The meaning of the name David is name and character. What does the name David mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and destiny

Meaning of the name David: The boy's name means "beloved." This affects David's character and destiny.

Origin of the name David: Jewish.

Diminutive form of name: Davidka, Davydka, Dodya, Dodik.

What does the name David mean? The name comes from a Hebrew name. The word is translated as “beloved.” Another meaning of the name David is “favorite.” As the king of Israel and Judah. He is a man of his word. He is wise, reasonable, and most often rebellious. Loves quiet companies. Everyone listens to his word, because they know that Dodik will not give bad advice.

Patronymic name David: Davidovich, Davydovich, Davidovna, Davydovna.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name David celebrates his name day three times a year:

  • January 8 (December 26) - Memory of St. and the righteous king and psalmist.
  • February 8 (January 26) - St. David, the builder, king of Georgia in the 12th century, restored destroyed temples and holy monasteries, patronized education, and was distinguished by his mercy and compassion.
  • July 9 (June 26) - Rev. D. Solunsky lived for more than seventy years in a hut in strict fasting, prayer and teaching piety to all who came to him (1st century)

In Russia it is pronounced Davyd, and it is believed that the surname Davydov was derived from him.

Muslims also know King Daud, whose name is translated as David. Many historians, analyzing the meaning of the name David, are sure that it was borrowed by the Tatars from European countries, after which it gained popularity in these lands.

Signs: July 9 - David the strawberry: strawberries call girls to the forest. There is a belief: whoever wants to borrow money must put strawberries in his pocket and boldly go to the lender: there will be no refusal!


  • Zodiac - Capricorn
  • Planet - Mars
  • Color - dark brown
  • Auspicious tree - laurel
  • Treasured plant - poppy
  • Patron - tour
  • Talisman stone - ruby

Characteristics of the name David

Positive features: The name gives self-confidence, talent, poise, and politeness. Since childhood, a child with this name differs from his peers in his excellent analytical abilities and, as a rule, receives an excellent education.

Negative features: The name David brings ambition, excessive prudence, rationality, and weak emotionality. A guy with this name does not like to talk about business, hiding his plans and intentions. The man prefers to talk about vacations, pets, and the antics of children.

Personality of the name David: What character traits determine the meaning of the name David? David is purposeful and proud, hardworking and quick-witted - this is the influence of Capricorn, but he is outrageously hot-tempered - Mars has tried his best here. As a result of these contradictions of character, his life is never smooth: with one careless word, he can ruin the entire completed work, fall into the blues, or even into a binge, but, having come to his senses, start all over again. Over the years, the contradictions are erased, and Dodik directs all his efforts to increasing the benefits of life. The name David loves luxury, good food, the company of beautiful women, although he rarely cheats on his wife - however, also without demanding fidelity.

A guy with this name is most often in poor health, susceptible to infections, he has increased emotional excitability, and gets tired very quickly. Therefore, the boy is closer to his mother than to his father, and it is necessary to cultivate masculine character traits in him.

An adult guy - proud, persistent, pragmatic. He strives to be in the thick of things, to actively participate in all matters, everyone should follow his advice, listen to his opinion. It is he who must take someone away, change something, otherwise he will consider himself unnecessary, unrecognized and suffer deeply. He wants to please everyone, to be everything needed, this is the goal of his life.

A man with this name is gentle, intelligent, he can listen and sympathize. This makes it possible to have a large number of friends. True, friendship with him does not last long; he does not like to see the same faces next to him.

At heart he has the name snob. Impeccably dressed, loves good food, luxurious women, beautiful expensive interiors. He communicates with guests and friends primly, without cordiality. Internally, he is indifferent to everything that concerns him personally. He considers pleasure and enjoyment to be the highest good for himself. Dodik loves to travel, but not as a tourist, but comfortably.

David and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: Marriage with Aida, Deborah, Dina, Leila, Rufina, Sarah, Fevura is favorable. The name David also goes with Elina. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Albina, Valeria, Ninel, Stella, Fevronia, Emma.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name David promise happiness in love? His family comes second after work. She does not talk about her sex life. A man can cheat on his wife; he is happier in his second and even third marriage.

