Coprinus application. Coprinus mushroom extract for alcoholism

Pharmacological action

  • General strengthening

Description of pharmacological action

The active substance of the drug Coprinus, made from the dung beetle mushroom, causes a reaction of aversion to alcohol in the body. The drug, entering the patient’s body, slows down the work of liver enzymes to break down and process ethyl alcohol. Action remedy It manifests itself only if alcohol enters the body, since its processing is greatly slowed down, which causes symptoms of severe poisoning.
Coprinus has also been shown to have antimicrobial activity, including against antibiotic-resistant strains of Streptococcus aureus.
The mushroom is useful for the functioning of the spleen and stomach, it can “refresh the heart and soul” and stimulate appetite.
Clinical experiments show that the mushroom is especially beneficial for maintaining health in older people.
Consumption of this mushroom not only does not increase cholesterol levels in the blood, but can also prevent the development of atherosclerosis, cardiopania and adiposis.
The fungus can synthesize antibiotics with bactericidal and fungicidal action.
Eating dung beetle may lower blood sugar levels.
Coprinus has been proven effective in the treatment of prostate adenoma, prostate cancer, diabetes mellitus and joint diseases.


1 capsule: main substances - dry extract of Coprinus (Coprinus comatus) 30%, excipients - gelatin; 1 (package): dry extract of coprinus (Coprinus comatus) 30%.

Indications for use

Treatment of chronic alcoholism and domestic drunkenness
- diabetes
- breast cancer, prostate cancer
- as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic
- for constipation and hemorrhoids.

Release form

capsules weighing 0.3 g, 60 pcs. in a plastic container, bags of 10 g and 30 g with a measuring spoon of 0.5 g.

Active ingredients
- coprine (hydroxycyclopropylglutamine),
- tetraethylthiuramide sulfide.

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity to components, pregnancy and women during lactation, children, cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney damage, diarrhea, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

Side effects

Mixing alcohol and Coprinus gives the following effect: the heart begins to beat strongly, vomiting, thirst, diarrhea, fever appear, the skin turns red, speech becomes difficult, and vision may be impaired. After a couple of hours, the symptoms disappear, but if alcohol is taken again, they will return.

Directions for use and doses


Not described.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 2 to 20 °C.

Best before date

The description of vitamin Coprinus extract is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Choosing food for type 2 diabetes is a responsible task for the patient, since a well-designed diet helps keep blood sugar levels under control and prevents the risk of complications.

Diet restrictions are needed especially with concomitant obesity; because of this, patients have to forget about some of their favorite foods, in particular sugar, confectionery and flour products, but at the same time their diet should not become monotonous and tasteless.

Lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, vegetables and mushrooms can help with this. Based on the content of protein and unsaturated fats, they can be classified as healthy and even medicinal foods.

The benefits and harms of mushrooms

Dietary fiber, as well as unsaturated fatty acid help stabilize fat metabolism and, with a low calorie content, can be recommended in dietary nutrition at overweight bodies.

Except nutritional value many mushrooms are used in folk medicine for obtaining herbal medicines. Fungotherapy is especially valued in Chinese medicine. Medicines used for the treatment of cancer are prepared from mushrooms such as reishi, shiitake, chaga, oyster mushroom, and veselka.

To the main beneficial properties mushrooms include:

  1. Increased immunological protection.
  2. Antiviral and antibacterial activity.
  3. Stabilization of blood pressure.
  4. Maintaining good vision
  5. Increased potency.
  6. Prevention vascular diseases brain.

The most important thing when picking mushrooms yourself is to be sure of the biological species, since poisonous forms cause fatal poisoning. But even edible varieties can transform and acquire toxic properties if collected in a contaminated area, near highways or industrial enterprises.

Mushrooms are quite difficult to digest food in the presence of pathology digestive system, in particular enzyme deficiency. It is not allowed to indulge in mushroom dishes if you have heart and vascular diseases, a tendency to allergies and eczema, as well as liver dysfunction, especially after viral hepatitis.

Mushrooms in a diabetic diet

Sugar level

In order to understand whether it is possible to eat mushrooms with diabetes, you need to know its ability to influence the rate of increase in blood sugar after consumption. This important characteristic for inclusion in the diet is called the glycemic index. It is conventionally taken as 100 for pure glucose.

In order to prevent jumps in glycemia, as well as to smoothly reduce body weight if it is excess, the foods consumed must have a low glycemic index. For most mushrooms it is 10, which means that you can eat mushrooms with type 2 diabetes without fear.

Maximum benefit from mushroom dishes stored at proper preparation. Salted and pickled mushrooms are not recommended for type 2 diabetics; it is also better not to fry them, as this will absorb the mushrooms. a large number of oils, which can increase their calorie content several times. Stuffed, boiled, stewed and baked in the oven are allowed.

