How to make sugar syrup to feed bees. Benefits of syrup for bees in autumn

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

At the beginning of spring, the weather is not pleasant with dry sunny days, there is still snow everywhere, and frosts are observed. Every beekeeper knows that it is during this period after the end of winter that bees especially need care and attention. Beekeepers begin their preparations in advance, because it is very important to think through the spring feeding procedure in detail.

The meaning and purposes of the feeding procedure

Spring feeding of bees with sugar syrup in various proportions is extremely important, because it is during this period that insects are particularly irritable and restless.

Let's consider how this procedure affects work productivity and the quality of honey:

  • Promotes the development of the bee colony and increases the activity of the uterus.
  • Affects the performance and health of bees.
  • Affects the quality and taste of honey, the final product of breeding.
  • The amount of honey will increase with proper feeding.
  • The bee care program allows you to raise strong offspring and increases the strength of insects for honey collection.

After the first spring flight, the bees in the hives begin a stormy life and an active period of work. Honey collection, as a rule, occurs in July, so it is necessary to prepare the apiary in advance. The bee colony must be strong and healthy, otherwise performance will decrease. It is the flying individuals that provide food for everyone, flying out for nectar. Feeding in the spring is done after clearing and preparing the apiary, transplanting the family into a clean, insulated hive and examining individuals for diseases.

Main goals of spring feeding:

When to carry out

Feeding is the supply of individuals with additional carbohydrates (honey or sugar syrup) and proteins (beebread, pollen). In some cases, feed substitutes in the form of yeast may be used, soy flour or milk.

It is important to know that during the cold period it is not recommended to give liquid fertilizer to bee colonies, as it can provoke a mass flight of individuals. The air temperature is not comfortable enough, frost may occur, and the bees may die.

When does the need for feeding arise:

Types of food for bees

Every beekeeper should be able to feed bees with sugar syrup in the spring and know the proportions with the required concentration for preparing it yourself. However, it is also necessary to have an understanding of the different types of feeding procedures.

Fertilizers vary according to purpose and time of year:

Feeding with sugar syrup

At the beginning of March, the beekeeper is obliged to check the condition of the apiary: it should not be located in a windy area, and the places for the hives should be cleared. The beekeeper must also perform the following actions:

For feeding with syrup, it is better to install top feeders; they are more accessible and spacious. The frequency of feeding is no more than every two days in the evening, so that aimless risky flights do not occur.

To prepare sugar syrup with a concentration of 60% you will need:

  • Granulated sugar – 3 kg.
  • Clean water – 2 l.

To make a liquid sweet fertilizer, you need to pour the required amount of granulated sugar into a vat of boiling water. You should immediately remove the container from the heat and mix the contents thoroughly. As soon as the solution has cooled to 35 degrees, it should be immediately poured into the feeders.

It is important to understand that sugar syrup should be used in rare and extreme cases: if honey has run out, or if it is necessary to help strong families replenish supplies. Liquid feeding often provokes bees to fly out of the hive, which can be fatal for some individuals.

Feeding bees in the spring is an important procedure that affects productivity, honey quality and the development of individuals. The beekeeper needs to choose desired method feeding and prepare the apiary well for the new season.

In the wild, everything is clear and balanced. Before the onset of cold weather, animals and insects stock up on food to survive the cold season. This also applies to bees. But the regular collection of honey by beekeepers keeps these hard-working insects busy all spring and summer. What do they get in return to survive the winter?

For newbies:

Top dressing

It is difficult to survive the cold season without supplies. Beekeepers, in retaliation for the collected honey, feed the bees; in fact, this process is called feeding. The last honey harvest is at the end of August.

Bees are already preparing for cold weather in September. Unlike most insects, they do not hibernate, and even without “provisions” it is impossible for them to survive. During frosts, their vitality decreases, protecting insects from cold and moisture. If bees are not fed in the fall, they may die by spring.

Interesting! How in the north of Ukraine or in central Russia bees generally tolerate low temperatures? Of course, the bee will not provide itself with warmth. The entire hive gathers into a kind of ball, inside which the bees move, generating heat. The ball is completely covered with motionless insects, providing thermal insulation.

