The healing properties of climadinon uno and detailed instructions for use. Klimadinon and Mastodin in the treatment of menopausal syndrome Klimadinon - indications for use

Sooner or later, a natural hormonal imbalance occurs in the female body, called menopause. The process is not the most pleasant. It affects not only physical health, but also mental health.

In order to alleviate a woman’s condition during menopausal changes, special medications are used.

This includes Klimadinon Uno. How it works and whether it can cause harm will be discussed in detail below.

Pharmacological action

The drug stimulates estrogen receptors

The medicine belongs to the herbal category. Its therapeutic effect on women's problems occurs due to the influence of natural herbal components.

The main component is black cohosh extract, which has a mechanism of action similar to that of estrogen.

If they are properly stimulated, the secretion of the hormone lutein decreases. Thanks to this, normalization of the vegetative vessels and psyche becomes possible.

The drug Klimadinon Uno does not provoke disruptions in the natural functioning of the ovaries and the body’s independent production of its own estrogen.

The body's production of estrogen and progesterone depending on age

The drug does not lead to proliferation of the endometrium and estrogen-dependent breast carcinoma.

Composition and release form

Produced only in tablet form. There are 30 pieces in one package. In 1 tablet the concentration of black cohosh is 32.5 mg.

Video on the topic:

The first difference between Klimadinon Uno and Klimadinon is that the first drug is available only in the form of tablets, and the second is also available in the form of drops.

The drugs differ in the form of release and the concentration of the active substance.

The indications for the drugs are absolutely the same, but the concentration of the active substance is different. Klimadinon Uno tablets contain more of it. For this reason, the product can be used less often and for a shorter course.

You can learn more about the drug Klimadinon here.

Indications for use

Tablets are prescribed to women during menopause, before and after menopause.

Their use helps to avoid unpleasant symptoms such as:

  • Tides;
  • Excessive sweating;
  • Sleep problems;
  • Nervous overexcitability.

Even with depression, Klimadinon Uno effectively fights as one of the manifestations of menopause.


People who are hypersensitive to the components of the drug should not take the product.

The tablets should also not be used by those who are lactose intolerant.

The drug should be used with caution in patients with liver dysfunction.

Useful video:

Side effects

Negative reactions of the body to the use of the drug are very rare. They usually manifest themselves as stomach pain and allergies.

There have also been several cases of liver side effects.

If you experience any of the following, stop using the medicine and consult a specialist.

Drug interactions

This issue has not been studied by the manufacturer.

But, in practice, doctors noted that no negative reactions occurred.

Dosage and overdose

It is not difficult to maintain the dosage of the drug, because it is the same for all women.

In this case, there should not be an overdose, but if for some reason it does occur, the person will feel severe pain in the stomach.

You need to consult a doctor and no longer use Klimadinon Uno tablets.

Instructions for use

The drug is taken once a day and preferably at the same time each time with a deviation of +- 5 minutes, just 1 tablet.

Many women are interested in how long they can take Klimadinon Uno. If you decide to take this drug yourself, the course should not exceed 3 months. Then you need to consult a doctor.

If treatment with tablets is prescribed by a specialist, the duration of treatment may be longer.

Is it possible to gain weight from Klimadinon Uno tablets? Although the drug is hormonal, it is based on a natural component, not a synthetic one.

Interesting video on the topic:

The likelihood that a woman will gain weight from using it is too small. We can talk about this only if the jump in weight was significant and neither the diet nor the daily routine were changed.

Shelf life and storage of the drug

The product is stored for 4 years from the date of production at an air temperature not exceeding + 25 ̊ C.

Special instructions

No.Special instructions for the use of tablets
1 Tangible results when using the drug are noticeable no less than 14 days from the start of the course.
2 If, during a course of pill therapy, menstrual flow appears or the duration of your period is longer than usual, you should immediately contact a specialist.
3 With the simultaneous use of Klimadinon Uno and estrogen-containing drugs, the influence of others may increase.
4 The drug does not in any way affect the reaction rate and control of mechanisms.
5 For people with diabetes, taking the pills is not dangerous. They contain too little grain units to harm the body.
6 In the presence of hormone-dependent tumors of the mammary glands or after they have been cured, the drug can be used only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Price of the drug in pharmacies

The average cost of tablets per package is 350 - 470 rubles.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The medicine is available without a prescription.

Analogues substitutes

Klimadinon Uno tablets have several similar substitutes:

  • Klimadinon drops.

Photo gallery of analogues:

Klimadinon drops and tablets

Table with the cost of drugs:

Drug namePricePurchasePharmacy
Remens, drops 50ml713.90 rub.Buy
Remens, drops 50ml670 rub.

