We express our gratitude for many years of work. Thank you letter: how to write it correctly

Sample thank you letter:

  • Dear (io)!
  • The administration of [name] expresses gratitude for the sponsorship provided in organizing the anniversary of the humanitarian university. The performances of the musicians were at the highest level, and the light show was extremely beautiful! We express our special gratitude to you, because the successful implementation of this project would not have been possible without your participation.
  • We wish you and the entire team of (company name) health, interesting ideas, their successful implementation, good clients, and growth in professionalism.
  • Sincerely, (name, surname).

Gratitude for cooperation This type of letter is very common; it is sent to people both within the company itself and to various business partners, and can be given at an official presentation.

Examples of thank you letter texts to an employee

Samples of thank you letters:

  1. Example text of a letter of gratitude for good work and many years of work

Dear Olga Anatolyevna! On behalf of our entire friendly team and on my own behalf, I would like to express gratitude to you for your fruitful work and note your high performance and professionalism, thanks to which you have made a huge contribution to our common cause. Your personal approach and creativity have helped optimize our productivity. You are an example in our team and are respected by absolutely all colleagues.

On my own behalf, I would like to wish you even greater development in your field of activity and thank you for your long and successful work. With best wishes, Director of the Primer structural unit P.P. Drel 2.

Letter of gratitude to an employee for many years of work - sample

In this case, the first and last name is indicated, there may be a mention of the position, and a personal signature is placed. Appeal This is a mandatory element that is present in any official paper. Since a letter of gratitude is a document, the address is always there, often accompanied by the word “dear.” A person is called by his first name and patronymic; rarely a surname can be added.

If gratitude is sent to the entire team, then write “dear colleagues (name of organization).” Details of the letter Details can be presented in the letter at a minimum: only the name of the organization, position of the person who draws up the document.

Online magazine for accountants

Sample text of a letter of gratitude in honor of the company's anniversary Dear Elsa Konstantinovna! I would like to thank you for your activities in our company. Thanks to you, we have reached a qualitatively new level and do not fall face down in the fight against competitors. Your efforts and hard work that you have shown in our organization have not gone unnoticed.
In connection with the tenth anniversary of our company, I thank you and wish you even greater development of your skills. I would like to believe that our cooperation will continue for many more years. Sincerely, the management of the Primer company represented by the director, I.I. Ivanov
3. An example of the text of a letter of gratitude to an employee for participating in the event: Dear Nelya Faridovna! The management of the Primer company expresses gratitude to you for your help in organizing the holiday. Your creativity and activity were irreplaceable in this matter.

Congratulations on gratitude for work not in verse

This personalization should be expressed in an appeal in the text, addressing you: Example text: “On behalf of the entire Company, I express my gratitude...” If we are talking about another organization, it is worth mentioning exactly to whom gratitude is addressed: Examples: “The Primer Company thanks your company …” “The Primer company thanks the employees of your company’s division...” You can also highlight in the letter of thanks several people who particularly distinguished themselves, or management.

  • For what?

There is no need to thank “for everything.” We need specifics. And this specificity depends on the reason for the letter and the addressee. In the case of an employee, these can be various personal qualities: Example text: “Thank you for your contribution to the development of the enterprise, the professionalism shown in solving professional problems over 20 years of work.

Text of a thank you letter to an employee

We sincerely wish you prosperity and further success both in your professional activities and outside of it. Sincerely, Director of OJSC "Rauma" P.R. Razgulyaev Option No. 16 Dear Natalya Kharitonovna! The administration of secondary school No. 194, in honor of the 20th anniversary of teaching activity, expresses sincere gratitude for the enormous contribution to the training and education of the younger generation, for high professionalism and competence, dedication and hard work! Your inherent efficiency, focus on achieving results, ability to make decisions, communication skills, and patience are admirable. We wish you good health and prosperity, patience and optimism in your difficult, but noble and extremely important work! Director: A.Y.



    The thank you letter must include an indication of who is thanking the employee. This is the entire company or the management of the organization or its division: “OJSC “Name of the Company” thanks” or “Management of the company “Name of the Organization”, and gratitude on behalf of the management is issued specifically in the case of an employee, and on behalf of the company - if gratitude goes “for walls" of the company. Examples: “On behalf of our company, we express our gratitude to Primer OJSC...” “The management of Primer OJSC expresses gratitude...”

    • Destination

    In this part of the thank you letter, you need to indicate who you are thanking: one person or a whole team.

    If you want to encourage your employee, it is better to express gratitude personally to highlight his achievements and successes.

    Letter of gratitude for many years of creative work

    Lipetsk expresses its deep gratitude to you for your cooperation and many years of conscientious work to prevent fires in our city. We wish you success in solving your work problems, stability in life, good spirits, good health, and optimism. May fate protect you and the people dear to your heart.

    Sincerely, Chief Inspector of Lipetsk for Fire Supervision A.A. Artamonov Option No. 3 to V.M. Goncharov Dear Viktor Mikhailovich! Please accept my warmest and heartfelt words of gratitude for your responsiveness and attention to rural workers. Your life experience, the highest professionalism and complete dedication allow you to successfully solve complex problems of the socio-economic development of the region for the benefit of its residents and the prosperity of the country! Your friendly attitude towards people, your ability to understand their needs and aspirations, have earned deep respect and gratitude from citizens.

    I wish you to remain as bright and sparkling and continue to make our gray everyday life more joyful. How to write a letter of gratitude to an employee - recommendations More often, personnel department employees are involved in drafting the text of gratitude. In some cases, the local regulations of the institution contain a separate provision that sets out the standards for issuing thank-you letters, as well as the conditions that must be met in order for the employee to receive it.

    • Appeal

    The thank you letter should begin with the traditional address to employees: “Dear”, “Dear” or “Dear” (colleagues).

    It expresses respect from superiors. It is necessary to maintain a formal business style. Moreover, if gratitude is expressed to partners, you need to contact the director, and it should be emphasized in the text itself that you are thanking the entire team.


