What is the difference between dry active yeast and instant yeast? How to Properly Use Active, Live, Instant Yeast

Yeast is a unicellular microorganism of natural origin. They help produce wine and beer; without yeast, bread and pastries are unthinkable. They are the ones who loosen the dough, making it porous and tasty. finished product. In dough, yeast enzymes cause alcoholic fermentation. Carbon dioxide formed as a result of alcoholic fermentation loosens the dough and gives it a porous structure. . Yeast is a living microorganism (fungus) that, under favorable conditions, actively reproduces and multiplies. During its life, yeast “eats” sugar and converts it into alcohol and carbon dioxide, which, in turn, give the dough a loose, bubbly texture and characteristic sourness. It is important to remember that yeast are living organisms, albeit small ones. Therefore, you cannot scald with boiling water (yeast cannot withstand temperatures above 45–50°C) or freeze them repeatedly - they will die.

To date food industry produces three types of yeast - fresh (pressed), dry active and dry quick-acting.

Pressed yeast.

They are compressed fresh yeast. Pressed yeast should have a light color with a yellowish or grayish tint. The yeast should not have a moldy coating of white or other color, as well as various stripes and dark spots on the surface. The smell of yeast should be characteristic, slightly reminiscent of fruit. Before use, they should be dissolved in warm liquid. Calorie content per 100 grams: 109 (kcal) – for pressed yeast.

Dried yeast comes in the form of granules, noodles, nibbles, powder, or a mixture of these forms. The color of these “formations” is light yellow or light brown. . Dry yeast is divided into two types: active and fast-acting. They differ in drying modes and, most importantly for the consumer, in the method of application.

Dry active yeast.

In the form of round granules. To bring dry active yeast into combat readiness (“wake up”), it must be diluted before use, that is, dissolved in water. Before use, dry active yeast must be activated, that is, dissolved in a warm liquid, allowed to stand for some time to soften and stir;

Dry instant yeast.

In the form of cylindrical granules. They do not require preliminary activation, they are immediately added to the flour; Instant yeast is mixed with flour without prior dilution with water, which speeds up the kneading process. So to say “Always ready!”

Dry yeast is produced with all kinds of additives, thanks to which the finished product acquires increased volume, a golden crust color and an appetizing appearance, and holds its shape well. Some dry yeast is intended for dough with a low sugar and butter content, and some dry yeast, on the contrary, is used for dough with an increased sugar and butter content, that is, for a richer dough. Some dry yeast contains special enzymes that speed up the formation of a smooth, even surface of the dough.

Dry yeast from different manufacturers initially has different lifting force, that is, to increase the volume of dough, for example, by 1.5 times, some manufacturers' yeast will cope with such an increase in 30 minutes, and from other manufacturers it will take 1.5 hours. Shelf life of dry yeast also reduces the lifting power of the yeast. On average, the lifting power of dry yeast deteriorates by 5% monthly when storing yeast in a dry room at a temperature not exceeding 15 degrees compared to the initial lifting power of the yeast on the day it was produced. All types of yeast rise less well in a cool room than in a warm room. Yeast packets that look identical have different weights (7g, 10g, 11g, 12g) and most importantly are designed for different amounts of flour. Most manufacturers write that 1 bag is designed for 1 kg of flour. But there are exceptions: a packet of Dr.Oetker dry yeast is designed for 500g of flour. That is, for 1 kg of flour you will need 2 bags of yeast of this brand.

Yeast weight measures:

  1. A heaped teaspoon of dry yeast contains 4 grams.
  2. Cut off the top of the syringe evenly, then in a volume of 5 ml dry yeast will weigh 3.3 g
  3. Pressed yeast the size of a matchbox weighs 25 grams.
  4. To get a cube of pressed yeast weighing 10 g, you need the side of the cube to be 2.2 cm.
  5. To get a cube of pressed yeast weighing 25 g, you need the side of the cube to be 3 cm.
  6. To get a cube of pressed yeast weighing 50 g, you need the side of the cube to be 3.8 cm.

