Inflammation of the anus - perianal dermatitis. Symptoms, treatment and photos

Many people are familiar with the definition of dermatitis. The disease comes in several types, one of which is perianal dermatitis, which is manifested by inflammation in the anal area.

This is a type of dermatitis that causes painful and unpleasant symptoms at the anus.

The disease can occur in people of different sexes and ages: from newborns to the elderly.

If we talk about newborn babies, the causes of the disease can be called non-compliance with the rules of hygiene in the genital area - the same as with diaper dermatitis.

There are many causes of the disease and methods of treatment; they will be discussed below.


The most important reasons for the development of perianal dermatitis are the following:

As a rule, with some internal diseases perianal dermatitis may develop, and the inflammatory process will spread outward.

We are talking about the following diseases:

If the disease is caused by a gastrointestinal disorder, the patient may also develop a fever. But, as a rule, in practice this is rare. After all, an elevated temperature appears when an infection occurs in the body. If it appears, then this indicates that the body begins to fight the allergen that has entered the body.

If for perianal dermatitis the temperature is acceptable, then for other forms, of which there are more than 50, this symptom is a harbinger of complications. If it is present, the patient should consult a doctor.

As mentioned above, damage to the anus can also contribute to the development of the disease. This could be anal sex, scratching, or a fissure in the anus.

There is a form of the disease that people call “Jeep disease”, which is the same perianal dermatitis caused by frequent driving. Because a person spends a lot of time in a sitting position, the hairs located on his fifth point begin to penetrate the skin.

The development of this type of dermatitis is also influenced by the state of the human immune system, as well as the state of the body as a whole. For example, the development of the disease depends on the following factors:

  • patient's age;
  • state of the immune system;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • state of skin barrier function;

If we talk about the development of childhood dermatitis, then the cause of its occurrence may be worms, untimely diaper changes, poor washing and diapers made of low-quality material.

Symptoms and diagnosis

The symptoms of this type of dermatitis are difficult to confuse with the symptoms of another disease, as they are often pronounced.

These include:

All these symptoms are easy to identify for adults, but in a child the disease occurs with the following symptoms: tearfulness, lack of appetite, lack of sleep, restlessness, and moodiness.

If the first symptoms of perianal dermatitis appear, you need to contact a proctologist or dermatologist, who will prescribe an examination and select the optimal solution for treatment.

In order to determine the diagnosis, the doctor needs to listen to the patient, examine the anus, conduct a digital rectal examination, take scrapings and feces for analysis.

To diagnose how healthy your gut is, the following procedures may be needed:

  • coprogram;
  • colonoscopy;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy.

There are 4 types of perianal dermatitis of the anus:

  • Fungal;
  • Bacterial;
  • Allergic;
  • Contact.

Each of them has its own symptoms.

Treatment and prevention

To relieve itching in the anal area, your doctor may prescribe oral antihistamines. The most effective include the following:

  • Diazolin.

You can also engage in local (physiotherapeutic) treatment, for this you can take herbal baths, drink decoctions and tinctures, and regularly irrigate the genitals with medicines.

Magnetic therapy, ultrasound, and laser treatment. You can also use ointments, creams, gels, lotions and balms for external use. The most effective antifungal ointments are:

To overcome pustular formations, you can use aniline dyes: brilliant green, blue, iodine, furatsilin. To treat dysbiosis, you need to consult a gastroenterologist.

Traditional methods

The easiest way to do this treatment is to take baths with tincture of chamomile, calendula, celandine or string.

For bathing children, it is better to prepare a bath based on chamomile decoction, since this is one of the harmless herbs; you can use not only its leaves, but also the flowers themselves.

Propolis oil, which is prepared very simply, is also effective for this problem:

  1. Melt propolis in equal amounts of vegetable oil in the oven.
  2. Leave for 3 days.
  3. Wipe the affected area several times a day.

You can also take tinctures internally.

One of the effective folk remedies is the following:

  1. Mix herbs: clover, nettle, St. John's wort, mint in a ratio of 5 spoons/liter of boiling water.
  2. Leave the solution for 20 minutes.
  3. Take a full glass daily.

Pumpkin juice or fruit pulp, which can be applied to the affected area of ​​the anus, is also effective for dermatitis.

In addition to treatment, it is necessary to deal with the prevention of the disease, that is, eliminate all the causes of the disease, which were mentioned above. For example, if the disease was caused by wearing uncomfortable and poor-quality underwear that rubbed the organs, you need to change it to soft fabric underwear.

Preventive measures include timely treatment of diseases associated with gastrointestinal diseases. You also need to follow a diet and not indulge in unhealthy foods.

The following products are allowed:

  • light soups;
  • green vegetables;
  • oatmeal.

A small list of permitted products, when the list of products undesirable for consumption is wide:

You should not wear tight and synthetic underwear, no matter how beautiful it is. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and comfortable.

And, of course, one should not forget about hygiene; a person should wash at least once a day, paying special attention to the genitals. But it is not recommended to use cosmetics for washing too often, as they can irritate delicate skin.

You need to regularly strengthen your immunity, and if any disease is detected, be treated in a timely manner. It is also worth constantly washing your hands with soap after visiting public places.

You should try not to use wet wipes on newborn babies, as they can irritate the skin and cause perianal dermatitis. It is better to wipe the baby’s skin with a diaper soaked in a decoction of herbs.

As mentioned above, the cause of the development of this disease is a sedentary lifestyle, so office workers need to do some exercises and warm-up during their work, giving their muscles a rest.

