Days of Hecate - what are they? Rosemary basilisk apples Hecate people who are they.

What is Satan's day, and what does the Moon have to do with it? Professional astrologers will easily prove to you that they are interconnected! The days of Hecate are marked in the lunar calendar. This is a goddess who is usually considered to be part of the dark world, that is, Satan. During her reign, many witches and sorcerers feel an extraordinary surge of strength, which is so necessary for carrying out dark rites and rituals.

Satanic lunar days occur during the change of lunar phases. They occur four times monthly: on the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th day. According to myths and legends, this period is considered dangerous and unlucky for the common man. But people with magical abilities can also suffer from their rivals if they ignore certain safety measures.


Many readers will be interested in how the concept of “Satanic day” arose? There is such a belief: one day the Devil decided to destroy the Moon. For this purpose, he sent the insidious demoness Hecate to Earth.

But the free Wind found out about this plan and imprisoned her on a lunar day, thereby limiting her activities. Since then, Hecate's actions have become more predictable for people. You just had to understand which lunar days are considered satanic in order to avoid possible troubles.

Indeed, during the reign of Hecate, the rays of the daylight hide the night star. The outcome is enmity and confrontation between them. Of course, such an atmosphere cannot have a positive effect on people’s behavior.

First of all, a person’s physical health suffers and his psycho-emotional background is undermined. That is, satanic lunar days themselves can lead to discord of the soul and mind. Irritability and aggression increase, and the risk of suicide increases.

Which lunar days are considered satanic?

We hasten to reassure you that there is no need to independently calculate Hecate’s day (9, 15, 23 and 29). It is enough just to check the lunar calendar every month, on which the necessary days are marked. Many people are interested in what the night star looks like during this period.

The fact is that the moon is carefully hidden from our eyes for some time, giving rise to many rumors and assumptions. In fact, the planet is not visible in the sky 2 days before the new moon and the same number after it.

Characteristics of dark days

Satanic days according to the lunar calendar are opened by the number 9. These days are symbolized by the Bat. How can it affect a person? Nightmares, anxiety, apathy, fear and bad thoughts can visit any sensitive person. During this period, even the most insignificant problems threaten to appear on a fantastic scale.

How to avoid trouble on Satan's day? Esotericists advise changing the course of your thoughts, switching your attention to pleasant activities. But if this does not help, then it is recommended to throw yourself into work so that there is no time to think. You can't do evil things. On the contrary, do good to your neighbor and scare away the insidious Hecate!

15th lunar day (Winged Jackal)

It is this period that continues the satanic lunar days. They are considered the most powerful in their energy. After all, adherents of dark forces are trying to carry out rituals, the embodiment of which is facilitated by the Winged Jackal.

At this time of transformation, there is an opportunity to come into contact with parallel worlds. What do magicians advise? If a person doubts the sufficient potential of his personal strength, then he can resort to protective amulets.

You should take care of this in advance. You can also turn your gaze to the security mandala. The most important thing is not to succumb to physical illness on this day. Otherwise, recovery may be delayed. Preventive measures will include: light food, aromatherapy, moderate physical activity and a positive attitude.

23rd lunar day (Cerberus or Crocodile)

He continues the calendar of satanic days under the symbol of the Crocodile or Cerberus. Professionals believe that these days threaten to dramatically change a person’s life. Unfortunately, not always for the better! The victim himself may become the culprit. After all, the days of Hecate often incline us to adventurous actions, including crime and provocation.

To prevent this, you should restrain yourself from such behavior. It is also recommended to avoid large purchases. There is a risk of overpaying or purchasing a low-quality product.

If complex medical procedures (surgeries) are to be performed, they should be postponed to a later date. Make sure that your energy is not wasted on quarrels and revenge. To avoid conflicts, it is advisable to “keep your mouth shut.”

29 lunar day

It has gained notoriety associated with various accidents, traffic incidents, and accidents. This is the most dangerous satanic day! Therefore, refrain from traveling and extreme activities if you feel apathy, nervousness and loss of strength.

