White plaque on the labia. Is white plaque on the labia dangerous: causes and treatment

Every woman has ever discovered a white coating on her labia. If the discharge is not accompanied by an unpleasant odor, swelling, burning and other symptoms, then this is normal.

Such leucorrhoea does not require treatment. In situations where a woman suffers from additional symptoms, she needs to visit a doctor. White plaque may indicate various gynecological or venereal diseases.

Causes of white plaque

There are several groups of factors influencing the appearance of discharge. Some of them are the body’s natural reaction to hormonal changes. These are harmless causes that go away on their own. Another group is associated with women's diseases or sexually transmitted diseases.

Common natural causes include the following:

  1. Pregnancy - in the first time (especially in the 1st trimester), the volume of discharge in women significantly increases. This directly depends on hormonal changes, with a large release of progesterone. The body weakens the immune system so as not to reject the fetus. The unborn child is a foreign object in the uterine cavity, so it must be protected.
  2. Adolescence – during puberty, a girl’s body undergoes restructuring. This occurs from 11 to 18 years of age. At this time, the microflora of the vagina is disrupted, often a white coating forms between the labia and on them. After hormonal changes, the microflora becomes normal and the amount of whitish discharge returns to normal.
  3. Changes in microflora after entry into sex life– when a girl begins sexual relations, at first the body undergoes changes. The fact is that the female microflora of the external organs comes into contact with foreign microflora. This leads to the appearance of a white coating. This condition It goes away on its own, no need to worry about it.
  4. The most common natural cause is the accumulation of smegma. This term refers to a mixture of secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands of the labia, dead epithelial cells of the mucous membrane and lubricant (it is necessary to moisturize the vagina). If smegma accumulates in large quantities, this indicates insufficient personal hygiene. With infrequent washing, the discharge may appear.

Smegma is normal, white plaque can be seen even in girls preschool age. In order to get rid of it, it is enough to wash your baby regularly. Twice a day will be enough.

Discharge in a newborn baby is a natural reaction of the body. The child adapts to unusual conditions. Discharge on the labia can be not only white, but also pink-brown. This symptom will subside 2 to 3 weeks after birth. The baby needs to be bathed 1-2 times a day, but you should not remove all the smegma from the child. It protects the genitals by preparing them for the environment.

White plaque on the labia may appear due to vitamin deficiency. With a lack of vitamins A, PP and E in women, the microflora in the vagina changes.

When plaque speaks of disease

In some cases, white discharge indicates diseases reproductive system. In these situations, a whitish coating is only an indirect sign of pathology; in addition to it, women will experience a number of other unpleasant and painful symptoms.

Among them: burning sensation, severe itching of the genitals, pain during bowel movements. Bladder or sex, and the clitoris, redness and dryness of the mucous membrane.

Photos of reasons

Women need to seek help from a gynecologist. The doctor will examine the vaginal mucosa, collect anamnesis, and give directions for the necessary tests. After receiving the results, doctors will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

The most common diseases of the reproductive system, in which a white coating appears on inner lips, include: thrush, genital herpes and vulvovaginitis.


If leucorrhoea on the labia minora is accompanied by a sour smell, and the discharge itself is similar in consistency to cottage cheese, then we are talking about thrush or vaginal candidiasis. This disease is caused by Candida fungi. They are found in the microflora of every person, but with weakened immunity, fungi begin to multiply.

Other symptoms include:

  • swelling of the genital organs;
  • severe itching;
  • redness of the vulva;
  • pain when urinating;
  • strong painful sensations during sexual intercourse.

Typically, vaginal candidiasis appears in women during pregnancy, after taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs; as a result of long-term chronic diseases that have weakened the immune system.

White plaque due to herpes

Genital herpes is one of the most common causes of plaque on the labia. Once in the body, the virus constantly circulates in the human blood. Treatment only alleviates the patient’s condition, the relapse rate is over 98%.

Herpes is transmitted through unprotected sex (and the type of sexual relationship is unimportant). Bubbles filled with transparent or appear on the genitals. Tingling and itching appears. The ulcers burst, and in their place cracks appear, which are covered with a white coating. Soon the wounds tighten and heal.

Usually herpes is mild, but sometimes the virus can affect cervical canal, urethra, anus.


This is a disease in which the vaginal mucosa and external genitalia become inflamed. The pathology is caused by staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci and other microorganisms. Representatives of the fair sex develop a white coating.

