Characteristics of the day of May 5 according to the lunar calendar. Moon in the zodiac sign - Pisces

An unlucky, even dangerous day. Singles day. If you have the opportunity, it is better to spend this day at home, as negative energies for a person are activated. It’s better not to make new acquaintances today; the person you meet may turn out to be a tyrant. This is the day of seduction. Therefore, it is recommended to cleanse yourself of: anger, pride, envy and malice. It's good to forgive one of your enemies. On the 19th day, it is necessary to handle the information received on this day with the utmost care. She may turn out to be deceptive, seductive.. Day of purification through water and fire. Recommended to take contrast shower, it will help remove some of the negative energy. And during the day it is good to burn white or church candles. If you are spending today at your workplace, take a piece of peridot with you or place a figurine made of hematite (bloodstone) on the table, these stones will help you protect yourself from negative influence days.

Day of victory over yourself. This is a day of liberation from burdens, emancipation, the release of karmic debts and difficult conditions. Day of spiritual growth. On the 20th lunar day, it is easy to cast aside doubts and stereotypes and take an important step, make a fundamental decision. A good day for spiritual insight, fortune telling, and horoscope analysis. During this period, men should monitor their emotions and actions. There is a danger of excessive temper. It is better to spend time away from large crowds of people. On this day it is good to guess and analyze the horoscope. The favorable period for getting rid of bad habits. To make it easier to quit smoking, burn a gray candle and fumigate your apartment with Spruce incense. It will not only remove the smell of tobacco from your home, but will also help you breathe openly and freely. Take a red jasper figurine with you to work; this stone will help you establish communication with your superiors and colleagues. A day of psychological and energy practices to remove blockages from the subconscious and energy.

Waning Moon in Capricorn

What to wear?
Favorable colors are brown, ocher, black, blue-black, dark red.

Scent of the day- coniferous.

Talismans- rauchtopaz, falcon, cat's and tiger's eye, green chrysoprase. The metal is lead.

What are we eating?

It is advisable to eat freshly prepared food. Be sure to consume foods that do not require heat treatment. For example, stewed veal with potatoes and always a salad of fresh carrots, cabbage or other vegetables.

Beauty and health

This is one of the best days to influence all areas of the skin in order to cleanse it not only of everyday pollution, but also of all kinds of troubles, treatment of fungal formations, age spots and the like. Hair should not be cut - it does not grow well, but epilation is just appropriate. After today's manicure and pedicure, the structure of the nails is improving. Avoid stagnation in musculoskeletal system. It's great to start the morning with exercises for all joints.

Intimate scenario

The moon is in Capricorn, so expect conservative sex. These days you should not try any new sexual positions or look for variety - this will cause apathy in you. A little romance and a traditional comfortable pose is all you will want. And don’t let your partner be upset by your emotional inhibition and some tightness - the harsh Capricorn Moon is not conducive to emotional intimacy.

What to do at home?

It is optimal to take care of pets or provide assistance to wild animals, such as birds, squirrels, stray cats and dogs. Disinfection of sick indoor plants with biological products or aqueous tinctures of onions, garlic, lemon peels.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 05/1/2018 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Characteristics of the Moon on May 5, 2018

As of date 05.05.2018 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waning Moon". This 20 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Capricorn ♑. Illumination percentage Moon is 75%. Sunrise Moon at 00:34, and sunset at 08:21.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 19th lunar day from 23:41 05/03/2018 to 00:34 05/05/2018
  • 20 lunar day from 00:34 05/05/2018 until the next day

Moon influence May 5, 2018

Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn (±)

Moon in a sign Capricorn. This is not the best time to communicate with government agencies and government officials. In money matters, not everything is smooth either. There is a high probability of delays in receiving profits, and losses are also possible.

On the other hand, resolving issues with real estate, as well as all kinds of organizational matters, should proceed without any serious complications. It's a good idea to take a short trip through the mountainous areas or visit a ski resort these days.