    Mazhorkin November 9, 2018 Option No. 5 Vasilyeva Anastasia Vladimirovna, history teacher at the Mir Lyceum. The municipal cultural institution “Museum of the History of the City of Kaliningrad” expresses gratitude to you for working with students of grade 5 “B” on the class memory book “Know! Remember! Be proud! Such projects are important for the younger generation to feel involved in the history of our Motherland, pride in their ancestors and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

    The management and staff of the museum express their deep gratitude to A.V. Vasilyeva for her personal participation in the education of young people. Director of MAUK "Museum of the History of the City of Kaliningrad" A.Yu. Kashirina Option No. 6 We express special gratitude to Lidiya Voevodina, head of customer service at KoshTrans-SPb LLC, for her responsible and conscientious attitude towards working with our company.

    If people financially sponsored or were suppliers of equipment, furniture, and other necessary things, they can be sent thanks by email for their help, expressing deep gratitude with warm words that will lift the mood of the recipient and encourage him to do new good deeds. For conscientious work Some people devote many years to their work, they put in all their strength, they work conscientiously. They thank an employee of the organization with such a letter; it must indicate the person’s name and patronymic, how long he worked in the organization, and what merits he received during this time.
    Compose a text that mentions the person’s personal and professional qualities, and the projects the person has worked on. The purpose of a thank you message is to please a person and raise his strength to a new level, so it is important to write it correctly.
    The personal qualities of the people to whom this letter is sent are emphasized. Standard phrases are perceived as mandatory, but people are still pleased to receive such a paper. How to properly express gratitude You can thank a person using simple but effective phrases.
    At the same time, you should not wait for a more convenient opportunity; it is better to do this whenever possible:

    1. Let me express my gratitude for...
    2. Our company would like to express our sincere gratitude for…
    3. Thank you for your congratulations on the occasion of the company’s anniversary...
    4. I would like to thank you for...
    5. Thank you very much for...

    How to avoid template phrases It is clear that a letter of gratitude is an official document that consists of generally accepted phrases and figures of speech, but you can try to avoid template expressions or reduce their number a little.

High performance of hired personnel is rewarded with cash payments in the form of bonuses. However, there are other methods of stimulating employees that are non-material in nature. Such methods include letters expressing gratitude to the employee and certificates of honor. Within the framework of this article, we propose to discuss the issue of how to write gratitude for good work (a sample will be given below), and the procedure for drawing up such documents.

The successful development of a company largely depends not only on the actions of management, but also on how productive the work of employees is.

At what indicators is a thank you letter written to an employee?

Every entrepreneur uses various methods of stimulating staff in their work, aimed at increasing the achieved indicators. Current laws provide for various types of incentives. All incentive methods can be divided into two separate groups. The first group includes rewards that are of a material nature. These can be either cash payments or valuable gifts. The second category includes certificates of honor and letters of gratitude. Many managers of large companies are interested in non-material incentives. Such rewards allow you to distinguish a specific employee from the entire team and significantly increase the level of motivation of other employees.

As a rule, documents of gratitude are issued in the names of employees who have achieved high performance in their work activities.

The issuance of such an award may be timed to coincide with an event that is important for the company or the employee being awarded. Many companies prepare such letters for employees’ anniversaries. In some cases, gratitude is expressed in honor of a professional holiday. Current laws permit the issuance of such documents to employees retiring. Entrepreneurs can also use this method to mark the employee’s many years of work.

The considered method of incentives is used to motivate the employee to continue active work. Many experts advise using this method as often as possible. A letter of gratitude addressed to a retiring employee deserves special attention. This document is evidence of the gratitude of the company’s management for many years dedicated to their work. If you need to use this method of encouragement, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for composing such letters. It is very important to indicate the specific merit of the employee that allowed him to receive this award.

How to correctly compose the text of a letter

In most private companies, the responsibility for drawing up such documents rests with the personnel department employees. However, in large companies this function is assigned to the secretary or clerk. Many large enterprises establish the procedure for issuing such awards in their internal charter. Such documents indicate specific conditions that must be met by an employee who wishes to receive an award. Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the procedure for drawing up a certificate of gratitude.

The company can stimulate not only financially, but also morally - express gratitude for the work


When composing such letters, the business style of the narrative should be observed. The letter should begin with an address to the employee. The word “Dear” is placed before the worker’s name and surname, expressing the respectful attitude of the organization’s management. Quite often, managers of large organizations are faced with the need to send thank-you letters to their counterparties. In this case, the letter is drawn up in the name of the owner of the company acting as a partner. The text of the document should mention that the company thanks not only the director, but also the rest of the team.

From whom does gratitude come?

The text of the thank you letter for good work should contain a reference to the person thanking the employee. This could be the general director, the company administration or the leadership of a structural department. As a rule, the following template is used in this part of the letter: “Management of the limited liability company “Name of the company.” Gratitude from management is used when such letters are used within the company. If the letter is addressed to a counterparty, the text is written on behalf of the entire organization.

To whom is it addressed?

This part of the text indicates one person or a specific group of people to whom the letter itself is addressed. In the case of sending letters to business partners, it is recommended to indicate the entire team. If management wants to encourage a specific worker, personal letters are used. Such documents highlight the labor successes and career achievements of the worker. Personalization in thank you letters is highlighted with the following wording: “On behalf of our organization, we express our gratitude to...”. Next, you need to mention one specific person to whom the letter is sent, indicating his first and last name. When expressing gratitude to a group of people, you can indicate a list of employees or the name of the structural department where these employees work.

Reason/reason for gratitude

Many managers of private companies that use this reward method often make the same mistake, expressing gratitude for all the merits of the worker. In this case, it is necessary to use specific wording, emphasizing the reason for issuing the incentive. As a rule, the text of the document emphasizes the personal or professional qualities of the employee.

In the content part of the document, you can use the following template: “We express our gratitude to you for your personal contribution to the development of the company and the high professionalism that was demonstrated in the process of solving the problems set by management. On behalf of the entire administration, we express our admiration for your focus and love of work.” When sending such documents to partners, it is necessary to list their merits. This could be a service provided or sponsorship.

Wishes for the employee

In order to motivate the employee for further professional success and give the official letter a positive tone, it is necessary to express your wishes to the person. In this part of the letter you can use the following wording:

  1. “I wish you to continue your professional development and enjoy working in our company.”
  2. “We wish your company further development and a large number of clients.”

A so-called thank you letter is a non-commercial business letter that expresses gratitude to an employee for certain achievements

Hope for further cooperation

When creating such letters, it is very important to demonstrate the importance of further cooperation with the recipient of the letter. Such formulations are used to reflect possible prospects. As a rule, the following template is used in this part of the letter: “We express our hope for further cooperation.”