Primary symptoms of dermatitis are a reason to consult a doctor.

The perianal region refers to the area near the anus. There are specific and nonspecific perianal diseases. Since the subcutaneous tissue consists of deep pockets and sinuses, the proximity of the source of infection, that is, the anal canal, contributes to the development of various inflammatory diseases, especially in the presence of anal fissures, hemorrhoids, etc.

Specific perianal diseases include actymosis, tuberculous paraproctitis and chancre of the anal canal (syphilis of the rectum). In addition, there are perianal diseases of an oncological nature (melanoma, adenocarcinoma, Paget's cancer, squamous cell carcinoma and etc.). The most common are genital warts, which are characterized by a non-inflammatory origin.

Let's look at rare perianal diseases.

Most patients mistakenly believe that tuberculous paraproctitis is a consequence of pulmonary tuberculosis. In fact, this disease most often manifests itself in the presence of reduced immunity. In the primary stage of the lesion, tuberculous tubercles are formed on the perianal skin or intestinal epithelium, on which ulcers may be present. If secondary flora is added to this disease or there is no appropriate treatment, then paraproctitis develops. Since it is almost impossible to determine tuberculous paraproctitis on the basis of clinical data, the proctologist must perform a biopsy or examine the microflora at the site of inflammation. Treatment of leaks, fistulas and abscesses is carried out surgically, after which the patient undergoes appropriate therapy under the supervision of a phthisiatrician.

The site of introduction of Treponema pallidum, the causative agent of syphilis, is most often the area where the skin meets the mucous membrane of the rectum, so diagnosis based on anamnesis is ineffective. After all, it is rare that any patient can admit to practicing anal sex. During a clinical examination, the doctor may detect infiltration of the perianal skin, reminiscent of paraproctitis. In this area, the patient experiences redness and thickening, as well as some soreness. Therefore, if early syphilis of the rectum is suspected, the proctologist is obliged to offer the patient to undergo examinations for the possible presence of a sexually transmitted disease.

It should be noted that when there are ulcers on the perianal skin, infection is always present. The causes of this condition may be herpes virus, cytomegalovirus or reduced immunity. Therefore, in case of ulcerations of the perianal skin, the doctor needs to find out the causative agent of the infection. In addition, the cause of symptoms may be HIV infection and diabetes. It should be borne in mind that such a disease can be caused by taking corticosteroid drugs.

Perianal dermatitis is one of those diseases that most patients believe is not decent to talk about. However, you don’t have to tell your friends, family and colleagues about this. There should be no secrets from the doctor.

Only an experienced specialist will help diagnose the disease and get rid of it. discomfort in the anus area.

This type of dermatitis can occur in adults and children. In the latter case, parents may suspect the appearance of helminths in their child, which is not the last cause of the development of perianal dermatitis.

Factors influencing the development of perianal dermatitis

The onset of the disease can be influenced by various irritants. Depending on the irritating factors, anal dermatitis is divided into 4 main types: bacterial, contact, allergic, fungal.

Doctors identify the following main causes that are the causative agents of this disease:

  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • constant exposure to an irritating factor on the anal area;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • wearing tight synthetic underwear and thongs;
  • malignant tumor of the rectum;
  • diarrhea;
  • traces of detergent on laundry after washing;
  • general decrease in the body's immune system;
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • overweight;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • scratching the skin in the anal area, the appearance of cracks;
  • helminthiasis.

Some inflammatory diseases (colitis, Crohn's disease) can spread to the perianal area, causing a corresponding type of dermatitis. In a child, this form of the disease may be associated with untimely changing of the diaper and insufficient washing after bowel movements.

Symptoms of a developing disease

Basically, perianal dermatitis, like other forms of this disease, manifests itself in changes in the condition of the skin (in this case, around the anus).

General symptoms of the disease:

  • redness of the skin around the anus and perianal area;
  • severe itching and burning of the affected areas of the skin;
  • soreness of the skin;
  • swelling of tissues in the corresponding place;
  • painful bowel movement.

Perianal dermatitis of a bacterial nature is accompanied by the appearance of pustules and blisters with purulent contents. This form of the disease is characterized by weeping manifestations at the affected sites, the formation of erosions and crusts.

If the disease is caused by the presence of a fungus, then peeling and plaque appear in the affected area white. The affected areas have jagged, wavy edges.

The allergic form of perianal dermatitis is characterized by severe itching in the anus and the presence of papular formations, the opening of which leads to erosion.

Symptoms of dermatitis caused by Jeep's disease (abscess form) are accompanied by abscesses and fistulous tracts in the area of ​​the anal folds.

The presence of purulent, bloody or mucous discharge from the anus, accompanied by abdominal pain in combination with stool disturbances, indicates the presence of perianal dermatitis caused by a disease or disorder of the intestines.

If there is no proper treatment for the diagnosis, the disease does not allow a person to lead a normal lifestyle. Therefore, if you suspect symptoms of this form of dermatitis, you should not postpone a visit to a specialist.

Diagnosis of the disease

The disease can be diagnosed by a dermatologist or proctologist. Before the examination, the specialist checks with the patient for symptoms and complaints. To identify the etiology of the disease, the doctor may do a scraping to laboratory analysis for the presence of a fungal infection. Treatment without an accurate diagnosis will be ineffective.

In addition, other laboratory studies may be required:

  • stool analysis for the presence of helminths and detection of dysbacteriosis;
  • X-ray examination;
  • colonoscopy;
  • rectogram;
  • coprogram.