Astrologers emphasize that the 29th lunar day is good for self-development. You can devote time to spiritual practices, meditation, and watching films with deep meaning. In order to scare away the evil force, you can paint or bake pancakes. In this way you will attract the power of the Sun, weakening the spell of the lunar Hecate.

What should you be wary of?

We found out which days are considered satanic and got acquainted with their characteristics. It remains to be understood what attacks should be expected from magic? During this period, an attack by entities from a parallel world is possible if you try to summon a spirit or perform a ritual without having the appropriate knowledge.

The calendar of satanic days warns that on the days of the black moon there is a high probability of magical attacks from ill-wishers. This is due to the fact that during this period it is open and susceptible to the introduction of negative programs from the outside.

By the way, you should pay attention to the fact that the power of words increases and any curse thrown into the hearts will work several times more powerfully. Spiritual guides recommend not to be afraid of the Hecate period, but to pray fervently, both for your health and for the well-being of your loved ones.

How to protect yourself from misfortune

If you already know which days are considered satanic in the next month, you can protect yourself from trouble. “Forewarned is forearmed,” says a Russian proverb. The main commandment of the black moon period is to maintain the law of balance.

For example, if you have debt obligations to people, then it’s time to pay them off. This can be expressed not only in monetary terms, but also in valuable advice, warm support, and physical assistance. Esotericists advise not to sign global projects or make commercial transactions during this period.

Usually on Satanic days the risk of being deceived by scammers increases. Therefore, carefully avoid deserted dark streets, but also avoid crowds. There is a high probability of “catching” extraneous negativity. But knowing which lunar days are satanic makes it possible to help yourself.

For example, if you feel like you are a victim of energy vampirism, then take a bath with salt and clean your room with sticks scented with fir, lavender or cedar. It is also a good idea to walk through a park, alley, or forest to find an ash (oak) tree and hug it with a request to be recharged with wood energy.

On Satan's day, it is advisable to go to bed long before midnight and protect yourself from evil spirits with natural stones: emerald, jade, malachite. The next morning, you should rinse the stone under running water, removing the negative frequencies of yesterday from it.

Home cleaning

Contrary to popular belief that general cleaning improves the atmosphere in the house, it is still not recommended to do it on Hecate’s day. Surprised? The fact is that physical dirt is also an energetic negative. Therefore, conflicts often arise in an uncleaned house, and many suffer from indisposition.

When we brush off the dust, start sweeping it out of the corners, use a mop, we raise all the accumulated energy negativity upward, provoking ourselves and loved ones to quarrels. Therefore, a general cleaning of your home should be done on the eve of Satan’s day. And during the period of dark Hecate, it is best to limit yourself to energy cleansing and protective amulets for your home.

Far Side of the Moon

Curious about the dangers of Satanic days according to the lunar calendar for newborns? People born during this period have the gift of Hecate. In their presence, everything that is unstable will break and collapse. This is the space program of these individuals.

However, it should be remembered that the true values ​​that are in the field of view of the “children” of the lunar goddess will double, and the false ones will disappear. Someone born on a satanic day can be compared to a powerful machine that clears a platform for new fragrant flower beds in the Universe. Should we be afraid of the “newborn” Hecate? No way.

They are innovators and saviors! They are distinguished by fearlessness, which borders on a certain recklessness. These are individuals who can throw themselves from a high mountain into a raging sea because of only one desire - to feel the extreme! The Universe gives them the opportunity to perform eccentric actions that are more aimed at helping others. For example, helping a passerby out of a fight, saving a person from a fire, stopping a dangerous criminal.

"Children" of Hecate

If a woman was born in the days of satanic power, then she will often be considered fatal, changing the destinies of her neighbors. However, only insincere and dishonest individuals can suffer from her actions. A man born on the day of the black moon is a born warrior-fighter.

Such a person is extremely freedom-loving and rarely starts a family, devoting all his strength to the good of society. It is curious that if a “Hecate” person gets a job at an enterprise, then the company can expect collapse. True, this will happen if the head of the organization is caught in financial fraud or is unfair to his subordinates.

