Dragon Age walkthrough of the demon of idleness. Dragon Age Quests in the Circle Tower

The passages of the quests are placed in spoilers, so that those who do not want to accidentally read in advance and find out something unnecessary would not spoil their enjoyment of the game.

Sequence of events:

Ostagar and Korcari Wilds

After arriving in Ostagar and meeting with King Cailan, Duncan speaks of the need to go through the ritual of Initiation into the Gray Wardens. But first, you should find Alistair, another Gray Warden, in the northeastern part of the camp, and return with him to Duncan's bonfire. While exploring Ostagar and searching for Alistair, you can additionally:

  • take two side quests - Hungry Deserter and Mabari Wolfhound,
  • talk to the pacified magician, codex: The Tranquil,
  • get an audience with Teyrn Loghain Mac Tir, codex: King Maric Theirin,
  • talk with the leader of the Ash warriors near the kennel, codex: The Legend of Luthias Dwarfson,
  • follow the elf messenger Pick, who brought orders to the warriors of Ash, catch him at Loghain's tent, lie that you have an order and, if your influence is enough, convince him to give you Ser Garlen's Sword,
  • chat with Wynne,
  • bargain with the quartermaster (first backpack),
  • meet two other initiates - Daveth and Sir Jory.

To carry out the ritual of Initiation, three vials with the blood of the creatures of darkness are needed, so you, in the company of Alistair, Davet and Jori, go to the Wild Lands of Korcari to get them. At the same time, you can take on several side quests there. Vials of blood will be found on the bodies of defeated Genlocks and Harlocks. As soon as you get the bottles and deal with the cache of the Gray Guardians (see below), you can return to Ostagar. The initiation will take place in the destroyed temple, at the site of your first meeting with Alistair. You need to drink the blood of the creatures of darkness, as a result, your hero will be the only survivor of the three initiates, the things of Davet and Jori will be added to your inventory.

Note: After returning to Ostagar, you can buy a second backpack from the quartermaster and open the mages' chest (if you have the deserter's key), because... the pacified magician moves away from the chest.

In addition to the vials with the blood of the creatures of darkness, Duncan asks to find ancient treaties in the Korcari Wilds regarding obligations to support the Gray Wardens, in order to be able to refresh someone’s memory. According to Duncan, the papers lie in a magically sealed chest at the site of the destroyed Gray Guardians outpost. These ruins are located behind a bridge with traps and an ambush of creatures of darkness. However, the chest is already empty by the time you arrive. The disappearance of the treaties is explained by the sudden appearance of Morrigan, who invites you to take a walk to the hut of her mother, Flemeth, who took these papers for safekeeping, since the protective seal on the chest had long since decayed. After receiving the contracts from the hands of Flemeth, you can return to Ostagar.

Duncan invites you to attend a meeting between King Cailan on the tactics of the upcoming battle. The plan is quite simple - the king and the Gray Guardians lure the creatures of darkness into an attack, and Teyrn Loghain strikes from the flank at the decisive moment. At the council, your role is determined - you and Alistair at this decisive moment must light a fire on the tower of Ishal, which, in fact, will be a signal for Loghain.

Note: Pay attention to the speech of the magician Uldred, in addition, this is the last time you can complete side quests in Ostagar.

The quest begins with a run to the tower along a bridge that is under fire - be careful, flaming debris can knock you off your feet. Near the gate you will be met by a guard who will tell you that the tower has been captured by the creatures of darkness, who got inside through the recently discovered deep tunnels (you can hear about them from the same guard even before the Initiation), and they are swarming around the tower. Depending on who your character is, certain temporary party members will be added:

  • if a magician, then the tower guard and soldier will join,
  • if a noble person (i.e., has a companion dog), then one circle magician will join,
  • in other cases, a tower guard and a circle mage.

Ishala Tower - first floor. There is a mud trap (tripwire) at the entrance, in addition, the Genlock emissary will start a fire, so you should not launch a frontal attack, it will be easier to shoot at least some of the enemies from afar with arrows and magic. Next follow two rooms filled with creatures of darkness, regardless of the door you choose, genlocks and harlocks from another room will come running to the sounds of battle.

Ishala Tower - second floor. Again, ambushes by Genlocks and Harlocks. Again, don’t go head-on - you can bypass the largest ambush through the left room and make your task easier with the help of ballistas.