Leucorrhoea is foamy, with air bubbles and an unpleasant smell of rotten fish. Ladies experience pain when urinating or having sex. The disease is also accompanied by itching and hyperemia of the genital organs.

Usually the disease occurs against the background of sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, trichomoniasis). It also appears after taking antibiotics, after damage to the vaginal mucosa, as a result of disruption of the endocrine gland.

Treatment of white plaque

If the discharge is caused by natural causes, then no therapy is required; the leucorrhoea goes away on its own. But it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene, wash twice a day. You should not use ordinary soap, it dries out the mucous membrane. Stores sell special intimate hygiene products.

Used to treat genital herpes antiviral drugs(Acyclovir, Zovirax). At the same time, you should take a course of immunomodulators and vitamins.

Treatment of vulvovaginitis depends on the pathogen. Antibiotics from the tetracycline class and douching with zinc or copper sulfate are usually prescribed.


When leucorrhoea, itching and other symptoms occur, many women begin to panic. They don’t know why the labia itch and a white coating appears on them. The causes of discharge can be natural, which do not require medical intervention. In the second case, the signs indicate the presence of gynecological diseases.

Urogenital candidiasis is part of a chain of diseases that appear due to the action of fungi. Candidiasis can affect the mucous membrane and adjacent tissue of organs that are located nearby. In women, the lesion occurs on the clitoris and labia. With more neglected form pathology, the groin area and the upper part of the buttocks are affected. In many cases, white plaque on the labia appears in parallel with other diseases, such as cystitis.

According to medical statistics, women get candidiasis much more often than men. In most cases, almost 70% of the fairer sex have encountered such problems at least once. In many cases, this disease caused complications or recurrence.

Basically, almost all infections occur due to unprotected sex. Compared to men, women have a 50% higher probability percentage than men. Sometimes white plaque on the genitals occurs in girls who have never had sexual intercourse before (virgins), especially during adolescence.

Classification of the disease

Urogenital candidiasis can manifest itself in three forms:

  • The first form appears in carriers of candidiasis. It can be asymptomatic, but under certain conditions it provokes the transition of the disease to another form - acute.
  • The second form is acute candidiasis, it manifests itself more clearly and painfully. The process lasts about two months.
  • The third form is chronic. In other words, this is recurrent candidiasis. The course is long-lasting, its cause is poor-quality treatment that was previously given.

When primary symptoms illness, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist and dermatologist.

Causes of the disease

IN medical practice There are many reasons why white plaque appears on the labia.

  • Action yeast-like fungi, which can cause allergies or spread infectious processes to the inside of the body.
  • The vaginal microflora is disrupted, which is provoked by hormonal imbalance, mental disorders, and stress as a result of improper treatment using antibiotic drugs.
  • Changes in the body's hormonal levels, especially during adolescence.
  • During the manifestation of vaginitis or vulvovaginitis.

  • The disease occurs after primary infectious disease as complications.
  • After herpes and during its passage.
  • Poor nutrition and lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Wearing tight synthetic underwear.
  • Incorrect wearing of pads during menstruation.
  • Incorrectly selected hygiene products: soap or gels. If used incorrectly, such products can cause allergies and irritation. In the future, this can cause more complex diseases, including candidiasis.

When the appearance of white plaque on the labia occurs suddenly, and no connection with any other disease is found, then there is no need to worry too much - these are protective actions of the body. The plaque may go away on its own.

If, when a white coating occurs on the labia, severe itching, burning, redness or pain occurs in the affected area, then a visit to the hospital will not hurt. A gynecologist deals with this disease. Such manifestations may indicate the presence of other urogenital infections. It is not recommended to take such symptoms lightly, especially when plaque appears on the genitals in the form of white balls and pimples (the first manifestation of syphilis).

White plaque on the labia is medically called smegma. The discharge in question appears thanks to the sebaceous glands. The plaque is removed with a simple swab, slightly moistened in plain water with the addition of soda and vegetable oil. Special products with extracts of plants such as calendula or chamomile are also used. They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

How to treat white plaque?

At the very beginning, it is necessary to determine the causes of plaque, since it may not be a disease. If the symptoms of candidiasis are confirmed and the diagnosis is made, then in modern medicine there are many treatment options. It is worth noting that candidiasis is currently treatable.

Today, different drugs are offered:

  • anti-inflammatory herbs (yarrow, chamomile, calendula);

  • oral and vaginal tablets or suppositories (Difluzol, Fluconazole, Micogal);

  • ointments (Miconazole, Clotrimazole);

  • creams or gels (Lactocide, Citeal).

