2 indicators of physical fitness include: Level of physical fitness of the student

Monitoring of physical development and physical fitness of students

The course is taught by Beinish Khaimovich LANDA

Course curriculum

Newspaper no.

Educational material

Lecture No. 1. The subject “physical culture” and its importance in a comprehensive assessment of the quality of education.

Lecture No. 2. Factors, concepts and terms that determine the quality of education in the field of physical education.

Lecture No. 3. Methodology for monitoring studies of physical development, physical and functional readiness as the most important indicators of student health.

Test No. 1

Lecture No. 4. Technology for large-scale testing of health indicators during physical education lessons and physical education and sports festivals.

Lecture No. 5. From testing practical skills to testing the level of knowledge in the subject “physical education”.

Test No. 2

Lecture No. 6. Various methodological approaches to assessing health indicators.

Lecture No. 7. An example of monitoring research with analysis of the results of schoolchildren’s educational achievements in the subject “physical education”.

Lecture No. 8. Scientifically based management decisions made by educational authorities based on the results of monitoring the physical development and physical fitness of schoolchildren.

Final test

Lecture No. 5

From testing practical skills to testing the level of knowledge in the subject “physical education”

“The most important condition for improving memory performance is the healthy state of the nerves, for which physical exercise is necessary.”

K.D. Ushinsky

One of the main ways to radically improve education in the field of children’s health, motivate them to physical activity, normal physical development (especially in conditions of intensive computerization, informatization, and Internetization of the learning process) should be the Unified State Exam in the subject “physical culture.” Today, physical education exams are optional in a number of schools, and have become mandatory in some universities.

In previous lectures, we became acquainted with a new direction in the development of the Federal Testing System in Education in Russia - a methodology for testing health indicators. This is the most important part of the work of a physical education teacher, allowing him to evaluate the effectiveness of his work in preserving and strengthening the health of children. In the structure of the exam, it constitutes the practical part - a demonstration of skills and abilities that confirm the normal age-gender development and physical fitness of students.

It is equally important to form in students a conscious attitude towards our subject, physical education, and a healthy lifestyle. The theoretical part of the exam is devoted to this - testing knowledge on the subject using test tasks.

The subject “physical culture” was not included in the list of 14 subjects for which test tasks were developed to control the level of knowledge (centralized testing, Unified State Examination).

Practicing teachers, together with specialists in the field of physical education, sports and tourism, should unite to fill this gap in students’ knowledge.

Methodological basis for developing test items

It is recommended to begin the development of test tasks in the subject “physical culture” (as in any other subject) by becoming familiar with the scientific and methodological foundations of their preparation based on the works of V.S. Avanesova, A.N. Mayorov, according to the new journals “Pedagogical Diagnostics”, “Pedagogical Measurements”, etc. Students will also be helped by the material from lecture No. 2 on testing, as well as some examples of test tasks for various age groups of students given in this lecture and in lecture No. 7 When developing and compiling test tasks in the subject “physical culture”, it is proposed to use the materials of the Federal component of the State Standard of General Education (approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia on March 5, 2004, order No. 1089), the magazine “Physical Culture at School”, which publishes exam questions and answers to them, questions from Olympiads in the subject “physical culture” (see the list of references at the end of the lecture).

Testology (according to V.S. Avanesov) is a science that deals with the study of tests. It appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. at the intersection of psychology, pedagogy, sociology and other sciences. Testology is an applied direction of scientific pedagogy, which is engaged in the development of tests for the objective control of knowledge, abilities, skills, and ideas. Today, test tasks in various subjects, called test materials, form the basis of the Unified State Exam and have been introduced in all educational institutions in Russia. The main theoretical basis for developing test tasks is the curriculum for the subject “physical education” and the material presented in my textbook. At first, we compiled test tasks in an alternative form for graduates of the 9th and 11th grades. The main goal is to form in students a conscious attitude towards their health and the academic subject. Gradually, the test tasks became more complex and improved both in form and content.

All known pedagogical tasks can be divided into three groups:

    test - based on the requirements of the mathematical theory of tests, which is based on the principle of statistical independence of test items from each other;

    pseudo-test - when for subjects of the same level of preparedness the correct answer to one task depends on the correct answer to another task, they express the sequence of development of the topic, plot, facts, situations;

    non-test - these are tasks, questions, examples, exercises, etc. that are not related to the tests that are compiled by professionals for the final control of knowledge; they can be test in form and content, but do not meet testological requirements.

Test tasks with content and activity indicators are divided into two groups:

1) closed-type tasks - with the choice of one correct answer, with the choice of several correct answers, a task to establish a correspondence or the correct sequence;
2) tasks of an open type - a free presentation of the material, or its addition.

In the composition of test tasks, several forms and types are distinguished (according to B.S. Avanesov).

First form

Type 1. Tasks with the choice of one correct answer from several ready-made answers.

Example. Highest competition rank:

a) World Championship;
b) Olympic Games.

View 2. Tasks with multiple choice of correct answers.


A) body mass;
b) height;
c) heart rate.

View 3. Tasks with the choice of one most correct answer from a number of answers that are correct to varying degrees.

Example. The best indicators of human performance are characterized by the following values ​​of the Ruffier index:

A) 0,5 ;
b) 0.6;
c) 0.7;
d) 0.8.

Principles of composition

There are two groups of logical and methodological principles when developing test items of the first form.

First group principles are used when developing answers to tasks.

1. Principle of contradiction– the negative particle “not” is used: the second answer negates the first.

Example. Physical development weight-height index:

A) characterizes;
b) does not characterize.

2. Principle of Opposite– differs from the previous one in logical properties and linguistic subtleties.

Example. With an increase in the value of the Ruffier index, performance:

a) increases;
b) is decreasing.

From a comparison of these two principles and examples to them, it follows that in case of contradiction, negation is used, and in case of opposition, one meaningful answer is replaced by another, antonymous in meaning. There may be two or more answers.

3. Principle of homogeneity– answers are selected that relate to the same genus, type or reflect the main aspects or facets of the phenomenon.

Example. To develop general endurance, running is used:

a) sprint;
b) stayer.

4. Principle of cumulation– the content of the second answer absorbs (accumulates) the content of the first, the content of the third - the second, etc.

