political Systems".

Structural-functional analysis. Using the structural-functional approach, the political scientist identifies the most important structures and tries to trace their functions, or analyzes certain actions in reverse order - up to the structures that gave rise to them, without being guided by any specific connection between this structure and functions. The purpose of structural-functional analysis is to quantify those changes to which a given system can adapt without compromising its basic functional responsibilities

Modeling method. The need for this method arises when the study of a real political phenomenon or event is impossible or difficult, too expensive or takes a long time. The model here acts as an analogue of a real political object. The following are subject to modeling: any mechanism of the political system (say, the mechanism for implementing political power) or a process (for example, the decision-making process), or a separate fragment of the functioning of the system (let’s say, its management), institutions, their elements or associations (state, its bodies, the political regime specifically), interaction with other political systems (international relations), etc.

In addition to traditional methods, political science also uses its own means of understanding political reality. These include the following.

Group of behaviorist techniques. Behaviorism (from English behaviorism behavior ) as an object of study, considers the political behavior of individuals in various situations: during elections in conditions of competition between different parties; when making a political decision, etc. The purpose of the research is to build a systemic empirical model. The study of an individual's political behavior is aimed at searching for all empirical information (measurement) with the help of direct observers (participants) or indirectly.

Group theory. According to his theory, the main thing is not the commonality of positions, but the interaction within the group based on the views shared by group members. This interaction is key to understanding interest groups.

The group theory of politics can be summarized as follows: politics is the process of authoritative distribution of social values ​​- this is achieved through decision-making; decisions are a product of activity; any activity is not isolated from its other types, and the totality of the latter is characterized by a general tendency in relation to decision-making; the variety of activities is determined by the activities of groups, therefore the struggle between groups (for interests) determines the adoption of certain decisions. Group and interest are inseparable. Decision making is the result of the activities of organized groups that intervene in the process of development and decision-making. Therefore, political reality lies in the constant struggle for power and influence between groups.

So, groups influence political activities and processes. This impact needs to be explored and studied in the light of a number of factors: the national or regional nature of the groups; their universality or specificity; their structures and memberships; their leaders and resources, methods of mobilizing public opinion; their relationships with political parties and other quasi-public institutions; by the degree of internal autonomy and the nature of the internal organization.

Method of political communication. Communication is the transfer of meaning using symbols. It is the process by which a person or group(s) makes known to another person or group(s) their position on a particular issue. Communication is carried out through works of painting, music, mathematical symbols, works of art, gestures, facial expressions, etc.

Game theory and decision making method. In political science, game theory is of great value. At the level of political philosophy, formal game models help to study such categories as power, freedom, equality. From the point of view of studying the bureaucratic process, they are useful in the study of communication, informatization, as well as centralization and decentralization. Models (games) also contribute to raising questions related to social and political stability. Game theory helps answer the question of the reliability and adequacy of formal rational models of behavior of a political leader. In studying the process of political negotiations and reaching agreements, they help to identify the meaning of such concepts as, for example, threat.

An integral part of game theory is the decision-making method. In any political system there are individuals or organizations that make decisions. They constitute the elite of a given political system. At the same time, there are situations when official institutions turn into puppets and the answer to the question is who makes decisions - not so simple. In such cases, specific individuals who control or influence formal decision-making institutions should be identified.

In political science, it seems appropriate to distinguish between methods and techniques. Political science strives not only to describe and explain political phenomena, but also focuses on action, on the organization of modern social life. There is, however, an opinion that as political science develops, quantitative research methods are increasingly used, changes occur in its language. This makes it difficult for the public to perceive its results. In this regard, there is some mistrust of the conclusions and recommendations of political scientists.

political science society science

Functions of political science

The concept itself function (from Latin functio) means commission, fulfillment, obligation, circle of activity.

The functions of political science are realized on many planes of political life and therefore can be differentiated accordingly. Let's select the first group - classical theoretical functions. It includes:

) conceptual-descriptive. It consists of providing the researcher, within the framework of political science and beyond, with a certain stock of terms, concepts and categories, as well as description rules reflecting the content of political reality covered in these categories and concepts. This allows us to answer the question what and how is it done? ;

) an explanatory function that provides certain explanations of political processes and events based on identified trends, facts, and patterns. This allows us to answer the question Why is it done this way and not otherwise? ;

) prognostic function. Its purpose is to formulate foreknowledge in accordance with statements that were previously used for explanation.