Every woman has heard about such a phenomenon as menopause. In reality, every woman will go through this period, without exception. Having crossed the age limit of forty-five years, a woman begins to grow old. To be more precise, the woman appearance can stop this process.

During menopause, the aging process of the organs located inside the woman occurs. First of all, the organs responsible for reproductive function undergo this process.

As you know, the organs responsible for reproductive function are, first of all, directly related to a woman’s appearance, and it is the condition of these organs that is responsible for what a woman looks like.

Sharp aging of the skin, large volume of wrinkles and deterioration general condition- symbolize the onset of a period such as menopause. Menopause is something that every organism will come to. Throughout her life, a woman’s body prepares for this period.

It should be noted that menopause consists of several stages. One of them is preparatory. That is, this is the period in which the first symptoms can be noticed, but they are not pronounced.

There is no need to be afraid of menopause. Firstly, this is a natural phenomenon. Secondly, this is not such a terrible period in the lives of women as the ladies describe it. Thirdly, today, thanks to the development of medicine, there are a lot of drugs that help relieve symptoms during menopause, and also help maintain toned skin and the appearance of women.

We are, of course, talking about medicines, the abundance of which is simply surprising. Manufacturers are ready to surprise women with a variety of beauty formulas and structures that help create a miracle. Of course, many have heard about such drugs. Not every woman is at risk of starting to take supplements.

The thing is that most of the drugs are not additives at all, but drugs hormonal purposes. This is what scares off most women. In fact, this is not a reason to be afraid.

As already mentioned, manufacturers produce a variety of drugs and supplements. The extensive range of drugs includes not only hormonal drugs, but also drugs based on herbal components.

Each woman, of course, independently chooses to take medications - hormonal or herbal. However, before you start taking any drug, you must consult a doctor. After all, women often make mistakes and prematurely determine the menopause.

You should only start taking medications and supplements with your doctor's approval. Particular attention should be paid to hormonal drugs. It is important to determine the required dose and this can be done by a highly qualified specialist. It is prohibited to decide independently at what time and in what volume to take the medicine.

Moreover, many women change the dose of the drug on their own. Only a doctor can do this if he really sees the need for it. We must remember that jokes with hormones are bad and self-medication can lead to adverse consequences.

One of the drugs intended for use during menopause is - Klimadinon.

The drug Klimadinon, like many other drugs, is intended for use during menopause in women.

This medicine is not a hormonal type of drug.

The big advantage is that the composition is based on herbal and natural ingredients, which, of course, is very attractive to women.

Klimadinon is intended for cases when a woman is in menopause. The medicine helps alleviate the disorders that occur during menopause.

In other words, Klimadinon is a drug based on concentrated phytohormones. The medicine helps, first of all, to eliminate symptoms characteristic of menopause.

The drug can be taken in for preventive purposes. This is permitted because the medicine is not a hormonal drug. Therefore, the volume of admission is not limited. However, this does not mean that the dosage is not required. The drug is in particular demand not only when a woman is in menopause, but also in cases where menstrual irregularities are noticed.

What are the phytohormones that form the basis of the drug? In fact, they can be classified as natural substances. As is known, such substances are harmless both for women and for their health.

The great advantage of such substances is that they are identical to human hormones. Some plants contain phytohormones.

Black cohosh extract is the main component of such medications.. If you look at the composition of the medicine, then this extract is the active substance. This component contains the most important hormone necessary for women - estrogen.

This hormone plays an invaluable role in the regulation of menstrual cycles. As you know, everything in a woman’s body is very interconnected. The menstrual cycle, menopause and the organs responsible for the female reproductive system are directly intertwined.

Disruption in the menstrual cycle, as well as lack of functioning reproductive organs and the absence of the necessary hormone estrogen entails favorable conditions for menopause, as well as menopause.


As mentioned earlier, every medicine contains an active substance, which is what makes the medicine effective. However, the active substance alone is not enough. Various additives are added to the drugs.

The active substance in Klimadinon is black cohosh extract. In addition, there are additional components as additives.

Effect on the body

As you know, every woman goes through menopause. During this period, hormonal levels begin to decrease. This is especially true for sex hormones.

As a result of this process, the balance in the body is disturbed, ultimately leading to imbalance.

Hormonal imbalance contributes to the development of symptoms inherent in menopause. The woman begins to feel hot flashes, headaches, malaise and a deterioration in general health.

When taking a medication such as Klimadinon, the process of replenishing the missing volume of such an important hormone as estrogen.

