What benefits and payments are granted to holders of the Order of Courage? History of awarding and characteristics of the Order of Courage.

In Russia now there are quite a lot of citizens whose merits have been especially noted by the state with various awards.

Among them, the Order of Courage occupies a special place. It is given to those who, at a crucial moment, showed themselves to be truly heroic and did everything possible to protect people from mortal danger.

However, in reality, quite a few citizens who previously received the Order of Courage know what benefits and privileges are attached to this award.

Who is awarded the Order of Courage

This insignia was established not so long ago - in 1994. Amendments to the statute were made in 1999 and 2010. The last decree was signed by the then head of state, Dmitry Medvedev.

The award can be presented to any Russian citizen who, in a dangerous situation, managed to show courage and bravery. Thus, most often the gentlemen usually become:

  • employees of government agencies and ordinary citizens who participated in rescue operations during the elimination of disasters or accidents;
  • law enforcement advocates;
  • persons performing their duties in an environment dangerous to their health or life.

At the same time, the statute of the order suggests that foreign subjects can also become its cavaliers. Since its establishment, more than 100 thousand people have been awarded the Order of Courage.

In general, this type of incentive from the state also involves the provision of a number of benefits and cash payments.

Order of Courage and existing benefits

First of all, it will be necessary to mention the one-time amounts paid when a citizen is awarded the specified award.

In particular, in accordance with the decree of the head of state number 765, put into effect in 2006, the recipient of this award is also awarded a prize on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation. It must be transferred to the gentleman within 30 days, starting from the moment the award decision is promulgated.

Thus, civil servants of the following categories awarded with the Order of Courage also receive five official salaries:

  • military personnel;
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • employees of the penitentiary system;
  • employees of prosecutor's offices;
  • officials of the Sledkom of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for receiving these payments is regulated by local legal acts in force in each specific department.

Thus, if after receiving the order the money was not accrued, the gentlemen will have to submit a report to the authorities. In addition, it is also important to receive a response from management, which should indicate the reason that prevented the accrual of the required amounts. With him, if something happens, it will not be difficult to get your way through the court.

The award also affects the amount of severance pay. This point applies to military personnel and law enforcement officers. In all cases, in addition to that assigned by law, holders of the order are also required to accrue an additional amount in the amount of one official salary.

The Order of Courage allows its owner to claim a number of other benefits. For example, they receive bonuses if they work in dangerous conditions. This rule applies in particular to employees of the Russian army and law enforcement agencies.

Also in Moscow and a number of other cities it will be much easier for the recipient to receive the next honorary title “Veteran of Labor”. True, this becomes possible if one of the following conditions is met:

  • reaching retirement age;
  • presence of work experience (men – 25 years, women – 20).

It is also worth noting that a full cavalier (that is, awarded with all orders up to the 3rd degree inclusive) after another selfless act is usually awarded the star of the Hero of Russia. This distinction implies the presence of its own benefits and payments.

In a situation where the award was earned during an armed conflict, the recipient has the opportunity to receive the status of a military veteran.

As can be understood from all of the above, no special benefits are assigned for the Order of Courage. Rather, it is a means for more easily obtaining a number of other honorary titles, the holders of which are already entitled to quite tangible privileges.

Benefits for relatives of citizens awarded posthumously

In particular, the widow, as well as other close relatives (no more than 3 people) are entitled to free tickets to travel to the gentleman’s grave and in the opposite direction. This benefit is provided no more than once a year.

Original title Order "For Courage" Country Ukraine Ukraine Type Order Status awarded Statistics Establishment date August 21, 1996 First award III Art. - August 22, 1996, II Art. - August 22, 1996 Ist century - October 17, 1997 Sequence Senior Award Order of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred Junior Award Order of Princess Olga Compliant Insignia of the President of Ukraine “For courage” Order For Courage on Wikimedia Commons

Order "For Courage"(ukr. Order "For Courage") - a state award of Ukraine to reward military personnel, law enforcement officers and other persons for personal courage and heroism shown in saving people and material assets during liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations, in the fight against crime, as well as in other cases during the performance of military, official , public debt in conditions associated with risk to life.

