Working out: English fitness vocabulary. Working out: English fitness vocabulary Words in English related to sports

English words on the topic “Sport” for beginners with tasks. 30 words (minimum) will help you say a few sentences on the topic “Your favorite sport,” talk about your favorite athlete and how you keep fit.

Sport. English words on the topic "Sport". List No. 1

  1. sport - sport
  2. sportsman - athlete
  3. sports (kinds of sports) - types of sports
  4. sports club - sports section
  5. sports school - sports school
  6. do sports - do sports
  7. do wrestling - do wrestling
  8. play sports (games) - play sports games
  9. play basketball (chess) - play basketball (chess)
  10. go skateboarding - ride a skateboard, etc.
  11. go in for - to engage
  12. go in for swimming - go swimming
  13. football player - football player
  14. be a fan of... - fan
  15. join a sports club - join a sports club (club)
  16. to take part in…. (competitions) - take part in ... (competitions)
  17. to take place in…. - go to...
  18. to win / to lose - win / lose ...
  19. to win a prize / a cup - win a prize / cup
  20. a winner / a loser - winner / loser
  21. match - match
  22. competition - competition
  23. train - to train
  24. do training - go to training
  25. at/in the skating rink - at the skating rink
  26. at/in the stadium - at the stadium
  27. at the football pitch - on the football field
  28. at the sports ground - on the sports ground
  29. in the gym - in the gym
  30. in the swimming pool - in the pool

Speaking on Sports

Exercise 1.

Say what sport you played when you were … years old and what sport you are playing now.

  1. When I was... years old, I played...
  2. Now I am playing…

Exercise 2.Translate the task and say.

Say something about a competition that you saw in this kind of sport. If you know, say who the Russian champion is and who the world champion is in this kind of sport.


  • basketball game; hockey game;
  • tennis match boxing match; football match; table tennis match;
  • swimming competition; racing competition figure-skating competition; speed-skating competition.

EXAMPLE. I like to watch racing competitions. I am a racing competition fan. I saw an interesting racing competition last Thursday. … is the Russian racing champion.

Exercise 3.Answer the questions:

  1. What sport do you go in for?
  2. How good are you at it?
  3. Why do you think that you are good/ not very good at it?
  4. How often do you go in for sports?
  5. Why do you go in for that sport?

Exercise 4. Replace the underlined word.

  1. Football is popular in almost all the countries in the world.
  2. If it begins to rain the children give up their program and go back to school.
  3. When they come to their gym they change into their sports clothes.
  4. He does sports every day.

Exercise 5. Translate into Russian.

a famous sportsman, kinds of sports, join a sports club, do sports, go in for wrestling, take part in competitions, take place at the stadium, win a cup, lose a game, do training, at the football pitch, at the sports ground, at the skating rink, in the gym, the winner of the competition, be a loser.

Exercise 6. If you want to go in for sports you need certain traits of character and skills. What sports skills should different sportsmen have?

  • traits of character– character traits
  • sports skills –skills

Exercise 7. Translate from English.

  1. I go in for water sport.
  2. Of all outdoor games I prefer volleyball.
  3. Of all indoor games I like chess best.
  4. I go to the school gym three times a week.
  5. I couldn’t go to the gym yesterday as I had many things to do.
  6. My friend Nick does (has) his training daily.
  7. He is good at westling.
  8. I don't like to watch boxing
  9. I am fond of watching football matches.
  10. I never miss matches of my favorite team.
  11. What sports do your friends go in for?
  12. Who is good at gymnastics?
  13. Where does he train?
  14. How often does he go to the gym?
  15. What kind of sport do you like best? most of all?
  16. Do you spend much time on sport?
  17. Sport makes people strong and healthy.
  18. If you want to keep fit you must go in for one kind of sport or another.
  19. Almost every day I do some training.
  20. In summer I go swimmig.

Exercise 8.Translate into English.

  1. I go swimming.
  2. Every day I go to the pool.
  3. My friends also like to swim.
  4. We often go to the pool together.
  5. I would like Alexey to join us.
  6. They often play football.
  7. I also love to play football.
  8. Football is played on the football pitch.
  9. Football players train every day.
  10. I want them to win the match.

ANSWERS to exercise 5

  1. all over the world, 2. stop. 3. put on, 4. daily

Today we will look at vocabulary on the topic of sports in English. Sport has become quite firmly entrenched in our lives. We do fitness, go to the gym, attend volleyball and football games, etc. Almost every inhabitant of the Earth watches sports news and videos, and, of course, talks about sports. We have made a selection of current designs on the theme “Sports” especially for you. Having learned them, you will be able to carry on a conversation on this topic with an English-speaking interlocutor without any obstacles. All designs are grouped by the initial letters of the Russian alphabet.