Upon receipt correct analyzes a diagnosis is made and a further treatment system is determined.

It is important to remember, in order not to become infected with candidiasis, you should use condoms during sexual intercourse.

The appearance of white plaque on the labia is quite common, but you just have to figure out whether this is a pathology or a variant of the norm. If the white coating does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor, then it can be considered a variant of the norm. The presence of a slight sour odor may be the result of the work of bacteria that normally live in the genital tract. However, pay attention not only to the plaque itself on (or between) the labia, but also to possible accompanying symptoms: itching, burning,...

Why does white plaque appear between the labia?

Now let's look at what pathological conditions can lead to the formation of plaque on the labia, which is called (thrush).

  1. With this pathology, a white cheesy coating forms on the mucous membrane of the external genitalia, which has an unpleasant odor. A woman receives the fungal infection that causes this disease from her partner, and if left untreated, re-infection occurs with each subsequent contact.
  2. The second reason for the appearance of white plaque on the labia is hormonal changes associated with puberty in girls.
  3. Another reason for the appearance of white plaque is a change in the microflora of the external genitalia associated with the onset of sexual activity.

How to get rid of white plaque between the labia?

First, you need to decide on the cause of the plaque: if it does not cause discomfort and is a manifestation of the norm, then you do not need to do anything about it. If the white plaque is the result of candidiasis and bothers the patient, then you should get rid of it. Modern medicine offers various anti-candidiasis drugs in the form of oral and vaginal tablets, ointments, creams and suppositories. The most common tablets are Fluconazole, Difluzol, Micogal. Clotrimazole and Miconazole ointments are prescribed locally. It is recommended to wash yourself with decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs (chamomile, yarrow, calendula) and special gels for intimate hygiene, which can be bought in pharmacies (Citeal, Lactocid).

An experienced gynecologist will help you understand the cause of the white plaque between the labia, who will carefully listen to complaints, collect anamnesis and take the necessary tests. And to avoid infection with candidiasis, you should use a condom when having sexual intercourse with an unfamiliar partner.

White plaque on the labia appears quite often in women. However, you should not panic when it occurs, since the inflammatory or pathological etiology of such a phenomenon is an optional factor. The complex structure of the female body causes manifestations in the form of similar reactions to minor external or internal stimuli against the background of absolute health. If everything is in order with the body, then the white spots do not have a pungent odor, but due to the microflora of the genital organs, which have both an acidic and alkaline environment, a specific odor may be felt. White plaque, which is a manifestation of an infectious, inflammatory or other disease, is usually detected as a secondary symptom after the occurrence of itching, pain and other signs of developing diseases.

If white plaque on the labia is detected without additional manifestations, this does not mean that you need to relax and wait for it to disappear on its own. You should listen more carefully to your body and rule out the presence of symptoms such as:

  • strange sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • low-grade body temperature.

In any case, even without extensive symptoms, it is imperative to consult a gynecologist.

The main causes of white plaque

  1. Thrush is a yeast-like fungus caused by allergic reactions or infection entering the female body.
  2. Violation of the vaginal microflora, which can be caused by hormonal imbalance, neuropsychiatric disorders or prolonged use of antibiotics.
  3. Changes in the composition and background of hormones in little girls before menarche.
  4. Vaginitis, as well as vulvovaginitis.
  5. Some infections and inflammations of the genitourinary system.
  6. Herpes is genital.
  7. Lack of vitamins and poor nutrition.
  8. Tight clothing and synthetic underwear.
  9. Violation of the regime of changing pads during menstruation.
  10. Incorrect selection of intimate hygiene products: soap, cream, shower gel, bath foam - all this can cause individual intolerance in the body.

Correct treatment of white plaque

In principle, plaque against the background of general well-being indicates that the body is functioning correctly and at full strength, protecting intimate area women from the penetration of microbes, as well as normalizing vaginal microflora. But to avoid the development of pathological and inflammatory processes in the body, it is still necessary to get rid of the white spot in the genital area.

If the plaque is noticed completely by accident, without additional symptoms, you can try to remove it yourself with a stream of water while taking a shower. If this method is ineffective, you need to take a cotton swab, moisten it with water and carefully remove the white plaque from the labia. Trying to get rid of it with regular soap is undesirable, since the irritation and dryness that will immediately appear at the site of the procedure will cause allergic reactions, which will only aggravate the overall process. If this method of getting rid of the stain did not bring any benefit, then, therefore, the cause of the plaque lies in the body care products used daily. In this case, they should be replaced with others. Today there is a huge variety of special gels containing exclusively natural plant extracts with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects (calendula, chamomile and others), which are recommended for daily hygiene.