Types of feeding

There are several types of feeding according to the seasons: spring, autumn, incentive, training and therapeutic. Feeding on which the life of the hive depends is autumn.

Autumn feeding

With the onset of cold weather, the bees will not be able to provide themselves with food, so feeding is carried out. Feeding is carried out with sugar syrup. Beekeepers simply dilute sugar in water and pour it into the hive - this is a whole “kitchen”.

After the last collection, after 2 weeks it is already possible to prepare the bees for the cold weather. All honeycombs are removed from the hives and replaced with feeders. This can be purchased dishes or an ordinary deep plate.

Important! The container must have a neck wider than the bottom to make it easier for the bee to fly out. Otherwise, the insect may die in the molasses.

After purchasing the dishes, the next stage comes: preparing sugar syrup to feed the bees in the fall.

  1. If bees live in the southern regions, feeding with syrup can begin 3 or even 4 weeks after the last collection. But at the first drop in temperature, the timing is immediately shifted in order to prepare the insects before the cold weather. In this case, the proportion of syrup is 1:1. In all other regions, the dose of sugar is twice as high, and the syrup is prepared in a 2:1 ratio.
  2. The syrup begins to be prepared a week before feeding, that is, a week after harvest. In the southern regions, 2 weeks after collection. To do this, use 3 kg of sugar and dilute it according to the required proportion.
  3. To prevent the syrup from crystallizing, it is prepared with citric acid. For the entire volume of syrup, 2 g of acid is enough.
  4. After this, the prepared mixture is kept for a week at a temperature of 36 degrees.
    The note! When preparing syrup, it is best to use warm rainwater; in the absence of it, tap water must be thoroughly boiled for molasses.
  5. Before direct feeding, the syrup is heated to 45 degrees, after which it is added to the feeders.

This is the simplest recipe; there is a much more complex and effective option.

Invert sugar

To start, take 4 kg of invert sugar. This is 74% of the total syrup volume. The aroma is provided by old honey in the amount of 405 grams - 7.5%. the rest 18.5% is water, this is 1 liter (although many people pour two, so that the consistency is not so thick). You may notice that in this case the syrup is not prepared with vinegar or citric acid. This is the merit of inverted sugar, which is easily absorbed by the insect body.

All ingredients are mixed until smooth and infused for a week, after which fertilizing is carried out. This syrup also needs to be heated to 45 degrees.

Important! A high concentration of sugar syrup will have a negative effect on bees. They will simply begin to wear out faster and many will not survive the winter even with feeding. All proportions indicated in the recipes must be adhered to.

And so, everything in order:

  • August 25-31 – last seasonal honey collection;
  • September 1-7 – preparation of sugar solution. In the southern regions: September 14-21;
  • September 7-14 – autumn feeding of bees with sugar syrup. In the southern regions: September 21-30.

The first feeding begins in the evening, when the bees are finished and they go to the hive for the night. The insects will feed on the syrup and will seal up all the holes in the club.

It is important that the beekeeper helps them in this process.

Feeding will continue throughout the fall. In some cases, bees are also fed in winter if they actively eat syrup.

Note to future beekeepers! If during wintering you do not hear any hum in the hive, most likely the colony has died. A faint rustling and rustling sound is a clear sign that the insects are hungry: feeding is necessary. A loud, even hum—wintering is going well.

Feeding container

As already stated, the feeding container can be any container. But there are specialized feeders that are not without their pros and cons:

  1. A vertical feeder is a fairly large container that will reduce the beekeeper’s time spent on feeding. Minus: the feeder is not installed on the nest, and therefore it cools down quickly and the bees stop taking honey from it.
  2. Horizontal feeder - great for storing the sweet solution at the desired temperature, as it is installed directly on the nest. Disadvantage: small volume, bees often drown in molasses.

Many experienced beekeepers have found another 3 option for feeders - syrup in bags.
You need to take bags that are not particularly strong so that the bee can bite through them. The sugar liquid is poured into the bag and placed on the socket under the canvas. The top is covered with a pillow.