Treatment of the disease: basic principles

The effectiveness of therapy depends on the correct integrated approach to this issue. Elimination external manifestations Perioanal dermatitis, without treatment of the provoking disease, will not give positive results and will lead to relapse.

Drug treatment involves the use of local therapy (cream, ointment) and taking appropriate medications orally.

The main medications used in the treatment of the disease in question:

  • zinc ointment;
  • antiseptic ointments;
  • antihistamines;
  • dexpanthenol (B vitamin).

If the inflammation of the skin of the perianal area in question has a bacterial etiology, the appropriate ointments are used: Triderm, Candide.

Bacterial perianal dermatitis involves the use of antibacterial ointments and treatment of opened pustules with solutions of aniline dyes.

Very good results are observed in patients who, in combination with drug therapy undergoing physiotherapeutic treatment. The most common physical procedures:

  • laser treatment;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • ultrasound;
  • baths with medicinal preparations.

Treatment at home is possible using prescriptions. traditional medicine, but only upon agreement with the attending physician. The use of compresses, baths, and lotions is aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes and reducing itching. You should not resort to these types of treatment if you have purulent skin lesions and pustules!

For a sitz bath, you can use a decoction of St. John's wort, chamomile, black tea and oak bark, taken in equal proportions. They are brewed in 1 liter of boiling water and added to the bath.

Besides good effect gives the use of rosehip and sea buckthorn oil on the affected areas. Some sources recommend applying pumpkin pulp to the affected skin.


As with the prevention of dermatitis in general, measures taken to prevent the disease are aimed at eliminating factors that can cause perianal dermatitis, namely:

  • refusal of tight synthetic underwear;
  • timely treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • compliance general rules personal hygiene;
  • compliance special diet, aimed at eliminating problems of the digestive tract and eliminating the consumption of allergens in food.

Auto. Gavrilenko Yu.

In children

As for children who have just been born, their disease may develop because the child was poorly cared for. The same can be said about the cause of diaper dermatitis, which in newborns looks like perianal dermatitis, but only affects wider areas of the skin.

The baby's skin reacts sharply to diapers that have not been changed for a long time, to wet diapers, to fabrics that have been washed with poor powders.

The disease can also be caused by injury to the anus or the area next to it.

In adults

Adults suffer from anal dermatosis for the following reasons:

  • Dysbacteriosis
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Enterobiasis
  • Long-lasting diarrhea
  • Using underwear made from synthetic fabrics
  • Cracks near the anus and scratching
  • Diseases with an inflammatory process - ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, proctitis, paraproctitis

There is another type of pathology - “Jeep disease”.

The disease received this name because it affects people who are constantly in a car or often ride a horse. This form of perianal inflammation provokes the onset of hair growth in the groin.

When a person sits a lot and for a long time, these hairs begin to break and fall into the skin..

Also, anal dermatitis can develop in allergy sufferers. If a person has a reduced immune system, then this is a gateway for infection to enter. Therefore, people with HIV, the elderly and children often get sick.

Medicines can also trigger the disease..

Symptoms: how does perianal dermatosis manifest?

The disease has its own symptoms:

  1. There is severe itching and burning around the anus.
  2. Swelling appears and the skin thickens.
  3. Bubbles with liquid inside begin to form.
  4. Erosive foci and crusts appear.

Eat different types perianal dermatitis:

  • Allergic form. It is accompanied by severe itching and blistering. To cure the disease, you need to eliminate the allergen
  • Fungal form. Occurs with groin hyperemia and peeling. The elements have clear boundaries, they have a whitish coating with bubbles

  • Bacterial form. The disease is accompanied by itching, redness and blisters with pus. If you open them, a cloudy liquid flows out. Then crusts begin to form
  • For “Jeep disease” the anus area is covered with a large number of blisters with pus. If they open, the wounds do not heal for a very long time. If the disease is not treated, fistulas will form that require treatment by a surgeon.

How to treat perianal dermatitis

The sick person must undergo:

  1. X-ray
  2. Colonoscopy
  3. Coprogram
  4. Rectogram

To treat dermatosis, the patient is prescribed ointments and creams for the treatment of dermatitis, as well as oral medications. To heal the elements, ointments are prescribed that contain zinc, antiseptics, and antihistamines.

Ointments for the treatment of perianal dermatitis

Here are a few ointments that are most often used:

  • Zinc ointment- often used to treat many skin diseases, has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, softening effects, accelerates skin restoration.

  • Triderm- which contains the antibiotic gentamicin (broad spectrum of action on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria), clotrimazole (antifungal effect), betamethasone (glucocorticoid hormone, relieves inflammation and itching). Triderm is often prescribed for unclear etiology of dermatitis.
  • Aurobin- rectal ointment, course 5-7 days. Apply two to four times a day. It relieves inflammation, itching and pain well. The composition includes prednisolone, dexpanthenol, lidocaine. The ointment relieves swelling, itching, relieves pain and promotes skin regeneration.
  • Mycoseptin— contains zinc and undecylenic acid, which has an antifungal effect. Does not affect candidal infections.

Topical creams

  • Doloproct- rectal cream, applied twice a day. Course - 7-14 days. Relieves inflammation, swelling, pain. Contains: glucocorticosteroid, lidocaine.
  • Bepanten- promotes skin restoration.
  • Candide- contains clotrimazole, kills yeast-like mushrooms, molds and dermatophytes.
  • Kanasten— also contains clotrimazole.