A guy with this name has a good understanding of women, but in his youth his first marriage may be unsuccessful. In the family, Dave often takes on cooking duties as he is very successful at it. Family and its well-being are very important to him. The owner of the name devotes all his free time to children, raises them moderately strictly and is very proud of them in the future. A strong, strong-willed, intelligent and beautiful woman is able to find happiness in a marriage with David. It is of particular importance to him if his wife remembers to constantly praise him.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: David's diplomacy provides him with a large number of friends and opens doors to all offices. He can be a physicist and a lyricist, study exact sciences and religion, philosophy, and art. The main thing is that his profession does not force him to sit in one place for a long time.

A man named David is distinguished by his balance and self-confidence. A man with this name has a good nature, but his character cannot be called soft, because many will envy his willpower. He has the gift of persuasion and always keeps his promises. Dave strives for leadership, and it must be said that he is truly capable of leading people. So, the guy should take a closer look at the political or business sphere when choosing a future profession - the role of a subordinate is not for him.

It must be said that the meaning of the name David sometimes has notes of selfishness in his character, and it is important for him to receive approval of his own actions from others. At the same time, such shortcomings as greed, rancor, and resentment are completely alien to David. He himself does not like such people. If he meets them, he may flare up, but calm down quickly enough.

Business and career: Dodik has every chance to make a good career or an independent business. He knows how to find ways to achieve a good financial position.

The level of intelligence is very high, he has excellent analytical and synthetic abilities, he always strives to get a good education, but even if he does not succeed, great reading and excellent memory help him achieve high results in his activities. The name David does not adhere to a specific place of service. If he doesn't like a job, he will change it until he finds what he needs. His field of activity is wide: he can be interested in music, theater, dancing, be a good jeweler, clothing designer, architect. He is an excellent trade worker, economist, politician, and teacher.

Throughout his life, a man with this name is constantly engaged in self-improvement, and it must be said that he manages to do this. He is constantly looking for new experiences and knowledge, be it work or travel. David will make an excellent diplomat, speleologist, and geologist. He is physically and mentally strong, and therefore can try himself in serious directions. The guy attaches great importance to concentration, endurance, and performance.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after David: The meaning of the name David from a medical point of view. He is physically strong, proud, pragmatic, cannot stand lies, is quick-tempered but easy-going, and strives to please everyone. A child with this name is endowed with an analytical and synthetic mind, and very developed intuition. The name of the famous Jewish king. Sex creates some problems for him. The first marriage is usually unsuccessful. Born in summer - kind, hardworking, adores children. Those born in winter often find themselves in sports, sometimes devoting their whole lives to it.

His activity depends on his chosen profession; David changes it until he finds something he likes. He can achieve a lot in theater and music, in architecture, in clothing design and sports. It is not easy to communicate with him; he rarely becomes attached to anyone for a long time, since he does not like to see the same people around him.

In the area of ​​health - predisposed to obesity, nervous and mental disorders. The weak point of the body is the eyes and cardiovascular system. You shouldn't pay attention to what the guy says and does. Dodik is not always objective and fair; he only considers his own point of view. His actions are guided by innate egoism.

The fate of David in history

What does the name David mean for a man's destiny?