20 lunar day (±)

May 5, 2018 at 12:00 - 20 lunar day. An ideal day for various practices aimed at cleansing and training strength of spirit and insight. Day of karmic retribution. Privacy is desirable, since being in a team is fraught with conflict situations.

Waning Moon (+)

The moon is in phase Waning Moon. Third lunar phase covers the period from the full moon to the beginning of the fourth quarter. During the full moon, there is a peak in the accumulation of vital and mental energy, which subsequently gradually decreases.

During this period, activity begins to decrease, and frequent changes of states, ideas and judgments occur. When the experience and strength accumulated over the past phases continue to be energetically used to implement plans.

During this period of the lunar month, the first results of the efforts invested before are already visible. Changes in mood that occur can relate not only to business, but also to personal life.

This is a great time to break free from old habits, and you can also try something new. In relationships, this is a time of intimacy and romance at the highest level. The third phase is great for self-development, self-improvement and creation.

Day of week influence (±)

Day of the week - Saturday, this day falls under the influence of Saturn, a planet with strong, heavy energy, in charge of work and learning.

On this day, it is best to start resolving the tasks that have accumulated over the week, making plans for the following days, figuratively speaking, unraveling the knots that have arisen. Estimates of upcoming costs, as well as business plans drawn up on Saturday, most often turn out to be successful.

Try to hold business meetings on Saturday, never postpone them until Sunday.

Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer

The period of unfussy stability is ideal for enterprises whose occupation is monotonous, well-functioning production. Businesses that relate to jurisprudence and also involve antiques will do well. The legal process you have started during this period promises to end with maximum benefits. You need to be careful about taking loans and lending money. Most likely, this money will not be returned for a long time. Due to increased emotional sensitivity, you need to show increased tact and attention to family and friends. This approach will benefit you. To concentrate your spiritual strength, engage in auto-training, meditation and work on developing psychic abilities. To avoid an undesirable outcome, you need to carefully and carefully handle fire and metal objects.
5 lunar day
Ignoring your rules and debts, uncertainty and confusion can jeopardize the fulfillment of your plans and categorically undo everything previously achieved through hard work. Only complete control over thoughts and actions can protect you from unpleasant influences and unpleasant hints from others. Today you need to try to be more picky about food.
Waxing Moon
The moon is in its second lunar phase, which occurs during the first lunar quarter and full moon. Due to the growth of the Moon, overall vital energy increases, many people will notice a serious surge of strength, there will be a desire to do something, start something new or continue the old. Many issues related to work and running your own business can be resolved by themselves. Physical health is at a good level, all tasks that require personal effort will not seem so impossible. The second lunar phase is a time of serious changes that will affect all areas of a person’s life, from career to family to home. The accumulated energy is rapidly increasing and will soon reach its peak. During this period, you should restrain your emotions, as emotional outbursts are possible.
This day passes under the auspices of Saturn. His energy is quite heavy. On Saturday, you need to sort out all the accumulated cases and problems, find a solution to the problems that have arisen during the week. You can start planning for the coming week. Business plans and cost estimates drawn up on Saturday will be worth your effort. It is better to hold meetings with colleagues on this day, rather than postponing them until Sunday.

YoIP Lunar Calendar is pleased to tell you about today's lunar phase.

In total, there are eight periods of the moon’s movement, which it passes through during the period from 29.25 to 29.83 Earth days. The generally accepted duration of a complete change of phases of the moon, the synodic month, is considered to be 29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes.

