How to be treated with a blue lamp. Blue warming lamp, application, what does blue color do? Quartz lamp for warming up the nose

“Blue lamp” is the popular name for the Minin reflector, a popular physiotherapeutic home device in Soviet times. The therapeutic effect of a blue lamp is determined by its ability to generate infrared radiation and heat. Accordingly, the scope of application of such a device includes many pathologies that require dry heat for treatment.

Minin reflector design

The device was developed by A.V. Minin in 1891, who used it at that time to treat neuralgia.

The device consists of a metal shade coated with a reflective layer on the inside, a handle and a blue glass incandescent light bulb (although in principle any light bulb can be used).

The shape of the lampshade and the mirror coating ensure the focusing of the light from the bulb (reflector principle).

Modern analogues of this device are available with reflectors of different diameters: large ones are convenient for warming up the back and large areas of the body, smaller ones have a pinpoint effect.

A universal option is a 16-thousand-meter reflector, which is suitable for both adults and children.

The intensity can be adjusted by varying the distance to the impact site.

Models with bendable handles are also available.

Operating principle

First of all, an ultraviolet lamp and a blue lamp are completely different things! Accordingly, the latter does not have bactericidal properties, it cannot be used to tan, it is ineffective against jaundice in newborns, etc.

An incandescent light bulb generates infrared radiation, which penetrates primarily into the superficial layers of the skin.

As a result, a pronounced non-contact heating effect is created. Warm up this way:

  • activates blood circulation;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • has an analgesic effect during muscle spasms;
  • relieves swelling of tissues;
  • has an immunostimulating effect;
  • restores joint mobility;
  • stimulates the resorption of infiltrates, etc.

The blue color of the light bulb allows you to use the device in the face area, for example, to warm up the nose area, since it dims the brightness of the light and does not blind the eyes.

An ordinary light bulb in such conditions may cause burns.

Indications for use

The use of blue lamp heating is permitted only after consultation with a doctor.

Main indications include:

  • aseptic myositis (inflammation of muscles, for example, in common parlance - “blown neck”);
  • non-purulent inflammatory diseases ENT organs ( sinusitis, otitis etc.);
  • ARVI occurring without fever;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system - sprains, arthritis, bruises;
  • recovery period after injury;
  • neuroses, depression, migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, etc.

Contraindications for use

  • Heat.
  • The period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Acute diseases of a purulent-inflammatory nature (sinusitis, acute otitis, scrofula - treatment in adults).
  • Active tuberculosis.
  • Bleeding disorders, bleeding tendency.
  • Neuralgic, autonomic disorders.
  • Malignant neoplasms ().
  • Severe pathologies of blood vessels and heart.
  • Cerebral circulation disorders.
  • Acute period of trauma, severe injury.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin, for example, during complications after, especially if the procedure was carried out independently and in unsanitary conditions.
  • The presence of reduced sensitivity to thermal effects (possible in a state of alcohol intoxication, with diabetes mellitus).
  • Pregnancy and others.
  • during treatment with immunomodulatory and cytostatic drugs, hormones;
  • in the projection area of ​​the thyroid gland, stomach, kidneys (with kidney stones), in areas with varicose veins and large lymph nodes.

Instructions for use

If the facial area is exposed, it is necessary to remove contact lenses (they may become hot) and keep your eyes closed during manipulation.

After being connected to the network, the lamp is placed in such a way that the light rays fall at a certain angle, approximately 60 degrees (sometimes a perpendicular position is allowed).

The light flux is directed onto the bare area of ​​the skin, adjusting the degree of heating by changing the distance (from 20 cm to 60 cm).

The warmth should not feel uncomfortable. Depending on age, the procedure is carried out up to 3 times a day: sessions of 5/10/20/25 minutes.

Improvement should occur on the 2nd or 3rd day.

The total number of procedures per course is no more than 20.

Repeating the therapeutic course no earlier than a month after completion of the previous one.

It is optimal to carry out the procedure in the evening, since it is not recommended to go outside for an hour.

During this period, drafts should be avoided. The lamp reflector becomes very hot, which if handled carelessly may cause burns.

Features of use in children:

  • Therapy can be carried out only after prior permission from a doctor;
  • the duration should not exceed 15 minutes,
  • it is important to periodically check the heating of the baby’s skin with the palm of an adult during the session to prevent burns;
  • For very young patients, the procedure can be performed while sleeping, covering their eyes with a diaper.

Blue lamp (Minin reflector, Minin lamp) is an effective source of dry heat. If the doctor, in addition to the prescribed treatment, for example, diseases of the ENT organs (most often the ears or nose), recommends a similar procedure, it can easily be carried out at home, due to the compactness and ease of use of the device

Before starting physical therapy, it is important to notify your doctor about any other health problems you have, as well as any medications you are taking.