  • Olestesin- suppositories that are inserted into the rectum twice a day. Course - 10 days. They are effective in recovery because they contain sea buckthorn oil, which promotes skin regeneration. The anesthesin contained in the composition relieves pain and itching, and sodium etazol has an antimicrobial effect.

Treatment with systemic drugs

If the cause of dermatitis cannot be eliminated with local treatment alone, systemic drugs are used:

  1. Antihistamines(suprastin, tavegil, zyrtec, claritin, fenistil, zodak) - reduction of allergic inflammation, reduction of itching.
  2. Antibiotics used when there is a risk of infection spreading to internal organs in cases of severe forms of bacterial dermatitis.
  3. Antifungal medications - used for confirmed fungal nature of dermatitis, if local treatment does not help. They have many contraindications.
  4. Anthelmintic— Piperazine, Vermox, Vormil, Medamin, Pyrantel. Perianal dermatitis cannot be cured without eliminating the cause of its occurrence!
  5. Treatment of perianal dermatitis with colitis and dysbacteriosis carried out in conjunction with treatment by a gastroenterologist.

Wet areas are dried several times a day with 1% concentrates of Fukortsin, blue, and brilliant green.

At the recovery stage, physiotherapeutic treatment is used: laser, ultrasound, magnetic therapy. It is possible to use baths with medicinal compositions or herbal decoctions.

Treatment of perianal dermatitis with folk remedies

To treat perianal dermatitis, folk methods use herbal decoctions, freshly squeezed juices, propolis; they significantly alleviate the patient’s condition, have anti-inflammatory, drying and antiseptic effects, soothe the skin, and relieve itching.

Here are some recipes for folk remedies:

  • Baths with a decoction of oak bark, chamomile, string, wheatgrass.
  • Apply pumpkin pulp to the affected areas of the skin, or a tampon soaked in freshly squeezed pumpkin juice.
  • Melt propolis with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1 to 1 in a water bath until smooth. Moisten a cotton swab with the resulting mixture and apply to the affected area. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day.

Causes and signs of appearance

Many factors can influence the appearance of perianal dermatitis. Often the disease occurs upon contact with allergens or a bacterial or fungal infection.


The main causes of the disease are:

  • poor personal hygiene;
  • synthetic and tight underwear;
  • allergy to detergent;
  • excess weight;

Signs of the disease

Main symptoms of the disease:

  1. Redness and swelling around the anus.
  2. Constant itching, slight burning sensation.
  3. Pain during defecation.

Adults can immediately notice the symptoms of the disease, but the child becomes capricious and restless, refuses to go to the toilet, and often begins to scratch the anus. Therefore, it is recommended to check whether there are symptoms of perianal dermatitis and contact a medical facility.

Signs of different types of perianal dermatitis:

  1. If the disease is caused by bacteria, then blisters with pus appear on the skin. Over time, they crack, causing the surface to become wet. Subsequently, sores form.
  2. With a fungal infection, signs of candidiasis develop. Symptoms of the disease: severe itching and a white cheesy coating appears.
  3. Symptoms of allergic dermatitis are accompanied by swelling, itching and the appearance of small blisters with liquid. When they burst, they form lesions in the form of erosion.
  4. With Jeep's disease, the following symptoms appear: fistulas near the anus and rectum.
  5. If there is purulent or bloody discharge from the anus, or abdominal pain occurs, then this dermatitis is caused by an intestinal disease.

Treatment methods

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct approach. Treatment consists of taking medicines and the use of external preparations in the form of ointments.


The main assets include:

  • Antiseptic ointments.
  • Zinc ointment.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Dexpanthenol (vitamin B).

For the bacterial form of dermatitis, hormonal ointments are prescribed: Triderm, Candide. Solutions of aniline dyes are used: brilliant green, blue, Fukortsin. To eliminate symptoms such as itching, take antihistamines: Zyrtec, Suprastin. They eliminate the inflammatory process.

If the cause of the disease turns out to be helminths, then anthelmintics are prescribed: Pirantel, Vermox.

For fungal dermatitis near the anus, Nizoral and Clotrimazole are prescribed. To quickly heal papules, use Bepanten ointment.

Physiotherapy treatment also helps good result. Magnetic therapy, laser therapy, ultrasound therapy and herbal baths are used.

Folk remedies

Along with medication treatment, they are used traditional methods. Perianal dermatitis can be cured with decoctions of medicinal herbs. Treatment is possible in the absence of an allergic reaction to them.

  • Baths made from chamomile, string, and oak bark are useful. They have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, in addition, they dry out wet areas.
  • Pumpkin pulp or a tampon soaked in its juice has a calming effect. It is applied to the affected area. Instead of pumpkin, raw potatoes are also used.
  • Perianal dermatitis can be lubricated sea ​​buckthorn oil or from rosehip.
  • Propolis ointment has a good effect. You can prepare it yourself. Mix finely chopped propolis with vegetable oil and lubricate the affected areas.

Treatment with folk remedies will help cope with itching, swelling and speed up the healing process.

Perianal dermatitis should be treated with complex therapy. Therefore, you need to follow a special diet so as not to provoke complications of the disease.


  • chicken eggs;
  • citrus;
  • mushrooms;
  • fried meat or fish;
  • products. containing dyes and preservatives.

The diet should contain:

  • light vegetable soups;
  • green vegetables;
  • oatmeal;
  • chicken dishes;
  • suitable for drinks green tea And mineral water without gas.