The phases change in the following sequence: new moon (the moon is not visible), new moon, first quarter, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon, last quarter and old moon.
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Today the Moon is in phase: “Waning Moon”

It's the 19th lunar day, the moon is 84% ​​visible
Moon in the zodiac sign Pisces ♓ and the constellation Aquarius ♒

Detailed information about the moon phase today

Household moon phase:
Astronomical moon phase:
Today the moon in the zodiac sign: ♓ Pisces
Today the moon is in the constellation: ♒ Aquarius
Today's lunar day: 19
Exact age of the moon: 18 days, 14 hours and 4 minutes
Moon visibility: 84%
Beginning of the current lunar cycle (new moon): July 2, 2019 at 22:17
The next new moon will be: August 1, 2019 at 06:12
Duration of this lunar cycle: 29 days, 7 hours and 55 minutes
The exact time of the full moon of this cycle: July 17, 2019 at 00:39
Exact time of next full moon: August 15, 2019 at 15:31
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Moon phases in July 2019 by day.

The phases of the moon are shown for noon of each day in July (12:00 Moscow time, UTC+3)

Date Moon Phase Day Zodiac
1 July 28 ♊ Gemini
July 2 30 ♋ Cancer
July 3 1 ♋ Cancer
4 July 2 ♌ Leo
July 5 3 ♌ Leo
July 6 5 ♍ Virgo
July 7 6 ♍ Virgo
8 July 7 ♎ Libra
9 July 8 ♎ Libra
10 July 9 ♎ Libra
11 July 10 ♏ Scorpio
12 July 11 ♏ Scorpio
13 July 12 ♐ Sagittarius
14 July 13 ♐ Sagittarius
15 July 14 ♑ Capricorn
16 July 15 ♑ Capricorn
17 July 16 ♑ Capricorn
July 18 17 ♒ Aquarius
July 19 18 ♒ Aquarius
20 July 18 ♓ Pisces
21 July 19 ♓ Pisces
22 July 20 ♓ Pisces
July 23 21 ♈ Aries
July 24 22 ♈ Aries
July 25 23 ♉ Taurus
July 26 24 ♉ Taurus
July 27 25 ♊ Gemini
July 28 26 ♊ Gemini
July 29 27 ♊ Gemini
30 July 28 ♋ Cancer
31 July 29 ♋ Cancer

What zodiac sign is the moon in today?

Now the moon is in the sign ♓ Pisces and the constellation ♒ Aquarius.

Moon in zodiac sign or constellation?

Expression "Moon in the zodiac sign", for example, in the sign "Pisces", implies its astrological position within the boundaries of the zodiac sign. Zodiac sign it is one twelfth of the ecliptic, making 30°. Belongs to the tropical zodiac.

Expression "Moon in the constellation", for example, in the constellation "Aquarius", implies its astronomical position within the boundaries of the constellation. The boundaries of the constellations have different shapes, and the moon is located on them different times. Constellations belong to the astronomical zodiac.

This difference arose due to the precession of the earth's axis and the associated shift of the vernal equinox point back by about one sign over 2000 years. Therefore, you can often hear the following clarification: “The Moon is in the sign of Pisces and the constellation Aquarius.” In addition, in the astronomical interpretation, the thirteenth constellation “Ophiuchus” is added to the twelve constellations consonant with the signs of the zodiac. You can read more about the dates of intersection of astronomical and astrological signs of the zodiac on the page.

What phase is the moon in today?

The moon is currently in the waning third quarter phase.

What are the phases of the moon?

There are everyday and astronomical phases of the moon. Their names are the same, and the only difference is the duration of the new moon and full moon phases. In everyday life, they each last 2-3 Earth days, until the moon is practically invisible (new moon) or visible almost as a full disk (full moon). But in an astronomical sense, the duration of these phases is less than a second.

The reason for this is that the moon moves around the earth at a speed of about 1023 m/sec, and the full moon and new moon are the moments when the earth, moon and sun line up on the same plane, perpendicular to the direction of the earth's movement around the sun. These moments are very fleeting and if you try to calculate their duration with the accuracy of the coincidence of the positions of the moon, earth and sun to at least one meter, then the duration will be less than 1/1023 of a second.

In our calendar, the duration of the astronomical phases is calculated to within one diameter of the moon (about 3476 km), which gives approximately 56.5 minutes.