You will learn what a blue lamp is and how to use it while watching this video.

The blue lamp, used in the treatment of runny nose and colds, is familiar to many from childhood - and is just as good as the usual mustard plasters in combination with hot foot baths. The procedure has gained wide popularity because it does not require complex manipulations with complex devices, can be performed even on a small child, and the duration of the session does not exceed 20 minutes. To warm up, you only need a special lamp installed in a reflective lampshade. The blue lamp is used when large quantities diseases, is indicated mainly in the case of inflammatory processes of different localization. Warming up with a blue lamp for a runny nose will be useful in treatment if you know about the rules of use and contraindications.

The essence of the method

Many people know about the blue lamp, but not everyone understands what it is and how it works. Can a lamp for warming the nose and throat really help with a runny nose? Does this method of treatment have side effects and contraindications? How to warm your nose with a blue lamp correctly? Of course, before you start using the device, you should find out the answers to all these questions.

A blue lamp for warming up the nose is called a Minin emitter, or reflector, named after the doctor who first proposed its use in the treatment of various pathologies. It is used not only in otolaryngology - warming is useful for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bronchopulmonary and genitourinary systems. The device is a source of such types of radiation as:

  • visible;
  • infrared.

Visible radiation can be perceived by the organ of vision, while infrared radiation remains unnoticed, but has a thermal effect - in many cases quite noticeable. The degree of penetration (the ability to heat superficial and deep tissues) depends on the radiation range. In this case, short-wave radiation can reach deep tissue structures.

The maximum radiation of the blue lamp corresponds to the border of the short-wave and medium-wave ranges.

This means that the reflector is used mainly to warm up the surface layers of the skin. The device includes a lampshade with a mirror surface and a handle to be held in the palm, as well as a blue incandescent lamp. It consists of cobalt glass, its power ranges from 25 to 60 W.

Which beneficial effects inherent in a reflector? A blue lamp for a runny nose has the following effect:

  1. Anti-inflammatory (in particular, anti-edematous).
  2. Local analgesic (helps eliminate pain).
  3. Metabolic (intensification of metabolic processes in tissues exposed to light).

Blue phototherapy lamps are also believed to have a bactericidal effect.

Under the influence of radiation, the local temperature of the skin increases - they heat up by about 1-2 degrees. The consequence of this is, first of all, dilation of blood vessels and increased blood flow in the irradiated area. Sometimes you can come across the opinion that a lamp for warming up the nose is an alternative to dry heat, the source of which is using improvised means - bags of salt, boiled eggs.

Rules of application

Diseases of the ENT organs are not an absolute indication for the use of the Minin reflector. However, the device may be effective for some of them. It is often purchased by families with small children. Many parents speak positively about the reflector, but it cannot be considered an alternative to treatment prescribed by a doctor. Before starting the procedures, it is best to consult with a pediatrician - the method has contraindications, the presence or absence of which must be verified by a specialist.

How to properly warm your nose with a blue lamp? Most often, the device is used in case of colds caused by a respiratory virus. To use the lamp, you must:

  • connect the device to the electrical network;
  • wait for heating;
  • keep at a distance of 15-20 cm from the affected area;
  • Continue heating for 5 to 20 minutes.

Eyes should be protected from radiation by covering them with cardboard glasses.

During warming up, do not touch the lamp directly. The procedure can be repeated several times during the day. In this case, you should pay attention to the heating of the skin. The main requirement is a feeling of moderate, pleasant warmth. Severe heat should not be allowed. This is especially important when treating children, who cannot always formulate specific complaints. Therefore, you should remember in advance how to use a blue lamp when you have a runny nose and stop the procedure if you suspect too much heating.


Is it possible to warm your nose with a blue lamp when you have a runny nose? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. It all depends on the etiology of the runny nose (rhinitis), that is, a disease that is manifested by nasal congestion and nasal secretion. The lamp eases the course of colds, but it cannot be used in the following cases:

  1. Purulent sinusitis.
  2. Acute purulent inflammation in the area near the nasal cavity.
  3. Suspicion of a neoplasm.
  4. Increased blood pressure.
  5. Severe fever.
  6. Bleeding.

Purulent inflammation is an absolute contraindication for heating.

Sinusitis of any localization (in particular, sinusitis) is usually provoked by bacterial agents and is characterized by the presence of pus in the paranasal sinuses. Heat exposure is strictly prohibited. Instead of relieving the condition, the patient may face serious complications that are life-threatening.