In other cases, the appearance of a “child” of the black moon will only increase the enterprise’s turnover several dozen times. Satan's day is a rather controversial phenomenon, having both a dark side and a light side.

Those days when the Moon disappears from the sky have always had a certain dark mystical meaning. Ancient astrologers called them days of Hecate, named after the Greek goddess of secrets and the underworld.

However, one should not identify the days of Hecate with the so-called satanic days, which fall on those lunar days when the Moon passes from phase to phase. According to modern astrologers, the days of Hecate today are considered to be the first two and last two days of the lunar month, it is on these days that the Moon crosses the 30-degree line from the new moon point.

Thus, the first day of Hecate can be considered the penultimate day of the lunar cycle. Traditionally, it is associated with the element of Air, which means that on this day people may experience problems with communication.

The next, second day of Hecate belongs to the element of Fire. On this day, in ancient times, priests lit sacrificial bonfires at the forks of three roads. This was done in order to appease the stern goddess and save people from the forces of Darkness sent by her.

The first day of the new moon falls on the third day of Hecate. Any birth is painful for a person, including the lunar one. On this day, you need to make every effort to celebrate the new lunar month with dignity.

The last, fourth day of Hecate, which is the second day of the new moon, is associated with Water. People on this day show increased sensitivity and a tendency to empathy, that is, they become especially receptive, vulnerable and touchy.

Born in the days of Hecate

People born in the days of Hecate, from birth are endowed with a special gift of the goddess, and this gift is not entirely cloudless. Wherever they appear, they always bring chaos and destruction with them, such is their karmic task. However, there is an obvious plus in this - everything false and illusory is destroyed, and from the resulting chaos the seeds of true feelings or relationships sprout. Such people act as a kind of bulldozers who clear space for the creation of something new and beautiful.

Hecate's wards often behave very eccentrically, they like to play with their fate and even with death itself. For them, it’s normal for them to run barefoot in the cold, or to throw themselves into the raging sea from a high cliff. They perform such actions in order to feel the incredible power of connecting with the Element, even if this ecstasy lasts only a few moments.

Hecate should not be ignored; quite the contrary, it is important to remember that these people can become saviors for many. They are the ones who are capable of rushing headlong into the thick of a fight, protecting the weak, or entering a burning house when even professionals would not dare to do so.

There is no person more faithful and devoted than one born in the days of Hecate. If this is a woman, then in response to your love, she will give you colossal energy to accomplish all your wildest plans and realize your wildest fantasies. She will always be there and will not be afraid of any difficulties if she feels loved and desired. It is only important to listen to her wise advice and not reject the offered help. In general, having a friend or lover born under the auspices of Hecate is a great success. The main thing is not to resist their destructive power, but to calmly observe events. You will see, after the collapse of everything that seems to be the most important, only that which truly deserves attention and further effort will remain in your life. To become an object for the application of the energy of such a person is truly cosmic luck, so you should not complain if your usual way of life has collapsed, true Success will soon come to you.

If you decide to throw in your lot with Hecate’s man, your romance will certainly be written from scratch. All the past will be mercilessly erased from him. If “Hecate” gets a job, the enterprise may soon begin to experience great difficulties, and only correct, honest and reasonable leadership will help not only save the situation, but also take the business to a new, higher level. That is why all honest and active entrepreneurs need Hecate’s people like air; without them, the path to success will be, although calmer, but as long as possible.

The days of Hecate include 9, 15, 23 and 29 lunar days, because It is believed that it is at this time that the energy passes into the hands of the Dark Goddess. She also has two days before the new moon and two days after it. And now is the time :)

The so-called satanic days before the new moon, the days of Hecate, are actually days of revision of motives. We live in certain cycles. The most important points of these cycles were previously considered to be the days before the winter solstice and before the new moon. At this time, a person must fast and limit external contacts. He must go deep into himself and reckon with the previous cycle. Today we perceive the days of Hecate (the well-known 29th lunar day) as satanic, and therefore harmful. In fact, these are days of cleansing, parting with the mistakes that we have made during these 29 days.