Dry and fresh yeast are completely interchangeable. Dry yeast from different manufacturers, if you read the instructions on the packages, corresponds to different amounts of fresh yeast. For example, 10g of fast-acting French SAF-MOMENT corresponds to 55g of pressed yeast; 10 g of German dry yeast Dr. Oetker corresponds to 30 g of fresh yeast. But it still exists general rules, which will allow you to calculate the ratio of dry and compressed yeast, since it is pressed yeast that is indicated in culinary recipes.

Calculation of the compliance of dry and compressed yeast:

Quantity of active dry = 40% of the quantity of fresh pressed, i.e.

number of active dry = (number of fresh pressed) divided by 2.5

Quantity of fast-acting (instant) = 33% of the quantity of fresh pressed ones, i.e.

number of fast-acting (instant) = (number of fresh pressed) divided by 3

Number of active dry ones = 120% of the number of fast-acting (instant), i.e.

number of active dry = (number of fast-acting (instant))×1.2

Quantity of fast-acting (instant) = 80% of the quantity of active dry ones, i.e.

number of fast-acting (instant) = (number of active dry) divided by 1.2

With all the variety of different types of yeast available on the market today, the most used for making homemade pie dough is still pressed baker’s yeast, manufactured industrially and packaged in packs weighing from 100 g to 1 kg. The consumption of just such yeast is given in the dough recipes.

When purchasing yeast, you must definitely pay attention to the expiration date of the yeast, and secondly, its type - active dry or instant. If the dry ones are active, then they are not dissolved in liquid, but poured onto the surface and allowed to stand for about 10 minutes just to check that they are active. If the yeast is instant, then it is mixed immediately with the dry ingredients (you just need to be sure of their freshness). If the yeast is “momentary”, then the dough does not need to be kneaded, and immediately after the first approach the products should be formed. On the second approach, after kneading, the yeast “moment” may no longer have enough lifting force. Pressed yeast, even very fresh ones, must be checked for germination. To do this, they need to be diluted in 0.5 cups of warm (but not hot!) milk or water, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and stir with 1-2 teaspoons of flour. Let stand for 10–15 minutes: if a foam cap appears above the yeast, then it can be safely used to prepare dough. You can add a little sugar to the compressed yeast and grind it, then the yeast will react with the sugar and become liquid, and then it will be easier to stir it in milk or water.

Store yeast:

Cut a large piece of pressed yeast into cubes, wrap each one in plastic wrap and place in the freezer. In this way, compressed yeast can be stored for up to six months without deteriorating in its lifting power.

Based on materials from the site www.foreverculinary.com

Yes, a little about yeast. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a topic that deserves... :)

You yourself understand that yeast is important. That is, to bake from yeast dough success, you need at least good yeast.

With good old fresh yeast, most likely, there will be no catch, because it is customary to first dissolve it in water (milk) with sugar and let it work, and then add it. That is, you will at least be sure that they are “working”.

With dry granular ones it’s not so clear. No, dry “quick” yeast is good, you can make almost any dough with it, and I myself mainly use it because it’s convenient. But, reading the feed in the most popular topic here, “Quick dough for pies,” where the reviews are mostly pleasing (thank you for them!), no, no, and you come across someone’s disappointment. Well, of course, it’s a shame when you cook and it doesn’t work out.

My dears, you understand that magic and mysticism do not happen in the kitchen (well, mostly! :) If everyone succeeds normally, but someone does not, then there was a problem that can be caught and sorted out. It's okay, it happens to everyone. If “good” and “not expired!” the yeast does not rise the dough, which means it is bad yeast, no options! Well, unless, of course, they were filled with too hot water (milk) or something like that.

Many recipes indicate time, it's just convenient. But you need to understand, especially for yeast dough, that time is a guideline, and not the main thing in the recipe. If time has passed and no movement is observed in the bowl with the dough, that is, for example, the dough does not “work” - the dough has failed. Most likely, the yeast failed.