Current laws allow signing such documents only by management personnel. This right is granted to the general director and heads of structural divisions. When writing a letter, you are allowed to use letterhead and materials ordered from the printing house. According to experts in the field of office management, documents filled out by hand and containing the signature of the owner of the company are an expression of special gratitude to the employee.

Sample thank you letter for good work

When writing thank you letters, it is important to take into account all the rules listed above. Next, we propose to consider several types of such documents:

“Dear Valentin Petrovich!

The management team of StroyDom LLC expresses its gratitude to you for your work and personal contribution to the development of the company, which cannot be assessed. Today, exactly twenty years since you have been working in our organization. During this time, you have solved a large number of work problems and given life to hundreds of projects. You are a true example for the rest of the team and a teacher for young professionals who look up to you as their mentor. We wish you health, financial well-being and further professional success. On behalf of the entire team, we express hope for further cooperation.

General Director of StroyDom LLC Bely N.V.


Sample letter of gratitude to an employee for good work:

“For conscientious work and achievement of high performance

Dear Philip Olegovich!

On behalf of the administration of IP "Orel", I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the fact that you took an active part in the development of the current project and helped solve important production issues. Thanks to your participation, the project was completed thirty percent ahead of schedule, and the sales volume increased by fifty percent. Your professional skills and experience have helped the company reach a new stage of development. We wish you to maintain your love for your work and determination for many years to come.

Director of IP “Orel” Petrov A.S.”

When declaring gratitude for work, an employee must comply with some formalities so that there are no questions from regulatory authorities

Useful tips for writing a thank you letter

As a rule, such letters are presented during ceremonial events related to the content of the document. The letter must be delivered by the head of the company, who personally signed this document. In case of his temporary absence, the award may be presented by the deputy or the head of the structural department. When drawing up a document, you can use both internal forms and special forms ordered from a printing house. Many office management experts recommend writing text by hand. This approach demonstrates to subordinates the importance of each employee to the company's management. Using computer printouts can have the opposite effect, making the thank you note a mere formality.

At the top of the form you must indicate the name of the company that is preparing the document. The next line indicates the name of the partner's company or the last and first name of the employee. A mark is made in the center of the form with the name of the document. Typically, the phrase “Thank You Letter” is used in this part. The content part uses words of gratitude and wishes to the addressee. The completed letter is certified by the signature of the company management and the company stamp.

When writing letters of encouragement, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
The document must be written in a business style. You should not use diminutives or familiarity. Many entrepreneurs prefer to add a touch of humor to the text of the appeal, but this approach is considered inappropriate.

When addressing partners or employees, it is recommended to use the word “Dear.” Using words like “dear” and “sweetheart” is a bit of a mistake. Many experts recommend not to indicate the employee’s last name in the letter, limiting it to only the first and patronymic.

The content of the document must clarify the reason for issuing the gratitude. This can be either some kind of internal event or a celebration of the professional achievements of a specific employee.
The text of such a letter should contain wishes to the worker or business partners. When sending a letter to counterparties, you must express your hope for further cooperation.

The text of such documents should be compiled independently, refusing to use templates. Personalized appeal allows you to emphasize the positive qualities of the employee and his professionalism. In terms of content, it is necessary to abandon the vague wording that is used when composing such letters. Specifics and words of gratitude increase the value of the document.

During the ceremony, the company management must read out the contents of the document. Before handing over the letter, you need to make sure there are no errors. As a rule, errors are made when indicating the position and other personal information about the employee. You can increase the solemnity and importance of the moment by signing a document right during the celebration.

When composing the text, try to adhere to an official business style and use company letterhead

Conclusions (+ video)

The type of incentives under consideration is one of the factors that increases the level of motivation of the team. Highlighting the merits of employees forces them to increase the productivity of their work. The most valuable gift is a letter filled out by hand and containing the signature of the manager. When drawing up such documents, it is necessary to adhere to the official style of narration and a number of simple rules of office work.

Work should be encouraged with rewards: financial, moral, ideological or other. Employees with outstanding work achievements must first of all be rewarded.

Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the relationship between employer and employee, states: the employer has the right to express gratitude to the employee for his special contribution to the work of the organization, it can be expressed in the form of valuable gifts/prizes, bonuses or intangible values: a certificate of honor and the title “Best Employee of the Month” , quarter, year."

Why do you need a thank you letter?

In Russia, the practice of writing such letters and handing them to employees as an encouragement and to distinguish them among their colleagues is just beginning to work.

According to statistics, 7 out of 10 CEOs of large and small businesses will be surprised, if their consultant advises sending similar letters to organizations that bring them water, ensure the operation of equipment, train staff, and also write and hand them to company employees during events. So what is this for?

  1. Firstly, to show value an individual working in an organization.
  2. Secondly, the use of this technique will save some money, replace the procedure for issuing bonuses, if the company is in financial difficulties.
  3. Third, if you express your gratitude to the manager working in the far corner of the office, this will show the director of the company from the good side that he knows about the existence of these people and values ​​​​their contribution to the work.
  4. Fourthly, it will great motivation.

Are you a partner of a dozen companies on the market? Write that working together has a beneficial effect on the progress of business, contributes to increased profits or increased customer flow. Send the printed version by mail or courier, by email, or hand it over in person.

This way of building relationships with partners will set you apart from your competitors, as a result of which your partners will always be ready to meet you, and perhaps they will be able to provide a special discount.

This will definitely improve the company's image in the market.

Which is better: a certificate or a letter of gratitude?

Every organization has principles of work, rest, and rewards. In addition to financial or material types of awards, there are moral awards that highlight the merits of a particular specialist or department.

A letter of thanks and a certificate are a type of intangible recognition of professionalism. The presentation event is positive for both parties. However, on the eve of this event, managers will have to choose which papers need to be prepared and presented to a certain person for their efforts.

A charter is a written act of an official nature certifying the legal relationship of two parties.

This document confirms the assessment of success. The birthplace of literacy was the Byzantine Empire, but important documents such as messages and decrees were called this way. In the 10th century in Rus', a letter meant a business letter. The first materials for writing were birch bark and parchment.