  1. David is a prominent figure in Old Testament history: a legendary hero, commander, statesman, philosopher and poet who created psalms that have endured for centuries. In his youth, he was distinguished by his courage, extraordinary beauty and outstanding musical abilities. When the next war with the Philistines began, he volunteered to fight the hero Goliath and defeated him. After the young man’s victory over Goliath, King Saul appointed him chief military leader, although he was only sixteen years old. The youthful beauty and power of the hero, still sinless, not burdened by glory, wisdom, or shed blood, was captured in his sculpture by Michelangelo.
  2. David I the Saint is a Scottish saint.
  3. David Rostislavich (1140-1197) - Prince of Smolensk, son of Grand Duke Rostislav Mstislavich. His father left him to reign in Novgorod (1154) and Torzhok (1159), but the Novgorodians kicked him out. Later he reigned in Vitebsk. Upon the reign of Mstislav II in Kyiv, David received Vyshgorod, losing Vitebsk to Vseslav of Polotsk (1167); in 1168 he broke up with Mstislav and the following year joined the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky, who took and ravaged Kiev. In 1180, the Prince, after the death of his brother Roman, became prince in Smolensk. The prince defended his independence with all his might; he fought against the self-will of the veche and did not put up with the position of the prince’s henchman, boldly challenging the strong Suzdal princes. The prince spent the last years of his life in campaigns against the Polovtsy and Olgovichi. Before his death he became a monk.
  4. David, Prince of Murom - before baptism, bore the name of Gleb Vladimirovich. He was the son of the Kyiv prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich. He was killed by mercenaries, presumably on the orders of Prince Svyatopolk, his half-brother. Canonized in the Russian Orthodox Church.
  5. David Svyatoslavich is the grandson of Yaroslav the Wise and the son of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Svyatoslav Yaroslavich.
  6. David A. Dragunsky - Soviet military leader, colonel general of tank forces, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945). During the Great Patriotic War, he commanded a guards tank brigade, participated in battles near Moscow, Kursk, Kharkov, Kiev, during the crossing of the Dnieper, and in battles in Poland, Germany, and Czechoslovakia.
  7. David S. Samoilov (1920-1990) - Russian poet. Very young, a student at the Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature, he volunteered for the front in 1941. He was an ordinary soldier and intelligence officer. Then he started publishing. Poems about the war, memories of fellow soldiers, reflections on the fate of people of his generation are heartfelt, lyrical, deep and truthful, they are constant in his work.
  8. David Sanguinetti - (born 1972) Italian tennis player.
  9. David Ferrer is a Spanish tennis player.
  10. David Sandved - (1912 - 2001) Norwegian architect.
  11. Dawid Murek is a Polish volleyball player.
  12. David Vyborny is a Czech ice hockey player.
  13. David Alyques is a Spanish football player.
  14. David Stolbun - (1904 - 1938) Soviet stratonaut, neurophysiologist, candidate of medical sciences, military doctor of the 2nd rank.
  15. David Loria is a Kazakh football player, goalkeeper of the Kazakhstan national team.
  16. David G. Müller - (1846 - 1912) Austrian Semitologist.
  17. David Oistrakh is a Soviet conductor and violinist who received the title of People's Artist of the USSR.
  18. David IV the Builder is one of the most famous statesmen of Medieval Georgia, belonging to the Bagration dynasty.
  19. David Ben-Gurion is one of the founders of the Israeli state.
  20. David of Thessalonica is a reverend Greek saint.
  21. David Bagrationi - Georgian writer, prince, educator.
  22. David Friedrich Strauss is a theologian of German origin.
  23. David Mujiri is the name of Georgian football players, father and son.

David in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a similar sound. In English it is translated as David, in Spanish: David, in Italian: Davide, in Polish: Dawid, in Slovenian: David.

Future parents are very careful when choosing a name for their child, believing that it influences the character and future fate of boys and girls.

Currently, the male name David is often found, the meaning and interpretation of which will be discussed in this article.

Origin and meaning of the name

This name is very popular and respected all over the world. Religions such as Christianity and Islam are associated with it.

Let's consider what nationality the name David is. It is of Jewish origin. The patron saint is David of Thessalonica, a Greek saint revered among the saints. In the second half of the 5th century, he settled in a hut in Thessaloniki, where he lived for more than 70 years.

He was a hermit and devoted himself entirely to monastic exercises. They said about Thessalonica that he could hold burning stones in his hands.

In Islam, the name David is known as Daud, Davud, which in Hebrew means “beloved”, “favorite”. That was the name of the king who ruled many centuries ago.

He believed in God with conviction and tried to do His will. In his failures, he completely relied on God, and he helped him, delivering him from his enemies.

Many people are interested in what the name David means among the Slavs. In Rus' it appeared only after the adoption of Christianity, and the form Davyd was used for a long time, from which the surname Davydov came.

Did you know? There are still people in the world whose names are Uryurvkos - “Hurray, Yura in space”, and Kukutsapol - “Corn is the queen of fields”.