One of the goals of science is prediction. Therefore, the value of political science research is determined not only by how adequately it reflects certain trends, but also by the extent to which they culminate in scientifically based forecasts. Of particular interest is forecasting the consequences of political decisions made today, as well as political monitoring - tracking and early warning of undesirable political events in the future. Let us note that determining the immediate and long-term prospects for the development of our society is not part of the function of political science (this is the prerogative of the science of prognostics).

The three functions considered actually reflect the very essence of science, which consists of description, explanation and prediction.

The second group of political science functions is of an applied nature:

) methodologically assessing. It presents the researcher with a system of methods and research procedures. This is a kind of theory of political technology and political analysis; formulating assessments of the cognitive usefulness of the results of these studies;

) integrating function, which consists in creating the possibility of using the achievements of other disciplines. That is, to what extent is a given science, based on its language (terms, concepts, categories) and methodological tools, capable of collaborating with related sciences, enriching itself and its neighbor? .

The third group of functions are those implemented outside science:

) instrumental-rationalizing (managerial), giving political subjects knowledge about the political environment, situation and means of successfully influencing them. She answers the question - how and why? Political science here acts as one of the elements of the system of means that realize political goals and are an instrument for creating a situation that is optimal for the subjects of political action. Political science specifically examines the problem of developing, adopting and implementing political decisions, and provides recommendations for optimal and effective political activity;

) ideological function built around the issue - For what? It consists in restructuring the content of functioning socio-political values, in substantiating the essential connection of values ​​motivating the actions of participants in political events. All the functions of political science considered reflect its close connection with life. Their implementation at different levels of political life shows political science as an active science, as one of the important social disciplines, the role of which today in the political modernization of Russia is steadily increasing.

The features of political knowledge are determined by the fact that it considers society as an organic unity of various aspects of its life, functioning and developing through the political activity of people. Political science studies political interests and relationships that arise in the process of this activity, in the interrelation of objective and subjective factors. The political system and the political sphere of society in general acts as the most important object of political science research. Its analysis includes all issues related to political problems, political needs and values, people’s political orientations and the degree of their implementation, people’s attitude towards themselves as subjects of politics, as well as various political events and processes occurring in society.

The range of issues of political knowledge is quite wide and we can conclude that political science is a science that covers the entire spectrum of the world of politics. But such a conclusion does not at all capture the essence of the problem. After all, politics is studied by many sciences, and each of them has its own specific approach, they have their own subject, which, reflecting the dynamics of the object, does not remain given once and for all.

Therefore, political science, like any social science, if it wants to prevent disintegration or loss of its structural unity, preserve and increase its scientific and practical significance, it must constantly clarify its subject, categorical apparatus (the language of science), methods and functions.


Concluding the work, I would like to emphasize that different researchers disagree with each other in assessing the boundaries and content of political science, the range of problems it covers, the criteria for identifying it as an independent scientific discipline, and so on. The uncertainty and blurred boundaries of political science are complemented by a variety of socio-philosophical, ideological, political and ideological positions, methodological principles, research methods and techniques. And, nevertheless, the current rapid development of the political sphere in our country, the keen interest in its problems on the part of scientists from various branches of knowledge allow us to hope that these difficulties will be overcome.

Political science is closely related to the life of society. Like any other science, political science appeared as a result of certain social needs, and therefore its development, the elaboration of one or another problem, is aimed at satisfying this need. The social purpose of political science is determined by the functions that it performs for the individual and society and which can be reduced to three main ones:

firstly, cognitive, associated with the process of research and penetration into the mechanism and patterns of political life, as well as description, explanation and assessment of certain of its events and phenomena.