History of the award

  • On April 29, 1995, by Decree of the President of Ukraine L. D. Kuchma No. 340/95, the insignia of the President of Ukraine “For Courage” - star “For Courage” and cross “For Courage”. The decree also approved the Regulations and descriptions of insignia. On the same day, the “Name firearm weapon” distinction of the President of Ukraine was established.
  • On August 21, 1996, it was established by Decree of the President of Ukraine L. D. Kuchma No. 720/96 insignia of the President of Ukraine - Order "For Courage" I, II, III degrees. The decree also approved the Charter of the insignia and the description of the insignia of the order. Those awarded the Order “For Courage” were equated with persons awarded the insignia of the President of Ukraine “For Courage” - the star “For Courage” and the cross “For Courage”; further awarding of the insignia of the President of Ukraine “For Courage” has been discontinued.
  • On March 16, 2000, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine “On State Awards of Ukraine”, which established the state award of Ukraine - Order "For Courage" I, II, III degrees. The law provided that its effect extends to legal relations related to the awarding of persons awarded the insignia of the President of Ukraine. The President was recommended to bring his decisions into compliance with the adopted Law.

Insignia of the President of Ukraine “For Courage” - star “For Courage” and cross “For Courage”

Persons awarded the insignia of the President of Ukraine - the star “For Courage”, the cross “For Courage” are equated to those awarded the Order “For Courage” and are recognized as holders of the Order “For Courage”, retaining the right to wear the insignia awarded to them. In connection with the establishment of the Order "For Courage" in the city, the awarding of insignia of the President of Ukraine - the star "For Courage" and the cross "For Courage" - was stopped.

Veterans Awards

By Decree of the President of Ukraine L. D. Kuchma No. 1329/99 of October 14, 1999 in commemoration of the 55th anniversary of the liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders, for the courage and dedication shown in the fight against fascism during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 It was decided to award the insignia of the President of Ukraine - the Order “For Courage”:

  • privates, sergeants and senior officers - participants in combat operations in the Great Patriotic War.

By Decree of the President of Ukraine L. D. Kuchma No. 1314/2003 of November 18, 2003, in addition to Decree No. 1329/99, it was decided to award the Order “For Courage” to:

  • partisans and underground fighters - participants in the fighting in the Great Patriotic War.

By Decree of the President of Ukraine V. A. Yushchenko No. 161/2006 dated February 28, 2006, Decree No. 1329/99 was extended in terms of awarding the Order “For Courage”:

  • participants in the fighting in the 1945 war with imperialist Japan.

Statute of the order

  1. The Order of Courage is awarded to citizens of Ukraine, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons.
  2. The Order “For Courage” has three degrees, the highest degree of the order is І degree.
  3. Anyone awarded the Order “For Courage” of any degree is called a Knight of the Order “For Courage”.
  4. The Order "For Courage" of the 1st degree has the insignia of the order - the cross and star of the order, the 2nd and 3rd degrees - only the insignia of the order.
  5. The Order of Courage can be awarded posthumously.
  6. The deprivation of the Order “For Courage” can be carried out by the President of Ukraine in the event of conviction of the recipient for a serious crime - upon the recommendation of the court, on the basis and in the manner established by law.


Order "For Courage" 1st class

The badge of the Order “For Courage”, 1st degree, is made of gilded silver and has the shape of an equilateral cross superimposed on a laurel wreath. The cross is covered with white enamel, framed around the perimeter with metal gilded dots for beads. Two crossed swords diverge from under the cross, point down. In the middle of the sign is a blue enamel circle with the image of the small State Emblem of Ukraine. At the upper end of the cross there is a ring with an eye, through which a ribbon is pulled for wearing the badge of the order around the neck.

All images are in relief. The arms of the cross, the circle, the wreath, the swords, the small State Emblem of Ukraine, the eyelet with a ring are gilded.

The size of the sign between the opposite ends of the cross is 54 mm.

The star of the Order “For Courage” is made of silver and has the shape of an octagonal star with bunches of diverging rays. In the middle of the star there is a round medallion covered with dark crimson enamel, in the center of which there is a blue enamel circle with the image of the small State Emblem of Ukraine. In the upper part of the medallion, above the circle, there is the inscription: “For courage”; in the lower part, on the sides, there are two laurel branches. Medallion springs and double circles.

All images and inscriptions are embossed and gilded. The size of the star between the opposite ends of the rays is 63 mm.

The reverse side of the star is flat, with an engraved number and a clasp for attaching the star to clothing.