It sometimes happens that all the deadlines have passed, there is no hope left, and suddenly it turns out that the dough still rises. This means that the yeast is spoiled, but not completely...

How to get along with dry granulated yeast and cook without disappointment?

Use only freshly purchased ones! Do not buy yeast in large bags unless you have a bakery business and produce baked goods in large volumes! Ridiculous savings of a few rubles are inappropriate here. If an opened package of yeast has been sitting in the cupboard for a couple of months, do not forget to at least check it before adding it (dilute it in sweetened milk or water and let it foam). Don't let the expiration date fool you in this case :)

Well, it’s optimal to buy yeast in small packages “for one time” (11 grams, as a rule). And not dozens of little bags, so that they, again, lie somewhere in a closet for a year. What is the need if this product is now sold in almost any store?

Why is this so? Don't forget that yeast, even granulated yeast, is a living organism. The manufacturer, of course, guarantees their stability under certain conditions, but... do you guarantee these conditions on the top shelf of your closet?

Otherwise, alas, I cannot explain why someone cannot make dough with good, unexpired yeast :).

That's all. Happy pies!

I decided to write this advice because dry yeast is increasingly becoming used by home confectioners. And quite often in reviews of baked goods and bread the following phrase appears: “I made everything according to your recipe. But the dough didn’t rise well.” In such cases, the first thing you ask is: “What yeast did you use?” And then it turns out that yeast is used according to the principle of “what kind of dry yeast is available.” And many are very surprised that not all dry yeast is the same. Moreover, you need to be able to store them correctly. I myself encountered this problem when I started baking bread. For beginner confectioners, I have prepared a small selection of tips from the company that produces dry yeast

What is the difference between dry and compressed yeast?
Dry active yeast "Saf-Levure" and dry rapid-acting yeast "Saf-Moment" are yeast milk, from which ordinary pressed yeast, dried, is also prepared. in a special way. Thus, dry yeast is the same compressed yeast, only a significant part of the moisture has been removed from it.
What types of dry yeast are most often sold?
Active yeast

Instant yeast

Yeast "for baking"

Yeast for pizza

What is the difference between instant yeast and active dry yeast?
Both yeasts are produced by drying yeast milk, but in different ways. Thus, the differences between them are as follows:
Appearance: dry active yeast "Saf-Levur" are granules of various diameters, that is, living yeast cells are covered with a shell of inactivated yeast cells; Instant yeast is similar to small noodles and is a living yeast cell that is preserved thanks to a unique vacuum seal.
Directions for use: dry active yeast “Saf-Levure” must be dissolved in warm water before use, and fast-acting yeast “Saf-Moment” must be immediately poured into flour in dry form.
What is the difference between the yeast “Saf-Moment” and “Saf-Moment for baking”, “Saf-Moment for pizza”?
Saf-Moment fast-acting yeast is considered classic, does not contain additives and is suitable for making all types of baked goods. In particular, fast-acting yeast is ideal for automatic bread makers, especially when using the “delayed baking” mode, since it does not require prior activation.
Yeast "Saf-Moment for baking" contains confectionery vanillin, natural beta - carotene (provitamin A) and special yeast for butter dough. Yeast gives baked goods a subtle vanilla aroma and a golden color to the crumb.
Saf-Moment Pizza Yeast contains natural onion powder made from onion juice and special yeast for pizza. The baked goods acquire a spicy onion aroma.
How should yeast be stored?
Yeast “Saf-Moment”, “Saf-Moment for baking” and “Saf-Moment for pizza”, as well as yeast “Saf-Levure” do not require special storage conditions. They do not need to be stored in the refrigerator - just in a dry place at room temperature. The main thing is that moisture does not get into them.
Pressed yeast “Lux” must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature from 0° to +4°C.

Baker's yeast is used in cooking. Thanks to them, the baking of bread, buns, and pies is improved. In order for the products to be of high quality, you need to know how to dilute yeast. It all depends on what product is used - dry or fresh.