The duration of the household phases is calculated based on the visibility of the moon's disk being less than 3.12% for the new moon and more than 96.88% for the full moon.

Is the moon waxing or waning now?

How do you know if the moon is waxing or waning today?

You can understand what kind of moon is in the sky now using the mnemonic rule for the northern hemisphere: if the moon looks like the letter “ WITH", then this WITH waning or waning moon. If, by adding a vertical stick to the month, the moon becomes like the letter “ R", then she R fading.

For the southern hemisphere the opposite is true. There they see the moon upside down, so they use musical terms to remember C rescendo (or sign "<„) для растущей луны и D iminuendo (“>” sign) for decreasing.

Near the equator, the moon lies on its side, so both of these options will not be applicable. Instead, they are guided by the time when the “boat” of the moon is visible. If in the evening and in the west, then this is the growing moon following the sun, and if in the morning and in the east, then this is the aging moon. The lunar arch at the equator cannot be seen with the ordinary eye, because... it will always fall during the daytime and the bright light of the sun will make it difficult to see it.

What lunar day is it today?

Now it's the 19th lunar day. 14 hours and 4 minutes have passed since the beginning.

Lunar days and lunar days. What's the difference?

Lunar day- this is the period of time that passes from the moment of the new moon until the moon re-crosses the line of the meridian over which the moon was at the moment of the new moon. The first lunar day begins its countdown at the moment when the center of the moon crosses the line connecting the earth and the sun (the moment of the new moon). The second and subsequent days begin when the center of the moon crosses the meridian above which the moment of the new moon occurred in this lunar cycle.

Average duration lunar days about 24 Earth hours, 50 minutes and 28 seconds. This happens because the earth and the moon rotate in the same direction, and while the earth is making a full rotation, the moon manages to run away from it a little forward and the earth has to turn a little more so that the moon is exactly above the meridian that it was one lunar day ago .

Lunar days are counted from sunrise to sunset of the moon at each specific point on the globe. At the same time, the beginning of the first lunar day occurs like the beginning of the first lunar day at the time of the new moon, and the second and subsequent lunar days are counted from moonrise. The length of lunar days and their number are different at each point on the globe. The usual number of lunar days is from 29 to 30 per lunar cycle. However, in some places where the moon may not rise or set for several Earth days, the number of lunar days may be much less. This affects the territories beyond the northern and southern polar circles. There you can go for half a year without seeing either the sun or the moon.

As of date 05.05.2018 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waning Moon". This 20 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Capricorn ♑. Illumination percentage Moon is 75%. Sunrise Moon at 00:34, and sunset at 08:21.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 19th lunar day from 23:41 05/03/2018 to 00:34 05/05/2018
  • 20 lunar day from 00:34 05/05/2018 until the next day

Influence of the Moon May 5, 2018

Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn (±)

Moon in a sign Capricorn. This is not the best time to communicate with government agencies and government officials. In money matters, not everything is smooth either. There is a high probability of delays in receiving profits, and losses are also possible.

On the other hand, resolving issues with real estate, as well as all kinds of organizational matters, should proceed without any serious complications. It's a good idea to take a short trip through the mountainous areas or visit a ski resort these days.

20 lunar day (±)

May 5, 2018 at 12:00 — 20 lunar day . An ideal day for various practices aimed at cleansing and training strength of spirit and insight. Day of karmic retribution. Privacy is desirable, since being in a team is fraught with conflict situations.

Waning Moon (+)

The moon is in phase Waning Moon . The third lunar phase covers the period from the full moon to the beginning of the fourth quarter. During the full moon, there is a peak in the accumulation of vital and mental energy, which subsequently gradually decreases.

During this period, activity begins to decrease, and frequent changes of states, ideas and judgments occur. When the experience and strength accumulated over the past phases continue to be energetically used to implement plans.

During this period of the lunar month, the first results of the efforts invested before are already visible. Changes in mood that occur can relate not only to business, but also to personal life.