The popularity of letters grew during Soviet times. Certificates served as a sign of distinction and high achievements in the creative and labor spheres. Schoolchildren and factory workers received them.

Gratitude is an official form of recognition of the value of a person’s work. An award is used to reward a successfully completed assignment or work, certain achievements, etc. The content of the document has a free form of presentation of rewards for merits or achieved results. Within companies, it is customary to issue gratitude on letterhead with a corporate design.

How are the documents similar?

  1. Are official.
  2. Issued on the organization’s letterhead with the company logo.
  3. Contains written confirmation and recognition of the results of a specific person or group of people.
  4. They are one-sided in nature and do not involve the exchange of information.
  5. Employees, departments or the entire organization are awarded personally.

Despite all the above similarities, these documents are completely different. In what cases is a certificate awarded, and in what cases is a letter of gratitude given? The main differences between the two documents are presented in the table below.

The diploma is awarded in the following cases:

  • victory in sports competitions;
  • academic success;
  • academic performance in all subjects;
  • quality work done;
  • professional skills;
  • pedagogical indicators in working with students.

A letter of gratitude is awarded for:

  • participation in the preparation of events;
  • conscientious approach to work;
  • honest fulfillment of the terms of the contract;
  • mutually beneficial partnership/cooperation;
  • selfless provision of equipment;
  • personal contribution to activities;
  • success in raising children.

Writing rules and examples

The certificate and gratitude are drawn up on a special letterhead of a specific organization; if not available, a universal one is purchased at a stationery store, or ordered from a printing house to create an original design for a specific event or date.

The style of the letter depends on the reason and type of gratitude. The design is optional. Let's look at the example of the header design.

First option: indicate the full name of the person to whom the delivery will be made, and from whom (manager, director).

Option two: leave the header blank, below the main text write the name of the compiler, position, sign and certify with the company seal.

  1. Use a formal business style.
  2. Addressing an honorary employee exclusively by first name and patronymic, begin with the word: Dear. The use of familiarity and vernacular is strictly prohibited.
  3. The text must mention the reason for the award.
  4. The text is compiled based on the person’s personal characteristics, services to the company, and qualities that reflect positively on the job. Originality is encouraged, try to avoid using banal words and “hackneyed phrases.”
  5. The ending necessarily contains wishes for successful continuation of work and hopes for further beneficial cooperation or partnership.

Entering gratitude in the work book

The Labor Code presupposes gratitude to employees for the successful performance of work duties and recording them in the work book.

There is a special procedure for recording gratitude in the work book. For this it is necessary submit a petition before signing the order. The application is written in free form, but the following information is required:

  • Full name of the employee;
  • position held;
  • company name;
  • reasons for receiving incentives (achievements, awards).

Documents confirming achievements and merits and past awards are attached to the application.

After approval of the application, management prepares and signs the order. Order forms No. T-11 and No. T-11a.

Example of order text 1:

By Order No. 324 of January 11, 2017, employee Vasily Ivanovich Petrov was awarded (a form of encouragement) in connection with (listing of achievements and merits in connection with which it was decided to reward the employee).

Example text of order 2:

By Order No. 324 of January 11, 2017, employee Vasily Ivanovich Petrov was hired to the position (listing the achievements and merits in connection with which it was decided to promote the employee).

After this, an entry can be made. Work books are filled out according to the rules established by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2003 No. 69.

The Effect of Gratitude on Motivation

Gratitude makes it clear to the employee that the manager sees and appreciates his work, and this is very important. Many people quit just because they didn't receive praise on time.

Knowing that the manager is attentive to completing tasks and routine work, there will be fewer mistakes among employees.

Verbal gratitude and encouragement bears fruit, and written gratitude during serious events will stimulate employees for new achievements for the benefit of the company.

Here you will find a variety of text samples (for every taste and situation) for a letter of gratitude to an employee for many years of work and simply for good work.

All names, surnames, geographical names and names of organizations are used solely for convenience of presentation, do not forget to replace them with your data. The necessary recommendations for writing a letter are at the end of the page.

Option #1

Dear Yuri Mikhailovich!

We express our gratitude to you for the fact that you have been working with us for 15 years and making a huge contribution to the development and prosperity of the company! Thanks to your high level of professionalism, we are jointly able to fulfill an important mission - to contribute to the successful development of the country's woodworking industry!

On your 45th birthday, we wish you inexhaustible creative energy, achievement of all goals and fulfillment of all plans, success, good health, happiness and joy!


Director of LLC "Martian"

Option No. 2

Dear Maxim Yurievich!

The Department of State Fire Supervision of Lipetsk expresses its deep gratitude to you for your cooperation and many years of conscientious work in preventing fires in our city.

We wish you success in solving your work problems, stability in life, good spirits, good health, and optimism.

May fate protect you and the people dear to your heart.


Chief Inspector of Lipetsk

on fire supervision

A. A. Artamonov

Option #3

Goncharova V. M.

Dear Viktor Mikhailovich!

Please accept my warmest and heartfelt words of gratitude for your responsiveness and attention to rural workers.

Your life experience, the highest professionalism and complete dedication allow you to successfully solve complex problems of the socio-economic development of the region for the benefit of its residents and the prosperity of the country!

Your friendly attitude towards people, your ability to understand their needs and aspirations, have earned deep respect and gratitude from citizens.

I sincerely wish you success, prosperity, an active team of like-minded people, health, love of your loved ones. Let our fruitful cooperation continue to strengthen and develop.

Director of MU "Support Center"

Lebedyansky municipal district

C. R. Pchelin

Option No. 4

Dear Dmitry Appolonovich!

On behalf of the leadership of the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Novgorod Region, I express my gratitude to you for your active participation in organizing the interaction of internal affairs bodies and private security companies in maintaining public order and fighting crime in the territory of Novgorod.

I wish you good health, good luck, prosperity and express hope for your further interaction with the internal affairs bodies!

Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

in the Novgorod region

Major General of Police

Ts. Kh. Mazhorkin

Option #5

Vasilyeva Anastasia Vladimirovna,

History teacher at the Mir Lyceum.

The municipal cultural institution “Museum of the History of the City of Kaliningrad” expresses gratitude to you for working with students of grade 5 “B” on the class memory book “Know! Remember! Be proud!