Without a diet, treatment will be ineffective; after a while, a relapse of the disease may occur.

To understand the characteristics of the disease, you need to know what it is - the perianal area. By this term, experts mean the area located near the anus. It is susceptible to specific and nonspecific diseases. The close location of the anal canal to the skin contributes to the development of inflammation, especially if the patient has anal fissures, hemorrhoids and other ailments.

Constant exposure to irritating factors on the skin reduces its resistance, resulting in inflammation. The causes of dermatitis in the perianal area are:

  • violation of hygiene;
  • use of low-quality powder;
  • poor rinsing of things;
  • wearing synthetic underwear;
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • malignant neoplasms in the rectum;
  • damage, including anal fissures;
  • allergy;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs;
  • overweight;
  • low physical activity;
  • worms.

In newborns, the cause of perianal dermatitis is the lack of proper care after defecation and infrequent diaper changes. In older children, the disease may develop if there is helminthic infestation. Provoking factors for the development of the disease in adults can be various diseases. One of the types of pathology is “Jeep disease”. The name is due to the fact that inflammation appears in people who drive or ride a lot. Its main cause is the growth of hairs in the groin. When sitting for a long time, they begin to break and dig into the skin. Dermatitis can also develop in allergy sufferers and people with weakened immune systems.

Main symptoms of the disease

Perianal dermatitis is manifested by such symptoms as:

  • severe itching felt in the anus;
  • swelling of the affected area, compaction;
  • rash with watery contents;
  • hemorrhoids may cause pain;
  • erosive phenomena that become crusty over time.

If left untreated, the inflammatory process can spread to the buttocks. In this case, the patient experiences redness of the skin and deterioration in general health.

Experts distinguish different forms of dermatitis:

  1. Allergic – it is accompanied by unbearable itching and the formation of blisters. To treat the disease, you need to identify and eliminate the allergen.
  2. Bacterial - the main signs of the disease are itching, redness and blisters with purulent contents.
  3. Fungal – expressed by groin hyperemia and peeling. The inflamed area has well-defined boundaries and is visible white coating with bubbles.
  4. Jeep disease - numerous blisters with pus are observed in the anus. Once opened, the wounds do not heal for a long time. If left untreated, fistulas appear that require surgical treatment.

Inflammation of the perianal area requires mandatory consultation with a dermatologist or proctologist.

For a successful recovery, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis, which can only be done by a specialist. This is especially important for infants, as they become restless, sleep and eat poorly. Self-administration of medications is not recommended.

  • Therapy for children

Before treating perianal dermatitis in a child, you should consult all possible specialists. To relieve symptoms, ointments that relieve itching are prescribed. As a rule, these are preparations for external use:

  • Drapolene.
  • Bepanten.
  • Clotrimoxazole.

If the baby is diagnosed with other diseases, for example, dysbiosis and enterobiasis, prevention of helminthiasis will be required. One of the most effective drugs- Pirantel. Additionally, it is recommended to give your baby plenty of fluids. Treatment must be accompanied by careful hygiene of the anal area. For children, it is advisable to choose underwear made from natural fabrics, choose high-quality diapers and wash the anus after bowel movements. For allergic dermatitis, it is necessary to take antihistamines - Diazolin, Tavegil, etc. Perianal dermatitis can also be cured using folk remedies. Among the most common recipes are:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil - wash and dry the berries, pass through a juicer, strain and leave for a day. Then collect the liquid oil base and treat the affected areas with it.
  2. Decoction for bathing - mix black tea, chamomile, oak bark, brew St. John's wort and leave for an hour. Add the finished product to the bath when bathing.
  • Therapy for adults

Treatment of perianal dermatitis in adults involves external treatment of the inflamed areas, as well as the use of medications. For rapid healing of wounds, antiseptic preparations containing zinc, for example, Dexpanthenol, are used. The patient must be prescribed antibacterial drugs:

  1. Aurobin – eliminates pain, reduces swelling, promotes rapid skin restoration.
  2. Mycoseptin – has antifungal properties.
  3. Triderm – relieves inflammation and itching.
  4. Zinc ointment – ​​has an anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

If the cause of dermatitis is enterobiasis, the doctor prescribes anthelmintics:

  • Vermox;
  • Pyrantel;
  • Wormil;
  • Medamin;
  • Piperazine.

Antihistamines help relieve swelling and itching in the anal area. If the symptoms of the disease cannot be relieved with local remedies, the patient may be prescribed antibacterial therapy. At home you can use folk remedies:

  • oak bark or chamomile - brew, infuse and add to the bath when bathing;
  • propolis – grind, mix with vegetable oil and lubricate the inflamed area;
  • pumpkin pulp – has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, apply up to four to five times a day;
  • candles cut from raw potatoes - recommended if there are cracks.

Patients with weakened immune systems are advised to take a course of vitamin therapy.


The development of perianal dermatitis can be prevented only by eliminating provoking factors. Necessary:

  1. Maintain good hygiene, especially for young children.
  2. Do not wear synthetic underwear.
  3. Eliminate allergens.
  4. Treat intestinal diseases in a timely manner.

If any unpleasant symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor. In this case, treatment of perianal dermatitis will not cause problems and will proceed without complications.

Medicines and folk remedies


  • Drapolene;
  • Clotrimoxazole;
  • Bepanten;
  • Pyrantel;
  • Diazolin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Dexpanthenol;
  • Aurobin;
  • Mycoseptin;
  • Triderm;
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Medamin;
  • Wormil;
  • Pyrantel;
  • Vermox;
  • Piperazine.