Example. To develop speed qualities, running is used:

a) sprint;
b) sprint and acceleration;
V) sprinting, with accelerations and repeated running at maximum speed.

5. Combination principle– a combination of words (characters) of two, three, etc. is used. in every answer. Three combination options are offered: 1) pairs of answers are homogeneous, similar and plausible; 2) one word (concept) is combined with several; 3) a combination of words in the form of a chain.

Example 1. The physical development of a person can be represented by the following indicators:

a) weight and height;
b) weight and strength.

Example 2. Explosive force is characterized by tests:

A) long and high jump;
b) long jump and jump rope;
c) long jump and shuttle run.

Example 3. Functional status tests include:

a) breathing rate and strength;
b) strength and frequency of heart contractions;
V) heart rate and breath holding time.

6. Graduation principle– used for tasks with three or more answers.

Example. With increasing weight-height index:

a) body weight deficit increases;
b) excess body weight decreases;
V) excess body weight increases;
d) body weight deficit decreases.

Second group principles are used in the preparation of test tasks.

8. The principle of facet design for assignments. A facet is a form of recording several versions of the same task. The use of facets allows you to eliminate cheating in the process of knowledge control and create several versions of tasks at once.

Example. Indicators of physical development include:

A) weight and height;

Indicators of functional readiness characterizing physical condition include:

a) weight and height;
b) blood pressure and heart rate;
c) breath holding time and chest circumference;
d) strength, endurance, speed.

Physical fitness indicators include:

a) weight and height;
b) blood pressure and heart rate;
c) breath holding time and chest circumference;
G) strength, endurance, speed.

9. Principle of implication relates, like the facet principle, to the formulation of the content of the test. It allows you to check your knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships and eliminate primitivism, for which test control is criticized.

Example. If at noon you stand with your back to the sun, then (in front, behind, right, left) it will be:

a) south;
b) north;
c) west;
d) east.

10. The principle of formulating tasks with answers that are correct to varying degrees, focuses on testing comparative knowledge, and the answers are formulated so that there is a real choice between answers that are correct to varying degrees.

Example. A person’s physical health is determined by:

a) strength and endurance;
b) volitional, spiritual and moral qualities;
V) functional and physical fitness.

Correct application of the principles depends on knowledge of the basic elements of test item composition. Such elements are: instructions for subjects, content of tasks, form, number of answers, ratings.

The first element is instructions for subjects

First option instructions – when there is only one correct answer.
When conducting test control using forms, the subject marks the correct answer with a cross.
When conducting computer testing, the machine version of the instructions follows: “When answering a test task, press the key with the letter or number of the correct answer.”

Second option instructions – when all the answers are correct, but to varying degrees. Then it is recommended to mark the most correct answer with a cross on the form. In this case, the subjects are given a comparative assessment of their answers and the most correct one should be given a higher score.
Test items formulated in different forms require changes in instructions.

Third option instructions – when tasks have several correct answers. Then two or three answers are marked with a cross on the form.

The second element is the content basis of the tasks

Variation task content is achieved using a facet(a form of recording several options for the same task). Tasks that begin with strong words “most”, “greatest”, “smallest”, “best” are always interesting. This ensures a quick understanding of the meaning of the task.

Example. Fastest run:

a) stayer;
b) marathon;
V) sprint;
d) jogging.

Brevity the content of the task is an attractive side of testing. This task is understandable to the subjects.

Example. Is the number seven even? odd?

Font design of the task. The text of the task is in capital letters, the answers are in lowercase letters. This allows you to separate the content of the task from the content of the answers at first glance, and affects the perception of the task and the speed of the test takers’ responses. In conditions of time shortage, this factor is significant.

The third element is answers to tasks

Answers should be meaningful and, if possible, short. Short answers work well with short assignments.

Example. Metal

Responses can be coded in either numbers or letters (preferably lowercase). Digital codes in test forms are more convenient for checking the quality of answers. When formulating tasks, special attention is paid to the selection of incorrect answers (an incorrect but plausible answer is a distractor, from the English to distract).

Example. Air temperature and humidity are measured:

1) hygrometer;
2) psychrometer.

The better the distractors, the better the task. The developer's talent is manifested in the selection of distractors.
The answer should attract the subjects. The right one attracts those who know, the wrong one attracts those who don’t know.
It is believed that the higher the proportion of incorrect answers chosen, the better the task is formulated.
To enhance the effect of distractors, they resort to some tricks.

Example 1. In metalworking, threads are cut:

1) dies and taps;
2) threaded cutter and dies;
3) taps and thread rolling;
4) thread milling and thread rolling.

Example 2. Hardening is effective for steels:

1) hypoeutectoid;
2) eutectoid;
3) hypereutectoid.

As the number of answers increases, the probability of guessing decreases. However, the cumbersomeness of the task is growing, and the entire test contradicts its essence, namely, a compact task that allows one to objectively evaluate a large number of subjects in a short time. Therefore, we must strive to improve the quality of answers and optimize their number.

The fourth element is the mark given for correct completion of the task.

Typically, one point is given for a correct answer, and zero points for an incorrect answer. The amount of points scored (the number of correct answers) is associated with the level of knowledge and with the concept of “test score of the subject.” With our three-level assessment system, test tasks are scaled in accordance with elementary (3 points), basic (7 points) and innovative (10 points) levels. The test developer has the right to establish an assessment system for completing a task if it is testological and pedagogical, i.e. scientifically substantiated. Tasks of increasing difficulty from level to level allow you to qualitatively assess the structure of knowledge and effectively quantitatively measure their level.

In tasks with the choice of one most correct answer, the scale may be different. For the most correct answer - 3 points, for the most correct - 2 points and for the least correct answer - 1 point. Or, respectively, 1 point, 0 points, –1 point. The amount obtained in this case has a pedagogical meaning and, accordingly, a pedagogical justification, in the second case - a special one.

To prevent guessing the correct answers, subjects are warned that one point will be deducted for an incorrect answer. Then it is recommended that you do not select any answer. For no answer - 0 points, and for an incorrect answer - 1 point deducted (fine).

Typical mistakes in test tasks

Example. Dependence of the level of physical fitness on the time of training sessions:

1) directly proportional;
2) inversely proportional;
3) there is no dependence.

The task and the answer are in conflict.