Order "For Courage" II degree

The badge of the Order “For Courage”, II degree, is made of silver and has the shape of a cross with wide pointed ends. In the middle of the sign is an equilateral cross, covered with white enamel, from under which two crossed swords diverge, point down. On the cross there is a round medallion covered with dark crimson enamel, in the center of which there is a blue enamel circle with the image of the small State Emblem of Ukraine. In the upper part of the medallion, above the circle, there is the inscription: “For courage”; in the lower part, on the sides, there are two laurel branches. Cross, medallion and circle arms, inscription, small State Emblem of Ukraine, laurel branches and gilded swords. All images are in relief.

The size of the sign between the opposite ends of the cross is 41 mm.

The reverse side of the badge is flat, with an engraved number of the order.

The sign is connected with a ring and an eyelet to a rectangular block covered with a silk moiré ribbon.

Order "For Courage" III degree

The badge of the Order "For Courage" of the 3rd degree is the same as the badge of the Order "For Courage" of the 2nd degree, but is made of nickel silver.

Ribbon of the Order “For Courage”, 1st degree, silk moire, blue. On the sides, at a distance of 2 mm from the edge, there are two white longitudinal stripes, 3 mm wide. Tape width - 28 mm.

The ribbon of the order of the II and III degrees is silk moiré, blue with longitudinal stripes: wide - yellow in the middle and two blue on the sides, narrow - crimson and white between them and yellow at the edges. The width of the tape is 28 mm, the width of the strips: wide - 7 mm and narrow: white - 1.5 mm, yellow and crimson - 1 mm each.

The block of the Order “For Courage” is a rectangular metal plate covered with a ribbon. On the block of the Order “For Courage”, II degree, there is a gilded wreath made of floral ornaments, 16 mm in diameter.

Pad size: length - 45 mm, width - 30 mm.

On the reverse side of the block there is a clasp for attaching the badge of the order to clothing.

The bar of the Order “For Courage” is a rectangular metal plate covered with a ribbon. Plank size: height - 12 mm, width - 24 mm.

On the ribbon of the bar for the Order “For Courage”, 1st degree, there is an applied cross made of yellow metal; for the Order of the 2nd degree, there is an applied cross made of white metal.

Wearing order

  • The Order of Courage, 1st class, is worn on a neck ribbon below the Order of Bogdan Khmelnytsky, 1st class.
  • The star of the Order “For Courage”, 1st degree, is worn on the left side of the chest below the awards on the blocks (ribbons) after the star of the Order “For Merit”, 1st degree.
  • The Order "For Courage" 2nd, 3rd degree is worn on the left side of the chest after

Order status

The Order "For Personal Courage" was established to reward citizens of the USSR for courage and bravery shown in saving people, protecting public order and socialist property, in the fight against crime, natural disasters and other emergency circumstances.

The order is awarded:

  • for the courage shown in saving people and suppressing criminal attacks on their lives;
  • for courage shown in conditions of increased danger while maintaining public order, protecting socialist property, detaining criminals and uncovering criminal groups;
  • for courage and fortitude shown during natural disasters, fires, accidents, catastrophes and other emergencies or the elimination of their consequences, as a result of which a threat to the life and health of people was eliminated, or large material and spiritual values ​​were saved;
  • for other selfless actions committed in the performance of civil or official duty in conditions involving risk to life.

Order "For Personal Courage" worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other orders of the USSR, is located after the Order of Honor.

Description of the order

The Order “For Personal Courage” is a slightly convex five-pointed star, the surface of which is made in the form of diverging rays. In the spaces between the obtuse angles of the star there are oak branches on the left side and laurel branches on the right side, connected at the bottom.

In the center of the star is a shield, the middle of which has a slightly convex oval shape, framed by a rim. At the top of the shield there is a five-pointed star with a hammer and sickle. Below it is the relief inscription “FOR PERSONAL COURAGE”. At the bottom of the shield there is a relief ribbon with the inscription “USSR”.

The radiant five-pointed star, hammer and sickle and inscriptions are gilded. The star and ribbon are covered in ruby ​​red enamel and edged with gilded rims. The edges of the shield are covered with white enamel, the inner and outer rims are gilded. The oak and laurel branches and the middle of the shield are oxidized.

The Order “For Personal Courage” is made of silver. The size of the order between the opposite ends of the radiant star is 45 mm. The height of the order is 48 mm, width – 44.5 mm. The total weight of the order is 33,250±1,620 g.