It is thanks to the process of hormone replenishment that all symptoms that cause women discomfort are eliminated.

When menstruation is disrupted, a hormonal imbalance occurs in a woman’s body. In this case, Klimadinon is well suited for smoothing out the cycle and restoring menstruation to its previous regime.

In both cases, Klimadinon is a medicine manufactured and released on the basis of herbal components that help balance a woman’s hormonal levels.

The effect of the drug is gradual. Don't expect instant results. Two weeks after the start of treatment, you can notice a favorable result.

If there is a need to achieve the fastest possible result, then hormonal medications will help. However, it is necessary to remember a rather large list side effects, which can occur both during and after taking a hormonal drug.

Indications for use

Indications for use of the drug Klimadinon are:

Instructions for use

As you know, each medication has its own instructions for administration and dosage. This is an important point in therapy.

First, dosing influences treatment outcome as well as effectiveness. Secondly, the frequency of taking pills is extremely important. First of all, it builds a regimen, as well as the effectiveness of the effect on the body.

As already mentioned, you cannot choose the dosage of medications yourself, just like the mode of medication consumption. Moreover, varying the amount of consumption and dosing on your own is highly prohibited.

Klimadinon is a non-hormonal drug; it is recommended to consult your doctor for the choice of consumption and dosage regimen.

However, the drug is available in both drop and tablet form. Administration differs due to the form of the drug.

In drops

If the form of drops of the drug Klimadinon is chosen, then according to the instructions, it is necessary to take the medicine in the morning and evening, thirty drops.

In tablets

If you choose a drug in the form of tablets, then you need to take one tablet twice a day - morning and evening.

Klimadinon Uno

Klimadinon Uno differs in administration from previous forms of the drug.

Klimadinon Uno must be taken once a day. It is recommended to choose either morning or evening time to take the drug.

It is better to choose a specific time at which to take the medication. It could be 8 am or 6 pm.

When taking a tablet, you need to drink it whole with water.

The course of treatment must be continued until the symptoms accompanying the menopause completely disappear.

Use during pregnancy

The drug should not be taken during pregnancy. If signs of pregnancy are noticed, you must immediately stop taking the medication.

During lactation it is prohibited to take the drug. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that the active substance can be produced together with mother's milk. It is better to stop taking the medicine.

Reception for mastopathy

Despite the fact that taking Klimadinon is not an indication for use in a disease such as mastopathy, doctors are actively using this medicine.

The thing is that mastopathy is preceded by the same causes and symptoms that cause menopause.

According to statistics, in case long reception Climadinone is observed in 30% of women, the disappearance of not only symptoms, but also diseases. In 70% of women, the development of the disease stops and stops progressing further.

Therefore, as practice shows, climadinon can also be used for mastopathy.

For successful therapy you need to take one tablet twice a day or take thirty drops also twice a day. The course of treatment must be extended from two to three months.

Klimadinon or Mastodinon?

What is better to choose, Klimadinon or Mastodinon? Many women ask this question.

You shouldn't make decisions on your own. If we talk about drugs, it should be noted that the manufacturer is the same.

A pharmaceutical company builds its work on the basis of the production of medicines or herbal components that have an exclusively positive effect on health during therapy.


The cases of overdose that occurred did not have any effect negative influence on women's health. To comply with the dose, you must read the information in the instructions.

Side effects

Of course, despite the fact that the drug Klimadinon is not a hormonal drug, side effects also occur. Before you start taking the drug, you need to read the instructions, which describe in more detail how and in what form side effects may occur.

Accordingly, you need to know how this can affect your health and existing diseases. This is extremely important. Trying to cure one thing, you can cripple something completely different.

From side effects highlight:

The listed symptoms are not dangerous and go away on their own. As you can see, the list of side effects is not long.


As with any other medicine, when taking climadinone, there are a number of contraindications which, of course, should be familiarized with in advance.

Contraindications include:

Interaction with other drugs

Often, during the treatment period, women are prescribed a large volume of medicines. Not all medications can “get along” with each other.

This is explained by active substances that have the ability to displace each other and for this reason, upon completion of therapy, the result will not be comforting.

Before using the drug, it is necessary to find out in advance about the interactions of drugs if several more are taken in addition to the prescribed one.

As such, there are no prohibitions regarding “conflicts” with other medicines. If you are taking any medications for a long time, you must inform your doctor.


It should be noted that the most common analogue today is Klimadinon UNO, the reception of which is carried out exactly according to the same scheme.

Tablets can be an excellent replacement for Climodinon itself.

Take 1 tablet orally (without chewing, with a small amount of liquid) 2 times a day, if possible, at the same time of day (morning and evening).