Second form

These are open-form tasks in which you must write the answer yourself in the space provided. The task is formulated in the form of statements that turn into a true statement if the answer is correct, and into a false statement if the answer is incorrect.

Example 1. The country of the first Olympic Games...

Example 2. The first Olympic Games were held in...

Example 3. The first President of the United States was...

Principles of composition

Basic principle of composition in tasks of the second form - logical certainty of the content of tasks.
In examples 2 and 3 this principle is violated.
Example 3 after correction. The name of the first US President...
The principles of faceting, reversibility, non-negativity, brevity, etc. are also used in formulating tasks of the second form.

Writing assignments

Text assignments – a set of open-form tasks created to control the knowledge of each continuous whole educational text (a literary work, a theorem in mathematics, a law in physics, etc.).


The numbers in brackets indicate the number of the additional word. Using this number, a computer program can monitor the response.

Situational tasks – are developed to test the knowledge and skills of subjects to act in practical, extreme and other situations.

Example situation. The plane made an emergency landing among swamps and taiga in winter. The pilots died. The village is 100 km away.

Tasks of the second form are used where it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of obtaining the correct answer by guessing and thereby improve the quality of the pedagogical measurement.

Third form

The third form includes tasks to establish compliance. Elements of one set must be matched with elements of another set.



1. Physical development;
2. Physical fitness;
3. Functional readiness.


A. Endurance;
b. Arterial pressure;
V. Body mass;
d. Heart rate.

Answers: 1 c, 2 a, 3 b, d.

Basic principle of composition in tasks of the third form – variability (facetedness).

Basic elements of composition

1. The instructions for subjects consist of the words: “Establish correspondence.”
2. Clearly write the names of the two columns.
3. Column elements express the content of the assignment and are limited by the curriculum and course program.


There are several approaches. First: 1 point is given for the correct completion of the entire task, otherwise - 0 points, even for one mistake.

Another approach: one point is given for each correctly identified match. You can score multiple points in one task.

Compliance tasks are convenient to use for current and thematic control of knowledge, as well as for self-control. They are used less often for input and output knowledge control and are almost never used for certification due to their cumbersomeness.

Fourth form

Tasks to establish the correct sequence (algorithm of actions).

Example. Rank the stages of testing:

1. Information processing. (3)
2. Application to a floppy disk. (2)
3. Actual measurements. (1)
4. Getting results. (4)
5. Analysis and evaluation of the final rating values. (5)

– sequence of historical events;
– sequence of technological conditions and operations;
– sequence of various processes;
– a chain of mental actions that forms a system of knowledge, skills, abilities and ideas.

These options can express the content of many, if not all, academic disciplines. They form such an intellectual ability as algorithmic thinking (an algorithm is a system of clear rules for orderly activity).

Basic elements of composition

1. Instructions for the subject: “Establish the correct sequence” is accompanied by an example and explanations.
2. From the title of the task it should be clear what the subject is being asked about and what he must demonstrate.
3. The space for answers is the rectangle on the left opposite the name of each element. The corresponding numbers (ranks) are entered in them.
4. The results of an empirical study can show whether the task was designed successfully or unsuccessfully.


The score may vary depending on the importance and difficulty of the assignment. The most commonly used dichotomous score is 1/0. The peculiarity of tasks of this form: if the first answer is determined incorrectly, then other answers are also determined incorrectly.
Goethe: “A camisole cannot be fastened correctly by someone who makes a mistake on the first button.”

From this we can derive the rule:

    error-free solution – 3 points;

    mistake at the end of the task – 2 points;

    a mistake in the middle of a task – 1 point.

Tasks of the fourth form are used to implement two functions of tests: controlling and training. They are convenient for creating automated control and training systems.


Each of the four forms tests specific types of knowledge. Their choice depends on the academic discipline, on the purpose of using tests, on methods of data processing, on the developer’s commitment to one or another testological requirements defined by test theory. Therefore, the choice of the form of tasks is a creative process, as is the cultural application of tests.

About testological requirements

The composition of test tasks can only be considered successful when the form of the tasks is organically combined with the content.

The form is stable (invariant) and does not depend on the content, but the content of the task is variable, changes often and often depends on the form.

The teacher-expert first evaluates the content, the testologist - the form and testological characteristics (difficulty level, effectiveness, reliability and validity of the test as a whole, and others).

Teachers' competence – content of the task and its analysis.

Analysis of the form of tasks relates to the general theory of tests. The applied science of pedagogical testology is the science of tests, methods of their development and effective use.

There are two ways to determine the difficulty of a task:

    empirical - testing a task with counting the proportion of incorrect answers for each of them;

    by the number and nature of mental operations necessary to successfully complete the task.

1. Avanesov V.S. Composition of test tasks. – M.: Adept, 1998.

2. Mayorov A.N. Theory and practice of creating tests for the education system. – M.: Public Education, 2000.

3. Landa B.H. Unified State Examination in Physical Culture: structure and methodology. – M.: Education news. – No. 1 (53). – 2004. – P. 8.

4. Chesnokov N.N., Kuzin V.V., Krasnikov A.A. Olympiad in the subject "physical culture". – M.: Physical culture, 2005.

5. Landa B.H. Methodology for a comprehensive assessment of physical development and physical fitness. / Tutorial. – M.: Soviet Sport, 2006. – P. 208.

Questions and tasks for independent work

1. How are test tasks distinguished by form and type?

2. Principles for constructing test tasks and answers to them?

3. What are distractors?

4. Start developing test tasks for the student population you have chosen. This is preparation for the final work of the course.

a - pedagogical process for physical improvement of a person;

b - regular physical exercise, hardening the body;

c - achievements of society, reflecting the physical and spiritual development of a person.

    Which of the concepts is the most capacious (including all the others):

a - sport;

b - physical education system;

c - physical culture.

    The process aimed at the versatile education of a person’s physical qualities, ensuring the formation from childhood of a physically strong young generation with harmonious development, is called:

a - general physical training;

b - special physical training;

c - harmonic physical training;

d - applied physical training.

    A state of the body characterized by progressive functional changes that occur under the influence of repetition of motor actions is designated as:

a - development;

b - hardening;

c - fitness;

g - preparedness.

    Physical fitness indicators include:

a - strength, speed, endurance;

b - height, weight, chest circumference;

c - blood pressure, pulse;

d - heart rate, breathing rate.