Ishala Tower - third floor. There are possible allies here - three mabari war dogs locked in cages. You can free them and go through this level with them.

Ishala Tower - top floor. There is only one enemy, but it is an ogre and it is not easy to kill. The most effective strategy for fighting ogres is based on the use of ranged spells, at least such as paralysis and weakness from the school of entropy (they are wielded by a temporarily attached magician). Therefore, it is worth taking the magician under direct control, and giving the rest the role of tanks. On the body of the ogre there is a yew shield Havard's Aegis.

Having defeated the ogre, you finally light the signal fire, but Tairn Loghain unexpectedly orders Lady Cauthrien to sound a retreat. King Cailan, Duncan and the entire army die under the onslaught of superior enemy forces. New crowds of creatures of darkness burst into the tower of Ishal, your hero and Alistair will certainly experience the same thing, but Flemeth intervenes in the events, turning into a giant bird, she carries both of them out of the tower...


After a miraculous rescue from the tower of Ishal, your hero and Alistair near Flemeth’s hut decide to gather an army to fight the Blight - from dwarves, elves, magicians, Earl Eamon’s people and others. Flemeth orders Morrigan to join the Gray Wardens, she reluctantly agrees and suggests that they first look into a small settlement to the north, Lothering, to find out news and replenish supplies. Beyond Lothering lies the Imperial Road - a road that runs through the whole of Ferelden, it can lead anywhere you want: to Redcliffe, the Brecilian Forest, the tower of the Circle of Mages or the dwarven city of Orzammar.

The world map becomes available, but for the first time you can only travel to Lothering or the camp. Lothering's choice causes a video of a meeting in Denerim to be shown, where Bann Teagan Guerrin, the younger brother of Earl Eamon, publicly reproaches Loghain, who declared himself regent under Queen Anora (his daughter), for an unreasonable retreat from the battlefield.

If your hero is not a person of noble origin (i.e., you don’t have your own dog yet) and the Mabari Wolfhound quest is completed, then on the way to Lothering you will meet a dog fighting the creatures of darkness, after the battle the dog will join your party.

Upon arrival in Lothering, you will stumble upon bandits, from a conversation with the leader of which you can find out that Loghain accused the Gray Guardians of treason. The inhabitants of Lothering will confirm this, and several refugees wanting to get money for the heads of the Gray Wardens will even set up an ambush outside the northern gate.

Since the local bann has taken all his soldiers away and left Lothering unprotected, everyone in the settlement is doomedly waiting for the attack of the creatures of darkness (you should complete more side quests while staying here). North of Lothering there is access to the Imperial Road, where you will meet two dwarf traders, Bodahn Feddic and his son Sandal, attacked by creatures of darkness. Help them out and they will join you in the camp, also if you ask Bodan about the reward, he will pay gold. Next, your path lies to the camp, and from there you can begin any of the four Pestilence subquests (note that upon completion of any of them, Lothering will be ruined).

Note: There are two companions you can find in Lothering - Leliana and Stan.

Broken Circle

During this quest, you can join the party with Wynne, the best healer in the game, and receive many bonuses to various attributes.

Back in Lothering, you will hear that something is wrong in the Tower, and on the pier of Lake Calenhad you will find the templar Carroll, who does not want to let anyone in there. He will have to be persuaded or intimidated, in addition, you can use the help of Morrigan, Stan or Leliana (by selecting the topic “Maybe we can come up with something?”).

In the Tower, you learn from knight-commander Gregor (Greagoir) that the situation is out of the control of the templars, the door to the first floor is closed, and behind it there are a mix of magicians, templars and possessed. Gregor has already sent a messenger to Denerim in order to obtain the Right of Destruction and there is no question of help in the fight against the Blight. Of course, you can try to figure out what is going on inside the Tower, but the door will be locked behind you, and Gregor will believe that everything is in order only if the First Sorcerer Irving himself tells him so. That is, there will be no way back until the quest is completed.

Circle Tower - first floor. In the students' rooms you will meet Wynn and several magicians protecting children from the demon. After killing the demon, a conversation will take place, as a result of which you can team up with Wynn or force her to fight with you. Regardless of your choice, the protective barrier on the way to the second floor will be removed. You can also start two side quests here - Guardian of the Limit and the Science of Summoning.