Sports in English Translation
mountaineering mountaineering
climbing mountaineering; fairy climbing
American football American football
aerobics aerobics
badminton badminton
basketball basketball
running running
jogging jogging
baseball baseball
martial arts martial arts
boxing boxing
wrestling struggle
ten-pin bowling bowling
windsurfing windsurfing
water polo water polo
water skiing water skiing
volleyball volleyball
handball handball
gymnastics gymnastics
golf golf
motor racing race
rowing rowing
canoeing kayaking and canoeing
judo judo
darts dart
cycling cycling
bowls bowling
yoga yoga
karate karate
go-karting karting
inline skating or rollerblading roller skating
kick boxing kick boxing
horse riding equestrian sport
cricket cricket
lacrosse lacrosse (game with ball and rackets/sticks)
athletics athletics
skiing skiing
table tennis table tennis
netball netball
hunting hunting
hiking hiking in nature
swimming swimming
sailing swimming; navigation
beach volleyball beach volleyball
scuba diving scuba diving
weightlifting lifting weights
diving diving; diving
pool pool (a type of billiard game)
rugby rugby
fishing fishing
surfing surfing
horse racing horse racing; running
squash squash
skateboarding skateboarding; skateboarding
snowboarding snowboard
snooker snooker (a type of billiard game)
shooting shooting
archery archery
tennis tennis
ice skating figure skating
football football
walking walking
hockey hockey
ice hockey ice hockey

Phrases used in football and necessary for fans

Football theme Translation
penalty spot The 11-meter mark from which the penalty kick is taken
to take a penalty take a penalty
to kick the ball hit the ball
touchline sideline; wing
supporter fan
to be sent off be sent off
throw-in throw in the ball
goalpost or post gates
goalkeeper goalkeeper
goal Goal
to book give a yellow card
yellow card yellow card
to score a goal score a goal
header heading game
player player
red card red card
World Cup World Cup
booking violation of the rules for which the player receives a yellow card
foul violation; foul
to head the ball head the ball
offside offside, offside
pass Pass
penalty penalty; free kick
to pass the ball pass the ball; pass
crossbar or bar Crossbar
tackle interception of the ball
net Net
half-way line midline
referee Judge
linesman linesman
half-time half; half the game
corner kick or corner corner kick
to send off remove from field
shot hit
goal kick goal kick
to shoot hit (ball)
fan fan
football club football club
penalty area penalty area
free kick free kick

Places where they practice sports. Posters in public places often contain these designs.

Sports vocabulary related to cycling

Term Translation of lexical construction
bicycle pump bicycle pump
to ride a bicycle or to ride a bike ride a bike
bell call
inner tube tire tube
wheel wheel
pedal pedal
gears speed switch
puncture flat tire
to have a puncture puncture a tire
puncture repair kit repair kit for punctured tire
handlebars bicycle handlebar
saddle sitting
spokes knitting needles
brake brake
chain chains
tire tire

Equipment intended for sports activities

Dictionary Translation
baseball bat baseball bat
cricket bat cricket bat
football boots boots; soccer shoes
pool cue cue
golf club golf club
ice skates skates
running shoes sneakers; running shoes
skis skis
ball ball
rugby ball rugby ball
boxing glove boxing gloves
badminton racquet badminton racket
squash racquet squash racket
skateboard skateboard; roller board
tennis racquet tennis racket
fishing rod fishing rod
football soccer ball
hockey stick hockey stick

Board games

Sayings related to cards

Design Translation
blackjack blackjack
bridge bridge
diamonds diamonds
jack Jack
trick bribe
queen lady
joker joker
card map
hand cards (in hand)
pack of cards deck of cards
king king
suit suit
spades peaks
poker poker
to deal the cards deal cards
to cut the cards cut
to shuffle the cards shuffle cards
your turn! your move!
clubs clubs
ace ace
hearts worms

Terms related to chess

Design Translation
to take or to capture pick up an enemy figurine
knight horse
queen queen
king king
rook or castle rook
stalemate stalemate
pawn pawn
to castle castle)
to resign give up
bishop elephant
your move! your move!
move move
to move walk
good move! good move!
check Shah
checkmate checkmate
chessboard chessboard
piece chess piece

Terms for sporting events.

They are essential for understanding posters found in public places.