    A set of exercises, techniques and methods aimed at teaching motor and other skills, as well as their further improvement, is designated as:

a - training;

b - methodology;

c - knowledge system;

g - pedagogical impact.

    Which country is the birthplace of the Olympic Games?:

b - China;

c - Greece;

g - Egypt.

    Where were the Ancient Greek Olympic Games held?

a - in Olympia;

b - in Sparta;

in - in Athens.

    Why were the ancient Olympic Games called holidays of peace?

a - they were world famous;

b - athletes from all over the world took part in them;

c - during the period of the games, wars stopped;

d - they were distinguished by the peaceful nature of the competition.

    The Olympic Games (summer or winter) are held every:

b - 4 years;

c - 2 years;

g - 3 years.

    Winter Games are held:

a - depending on the decision of the IOC;

b - in the third year of the celebrated Olympics;

c - during the last year of the celebrated Olympics;

d - during the second calendar year following the year the Olympics began.

    A healthy lifestyle (HLS) involves:

a - an orderly regime of work and rest, giving up bad habits;

b - regular visits to the doctor;

c - physical and intellectual activity;

d - rational nutrition and hardening.

    What factor plays a decisive role in human health:

a - lifestyle;

b - heredity;

c - climate.

    When physically working in a stuffy room or wearing clothes that do not allow air to pass through well, the following may occur:

b - heat stroke;

c - overheating;

g - sunstroke.

    The main sources of energy for the body are:

a - proteins and minerals;

b - carbohydrates and fats;

c - fats and vitamins;

g - carbohydrates and proteins.

    Rational nutrition provides:

a - proper growth and formation of the body;

b - maintaining health;

c - high performance and life extension;

g - all of the above.

    Physical performance is:

a - a person’s ability to quickly perform work;

b - ability to have different types of work in structure;

c - ability to quickly recover after work;

d - the ability to perform a large amount of work.

    People who systematically engage in physical exercise in combination with the use of the healing powers of nature are distinguished by:

a - phagocytic resistance;

b - bactericidal resistance;

c - specific resistance;

d - not specific resistance.

    What is meant by hardening:

a - visiting a bathhouse, sauna;

b - increasing the body’s resistance to the effects of adverse environmental conditions;

c - swimming, air and sunbathing in the summer;

d - health promotion.

    Objective criteria for self-control include:

a - well-being, appetite, performance;

b - respiratory rate, vital capacity, anthropometry;

c - violation of the regime, presence of pain.

    Name the main risk factors in people’s lifestyles:

a - low physical activity (hypokinesia), psychological stress;

b - eating disorder, overeating, alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking;

c - all of the above.

    The likelihood of injury during exercise is reduced if participants:

a - overestimate their capabilities;

b - follow the teacher’s instructions;

c - have the skills to perform movements;

d - do not know how to control their emotions.

    If you are injured or feel unwell during a lesson, a student must stop the lesson and notify:

a - the teacher conducting the lesson;

b - class teacher;

c - their peers in the class;

g - school doctor.

    What indicators characterize physical development:

a - anthropometric indicators;

b - height and weight indicators, physical fitness;

c - physique, development of physical qualities, state of health.

    The formation of the human body ends by:

a - 14-15 years old;

b - 17-18 years old;

c - 19-20 years old;

g - 22-25 years old.

    The main difference between physical exercise and other motor activities is that they:

a - strictly regulated;

b - represent a gaming activity;

c - not focused on the production of material assets;

d - create a developmental effect.

    Movement technique is usually called:

a - rational organization of motor actions;

b - composition and sequence of movements when performing exercises;

c - method of organizing movements when performing exercises;

d - a method of expediently solving a motor problem.

    Name the incorrectly named physical qualities from the list provided (several answers):

a - durability;

b - flexibility;

c - dexterity;

g - cheerfulness;

d - endurance;

e - speed;

    This physical quality is tested with the “shuttle run 3 to 10” test for secondary school students:

a - endurance;

b - speed-strength and coordination;

c - flexibility.

    Dexterity is:

a - the ability to master and perform complex motor actions, quickly rearrange them in accordance with changing conditions;

b - the ability to control one’s movements in space and time;

c - the ability to deftly control motor actions depending on the level of development of a person’s motor qualities.

    Speed ​​is:

a - a person’s ability to perform motor actions in a minimum period of time;

b - a person’s ability to quickly pick up speed;

c - a person’s ability to perform running exercises at maximum speed over short distances.

    Flexibility as a physical quality means:

a - a complex of morphofunctional properties of the human musculoskeletal system, which determines the depth of inclination;

b - the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude due to muscle tension;

c - a complex of physical properties of the motor system that determine the mobility of its parts;

d - elasticity of muscles and ligaments.

    Strength is:

a - the ability to accurately differentiate muscle efforts of various sizes and under unforeseen situations and mixed modes of muscle work;

b - the ability to withstand fatigue caused by relatively positive stresses of significant magnitude;

c - the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it with the help of muscle efforts.

    Endurance as a physical quality means:

a - a complex of psychophysical properties of a person, which determines the ability to perform a variety of physical activities;

b - a complex of human psychophysical properties that determines the ability to withstand fatigue;

c - the ability to perform physical work for a long time, practically without getting tired;

g - ability to maintain specified operating parameters.

    The physical exercise load is characterized by:

a - the magnitude of their impact on the body;

b - tension of certain muscle groups;

c - time and number of repetitions of motor actions;

d - the preparedness of those involved, their age and state of health.

    Active recreation is:

a - specific preparation of the athlete for the upcoming competitions;

b - physical activity that relieves fatigue and promotes restoration of performance;

c - activities aimed at improving motor action in changing conditions.

    Leading exercises are used:

a - if the student is not physically developed enough;

b - if there are no supporting elements in the motor fund;

c - if it is necessary to eliminate the causes of errors;

d - if the method of holistic analytical exercise is used.

    Long distance running refers to:

a - athletics;

b - sports games;

c - sprint;

g - bobsleigh.

    When running long distances, according to the competition rules, the following applies:

a - low start;

b - high start;

c - type of start at the request of the runner.

    Translated from Greek, “gymnastics” means:

a - flexible;

b - exercising;

c - overcoming.