Important! The pillow should be soft and light so as not to crush the bag. Plus, such a weighting agent will increase the pressure when feeding syrup into the holes.

Even a novice beekeeper can handle all this, but sometimes feeding in the fall becomes a real challenge when the hive begins to hurt.

Autumn feeding of bees in the treatment of diseases

In 200 ml ethyl alcohol add essential pine oil in a size of 15 ml and stir it all with hot pepper (it is necessary to prepare a red pepper tincture in advance). Afterwards, soak a bandage tampon in this medicine so that no more than 1 ml of medicine per frame. That is, the prepared medicine will last for a long time. Afterwards, this bandage should be carefully spread on the nest under the canvas, covered with film to prevent evaporation.

It's important not to overdo it here. Replacement timing:

  1. After the first use, you should wait until there is no smell left from the bandage swab.
  2. Repeat the procedure again after 5 days.
  3. If the mites have not disappeared, apply a bandage soaked in the medicine again.
  4. For prevention, this procedure can be carried out several times during the season.

And these are not all traditional methods of treating bees. To increase the immunity of insects, rosehip syrup is often prepared, the tincture of which must be prepared in advance. They also use tinctures from wormwood, garlic, onions, pine needles, sorrel and much more. All these “medicines” are used as additives to the main sugar syrup.

When the flowering of plants stops, the bees become very weak due to the lack of essential vitamins and minerals, that’s why they get sick. Of course, you can resort to traditional methods, but if the disease is serious, it is better to resort to more serious methods - antibiotics. Now there is enough of this goodness on the market, and the method of use is no different from folk remedies.

All necessary dates must be indicated on the drug. Folk and specialized drugs can be used in specific cases:

  1. Treatment of diseases - special medications.
  2. Prevention of the hive and bees - folk remedies.

That's all the secrets of proper feeding of bees. The main thing is to adhere to clear proportions in the preparation of sugar syrup and the timing when it is necessary to carry out this very feeding.

Interesting! In harsh conditions in northern Russia, it is best to start fertilizing with a sweet solution after honey collection, before September 10.

Bees are a grateful economy, the main thing is to control them.

Feeding bee colonies is widely used in beekeeping, so every apiary owner should know how to prepare syrup for bees in the spring. First of all, sugar syrup and products based on it in the first days of spring are necessary to cheer up weakened bee colonies.

Feeding begins if brood is found in the nest, because in the spring the bees are not only weakened, but also spend a lot of energy while feeding the larvae and maintaining a stable temperature in the nest.

To summarize, the main goals of spring feeding are:

  1. stimulation of the uterus and oviposition;
  2. supporting bee colonies and replenishing food shortages;
  3. treatment and prevention of diseases by adding sugar syrup to bees in spring medicines; This type of feeding is given in autumn and spring to strengthen the bees and prevent them from becoming infected with various diseases.

Remember that in no case should you give syrup to bees in the spring on cold days: in search of its source, they will fly out of the hive, after which they will fall dead to the ground, or they will be blown away by the wind. If there is an urgent need for feeding, then liquid syrup is placed in the nest in the late afternoon, when insects are not able to get out of the hive. Fertilizing in the cold compensates for the lack of fluid and nutrients.

Bees are not interested in sugar syrup or do not take it: what to do?

Beekeepers are often puzzled by the question: why don’t the bees take the syrup? The reason lies in the diseases and weakened state of insects. In this case, they are sprayed with medicinal syrups from special spray bottles, for example “Rosinka”. Also, the reason that bees do not take kandi or syrup may be its incorrect consistency: too thick or thin.

Types and concentration of syrups

Sugar feeding for bee colonies in the spring is a delicate matter. It should not be too thick, otherwise you will have to dilute it with water, which may disrupt the correct proportion. Sugar syrup that is too liquid harms bees: they spend too much energy, which leads to the extinction of insects.

  1. With 50 percent sucrose, as practice shows, this is the healthiest bee syrup;
  2. 7-%, but this is a very thick composition that will be difficult for bees to pick up and seal;
  3. 60% is the best option for bees and beekeepers.