Political science in all its structural branches, at all levels of research, provides, first of all, an increase in knowledge about various areas of political life, reveals the patterns and prospects of political processes. This is served by both theoretical research that develops the principles of knowledge of political phenomena, and direct research that supplies this science with rich factual material, specific information about certain areas of social life;

secondly, the function of rationalization of social life is closely related to the cognitive function. Political science provides an explanation and interpretation of complex political processes, reveals the rational mechanism of these processes as the interaction of human goals, interests, ambitions, and so on. Thanks to this, political actions acquire a clear and accessible character to the consciousness of the individual.

thirdly, the practical orientation of political science is also expressed in the fact that it is capable of developing scientifically based forecasts about trends in the development of the political life of society. This reveals the predictive function of political science. Political science can provide:

long-term forecast about the range of possibilities for the political development of a particular country at a given historical stage;

present alternative scenarios for future processes associated with each of the selected options for large-scale political action;

calculate the probable losses for each of the alternatives, including side effects. But most often, political scientists give short-term forecasts about the development of the political situation in a country or region, the prospects and capabilities of certain leaders, parties, and so on.

Political science has direct practical relevance for the development of public policy. Based on political science research, criteria for identifying politically significant social problems are developed, the necessary information is provided, social, national and defense policies of the government are formed, social conflicts are prevented and resolved.

List of sources used

1.Lukyanov V.Yu. Political science. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University ITMO, 2007

.Maletin S.S. Political science. - Novosibirsk, 1998

.Pronin E.A. Political science. - M.: MIEMP, 2005. indicating the topic right now to find out about the possibility of obtaining a consultation.

The concept of “politics” was first coined by Aristotle in his treatise of the same name (from the Greek ta politika - that which relates to the state). In the 18th-19th centuries, a rational-analytical view took the place of philosophical, speculative analysis. it develops methods of thinking and scientific tools of political analysis to help explore various phenomena of political life and predict their possible political consequences. Closely related to other sciences. The founder of political science is Machiavelli (Florentine political thinker of the 16th century), who was one of the first to consider politics as an independent sphere of society. There is another point of view.. Antiquity was the birthplace of not only political philosophy, but also political science. Plato, with his ideas about the ideal state, that is, normative views, is the father of political philosophy, and Aristotle, with his real analysis of the forms of government, that is, considering political reality as an object of study, is the father of political science. The significance of this period lies in the accumulation and transmission of political knowledge from generation to generation. The second is from the beginning of modern times to approximately the middle of the twentieth century (Tocqueville, Comte, Marx). The subject range of political science is being formed, which is being formed under the direct influence of the natural sciences. The third period is the twentieth century, which, according to Duverger, is actually the history of political science.

2 Ticket Object subject and functions of political science

Political Science Object – politics, the political sphere of social life. Object levels:

general patterns of formation, development and change political systems, concepts and categories; real political processes(development of theories and methods of political activity); case studies of political institutions, analysis of situations, subjects, objects of policy.

Subject of political science – patterns of formation and functioning of political power.

Basic methods of political science:

Dialectical; - systemic;

- structural and functional;

- behavioral; - comparative (comparative); - concrete historical; - sociological; - normative; - institutional;

Synergetic; - anthropological; - psychological; - behaviourist; - expert assessments; :

Political modeling. Functions of political science

epistemological– forms knowledge about politics and its role in society;

ideological, which contributes to the development of a certain vision of political reality;

methodological, which boils down to the fact that the conclusions of political science can serve as the basis for more specific political theories;

regulatory, which involves the assimilation of political knowledge through direct influence on political actions;

prognostic, revealing trends in the development of political phenomena through forecasts;


(axiological) – gives an accurate assessment of events. 3. Basic paradigms and schools of political science. From the point of view of modern political science, the following types of paradigms can be distinguished. 1.Theological paradigm formed at the initial stage of development of political teachings, when power and the state were considered as bearers of the divine will. Existed from ancient times until the late Middle Ages. 2.Naturalistic paradigm explains the features of politics mainly by non-social factors - geographical environment, climatic conditions, biological and racial characteristics.. The theoretical database of ideas is the doctrines of early positivism, according to which the goal of any science is a description of the immediate observable. Accordingly, in political science the subject of direct observation is the behavior of individuals, social groups, etc. The explanation of behavior was reduced to an unambiguously rigid scheme: stimulus – organism – reaction. Thus, the biological properties of the organism, namely gender, age, and innate qualities of a person, according to this concept, can serve as the basis for explaining political behavior. At the same time, the influence of other factors mediating human reaction and behavior was not recognized as significant. On these principles, behaviorism (the science of behavior) was formed - one of the leading trends in American political science at the beginning of the twentieth century. “Man is a power-hungry animal.” The desire for power lies in all forms of human life without exception: in relationships between spouses, parents and children, bosses and subordinates, etc. This same passion underlies any political action. Currently, the ideas of biopolitics are embodied in feminist theories that study the characteristics of women's political behavior, namely the influence of gender, age, temperament on the field of politics and other teachings. 4.