The price of such a medicine is quite affordable. Cost varies from 380 to 400 rubles .

Storage conditions and periods

When purchasing medications, it is very important to know how to store it and what temperature conditions to maintain. There are no special features regarding the storage of the medicine. It is enough just to ensure the required temperature regime - no more than 25 degrees. It is advisable to keep the drug away from children.

The shelf life is 36 months from the date of manufacture of the medicine.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

This medication is dispensed in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Any woman can buy it. However, it is still better to consult a doctor about taking the medicine, as well as to determine the dosage of the drug.

The occurrence of mastopathy during menopause is quite common. After all, serious hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body, which affect not only the genitals, but also other systems.

In addition, many women, due to their age, are afraid that problems with the mammary gland will cause the appearance of malignant tumors. Of course, the progression of the disease can be unpredictable.

But the main thing is to see a doctor in time and get full examination With further treatment diseases.


Mastopathy during menopause can occur due to various reasons. The main one, of course, is considered to be hormonal changes and disruptions in the body.

But besides this, there are a number of other factors that provoke this disease during menopause. Therefore, it is worth highlighting everything possible reasons occurrence of mastopathy.

These include:

  • hormonal changes in a woman’s body;
  • past infectious diseases;
  • diseases accompanied by an inflammatory process in the genital organs;
  • frequent stress.

First of all, pathological changes are associated with sex steroid hormones and malfunctions menstrual cycle. During menstruation, women release a hormone - progesterone, which ensures the functioning of the mammary glands.

During menopause, which is the most dangerous period for a woman’s body, there is a deficiency of it. At the same time, estrogen levels, on the contrary, increase, causing an imbalance.

Doctor's advice: even if menopause has not yet arrived, you should be very attentive to your health, and in particular to your breasts. After all, after 40 years, the risk of mastopathy and other diseases increases significantly. serious illnesses in a woman's body.

As a result of such fluctuations, the functioning of the mammary glands is disrupted, which subsequently leads to growth connective tissue. But you also shouldn’t discount past genital diseases. In the case of endometriosis or uterine fibroids, there are also cases of mastopathy.


Women's breasts tend to change under the influence of age factors. Changes are especially visible during menopause.

This is the body's reaction to ongoing hormonal changes. But if such a picture is accompanied by pain, it is necessary to pay special attention to this.

In addition to the fact that mastopathy is quite a serious problem, its development can provoke the occurrence of more life-threatening diseases. In the first stages of the disease, a woman feels aching.

Over time, as tissue grows, small nodules form in the mammary glands. Despite the fact that they are quite difficult to feel when palpating, painful sensations should be a signal to contact a specialist.

Indeed, in the first stages of mastopathy, the so-called medical practice, the pathology can be easily eliminated using special treatment methods. The second stage of mastopathy development is more serious.

Small nodules in the mammary gland form compactions that increase significantly, sometimes reaching the size walnut. But the main thing is the development of such compactions into malignant tumors. In such cases, the disease is already classified as an oncological disease.

Irritating factors

In addition to the main causes of mastopathy, doctors identify several irritating factors that can cause the development of this disease during menopause.

These include:

  • heredity;
  • large number abortions or miscarriages;
  • frequent pregnancies;
  • excess weight;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • refusal to breastfeed;
  • pregnancy after 30 years.

Women who have experienced similar situations are at risk. Therefore, experts recommend that they regularly undergo a full examination in a hospital.

Since mastopathy is a benign disease only at the first stage of its development. Therefore, the earlier the disease is diagnosed, the easier it will be to eliminate it.


I would like to immediately note that never self-medicate and do not use folk remedies without prior consultation with the attending physician.

This can significantly aggravate the situation, causing more serious complications. To effectively eliminate this problem, doctors conduct a complete examination of the patient.

During diagnosis, a woman must undergo a blood test, which makes it possible to assess hormonal levels and identify all possible abnormalities. If there are hormonal fluctuations, specialists prescribe certain hormonal drugs.

During postmenopause, hormonal medications are less effective. Therefore, doctors use progestin agents.

They are drugs to normalize the hormonal balance in the body by eliminating excess estrogen. The most common representatives of this group are: Duphaston, Progesterone or Utrozhestan.

Take note: To reduce the risk of mastopathy during menopause, you need to monitor your breasts, adhering to the basic rules. The essence of these recommendations lies in properly selected underwear, healthy eating and constant monitoring of the mammary glands.

Due to the fact that during menopause women experience hot flashes, she feels constant fatigue, irritability and nervousness, some experts prescribe homeopathic remedies. The use of such drugs makes it possible to relieve the patient of menopausal symptoms, improving the general condition.