    The XXI Winter Olympic Games took place in:

b - Sapporo;

Mr. Vancouver.

    The dynamics of individual human development are determined by:

a - the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors;

b - human genetics and heredity;

c - the influence of social and environmental factors;

d - human motor activity.

    The simplest complex of outdoor exercise equipment (general developmental exercises) begins with the exercise:

a - for leg muscles;

b - stretching type;

c - swing nature;

g - for the neck muscles.

    During prolonged high-intensity exercise, it is recommended to breathe:

a - through the mouth and nose alternately;

b - through the mouth and nose at the same time;

c - only through the mouth;

d - only through the nose.

    Basketball rules if the score is tied in regulation time provide for an additional period of duration:

a - 3 minutes;

b - 7 minutes;

c - 5 minutes;

g - 10 minutes.

    Two points in basketball are counted when shooting into the basket:

a - from the attack zone;

b - from any point on the site;

c - from the protection zone;

d - from any place inside the three point line.

    According to the rules of volleyball, each team during the game is given a maximum...... hit (pass) to return the ball to the opponent's side (not counting touches on the block):

    A type of activity that is a subject of competition and historically formed as a way of identifying and comparing human capabilities is usually called:

a - gymnastics;

b - competition;

c - a type of sport.

    The basis of the methodology for developing physical qualities is:

a - ease of performing exercises;

b - gradual increase in impact force;

c - sketchy exercises;

d - duration of pedagogical influences.

    Name the methods of human movement (several answers):

a - crawling;

b - lasagna;

c - jumping;

g - throwing;

d - grouping;

    What are the main basic types of motor actions included in the school physical education program (several answers):

a - throwing a dart;

b - acceleration;

c - push of the weight;

g - pull-up;

d - somersaults;

e - stand on one hand.

    The Olympic symbol consists of five intertwined rings arranged from left to right in the following order:

a - above - red, blue, black, below - yellow and green;

b - above - green, black, red, below - blue and yellow;

c - above - blue, black and red, below - yellow and green;

d - above - blue, black, red, below - green and yellow.

    The five Olympic rings symbolize:

a - five principles of the Olympic movement;

b - the main colors of the flags of the countries participating in the Olympic Games;

c - the union of continents and the meeting of athletes at the Olympic Games;

d - the widespread development of sport in the service of the harmonious development of man.

    Indicate which of the outstanding athletes of the Russian Federation is currently a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC):

a - Vyacheslav Fetisov;

b - Yuri Titov;

c - Alexander Popov;

Mr. Alexander Karelin.

    The main indicator characterizing the stages of development of the organism is:

a - biological age;

b - calendar age;

c - skeletal and dental age.

    Systematic use of substances that change a person’s psychological state (tobacco, alcohol, inhalers) is assessed by experts as:

a - antisocial behavior;

b - respectful habit;

c - bad habit;

d - consequential behavior.

    The games held in Moscow were dedicated to the Olympics:

    One of the long jump methods in athletics is designated as a jump:

a - “from a running start”;

b - “stepping over”;

c - “roll”;

g - “scissors”.

    Physical inactivity is:

a - decreased physical activity of a person;

b - increased physical activity of a person;

c - lack of vitamins in the body;

d - excessive nutrition.

    The Olympic motto, expressing the aspirations of the Olympic movement, sounds like:

a - “Faster, higher, stronger”;

b - “The main thing is not victory, but participation”;

c - “Oh sport - you are the world!”

Answers to test questions

Physical fitness is a human state that is achieved as a result of strength loads and is characterized by good performance, varied motor practice and improvement of physiological characteristics.

What does it give

A person who has excellent self-training has good resistance to various diseases, stressful situations and the influence of other negative factors. He has well-developed respiratory and circulatory systems and metabolism. Such a person’s thinking, attention and memory are less prone to developing fatigue. All these features give a person the opportunity to achieve excellent success in educational, competitive and work practice. The maximum level of physical fitness is acquired through the endurance and diligence of students.

Sports qualities

The main physical properties are:

  • force;
  • flexibility;
  • speed;
  • level of experience and skill;
  • coordination (dexterity);
  • endurance.

All these traits must be improved together to achieve the best results.

How it affects the body

Physical fitness is, to some extent, a change in the physiology of an athlete, whose plasticity, mobility and muscles begin to develop well. Also, the body's metabolism noticeably accelerates, its general condition improves, and the body feels light.

What does it depend on?

The physical development and physical fitness of a person is largely determined by the characteristics of his body. Unfortunately, the environment for the most part negatively affects the body as a whole. And here physical exercise, nutrition, giving up bad habits, as well as daily exposure to fresh air are of great importance.

Physiological formation, like birth and death, is considered a natural process for humans. The processes of physical development and puberty are interconnected, and at this stage noticeable changes occur in the body, and people also change externally. However, such processes still significantly depend on sanitary, hygienic, social, economic and other circumstances.

Indicators of physical fitness are also determined by people’s belonging to different groups. The younger generation is much easier to develop beautiful and even posture, perform a certain number of exercises, and also withstand some strength loads. An elderly person will no longer be able to do many things in training, since his health simply will not allow him to cope with the additional work.

Characteristics of sports training

A high degree of such readiness gives good indicators of mental and muscular performance. The concepts of “training” and “development” are very often confused. It is necessary to take into account that physical fitness is the achievement of significant success as a result of long and grueling exercises that are carried out to acquire the necessary professional skills. And a person develops simply physiologically, according to external signs, without the help of any kind of strength training.

Such training also contributes to the development of various body systems (muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory) and the acquisition of abilities such as flexibility, agility, strength, stamina, and speed.

Physical fitness assessment

The level of this training is analyzed based on the results of (tests) endurance, load intensity and much more. The level of general physical fitness is established through a series of diagnostics. The program and selection of tests must be selected taking into account professional qualities, age and gender, and also correspond to the physical education and health methods used.

Norms for playing sports

There are basic parameters and indicators of physical fitness that must be adhered to.


Physical fitness is also a development process that is recognized by external characteristics. Even outwardly, a person with a high level of training differs from someone who is far from sports and does not monitor nutrition. After all, a person who adheres to a certain exercise schedule, follows a diet, and gives up various habits that have a detrimental effect on the body’s condition will always look good and feel just great!