Options delicious dishes from mushrooms:

  • Mushrooms stuffed with onions, cheese and herbs.
  • Vegetable stew with saffron milk caps in the oven.
  • Zucchini stuffed with buckwheat and honey mushrooms.
  • Boiled chicken with mushroom sauce.
  • Cabbage stewed with oyster mushrooms.
  • Peppers stuffed with mushrooms and carrots.
  • Tomato and cucumber salad with fresh champignons and oven-dried croutons.

In order to prepare stuffed mushrooms, you need to separate the caps, clean them from the inside with a teaspoon, the wall thickness should be about 1 cm. Finely chop the stem and onion and simmer for 10-15 minutes in salted water. Then stuff the caps with this mixture and cook in the oven for about 40 minutes. Sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs, bake for another 10 minutes.

Mushrooms can be cooked not only for main course. For diabetes mellitus, meat and fish broths are not recommended, so vegetarian soup is preferable for diabetics. Vegetable and mushroom soup is not only tasty, but also contains a minimal amount of calories. Since it is not advisable to use potatoes, mushroom soup It's better to add celery root.

What mushrooms are best included in dishes for diabetics? There are no restrictions in choosing the type, but mushrooms with a minimum amount of carbohydrates are most beneficial - champignons, saffron milk caps and honey mushrooms. You can decorate a diabetic menu with these mushrooms 2-3 times a week, if you eat them boiled, baked or stewed, or stuff them into vegetables or chicken.

If blood sugar remains at a stable level and there are no liver or stomach diseases, then occasionally you can diversify your diet by preparing fried mushrooms.

You can pickle mushrooms yourself if you use vinegar instead lemon juice, and replace sugar with fructose.

Mushrooms in folk medicine

Mushrooms for diabetes can not only be eaten, but also taken as medicine. In order to prevent the rise in blood sugar, the coprinus mushroom is used. The pulp of dung beetle is used to prepare a decoction; only young plants are suitable for this. When taking herbal medicines, you should not drink alcohol from them, as this will lead to severe poisoning.

Chanterelle tincture is prepared from 200 g of finely chopped mushrooms and 500 ml of vodka. Infuse in a dark place for 15 days. For treatment, you need to dissolve a teaspoon in ½ glass of water and drink before meals. You can get the effect of stabilizing sugar levels in 1.5-2 months, after which it is recommended to take a break for the same period of time.

Milk mushroom for diabetes helps restore the pancreas by influencing the production of digestive enzymes and insulin. Therefore, it can be recommended if you have type 1 and 2 diabetes. Kefir obtained from milk using this mushroom is drunk before meals, the course of treatment is no less than 21 days.

The undoubted benefits of mushrooms for type 2 diabetes can be obtained if you regularly take chaga infusion. This mushroom contains biological active compounds, related to biostimulants, has powerful antitumor and antiviral activity. Chaga infusion and decoction normalizes arterial pressure and improves body tone.

Medicinal properties of chaga:

  1. Reducing pain in cancer.
  2. Increased appetite.
  3. Normalization of intestinal microflora.
  4. Inhibits inflammatory processes.
  5. Stimulates nervous system, relieves headaches and.

Type 2 diabetes occurs against the background of oxidative stress, damage to organs by free radicals. Birch chaga normalizes metabolic processes, has an antioxidant effect, and stimulates tissue restoration. Preparations from this mushroom lower blood sugar, increasing the sensitivity of cells to insulin.

To prepare the infusion, take chaga and warm water in a ratio of 1:20. This mixture is heated over low heat, but does not boil. Then leave in a dark place for 48 hours. The strained infusion should be stored in the refrigerator; it should be drunk one tablespoon at a time outside of meals. Treatment lasts 30 days.

After a course of chaga therapy, patients note an increase in activity and performance, a decrease in the dose of drugs to lower sugar, a decrease in thirst and frequency of urination, skin itching and rash, and normalization of blood pressure.

When carrying out fungotherapy, it is necessary to completely abandon alcoholic drinks, smoked and fried foods, pickles, sugar. It is advisable to reduce meat consumption. The menu must include fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, fish dishes and whole grains.

Chaga and preparations made from it are not recommended for pregnant women, since the cytostatic effect negatively affects the processes embryonic development fetus, and accordingly complicate. With diarrhea, enterocolitis and dysentery, the laxative effect of chaga can cause increased pain and spasms in the intestines.

The benefits of mushrooms for diabetes are described in the video in this article.