Circle Tower - second floor. At the entrance to the rooms of the senior magicians, you will see the pacified storekeeper Owain, who will report that a certain magician Niall took from him the Litany of Adralla, which does not allow blood magicians to control the mind. There will be demons, the living dead and blood mages everywhere. For fun, there will be a meeting with the magician Godwin, hiding in one of the closets, you can kill him or send him back to the closet.

Along the way, don't miss gifts for your companions - a Water-Stained Portrait, The Rose of Orlais, a Silver Chain, a Chantry Amulet and, of course, a Black Grimoire in Irving's office for Morrigan, with which the quest will begin Flemeth's Real Grimoire, and there is also a Small Painted Box (quest Friends of Red Jenny). In addition, by activating the overturned statue in the hall, you can summon the Revenant (quest The Black Vials).

Circle Tower - third floor. This floor is also filled with enemies: undead, demons, enchanted templars, and Arcane Horror. Here you can activate four statues for the Guardian of the Limit quest and find important notes (Five pages, four magicians). Gifts for companions: Small Gold Bar and White Runestone.

Circle Tower - fourth floor. Meetings with a demon who has bewitched a templar (and you can avoid a fight by allowing the demon to evaporate along with the victim) and a group of enchanted templars led by a blood mage (in both cases, you should initially deal with the magicians). Gift: Blonde in the sun, vintage (Sun Blonde Vint-1). Next, you will inevitably be stopped by the demon of idleness and will inevitably fall into the Shadow.

The nightmare will have to take place in a certain sequence (with slight variations). There are illuminated containers everywhere (in the form of cauldrons, weapon racks, etc.) that contain essences that constantly increase the character's attributes, so you should not pass by them.

Weishaupt- here you need to defeat the false Duncan and get out of your own nightmare.

The Raw Fade- talk to Niall, who also fell into the clutches of the demon of idleness, and learn from him about the system of islands in this section of the Shadow, controlled by various demons. Along these islands you can get to the central one with the main demon, but you see that it is not possible to move around them in your usual appearance everywhere. Then step into the shadow portal and take on the form of a mouse, intervening in the battle between the mouse and the demon (skills: stealth). You will then be able to enter small mouse holes.

Darkspawn Invasion- help the Templar Spirit in battle and get the guise of a spirit (skills: Winter's Grasp, Crushing Prison, Regeneration). Doors for spirits are now available to you, but opening heavy doors and you are not yet able to penetrate the fiery barriers.

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Main plot
Broken circle
At the crossing, talk to Templar Carroll and persuade him to take you across the lake. You can also stop by the local tavern "The Spoiled Princess" and chat with its owner. On the first floor of the tower, at the very entrance, you will be met by the chief templar Gregor, who will tell you terrible things. The tower of the circle was filled with possessed people, the templars locked the door leading inside, and had already sent a messenger to the great mother in Denerim to request the right to destroy the circle. We immediately intervene in everything that is happening and say that we will try to settle everything. Gregor agrees to open the door inside the tower for us and our companions, but warns that it will be immediately barricaded behind us again and will only be opened if the first sorcerer Irving asks for it. We agree to these wolf conditions and go to save all the magicians we find. After a couple of rooms we will come across a handful of magicians protecting children from demons. The sorceress Wynn, whom we met in Ostagar, will command the group of defenders. She will tell you that the magician Ultred is to blame, who, with the help of blood magic, decided to get rid of the oppression of the templars. Winn will also ask why we came here in the first place. There are several possible answers:
1. We can say that we have come to get rid of all the possessed, because we cannot take risks.
In this case, Winn will attack you.
2. We can say that we came to save the circle.
In the second option, Winn will join your party and help you pass the Circle Tower. Her help is invaluable, because... She is a very, very powerful magic healer. We make our way through the possessed to the second floor. There you will be attacked by blood mages. On this same floor you will meet the magician Godwin (he will be hiding in a closet in one of the rooms), as well as the pacified Owain, who will tell you about the ancient tome "The Litany of Andralla", reading which protects against blood magic. This tome was taken by the magician Niall, whom we should definitely find. We make our way to the fourth floor of the tower, where a very, very difficult test awaits you. Your squad will be greeted by the demon of idleness, hypnotized and sent into the shadows individually.