Heat should not be used if there is a severe fever.

IN acute phase inflammatory process, when body temperature is significantly elevated, any warming procedures are prohibited. This is worth remembering when treating a patient of any age. During a fever, the body strives to “shed” excess heat; you should not artificially increase body temperature, even locally.

Ultraviolet lamps

Warming the nose with a blue lamp is not the only way of exposure to radiation for various types of respiratory infections. A UV lamp for the treatment of runny nose is part of an emitter device equipped with a tube. There are portable (portable, home) lamps, but most often UV devices can be found in physical therapy rooms. They are also called quartz lamps and are used in medical institutions not only as part of a complex of physiotherapeutic measures, but also when treating premises in order to prevent the spread of pathogens of infectious diseases.

The principle of operation of a portable UV lamp is to direct ultraviolet radiation to the desired area of ​​the body. The tube is inserted into the nostrils (and, if necessary, into the throat) one by one for a certain, strictly limited time. Start with 1 minute, then gradually increase the duration of contact to 3-5 minutes. It’s worth clarifying right away that these are general recommendations. The exact duration of exposure to UV rays must be determined by a doctor, and irradiation is prescribed according to indications.

The UV lamp does not warm up the nose.

Ultraviolet radiation has no thermal effect. It has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. UV rays also promote faster healing of wounds and reduce the severity of pain.

During the procedure, the patient should limit motor activity, breathe calmly and evenly. Before using the lamp, you must read the instructions and study the rules for processing tubes after irradiation. The device is not an alternative medicines, medical procedures.

Eye protection is a must.

The radiation should affect only certain areas of the mucous membranes - this is what the tubes are designed for. The lamp should not shine directly into your eyes. It is strictly not recommended to look into the housing while the device is turned on.

Blue warming lamp has a scientific name - Minin reflector. People call it a blue lamp because it consists, in fact, of a blue lamp and a metal body, which is covered with a reflective layer on the inside. Thanks to this structure, a blue lamp can focus light on a specific area of ​​the body. You can learn more about the blue lamp in the video.

The intensity of the influence of such a device can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the distance to the heated area.

The blue warming lamp is very easy to use and has no negative consequences, but it has a lot of advantages. Because the blue lamp emits infrared light, it can:

    normalize blood circulation in blood vessels;

    improve metabolism in the body;

    for pain or spasms in the muscles, soothe the pain and relieve the spasm;

    ease the work of joints, etc.

Due to the fact that the light is blue, you can perform warming procedures even in the most delicate areas of the face without fear of burns.


A blue heat lamp can be used for many reasons. We have compiled a basic list of diseases for which the use of a blue lamp will help make you feel better.:

    muscle inflammation;

    inflammation of the respiratory system;

    ear inflammation;

    acute respiratory diseases;

    soft tissue bruises;

    muscle and ligament sprains;

    depression, headaches, migraine;

    organ inflammation gastrointestinal tract, hearts, and others.

The blue lamp also has contraindications, in which the use of this device can only aggravate the situation. In general, before using a blue lamp, it is better to consult a doctor.

It is not recommended to use a blue lamp in areas of the body where varicose veins or enlarged lymph nodes are detected. Also, you should not use a blue lamp in the area of ​​the thyroid gland, and in case urolithiasis– in the area of ​​the kidneys and stomach.

Among other things, you should not use a blue lamp under such circumstances.:

    increased body temperature;

    exacerbation of chronic diseases;

    tuberculosis in the active stage;

    poor blood clotting;

    malignant tumors;

    circulatory disorders in the brain;


    alcohol intoxication;

    pregnancy, etc.

Most often, a blue lamp is used to warm up the ears, warm up the nose, and also warm up bruises or joints.

After using the blue lamp, you cannot go outside for about an hour, so it is recommended to warm up before going to bed.

During one course of treatment with a blue lamp, it is permissible to use it no more than twenty times. After this, you should definitely take a break for a while, after which the procedure can be repeated if necessary.

How to use?

Despite the primitive design of the blue lamp, not everyone knows how to use it correctly. In fact, everything is extremely simple: you just need to insert the plug of the blue lamp into the socket and turn it on with the button. After this, you need to direct the blue lamp to the sore spot and hold it in this way for no more than 20 minutes.

If you are going to use a blue lamp to treat a child, then the duration of the session should not exceed 10-15 minutes.

You can buy a blue lamp at any pharmacy in your city. It is relatively inexpensive if it does not have any new modifications.

When using a blue lamp, you will feel relief on the third day, but it is still recommended to end the treatment session to avoid relapses.