  • Diabetes mellitus (I and II degrees) - blood sugar is significantly reduced (combine the intake of powder and extracted form of the mushroom);
  • Cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, heart attack), to improve blood circulation, to improve heart rhythms (combine the powdered and extracted form of the mushroom);
  • Digestive problems (powder);
  • Hemorrhoids (powder);
  • Intestinal diseases;
  • Ehrlich's carcinoma and Kaposi's sarcoma (mushroom extract);
  • Breast cancer (mushroom extract);
  • Painful sensations;

Coprinus extract – the most effective remedy from alcoholism (from drunkenness). The ancient Slavs have long used beneficial medicinal properties White dung beetle. Despite the fact that this is an ordinary mushroom that can be used as food, its main active ingredient coprine (hydroxycyclopropylglutamine) has a strong effect on alcoholism. After taking mushrooms and alcohol, the body experiences very unpleasant reactions. Because of this, white dung beetle cannot be called a pleasant dish on festive table with a drink.

Coprinus extract works the same way. It is a powder that is completely soluble in water. Therefore, its use is more convenient for those who want to quit drinking.

Will it help or will it definitely stop drinking?

This is not a panacea and it is dishonest to promise a 100% effect in advance, but this remedy helped many of our clients quit drinking alcohol and none of them started drinking after the course of treatment. Are there any guarantees? A 100% guarantee cannot be given, since there are very persistent people who continue to drink, even if their health worsens after drinking.

Will he get poisoned?

He will feel uneasy - his face will turn red, nausea will appear, which is very uncomfortable, but there will be no symptoms accompanying poisoning. They disappear without a trace when a person stops drinking alcohol. At the same time, a reflex of disgust from alcohol is formed. If the patient tries to take alcoholic drinks again, then discomfort will show themselves again.

How is it used?

If the patient agrees to treatment, you can openly add Coprinus extract to food or drinks. If a person does not want to be treated, then the extract is added to food secretly from the patient. Frequency of use: 1 time every 2 days. Coprinus extract in the amount of 0.5 - 1 g. add to warm water or food and stir well. As soon as a person takes the medicinal powder and alcohol, unpleasant sensations will immediately make themselves felt. If you see that this action does not bring quick results, increase the dosage by 1.5 - 2 r., but no more than 2 g.

Can it be added to food?

It is necessary, this is the most convenient way to use it, only in not very hot dishes (meaning scalding temperatures, for example, soups).

Does Coprinus extract have a taste and smell?

There is taste and smell, but weakly expressed.

How to add the extract: to food or drinks?

If the extract is taken by the patient consciously, then it can be administered to both water and food. If secretly from the patient - only for food, since a foreign taste will be felt in the drink.

What is the mechanism of action?

The substance found in the mushroom is called coprine, it is safe for the body and even useful - it is used for diseases of the liver, intestines and diabetes. But if at the same time alcohol in any form enters the body, then coprine causes temporary discomfort - it dissolves in alcohol and penetrates the blood and liver, forming substances that cause unpleasant reactions - redness of the facial skin, nausea, which is painful and difficult for a person to tolerate. There will be no consequences for the body after taking it. But since the patient remains in the dark, these reactions seem to him to be a natural result, they seem to him to be a consequence of severe alcohol poisoning.

After 2-3 hours of taking Coprinus and alcohol, initial reactions appear. Redness of the skin on the face, fever, constant thirst, increased heart rate (increased heart rate) and as a result begins to feel sick.

After a few hours, the discomfort goes away without a trace. But a single use of Coprinus extract is clearly not enough; relapses are often possible. It is recommended to undergo a full course of treatment.

As a result, the connection “drinking vodka leads to poor health” remains in the patient’s head, which causes an aversion to alcohol and leads to the cessation of its use.

How long do the results last?

It depends on the person: some people remember these sensations forever, while others forget them after a year, and in this case, you need to additionally use Coprinus extract.

How long should you give?

In different ways: for a weak addiction, from two weeks, and for a strong one, at least 2-3 months, increasing the dosage from 1 gram per day (or from 0.5 grams), but not more than 2 grams.

If he drinks away from home, what should he do?

This is not scary, since Coprinus is not immediately eliminated from the body (its effect is prolonged) - up to 2-3 days, and if a person drinks the next day in another place, then the reaction to alcohol will be the same.

He has a diseased liver, and I know that he shouldn’t eat mushrooms.

Yes, fresh mushrooms are heavy food for the liver and intestines, since they contain the substance chitin, it is not digested, it’s like eating paper - the liver and intestines will work under stress. But the extract no longer contains chitin; it is an easily digestible extract that will only benefit the liver and intestines.

Is it possible to combine Coprinus with other medications?

Yes, you can, but you just need to take a one-hour break between taking Coprinus and other medications.

What is stronger, Coprinus or other methods?

Each type of treatment has its pros and cons. Most types of treatment require the patient's consent to treatment, and the use of Coprinus for drunkenness is possible anonymously - without the knowledge of the patient. And when others can no longer help, then a time-tested method remains - Coprinus alba extract.

Is this treatment allowed?