Such projects are important for the younger generation to feel involved in the history of our Motherland, pride in their ancestors and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

The management and staff of the museum express their deep gratitude to A.V. Vasilyeva for her personal participation in the education of young people.

Director of IAUK

"Museum of the History of the City of Kaliningrad"

A. Yu. Kashirina

Option #6

We express special gratitude to Lidiya Voevodina, head of customer relations at KoshTrans-SPb LLC, for her responsible and conscientious attitude towards working with our company.

We would like to especially note your kindness and competence. We wish you further success in your work!

Director of Meduza LLC

Option No. 7

The IT-Innovation company expresses gratitude to Ilya Vladimirovich Smirnov, an employee of the Media Bomba company, for his conscientious attitude and high-quality work on the layout and client programming of the Internet projects buzilabra.ok, fignya.ok, kashirina.ok. Noting your creative approach, thoughtfulness and determination in solving non-standard problems, we wish you creative success and professional growth!

President of the company "IT-Innovation"

S. Z. Sidorov

Moscow 2019

Option No. 8

Dear Leonid Kharitonovich!

We express our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for the fruitful cooperation in the outgoing 2019.

We believe in maintaining existing business and friendly relations, and hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation next year 2020. We wish you successful development and achievement of new heights.


Director of JSC "Start"

L. L. Lomov

Option No. 9

Dear Timofey Ilyich!

The management of Golden Hands LLC expresses its gratitude to you and expresses gratitude for your energetic contribution to the company’s activities. Your constructive proposals for improving the technology of electric cooling processes made it possible to increase the operating efficiency of turbine shop No. 3 by 1.86% in just one month. We wish you creative success and interesting innovative ideas.

We would also like to especially note your active participation in eliminating the consequences of the accident in turbine shop No. 1 of power plant No. 4. Thank you for your courage, composure and professionalism shown on the day of the accident.

We look forward to our further productive cooperation.

General manager

LLC "Golden Hands"

A. Zh. Zhukov

Option No. 10

I express my sincere gratitude to Timofey Ilyich Smirnov for his valuable information, consulting and psycho-correctional assistance.

Assistant at the Department of Clinical Psychology

and psychotherapy of Tver State

medical university,

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Kh. Zh. Neuronova

Option No. 11

Dear Alla Khrysantemovna!

I express to you my sincere gratitude and deep gratitude for many years of conscientious work, highly professional performance of official duties and in connection with the celebration of Medical Worker Day.

With all my heart I wish you good health, personal happiness, family well-being, and further success in your professional activities..

Z. Ts. Afonasyev

Option No. 12

The municipal cultural institution "District House of Culture" expresses gratitude to the employee of the Vint company, Zinovy ​​Olegovich Pchelin, for the quick and high-quality installation of chairs in the auditorium of the district House of Culture in the city of Kalinin.

Director of the Municipal Cultural Institution "District House of Culture"

I. E. Zorkin


Option No. 13

Dear Olga Sergeevna!

The Education Department of the Altai Municipal District Administration sincerely congratulates you on the 60th anniversary of Preschool Educational Institution No. 19 of the Gnomik kindergarten and thanks you for your diligent work and love given to the children. Every day you leave a piece of your warmth to your students, lovingly and carefully protecting them. Skillfully selected games, fairy tales, and exercises create a magical atmosphere of childhood. Each child is surrounded by warmth and care. A kindergarten for children is a second home. You have perfectly managed to organize a cozy corner where the face of each child reflects joy and delight.

We wish you, the entire teaching staff and administration of the institution creative success, health, patience and prosperity.


Ch. Ya. Ponomareva

Boevo village, 2019

Option No. 14

GUSO "Lebedyansky District Center for Social Security" thanks employee Olga Sergeevna Pchelina for her conscientious work and significant contribution to the development of social services.


Zh. E. Molotkova

Option No. 15

Dear Maxim Yurievich!

On behalf of our company, I express my sincere gratitude for the conscientious work you have been doing for many years.

In this regard, I would like to note your enormous professional experience, potential and high qualifications.

Over the years of working with you, the high efficiency in resolving work issues also made an excellent impression.

We sincerely wish you prosperity and further success both in your professional activities and outside of it.


Director of OJSC "Rauma"

P. R. Razgulyaev

Option No. 16

Dear Natalya Kharitonovna!

The administration of secondary school No. 194, in honor of the 20th anniversary of teaching activity, expresses sincere gratitude for the enormous contribution to the training and education of the younger generation, for high professionalism and competence, dedication and hard work!

Your inherent efficiency, focus on achieving results, ability to make decisions, communication skills, and patience are admirable.

We wish you good health and prosperity, patience and optimism in your difficult, but noble and extremely important work!


A. Y. Aristova

Option No. 17

MKU "Education Department of the Kalinin District Executive Committee" expresses gratitude to the technical specialist of the Unified State Examination - teacher for economic development of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Troekurovskaya Secondary School" Egor Fedorovich Yuntikov for his conscientious work during the period of the unified state exams.

Head of MKU "Education Department"

Kalininsky district executive


T. Zh. Zhelezyakin

August, 2019

Option No. 18

The Primorsky branch of the Regional Public Institution "Vera" of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug expresses gratitude to the employee of the legal bureau sector in Novoagansk of the Office of the State Legal Bureau, Tamara Pavlovna Zheltova, for her high professionalism, sensitive and attentive attitude towards the residents of the village of Khant who sought legal advice.


P. Yu. Pupkin

Option No. 19

Dear Georges Petrovich!

We express our gratitude to you for your many years of work. You have proven yourself to be a qualified specialist, a competent leader and a talented organizer. You have rich practical experience and enjoy the well-deserved respect and authority of your colleagues. You are distinguished by hard work, responsibility, initiative, exactingness, determination and the ability to work with people. We wish you good health, goodness, happiness and prosperity!

Chairman of the Samara

Regional Duma

I. T. Konovalov

Option No. 20

Dear Anatoly Mikhailovich!

Yaga International LLC expresses gratitude to you for the conscientious performance of your official duties and the high-quality fulfillment of contractual obligations in the period from December 2018 to the present.

We wish you success in your professional activities and hope for further fruitful cooperation.

General manager

LLC "Yaga International"

P. P. Spiridonov

Option No. 21

The Department of Culture, Sports and Youth Policy expresses gratitude to Ekaterina Petrovna Razgulyaeva, chief accountant of the Molniya Youth Sports School.