Other words related to sports topics

Design Translation of expressions
to win win
win winnings
game game
to play play
to play away play away or away from home
to play at home play on your own field; "Houses"
match match
spectator observer
to watch observe; look
fixture scheduled day of sports competition
draw draw
Olympic Games olympic games
victory victory
winner winner
defeat defeat
loser loser
to lose lose
loss loss
result result
opponent rival
competition competition; competition
umpire judge
score score, number of points
to draw draw
league table scoreboard

There are many quotes dedicated to sports. And the aphorisms of the players are found everywhere. This is due to the fact that the role of sport in society is increasing every year. Thanks to our selection of vocabulary on the current topic of sports in English, you will not only be able to understand sports news, but also be able to communicate without barriers on this topic.

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If you are into hardware, subscribe to blogs about fitness, bodybuilding, or just work out in the gym, trying to keep fit, you probably know how much information on this topic exists in English. However, if you study sites on this topic, it turns out that there is a lot of specific vocabulary in it. From this collection you will learn the main english words on the topic of working out in the gym.

I identified three lexical subtopics:

1. Body, names of muscles

Any school dictionary contains words on the topic “human body,” but here there is another specificity: the selection includes words such as names of muscles. Many of them are simplified versions of scientific, Latin names, for example: pecs (pectoral muscles) - from lat. pectoralis.

2. Sports equipment

Nowadays there are a great variety of exercise machines, equipment, devices, this selection includes the most common ones that you can see in any fitness club.

3. Exercises

Despite the fact that there are a lot of exercises, they are mainly built from some basic types of movements: deadlifts, presses, squats, fly-ups, etc. The selection includes the most basic (in the linguistic sense) exercises and types of movements. However, if you want more detailed information, has a section with an illustrated exercise dictionary. There is no translation, but there are pictures and videos - in practical terms this is much more important.

Perhaps the topic of “nutrition” should have been included, but it is so broad that I decided to leave it for a separate post.

As usual, each set of words is presented as:

  1. Electronic cards.
  2. List of words.
  3. Printable PDF cards.
body body
head head
neck neck
shoulder shoulder
deltoids deltoids (deltoid muscles)
traps (trapezius) trapezius (trapezius muscles)
arm hand (entirely)
hand hand (hand)
wrist wrist
forearm forearm
chest breast
pecs (pectoralis) pectoral muscles
biceps biceps
triceps triceps
abs press
six-pack six pack abs
back back
lats latissimus (back muscles)
middle back (rhomboids) rhomboids (back muscles)
lower back lumbar (lower back)
glutes gluteal muscles
leg leg
foot sole
knee knee
quads (quadriceps) quadriceps (front of thigh)
hamstrings biceps femoris (back of the thigh)
calves calf muscles
joints joints
bones bones
physique physique
to be in shape be in shape
height height
weight weight
bodyfat subcutaneous fat (subcutaneous fat level)


1. Workout and work out

Don't confuse the noun workout(training), which is written together, and to work out– train, consisting of a verb and an adverb.

2. Chin-up VS pull-up

Pull-ups in English are called chin-ups or pull-ups. There is no difference between the terms, but sometimes the word chin-up is used when they want to emphasize that the pull-up should be until the chin touches the bar (chin - chin).

3. Arm - arm to hand, hand - hand

In Russian, we can call both the entire limb and the hand a hand (give me your hand). In English, a brush is never called an arm, only a hand.

4. Leg - leg to foot, foot - foot

The same goes for the words leg and foot. In Russian we can also call a foot a leg, but in English we can only call it foot. By the way, foot is one of the few nouns that form plural in a non-standard way: foot – feet.

5. To work out VS to lift weights

The verb “to work out” means training in a general sense. This could be gymnastic exercises, cardio exercises or weight training. But the phrase “to lift weights” roughly corresponds to our “to swing”, that is, to exercise with weights: dumbbells, barbells, etc.

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Good day everyone! It's no secret how important sports and healthy image life. This is probably why we are not only interested in sports at the amateur level, but also follow the victories of professional athletes, and some of us are involved in professional sports ourselves. As you guessed, the goal of our lesson today is to learn to talk in English about the talents and abilities of athletes, as well as to speak in English about your personal sports abilities. Sports vocabulary in English. Gymnastics

Also today you will learn how to express your support for your favorite athletes or sports clubs in English. Get your workbook ready and let's get started! This time, the Voice of America radio reporter went to one of the sports sections. There Martin Lerner decided to talk with a good coach of a group of gymnasts. They discuss the athletic abilities of one of the talented gymnasts, who shows great promise:

Bret:Let's watch some of the men. — Let's look at some athletes (men)
Martin:Can we watch the parallel bars? That young man looks really good. —Can we watch the parallel bars? That young man looks really, really good
Bret:It's not. He's one of the best. Notice how fast he is. - This is him. He is one of the best. Notice how fast he is
Martin:But he's very smooth. - But he makes every movement very smoothly
Bret: That's the idea. He has to show lots of energy. But there can’t be a break. Every movement has to be smooth. - That's the idea. He must show a lot of energy. But there can be no break. Every movement should be smooth (smooth).