Many people have their grandmother's blue lamp gathering dust at home. Previously, they were widely used, but now they are undeservedly forgotten. Therefore, I will tell you about the use of a blue lamp, its benefits, history, physics, methods of exposure and indications. By the way, I have a blue lamp (see photo).

Blue lamp history and physics

The therapeutic effect of the blue lamp is based on electromagnetic (infrared) radiation (wavelength from 760 nm to 2 microns). The source of infrared waves are incandescent lamps (our blue lamp), electric arc, nichrome emitters, gas-discharge lamps, etc. 56% of solar energy is the infrared spectrum, any heated body is also a source of infrared waves.

A. V. Minin (1851-1909), military doctor, invented (1891) the blue lamp. He gave great importance specifically blue color, indicating its supposed bactericidal and analgesic properties. Today we know that this is not so, and anyone can play the role of a blue lamp. But the blue color is pleasing to the eye and more traditional.

The maximum spectrum of the blue lamp falls on the border of the short- and medium-wave range of infrared radiation, so it warms up the surface layers of the skin more. Infrared rays are reflected, refracted and absorbed by tissues. 60% of infrared waves are reflected from untanned skin, and only 42% from tanned skin. The rays of the blue lamp are predominantly absorbed by the upper layers of the skin and only 15% reaches the fatty tissue.

Today, the blue Minin lamp with a power of up to 60 W is produced only by the Kalashnikov Electric Lamp Plant, and the reflector is assembled only in Novosibirsk at Plyumazh LLC.

Blue lamp indications, contraindications and effects caused

In the area of ​​irradiation, microcirculation is activated, the permeability of blood vessels and tissues increases, metabolism is accelerated, which promotes the removal of decay products from the site of inflammation (impact, sprain). At the same time, the activity of leukocytes increases and the differentiation of fibroblasts, which replace defects in damaged tissues, is accelerated. These effects are enhanced by an additional portion biologically active substances, which also stand out under the influence of a blue lamp.

Activation of microcirculation and increased permeability of the vascular wall contribute to the resorption of infiltrates and reduction of tissue edema, especially in chronic stage inflammation. Under the influence of a blue lamp, tactile sensitivity increases and pain sensitivity decreases. The analgesic effect is due to the relief of spasms, the elimination of edema and hypoxia of nerve fibers.

The blue lamp is indicated for all inflammatory processes, sprains, bruises, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis, sinusitis, runny nose, skin diseases, etc.

Contraindications to the use of a blue lamp: oncology, pregnancy and acute purulent processes. It is not recommended to combine it with hormone therapy, cytostatics and immunomodulators.

Blue lamp application

When performing treatment with a blue lamp, the patient should not feel significant warmth . It should be light and pleasant. The area exposed to the blue lamp must be clean and free of grease. Impact distance: 30-50 cm strictly perpendicular to the irradiated surface. If the face is irradiated, the eyes should be closed and contact lenses removed. Duration is about 15-25 minutes, no more than 3 per day. A course of up to 20 procedures, repeated in a month.

Ladies and gentlemen, the blue lamp really helps.
If it burns out, screw in a regular 60 W one with the same effect.

The blue lamp, used in the treatment of runny nose and colds, is familiar to many from childhood - and is just as good as the usual mustard plasters in combination with hot foot baths. The procedure has gained wide popularity because it does not require complex manipulations with complex devices, can be performed even on a small child, and the duration of the session does not exceed 20 minutes. To warm up, you only need a special lamp installed in a reflective lampshade. The blue lamp is used for a large number of diseases; it is indicated mainly in the case of inflammatory processes of different localization. Warming up with a blue lamp for a runny nose will be useful in treatment if you know about the rules of use and contraindications.

The essence of the method

Many people know about the blue lamp, but not everyone understands what it is and how it works. Can a lamp for warming the nose and throat really help with a runny nose? Does this treatment method have side effects and contraindications? How to warm your nose with a blue lamp correctly? Of course, before you start using the device, you should find out the answers to all these questions.

A blue lamp for warming up the nose is called a Minin emitter, or reflector, named after the doctor who first proposed its use in the treatment of various pathologies. It is used not only in otolaryngology - warming is useful for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bronchopulmonary and genitourinary systems. The device is a source of such types of radiation as:

  • visible;
  • infrared.

Visible radiation can be perceived by the organ of vision, while infrared radiation remains unnoticed, but has a thermal effect - in many cases quite noticeable. The degree of penetration (the ability to heat superficial and deep tissues) depends on the radiation range. In this case, short-wave radiation can reach deep tissue structures.

The maximum radiation of the blue lamp corresponds to the border of the short-wave and medium-wave ranges.