Thank you for your tireless, conscientious work and high responsibility. For the high-quality implementation of the tasks assigned to you, adherence to strategic goals, understanding of the financial, political and economic priorities of the department, demonstrated initiative and high results in organizing the work of the department entrusted to you.

Head of Department

Culture, sports and

Youth Policy

R. E. Eduardova

  • The “header” (top of the sheet) should indicate “Letter of Thanks.”
  • Under the “header” there may be (but not necessarily) the name of the organization or full name. the person from whom the gratitude comes.
  • The text of the letter is laid out in the center of the page, each new paragraph begins with an indentation from the edge (i.e., with a “red line”).
  • The position of the author of the letter and the name of the organization (if not indicated in the “header” or under it) are indicated on the left edge at the very bottom of the page (see examples above). And the initials and surname are on the right edge.
  • The very last line of the letter should be the date. It is laid out at the bottom center or on the left edge, under the position of the responsible person (the author of the letter). Any date format is acceptable: only the year of writing, year and month, or in the format - day, month, year.
  • , you will find them at the link.
  • Individual words and phrases in the text may be highlighted in bold and/or capital letters.

Any work must be rewarded - this is an axiom. Special merits of employees should be rewarded, thereby stimulating employees to even higher performance during their work activities. Various types of incentives are provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, Article 191 of this legal act states that the employer’s gratitude to individual employees can be expressed in the form of the presentation of valuable gifts, bonuses or intangible benefits. A non-material reward for an employee for good work includes a letter of gratitude. The intricacies of its preparation will be discussed in this article.

In what cases is it written

Example of a thank you letter

As a rule, writing and delivering a letter of gratitude to a particularly distinguished employee is timed to coincide with some significant event. This could be the employee’s anniversary, a professional holiday, the so-called birthday of the organization itself, or the employee’s retirement. Psychologists rightly believe that expressing personal gratitude addressed to a specific person is a high motivating factor, so this encouragement tool should not be neglected.

For good work it is written on behalf of the manager or the immediate head of the department. Usually, such a letter is presented in a solemn atmosphere in front of the entire team.

How to write

A letter of gratitude to an employee is written either on the company’s letterhead or on specialized paper purchased for such purposes. A similar blank for writing a letter of gratitude can be purchased at any stationery store, or, if the event to which the letter is delivered is of particular significance, forms made of thick paper with an individual design can be ordered at a printing shop.

The letter itself is written in a business style. This is the basic requirement. As for the design, various options are allowed. For example, you can design a “letter header” where you indicate to whom and from whom it is being given. At the same time, the “header” in the form of a letter of gratitude does not need to be drawn up - one way or another, the data of the compiler, his position and personal signature, certified by the seal of the organization, are put down below. When writing, it is recommended to focus on the following:

  • Use a strictly official, business style of writing;
  • The employee is addressed by his first name and patronymic after the word “dear.” Familiar, colloquial word forms are unacceptable;
  • The text must mention the reason for the award;
  • The text itself is written based on the employee’s personality, his merits, and positive qualities that are significant for the organization. It is advisable to avoid standard, banal phrases that are the same and applicable to everyone;
  • The end of the text usually consists of wishes for success and expressions of hope for further joint activities or partnerships if the letter is addressed not to an individual employee, but to business partners.

Example text and sample

In order to clearly demonstrate what a thank you letter to an employee for good work should be, consider the possible writing options:

Example No. 1

Dear Lev Alexandrovich!

On behalf of myself personally and the entire team of the Company, I would like to express gratitude to you for your long and fruitful work, and also especially note your merits and high labor performance, which largely contributed to the development of the entire production. Your innovative approach coupled with top-notch professional skills has paid off, allowing you to significantly increase productivity. I would like to especially emphasize that your example inspires your colleagues, who have respected you from the very first day you joined the team. For my part, I would like to wish you every success and express my gratitude for your excellent work.

Sincerely, General Director of the “Company” Ruslanov I.V.

Example No. 2

Dear Liliya Alexandrovna!

I would like to thank you for your impeccable work in our organization. Over the years that you have worked in our team, your work performance, general discipline and level of output have improved, for which your personal merit is undoubtedly visible. Most of your colleagues speak of you as a sensitive, decent and sincere person, noting that they are proud to have worked with you. Joining the opinion of the employees, I personally would like to add that I appreciate everything that you do to advance our plans and objectives. I sincerely wish you health, prosperity and good spirits for many years to come with the hope of further fruitful cooperation.

Sincerely, General Director of the “Company” Ruslanov I.V.

Example No. 3

Dear Stanislav Eduardovich!

I express my sincere gratitude to you in connection with your activities in developing and promoting our new product. Thanks to your efforts, the company managed to reach a new level and fill empty market niches. I also noted the fact that on the path to our common success you spent a lot of effort and invested a lot of time, including your personal time on weekends. In connection with the fifth anniversary of our organization, I would like to sincerely thank you, wish you every success and personal well-being, and also express the hope that our professional tandem with you will last for many years.

Sincerely, Director of the “Company” Popov I.A.


Texts of thank you letters to employees

Home » Letters » Texts of thank you letters to an employee

A letter of gratitude is a certain form of expressing one’s thoughts, recognition and respect for a person. A letter of gratitude is written incognito or in a representative setting.

Often, thank you letters are written to an employee of an organization from an employer. Gratitude can be expressed for good work, achievements, participation in an event, long-term cooperation, many years of work, or upon retirement. There are three main types of thank you letters:

  • Business letter;
  • On behalf of the entire company;
  • Incentive.

How to write a proper thank you letter to an employee?

  • A cap is written if necessary;
  • Address to you, and initials in full; full name;
  • The appeal itself is text;
  • Date, signature and transcript.

Examples of thank you letters:

Video - Ideas for writing a thank you letter (with examples)

Texts of letters to an employee (samples)

1. Letter of gratitude to an employee for many years of work, sample text.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, we express gratitude to you from the head of the company “...” Viktor Viktorovich Viktorov.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, thank you for your long-term cooperation and labor contribution to the development of our company. I and all the employees really appreciate your experience, as well as your active participation in the company’s developments. Your professionalism undoubtedly plays a big role for many (what exactly, the area, what the company does), and as a manager I would like to express my gratitude to you for your fruitful work.