About yeast

Baker's yeast is sold everywhere. They can be purchased at supermarkets and regular stores. For convenience, dry yeast is sold. It is advisable to use a regular pressed product. A dry matter It is convenient to store, but the dough can take a long time to rise.

Instant yeast reduces dough preparation time. Instructions for their use are indicated on the packaging. Now on sale various types yeast, but raw yeast, sold in briquettes, is considered the best. But dry ones are also suitable as an alternative.

Benefits and harms

Yeast is beneficial for the body. The pressed product is valued for its unique composition. It eliminates pain in the stomach and intestines, normalizes digestion, and relieves the symptoms of heartburn. In addition, the substance is added to creams and masks to improve the condition of the skin and hair. It is enough to find a recipe that suits you, and then you can perform cosmetic procedures without leaving home.

The harm is noticeable in women. With excessive consumption of yeast dough, the proliferation of fungi is detected, which is why candidiasis appears. Therefore, if such an illness occurs, you should consult a doctor. Yeast dough has a negative effect on people with kidney disease and endocrine system. To follow the technology of its preparation, you need to know how to properly breed yeast.


How to dilute yeast? It all depends on the type of product. How to dilute dry yeast? The product must be mixed with a small amount of sugar and warm water. To make the dough rich, you need to pour milk. Then the mass is placed in a warm place for 15 minutes. If it has risen, but there are undissolved particles in the milk, then it should be strained.

Yeast that has been left in warm milk and has doubled in size is suitable for the dough. First you need to prepare the dough: yeast is poured into the dough mass, and everything is thoroughly mixed. You will get the consistency of thick sour cream. This product should be placed in a warm place for 1 hour.

After increasing the dough by 2 times, add flour until you obtain a homogeneous, elastic and non-sticky dough. Then it is placed in a warm place to double in size. Then the dough is kneaded and put into molds, after 20 minutes it is put in the oven. This sequence of work is performed if you are interested in how to dilute dry yeast.

Pressed product

Now this product is one of the most popular. It is sold in briquettes. Due to lack of moisture it is inactive. How to propagate live yeast? To do this, you need to create suitable conditions for this.

Using live yeast

How to propagate live yeast? For 1 kg of flour you will need about 50 g of product. Yeast is ground in 1-2 tbsp. l. water, add 1 tsp. sugar and the whole mass are placed in a warm place. If bubbles form, then this product is ideal for testing. This will be the answer to the question of how to dilute raw yeast.

Active dry yeast

How to breed yeast for dough if it is an active type? Pour warm water or milk into the bowl (how much liquid is required is indicated on the package). Since a live product is used, it needs to be “awakened”. Therefore, the temperature of milk or water should be about 35-42 degrees. You need to add sugar and wait for it to dissolve.

Then you need to sprinkle the dry yeast into the warm milk and after a few seconds, crush the liquid with the yeast. This is necessary to fill the granules with liquid to form a paste. If the kitchen is warm, then the dishes should be covered with polyethylene. The yeast should foam, only in this form it is ideal for baking. If this does not happen, the product should not be used. Damage may occur due to expiration of the shelf life or violation of storage conditions.

Instant yeast

This product is called instant. By appearance it is like finely ground powder. The substance does not need to be brought into an active state; it is mixed with the other components. How to breed the species is indicated on the packaging.


The best properties of the product appear at positive temperatures, moderate levels of humidity and the required amount of sugar. Then you will get great baked goods. Suitable temperature is 35-40 degrees. It should be taken into account that the substance does not tolerate drafts and cold. When cool, the dough has difficulty rising.

Dry and live yeast need a lot of water and sugar. Only the second product should be added sparingly, it large number has a bad effect on yeast growth. They produce alcohol and carbon dioxide, which causes the dough to rise. And alcohol worsens the properties of the product.

If the fermentation process is prolonged, the dough will deteriorate: its taste will deteriorate and bad smell. Such properties are applicable in winemaking and moonshine. During the cooking period, you need to control the time so as not to overcook the yeast product.