Physical fitness indicators

The result of physical training is physical fitness and the degree of perfection of motor skills, a high level of development of vitality, sports achievements, moral, aesthetic, and intellectual development.

Physical fitness is a process and result of physical activity that ensures the formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of physical qualities, and an increase in the level of performance. By mastering and actively using a variety of physical exercises, a person improves his physical condition and preparedness, improves physically 1, etc.

Physical fitness is characterized by the morphofunctional state of the body, and it manifests itself, in particular, in physical qualities - endurance, strength, speed, agility and flexibility, as well as in neuromuscular coordination 50,51.

An individual approach to physical education classes should be based on the characteristics of the individual’s physical fitness. As a rule, in the structure of a person’s physical fitness, one or another physical quality predominates or is underdeveloped. The most common is strong or weak development of speed-strength abilities, flexibility, agility or endurance. Less common are people with uniform development of all physical qualities in the structure of physical fitness.

The individual choice of means of physical culture (types of sports or systems of physical exercises) for the targeted development of individual physical qualities is based on personal motivation with the goal of:

Promotion of health, correction of certain deficiencies in physical development and physique;

Increasing the functional capabilities of the body;

Psychophysical preparation for future professional activities and mastery of the necessary skills;

Achieving the highest sports results.

Physical fitness is determined by measuring the maximum static, dynamic or mixed work that an athlete is able to perform. The criterion for physical fitness when performing various exercises are ergometric indicators expressed in units of work (kGm) or power (kGm / min or watt). Such an indicator could be, for example, the total work expressed in kilograms that an athlete is able to perform while pedaling to exhaustion on a bicycle ergometer with a stepwise increasing load. Another indicator is the maximum power (in kilograms per minute or watts) that a subject can maintain when climbing a step or working on a bicycle ergometer for, for example, 3 minutes. The time during which the subject is able to run a certain distance at a given pace without reducing speed can be used as an ergometric indicator. The weight lifted by the athlete is also an ergometric indicator.

To characterize physical fitness, you can resort to various physiological criteria. Physical fitness largely depends on the state of the oxygen transport system. The latter, in turn, is characterized by the maximum oxygen consumption, or the so-called oxygen ceiling. During heavy physical exertion, the possibility of oxygen consumption depends on the vital capacity of the lungs, minute volume of respiration, oxygen utilization rate, diffusion of gases through the alveolar-capillary membrane, blood composition - the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin, minute volume of blood circulation and the level of oxygen use in tissues. One of the most important links in this chain is maximum cardiac output. In untrained individuals it reaches 20-25 liters, and in individually outstanding athletes, for whom endurance is the main quality, even 40 liters. in 1 min. Note that during muscle rest the minute volume of blood is 4-5 liters. in 1 min.

Work in which oxygen demand does not exceed its consumption is called aerobic. When performing an intense exercise, the oxygen transport system cannot deliver enough to meet the full volume of demand. Under such conditions, energy production occurs in the absence of oxygen - anaerobically. This creates an oxygen debt, which is paid after the work is completed.

One of the main indicators of anaerobic capacity is the maximum oxygen debt, which, along with the oxygen ceiling, characterizes the physical fitness of an athlete. In addition, to assess the latter, strength, speed and flexibility are also measured 8,23,30,46.

The problem of information about physical education processes in modern conditions can be solved using methods of mathematical statistics that ensure the implementation of qualitatively new methods of educational and pedagogical activities. The main task in this case is to create a unified system for collecting and processing, storing and using information about the stage, current and operational status of the student. The system should use such information that, in its volume, structure, modality and form of presentation, would be accessible to the student’s perception and understandable to him. Moreover, it is its reflection in the student’s mind that should stimulate the motive for motor action aimed at building one’s own health and professional preparedness.

With the traditional organization of the physical education process, focused on one-sided pedagogical influence, where only the teacher’s capabilities are the main means, there are certain limits of efficiency and functioning, limited by these capabilities in influencing the consciousness of students, their motivation for health-improving motor activities.

It is necessary to expand the set of components that make up the learning environment of the physical education process, which will expand the possibilities for the implementation of didactic principles, activate the consciousness of students, radically improve the pedagogical process and thereby have a decisive influence on the effectiveness of the functioning of the physical education system.

It is quite obvious that such a system can be created and function effectively only on the basis of comprehensive pedagogical control, and its use can be effective, especially for current and operational control, only with the use of modern technologies.

The use of various tables to convert results into points, into kilograms, into percentages, etc., does not solve the problem, but to some extent it will help to identify the individual abilities and level of physical fitness of I-IV year students and encourage them to eliminate deficiencies. The main thing here is that stage-by-stage control contributes to the formation of a strategy for physical activity.47.

The need to assess the physical fitness of people appeared more than 100 years ago and was associated with conscription for military service, professional selection, and training in higher educational institutions.

Like any test, the PFT (physical fitness test) must have high validity and reliability. The testing procedure must be standardized. Therefore, the implementation of test exercises should be strictly regulated, and their results should be measured with sufficient accuracy.

If TPP is an element of physical education and training systems in Russia, then, in accordance with this, it must meet the requirements reflecting legal, resource (finance, material and technical base, time required for testing, personnel qualifications, etc.), organizational and other aspects of the functioning of these systems. The requirements arising from this can be formulated as follows:

1. The number of test exercises is as minimal as possible;

2. Test exercises should be relatively simple;

3. The use of complex technical means is excluded;

4. Performing test exercises should not lead to injury;

5. When testing, safety precautions must be observed;

6. Test takers of the same gender and age, belonging to the main medical group, are tested and assessed according to the same standard.

In accordance with the concept adopted by the developers of DFT, another group of requirements is formed that regulates the following issues: the composition of the test, the form for assessing test results, standards in test exercises or tests, individualization, ideas about the harmony of human physical development, etc.

In addition to its direct purpose, TPP can be used in the following cases:

1. To obtain information about the effectiveness of a particular physical education and health program and the entire system of physical education of the population.

2. Along with medical, social and other components to assess the level of health.

3. As a conductor of the values ​​of physical culture into people’s consciousness.

4. As one of the channels through which control is transferred, in particular, this could be a change in the concept of physical education, etc.

Various tests can be developed according to the above objectives. However, it would be very tempting to develop multi-purpose DFTs.