If you have other symptoms (for example, such as a burning sensation, pain, or pain when urinating), treating yourself at home is not only pointless, but also quite dangerous: such clinical picture informs that an inflammatory process is occurring in the body, one of the causes of which may be candidiasis, vaginitis and other diseases that require in-depth diagnosis and professional treatment. Therefore, a visit to the gynecologist should take place in the near future.

Diagnosis of gynecological diseases, the symptom of which is plaque on the labia, usually comes down to taking smears and general analyzes. If it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, it may be prescribed ultrasonography genitals.

Treatment of white plaque on the labia is prescribed in accordance with the diagnosis. Usually drug therapy involves the use of drugs for both internal and external use (vaginal tablets, oral medications, creams, suppositories, ointments).

White spots can be treated traditional methods. Various herbal decoctions containing anti-inflammatory substances will help in the form of lotions, compresses and douches.

Despite the diversity medicines, it is worth remembering that self-medication can lead to undesirable results and additional financial expenses. Consultation with a gynecologist is a prerequisite for successful treatment.

It is always necessary to remember that not taking the disease seriously can lead to bad consequences and complications.

But what is this - the norm or a sign of some disease?

Throughout the entire cycle, a woman’s discharge changes in structure, consistency and smell. And if the woman’s health is fine, then the plaque on the labia does not have any distinct odor. A slightly sour smell of discharge is also considered normal. Here a lot depends on the microflora of the vagina.

If, in addition to plaque, symptoms such as fever, discomfort in the lower abdomen, burning, itching, swelling, redness, unpleasant smell of discharge, pain when urinating and dry skin appear, then you must definitely consult a gynecologist to find out the cause of these symptoms. symptoms.

Causes of white plaque on the labia

The causes of plaque may be:

  • thrush;
  • changes in the microflora of the vagina (there may be a reaction to the foreign microflora of the partner);
  • hormonal changes in girls aged 11-13 years before the start of the menstrual cycle;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • genital herpes;
  • avitaminosis;
  • malnutrition;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • use of inappropriate intimate hygiene products;
  • insufficient personal hygiene.

If the white plaque on the labia is not associated with any disease, then you should not quickly get rid of it, because it not only creates a healthy vaginal microflora, but also prevents the penetration of microbes, that is, it performs a protective function. The appearance of white plaque (smegma) between the labia is the result of the work of the sebaceous glands. It is recommended to remove it with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil or water. Gel and soap should not be used as they may cause irritation. But you can use various products intended for intimate hygiene that contain chamomile or calendula extract, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

If a white coating on the labia is accompanied by severe itching, burning, redness and pain in the genital area, then this should alert you. In this case, you should immediately seek advice from a gynecologist, since these symptoms may indicate urogenital infections, sexually transmitted or fungal diseases. You should also not take lightly the white balls and pimples that appear on the genital mucosa, which may indicate infection with syphilis.

Many infections and diseases have similar symptoms, so without undergoing the necessary tests and examination by a doctor, it is very difficult to determine anything. The doctor may refer you for a pelvic ultrasound and take a smear PCR method for STDs, a smear for flora, do a colposcopy, bacteriological culture of the cervix, send for urine and blood tests. And only on the basis of the research obtained, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

If alarming symptoms appear, you do not need to undergo treatment or take medications on your own, without consulting or recommending a doctor, as this is not only ineffective, but also very dangerous!

Sexual crisis in newborn girls

Immediately after birth, girls begin a sexual crisis - the process of cleansing and adapting the child’s body to external environment. One of its manifestations is the appearance of white, brown or pink discharge on the labia, as well as their engorgement. Parents should not worry about this. The body of a newborn girl thus gets rid of excess amounts of estrogen. In the first days after childbirth, the mucous membrane of the genital organs is very tender and sensitive, and these secretions are its protection from irritants such as urine and feces.

Such discharge usually goes away within 2 weeks and is washed off on its own. Under no circumstances should you try to clean off plaque with various cotton swabs. You just need to wash the child several times a day from the genitals to the butt and use boiled water for this. It is not recommended to use soap or other detergents when washing. In addition, it is necessary to leave the baby without diapers and diapers for a while so that the baby’s skin can rest.

Sexual crisis in newborn girls can last about 8 weeks, and this is absolutely normal.

You should only consult a doctor if the discharge causes discomfort to your baby.