In addition, the products help reduce painful sensations in the chest and armpits, normalize hormonal levels, relieve tissue swelling, and also strengthen the immune system. In case of disturbance of the psycho-emotional state and the main symptoms of mastopathy, doctors prescribe drugs such as: Klimaksan, Klimadinon or.

An auxiliary method of eliminating mastopathy during menopause is vitamin therapy. Replenishment of the body essential vitamins helps improve the functioning of the entire body and accelerate the healing process.

In more severe cases, a woman may need surgery. It is carried out most often if general therapy does not give positive results, or there is a risk of more serious diseases in the body.

About the treatment of mastopathy during menopause, watch the following video:


Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) natural estrogens in combination with progestogens are currently increasingly used to treat estrogen deficiency syndrome caused by natural or artificial menopause. However, long-term use of estrogen-progestin drugs as hormone replacement therapy, in addition to positive changes in homeostasis, also has side effects. unwanted effects(impaired liver function and hemocoagulation system, cyclic bleeding in postmenopause), which are observed in 15-25% of cases and often lead to the abolition of hormone replacement therapy.

Of no small importance is the risk of inducing a tumor disease in patients with a family history of cancer, which often does not allow hormone replacement therapy to be carried out for the long time necessary to achieve a full clinical effect.

In this clinical situation, it seems promising use of herbal medicines, obtained from plant materials and having estrogenic activity. For example, climadinone, which contains phytoestrogens isolated from the root of black cohosh. Today, from a large number of such compounds, three main groups have been isolated and studied: lignans, isoflavonoids and diphenolic phytoestrogens.

A feature of these compounds is a fairly pronounced estrogenic effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary complex and a weak one on peripheral target tissues. Moreover, under certain conditions (predominant binding to estrogen b-receptors in target tissues), the anti-estrogenic effect of phytoestrogens may occur, which creates safe conditions for their use in patients with a history of hormone-dependent tumors.

Another remedy from the group of herbal remedies that have an effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary system as a dopaminomimetic is mastodinone, containing alcoholic extracts of Agnus castus and other alkaloid plants; it is widely used in gynecological endocrinology, in pathological conditions caused by a weakening of the influence of dopamine on the adenohypophysis and, as a consequence, hyperprolactinemia, menstrual irregularities and infertility (prolonged state of anovulation).

Trial medicinal properties Klimadinon was carried out in 56 patients (average age 49.9±1.8 years) who suffered from vegetative-vascular disorders and irregularities in the rhythm of the menstrual cycle characteristic of menopausal syndrome. Of the 56 women, 27 were premenopausal and 29 were postmenopausal (postmenopause no more than 5 years).

The therapeutic effect of climadinone was assessed by its effect on eliminating a complex of vegetative-vascular disorders and normalizing the rhythm of the menstrual cycle.

Before prescribing both climadinon and mastodinon, all patients underwent examination at the center according to the accepted program, which included an initial gynecological examination, cytological examination, pelvic ultrasound, examination and ultrasound of the mammary glands. According to indications, a cytological examination of endometrial aspirate or a biopsy of the uterine cavity mucosa was performed to exclude endometrial tumor disease.

At the time of starting treatment with both climadinone and mastodinone, the patients did not receive any additional medications; if they had been used previously, they were discontinued two weeks before starting to take climadinone. Klimadinon was prescribed in drops, at a dose of 30 drops twice a day, or in tablets, 1 tablet (20 mg of dry extract of black cohosh rhizome) twice a day for three months.

We slightly changed the regimen for taking the drug: mastodinone was taken from days 1-5 of the new cycle (so that the effect of the drug began already when the first cycle was formed), at a dose of 30 drops three times a day, orally, for three months without a break. Repeated hormonal examination was carried out while taking the drug on the 18-24th day of the cycle, in the third month of treatment.

The medicinal properties of mastodinone were tested in 39 patients (average age 34.6 years) with various menstrual disorders.