Social paradigm

unites various theories that explain the nature of politics through social factors, primarily the determining role of one or another sphere of public life. These positions, for example, are adhered to by Marxism, according to which politics is limited to economic relations. In Western political science, the concept of law is widespread, according to which law is considered as the generating cause of politics, determining its content and direction. Supporters of this concept believe that law, and not political activity, ensures socio-political compromise in society. Thus, within the framework of this paradigm, certain political values ​​are proclaimed that determine the nature of people’s behavior.

Political theory is a branch within which concepts, models and images of political reality are created. The purpose of the research is to identify causal connections and construct theories that describe political processes and claim to explain the causes of political phenomena.

Comparative political science is also a branch of political science, within which, through comparison, common features and specific differences of various groups of political objects are identified. The use of comparative analysis in the field of political research has been known since antiquity. Already in the works of Aristotle, Polybius, Cicero one can find features of comparative studies. Modern comparative political science is characterized by interest in such phenomena as group interests, neo-corporatism, political participation, rational choice, ethnic, religious, demographic factors and their influence on politics, modernization processes, stability and instability of political regimes, conditions for the emergence of democracy, the influence of politics on society, etc. There are several types of comparative research: cross-national comparison is focused on comparing states with each other; comparatively oriented description of individual cases (case studies); binary analysis based on comparison of two (most often similar) countries; cross-cultural and cross-institutional comparisons, aimed respectively at comparing national cultures and institutions.

Applied political science is a branch of political science within which specific political problems and situations are studied, practical recommendations are developed regarding actions and measures aimed at solving practical social and political problems of reforming and changing organizations, institutions and social groups, political technologies are developed and methods are determined their applications.

The main efforts of researchers in the field of applied political science are aimed at developing and applying methods of political analysis to study specific political situations, studying decision-making processes, developing and applying technologies for political influence.

Applied political science is directly related to the practice of public administration, the development of political strategy and tactics of political parties, the resolution of political conflicts, and the conduct of election campaigns.

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"political science"

Derived from the Greek words polites (citizen) and logos (word). In a broader sense, it means knowledge about the political life of society. Political science has gone through several stages in its development. It originated in Ancient Greece. Its emergence is associated with the names and works of outstanding thinkers Plato and Aristotle. For the first time, they made an attempt to systematically describe the forms of government, classify them, identify the patterns of functioning of power, and relations with other states. Aristotle penned the famous work “Politics”. In it he laid the foundations of political science as a separate independent discipline. Therefore, many consider Aristotle the father of political science. However, in ancient times the subject of political science was not distinguished in its modern understanding.

In their works they substantiated the rights of the human person, the principles of freedom, equality, fraternity, the concept of legality and popular sovereignty, and put forward the ideas of eternal peace based on international cooperation and a fair structure of society. N. Machiavelli made an outstanding contribution to the development of political science as a science. He singled out the subject of political science and differentiated between it, ethics and philosophy. N. Machiavelli directed political thought towards solving real problems of the development of human society, highlighting the problem of state power as the most important. Essentially, a major step was taken towards the creation of modern political science.

Political science acquired its modern appearance in the second half of the 19th century. This is due to the emergence and widespread dissemination of behavioral, empirical research methods and the general progress of sociological knowledge. The most prominent representatives of this period were the Italian V. Pareto, German philosophers M. Weber, K. Marx, F. Engels, American scientists W. James, A. Wentley, C. Merriam, G. Lasevel, A. Kaplan and others.

In 1880, the first political science journal began to be published in the United States, and in 1903 the national political science association was created.

Political science developed intensively in Russia. A prominent contribution to the development of world political thought was made by M. M. Kovalevsky, B. N. Chicherin, P. I. Novgorodtsev, M. Ostrogorsky, V. I. Lenin, G. V. Plekhanov and others.

The process of establishing political science as an independent discipline was completed by the beginning of the 20th century. Its development was facilitated by the adoption by UNESCO in 1948 of a resolution that defined a list of problems studied by political science: 1) political history; 2) political. institutions; 3) parties, groups and public opinion; 4) international relations. In 1949, under the auspices of UNESCO, the International Political Science Association was created.