After kneading, the dough should be kept in a warm place for about 2 hours. It should increase in volume by 2-3 times. Then you need to knead it and you can put it in the mold. The dough is stuffed with different fillings - both sweet and savory.

Yeast storage

It is important to know not only how to dilute yeast for dough, but also the rules for storing it. They require a temperature of no more than 6-8 degrees. The following method of preserving the product is effective: the yeast stick is crushed into small pieces and dried. Before use, the piece must be diluted with water.

A fresh stick should be placed in a bag of flour. The crust that appears on the yeast is peeled off with a knife before use. Flour helps preserve the baking substance.

There is another option for effectively preserving yeast: crumble it, place it in a clean bottle, pour in cold water, and cover the neck with cotton wool. Keep the bottle in a dark place, changing the water every day (during warm periods) and every 3-4 days (during cold periods). This must be done carefully so as not to remove the yeast sediment. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1.5 weeks. If it will not be used for a long period, it is better to freeze it.


It is precisely because of the appearance carbon dioxide the dough rises. The product contains carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins and microelements. The pressed version is more suitable for dough, as it produces tasty and aromatic baked goods.

The integrity of the packaging must not be compromised, otherwise there will be microorganisms inside the product and the dough will not be able to rise. An unpleasant odor indicates the presence of unwanted bacteria. The color of the yeast product is creamy, light gray, and uniform.

If the yeast is broken, it crumbles without leaving marks on your hands. Only baking substance is suitable for the dough. When dry, it lasts longer. It is necessary to use only fresh and high-quality product, which produces delicious baked goods.

The benefits of yeast nutrition for plants

This substance is used to prepare fertilizer. It increases endurance and strengthens vegetative system. There will be no thin, long stems in the spring; the crops can easily be transplanted into the ground and into a larger container. The product helps accelerate growth and is a source of beneficial bacteria.

Yeast solutions are needed for the formation of roots. They will appear 1.5 weeks earlier, and the number will also increase vegetative organs. This is observed due to the rapid processing of organic components, which is accompanied by the formation of phosphorus and nitrogen.


The product is great for different crops. It can be used for indoor plants and garden flowers. This fertilizer is effective for peppers, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

How to breed yeast for feeding? You will need a dry product. Sugar (1 tbsp) dissolves in a jar (1 liter). Then you need to add a bag of dry matter. Everything is left to ferment. The infusion should be diluted in 50 liters of water.

How to dilute yeast in another way? You will need 100 g per 1 bucket of water. The mixture should sit for 24 hours. Then you can feed the plants with it; you should pour 0.5 liters of it under the bush. Such options can improve the growth of fruit and leaf crops. Plants will develop in accordance with the norms.

Breeding yeast is not difficult; this information is often indicated on the product packaging. Using these simple recommendations, you can create high-quality dough from which excellent baked goods are created. In addition, the dry substance is used for other purposes.

When I make biscuits most often at home, I prefer to use baking soda and/or baking powder for rising. And I use only fast-acting yeast for... They are very easy to use - just add them and knead the dough.

I did not have the skill to work with ordinary fresh yeast, because... Such yeast does not store well; you need to plan your baking in advance, and not cook when inspiration strikes.

But since I love experiments, I decided to figure it out using my own example. Is it possible to add dry yeast instead of pressed yeast in the recipe? and vice versa. And if possible, then in what ratio should I add dry yeast? in relation to fresh?

Looking ahead, I’ll tell you that my conclusions were so clear that the whole theory fell into pieces in my head. I hope I can convey the findings in this experiment in an accessible way.

Is it possible to replace fresh yeast in a recipe with dry yeast and vice versa?

I took exactly the same amount of warm milk in 2 containers (heated it to 33 degrees - at a higher temperature the yeast can brew) and added an equal amount of sugar. I used the recipe for making sour cream buns.

As you can see in the photo, we got 2 equal-sized pieces of dough.