For winter feeding, add 10% honey to the syrup.

Recipes for healthy and restorative sugar syrups for bees

Syrups according to certain recipes are not only a useful nutrition, but also stimulate the development, performance or number of brood. Let's look at some of them.

Accelerating the work of the uterus in order to increase the number of broods

This spring syrup for bees is prepared from sugar and water, taken in equal proportions. For example, 1 liter of liquid contains 1 kg of sugar, and in addition pine needles. To prepare, place pine needles in an enamel bowl and add water. Wait for the mixture to cook. Cooking usually takes 5 to 10 minutes until the water boils. After removing from heat, add sugar and stir until it dissolves.

This recipe is suitable for feeding in spring or autumn, when there is not enough natural food in the combs.


Invert is a top dressing based on natural honey, which is best perceived by bees. To prepare it, depending on the number of bee colonies, take 1 liter of water, 1 kg of sugar and 40 g of natural honey for each liter of water.

Spring vitamin supplement with beebread

To prepare this supplement, which is recommended for prevention in the fall and to maintain the strength of bees in the spring, you will need: a kilogram of natural honey, 500 g of bee bread, 0.5 liters of water. All ingredients are passed through a sieve, left for 2-3 days and poured into honeycombs or feeders.

Therapeutic spring feeding

As a rule, the preparation of medicinal spring feeding differs in that the necessary ingredients are added to it:

  • needles,
  • hot pepper,
  • pure phytoncides,
  • natural honey,
  • flour,
  • milk.

Feeding Gaidak

Preparation of this spring feeding will require the following ingredients:

  • low-fat soy flour (3 parts),
  • low-fat milk and dry yeast 1 part each,

All ingredients are mixed and then honey is added. For 3 parts of top dressing add 1 part of honey. Next, dense cakes are formed from the resulting mixture and placed in frames.

How to make kandi sugar syrup?

To prepare this mixture you will need 300 g of milk powder, 500 g of powdered sugar and 200 g of sugar syrup. Mix everything and add medication if necessary.

How to prepare nutritious candies for bees for autumn and spring?

Instead of syrup, you can make lollipops: for this, boil 1 liter of water, add sugar, and for each gram of sugar, 50 g of honey. The liquid is boiled until a viscous stick is obtained.

After reaching the desired consistency, the future lollipops are removed from the heat, ground to a fudge state and secured in a frame above the nest. Bees accept this food well: it strengthens their immunity, is well digestible and very convenient.

For 1 family for autumn-spring you will need from 3 kg of candy.

What medications are added to syrups?

The following medications are added to syrups for the prevention and treatment of bee diseases:

  • Foulbrood. With this disease of bees, oxytetracycline is added to the feeding (500 thousand units per 150 g for 1 bee street). Feeding is applied every 6 days until the insects are completely recovered.
  • Nosema. To treat this disease, 20 g of fumagilin is dissolved in 25 liters of syrup. They give each family, depending on its size, from 300 to 500 g.

Naturally, when treating and preventing diseases, it is worth cleaning and disinfecting all hives.

During the cold season, beekeepers actively use feeding bees with sugar syrup. When bees do not have enough natural food, preparation and proper feeding of the bees is required. Experienced beekeepers know from experience how to prepare sugar syrup correctly, and for those who are faced with such a need for the first time, we will consider in more detail recipes and methods for preparing syrup.

Why and when do you need to feed with sugar syrup?

Every beekeeper knows that there are periods when bees do not have enough food reserves and therefore they need to be additionally fed with honey or sugar syrup. And if feeding with honey is considered highly effective and contains all the necessary substances, but is quite expensive, then sugar syrup is convenient and inexpensive remedy, and also easy to prepare, but you should not feed the bees only syrup for too long, since with such a diet it is much more difficult for them to raise offspring.

Feeding bees with sugar syrup in bags

Feeding with sugar syrup is required in the following cases:

  • To increase food supplies for bees for the winter, as well as, if necessary, to replace low-quality honey for a favorable wintering of bees.
  • In the spring, when there is insufficient food in the hives until natural food appears - pollen and nectar.
  • To stimulate the cultivation of young offspring in the absence of flowering plants.
  • For the prevention of foulbrood diseases in apiaries, if there were sick families there in the past.