Forms of first name and patronymic

Full name- David.

Derivatives- Dodik, Daivi, Davidok, Vidya.

Endearments- Davidik, Davidushka, Davidka, Dodenka.

Shortened options- Dava, Davi, Daud, Dodya, Dave.

Church name- David.

Leans like David, David, David, David.

Those whose fathers have the name in question receive the following patronymics: Davidovich or Davidovna.

Angel's day, name day

For Orthodox Christians, the most revered patron of the name David is the prophet David the Psalmist, King of Israel. According to the church calendar, January 10 is the day of his memory - this means that boys with this name can celebrate name day or angel day.

Name days are also celebrated on January 5, February 8 and 14, March 1 and 18, April 25, May 15 and 20, June 4 and 5, July 26, August 6, September 18, October 2, 7 and 31, November 14, December 16 .

Important!Name days are celebrated once - this is the day that falls on the birthday or the next date after it.

Name in different languages

The name in question is often called boys both here and abroad. For owners, the name David is of great importance in life and influences their future destiny.

It is translated into many languages:

  • in English - David (David);
  • in Chinese - Dawei;
  • in Japanese - Davido;
  • in Spanish - David (David);
  • in German - David (David);
  • in Polish - Dawid (David);
  • in Ukrainian - David.

The character and fate of people with this name in history

Before calling the boy David, you need to know the meaning of the name.

For many people who are called this way, it helped them rise to the top and leave their mark on history.

Let's look at a few famous people and their character traits:

  • Oistrakh - violinist, People's Artist of the USSR: indomitable energy, efficiency, sharp critical mind, able to notice everything characteristic;
  • Welsh is the patron saint of Wales: resilient and unchanging;
  • Tukhmanov - Russian composer: constant advancement, search for his own and himself;
  • Villa - Spanish football player "Atlético Madrid": determination, achieving goals;
  • Friedrich Strauss - German theologian: an unconditional and ardent supporter of freedom of speech, thought and conscience in all its forms;
  • Frank-Kamenetsky - Soviet physicist: self-criticism, diligence, hard work;
  • Yanovsky - journalist, chess player: arrogance, stubbornness; said everything he thought.

The main character traits of people with this name

Let's consider the meaning of this name and the character of the people called David. The man so called is mostly calm and reserved. He is confident in his abilities, persistent, important and slightly cautious. He has developed willpower, kindness, and empathy. He can persuade and keep his word.

He loves to travel. He has physical strength, so he strives to be a leader everywhere. There is a bit of egoism in the character of such a person; he loves to be praised. He does not know what envy, vindictiveness, stinginess and resentment are.

A man with this name does not like people who lie. He may flare up, but quickly goes away. All his life, David has been improving himself, and he is doing it well. He appreciates those around him who have a sense of humor.

Portfolios for schoolchildren often have such a section as the meaning of their name.
Boys whose name is David can safely write that it means “beloved”, and is characterized by poise, sociability, romanticism and kindness - these are very positive traits for a child.

Important!Before giving a child a name, it is necessary to carefully study its meaning and the character traits that are inherent in it. It should help the child along the path of life and be perceived aurally.

Name Astrology

Name Astrology:

  • planet - Mercury and Mars;
  • Zodiac sign - Libra and Capricorn;
  • color - brown, blue, red;
  • stone - amethyst, tourmaline;
  • tree - laurel;
  • plant - poppy;
  • animal - tour;
  • metal - iron;
  • season - winter;
  • favorable day - Saturday;
  • element - fire;
  • character type - choleric.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

Let's look at the meaning and characteristics of each letter of the name David:

  • D - perseverance, pride, secrecy, reflection, willingness to help, rarely - capriciousness;
  • A - denotes the beginning and readiness to do something, the desire for physical and spiritual balance;
  • B - sociability, sociability, love for the surrounding world and art;
  • And - subtle soul, romance, sensitivity, honesty, good nature.

Did you know?The longest name in the world consists of 1478 letters. It takes at least 10 minutes to read it. It consists of the names of historical places, the names of famous scientists, and other things merged together.