Conclusions based on the results of clinical testing of climadinon and mastodin, carried out in 56 patients suffering from various manifestations of menopausal syndrome:

  • Klimadinon is an effective phytoestrogen drug that causes relief of vegetative-vascular disorders during menopausal syndrome in 71.6% of patients by the fourth week of treatment.
  • The maximum therapeutic effect of climadinone develops by the fourth week of treatment, and the effectiveness of the drug is slightly higher in postmenopausal patients compared to premenopausal patients.
  • In pre- and perimenopausal patients, a three-month course of treatment with climadinone led to the restoration of the correct rhythm of the menstrual cycle in 63% of cases. Women over 50 years of age experienced prolonged amenorrhea (38.5%).
  • Mastodinon is an effective herbal medicine prescribed to normalize the rhythm of the menstrual cycle in a dose of 30 drops three times a day, starting from the first to third day of the next menstrual cycle for three months. The maximum effect of mastodinone develops by the end of the third month of treatment (76.9% of observations).
  • The ability of mastodinone by the end of the third month of treatment to significantly reduce the increased secretion of prolactin indicates its “central” stimulating effect on dopamine receptors of the adenohypophysis and hypothalamus, which leads to the implementation of the prolactin-inhibiting effect of the drug.
  • Under the influence of mastodinone, there is an increase in the cyclic secretion of LH and progesterone in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, which may indicate the restoration of ovulation and the development of a full luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. The latter can be considered as a favorable condition for conception and pregnancy.
  • Content

    The problem of eliminating the symptoms of menopause is relevant in modern gynecology. This is largely due to the fact that the average life expectancy is increasing, so the number of women reaching menopause is increasing. At the same time, the age of menopause remains stable and is 49-50 years. During this period, natural aging processes occur in a woman’s body. The onset of menopause can occur both physiologically and pathologically. In the latter case, they talk about menopausal syndrome.

    The course of menopause, which is accompanied by severe symptoms, involves taking medications. Often, if there are contraindications to the use of substitution hormone therapy phytoestrogens and products based on them are used. Klimadinon and Klimadinon UNO are widely used in gynecological practice.

    Klimadinon tablets and drops

    Klimadinon tablets and drops are of natural origin. Unlike hormonal substances, Klimadinon is a herbal remedy, but the active substance is an analogue of the female hormone estrogen. The drug Klimadinon in tablets and drops is used for menopausal syndrome.

    The pathological course of menopause is observed in 60-70% of women. However, not all patients can use hormonal agents, since there are a large number of contraindications. Phytoestrogens that differ plant origin hormonal-like drugs stop the onset of menopause.

    The severity of symptoms depends on many factors. The symptoms of menopause differ among women and may vary depending on the geographical location, level of education, heredity, social conditions, severity of psycho-emotional stress. Occupational hazards, immunity status, concomitant diseases also affect signs of menopause.

    Phytoestrogens, which are contained in Klimadinon tablets and drops, should be taken in initial stage menopause, when the body has not adjusted to insufficient estrogen levels. In this case, the effect will be most noticeable.

    Signs of the onset of menopause are irregular periods, their abundance or scarcity, short and long cycles. Women experience mood swings, sleep disturbances, dry mucous membranes of the genital organs, decreased libido, and hot flashes. It is this period that is characterized by a gradual restructuring of the body, when taking Klimadinon and other phytoestrogens can help and bring results.

    Impaired lipid and carbohydrate metabolism are also signs of impending menopause. Tablets and drops with phytoestrogens help women reduce cholesterol levels, normalize the amount of glucose and insulin.

    Osteoporosis is considered a later manifestation of menopause. This disease is characterized by a gradual softening of bone tissue due to impaired absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Bone plates lose their mineral density. The tubular bones become “empty”. When menopause occurs, the radius, pelvic and femoral bones, as well as the vertebrae of the lower thoracic and lumbar region are affected. Timely treatment with Climadinon tablets and drops can stop and prevent a decrease in bone mineral density.

    A recognized method of combating menopause is hormone replacement therapy. Hormonal pills completely replace the lack of estrogen and progesterone, the symptoms stop, the progression of pathologies is stopped. But possible complications, contraindications, force us to look for other ways to solve the problem. Phytoestrogens are an excellent substitute for steroids.

    Klimadinon and Klimadinon UNO in tablets and drops are an alternative method of treatment. The drug contains extract of cohosh or black cohosh rhizome; the substances are not steroids in their structure, but exhibit estrogenic activity.

    Tablets or drops should be prescribed after preliminary diagnosis, which includes:

    • taking anamnesis;
    • taking into account hereditary factors;
    • assessment of menstrual function;
    • Ultrasound of the mammary glands and mammography;
    • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
    • colposcopy, cytology smear, sexually transmitted infections;
    • blood tests (biochemistry, coagulogram, lipid profile, glucose tolerance test, tumor markers, general clinical tests);
    • body mass index calculation;
    • additional studies, including diagnosis of extragenital pathology.

    If necessary, a consultation with a neuropsychiatrist, endocrinologist, therapist and surgeon is carried out.