The order, using an eyelet and a ring, is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a red silk moire ribbon with three longitudinal white stripes along the edges. Tape width - 24 mm. The width of the strips is 1 mm.

History of the order

The Order “For Personal Courage” was the last order established in the USSR before its collapse. The order was intended to reward civilians for their valor and courage.

On August 22, 1988, a resolution was adopted by the PVS of the USSR “On improving the procedure for awarding state awards of the USSR,” which spoke about the establishment of the Order “For Personal Courage.” The development of the draft statute and description of the future award was entrusted to the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and Justice.

The first award of the Order “For Personal Courage” was made by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated February 3, 1989. According to this Decree, the Order “For Personal Courage” No. 1 was awarded to N.V. Efimova. - teacher of a secondary school in the city of Ordzhonikidze. When a group of armed criminals seized a bus and took its passengers (31 schoolchildren) hostage, Efimova voluntarily stayed with the children and in every possible way supported and reassured them while negotiations with the terrorists were underway. As a result, the hostages were not injured. An image of the order awarded to Natalya Vladimirovna Efimova and the order book for this order are given below in the section “Features and varieties of the order.”

Badge of the Order No. 2 was awarded to Colonel Kirsanov Yu.S., who took part in the operation to rescue children and neutralize criminals. Of the 26 people awarded state awards for this operation, he was the only one awarded the Order “For Personal Courage.” The rest received the Order of the Red Banner and the Red Star.

The Order "For Personal Courage" was awarded to eight mountaineering athletes - participants and organizers of the expedition to climb the Lhotse peak along the South Face in Nepal.

One of the last to receive the Order “For Personal Courage” was Lidia Ivanovna Avetyan and Antonina Georgievna Pivovarova, workers of the Central Boarding House in Barnaul. Showing courage, composure and dedication, they saved the lives of many elderly and disabled people, leading them out of the fire, and then helped put out the raging fire. By the same Decree of the USSR PVS dated December 21, 1991, the Orders “For Personal Courage” were awarded to workers of the Gornoslinkino subsidiary farm in the Uvat district of the Tyumen region. These were two drivers - father and son Kabardinsky Alexander Vladimirovich and Oleg Alexandrovich, as well as the beekeeper Sergei Alekseevich Tokarev, who helped them, for the fact that they detained a group of especially dangerous criminals.

According to the Decree of December 19, 1991, the Order “For Personal Courage” was awarded to a group of military personnel - six officers and one senior sergeant, who was awarded posthumously.

About 8 thousand orders “For Personal Courage” were produced at the Leningrad Mint, of which only a small part was awarded.

In total, by the end of 1991, 529 awards of the Order “For Personal Courage” were made to citizens of the USSR and over 100 awards to citizens of foreign countries.

As an award of the USSR, the order existed until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. However, after the release of Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of March 2, 1992 No. 2424-1 “ON STATE AWARDS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION,” the order was revived as an award of the RSFSR. The appearance of the Russian order has changed somewhat. The inscription “USSR” disappeared from the red ribbon at the bottom of the obverse.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 23, 1992, the navigator of the Il-76MD aircraft I.G. Babkin was awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” for his participation in extinguishing a fire at a military warehouse near Yerevan. (Order No. 7), Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations Vorobiev Yu.L. (Order No. 8), crew commander of the Il-76MD aircraft I.R. Zakirov. (Order No. 9) and Deputy Chief Designer of the OKB named after. S.V. Ilyushina Talikov N.D. (order No. 10).

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1613 of October 7, 1993, a group of journalists and media workers was awarded the Order “For Personal Courage” “For courage and bravery shown in the performance of their official duty during coverage of the events of October 3-4, 1993 in Moscow.” Two of the sixteen journalists were awarded posthumously - the editor of the Russian State Television and Radio Company "Ostankino" Belozerov I.Yu. and video engineer of the Russian State Television and Radio Company "Ostankino" Krasilnikov S.N. Among those awarded by this decree was the photojournalist of the Izvestia newspaper Vladimir Nikolaevich Mashatin. Photos of his order and order book are given below in the section “Features and varieties of the order.” It should be noted that Vladimir Mashatin was the husband of Natalya Efimova, who was the first holder of the Order "For Personal Courage". This is the only and truly unique case when a husband and wife were recipients of this honorary award. The team of authors of the site expresses deep gratitude to Vladimir Mashatin for the provided photographic materials.