They are the most beneficial for the human soul.

“Come, underground, earthly and heavenly goddess Hecate, goddess of roads and crossroads, bringing air, walking at night, favorable to the night and accompanying it, rejoicing in the barking of dogs, wandering in the darkness like a will-o’-the-wisp among the graves, terrifying the dead. Gor-go, Mor-mo, Bom-Bo, Moon of a thousand faces, come to us, great Hecate.”

If you call her with a pure heart, all your desires can be fulfilled.

Lunar days on which power passes to Hecate are 9, 15, 23, 29 lunar days. The days of Hecade are usually called the two days before the new moon (28, 29 or 30) and the two days after (1 and 2).

These are days of cleansing, liberation and letting go. Everything we have worked with this month comes to an end. This time is ideal for cleansing rituals and completion of any kind of work. You can burn black candles, which, when melted, will take away the negativity. You can take a ritual bath by candlelight, which will wash away all the fatigue and past experience from you. This is the time when in the dark we look at what we managed to do, draw conclusions so as not to make mistakes in the future, and thank what is leaving for what it was.

First and second days of Hecate (days before the new moon)

This period is intended solely to get rid of the negative burden of the past. Don’t plan and especially don’t start new things. It’s better to analyze your past actions, and then get rid of everything unnecessary that is no longer necessary for you and has become obsolete. It’s good to conduct forgiveness meditations these days, to remove the burden of past grievances. You can arrange fasting days for yourself. It will also be useful to soothe the soul and body with aromatic baths.

First day of Hecate

People are overwhelmed by confusion and indecision, so during this period we especially need communication and support. However, you need to be careful, because on the first day of Hecate it is very easy to fall under the influence of others. You may also experience fussiness, a desire to occupy yourself with something, to be in constant motion. Despite this, do not under any circumstances start new business and, if possible, try to postpone all important negotiations. Luck is fickle at this time.

Second day of Hecate

At this time, the dark side of our personality tends to come to the surface. People become prone to deception and may commit inappropriate actions. On this day, frequent quarrels are possible, in particular with the closest people. Well-being may worsen, especially for women, because they, as you know, have a closer connection with the Moon than men.

The third and fourth days of Hecate (days after the new moon)

These days you should start planning your future affairs. But don’t start implementing, but planning. And two days after the new moon is the best time to give up bad habits or start regular physical activity. Some recommend that you also devote this time to meditation and visualization of your plans and desires.

Third day of Hecate

People become secretive, gloomy and stubborn. During this period, we, as a rule, communicate little, and sometimes even fall into apathy. In addition, a young moon makes a person emotionally unstable. Therefore, frequent and unreasonable mood swings are also possible.

Fourth day of Hecate

Brings with it excessive impressionability and sensitivity. During this period, a person responds well to hypnosis. We become trusting, like children. Therefore, you should avoid communicating with “bad” people; it would be much better to completely devote this day to yourself.

Remember that there is nothing good or bad in the cycle of nature or in the cycle of life. There are only tools with which we work correctly or incorrectly, and they always serve primarily as a source of experience.

Lunar cycles begin and end with the so-called dark days of the Moon, when the Moon hides in the rays of the Sun, is not visible, and does not shine. These days were highlighted in a special way by ancient astrologers, and the most strange, mysterious, mystical meanings were attributed to them. They were associated with Hecate - the goddess of witchcraft, hidden forces, the goddess of reserves, treasures, what is hidden, including in the subconscious; the goddess of what frightens, irritates, and can bring fear to any person. Sorcerers and witches chose the days of the dark moon to collect magical herbs, perform witchcraft, and cast spells on people.