Lost in Dreams (Trap of the Demon of Idleness)
At the beginning you will find yourself in a kind of fortress of the gray guards. There you will meet Duncan, who will try to convince you that the creatures of darkness have been defeated. Naturally, this is not Duncan, but a demon in his guise. Having figured out the scoundrel, we kill him. Let's go to the portal. Now you will see the shadow pattern for the first time. It vaguely resembles an amulet made of several sections. The slats leading from one part of the amulet to the other open as you pass one of them. Having killed the demon in the guise of Duncan, the second shadow area will open to us. There we will meet Niall. He will tell us that he has no idea how to get out of this trap, but will give a hint. In this shadow area, go to the nearest portal and kill the demon. As a reward, you will receive the ability to turn into a mouse. This is a very useful skill, with the help of it you will be able to penetrate rooms, the other way to which will be blocked by insurmountable obstacles. Return to Niall, talk to him and go back to the portal between the shadow locations. Now you have opened 4 new locations around the amulet circle:
-templar's nightmare
-burning tower
-invasion of the creatures of darkness
-broken circle
To begin with, let's go to burning tower. There you will be confronted by the fiery dead. Avoid passages blocked by flames, as... falling into them is certain death. At the end of the location, fight the fire demon. Defeating him will give you the ability to transform into a fire man. Now you can pass through fire walls once or twice. You won't go any further in this location for now, because... the path will be blocked by a massive door. Therefore, we return back to the portal and go to the location Darkspawn Invasion. It is a huge labyrinth with a bunch of mouse holes and narrow corridors, blocked by fiery walls. With the help of the abilities we have learned, we easily bypass all these obstacles and find a knight fighting the creatures of darkness. We help him fight off the creatures. As a reward, he will teach us how to turn into a spirit. In this guise you will be able to see invisible doors and penetrate through them into secret rooms. At the end of this location, your path will again be blocked by a massive door. We go into the portal again and this time we return to Niall’s location. There, go to the local portal, then turn into a spirit and dive into the ghostly door. You will find yourself in an area where you need to fight the demoness Jovenna and her two minions. After defeating her, go to the interlocation portal again. Niall's location icon will now display a symbol. You need to light similar ones on other parts of the amulet to gain access to the core. Now let's go to the location broken circle. Using our abilities, we easily get to the second floor, where we fight two stone golems. After victory, the last form for transformation will become available to us - the stone golem. In this guise we can handle massive doors. Which is what we'll do right here. Another senior demon, Slaveren, will be waiting for us behind the door. He is quite weak if you fight him in golem form. Having defeated him, we again go to darkspawn invasion. We break down the door again and deal with the demon Utkiel. Now let's go to burning tower. The actions are the same: we knock down the door and tear off the head of the older demon. This time it will be Ragos, he is easy to deal with in the guise of a burning man. The last elder demon (Vereville) will be waiting for you in templar's nightmare. When you kill him, the path to the demon of idleness (location in the center) will be open. But first, save your companions. Each of them is located in adjacent locations at the ends of the amulet. In each of them, you first have to convince your companion that the demon is deceiving him, for which he should be beaten off. When you complete the rescue operation, go to the central location. Fighting the demon of idleness is a very difficult test. The monster will take on different guises; the fight will be greatly facilitated by your transformation skills. As a result, after the fourth reincarnation, the supreme demon will be defeated. We speak with Niall (still in the shadows), take the Litany of Andralla from his corpse (already in the tower) and go to the torture hall for a duel with Ultred.

In front of the stairs to the top you will meet the templar Cullen, who will offer you to kill all the magicians. The choice is yours. I personally saved the lives of the magicians so that they could later help save Connor in Redcliffe.
At the top, the culprit of all troubles will be waiting for you - the malificar Ultred. Not only can he transform into a huge demon, but he is also capable of turning ordinary sorcerers into blood mages. To avoid this, use Andralla's Litany on prisoners. As a result, the traitor will be defeated and the magicians will be saved. You will go down to the first floor with Irving, who will promise to help you in the battle with the creatures of darkness. He will also agree to save Connor in Redcliffe. Enchantress Wynn will remain with you until the very end of your adventure.

  • -the great bestiary of Elvorns
    -place for carving tables
    -scriptorium Etherealis
    -statue of Magus Gorvish
    -beginner's amulet
    -flame of the third summoning
    A demon beast will appear that must be killed
    All quest is completed.
    Note:If you touch objects in the wrong order, then the ritual must be started over.