    Menopause differs in varying degrees of severity of manifestations. To evaluate them, they use the calculation of the menopausal index in various modifications.

    Composition and dosage forms

    The German drug Klimadinon is available in tablets and drops. In addition, they produce Klimadion UNO, which has a higher dosage. The tablets are coated.

    Composition of tablets:

    • extract of the black cohosh plant (rhizome of black cohosh) in the amount of 20 mg per tablet (2.8 mg of native extract);
    • lactose;
    • starch;
    • talc;
    • magnesium stearate;
    • iron oxide;
    • macrogol;
    • Eudragit (ammonium compound);
    • sorbic acid (preservative);
    • The tablet shell contains lactose, macrogol, titanium dioxide, iron oxide (red dye).

    Klimadinon tablets are produced in 15 pieces in one blister; one package contains 4 or 6 blisters (60 or 90 pieces).

    Klimadinon drops are available in dark glass bottles and have a built-in drip dosing device. Produced in 50 or 100 ml. The drops are made with alcohol, which acts as an extractable agent.

    Composition of drops:

    • Cohosh extract in the amount of 12 g per 100 g of the drug, which is equivalent to 2.4 g of dried medicinal raw materials;
    • saccharin;
    • mint oil;
    • alcohol 96% (ethanol content 40% by volume);
    • water.

    The drops are light brown in color and smell of wood. During long-term storage, slight precipitation occurs.

    Tablets with an increased dosage of the active component Klimadinon UNO are produced only in the specified dosage form, which is why they differ. One blister contains 15 tablets; the package may include 2, 4 or 6 blisters (30, 60 or 90 pieces).

    Composition of Klimadinon UNO:

    • cohosh plant extract in the amount of 6.5 mg per tablet (native extract);
    • The excipients are the same as those of Klimadinon tablets.

    Action and benefits

    The active substance of Klimadinon - an extract from the Cimicifuga plant - has the properties of estrogen, which allows it to bind to receptors for this hormone in tissues. A phytohormone differs from a steroid hormone in that it is capable of forming bonds with all types of estrogen receptors. It has both estrogenic and antiestrogenic activity, which also differs from a sex steroid. Such qualities make it possible to classify phytoestrogens as selective (selective) modulators of estrogen receptors.

    The active component of Klimadinon does not have such a pronounced affinity as a true hormone, however, during research it became known that the biological effect of the herbal remedy is the same. This allows you to take tablets and drops for diseases of the mammary glands, uterus and symptoms of menopause. Estrogen receptors are found in many tissues. Therefore, a decrease in the sex hormone during menopause causes restructuring not only reproductive system, but also the whole organism. The drug of choice in such cases is often Klimadinon or Klimadinon UNO in tablets or drops.

    The drug has a mild effect on endocrine system women. The active component binds to estrogen receptors in the mammary glands, bones, uterus, skin, in addition, phytoestrogens have a direct effect on fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

    Action of Klimadinon:

    • eliminates hot flashes, sensations of heat and chills, sweating;
    • normalizes cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels;
    • has a sedative effect, normalizes sleep, eliminates depressive states, prevents the development of neuroses;
    • promotes weight stabilization;
    • suppresses pain in the mammary glands and slows the progression of mastopathy;
    • prevents a decrease in bone mineral density, thereby having a preventive effect in the aspect of osteoporosis;
    • normalizes blood pressure;
    • eliminates headaches and dizziness;
    • in premenopausal women it helps to even out the cycle.

    Manifestation of the action of Klimadinon observed several weeks after the start of treatment.

    Not all women note a positive effect when taking Klimadinon tablets and drops. This is largely due to the presence of concomitant pathology. The presence of obesity, chronic infectious diseases, metabolic diseases, and endocrine pathologies often aggravates the course of menopause. But if there are contraindications to hormone replacement therapy, women are prescribed tablets, drops of Klimadinon or other phytoestrogens for a long period.

    Indications and contraindications

    Drops and tablets Klimadinon and Klimadinon UNO are used in the following situations:

    • menopausal syndrome (hot flashes, excessive sweating, sleep disturbance, psycho-emotional agitation, apathy, headaches and increased blood pressure, bone pain);
    • fibrocystic mastopathy.

    Drops and tablet form of phytoestrogens can be used in premenopause, menopause and postmenopause.

    Contraindications for taking the drug are as follows:

    • the presence of tumors, the growth of which depends on the level of estrogen;
    • hyperplastic processes of the endometrium;
    • liver diseases accompanied by cholestasis and dysfunction;
    • epilepsy;
    • brain injuries.

    Klimadinon drops Contraindicated for alcoholism.