Date: Painting: (in full)__________________

2. Letter of gratitude to an employee for good work sample text.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, the company “...” expresses its gratitude to you for the good and high-quality work, always interesting and correct solutions to the problems that have arisen. Your loyalty and devotion are valued by management and the entire team. Many employees are very proud to work with you personally, and I, as a leader, recognize your efforts by expressing gratitude from the entire company.

Sincerely, (full name) head of the company "..."

Date: Signature: (in full)_____________________

3. Text of a letter of gratitude to the employee for his contribution to the development of the company.

Dear (full name), I am sincerely grateful to you for your great contribution to the development of the entire company. Your efforts at work contributed to the success of the company. I would like to especially emphasize that the amount of work you do is a model for many. Your achievements are undeniably worthy of the highest praise, and I am once again glad to thank you for your efforts, skill and professionalism.

Sincerely, Head of the company "..." (full name)

Date: Signature: (in full)_______________________

In addition, you can enter the employee’s merits, his length of service, and some personal wishes.


Sample text of a thank you letter to an employee

A letter of gratitude to an employee is drawn up on behalf of the head of the organization or the head of the department in which the employee works. A sample thank you letter can be downloaded below.

With the help of a letter of gratitude, management can thank its employee for his professional approach to work, for any achievements in his work life, for the conscientious performance of his job duties.

As a rule, a letter of gratitude is written to an employee about some event: achieving great success in work, a professional holiday, an anniversary, an important event in which the employee took an active part.

You can read how to write a thank you letter to a kindergarten employee here. A sample letter to a healthcare worker can be downloaded here.

At the top in the middle you need to indicate the name and patronymic of the employee to whom the letter of gratitude is addressed.

The text indicates what exactly gratitude is being expressed for, what successes and achievements are being expressed, and words of wishes are written.

There should be a signature at the bottom of the letter. The letter of gratitude to the employee is signed by a management representative: the head of the organization or the employee’s immediate superior.

A letter of gratitude is drawn up, as a rule, on the organization’s letterhead or on a special printed form for such letters.

Sample text of a thank you letter to an employee:

Dear Andrey Nikolaevich!

We express our gratitude to you for your contribution to the development of our company. Thank you for working in our company for 10 years, reaching new heights with us. Thanks to your professionalism and literacy, our company is developing, growing and expanding.

We express our sincere hope that our relationship will only strengthen and develop over the years.

We wish you inexhaustible energy, new achievements and grandiose plans.


Director of AST LLC Petrov A.A.Petrov

You can download a sample letter of gratitude to an employee using the link.

Thank you letter to employee

A letter of gratitude to an employee is an encouragement from a boss to his subordinate in writing. Presented in a solemn atmosphere, it will be a worthy reward for labor success or many years of work, for personal achievements in the work field, as well as congratulations in honor of the anniversary of the enterprise or the recipient himself.

The procedure for writing a thank you letter and its structure can be found here.

Below we offer sample texts of letters of gratitude for employees from the company’s management. The letter may express gratitude to the employee for success at work, for special achievements, participation in an event and other merits.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the texts of letters of gratitude addressed to other persons: to the student - see samples. to the teacher - texts of the letter. to the doctor - a sample. teacher - texts.

Sample thank you letter to employee

1. Text of a thank you letter to an employee

Thank you for your active life position, for never standing still and for inspiring your colleagues to achieve great feats of work by your example. They say that a person is happy when he goes to work with pleasure and returns home with joy. We wish you to always be happy and remain a creative and talented person. May you meet only reliable and devoted people, true friends on your life’s path, may happiness never leave your home. Good health, great success and all kinds of prosperity!

2. Sample text of a thank you letter to an employee from a manager

Dear Petrov Stepan Semenovich!

Administration (name of organization)

expresses to you its endless gratitude for your creative contribution to the work of the team (name), for significant successes in improving the work process and in connection with the celebration of the anniversary of our enterprise. We wish you not to rest on your previous achievements and always be an example for your colleagues. We wish that health never interferes with work, and that work does not become an obstacle to happiness in the family. May inspiration never leave you, and may your working days be a joy. And if you encounter obstacles on your life path, then let them be easily overcome. Good luck and success in everything!

Director: (last name, first name, patronymic)

3. Sample letter of gratitude to an employee from the director for success at work

for a high level of professionalism and workmanship. Thank you for the fact that the quality of the work performed has always been and remains your first priority. Thanks to you, our team takes a worthy position and a high rating. You are a shining example for experienced colleagues and a wise mentor for the younger generation. You are respected because your ideas are always translated into action. We wish you that the kindness, wisdom and strength of your heart never dry up. New achievements and all sorts of victories!

Director: (last name, first name, patronymic)

Thank you letter to employee

A letter of gratitude to an employee is a business letter that expresses gratitude to the employee for his work, contribution to the development of the company, conscientious attitude to work, etc. A letter of gratitude is written on behalf of the head of the organization in honor of some significant event: anniversary, professional holiday, etc.

How to write a thank you letter to an employee

A thank you letter to an employee has the same form and structure as a regular business letter:

In the upper right corner the position, surname and initials of the person in the genitive case to whom gratitude is expressed are indicated. An optional element of a thank you letter - written if necessary.

  • Appeal. In the middle of the sheet indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of the person to whom gratitude is expressed.
  • The text of a thank you letter to an employee. Contains words of gratitude to the employee and wishes to him.
  • Signature.

    In the lower left corner of the letter of gratitude, the signature of the head of the organization is placed, which expresses gratitude to the employee, indicating his position, surname and initials.

  • Sample thank you letter to employee

    Dear Viktor Ivanovich!

    Dear Valery Nikolaevich!

    I express my sincere gratitude to you for the mutual cooperation and assistance provided in ensuring my activities as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 4th convocation.

    Legislative initiatives, examination of bills, hundreds of answers and letters to solve pressing problems of citizens, meetings with professional communities to discuss fundamental issues - all this would have been impossible without your active work and support from your Trade Union. I highly appreciate your enthusiasm, responsibility and high professionalism.

    I wish you and the members of your Trade Union further success in your work, economic stability, and self-confidence!

    Good health, prosperity to you and your loved ones!

    Deputy of the State Duma.