Numerology: name number - 6. People born under this number are selfless, selfless, try to help others and maintain friendly connections. They grow up to be good parents. They work most often in education and healthcare.
Attentiveness, fussiness, and refutation of sudden changes provide “sixes” with constancy and confidence, but at the same time make them sensitive and passive.

The name David is very beautiful and popular. Knowing its meaning in Orthodoxy, origin and characteristics, we can say that men who are called this have many positive qualities. Therefore, when a boy is born, call him David, and he will grow up to be a strong, loving man and a good family man.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name David, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

What does the name David mean?: “favorite”, “beloved” (Slovenian, Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Tatar name David of Armenian origin).

In Russia it is pronounced Davyd, and it is believed that the surname Davydov was derived from him.

Muslims also know King Daud, whose name is translated as David. Many historians, analyzing the meaning of the name David, are sure that it was borrowed by the Tatars from European countries, after which it gained popularity in these lands.

Short meaning of the name David: Davy, Dai, Davey, Dinetto, Dino, Doda, etc.

Angel of David Day: The name David celebrates name days several times a year:

  • January 5, 10 and 27
  • February 8 and 14
  • March 1, 5, 18
  • April 25
  • May 15, 20, 31
  • June 4, 5, 14, 26
  • July 8 and 9

Zodiac name David: Aries, Scorpio

Characteristics of the name David

Character of the name David: David is distinguished by his poise and self-confidence. He has a good nature, but his character cannot be called soft, because many will envy David’s willpower. He has the gift of persuasion and always keeps his promises. David strives for leadership, and it must be said that he is truly capable of leading people. So, the name David should take a closer look at the political or business sphere when choosing a future profession - the role of a subordinate is not for him.

It must be said that the meaning of the name David sometimes has notes of selfishness in his character, and it is important for him to receive approval of his own actions from others. At the same time, such shortcomings as greed, rancor, and resentment are completely alien to David. He himself does not like such people. If he meets them, he may flare up, but calm down quickly enough.

David and his personal life

Love and marriage: David has a good understanding of women, but in his youth his first marriage may be unsuccessful. In the family, David often takes on the responsibility of preparing meals, as he is very successful at it. Family and its well-being are very important to him. The name David devotes all his free time to children, raises them moderately strictly and is very proud of them in the future. A strong, strong-willed, intelligent and beautiful woman is able to find happiness in a marriage with David. Especially if she remembers to constantly praise him.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Throughout his life, the name David is constantly engaged in self-improvement, and it must be said that he manages to do this. He is constantly looking for new experiences and knowledge, be it work or travel. David will make an excellent diplomat, speleologist, and geologist. He is physically and mentally strong, and therefore can try himself in serious areas that require concentration, endurance, and efficiency.

The fate of David in history

What does the name David mean for a man's destiny?

  1. David of Bethlehem is the second king of Israel.
  2. David, Prince of Murom - before baptism, bore the name of Gleb Vladimirovich. He was the son of the Kyiv prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich. He was killed by mercenaries, presumably on the orders of Prince Svyatopolk, his half-brother. Canonized in the Russian Orthodox Church.
  3. David Svyatoslavich is the grandson of Yaroslav the Wise and the son of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Svyatoslav Yaroslavich.
  4. David Rostislavich is the great-grandson of Vladimir Monomakh, Prince of Smolensk.
  5. David I the Saint is a Scottish saint.
  6. David Ben-Gurion is one of the founders of the Israeli state.
  7. David of Thessalonica is a reverend Greek saint.
  8. David IV the Builder is one of the most famous statesmen of Medieval Georgia, belonging to the Bagration dynasty.
  9. David Bagrationi - Georgian writer, prince, educator.
  10. David Friedrich Strauss is a theologian of German origin.
  11. David Oistrakh is a Soviet conductor and violinist who received the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

The meaning of the name David is “favorite”, “favorite”. It is of Hebrew origin. In Christianity there were many saints with this name, so David celebrates the day of the angel more than once. This male name is common not only among Jews, but is also popular among other nationalities: among the Scots the name David sounds like Dive, among the Finns - Tavetti, among the Italians - Davide, among the English - David.