Replenishment of food is necessary in cases where the bees were unable to stock up on the required amount of provisions or the cold weather has dragged on and food is no longer running out.

How to make syrup. Recipes

Sugar syrup varies depending on the purpose and time of feeding. Thus, the proportion of 1 part sugar to 1.5 parts water is used to stimulate the raising of the young generation or to train bees.

1 part sugar to 1 part water is used if there is no bribe at all.

A syrup of 1.5 parts sugar and 1 part water is prepared for autumn feeding or changing or replenishing feed.

2 parts sugar and 1 part water are prepared during a long winter and forced feeding of the bee colony in cold spring or winter.

Also, the feeding will be more nutritious if some natural honey is added to the syrup.

Classic recipes for feeding syrups

The most important thing in the beginning is to choose the right concentration when preparing for the first time. The optimal proportion for most beekeepers is 60% sugar and 40% water.

You need to take a suitable enamel pan. Pour the required amount of water into the pan and put it on fire.

When the water boils, the required amount of sugar is added to it. It is important to stir the mixture constantly so that the sugar is completely dissolved and the syrup does not burn.

It is necessary to stir until the composition boils. There is no need to boil it, and once the syrup has reached the required state, remove it from the heat and leave to cool.

For better cooking, it is necessary that the fire under the pan evenly covers its bottom, and not just the center. This ensures uniform heating of the mass.

Syrups with various additives aimed at specific purposes are also known.

Syrup is used to feed the queen to increase the brood. For this syrup, additional ingredients are added during the preparation process: phytoncides or cobalt chloride.

Pine or pine needles are used for syrup with phytoncides. This process is longer, since it requires preliminary preparation of an infusion from water and pine needles; after preparing the infusion, it must be strained from the pine needles and you can begin preparing sugar syrup.

Invert syrup is considered more useful than simple syrup classic recipe. Additionally, honey is added to this syrup. The proportions of addition are equal to 40 grams of honey per 1 kg of sugar.

Feeding with honey and bee bread. This recipe completely eliminates sugar. Only bee bread, honey and water are used in the following proportions: 1 part bee bread, 2 parts honey and 1 part water. All this must be mixed and passed through a sieve, and then left to infuse for two days. After this time, the feeding is ready. This composition lasts for a long time - one bee colony consumes only 0.5 liters of syrup.

How to feed bees correctly

After preparing special food for bees, many beekeepers have an absolutely logical question - how to properly feed all this to the bees? There are no particular difficulties here, but there are several feeding options.

Most easy way This is placing syrup directly into the honeycomb. This process is carried out using a syringe or a teapot with a thin spout.

The second option is a plastic bag. Small holes are pierced in such a bag, approximately 1 liter of syrup is poured into it and placed in the hive. And then the bees will figure it out themselves.

Special feeders in the form of a box are also used; such a feeder is placed on top of the bee nest.

The side frame is also actively used for feeding with syrup. If the air temperature is low, then the frame is installed next to the socket, and if it is high, then it is placed behind the diaphragm.

If there are no specialized feeders in the apiary, then beekeepers can use ordinary glass jars. For such feeding, the jar is filled to the top with syrup and covered with gauze, previously folded four times. Next, you need to sharply turn the jar over and secure it to the nest frame. The bees will feed on the syrup, sucking it through the gauze and then storing it in the cells of the nest. For a strong bee colony, you can safely attach two or three jars at once.

A little advice for amateur beekeepers! Do not forget about the optimal temperature of the syrup. For better consumption by bees, the syrup must be placed in the hive warm, approximately 30-35 degrees Celsius, since cold syrup causes little interest among bees, and the frozen syrup will be much more difficult for striped workers to remove through a dense layer of gauze.