Folk remedies:

  • St. John's wort;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil
  • Black tea;
  • chamomile;
  • Oak bark;
  • propolis;
  • pumpkin pulp;
  • potato.

Causes of development of perianal dermatitis

Perianal dermatitis can be caused by poor hygiene or irritation to the anal area. The appearance of dermatitis can be caused by prolonged diarrhea, the negative effect on the skin of synthetic underwear or detergent remaining on the underwear after washing. Fecal incontinence due to rectal prolapse or tumor lesions can also cause perianal dermatitis.

With such inflammatory diseases, like ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, colitis, proctitis, paraproctitis, the inflammatory process from the intestines can spread to the skin of the perianal area. The appearance of perianal dermatitis is possible with enterobiasis, dysbacteriosis, and hemorrhoids. Damage to the skin in the anal area (anal fissure, scratching during anal itching) contributes to its infection with the development of dermatitis of bacterial or fungal etiology.

There is an abscessed fistulous form of perianal dermatitis, which develops during long-term driving or riding due to the introduction of broken hair into the skin of the perianal area. This form is called “Jeep disease.”

The state of the macroorganism plays an important role in the occurrence of perianal dermatitis. A tendency to allergic reactions contributes to the development of contact dermatitis of the anal area. A decrease in the immunity and barrier function of the skin leads to easy penetration of infectious agents into it with the development of dermatitis of staphylo-, streptococcal, candidal or other nature. Newborns and elderly people, patients with various immunodeficiency conditions, after long-term antibiotic therapy, treatment with corticosteroids, and HIV-infected patients are prone to this mechanism of occurrence of perianal dermatitis.

Symptoms of perianal dermatitis

The main manifestations common to all types of perianal dermatitis are inflammatory changes in the skin of the anal area: redness, soreness, swelling. Itching is often pronounced, aggravating the course of the disease due to constant trauma to the skin when scratching.

Perianal dermatitis of bacterial origin is characterized by the appearance of pustules and blisters with purulent contents against the background of hyperemia. This dermatitis may be accompanied by weeping, erosion and crusting. Fungal dermatitis is characterized by scalloped edges of the area of ​​inflammation, a whitish coating, peeling, and the location of pustules and blisters along the periphery of the inflammatory focus. Allergic dermatitis is accompanied by severe itching, the formation of papules with serous contents, when opened, erosions occur.

Abscessing fistulous form of perianal dermatitis (Jeep disease), manifests itself as small recurrent abscesses with the formation of short fistulous tracts in the folds of the anus. In case of intestinal diseases, the manifestations of perianal dermatitis are combined with stool disturbances (constipation, diarrhea), pain in the abdomen or rectum (proctalgia), and mucous, purulent or bloody discharge from the anus.

Diagnosis of perianal dermatitis

Patients with inflammatory changes in the skin of the perianal area most often come for a consultation with a dermatologist or proctologist. The doctor conducts a survey aimed at identifying the symptoms and causes of the disease, as well as concomitant intestinal pathology. Examination of the anal area allows you to determine not only the condition of the skin, but also detect the presence of cracks, hemorrhoids, and rectal prolapse.

To determine the etiology of perianal dermatitis, a scraping is taken from the skin of the anal area for pathogenic fungi, a bacteriological examination of the discharge of skin elements and a smear from the anus is performed, a scraping is examined for enterobiasis and a stool analysis for dysbacteriosis. Diagnosis of concomitant intestinal diseases is carried out using a coprogram, sigmoidoscopy, ultrasound, irrigoscopy, barium radiography, colonoscopy.

How to treat weeping dermatitis

Perianal dermatitis is manifested by an inflammatory process in the anal area and is accompanied by hyperemia, swelling and painful itching.

This form of the disease can have an allergic, contact, fungal and bacterial development. The most common provoking factors are cracks in the anus, inflammation, hemorrhoids, enterobiasis and dysbacteriosis. The main importance in diagnosis is the analysis of perianal scraping followed by symptomatic treatment.

This form of dermatitis may occur in patients of different ages and gender. In newborns, symptoms are often associated with poor hygiene; in adult patients, perianal dermatitis can develop as a result of pathological processes in the large intestine and rectum.

Causes of the disease

In newborn babies, the symptoms of the inflammatory process in the perianal folds are similar to the picture of diaper dermatitis, which develops from contact with diapers, dirty clothes, or accidental injury to the delicate skin of the baby's anus.

Symptoms of perianal dermatitis are provoked by the following factors:

  • prolapse of hemorrhoids;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  • enterobiasis;
  • anal fissures followed by scratching;
  • intestinal diseases (proctitis, colitis, paraproctitis, etc.);

  • mechanical damage to the anal area contributes to secondary infection, which can result in fungal dermatosis;
  • “Drivers syndrome” is an abscessing form of fistulous perianal inflammatory process, which is observed during prolonged driving in a vehicle or on a horse.

Patients with an allergic predisposition often suffer from perianal dermatitis, since a decrease in immune forces with simultaneous inhibition of tissue barrier functions contributes to easier penetration of infection. Similar symptoms may be present in infants, HIV-infected people and the elderly.

General symptoms of the disease

The perianal form of dermatitis has characteristic symptoms:

  • the appearance of unbearable itching in the anus;
  • the inflamed area is swollen, hyperemic and slightly thickened (pictured);

  • a watery rash may appear;
  • Hemorrhoids may cause pain;
  • erosive ulcerations, which subsequently become covered with a crust.