    Guardian of the Limit
    This quest is also taken from notes found in the tower. On the third floor, find a large hall with three illuminated statues. click on them in the following order:
    -statue with a vessel
    -statue with sword up
    -statue with sword down
    then go to the hall, where there will be a passage to the 4th floor and there click on the statue with a shield (it is also highlighted). After this, return to the first floor in the room where you met Wynn and go to the cellar door. a demon will attack you. By killing him, you will not only complete the quest, but also receive a powerful two-handed weapon..

    Five pages, four magicians
    In the tower of the circle in the cells of the magicians, on the tables you will find pages written by a certain Beikha Joum. Once you collect them all, you will understand that their author is a complete charlatan. You can meet the scoundrel in Denerim in one of the residential areas of the city in an abandoned house. He'll get into a fight, so you'll have to kill him.

    The Walking Dead
    This is an unspoken quest, performed not only in this location. But since most players first go to the circle tower, I will describe it here.
    In various locations we will find glass felacteries. If we take a cone from them, it will crumble in our hands, after which an attack by the Walking Dead will follow. Here are the places where all these cones are located:
    1. In the circle tower on the second floor;
    2. In Orzammar in the royal palace;
    3. On the deep paths in the location Caridina Crossroads;
    4 and 5. In the Ruins in the Brecilian Forest;
    6. in Denerim on the roof when moving from location to location (appears once, you cannot return, so you must kill it immediately, otherwise the quest will not be completed).
    From each dead man we take a good amount of gold and things to sell.

    Status New replies cannot be posted in this topic.

  • Primordial Shadow- mouse. The mouse is physically weak and cannot fight the enemy, but it is good at hiding and is able to climb into small holes and holes. A character in mouse form suffers penalties to Strength, Constitution, Damage, Health, Defense, and Physical Resistance, but can use the Stealth skill.
  • Darkspawn Invasion- spirit of the templar. The spirit form allows one to interact with intangible objects and see what is normally invisible. A character in spirit form receives a large bonus to fire resistance, as well as bonuses to magical power, magic and armor. The Spirit has access to the skills Mind Blast, Crushing Prison, and Restoration.
  • burning tower- sleeping templar. The form of the fiery creature grants invulnerability to fire. A character in the form of a fire creature suffers a large penalty to cold resistance, but becomes immune to fire damage and can use the Flame Burst and Fireball abilities.
  • Scattered Mages- damned sleeper. The golem form increases strength and allows you to break down steel doors. It also gives good resistance to physical attacks, but vulnerability to magical ones. A character in the guise of a stone golem receives bonuses to armor, defense, strength, physical resistance and resistance to electricity, and the available skills are “Mighty Strike”, “Concussion” and “Throwing”.

Minions of the Demon of Idleness in the Shadow in the Broken Circle quest in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Primordial Shadow- demon of desire Ieven (requires ghost form).
  • Darkspawn Invasion- ogre Utkiel the Crusher (golem form required).
  • burning tower- demon of anger Ragos (you need a golem form and a fire creature form).
  • Scattered Mages- hunger demon Slavren (golem form required).
  • Templar's Nightmare- the demon of pride Verevil (a form of a fiery creature is needed).

You start in the Mage Circle Tower. But this is not only housing, but also a cage for magicians. The beginning of Dragon Age tells us that magicians do not always control their power. We start in the role of a student who has passed almost all the tests. And there is one last thing left - the test of Torment. We must go to the Shadow, where we will meet the demon. Great, throw only the hatched chick from the nest. Well, okay, you approach the bowl of Lyrium and go to the world of dreams, Shadow. And here we are in the world of dreams. Without even walking two steps, we will have to fight the ghost! Okay, there's nothing complicated about it. Kill him and move on. The passage of dragon age the beginning sometimes gives us deliberately weak opponents, otherwise we risked not being able to cope with the passage. After moving forward and killing three more ghosts, you will meet a talking rat. She will immediately turn into a human and say to call her Mouse. He will tell you that if we are absent too much, the templars will kill our body, thinking that we have been defeated by a demon. Good news, though. He will ask permission to follow you. Okay, so be it. In one playthrough you could become a mouse, in the same walkthrough dragon age origins the mouse will accompany you. Let's move forward. After talking with Mouse, you will have two landmarks on the map. But fortunately there is only one road, so you won’t go astray. And the spirit of valor will be the first to meet you. Talk to him. This is the spirit of the templar, who during the passage of Dragon Age it is not clear what he is doing in the shadows. Ask him for help and he will give you a weapon if you agree to fight him. I agreed and defeated him very quickly. This is not a problem at all. After the victory, the spirit will give us the first staff. Great, we can move on. The passage of dragon age origins gives us wide scope for action.

