Straightening the spine: is the spine treated by doctors or will a chiropractor help you? Chiropractor and chiropractor - what's the difference? Need a chiropractor.

A system called man, through the peripheral nervous system, controls almost the entire body of the central nervous system. nervous system. The load-bearing part is mainly the spine and skeleton. Therefore, signals coming from the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system (including from the frame of the human body) signal to him whether the body is healthy or unhealthy. Ill health manifests itself back pain, swelling, etc., which normally a person should not experience, he should simply enjoy life. Therefore, the system flexible spine» is aimed at eliminating discomfort and any violations, pain syndromes, which help a person adapt to modern conditions, incl. and if you feel any painful syndromes, and return to full life. Treatment of various diseases requires good chiropractor, which will correctly guide manual therapy of the spine. Spinal straightening occurs using techniques handed down to me and developed by me over more than 30 years of experience. I work like chiropractor in Moscow, prices My services are always negotiable. For me, the main thing is to improve the human condition; remuneration for my work is a secondary issue.

Before drawing your own conclusions about the causes of ailments (and resorting to spine treatment), first of all you need to do an MRI, and then you can begin some actions to correct and restore your back. If you are experiencing any of the following, please call me first to first determine possible causes:

  • discomfort in any part of the spine
  • discomfort in the muscles
  • clearly diagnosed protrosion, hernia or displacement, and confirmed by MRI
  • discomfort in the lumbar or other parts of the spine
  • puffiness and swelling of any area of ​​the musculoskeletal frame


Restorative sessions or recommendations to restore a comfortable state are contraindicated if you have:

  • problems cardiovascular system(heart failure)
  • prolapsed herniated disc
  • neurological or somatic disorders
  • low pain threshold

There are contraindications during pregnancy.

Using ancestral and personally developed chiropractic techniques, I help clients feel restored to further fulfilling lives. without resorting To spine treatment traditional medicine. The effect of restoration, for example, in cases with minor displacements and discomfort, is felt almost immediately. The pain goes away, it becomes easier to breathe, you feel a surge of strength and improved mood, vitality increases, and sleep normalizes. After completing the course of correcting your health, in compliance with all my instructions for self-correction (exercises at home), your gait will change, your posture will straighten out, and the discomfort that has become a habit will disappear. All this is very important, because as much as you feel, you enjoy life!

The stronger the health of Russians, the more powerful our Motherland of Russia!

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For successful treatment of the musculoskeletal system and some internal organs, patients choose manual therapy, and a specialist who works in a given direction is called a chiropractor. This highly specialized doctor trusts only his own hands and is skeptical of pills and other methods of official medicine. Modern manual techniques help not only to eliminate acute pain syndrome, but also to put a practically disabled person back on his feet.

Who is a chiropractor

Popularly, this specialist is also called a chiropractor, since he deals with the setting of dislocated bones, correction of the musculoskeletal system, restoration of crooked posture and treatment of other diseases of the musculoskeletal structures. The manual massage therapist does not prescribe “chemistry”, but for a speedy recovery suggests using methods that are more gentle, in his opinion. Not every sick person is ready to entrust their own bones to a chiropractor, but in case of acute pain syndrome, sometimes they do not see any other way out.

What does

A chiropractor studies human physiology and the functional capabilities of the body. During the appointment, he conducts an examination by palpation and assesses the psychological state of the patient. The main goal of all manipulations performed by the doctor is to eliminate painful sensations and ensure rapid restoration of lost functions of the musculoskeletal system. However, first of all, he needs to perform a series of actions to identify the disease and determine the main provoking factor. During the appointment, this doctor will:

  • massage course for injured muscles and soft tissues;
  • correction of spinal discs;
  • therapeutic exercises;
  • a number of physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • elimination of functional blockade from spinal column;
  • local anesthesia of suspected foci of pathology;
  • implementation of modern techniques.

What diseases does it treat?

Doctor manual therapy– a professional in his field, well-versed in the structure of the human skeleton and the functionality of the musculoskeletal system. He successfully treats acute and chronic diseases spine. Starts the course after an individual consultation with the patient, and additionally provides valuable recommendations regarding rehabilitation. Diagnoses for which the therapist must demonstrate high competence are:

  • intervertebral hernia as a non-surgical treatment method;
  • curvature of the spine, as an option - lordosis, scoliosis, kyphosis;
  • migraine attacks caused by spinal injury;
  • back, neck pain, hip joints different etiologies;
  • arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • rehabilitation after dislocations and fractures;
  • limited mobility of limbs;
  • vertebral artery syndrome;
  • humeroscapular periarthrosis;
  • neurological diseases preceded by pathologies of the spinal column;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • congenital diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Where does it take

If there is a need to visit a chiropractor, it is very difficult to find a professional in his field. Such a highly specialized specialist does not work in a district clinic; more often, he conducts private practice under a license. Paid services of a chiropractor are not a cheap pleasure, but in the event of a severe attack of pain, the patient is ready to do anything. You can find a specialist in medical centers and clinics, but first look for reviews about his work. With the right choice, a consultation with a chiropractor is the beginning of a speedy recovery.