Often, the definition of physical performance, identified with the manifestation of general (aerobic) endurance, was proposed as an integral and universal indicator of the level of human physical fitness. Thirty years ago, Cooper proposed characterizing physical performance using the distance covered in 12 minutes.

Other researchers have shown that the result of a 12-minute run is proportional to such an integral indicator of aerobic performance as maximum oxygen consumption.

Without denying the importance of determining aerobic performance, most domestic and foreign authors are proponents of an integrated approach to assessing a person’s physical fitness, differing, however, regarding the quantity and quality of the necessary indicators.

Today, there are many forms of testing to determine a person’s physical fitness, proposed by domestic and foreign authors.

Athletics is one of the main means of promoting health and increasing the level of physical fitness

Analysis of scientific and methodological literature indicates that in the practice of the educational process in physical education at universities, among the various forms of targeted use of physical education designed to satisfy the interests of young people, athletics are becoming increasingly popular. A reasonable combination of various athletics exercises (walking, running, jumping, throwing, etc.) allows you to achieve a high level of development of basic physical abilities and contributes to the formation of high moral and volitional qualities of those involved.

Test questions on physical education. 1. Physical education is understood as: a - the pedagogical process for the physical improvement of a person; b - regular physical exercise, hardening the body; c - achievements of society, reflecting the physical and spiritual development of a person. 2.Which of the concepts is the most capacious (including all the others): a - sport; b - physical education system; c - physical culture. 3. The process aimed at the versatile education of a person’s physical qualities, ensuring the formation from childhood of a physically strong young generation with harmonious development, is called: a - general physical training; b - special physical training; c - harmonic physical training; d - applied physical training. 4. The state of the body, characterized by progressive functional changes that occurred under the influence of repetition of motor actions, is designated as: a - development; b - hardening; c - fitness; g - preparedness. 5. Indicators of physical fitness include: a - strength, speed, endurance; b - height, weight, chest circumference; c - blood pressure, pulse; d - heart rate, breathing rate. 6. A set of exercises, techniques and methods aimed at teaching motor and other skills, as well as their further improvement, is designated as: a - training; b - methodology; c - knowledge system; g - pedagogical impact. 7.Which country is the birthplace of the Olympic Games: a - Rome; b - China; c - Greece; g - Egypt. 8.Where the ancient Greek Olympic Games were held: a - in Olympia; b - in Sparta; in - in Athens. 9. Why were the ancient Olympic Games called holidays of peace: a - they were world famous; b - athletes from all over the world took part in them; c - during the period of the games, wars stopped; d - they were distinguished by the peaceful nature of the competition. 10. The Olympic Games (summer or winter) are held every: a - 5 years; b - 4 years; c - 2 years; g - 3 years. 11.Winter Games are held: a - depending on the decision of the IOC; b - in the third year of the celebrated Olympics; c - during the last year of the celebrated Olympics; d - during the second calendar year following the year the Olympics began. 12. A healthy lifestyle (HLS) presupposes: a - an orderly regime of work and rest, giving up bad habits; b - regular visits to the doctor; c - physical and intellectual activity; d - rational nutrition and hardening. 13.What factor plays a decisive role in a person’s health: a - lifestyle; b - heredity; c - climate. 14. During physical work in a stuffy room or clothes that do not allow air to pass through well, the following may occur: a - burns; b - heat stroke; c - overheating; g - sunstroke. 15. The main sources of energy for the body are: a - proteins and minerals; b - carbohydrates and fats; c - fats and vitamins; g - carbohydrates and proteins. 16.Rational nutrition ensures: a - proper growth and formation of the body; b - maintaining health; c - high performance and life extension; g - all of the above. 17. Physical performance is: a - a person’s ability to quickly perform work; b - ability to have different types of work in structure; c - ability to quickly recover after work; d - the ability to perform a large amount of work. 18. People who systematically engage in physical exercise in combination with the use of the healing forces of nature are distinguished by: a - phagocytic resistance; b - bactericidal resistance; c - specific resistance; d - not specific resistance. 19.What is meant by hardening: a - visiting a bathhouse, sauna; b - increasing the body’s resistance to the effects of adverse environmental conditions; c - swimming, air and sunbathing in the summer; d - health promotion. 20. Objective criteria for self-control include: a - well-being, appetite, performance; b - respiratory rate, vital capacity, anthropometry; c - violation of the regime, presence of pain. 21.Name the main risk factors in people’s lifestyles: a - low physical activity (hypokinesia), psychological stress; b - eating disorder, overeating, alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking; c - all of the above. 22. The likelihood of injury during physical exercise is reduced if those involved: a - overestimate their capabilities; b - follow the teacher’s instructions; c - have the skills to perform movements; d - do not know how to control their emotions. 23. If an injury occurs or if health deteriorates during a lesson, a student must stop the lesson and notify: a - the teacher conducting the lesson; b - class teacher; c - their peers in the class; d - school doctor. 24. What indicators characterize physical development: a - anthropometric indicators; b - height and weight indicators, physical fitness; c - physique, development of physical qualities, state of health. 25.The formation of the human body ends by: a - 14-15 years; b - 17-18 years old; c - 19-20 years old; g - 22-25 years old. 26. The main difference between physical exercises and other motor actions is that they: a - are strictly regulated; b - represent a gaming activity; c - not focused on the production of material assets; d - create a developmental effect. 27.Movement technique is usually called: a - rational organization of motor actions; b - composition and sequence of movements when performing exercises; c - method of organizing movements when performing exercises; d - a method of expediently solving a motor problem. 28.Name the incorrectly named physical qualities from the proposed list (several answers): a - durability; b - flexibility; c - dexterity; g - cheerfulness; d - endurance; e - speed; g - strength. 29. This physical quality is tested with the “shuttle run 3 to 10” test for students of secondary schools: a - endurance; b - speed-strength and coordination; c - flexibility. 