If perianal dermatitis occurs for a long time, then the buttocks may be involved in the inflammation process. In this case, there is a sharp reddening of the skin with ulcerations, as well as deterioration general condition patient.

Symptoms according to the forms of perianal dermatitis:

At ALLERGIC FORM Perianal dermatitis symptoms are expressed by the appearance of blisters with transparent contents and severe itching (pictured). As a rule, negative symptoms disappear as allergens are eliminated.

At FUNGAL DEVELOPMENT perianal dermatitis there is redness in the perineal area and peeling of the skin at the site of the lesion. The inflammatory focus has clear, uneven shapes, which can be covered with a white coating (pictured) and a fine-bubble rash.

BACTERIAL DEVELOPMENT accompanied by unbearable itching, hyperemia of the skin at the site of inflammation, up to erosive formations (pictured). Purulent blisters can open on their own, followed by the formation of crusts. In some cases, increased body temperature is possible.

“JEEP DISEASE” is characterized by the spread of multiple purulent blisters that can burst open on their own. As a rule, this leaves an ulcerative surface that does not heal for a long time. Complications of this form of the disease include the appearance of fistula tracts, which requires mandatory surgical intervention.


A diagnostic examination begins with collecting the necessary medical history, taking into account the symptoms of the disease and the patient’s complaints. In addition, the laboratory response to dysbiosis and fungal microflora is assessed.

The doctor may prescribe a number of necessary examinations for the patient, which include:

  • performing ultrasound;
  • radiography;
  • coprogram results;
  • performing colonoscopy and rectogram.

Based on the examination results, the doctor prescribes individual treatment, taking into account the characteristics of the disease.

Tactics for treating dermatitis in children

Before starting treatment for a child, consultation with all specialists, especially a proctologist and dermatologist, is necessary, since only a highly qualified specialist can establish an accurate diagnosis.

The perianal form of dermatitis negatively affects the emotional state of the child. He loses his appetite, sleep is disturbed, there may be restlessness and agitation, and in some cases even delayed physical development.

First of all, various antipruritic ointments are prescribed to relieve acute symptoms, but it should be remembered that perianal dermatitis should be treated taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby. As a rule, external medications are prescribed that have an antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect. These include:

  • Bepanten;
  • Drapolene;
  • Clotrimoxazole, etc.

If a young patient has such accompanying illnesses, like dysbacteriosis and enterobiasis, it is necessary to prevent helminthiasis. For this, it is recommended to use Pyrantel, which is the most effective among the group of these drugs. In addition, it is recommended to use large quantity liquids and especially pomegranate and carrot juices.

Any method of treating children requires mandatory hygienic care of the anal area. It is recommended to wear underwear made from natural fabrics, use hypoallergenic diapers, and wash the anal area several times a day.

Perianal dermatitis can be effectively treated with traditional medicine (decoctions, lotions, creams, medicinal baths, oils, etc.).

The most common traditional medicine recipes are:

SEA BUCKTHORN OIL. It is necessary to wash and dry the sea buckthorn berries and pass them through a juicer. The resulting juice is filtered and poured into an opaque container, which is infused for 24 hours. After this, it is necessary to collect a liquid oil base from the surface of the solution, which should be used to treat the areas affected by dermatitis.

BROTH FOR BATHING. It is recommended to take equal quantities of black tea, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, oak bark and pour 4 tablespoons of herbal mixture into 1 liter. hot water. The solution is infused for 1 hour, after which it is added to the bath when bathing. It is important to consider that herbal solutions are used only in the absence of purulent skin lesions.

It must be remembered that, despite the fact that treatment folk recipes practically safe, however, consultation with your doctor is required. Only he can adequately assess the severity of the development of symptoms, especially in a child.

Treatment of perianal dermatitis in adults

Treatment of perianal dermatitis is based on external treatment of the affected areas and, if necessary, the use of medications orally. This complex treatment promotes rapid recovery. Often, for faster healing, local antiseptic preparations with the addition of zinc (Dexpanthenol, etc.) are used.

Most often, perianal dermatitis is treated with the following antibacterial drugs:

  • Mycoseptin;
  • Candide;
  • Triderm;
  • Kanesten.

Quite often, Triderm is used in the treatment of dermatitis, which has earned positive reviews from patients. However, it should be borne in mind that Triderm can cause intolerance, manifested by allergic rashes on the face, limbs, etc., which is also confirmed by reviews. In addition, Triderm should not be used by children under 2 years of age or pregnant women.

Symptoms of dermatosis provoked by BACTERIAL INFECTION, in addition to antibacterial ointments, are relieved with a solution of brilliant green, blue or Fukortsin.

If the cause of dermatitis is ENTEROBIOSIS, anthelmintics are prescribed:

  • Wormil;
  • Medamin;
  • Vermox;
  • Pyrantel;
  • Piperazine.

Perianal dermatitis, as a rule, requires the use of antihistamines (Claritin, Zodac, Loratadine, etc.). These products effectively relieve swelling and itching in the anal area. If it is impossible to neutralize the symptoms of dermatitis with local medications, the doctor may prescribe antimycotic and antibacterial therapy.

The most commonly prescribed rectal medications are:


This cream is used rectally, 2 times a day for 1-2 weeks. It reduces the inflammatory-allergic reaction, while simultaneously relieving swelling and pain.