When to see a chiropractor

When a patient is experiencing severe pain, a chiropractor helps solve the health problem. In this case we are talking about specific foci of pathology - the spine area, the musculoskeletal system, some internal organs, systems. If there is pain in the lower back, back, lower extremities when moving, neck pain, or the patient is bothered by severe migraine attacks of unknown etiology, manual therapy of the spine with physical impact on problem areas is necessary.

Chiropractor appointment

If the patient complains of severe back pain, it is necessary to make an appointment with a chiropractor. It is recommended to have with you the results of previous examinations, for example, ultrasound, X-ray, MRI, CT scan of the spine, a written report from a neurologist, neurosurgeon. Will not be superfluous laboratory tests blood and urine, which are considered an important component of a comprehensive diagnosis. All this is necessary for the chiropractor to get acquainted with the medical history, and conclusions about general condition he will decide on his own health after an examination. Here's what awaits the patient:

  • palpation of the spinal column, identification of pathological deformation and bends;
  • determination of muscle tension and muscle tone by palpation;
  • more detailed study of detected foci of pathology.

Pediatric chiropractor

If a child has complaints, parents should take the little patient to a chiropractor. Children with problems of the spine and musculoskeletal system are also included in the range of competence of this specialist. basis intensive care becomes a massage course, physical therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures. Visits to a chiropractor are also appropriate for severe headaches of unknown etiology. This approach to the problem of children's health allows one to avoid taking medications and reduces the patient's chances of disability. Treatment is prescribed for:

  • club feet;
  • scoliosis;
  • birth injuries;
  • incorrect head position;
  • improper development of the spine in infancy;
  • muscle pathologies;
  • hereditary diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • children's torticollis.

What is manual therapy

This is a popular medical direction, when chosen, the diagnosis can be determined with the participation of a chiropractor. To confirm the specialist’s guesses, it is necessary to use additional methods diagnostics For example, a manual therapist can refer an appointment with a neurologist, neurosurgeon, traumatologist and orthopedist to clarify the prevailing clinical picture. Manual therapy is excellent for treating spinal disorders. A patient may need the help of a chiropractor already in the first year of life, for example, with hip dysplasia.


If the patient decides to finally get rid of pain and dysfunction of one of the parts of the spine using manual techniques, he will need time and faith in a favorable clinical outcome. The chosen therapy comes to the rescue and provides positive dynamics after a short period of treatment without taking medications or surgical intervention. However, that's not all beneficial properties selected chiropractor sessions. The benefits of manual therapy are:

  • direct contact of the practitioner with the source of pathology;
  • sustainable positive dynamics after the first course;
  • absence negative consequences for health after treatment;
  • the ability to extend the period of remission without taking chemotherapy or surgery;
  • affordable cost of sessions with a chiropractor;
  • worthy alternative expensive treatment spine with medications, surgical methods;
  • effective prevention of spinal column pathologies for patients at risk.

Manual therapy session

On average, the duration of one procedure varies from 40 minutes to 1 hour, and the time depends on the degree of the pathological process. Chiropractor works with separate elements the spinal column, then comprehensively, while competently distributing the increased load on the musculoskeletal system. With each session, obvious positive dynamics are observed, “the bones fall into place,” the muscles become stronger, acute pain disappears, and the former mobility of the joints returns.

Duration of treatment

It is not easy to decide to be treated by a chiropractor, since such contact sessions are accompanied by discomfort, painful sensations. If the patient still decides, then it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment, which includes 10-12 procedures, depending on the diagnosis. It is advisable to conduct correctional sessions with a manual therapist daily, while following the additional recommendations of this highly specialized specialist.

There are medical contraindications, so an unscheduled visit to a chiropractor is not allowed for all patients with acute attacks of back or lower back pain, numbness of the upper or lower limbs. Such contact treatment in a hospital setting can significantly harm the patient’s health in the following clinical situations:

  • oncological diseases;
  • open wounds, purulent skin lesions;
  • osteoporosis;
  • spinal column injuries;
  • infectious diseases of the spinal column, joints;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • systemic diseases;
  • periods of pregnancy, lactation;
  • postoperative period;
  • disorders of spinal and cerebral circulation;
  • mental disorders.