30. Dexterity is: a - the ability to master and perform complex motor actions, quickly rearrange them in accordance with changing conditions; b - the ability to control one’s movements in space and time; c - the ability to deftly control motor actions depending on the level of development of a person’s motor qualities. 31. Speed ​​is: a - a person’s ability to perform motor actions in a minimum period of time; b - a person’s ability to quickly pick up speed; c - a person’s ability to perform running exercises at maximum speed over short distances. 32. Flexibility as a physical quality is understood as: a - a complex of morphofunctional properties of the human musculoskeletal system, which determines the depth of inclination; b - the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude due to muscle tension; c - a complex of physical properties of the motor system that determine the mobility of its parts; d - elasticity of muscles and ligaments. 33. Strength is: a - the ability to accurately differentiate muscle efforts of various sizes and under unforeseen situations and mixed modes of muscle work; b - the ability to withstand fatigue caused by relatively positive stresses of significant magnitude; c - the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it with the help of muscular efforts. 34. Endurance as a physical quality is understood as: a - a complex of psychophysical properties of a person, which determines the ability to perform a variety of physical activities; b - a complex of human psychophysical properties that determines the ability to withstand fatigue; c - the ability to perform physical work for a long time, practically without getting tired; g - ability to maintain specified operating parameters. 35. The load of physical exercise is characterized by: a - the magnitude of its impact on the body; b - tension of certain muscle groups; c - time and number of repetitions of motor actions; d - the preparedness of those involved, their age and state of health. 36.Active rest is: a - specific preparation of an athlete for upcoming competitions; b - physical activity that relieves fatigue and promotes restoration of performance; c - activities aimed at improving motor action in changing conditions. 37. Leading exercises are used: a - if the student is not physically developed enough; b - if there are no supporting elements in the motor fund; c - if it is necessary to eliminate the causes of errors; d - if the method of holistic analytical exercise is used. 38. Long-distance running refers to: a - athletics; b - sports games; c - sprint; g - bobsleigh. 39. When running long distances, according to the competition rules, the following applies: a - low start; b - high start; c - type of start at the request of the runner. 40. Translated from Greek, “gymnastics” means: a - flexible; b - exercising; c - overcoming. 41.XXI Winter Olympic Games were held in: a - Oslo; b - Sapporo; in Sochi; Mr. Vancouver. 42. The dynamics of individual human development are determined by: a - the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors; b - human genetics and heredity; c - the influence of social and environmental factors; d - human motor activity. 43. The simplest complex of outdoor exercise equipment (general developmental exercises) begins with an exercise: a - for the leg muscles; b - stretching type; c - swing nature; g - for the neck muscles. 44. During prolonged high-intensity exercise, it is recommended to breathe: a - through the mouth and nose alternately; b - through the mouth and nose at the same time; c - only through the mouth; d - only through the nose. 45. The rules of basketball if the score is tied in regulation time provide for an additional period lasting: a - 3 minutes; b - 7 minutes; c - 5 minutes; d - 10 minutes.46.Two points in basketball are counted when throwing into the basket: a - from the attack zone; b - from any point on the site; c - from the protection zone; d - from any place inside the three point line. 47. According to the rules of volleyball, each team during the game is given a maximum...... hit (pass) to return the ball to the opponent’s side (not counting touches on the block): a - 2; b - 4; at 3; g - 5. 48.The type of activity that is the subject of competition and historically took shape as a way of identifying and comparing human capabilities is usually called: a - gymnastics; b - competition; c - a type of sport. 49. The basis of the methodology for developing physical qualities is: a - ease of performing exercises; b - gradual increase in impact force; c - sketchy exercises; d - duration of pedagogical influences. 50.Name the methods of human movement (several answers): a - crawling; b - lasagna; c - jumping; g - throwing; d - grouping; e - emphasis. 51. What basic types of motor actions are included in the school physical education program (several answers): a - throwing a dart; b - acceleration; c - push of the weight; g - pull-up; d - somersaults; e - stand on one hand. 52.The Olympic symbol consists of five intertwined rings, arranged from left to right in the following order: a - at the top - red, blue, black, at the bottom - yellow and green; b - above - green, black, red, below - blue and yellow; c - above - blue, black and red, below - yellow and green; d - above - blue, black, red, below - green and yellow. 53.The five Olympic rings symbolize: a - the five principles of the Olympic movement; b - the main colors of the flags of the countries participating in the Olympic Games; c - the union of continents and the meeting of athletes at the Olympic Games; d - the widespread development of sport in the service of the harmonious development of man. 54.Indicate which of the outstanding athletes of the Russian Federation is currently a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC): a - Vyacheslav Fetisov; b - Yuri Titov; c - Alexander Popov; Mr. Alexander Karelin. 55. The main indicator characterizing the stages of development of an organism is: a - biological age; b - calendar age; c - skeletal and dental age. 56. Experts regard systematic use of substances that change a person’s psychological state (tobacco, alcohol, inhalers) as: a - antisocial behavior; b - respectful habit; c - bad habit; d - consequential behavior. 57. The games held in Moscow were dedicated to the Olympics: a - the 20th; b - 21st; c - 22nd; g - 23rd. 58. One of the methods of long jump in athletics is designated as a jump: a - “running”; b - “stepping over”; c - “roll”; g - “scissors”. 59. Physical inactivity is: a - decreased motor activity of a person; b - increased physical activity of a person; c - lack of vitamins in the body; d - excessive nutrition. 60. The Olympic motto, expressing the aspirations of the Olympic movement, sounds like: a - “Faster, higher, stronger”; b - “The main thing is not victory, but participation”; c - “Oh sport - you are the world! "Answers: 1. at 2 . at 3 . a 4. at 5 . a 6. b 7. at 8 . a 9. at 10 . b 1 1 . b 1 2 . in 1 3 . a 1 4 . b 1 5 . b 1 6 . g 1 7 . g 1 8 . g 1 9 . b 2 0 . b 2 1 . in 2 2 . b 2 3 . a 2 4 . a 2 5 . g 2 6 . at 2 7 . a 2 8 . a, d 2 9. b 3 0 . a 3 1 . a 3 2 . in 3 3 . in 3 4 . b 3 5 . a 3 6 . b 3 7 . b 3 8 . a 3 9 . b 4 0 . b 4 1 . g 4 2 . a 4 3 . b 4 4 . at 4 5 . at 4 6 . g 4 7 . at 4 8 . b 4 9 . b 5 0 . a, b, c 5 1. b, d, d 5 2. at 5 3 . at 5 4 . at 5 5 . a 5 6 . at 5 7 . at 5 8 . a 5 9 . a 6 0 . a57.b 58.a 59.a 60.a