You can learn about the features and types of medals on the USSR Medals website

Approximate cost of the medal

How much does the Order for Personal Courage cost? Below we give the approximate price for some rooms:

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the purchase and/or sale of medals, orders, documents of the USSR and Russia is prohibited; this is all described in Article 324. Purchase or sale of official documents and state awards. You can read about this in more detail in, in which the law is described in more detail, as well as those medals, orders and documents that do not relate to this ban are described.

This article might not exist. Because the Order of Courage itself does not provide any benefits. And we would have nothing to write about if we limited ourselves to information from secondary sources. But we are extremely meticulous, so quickly catch an article about something that is not at first glance... about benefits and payments to Russians awarded the Order of Courage.

Who are the holders of the order?

If you have never encountered state awards before, let us explain why and to whom the Order of Courage is awarded.

According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1099 of 09/07/10, the Order of Courage has the status of a state award and is awarded in cases of a person demonstrating exceptional fearlessness and courage in protecting law and order, saving the lives of civilians in the event of an accident or catastrophe, as well as in the selfless performance of duty ( military, state, civilian) in conditions of increased risk to their own life and health.

To receive the Order of Courage it is not necessary to have citizenship of the Russian Federation. This award is free from national, state and racial differences and is currently the most widespread award in the Russian Federation. Today in Russia the number of people awarded this distinction has long exceeded 100 thousand people. Since 1994, the Order of Courage of the Russian Federation has been the full successor to the Soviet Order "For Personal Courage".

But let's return to the topic of our conversation. What benefits does the Order of Courage give to its recipient?

One-time payments

Having encountered information that citizens who have the Order of Courage are not entitled to either payments or benefits, many interested people stop all searches. And in vain. Because they are still entitled to at least two types of payments. Which? Now we'll tell you.

The first is the so-called presidential payment. Subparagraph "d" of paragraph 1 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 765 dated July 25, 2006 secures the right of Russians in the civil service to receive a one-time financial payment within 30 days from the date of publication of the corresponding award document.

The size of the one-time presidential payment for awarding the Order of Courage is:

  • five full salaries of military personnel, employees of the internal affairs department and other bodies of the executive system of the Russian Federation (Federal Tax Service, Federal Customs Service, etc.);
  • five ex-officio salaries for prosecutors;
  • additional payment for class rank to employees of the Investigative Committee in the amount of five times;

The process of assigning and receiving payment is regulated by the relevant department. If you were awarded the order in accordance with all the rules, but you still did not receive the payment (or did not even know that you could receive it), you need to submit a report or application to the authorized body about the assignment of payment to you. Next, you need to get a written answer at all costs about why the money was not paid to you on time.

This answer is your shield in court. Having received it and armed with evidence that you are right, you can begin to assert your legal rights. But remember that the statute of limitations for such cases is only 3 months from the moment you learned about the violation. Be prepared to prove why you didn’t take care of your rights earlier.

The second type of payments is severance pay upon dismissal for police officers and military personnel (Federal Law No. 247 of July 19, 2011 and Federal Law No. 306 of November 7, 2011). For holders of the Order of Courage, there is a preference when paying such benefits - it is increased by one official salary or one military salary.

Thus, a police officer or military officer receives severance pay in an amount equal to:

  • those who served less than 20 years = 2 full salaries + 1 for the Order of Courage;
  • having served for 20 years or more = 7 full salaries +1 for the Order of Courage.

Specific payments and benefits

The Order of Courage can become the basis for receiving a “monthly bonus for performing tasks with a risk to life and health in peacetime,” which is due to police officers and military personnel. This allowance amounts to one additional salary for a military position.

At the Federal level, the Order of Courage allows you to receive the title “Veteran of Labor” and all the accompanying benefits. According to Article 7 of Federal Law No. 5 of January 12, 1995. In this case, the citizen must reach retirement age and have sufficient experience to assign him an old-age insurance pension. An outstanding work history (more than 35 years) is only required when specified by law in the relevant region. Today, labor veterans have privileges in almost all regions of the country: in some places these are cash payments, and in others a full range of social services.

The holder of the Order of Courage, 3rd degree, has a preference when receiving the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Having performed yet another, fourth, deed deserving of an award, the full holder of the Order of Courage immediately receives the title of Hero of the country. This title, in turn, is the basis for receiving a wide variety of benefits, from payment of utilities to monthly additional payments.