    In addition, the tablets should not be used if you are lactose intolerant. If the drug has been taken, it is necessary to use lactase medications, for example, Lactazar.

    Use for mastopathy

    Gynecologists often prescribe the drug for fibrocystic mastopathy. Drops and tablet forms of Klimadinon can be used for this disease due to its antiestrogenic effect, which is what distinguishes a herbal remedy from a steroid one.

    Phytoestrogen selectively binds to estrogen receptors located in the mammary glands. Since the pathogenesis of mastopathy is based on an increase in the content of estrogen in the blood, hyperplasia of some areas of the mammary glands is noted: the hormone has a proliferative effect. In turn, the phytoestrogen taken also binds to receptors in tissues and does not cause such an effect. By blocking the receptor, phytoestrogen stops the action of the steroid hormone.

    When prescribing medication, it is necessary to exclude malignant processes in the mammary glands and uterus. If the tumors are benign, then Klimadinon can be used for mastopathy. They perform an ultrasound of the mammary glands, mammography, and a blood test for tumor markers, which proves the benign quality of the process. A biopsy of growths or puncture of a breast cyst has a more reliable result.

    Klimadinon drops and tablets for mastopathy are used in the same dosage regimen as for menopausal syndrome.

    The difference between Klimadinon and Klimadinon UNO

    German drug manufacturer BIONORICA produces tablets with different dosages active substance(cohosh extract or black cohosh rhizome). Klimadinon tablets are manufactured with a traditional dosage of phytoestrogen and Klimadinon UNO tablets with an increased dosage, which is what makes the drugs different. Klimadinon UNO also differs in its release form: the medicine is produced only in tablets.

    As a rule, tablets with a higher dosage are prescribed for severe symptoms of menopause, which are characterized by a significant frequency of hot flashes, bone pain, and psycho-emotional disorders. The choice of a drug with an increased dosage is made after diagnostic measures. It is important to take into account contraindications to the use of the drug, since high doses of even herbal preparations can negatively affect blood clotting and cardiac activity.

    Klimadinon UNO tablets have a more pronounced estrogenic effect, so they can provoke hyperplastic processes in the uterus, which will lead to increased uterine bleeding.

    During menopause with moderate symptoms and in the absence of contraindications to taking phytoestrogens, a woman can choose tablets with either a regular or increased dosage.

    Klimadinon UNO has a more convenient dosage regimen: it is enough to take 1 tablet per day.

    Side effects and interactions

    Klimadinon is characterized by a rare development of adverse events. Among the most frequently registered are:

    • stomach pain;
    • allergic reactions of various types;
    • slight weight gain;
    • engorgement of the mammary glands;
    • bloody discharge from the genital tract.

    Menstrual-like bleeding, weight gain and pain in the mammary glands can be caused by a high content of receptors in the tissues. In this case, phytoestrogens have an excessive proliferative effect.

    No studies have been conducted on interactions with other drugs.


    The dosage regimen is determined by the doctor. The average duration of treatment is 6 months.

    Without a doctor's prescription tablets and drops can be taken for no more than 3 months.


    Drops are taken twice a day in the morning and evening at equal intervals, the amount per dose is 30 drops. Shake the drops before use. If necessary, drops can be taken on a piece of sugar.


    Klimadinon tablets are taken 2 times a day, keeping the same time interval. Klimadinon UNO is drunk once a day due to more high dosage, which is how this drug differs from the classic one.

    The tablets are taken without chewing, with a small amount of water.


    Products with a composition similar to Klimadinon include:

    • Tsimicyclim;
    • Qi-klim drops and tablets;
    • Cliophyte.

    These products contain black cohosh extract.

    Special instructions

    Patients with impaired glucose tolerance and diagnosed diabetes mellitus can take tablets and drops. The drug has a minimal sugar content - less than 0.01 bread units and less than 0.04 in Klimadinon UNO tablets.

    Klimadinone contains ethanol- both drops and tablets, but if the daily dosage is observed, the drug does not affect higher nervous activity. Taking drops does not preclude driving a car.


    Cases of overdose medicine not described. An overdose of drops can cause alcohol intoxication. When taking large doses of the drug, you should take more water, activated carbon(1 tablet per 10 kg of weight), when taking drops in excess dosage, it is necessary to rinse the stomach.

    Shelf life and storage features

    The medicine is stored out of the reach of children, the temperature should not exceed 25ºC. The shelf life is 3 years. The sediment formed in the bottle with drops is not a contraindication for use.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    Phytoestrogens are not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If pregnancy occurs while taking Klimadinon drops and tablets, you should stop taking them.