An hour later I saw the following picture: the dough in both containers had risen, but in the container with fresh yeast it had risen much more.

It would seem here is the answer to the question, which yeast is better- fresh, but I didn’t rush to conclusions.

I thought to myself that the dry yeast was of poor quality, and decided to try the experiment again the next day. But with other dry yeast.

I baked sour cream cookies from the resulting dough. The buns made from dry yeast dough did not rise, were flat and had a yeasty taste.

What is the difference between dry yeast and pressed yeast?

The next day, I asked my mother to show me the principles of working with fresh (pressed) yeast and bake bagels with yeast dough. And also take a second portion of dough and knead it with dry yeast. But from a different manufacturer, because... I didn’t like the result with dry yeast buns.

We took the same amount of milk and sugar, heated it to 33 degrees and added 21 grams of fresh (pressed) yeast to the first mug and 7 grams of dry yeast to the second.

The first observation was not long in coming: bubbles quickly began to appear and grow in the milk with fresh yeast. In the milk with dry yeast, bubbles also began to appear, but much more slowly.

We wanted to compare 2 bagels made from different dough batches and how they would rise and bake.

But we were unable to knead both doughs at the same time: the milk with fresh yeast began to rise so quickly in relation to the second container that it was necessary to knead the dough, while the milk with dry yeast only rose by half.

But the photo next to number 1 is milk with yeast, next to 2 is foam.

This is how the first conclusion turned out: fresh pressed yeast activates faster than dry yeast. They can be used for the test in about 5-10 minutes.

The dry ones had to be left to rise much longer, about half an hour, but in the end they also rose well.

We cut out two absolutely identical pieces from the dough with fresh and dry yeast.

And they rolled 2 identical bagels. We left them to rise on the baking sheet to see if the dough would rise equally or not.

By clicking on this photo, you can draw a line to the right and left, seeing how much the bagel has grown after baking in the oven.

The bagels turned out airy and very tasty. The photo shows their porous structure inside.

But the dry yeast bagel tasted a little like yeast (or maybe I’m very sensitive to it, but that’s the fact).

Experimentally, we were convinced that if the yeast is activated correctly, then You can replace fresh (pressed) yeast with dry yeast in a recipe and vice versa.

Moreover, in a ratio of 1: 3, i.e. if the recipe specifies the amount of fresh yeast in grams, you need to use dry yeast three times less. I also tested this point experimentally, but this is the topic of another article. This ratio is explained by the method of obtaining dry yeast from fresh.

Types of dry yeast

Then I found out that dry yeast is divided into fast and active. And only if dry yeast fast And the instructions say that you can immediately add them to the dough - they can be used without proofing in milk or water with sugar.

Active dry yeast must first be diluted in warm (not higher than 35 degrees) water or milk with sugar so that it “ wake". I won’t go into detail about the theory of how to get different types dry yeast, because set out to show and tell in practice how you can use dry yeast instead of fresh (pressed).


  • Fresh yeast can be replaced with dry yeast, which is 3 times lighter in weight than fresh yeast.
  • Dry yeast and fresh yeast are equally good as long as they are activated.
  • Dry yeast should also be allowed to sit in warm, sweet proofing liquid (unless it is instant yeast, which should be stated on the package).
  • Proofing time for dry yeast is longer than for fresh yeast
  • The taste of dry yeast may be slightly noticeable in the finished baked goods.

How to bake yeast dough in the oven

And I also want to show how baking temperature affects baked goods made from yeast dough.

The left bagel was baked in a preheated oven at 200 degrees. Celsius. You can see that the bottom of the cookie was quickly baked and the cookie itself turned out “blurry”.

The right bagel was baked in an initially cold oven at a minimum temperature, and only at the end of baking at a temperature of 200 degrees. Celsius. The gradual increase in temperature allowed the dough to rise evenly.

I hope you enjoyed this experiment and now you will find it easy to bake with easy variations with dry and fresh yeast!