These are the days of a kind of “astral garbage chute”, of what has been collected during this time and what needs to be released. These days are contrasted with the Moon Road. People born in the last days of the Moon have a lot of toxins accumulated in their subconscious that never come out, and therefore these people, as a rule, are in greatest need of psychological correction, otherwise they go crazy, they become fixated on emotional states, there is a deep absorption in oneself, a strong influence of the secrets of another world. They are characterized by secrecy and emotional solitude; they believe they have something to hide; they always have a secret fear hidden deep in the subconscious. They have something to free themselves from. They have their own demon, or black man, who torments them and drains their energy. This primarily concerns the most sensitive people.

So, the first two and last two days of the Moon are the days of Hecate, the kingdom of Hecate, the sphere of Hecate (approximately + 30 degrees from the new moon).

The lunar crescent appears on the third day after the new moon (that is, the “true new moon”, when the Moon is freed, becomes independent, and occurs on the third day after the new moon - this phenomenon was called neomenia (new moon) by the ancients).

The word "calendar" comes from "kalio" - "to call out", "to click", because the appearance of the lunar crescent was associated with extreme joy - the sphere of Hecate ended, and normal lunar days began).

1st day of Hecate

The penultimate day of the Moon is associated with the element of Air.

A person of this day is overloaded with contacts and connections, which create the possibility of him becoming dependent on various factors. This state, as it were, prepares a person for a “leap” into a new quality.

2nd day of Hecate

The last day of the Moon is associated with the element of Fire.

Connection with the very Fire that “cleanses” the Moon in the name of subsequent rebirth. This day precedes the new moon - a stress factor when the Moon becomes combust. On the second day of Hecate, the Moon is still free, but retains the memory of the entire cycle. On the Day of Fire, the ancients lit altars dedicated to Hecate at the fork in three roads, so that the goddess would leave a person alone and would not send evil forces to him. People born on the last day of the Moon experience severe mental suffering (which, however, is not shown) caused by deep internal contradictions. They are most capable of deep mental changes, tormented by various fears, phobias, bad dreams, nightmares with terrible monsters that are born in the depths of the subconscious.

People born in the first two days of Hecate are people who carry a very heavy load in their subconscious.

3rd day of Hecate

Associated with the element of Earth and begins immediately after the new moon.

A person born on this day is deeply immersed in himself, unshakable in his beliefs (and delusions) and is ready to stand for them to the death. A person on the third day often experiences stressful situations associated with loneliness. This gives a person coldness and pessimism, which leads to limitations in connections.

4th day of Hecate

Associated with the element of Water.

The soul of a person born on this day resembles a blank sheet of paper - it is light and innocent. And just like from a sheet of paper, it is extremely difficult to erase even random signs from it in the future: such a person can take any new word on faith and then almost cannot be convinced. He may also have nightmares and experience demonic sensations. With the help of hypnotic influence, such a person can be turned into a cold-blooded killer, a zombie, a fanatical executor of someone else's will; On this day religious fanatics are born. All the forces of darkness are rampant, and in order to cope with it, one must have great magical power. In this case, you need to keep the following in mind. People born at the junction of the phases of the Moon are very contradictory and unstable, as they were born during a change in the stereotypes of attitudes towards their hidden problems. And the stereotype changes slowly, always painfully, which happens on an internal, deep level. Such people have to get used to new conditions all their lives, which keeps their nerves on edge. To live together, it is preferable to choose people of the opposite phase, since in this case the partners are emotionally well compatible and complement each other.

Hecate is not dark, not black and does not represent the power of evil and darkness.
Hecate personifies process, the elemental power of destruction for the sake of creation, the power of renewal through death.

In ancient Greek mythology, a chthonic deity (of Asia Minor origin), the patroness of all night evil spirits, witchcraft and divination. In literary sources, many other functions were also attributed to her, in connection with which Hecate was identified with the goddess of the moon Selene, the goddess of the underworld Persephone, and the mistress of wild animals Artemis. She was depicted with a torch in her hands, often with snakes in her hair (sometimes with three faces).

The so-called satanic days before the new moon, the days of Hecate, are actually days of revision of motives. We live in certain cycles. The most important points of these cycles were previously considered to be the days before the winter solstice and before the new moon. At this time, a person must fast and limit external contacts. He must go deep into himself and reckon with the previous cycle. Today we perceive the days of Hecate (the well-known 29th lunar day) as satanic, and therefore harmful. In fact, these are days of cleansing, parting with the mistakes that we have made during these 29 days.
They are the most beneficial for the human soul.