If the syrup is prepared well, bees will not have problems consuming it. They eat properly prepared syrup with great pleasure, which cannot be said about burnt syrup or one that has already been stored. long time. Moreover, low-quality syrup is harmful to the health of bees. Also, do not forget that although syrup is a complete food for bees, it is still less useful than natural food or honey-based food. Therefore, it is better to avoid prolonged and monotonous feeding of bees only with sugar syrup; it is better to alternate it with honey, so the bees will be stronger, hardier and healthier, and will also be more likely to please young offspring.

If you do everything correctly and approach the issue of feeding bees seriously, then, thanks to feeding, you can be sure of a safe winter for striped bees during the cold season or when there is a lack of food. And in the spring, the bees will be more active and healthy, and will also begin to produce young offspring, which is undoubtedly an advantage.

In order for a bee colony to survive the winter well, there must be a sufficient supply of honey in the sealed honeycombs. All beekeepers are inclined to believe that the best option for wintering bees is food that they have prepared themselves. But there are a number of reasons when autumn feeding of bees with sugar syrup is necessary.

It should be noted right away that feeding with syrup is carried out only for a strong, healthy family. This is explained by the fact that the bees spend a lot of energy processing it into honey, that is, they wear out. Therefore, only insects from the brood overwinter. Weakened individuals may not be able to withstand such a load. To improve the health of such families, beekeepers connect weak and strong families.

When feeding is needed:

  • if there were not enough bribes and the bees were unable to prepare the required amount of honey for the winter.
  • to restore the supply of natural product after pumping;
  • if for some reason the honey stored in the winter began to become sugary;
  • not all honeycombs are sealed;
  • honeydew honey predominates in the combs. It is obtained from the sweet juice secreted by some insects, for example, caterpillars. Or sweet plant juice (honeydew). It is harmful, it is so poorly processed by insects and makes them thirsty;
  • The composition contains useful additives and medicines.

The timing of autumn feeding of bees with sugar syrup depends on the region, but usually no later than 10 September.

In fact, preparation for winter begins after the last honey harvest. In August, the last honey pumping is done, from this moment you can start feeding. If the process is delayed until September, this will lead to negative consequences. The bees from the brood will begin to process the syrup and will not survive until spring. Excess food can serve as a signal for the uterus to scarlet.

Due to the onset of cold weather, young individuals will not be able to fly around, so they will begin to clear themselves in evidence. Feces, diarrhea, in the frame - this is a threat of insect disease, in particular nasema. The insect does not feed on honey from honeycombs that contain feces.

During this period, after the last pumping, measures are taken to clean the evidence of ticks and take preventive measures to combat diseases. Experienced beekeepers pay attention to the fact that there is no need to be zealous with drugs added to food, since they are poorly digested by insects in winter and can also lead to diarrhea.

Read also:

What types of syrups are there and how to prepare them

There are various recipes for feeding bees with sugar syrup in the fall. Like every gardener, beekeepers have their own approaches, additives, and distribution methods.

Much depends on the beekeeping region, whether the evidence is wintered in a winter road or on the street. There are three types of fertilizer and syrup:

  1. Sugar. But here, too, each beekeeper selects his own recipe.
  2. Inverted. Its difference is that it is absorbed digestive system bees are better. Natural honey is added to the composition. The insect wears less. Since sucrose, after some time, turns into glucose, fructose.
  3. Honey is full. Blend of natural bee honey

and water. Important!

For a good winter and a strong family, you need not only honey (carbohydrates), but also protein. The best protein food is bee bread (pollen). Therefore, a small amount of it should be present in the evidence.

You can feed insects only in the evening, when they have finished flying around.

Sugar syrup

When consuming sugar syrup, take into account how much honey the bees can get from it. It is incorrect to draw a parallel between the amount of nutrient solution and the final result, processed honey. It is only necessary to take into account the amount of sugar consumed. On average, a kilogram of natural product is obtained from a kilogram of sugar. A quarter of the composition is spent by bees on its processing and transportation to the honeycombs.

Ultimately, in order for the family to winter well, it is necessary to have from 2 to 3 kg of honey in one honeycomb.