Re-read the fragment of the conversation between the journalist and the coach. With the help of which speech patterns, do they characterize the talents and abilities of a young athlete? Find and write down these lexemes in your notebook.

Remember and repeat also an interesting activity At the construction site

Now listen carefully to the audio recording of the lesson, which contains this interview in its entirety, as well as other sports vocabulary. Listen to every sound of a word or expression spoken by a professional speaker to practice your own American pronunciation and learn to speak English like you did in the Way They Say It in America course. This is the only way you will master communication skills: /wp-content/uploads/2014/12/russian_english_101.mp3

Remember that the ability to understand the fluency of ordinary Americans is as important a communication skill as correct English pronunciation and vocabulary. Therefore, try to listen to live American speech every day: listen to our lessons, audio books, listen to songs in English, watch American films in the original, etc. Or better yet, make friends from America and communicate with them via Skype.

Sports vocabulary in English

A compact text table with words and phrases in Russian and English will help you quickly remember new material, as well as trace the peculiarities of using vocabulary about sports and athletes in English. Remember also the words you learned in previous lessons.

Sports vocabulary
in orderin order (organized)
to have a high opinion of someone to think highly of smb.
What's the matter?What's the trouble?
athlete, track and field athlete athlete
logbalance beam
crowd, peoplecrowd
competition, sport event
performances, demonstration exhibition
gymnastics, floor exercise floor exercise
sports meeting meet
parallel bars parallel bars
group, teamteam
balanced, calm balanced
wonderful, amazing, amazing fantastic
smooth, calm smooth
absolutely, absolutely absolutely
helpto assist
continueto continue
improve, improve to improve
dressto compete

Save the chart on your computer or print it out so you can review and review new vocabulary from time to time.

Which, to one degree or another, covers sports topics. But when I delved into this topic in more detail, I could not help but notice a wide sports vocabulary, which is divided into many facets. Just think how much sport has become embedded in our lives, even if we are not active “physical” fans of it.

An example from life - you are watching a football broadcast, where the commentator talks about the outcome of the match only on . Naturally, in this case, you will only be imbued with football vocabulary, where time will no longer be translated as time, and goal will not be the target. It's like speaking English with native speakers at ACE, where you're completely immersed in the English language experience. How many other different games are there that are also unique in their vocabulary?

Let's take cards, chess, checkers? Combinations that we know in Russian as goes without saying, already complex expressions in English. All this made me think about sports topics and study them in more detail, as well as sort them out. I’m not saying that the selection that is already on the site has lost its uniqueness, I just want to structure useful sports vocabulary.

I almost forgot to be continued...

List of sports vocabulary in English with translation:

breaststroke- breaststroke (Olympic swimming style)
category- rank in sports
champion- champion; first prize winner, first place winner
cloakroom- locker room
coaching- training
crawl- crawl (swimming style)
cup- cup
cycle track— cycle track
defeat- defeat
disqualification— disqualification; deprivation of the right to smth.
drawn game- draw
finale- final
finish- finish
forwards- attack
fullback- defender (in football)
game- game, party, match, game
goal- goal
junior— junior
kitty- con (gambling)
knockout- knockout
leader— leader
Olympiad- Olympics, Olympic Games
Olympian- Olympian
out- out
penalty- penalty
point- point
pool- swimming pool
prizewinner- winner; laureate
race— mileage
races- racing
record- record
record holder- record holder, record holder
score— score (in game)
stadium— stadium
tape- ribbon at the finish line
tie- equal score, draw
time- time
victory- victory
winner- winner; first prize winner

Words on the topic “Sport” in English with transcription

breaststrokeˈbrɛststrəʊkbreaststroke (Olympic swimming style)
categoryˈkætɪgərirank in sports
championˈʧæmpjənchampion; first prize winner, first place winner
cloakroomˈkləʊkrʊmlocker room
crawlkrɔːlcrawl (swimming style)
cycle trackˈsaɪkl trækcycle track
disqualificationdɪsˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃəndisqualification; deprivation of the right to smth.
drawn gamedrɔːn geɪmdraw
fullbackˈfʊlbækdefender (in football)
gamegeɪmgame, party, match, game
kittyˈkɪticon (gambling)
OlympiadəʊˈlɪmpɪædOlympics, Olympic Games
poolpuːlswimming pool
prizewinnerˈpraɪzˌwɪnəwinner; laureate
record holderˈrɛkɔːd ˈhəʊldərecord holder, record holder
scoreskɔːscoring (in game)
tietaɪequal score, draw
winnerˈwɪnəwinner; first prize winner