Moving forward, you will encounter a pair of spirit wolves, who are not opponents at all, and the Demon of Idleness as the second marked target. Talk to him. Although he won't tell you anything interesting. And he won't want to teach us anything. But He can teach your mouse companion a thing or two. Only if we solve three riddles. Oh well, no problem. Yes, and I persuaded him by cunning. In the passage of Dragon Age, a lot can be solved with the help of cunning or intimidation. Not solving riddles and putting pressure on his laziness. Everything was simple, only now you are accompanied not by a mouse, but by a bear. Interesting replacement, right?

Now go back to the first clearing that you encountered in the dream world. There you will meet a spirit of anger who hopes to take over your soul and body. Ha, I was daydreaming. So that some creature takes over our body during the passage of Dragon Age? Never mind! He also said something about a deal with our companion, but he quickly abandoned all past deals. Okay, we'll forgive you for the first time. After that, kill the demon, which was not difficult for me. Then talk to your partner. He wants to go back. And asks to let him in. Ha, I was daydreaming. So that I would let someone into my body... And I turned out to be right! He became something very big and disappeared. That's where he belongs. Great, the torture in the dragon age game is over! After this, you will wake up on the bed and Jovan will approach you. Talk to him, he will ask you to tell him about the test. I agreed to tell him about the test, although it was theoretically impossible. Well, yes, he is our friend, and in the passage of the game dragon age there are not so many friends. He will say that they are waiting for us upstairs. Okay, end the conversation and go explore the rooms. Search all the chests, you will need it all. When you've searched everything, go to the second floor and do the same thing - examine the books and collect everything from the chests. Then head to the mark on the map. It’s good that the Dragon Age walkthrough has such a clear map. Here you will meet the gray guard for the first time. Under very unpleasant circumstances - a quarrel between Irving and the Templar. Duncan will notice you and tell Irving about it. Great, talk to the first sorcerer and Duncan, ask them about everything. If you don’t remember the last playthrough of the dragon age game, then this is the main Gray Guardian. He will tell you that your amulet with a piece of your blood was sent to Denerim. And we will be forbidden to talk about torture with those who have not undergone the ritual. After that, we will be sent to escort Duncan to his room. Okay, head to the mark on the map.

After that, leave the room and talk to Jovan. He will lead you to the chapel, where there will be another girl. He will introduce us to the girl he is dating. And she, as a church novice, is forbidden to meet men. Well, what kind of wildness, right? Jovan will also tell you that they want to make him subdued. Excellent practice for magicians, however. Suppression of love. And this is what we are fighting for? Ha! And Jovan will ask us to help destroy his phylactery, that same amulet with a drop of blood. Then they won't be able to find Jovan on the run. I agreed to help them. We need to go to the pantry and take the fire rod to get through the locked door. Go to Owain in the center of this location and ask him to give you the rod. But it's not that simple. We first need to get a signature from the senior magician. Talk to Senior Sorcerer Leora about signing the paper. She will agree in exchange for clearing her pantry of spiders. Yes please. Head through the door behind her. Much in the passage of the game dragon age origins can be solved by talking with the people standing next to you.