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Diminutive forms: Davidushka, Davidik, Davidka, Davik, Davidushik, Dudik, Dadik. The Russian form of the name is Davyd, from which the popular Russian surname Davydov originated. Suitable middle names for a child: Romanovich, Alexandrovich, Grigorievich, Nikolaevich, Valerievich, Gennadievich, Vladimirovich, Alekseevich, Viktorovich, Sergeevich, Maksimovich, Petrovich.

Name days and patron saints

The name day of a baptized person named David is presented in the table.

Childhood and youth

Baby David is an independent and stubborn child who shows leadership abilities from the cradle. The boy easily finds a common language not only with his peers, but also with children who are much older.

The boy is very curious and friendly. He willingly helps his parents in raising his younger sisters and brothers. It will not be difficult for him to sweep the apartment or wash the dishes after a family feast; he loves his mother and father and tries to please them in everything.

David spends his leisure time cheerfully and actively. He loves sports and enjoys attending extracurricular activities and sports clubs. He is a conscientious and easy-going student at school, but can sometimes act uncontrollably and emotionally. David becomes the leader in the class. He takes his words seriously and always protects girls and weaker boys.

In adolescence, a guy becomes a self-confident and determined young man who does not listen to other people's advice and relies only on himself. It is impossible to convince him until David himself realizes that he has made a mistake.

The guy doesn't take criticism well. He erases those for whom he is not an authority from his life once and for all. He does not forgive offenders and traitors, because he believes that these people are no longer worthy of his attention.

Description of the character of a young man depending on the time of year when he was born:

  1. 1. Winter is a brave and courageous guy who does not choose the easy way and fights for his place in life. He is hardworking and reasonable, active and sociable.
  2. 2. Autumn - scrupulous, selfless and smart. David, born in autumn, is pragmatic and achieves his goals. He does not like to talk, but prefers to act.
  3. 3. Vesenny is a creative and artistic guy who loves art in all its forms.
  4. 4. Summer - a person with a fine mental organization. The owner of this name, born in the summer, tends to dramatize and exaggerate everything. He lives without thinking about the future, and loves noisy parties and entertainment.

Timur - the secret of the name, meaning, fate, character


The name David sounds courageous and proud. People with this name are popular with women. They are attractive and have an athletic build. A man named David becomes everyone's favorite and is able to lead people.

He is distinguished by perseverance, high ambitions and determination, he always achieves what he wants thanks to his iron will and strong character.

The psychological portrait of David, the secret of his name, compatibility in love, family relationships are presented in the table.

FateAmong men named David it is rare to meet a loser, since fate is favorable to the owner of this name and he is lucky in life
Temperament typeCholeric
Positive character traitsPeacefulness, kindness, generosity, responsibility, optimism, hard work, friendliness, sociability, intelligence, activity, determination
ConsPride, resentment, categoricalness, pride, arrogance
PsycheDavid does not dwell on his own failures, treating them with a bit of humor. A man easily finds contact with others. He is sociable and can win over any person. The owner of this name does not know how to ask for forgiveness and immediately breaks off contact with the person who betrayed him
IntelligenceA man named David is smart and quick-witted. He remembers details well and quickly analyzes information
HealthThe guy is in good health, but frequent stress and emotional outbursts can lead to problems with the nervous system
IntuitionThe sixth sense is well developed. David trusts his intuitive feelings
SexA man likes to change partners. In intimate relationships, he is temperamental and hot, like an angry beast, from which girls go crazy. He knows how to please and leaves a lasting impression.
BusinessDavid can become a successful leader and businessman because he has entrepreneurial acumen and the gift of persuasion.
FriendshipThe man has many acquaintances and friends; he can always call his comrades and go fishing with them. You can turn to David for help, and the man will always lend a friendly shoulder
ProfessionsProsecutor, judge, lawyer, fireman, doctor, teacher, singer, actor, financier, banker
Morals and ethical standardsAn honest and respectable man for whom morality is not an empty phrase
LoveIn love, David is extremely picky and selective. He has no end to his fans, so he makes high demands on his soulmate. The girl must have a spectacular appearance and be talented, charismatic and intellectually developed. A man will never humiliate himself in front of his beloved if something went wrong in their relationship. He often initiates a breakup and quickly finds solace in the arms of others
MarriageThe first marriage for the owner of this name is rarely successful. David can become truly happy in marriage when he is fed up with love affairs and female attention
Family and childrenA man becomes a caring father who loves his kids and strives to do everything possible for them. Family life for David should not turn into monotonous and routine, so the wife needs to diversify her leisure time as much as possible and surprise her husband every day by arranging romantic dinners and meeting him from work in lace lingerie and stockings
CareerThe owner of this name will not tolerate the commanding tone of his superiors and will never work in a humiliating and low-paid job. He will feel comfortable in the role of a boss or manager in the scientific, banking, medical or creative field
Compatibility in love
  • High - Dora, Agatha, Anna, Rose, Vera, Anastasia, Maria, Faina;
  • Middle - Tatiana, Lydia, Galina, Darina, Lyudmila, Yulia, Dina;
  • Low - Elena, Taisiya, Elvira, Elsa, Elizaveta, Antonina, Nina