AUROBIN. Ointment for rectal use is recommended for patients to neutralize the inflammatory process, relieve burning and itching, as well as for rapid healing. OLESTHESIN.


medicinal product

Available in the form of rectal suppositories. Assigned 2 rubles. during the day for a course of 10-12 days.

If the diagnosis of perianal dermatitis has revealed the mycotic nature of the development of the disease, Candide, Clotrimaxozole, Nizoral, Exoderil, etc. are prescribed.

IN SEVERE DEVELOPMENT OF PERIANAL DERMATITIS, external glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, etc.) can be prescribed. The weakest of this group of drugs is Hydrocortisone. However, it should be remembered that, despite the fact that the drug has a milder effect, it has the same contraindications as all drugs in this group. In addition, hydrocortisone should not be used in children under 2 years of age.

AT HOME you can use herbal baths. For anal fissures and exacerbation of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to administer suppositories cut from raw peeled potatoes. Patients with a weakened immune system are advised to take a course of vitamin therapy. In addition, physiotherapy using ultrasound waves, laser therapy and magnetic therapy are recommended. Dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) occurs at any age and is caused by a huge list of causes and pathogens. One of the most delicate is perianal dermatitis, which is localized around the anus and causes significant discomfort to the patient. In a child in infancy, the problem often takes the form of diaper dermatitis. Treatment of a disease, regardless of age, requires identifying the causes and prescribing a whole range of treatment methods. Reasons for the development of pathology Perianal dermatitis occurs in people of all age groups and may be due to bacterial or diseases), belongs to group L30 “Other dermatitis”.

The problem may appear due to the following factors:

In young children, the disease usually has specific causes, namely violation of the rules for using diapers, which is why constant contact of urine and feces with delicate skin provokes inflammatory dermatitis.

Clinical picture and photo

All symptoms characteristic of anal dermatitis can be divided into two groups:

  • general, inherent in any form of illness;
  • specific, determined by the specific cause of the disease.

General symptoms include:

Specific is a significant increase in existing symptoms after defecation.

Additional signs depend on the source of the problem and often help to conduct an initial diagnosis when contacting a dermatologist and establish the specific type of pathology:

  • If the source of inflammation is a bacterial infection that has penetrated through injured areas of the skin, then bubbles with purulent contents will form in the affected area, which will become wet after opening and gradually become covered with crusts.
  • The allergic form is characterized by severe swelling and the appearance of numerous small rashes and blisters with clear liquid inside.
  • With fungal infection of the anal area, the most disturbing thing is severe itching, which often becomes unbearable. When fungi of the genus Candida are active, a white coating resembling cottage cheese is formed.

Treatment options

Anal dermatitis can only be effectively treated if its cause is taken into account. Based on these data, complex therapy is prescribed, consisting of local drugs, traditional medicine and systemic drugs. Proper hygiene of the anal area and adherence to a special diet that excludes all irritating foods are of primary importance.

Drug treatment

Medicines are used in each clinical case, but their list is established in individually. Various drugs may be used as part of treatment.

Antihistamines in tablet form:

  • Loratadine;
  • Diazolin;
  • Clemastine.

First of all, they are relevant for the allergic form of the disease, but are also prescribed in other situations as a symptomatic method to relieve itching and inflammation.

Local treatment for rapid tissue regeneration and symptom relief:

  • Dexpanthenol ointment;
  • Bepanten.

Antibacterial ointments and a course of antibiotics (for bacterial infection):

Antimycotic drugs for topical application or in the form rectal suppositories(for fungal form of perianal dermatitis):

  • Mycoseptin;
  • Canasten;
  • Clotrimazole.
  • Pyrantel;
  • Ornidazole;
  • Piperazine.

Physiotherapeutic methods are actively used to relieve inflammation and swelling: ultrasound and magnetic therapy, laser treatment.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine is allowed because it is effective in relation to symptoms. The selected methods require prior consultation with your doctor.

Let's look at the most common folk remedies for dermatitis:

  • Baths with herbal decoctions to relieve irritation and itching. Pharmaceutical chamomile, oak bark or string can be used as an active component. The selected plant is brewed in dry form in the proportion of a tablespoon per 300 ml of water. The resulting medicine is poured into a bath of clean warm water, in which you need to sit for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out daily before bedtime.
  • Lotions with pumpkin. Fresh vegetable juice or its crushed pulp is applied in gauze to the affected area of ​​skin for half an hour.
  • Propolis compress. The beekeeping product is melted and mixed with vegetable oil in equal proportions, after which a cotton swab is moistened and applied to the anus several times a day for 15 minutes.
  • Ointment made from sea buckthorn, flax seed and aloe pulp. All components are mixed in equal quantities and combined with soft butter. The resulting mass is placed in a convenient container and hardens in the refrigerator. Use ointment as needed to combat symptoms of dermatitis.


It is possible to prevent the occurrence of perianal dermatitis in both children and adult patients. To do this, you need to follow a number of recommendations:

  • Proper hygiene of the problem area.
  • When caring for a child, you need to change diapers at least once every 3-4 hours, even if they are not yet full. It is important to ensure that the skin is completely dry when putting on a clean hygiene product.
  • Wearing underwear made of natural fabrics, preferably white (undyed), which does not rub or press.
  • Avoiding contact of the anal area with aggressive, irritating compounds.
  • Thorough rinsing of underwear.
  • Compliance with the principles proper nutrition to minimize the likelihood of diseases of the digestive system.
  • Avoiding stressful situations, working on effectively relieving mental stress.
  • Timely treatment of emerging diseases.