This means that the reflector is used mainly to warm up the surface layers of the skin. The device includes a lampshade with a mirror surface and a handle to be held in the palm, as well as a blue incandescent lamp. It consists of cobalt glass, its power ranges from 25 to 60 W.

What beneficial effects are inherent in the reflector? A blue lamp for a runny nose has the following effect:

  1. Anti-inflammatory (in particular, anti-edematous).
  2. Local analgesic (helps eliminate pain).
  3. Metabolic (intensification of metabolic processes in tissues exposed to light).

Blue phototherapy lamps are also believed to have a bactericidal effect.

Under the influence of radiation, the local temperature of the skin increases - they heat up by about 1-2 degrees. The consequence of this is, first of all, dilation of blood vessels and increased blood flow in the irradiated area. Sometimes you can come across the opinion that a lamp for warming up the nose is an alternative to dry heat, the source of which is using improvised means - bags of salt, boiled eggs.

Rules of application

Diseases of the ENT organs are not an absolute indication for the use of the Minin reflector. However, the device may be effective for some of them. It is often purchased by families with small children. Many parents speak positively about the reflector, but it cannot be considered an alternative to treatment prescribed by a doctor. Before starting the procedures, it is best to consult with a pediatrician - the method has contraindications, the presence or absence of which must be verified by a specialist.

How to properly warm your nose with a blue lamp? Most often, the device is used in case of colds caused by a respiratory virus. To use the lamp, you must:

  • connect the device to the electrical network;
  • wait for heating;
  • keep at a distance of 15-20 cm from the affected area;
  • Continue heating for 5 to 20 minutes.

Eyes should be protected from radiation by covering them with cardboard glasses.

During warming up, do not touch the lamp directly. The procedure can be repeated several times during the day. In this case, you should pay attention to the heating of the skin. The main requirement is a feeling of moderate, pleasant warmth. Severe heat should not be allowed. This is especially important when treating children, who cannot always formulate specific complaints. Therefore, you should remember in advance how to use a blue lamp when you have a runny nose and stop the procedure if you suspect too much heating.


Is it possible to warm your nose with a blue lamp when you have a runny nose? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. It all depends on the etiology of the runny nose (rhinitis), that is, a disease that is manifested by nasal congestion and nasal secretion. The lamp eases the course of colds, but it cannot be used in the following cases:

  1. Purulent sinusitis.
  2. Acute purulent inflammation in the area near the nasal cavity.
  3. Suspicion of a neoplasm.
  4. Increased blood pressure.
  5. Severe fever.
  6. Bleeding.

Purulent inflammation is an absolute contraindication for heating.

Sinusitis of any localization (in particular, sinusitis) is usually provoked by bacterial agents and is characterized by the presence of pus in the paranasal sinuses. Heat exposure is strictly prohibited. Instead of relieving the condition, the patient may face serious complications that are life-threatening.

Heat should not be used if there is a severe fever.

In the acute phase of the inflammatory process, when body temperature is significantly elevated, any warming procedures are prohibited. This is worth remembering when treating a patient of any age. During a fever, the body strives to “shed” excess heat; you should not artificially increase body temperature, even locally.

Ultraviolet lamps

Warming the nose with a blue lamp is not the only way of exposure to radiation for various types of respiratory infections. A UV lamp for the treatment of runny nose is part of an emitter device equipped with a tube. There are portable (portable, home) lamps, but most often UV devices can be found in physical therapy rooms. They are also called quartz lamps and are used in medical institutions not only as part of a complex of physiotherapeutic measures, but also when treating premises in order to prevent the spread of pathogens of infectious diseases.

The principle of operation of a portable UV lamp is to direct ultraviolet radiation to the desired area of ​​the body. The tube is inserted into the nostrils (and, if necessary, into the throat) one by one for a certain, strictly limited time. Start with 1 minute, then gradually increase the duration of contact to 3-5 minutes. It’s worth clarifying right away that these are general recommendations. The exact duration of exposure to UV rays must be determined by a doctor, and irradiation is prescribed according to indications.

The UV lamp does not warm up the nose.

Ultraviolet radiation has no thermal effect. It has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. UV rays also promote faster healing of wounds and reduce the severity of pain.

During the procedure, the patient should limit physical activity and breathe calmly and evenly. Before using the lamp, you must read the instructions and study the rules for processing tubes after irradiation. The device is not an alternative to medications or medical procedures.

Eye protection is a must.

The radiation should affect only certain areas of the mucous membranes - this is what the tubes are designed for. The lamp should not shine directly into your eyes. It is strictly not recommended to look into the housing while the device is turned on.