Talismans and lucky symbols

Patrons and talismans for David are presented in the table.

Famous men

Famous people named David and men who left their mark on history:

  1. 1. Famous athletes: Beckham, Mujiri, Navara, Ferrer, Villa, Yanovsky, Vyborny, Trezeguet, Murek.
  2. 2. Musicians and composers: Bowie, Oistrakh, Coverdale, Tukhmanov.
  3. 3. Artists: Dukhovny, Suchet, Coperfield, Caruso, Boreanaz.
  4. 4. Scientists: Dubrovsky, Strauss, Stolbun, Gilbert.
  5. 5. Poets and writers: Bagrationi, Burliuk, Usmanov, Kugultinov, Samoilov.
  6. 6. Others: Goberman - famous Russian artist, Morskoy - film director, Cameron - Prime Minister of Great Britain, Dragunsky - hero of the USSR, Soviet military leader.

The origin of the name David is known from its Hebrew counterpart, which means favorite in Hebrew. In Rus' it became widespread after the adoption of Christianity. The name form was used by different families, regardless of what nationality the boy’s parents were.

The patron saint of men with this name is the prophet David the Psalmist, the day on which he is revered is January 10. On this day, the owner of the name David celebrates his name day. In Russia, such name variants as Davyd, Dada, Dodya, Davidka, Davidushka, Dodik.

For a man with the name David, talismans with amethyst, ruby ​​or tourmaline are suitable. Amethyst is a powerful protection against evil rock. It was worn by clergy and cardinals in the Middle Ages. In Christianity, the stone is a symbol of modesty and humility, but it can evoke strong feelings. The gem helps you find the right path and changes color depending on the lighting. Amethyst should only be worn by people with pure thoughts.

Ruby personifies courage and strength, gives wisdom and light, protects from troubles and defeats, protects, ensures safety, relieves sadness. This is a talisman of joy, passion, power, love and glory. The owner of a ruby ​​is surrounded by divine love. Tourmaline is a universal talisman that brings good luck and success in all endeavors, it especially helps in financial matters. Brings well-being to the family, fills it with creative energy, and lifts the mood.

Favorable colors for David are blue, purple, brown, red. Lucky number is six. The owner of this name is patronized by Mars and Mercury. The element of the name is fire. This name is usually given to boys born under the signs of Capricorn and Libra. Iron, a symbol of unbending will, honesty and courage, will be a favorable metal for David.

The symbol of the name is the aurochs; this animal personifies beauty, greatness, gentleness, and loyalty. The totem plants will be poppy and laurel. On the one hand, the poppy gives freedom and self-confidence, on the other hand, it is a symbol of the approach of the Last Judgment. Laurel brings to the character of the name glory and honors worthy of great talent. It is a symbol of eternal life, but the laurel wreath often represents martyrdom. In Christianity, the laurel branch is a symbol of good news.