Yes, Coprinus extract has all the required documents.

How quickly does the effect appear?

If the addiction is weak, then after 2 weeks, if more serious, then longer - for several months (2-3).

What are the contraindications for use?

Coprinus extract should not be taken if you have diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels, as well as individual intolerance to the components of the extract. It is not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Is this medicine?

Coprinus is not medicine, it is registered by us as a dietary supplement so as not to inflate the price of the product. When drinking low-alcohol drinks, it has an effect, but not pronounced. It has antidiabetic properties - lowers blood sugar levels.

Ingredients: extracted form of coprinus mushroom.

Main active ingredients: hydroxycyclopropylglutamine (coprine), tetraethyl-thiuramidide sulfide. Energy value 0.4 kcal/1.67 kJ.

Method of preparation and use of Coprinus mushroom extract:

Mix two grams of powder (1 sachet) in one hundred grams of warm water. It is drunk once, that is, once a day 1 hour before the main meal. The course of treatment is up to three months.

Contraindications to the use of Coprinus mushroom extract:

Pregnancy, breastfeeding and the presence of cardiovascular diseases.

Weight: 30 g = 15 bags of 2 g.

Release form: dry water-soluble powder.

Shelf life: 24 months Store at room temperature no higher than 25°C, out of the reach of children.

Manufacturer: Zhejiang Feng Pharmaceutical Company Co., Ltd., Garden Bridge, Xingguang Highway, Songyuan City, Qingyuan District, Zhejiang Province, China.

Coprinus, incompatible with alcohol, Mother Nature herself took care of curing a person from such an ailment as drunkenness.

If a sober person eats these or stewed ones, nothing will happen to him. But if you drink alcohol during this meal, symptoms of poisoning occur (diarrhea, vomiting). After a few hours they will disappear, but if you drink alcohol again, even after a day, these unpleasant symptoms will manifest themselves again. After several such repetitions, drinking man a persistent aversion to the very type of alcohol arises, and unpleasant sensations appear even at the mention of it. In cases where it is carried out complex treatment alcoholism, preparations based on the coprinus mushroom help to form the correct anti-alcohol dominant.

As you can see, this mushroom, dung beetle coprinus, is one of the most interesting representatives of the mushroom kingdom. Translated from Greek language copros (copros) - manure. Accordingly, its places of “residence” are manure and garbage heaps; it is also found on plant debris, near livestock farms, near roads and on forest edges.

If a person eats a coprinus mushroom in combination with alcohol, the resulting symptoms of poisoning are caused by the action of tetraethylthiuramide disulfide contained in the mushroom, which oxidizes the alcohol introduced into the human body.

IN different types These mushrooms contain different amounts of it. There are 4 types of this mushroom - gray, white, flickering and scattered dung beetle.

The gray dung beetle (or Coprinus atramentarius) contains the most of this substance, the shimmering dung beetle (or Coprinus micaceus) contains somewhat less and the scattered dung beetle (or Coprinus disseminatus) contains the least amount.

Scientists from St. Petersburg used white dung beetle (or the coprinus-comatus mushroom) and, on its basis, developed a drug that cures drunkenness.

The white dung beetle was chosen because it is gentle (nausea occurs only occasionally) in contrast to the gray dung beetle, which causes uncontrollable vomiting. As a result of taking this drug, an aversion to alcohol is developed.

There is an easy and hard regimen for taking this medicine. According to the easy regimen, take 2 capsules in the morning or evening for 3 months. According to the strict scheme, the duration of treatment is also 3 months. But in the first month, take 4 capsules in the morning and 6 capsules in the remaining 2 months.

A strict scheme is applicable for patients with a long history of drinking alcohol or if coding for drunkenness was used. You can quietly add a drug based on the coprinus mushroom to the food of a person who must drink alcohol during the day in the morning.

The effectiveness of this medicine can be judged because after 2 months the patient’s amount of alcohol consumption will decrease by almost 2 times due to the reluctance of the drinker’s body to provoke itself.

In general, we can say about dung mushrooms that they are conditionally edible. In some places where the coprinus mushroom grows - on the edges, on rotting brushwood, in clearings, in clearings, in vegetable gardens and in open forests, you can find a variegated umbrella mushroom with a very pleasant taste and smell, which at first, like white and gray dung beetle , the cap is ovoid in shape. It is at this growth stage that the mushroom is considered a delicacy. Various dishes are prepared from it, stored for future use and dried. This mushroom is noticeable from afar due to its high stem (up to 30 centimeters) and umbrella-shaped cap. At this stage it is also edible as long as it is fresh. It looks like a shaggy or blushing umbrella mushroom.

This is what they are, mushrooms - some are natural medicines, while others are intended for tasty and healthy food. In any case, among mushrooms you can find many unusual and specific species, after studying which everyone can find what they need.