Thus, we can conclude that in its development, political science, like any social science, went through three stages: philosophical, empirical and the stage of reflection, revision of the empirical state.

Today, political science, along with sociology and psychology, occupies a leading place in American and European social science. In terms of the number of studies and the number of publications, it ranks first among social science disciplines. Political science is taught in almost all higher educational institutions abroad.

Political science -- the science of politics, about the patterns of emergence of political phenomena (institutions, relationships, processes), about the methods and forms of their functioning and development, about methods of managing political processes, about political consciousness, culture, etc.

Political science studies primarily the political sphere of people’s life: political structure, political institutions and relationships, political qualities of an individual, political command, political culture, etc. Consequently, the object of political science research is the political sphere of society as an objective reality independent of the researcher. The subject of political science is tsya political power.

1 . Categories of political science

· Freedom

· System


· Culture

· Society

· Population

· Evolution

· Revolution

· Civilization

· Way of thinking

· Military-industrial complex

· Social layers and groups

· Constitutional state

· Private property

· Civil society

· Public opinion

· Constitution

· Motivation

· Conflict

· Policy

· Political organization

· Politic system

· Political regime

· Political pluralism

· Political interests

· Political values

· Political activity

2 . Branches of political science

Theoretical political science - studies scientific problems related to the formation of knowledge about political reality, develops a methodology for political research.

Applied Political Science- studies the problems of transforming political reality, analyzes ways and means of purposeful influence on political processes, offers specific recommendations for achieving practical results. The sphere of her attention is the technology and technique of organizing power, the specific activities of various political institutions, election campaigns, public opinion, features of political orientation and political behavior of various social groups. The conclusions of applied political science can serve as the basis for formulating the provisions of theoretical political science.

Comparative Politics(comparative studies)-- one of the areas of political science (political science). The main method of comparative political science is the method of comparison. Comparative political science deals with the study of politics by comparing and contrasting similar political phenomena in different political systems. Among such phenomena, political processes, political relations, political institutions, political regimes, political culture, political parties, movements, etc. are primarily studied.

3 . Sections of political science

Partology- a branch of political science that studies political parties.

KratologistsI-studies political power.

Geopolitics- an area of ​​state foreign policy that takes into account the characteristics of the physical, economic and political geography of a certain country. countries.

Political psychology- a branch of psychology that studies human political behavior concerning problems of both foreign and domestic policy.

Political sociology- branch of sociology. It is a related discipline to social and political sciences. The subject of political sociology is the study of: the interaction of political and social systems in the process of functioning and distribution of power;

interaction between the individual, society and the state; the functioning of political norms, values, political expectations, orientations and aspirations characteristic of various social groups.

4 . Functions of political science

The very concept of “function” (from the Latin functio) means commission, execution, obligation, circle of activity.

1) Cognitive function. Knowledge of political reality.

2) Application function. Application of political knowledge to solve practical problems.

3) Prognostic function. Its purpose is to formulate foreknowledge in accordance with statements that were previously used for explanation.

4) Methodologically evaluating function. It presents the researcher with a system of methods and research procedures. This is a kind of theory of political technology and political analysis; formulating assessments of the cognitive usefulness of the results of these studies.

5) Ideological function. Developing a justification and defense of a certain political ideal that contributes to the stability of a particular political system.

5 . Paradigms of political science

1) Conflictological paradigm- the development of society is viewed through the struggle of various social groups

2) Theological paradigm. At the heart of the theological paradigm, the source of state power is divine principles. Proponents of this paradigm see the origins of power in the Divine will and holy scriptures.

3) Naturalistic paradigm. This paradigm considers humans as part of nature and explains the whole essence of politics based on natural environmental factors, geographical, climatic factors, etc.

4) Geopolitical paradigm. The geopolitical paradigm implies the geographical influence of the environment on the political system.

5) Biopolitical paradigm. This paradigm is based on the principle of human behavior, reactions to a set of fixed stimuli.

6) Psychologizing paradigm. The essence of such a paradigm lies in attempts to explain political behavior only by the psychological qualities of an individual or group of individuals.

7) Social paradigm. The social paradigm assumes that policy depends on the level of economic development of the country, cultural traditions, etc. It unites various theories.