Name meaning

The meaning of the name David is determined by the time of year when the boy was born. Winter brings stubbornness and determination, self-confidence and firmness to the character. This man knows how to surprise with his extravagance. He persistently pursues his goal, not noticing obstacles, and challenges the most difficult situations. This is a strong person with unbending willpower.

Spring men are somewhat eccentric and temperamental, they do not know restrictions and taboos, often ignoring the norms of ethics and morality. For him, crossing the line of what is permitted is easy; it brings suffering into his life.

Summer brings diverse interests; the life of David, born at this time of year, is filled with colors. Open and inquisitive, he is always surrounded by people who love and appreciate him. Summer Dodya is an optimist, ready for new achievements.

Autumn gives the owner of the name prudence and pragmatism. For David, born in autumn, honesty and conscience are not just words. He is thorough, calm, and capable of action. Why he is loved in his family, respected by his friends, and appreciated at work. David's authority is unquestionable.


By character, David is choleric, he is calm and reasonable. He never gets discouraged, treats all troubles with a certain amount of humor, and tries to enjoy every moment of life. Despite his romantic nature and dreaminess, he is quite down-to-earth and calculating. Since childhood, he easily finds a common language with people and listens to his parents. Loves an active lifestyle, emotional and excitable.

He is very attached to his mother and demands her attention, although he has an excellent relationship with his father. Teenage impetuosity is replaced by the ability to control emotions, overcome difficulties, and self-confidence. Somewhat selfish, but good nature and sociability smooth out this negative character trait. He is responsive and always ready to help.

Despite his gentleness and attentive attitude towards people, he is quite stubborn in his beliefs. His decision is not negotiable. For David, it is important to remain an authority at all times, under any circumstances. Therefore, he categorically does not accept criticism. He treats the shortcomings of others simply, despite his firmness and seeming intransigence, he easily forgives insults.


Fate is favorable to a man with this name. For him, life is full of new things, he discovers it every day. David is able to find inspiration in little things, he explores the world in all its manifestations, loves to get new sensations, and is not afraid to express his feelings. An extraordinary personality, he looks at the world through the eyes of an artist, and surrounds himself with equally interesting people.

Even outwardly, Davidik most often does not look like a simple man in the street; he adheres to the philosophy of his life, is extravagant and subtle. Attracts the attention of others, especially women. And even excessive ambition cannot spoil the impression of this person.


A man with this name does not experience a lack of attention from the fair sex, but when it comes to relationships, Davyd is extremely selective. Matters of the heart are important to him; he pays a lot of interest to the appearance of his chosen one. She courtes gallantly, but easily breaks up if she considers the relationship uninteresting or boring.

This man is attracted not only by his external beauty, but also by his internal beauty. David freely builds relationships, changes passions, starts several novels at the same time, but all this until he meets his one and only.

True love works wonders for this man; after starting a family, he doesn’t even look at other women. A wise woman who understands that David does not like easy prey can win a man.

The owner of this name becomes an excellent husband, father, and values ​​intelligence and openness in a woman. He will do everything so that his family does not need anything. He is not ashamed to help his wife with housework, communicates and walks with the children. For him, family and children are the main thing in life. Disadvantages include its complex nature. David is possessive and will not tolerate even a hint of betrayal. And this is connected, as a rule, with his turbulent youth.


Developed intellect and intelligence, quick wit and curiosity help Davyd in life and building a career. He is able to correctly and quickly analyze the information received, so he quite easily reaches heights in any profession. He can become a good teacher or musician, politician or doctor, scientist or journalist, architect or economist.

The most important thing is that work brings a man not only material well-being, but also moral satisfaction. David will change places of work just enough until he finds the area that will allow him to realize himself to the maximum extent. This man can become an excellent leader and performer, but ambition pushes him to take leadership positions.

David has the strength and knowledge to become an excellent businessman. Intelligence and prudence, pragmatism and assertiveness are the qualities of a true entrepreneur who will run his business with a firm hand. He is also interested in sports, but this is more likely due to the habit of leading an active lifestyle. In his free time, he enjoys playing football, running or riding a bike, but he is unlikely to go into professional sports.