Hecate, or the other side of the Moon, was a very important woman. She took revenge on everyone who prematurely invaded the overworld. Hecate drove all those who were unprepared, those without a teacher, without tradition, outside orders and prematurely eager for esotericism, crazy. A person who passed through the Gate, being unprepared, returned from there crazy.

There are lunar days on which amazing people are born - people who have the power of the Goddess Hecate

Hecate in ancient Greek mythology is the patroness of the underworld, the mistress of the Black Moon. There are two moons. They are believed to exist but are not visible to the human eye. One of them is White. It orbits the Earth every 28 days. Brings good luck, prosperity, blessing, joy. The Black Moon orbits the Earth in 29 days. And brings retribution. In Indian mythology, Hecate corresponds to the Goddess Kali - the Goddess of time, destruction and transformation. The long period of time in which our lives fell is called Kali Yuga, i.e. It is Kali (Hecate) who patronizes him. The White Moon is a symbol of a woman housewife, whose tables are laden with food, healthy and happy children are rustling, and her house is entwined with grapes. In a word - a woman who creates simple and beautiful earthly happiness. This woman becomes the Black Moon when her children and a respectable home are in danger and she turns into a protector. Hecate’s main task is to protect the house covered with grapes from dark forces. It is believed that Hecate can destroy night ghosts, vampires and even demons.

Lunar days on which power passes to Hecate - 9, 15, 23, 29

People born on these days are endowed with the gift of Hecate. What does it mean? In their presence, everything falls apart and collapses. It's not their fault. This is their space program. But at the same time, the true necessarily grows with tenfold force, and the false dies forever. “Hecates” are a kind of bulldozers that clear new areas for new flower beds in the Universe. People born on 9, 15, 23, 29 lunar days are ecstatic. It costs them nothing to run out into the snow barefoot in the winter cold or rush from a cliff into a raging sea in a thunderstorm to experience a state where the spirit is captured by the feeling of their own strength and unity with the elements.

Should Hecate be feared? No. No way. They are saviors. They can stop a fight, help a person out, intervene in a situation in which neither the police nor professional rescuers would risk finding themselves. You can rely on them. Hecates are betrayed to death by those they love. We can say that they are loyal to friends and loved ones. But not everyone correctly understands this devotion and fidelity. God gave them the opportunity to do eccentric things. If God sent you a beloved woman - Hecate, then by giving her endless love, you will receive from her energy that can take you to the very top of possible and impossible success for you. She will not be embarrassed by difficulties if she feels loved. She will overcome them and will be your closest and most sincere advisor and friend. It is no small luck to have as your lover or beloved a person born on the lunar day of Hecate. You just need to trust them very much to allow their energy to eliminate everything unnecessary and alien from your life together. No one can separate the “wheat from the chaff” like “Hecate.”
There is hardly another day when such people are born who bring true, cosmic luck.

“Hecates” will allow you to write the novel of your married life together on a clean sheet of paper, where they will not leave a single stain of dirt. If “Hecate” appears at an enterprise, then collapse may soon await it. But only if the management is involved in “unclean” matters. If the management puts its soul into the development of the enterprise, then after the appearance of Hecate it can increase turnover several dozen times. So, honest entrepreneurs, hire Hecate!

Hecate's Challenge

Call Hecate on one of her days - 9, 15, 23, 29, as well as two days before the new moon and two days after. “Come, underground, earthly and heavenly goddess Hecate, goddess of roads and crossroads, bringing air, walking at night, favorable to the night and accompanying it, rejoicing in the barking of dogs, wandering in the darkness like a will-o’-the-wisp among the graves, terrifying the dead. Gor-go, Mor-mo, Bom-Bo, Moon of a thousand faces, come to us, great Hecate.” If you call her with a pure heart, all your desires can be fulfilled.
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