    Application, Act, International passport, Resume, Characteristics, Receipt, Autobiography, Order ↓

    Letter #1:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    I wanted to let you know that you are doing a great job at [job title]. I know you put in the extra time to get work done on time, and I truly appreciate everything you do to help the department succeed. You are a smart, talented and dedicated worker. We are really glad to have you on our team.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #2:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    I wanted to thank you for all the hard work you did to get the [project name] project out on time. Not only did you complete the job on time, but the project was done professionally and looks fantastic. You did an amazing job and deserve the highest praise.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #3:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    I'm really glad I hired you to run [name] department. I couldn't ask for a better person to take care of such important projects. You are very professional and treat everyone on your team with respect. I have heard nothing but the highest praise from everyone who has ever worked with you.

    Thanks for everything you do. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.


    Petr Petrov

    Letter #4:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    Congratulations on achieving your business goal in [month]! This is a huge success. You really put a lot of effort into doing the job. You always go one step forward, you are a wonderful role model. I really appreciate everything you do and for your amazing work.

    Sources: obrazec-blanka.ru, infoblan.ru, working-papers.ru, tekst-obrazec.ucoz.ru, www.blagpismo.ru


    Examples of thank you letter texts to an employee

    Remuneration for labor must necessarily take place; it can be expressed in the form of a letter of gratitude to the employee, sample texts of which are offered below. Examples of formatting letter texts with gratitude for good work, many years of work, achievements in work, participation in an event, in honor of an employee’s anniversary are given.

    Special merits should be rewarded to stimulate workers to improve their work performance. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for various types of incentives. Article 191 of the Labor Code states that gratitude can be expressed with valuable gifts, bonuses or intangible benefits. A letter of gratitude is a non-material reward. In what cases is it awarded and for what merit?

    In what cases and for what merits is a letter of gratitude written to an employee?

    The presentation of gratitude to an employee who has distinguished himself in some way is carried out on some important event for the organization. Cases in which an employee can receive a letter of gratitude:

    1. Good work, special achievements;
    2. Many years of work;
    3. Employee anniversary;
    4. "Birthday" of the organization
    5. Professional holiday;
    6. Retirement.

    A letter of gratitude is, first of all, a way to motivate an employee to continue active work, so you should not neglect it. And in case of retirement, this is gratitude for the years of work devoted to the organization.

    Samples of thank you letters:

    • doctor;
    • teacher;
    • to the teacher.

    Sample texts of a thank you letter to an employee

    1. Example text of a letter of gratitude for good work and many years of work

    Dear Olga Anatolyevna!

    On behalf of our entire friendly team and on my own behalf, I would like to express gratitude to you for your fruitful work and note your high performance and professionalism, thanks to which you have made a huge contribution to our common cause. Your personal approach and creativity have helped optimize our productivity. You are an example in our team and are respected by absolutely all colleagues. On my own behalf, I would like to wish you even greater development in your field of activity and thank you for your long and successful work.

    With best wishes, Director of the Primer structural unit P.P. Drel

    2. Sample text of a thank you letter in honor of the company’s anniversary

    Dear Elsa Konstantinovna!

    I would like to thank you for your activities in our company. Thanks to you, we have reached a qualitatively new level and do not fall face down in the fight against competitors. Your efforts and hard work that you have shown in our organization have not gone unnoticed. In connection with the tenth anniversary of our company, I thank you and wish you even greater development of your skills. I would like to believe that our cooperation will continue for many more years.

    Sincerely, the management of the Primer company represented by the director, I.I. Ivanov

    3. An example of the text of a thank you letter to an employee for participating in the event:

    Dear Nelya Faridovna!

    The management of the Primer company expresses gratitude to you for your help in organizing the holiday. Your creativity and activity were irreplaceable in this matter. I wish you to remain as bright and sparkling and continue to make our gray everyday life more joyful.

    Sincerely, Director of the Primer company, Ivanov I.I.

    More often, personnel department employees are responsible for drafting the text of gratitude. In some cases, the local regulations of the institution contain a separate provision that sets out the standards for issuing thank-you letters, as well as the conditions that must be met in order for the employee to receive it.

    The thank you letter should begin with the traditional address to employees: “Dear”, “Dear” or “Dear” (colleagues). It expresses respect from superiors. It is necessary to maintain a formal business style. Moreover, if gratitude is expressed to partners, you need to contact the director, and it should be emphasized in the text itself that you are thanking the entire team.

    The thank you letter must include an indication of who is thanking the employee. This is the entire company or the management of the organization or its division: “OJSC “Name of the Company” thanks” or “Management of the company “Name of the Organization”, and gratitude on behalf of the management is issued specifically in the case of an employee, and on behalf of the company - if gratitude goes “for walls" of the company.

    “On behalf of our company we express our gratitude to Primer OJSC...”

    “The management of OJSC Primer expresses gratitude...”

    In this part of the thank you letter, you need to indicate who you are thanking: one person or a whole team. If you want to encourage your employee, it is better to express gratitude personally to highlight his achievements and successes. This personalization must be expressed in an appeal in the text, addressing you:

    Example text: “On behalf of the entire Company, I express my gratitude...”

    If we are talking about another organization, it is worth mentioning exactly who the thanks are addressed to:

    “The Primer company thanks your company...”

    “The Primer company thanks the employees of your company’s division...”

    You can also highlight in your thank you letter several people who particularly distinguished themselves, or management.

    There is no need to thank “for everything.” We need specifics. And this specificity depends on the reason for the letter and the addressee. In the case of an employee, these can be various personal qualities:

    Example text: “Thank you for your contribution to the development of the enterprise, the professionalism shown in solving professional problems over 20 years of work. We also express our admiration for your hard work and determination.”

    Partners can be thanked for their support, various services or assistance.

    Example text: “Primer OJSC sincerely thanks OJSC Another Example for timely assistance in delivery and the opportunity to take part in the regional program “You are an Entrepreneur”

    To have a positive attitude in the thank you letter, it is necessary to wish the employee success in the future.

    Sample texts:

    “We wish you to remain a professional in your field, whose sparkling eyes illuminate our organization’s path to excellence”

    “We wish your organization development and profitable orders”

    • Hope for cooperation

    It is necessary to show the recipient of the letter of gratitude that they want to continue cooperation with him to open mutual bright prospects.

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