6 . Methods of political science

Political science is a multifunctional science. Therefore, in her research she uses various directions and methods.

1. The sociological method finds out how politics depends on the social sphere, that is, on society.

2. The structural-functional method considers politics as an integral system, where each element performs a specific function.

3. The functional method studies politics through dependencies between political phenomena (for example, political culture - the regime of power, the presence of political parties - the electoral system, etc.).

4. The systems method considers politics as a system-mechanism that interacts with the outside world. The demands of citizens, their wishes, claims, support or dissatisfaction are the “input” of the system; the reaction of the state and the authorities to this is the “way out”.

5. The anthropological method studies the phenomena of political life on the basis of the irrational, instinctive nature of human behavior, considers man as a generic being with basic needs - food, safety, freedom, etc.

6. The comparative method compares political parties, political systems, political regimes, etc., in order to identify the most effective forms of organizing society and ways to solve political problems. political science science applied paradigm

7. The historical method studies political phenomena in their historical development, which allows us to draw parallels between the past and present political processes.

8. The empirical method studies politics on the basis of empirical research (statistics, surveys, questionnaires, experiments, observations, etc.).


1. Abdieva G.I. Political consciousness and political culture: Textbook. allowance. - Almaty: KazNTU, 2008. - 115 p.

2. Vasilin M.A., Vershinin M.S. Political science. Elementary course. Textbook for university students.

3. Lecture notes

4. Soloviev A.I. Political science. Political theory. Political technologies.

5. Teaching materials in the discipline “Political Science” for specialties 050507, 050508, 050908, 050708. Almaty: KazNTU, 2007. Compiled by: Zainieva L.Yu, Syrlybaeva R.N., Abdieva G.I., Ivashok A.A.

6. Wikipedia - https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Posted on Allbest.ru


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  • 1.2. Political science as a branch of scientific knowledge and academic discipline. History of political thought and the stage of institutionalization of political science

    The term "political science" is formed on the basis of two Greek words: politike - public, state affairs and logos - teaching, word. The author of the first concept is considered to be Aristotle, the second - Heraclitus. From this phrase it follows that political science is a doctrine, the science of politics.

    The first forms of specialized (proto-scientific) reflection and understanding of the world of politics were formed 2.5 thousand years ago and existed mainly in a religious-mythological form. They were based on ideas about divine origin and the organization of power.

    In the middleIthousand BC In connection with the works of Confucius, Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, the first political categories, definitions (definitions), and then entire concepts that have a philosophical and ethical form appear.

    Gradually, political thought is freed from religious influence and philosophical and ethical interpretation. The most clear demarcation of political science from theology, philosophy, law, ethics, history was carried out by VXVIV. IN..Machiavelli. He identified political research as an independent scientific direction, which marked the beginning of the transformation of political science into an independent science. Machiavelli formulated its subject and method (the method of political realism), and for the first time put the problem of state and power at the center of the study. He is rightfully considered one of the founders of political science.

    From the middleXIXV. a new stage in the formation and development of political science was outlined. In 1857, a course of lectures on political theory began at Columbia College (later becoming a university). In 1880, the Higher School of Political Science was opened there. In 1872, the French Free School of Political Science (now the Institute of Political Studies of the University of Paris) accepted its first students. In 1895, the London School of Economics and Political Science opened its doors, and in 1920, the Berlin Graduate School of Political Science.

    At firstXXe. The process of separating political science into an independent scientific discipline has largely been completed. Its most important national schools, directions and centers were formed. The American Political Science Association was founded in 1903, and the International Political Science Association in 1949.

    In 1948 UNESCO(PLO Commission on Educational, Scientific and Cultural Affairs) recommended a course in political science for study at universities in member countries of this organization.

    In the USSR and a number of other socialist countries, political science as an independent science was not recognized and was interpreted as an anti-Marxist, bourgeois pseudoscience. The development of genuine political science was hampered by the dogmas of official Marxism, the ideologization of politics, and the isolation of Soviet social science from world socio-political thought.

    The situation began to change only in the second half of the 80s of the twentieth century as society democratized and the political system transformed. Currently, the status of political science as a scientific branch of knowledge and academic discipline is officially recognized. Institutes and centers for political research have been created, and professional political scientists are being trained. Since 1989, the course of political science has been taught in higher and some other educational institutions of Belarus. In 1993, the Belarusian Association of Political Sciences was formed. As an academic discipline, political science has finally established itself in the middleXXV.