What tests need to be done before manual therapy?

Before making an individual appointment with a chiropractor, you must first visit the attending physician and undergo a diagnosis of the suspected source of pathology. It is not recommended to go to such a specialist without documents, since in this case he will refer you for additional examination to a neurologist or orthopedist. It is recommended to present the results of the following examinations to the chiropractor:

  • X-ray images;
  • Ultrasound of the pathology focus;
  • MRI and CT of the spine;
  • neurologist's report;
  • radiography of the spinal column;
  • electromyography;
  • bacterial culture and blood test.


Unscheduled visits to a chiropractor are not a cheap pleasure. The main thing is to find a knowledgeable specialist, a master of his craft, to whom you can entrust your own health. Many patients even go to the capital in search of a doctor and go to specialized medical centers and private clinics. It is recommended to find out in advance the cost of paid services, since part of the treatment course still does not provide positive dynamics. Here are approximate prices in Moscow that patients should focus on:


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Before the session, at the initial appointment, the doctor diagnoses the musculoskeletal system. The physician performs anthropometry, palpation, manual muscle testing, and also:

  • assesses reflexes using a neurological hammer,
  • assesses the symmetry of the spinal column zones,
  • determines changes in the center of gravity,
  • measures pressure,
  • checks pulse
  • evaluates a person's posture and posture.

What does a chiropractor treat?

The clinician treats the following diseases on a paid basis:

  • dorsalgia,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • cervicalgia,
  • lumbodynia,
  • coccydynia,
  • scalenus syndrome,
  • intercostal neuralgia,
  • crumpy,
  • radiculopathy,
  • periarthritis,
  • heel spur,
  • birth injuries,
  • sacralgia,
  • torticollis,
  • radiculoischemia,
  • tunnel syndrome,
  • dysphonia,
  • scoliosis and myopia.

To treat musculoskeletal dysfunctions, the doctor uses mobilization (losing or smooth actions), relaxation (relaxing techniques), pressure (impact on pain points), manipulation (simultaneous reduction). The doctor conducts sessions in outpatient setting Moscow clinics. The clinician eliminates pathologies through forceful traction, manual pushes, blows, bending, bending, stretching, rocking, rotation, extension, traction, tension and twisting. The doctor also practices visceral, arthro-vertebral, myofascial and craniosacral techniques.

An appointment with a chiropractor will be needed not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of pathologies. For health purposes, the doctor performs post-isometric and post-reciprocal procedures.

A chiropractor is competent in diagnosing diseases of the musculoskeletal and partly nervous system, and also draws up an individual treatment plan that will help get rid of the problem and prevent its recurrence in the future. A specialist in this profile specializes in the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • Constant headaches of unknown origin;
  • Inflammatory processes in the joints (arthrosis, arthritis);
  • Hernia of the spinal column;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Neurocirculatory dysfunction with periodic attacks panic attacks;
  • Horse racing blood pressure;
  • Decreased muscle tone.

Consultation with a chiropractor is necessary for patients who have suffered injuries or surgical interventions on the spine. Treatment can be carried out in combination with other prescriptions or as an independent method.

When should you contact a chiropractor?

Many people are inattentive to their health and often do not pay attention to various pains of the musculoskeletal system, but meanwhile the pathological process progresses, which can lead to complications in the future. Consultation with a chiropractor is necessary for the following conditions:

  • Impaired mobility, limitation of movements;
  • Stiffness in the area of ​​large joints in the morning;
  • Previous operations on the musculoskeletal system;
  • Frequent headaches that are not relieved by medications or only disappear for a short time;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia with frequent attacks of panic attacks;
  • Intercostal neuralgia;
  • Neuralgia trigeminal nerve;
  • Curvature of the spine;
  • Poor posture;
  • Back pain various localizations;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Chest pain not caused by diseases of the heart muscle.

Where can I find a good chiropractor?

If you need a chiropractor in Moscow, then on our website you can find the best specialist in this field of medicine. Opposite each specialist’s name you will see numbers - this is the doctor’s rating in the capital. The rating indicators are based on the frequency of visits to a given doctor, his satisfaction with patients, the presence of positive treatment results, as well as experience and work experience.

In order not to waste your time, but to immediately choose the best chiropractor from the list of candidates, pay attention to the reviews of other people who have already attended an appointment and left their detailed impressions on the site.

How to get an appointment with a chiropractor?

In order to get an appointment with the selected specialist, you need to contact the site’s online consultant or call the clinic’s phone number indicated in the “contacts” section. Making an appointment in advance will save you time and allow you to plan your work schedule in advance.