  1. Which sugar and water is better to use:
  2. Only fine white sugar of good quality, without any additives or impurities, is suitable for cooking. The water should be soft, preferably from springs, wells, or purified.
  3. Dilute the syrup with water brought to a boil, but not with boiling water. Insects are fed with a slightly heated mixture (about 40 degrees).

Optional: pine syrup, fir oil, silver water, etc.

Feeding methods are also different:

  1. Using feeders installed on top of the evidence. To do this, turn the canvas slightly to form a gap and place a feeder. They are sold ready-made; most beekeepers make them themselves.
  2. You can pour syrup into several frames.
  3. Installed inside the house.

Autumn feeding of bees with sugar syrup in bags is also popular. For these purposes, as in the case of feeders, make a small gap in the canvas. The syrup is poured into thick plastic bags, usually 30*40, and placed on top of the canvas. You can make several small punctures with a thin needle. But the bees themselves will be able to pierce the bag if they find feeding.

If bees spend the winter in an omshanik rather than outside, then they need less food for the winter. It also depends on the number of frames left for the winter. The best option, when one piece of evidence contains 8-9 frames and each contains from 2 to 3 kg of honey.

Invert syrup

Inverted fertilizers, in which sucrose is broken down and more easily absorbed by bees, are prepared with the addition of honey. There are syrup recipes without honey, with food acids. The main purpose is the conversion of sugar. The addition of acid remains controversial among beekeepers.


What are the advantages of this type of feeding:

  • insects spend less energy on assimilation, and, therefore, do not wear out as much;
  • it was noted that they are more tenacious and active in the spring;
  • has a positive effect on weakened families;
  • it is not subject to the crystallization process.

It is more expensive than sugar syrup, but cheaper than natural honey. A kind of golden mean.

Cooking recipes

Method 1 (without honey)

Ingredients: water (6 l), sugar (7 kg), lemon acid(12-14 g).

Preparation: everything is mixed and heated to a boil, then infused for several hours.

Method 2

To 70% sugar syrup add 10% honey. Bring water to a boil and add sugar, then add honey. Knead well and leave for a week, for this time will pass process of breaking down sugar.

Method 3 (using special drugs)

Now you can quickly invert ordinary syrup using additives, for example, Pchelit. Take water and sugar in equal proportions, then add the drug according to the instructions. Fermentation lasts on average 2 days, at temperatures from 20 to 45 degrees.

Honey is full

This is a top dressing with honey diluted with water in different concentrations. The most expensive, but the most useful way. Moreover, you can use old stocks of natural bee product.

It is noted that this method helps to increase the number of insects in the family, increases resistance to various diseases. The concentration is chosen depending on the purpose of feeding.

For August-September feeding, thick feed is used. To do this, add one serving of water to three servings of honey. The thickened honey is pre-heated, but not on fire, but in a water bath. The water is boiled and cooled, the ingredients are mixed at 40 degrees.

Important point! Do not use cast iron cookware for preparing solutions. Food-grade aluminum, plastic, and enamel containers are suitable.

Therapeutic additives for feeding

Bees are often added to their autumn feeding nutritional supplements and medicines. Thus, pine concentrates serve as an additional source of vitamins and protein, and also have a detrimental effect on ticks. Juniper helps fight various types of infections.

A tincture of several cloves of garlic helps with many diseases, including varroatosis.

Tincture with hot pepper kills ticks, but is completely harmless to bees, moreover, they even like it. The infusion (45-50 grams of pepper per liter of boiling water in a thermos) is mixed with a liter of syrup. The frames are also treated with the tincture using a sprayer. Sometimes hot pepper is mixed with wormwood tincture.

Tincture of hawthorn fruit added to syrup increases the immunity of insects. For these purposes, it is better to chop the fruits.

You can use ready-made drugs, for example, CAS-81. It is also mixed with fertilizer. This is an extract from pine needles.

To summarize, it should be noted that autumn feeding of bees with sugar syrup on time is extremely important for wintering, the safety and health of the bee colony. Each beekeeper determines the type and composition individually. The inverted syrup is better absorbed and makes you feel full. But you need to make sure that in addition to honey reserves, there is also protein food.