    Currently, political science is one of the most prestigious social sciences, ranking first in the number of studies conducted and the number of publications.

    1 .3. Political power: concept, structure, functions. Functioning of political power in the Republic of Belarus

    Power arose long before the emergence of the state and initially did not perform purely political functions. For approximately 40 thousand years, the processes of constant interaction between people and their associations were supported mainly by mechanisms of social self-organization. They manifested themselves in the form of local family ties, the management of chiefs, shamans and other leaders of primitive societies. Their leading links were customs, traditions, mores, religious dogmas and other unwritten simple norms and ways of living together. Power relations were determined by voluntary submission based on faith, commandments, and morality.

    It should be noted that in the political science literature there are numerous definitions of power given by T. Hobbes. M. Weber, R. Dahlem. G. Lasswell et al.

    In its general sense power can be defined as the ability and opportunity to exercise one’s will in relation to other social forces or the individual.

    It is important to understand that state power is always political power, but political power is not always state power (the power of favorites, temporary workers).

    Political power acts as a social phenomenon and a regulator of political relations. Political power:

    - it is an institutionally (normatively) enshrined prerogative and organized power of social actors to determine the goals and objectives of politics and government, guide society and mobilize its resources and joint activities to achieve their goals. Here the government functions on behalf of and in the interests of the entire society, or at least its majority.

    The essential features of political power are:

    Sovereignty (independence) and indivisibility of power. Sovereignty means that political power has the right to independently command, make decisions, and carry out its functions regardless of any forces, circumstances and persons,

    – authority, i.e. designation of a special quality of power and the method of its implementation. Authority is the correspondence of power to the value concepts of the majority of citizens, a way of exercising power based on faith in its legitimacy and voluntary, conscious submission to it;

    – strong-willed character, i.e. the presence in power of goals, programs, and readiness to achieve their implementation. Aimless power is its crisis or paralysis;

    – coercion, i.e. the use of force and all other means at the disposal of power to ensure obedience and agreement with it. Power is always coercion, but the greater its authority, the less the degree of coercion.

    The functions of political power include:

    – domination (subordination of some groups, classes to others);

    – leadership (definition and legislative consolidation of the political, ideological, economic will of the ruling elite of society);

    – management (implementation of the general line, adoption of specific management decisions);

    – control (ensuring compliance with social norms, rules of activity of people and social groups in society);

    as well as the formation of the political system of society; management of government bodies, political and non-political processes (maintaining public order and stability; identifying, limiting and resolving conflicts; achieving public consent, consensus; coercion in the name of socially significant goals, etc.); organization of the political life of society, political relations and their management (expression and implementation of powerful interests of groups and sectors of society; distribution and redistribution of public goods and resources, taking into account group priorities; solving other social problems); socialization of the individual, his inclusion in the life of a complex state and society; creation of reality (projective function).

    Its effectiveness, type of government, political regime, political system and other political characteristics of a given society depend on the performance of its functions by political power.

    Subjects political authorities - these are all those who take a real part in power interactions with the state and with each other. These include:

    - social communities (classes, people, social groups and strata);

    - state

    - political parties and organizations;

    Ruling elites, bureaucracy, lobbies (pressure groups);

    Group and individual leadership;

    Personal power;

    Individuals (citizens) in the conditions of elections, referendums, demonstrations.

    Power is exercised in various ways. Ways to exercise political power– a system that determines the place, functions and relations with each other of institutions of power and management in the political process for realizing the goals of politics and power.

    The ways of exercising power are domination, leadership, management, organization, control.

    The power of the state as the main, supreme political institution is exercised by a special apparatus for managing society - a system of government bodies, which has its own characteristics in each specific country.

    Thus, the system of government bodies in the Republic of Belarus, enshrined in the Constitution of the country, consists of:

    Presidential power;

    Legislative bodies – Parliament – ​​National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus;

    Executive authorities – Government – ​​Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, ministries and state committees, local government bodies;

    Judicial authorities – Constitutional Court, general, economic and other courts;

    Control and supervisory authorities - the prosecutor's office, the State Control Committee.