You will find yourself in dungeons. Go forward, searching the chests along the way. It will come in handy. Having reached the crossroads, go east first, and then, having explored everything, return along the western passage. When all the spiders are dead, go to Leora. After that, she will sign your paper. Great, you can now go to Owain for the rod. Now you can safely return to the loving couple and give them the fire rod. After this, both lovers will join you, and it will be time for you to go to the vault. To do this, go down to the first floor and go into the basement. But here we will have an obstacle in the form of a door. Cast something on the door and it will open. Great. Move on. Before the next door you will have a problem - a spell has been cast on the door that blocks any mana. Okay, we'll have to go around. Go forward, there is only one path. Along the way, kill everything hostile and search the chests. In the last room you will find a secret passage behind a closet. If you use a rod on the artifact, it will strengthen it and make a passage for us. Interestingly, this has never happened before in a playthrough of the game Dragon Age Origins. Great, go there, kill the guards and destroy Jovan's amulet. Now - run away from there faster. You don’t have to run around, the door opens well from the inside. Well, well, as soon as you go outside, you will be met by two templars and Irving. And he will say that Jovan is a blood mage. Great news! Gregor will sentence Jovan to death and his beloved girl to imprisonment. But then Jovan comes into play - he pierces his hand and knocks over everyone with blood magic. And his girlfriend, seeing this, will be left by him. Naturally, not many can forgive lies. But I justify it. And I’m not telling you anything that is known. Although they already know everything. It’s a pity... Then Duncan will intervene and take us to the Gray Guardians. One way or another. So this is our fate. The backstory of the magician in the passage of the game dragon age origins is completed.

The Mage Tower in Dragon Age: Origins is one of the stages that you will need to go through. Then you can win and stop the Pestilence. Arriving at the place main character finds out that things are very bad. The circle is filled with possessed magicians who kill and convert everyone else. This means you shouldn’t expect help from them or the Templars.


You will be allowed into the tower, but it is better to visit the quartermaster before this, since there will be no merchants further and the battle with the possessed will probably drag on.

A group of magicians led by Wynn is waiting for the player outside the door, and you have two options - support her and accept her into the group as a party member, or reject her and kill her on the spot.

Next, the player will have a long journey from floor to floor, simultaneously completing additional tasks such as and. On the very last floor, the demon of Idleness is already waiting for you, who will begin a dialogue and, regardless of your choice, send the main character into the shadows.


You wake up alone and the fake Duncan tries to condemn your hero for not saving him. We kill two Gray Guardians and go to the pedestal.

Here you will be met by a certain Niall, who will tell you about the state of affairs, after which you should go further through the portal to the Demon of Rage and kill him. After this, we get the appearance of a mouse, dive into a hole nearby, make a circle to test our abilities and return to Niall.

Burning Tower

Activate the new pedestal and go to the Burning Tower and Invasion of the Fiends of Darkness locations. In the Burning Tower, we go to the second floor and travel through the holes to the corridor with burning lines - we go straight and get through the next hole to the Burning Templar, killing whom you will receive a fiery form. We get out and cross to Invasion.

Invasion of the Dark Fiends

Here you need to move strictly north in the form of the Burning One, or if you haven’t taken it yet, then along the holes - one way or another the player will come to the Sleeping One. After victory, he will give a new form - Spirit. After this, you can safely deal with Phantom Doors in different locations.

Mage Discord

The next location you arrive at. We move in a circle to the second floor, kill the magicians and do not forget about the lyrium, as well as health potions. At the top you will find several opponents at once and another Sleeper, who after death gives latest form- golem form.

The best possible choice would be to clear the tower to the end and after killing the boss at the end, activate another pedestal to immediately move to where you need to go.

Final stage

Returning to Niall, we find a ghostly door nearby and go there to destroy the boss Yevena. Then we go to the Invasion and there we find a door that can be destroyed in the form of a golem - there will be another boss behind it. You also need to deal with Ragos in the Burning Tower.

At this stage, the player can only travel through the four islands of the nightmare sequentially until you meet Vereville - initially she will run away, but all you have to do is take the form of a mouse and follow.

After the battle with the boss of the four islands, the road to the demon of Idleness will open. If you didn’t save your companions along the way, then it’s time to return for them, since the battle will be really difficult. Convince them that the world around them is unreal and then everything will go as it should.

In total, the demon will take 4 different forms, and each time his lives will be replenished, after which a dialogue will start with Niall, in which he will offer to take the Litany from the body of a defeated enemy in order to have protection from blood magic.


You are back in real world and then there is one more battle ahead - the final one. On the stairs before the battle with Uldreth, Kallen stands in conversation with whom you can take the side of the Templars and agree to finish off all the magicians or reject his offer. There is also a third, neutral option.

Now we go up the stairs and enter the battle, while trying to use the Litany every time the demon tries to once again convert someone. This concludes the passage of the Tower of Mages in Dragon Age: Origins.