Remember also that persons who received the Order of Courage for feats committed in “hot spots” are recognized as combat veterans and can receive their privileges precisely on this basis. A complete list of such “hot spots” can be found in the Appendix to Federal Law No. 5.

As for regional legislation regarding order bearers, it looks very disappointing. Regional budgets are extremely rarely able to “sponsor” additional payments even to those categories of beneficiaries that are designated by the authorities as mandatory. What can we say about those to whom benefits and payments are provided “at will”.

However, to find out about possible bonuses in your region, you need to contact the department that issued the awards. If there are any, you will definitely be informed about them.

Our country is home to a huge number of people who are encouraged by all kinds of state awards. One of these is the Order of Courage, which is awarded to residents of the Russian Federation who heroically demonstrated themselves at a time of critical danger and threat to the health and life of people.

Recipients of this award are entitled to a certain list of benefits and payments, however, unfortunately, most people do not even know about this. It is very difficult to find information about the privileges that this award confers on the Internet, so for many it is only a memorable sign. Today we’ll talk about who can become a holder of the Order of Courage and what benefits and payments are due to its owners.

Who can receive this award?

The Order of Courage was established by the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev, decree No. 1099 of September 7, 2010. It is a state award that can be received by any person who has shown courage and fearlessness in a critical situation. The award is presented to persons who participated in rescuing people during accidents or disasters, in protecting order, as well as in brilliant performance of official duty involving a high risk of life and health.

The Order of Courage is awarded not only to citizens of the Russian Federation; it can also be received by a foreign citizen, regardless of nationality, religion, or other characteristics. Today this award is the most common in our country. More than 100,000 people have already become its cavaliers, who have shown themselves heroically in certain situations. The predecessor of this award was the USSR Order for “For Personal Courage”.

Recipients of incentives of this kind are entitled to a whole range of payments and benefits, which, unfortunately, are rarely advertised. Therefore, let’s look in more detail at what bonuses this award gives to its owner.

What preferences are granted to recipients of the award in 2018-2019?

Speaking about benefits and payments to holders of the Order of Courage, first of all, you should pay attention to one-time transfers. First of all, we are talking about the presidential bonus, guaranteed by Decree No. 765 of August 25, 2006. In accordance with its norms, civil servants have the right to receive a one-time cash payment; it must be accrued no later than 1 month from the date of publication of the document on delivery of the corresponding awards.

Recipients of the Order of Courage can count on the following amount of payments:

  • five salaries for the military, police officers and other services of the executive system of Russia;
  • five salaries of prosecutors;
  • five-fold additional payment to employees of the Investigative Committee for class rank.

The mechanism for transferring funds is regulated by each authority independently. If you became the owner of the Order of Courage, but the funds were not credited to you, you need to draw up a report on their assignment. Then you need to receive a response indicating the reason why the relevant payments were not made on time. As soon as you get an answer, you can safely go to court.

The next type of payment is severance pay upon dismissal for military and police officers. In this case, it is important to pay attention to such a benefit as increasing the payment amount by one salary.

Accordingly, the scheme for calculating severance pay will be calculated as follows:

  1. If you have less than 20 years of experience: 2 salaries + 1 additional for the award.
  2. If you have more than 20 years of experience: 7 salaries + 1 additional for an award.

In addition to the specified payment, the Order of Courage can also be a reason for a number of benefits. For example, his cavaliers can receive a bonus for performing tasks with a high risk to life and health. Military personnel and employees of internal affairs bodies can apply for it. It allows you to increase your salary by one salary.

In addition, holders of this award can receive the title “Veteran of Labor” with all the corresponding benefits and preferences. To do this, it is important to fulfill the following conditions:

  1. The gentleman has reached retirement age.
  2. The holder of the order has accumulated sufficient insurance experience.

At the same time, the issue of the need to have sufficient work experience (35 years or more) does not become so critical. However, here much depends on local regulations in force in a particular subject of the Russian Federation. Payments and benefits to veterans also vary depending on the region, but in most cases they are the same. Only the size of the pension supplement can change.

If a gentleman has a third degree award, he can receive the title of Hero of the Russian Federation through a simplified procedure. It will be assigned to him immediately after completing the fourth heroic deed. The list of preferences in this case is much higher than that of labor veterans and the vast majority of other groups of the population. If this award was received in a hot spot, then the cavalier can additionally become the holder of the title of combat veteran, with all the ensuing benefits and payments.
