Vitamins for mammary gland mastopathy: how to take. Vitamins important for mastopathy Vitamins for mammary gland mastopathy

For fibrocystic mastopathy, the use of special vitamin complexes is required. The presented approach is necessary in order to speed up the main recovery process. However, vitamins should be taken only after consultation with a mammologist, gynecologist or family doctor. This will allow you to achieve maximum effect and benefit for the female body.

What are the benefits of vitamins?

Pathological conditions, in particular with fibrocystic mastopathy, always come accompanied by a decrease in the ratio of vitamin components A, C and E in the body. In this regard, their deficient ratio must be constantly compensated so as not to provoke a worsening of the condition.

Vitamins belonging to group A, C and E are effective and efficient antioxidants. Today, it is the vitamins presented that have received the leading role in terms of complex vitamins.

The presented components are necessary due to the fact that they allow one to accelerate the therapeutic effect of medicinal components. They often reduce adverse reactions after consumption, which is required to maintain health. In addition, vitamins are indispensable for the functioning of the immune system due to the fact that their use helps strengthen the immune state.

All about prevention and therapy

In the area of ​​the mammary glands, algorithms that are associated with the reproduction and death of cell tissues continuously occur and replace each other. In this regard, it is important to note that:

  • the processes presented are regulated by several classes of hormones;
  • any disturbance associated with hormonal balance provokes a shift in physiological transformations affecting mammary gland tissue;
  • As a result, foci are formed, which are characterized by pathological proliferation of the epithelium.

Vitamin A is characterized by an antiestrogenic effect, that is, it significantly reduces the specific proliferation of epithelial tissue coverings that occur with fibrocystic mastopathy. It is known that it is advisable to use vitamins in this category with caution.

Its excessive amount begins to accumulate and has a negative effect on the functioning of the liver. In this regard, it will be much more effective and safe to use beta-carotene medications that belong to the category of provitamin A. From it, the main component is formed exclusively in the ratio required by the body. During the development of fibrocystic mastopathy, no more than 50,000 IU of component A per day is used, the recovery course is six months.

Vitamin E is, in fact, an antioxidant that has a multifaceted effect on the female body. With its help, the effect of progesterone is enhanced and fat metabolism is regulated. It should also be noted that it has a positive effect on symptoms directly associated with premenstrual tension syndrome, or PMS.

For fibrocystic mastopathy, it is recommended to prescribe vitamins E at least 50–100 mg per day and use them for 6–12 months.

Speaking about vitamin C, it should be noted that it is also an antioxidant, characterized by a positive effect that manifests itself on other antioxidants, which makes it possible to protect.

We are talking about vitamin E and beta-carotene, which it protects from destruction by free radicals.

The presented vitamins boast an immunostimulating effect. About how to use for cystic fibrous mastopathy vitamin complexes and others and which of them will be the most useful - further.

Use of vitamin complexes

Speaking about vitamins, we need to talk separately about multivitamin complexes, one of the most common of which is Aevit. Its advantage is that it:

  1. recommended if necessary to normalize the trophism of tissue components and mammary glands;
  2. used for destabilization of microcirculation, vascular type of atherosclerosis;
  3. indispensable in the context of prolonged stress and disruptions in the functioning of the pancreas.

The capsule of the drug for fibrocystic mastopathy must be used completely, without chewing, and this should be consumed after food.

It is important to note that A vitamins are concentrated in liver, fatty fish, meat and butter. Beta-carotene is concentrated in carrots, pumpkin and apricots. If we talk about vitamin E, then there is a lot of it in nuts and vegetable oils. It is recommended to use as food products that contain a significant ratio of vitamin C and B group components.

Mammologists for fibrocystic mastopathy pay attention to active vitamin therapy, consisting of components such as Triovit, Vetoron. The first of these are vitamin capsules that contain many ingredients: selenium, vitamins E, C, and beta-carotene. One blister contains at least 30 capsules. For fibrocystic mastopathy, you will need one capsule every day.

The recovery cycle must last at least 60 days.

Vetoron is a vitamin produced as 20 ml drops in one bottle. Medicine contains a vitamin complex and is prescribed for this disease as a complete recovery cycle. Vetoron is characterized by antioxidant and antitoxic, that is, radioprotective effects. It is this that makes it possible to protect cellular structures human body from destruction, which is positively affected by free radicals.

In the process of restoring the female body and eliminating fibrocystic mastopathy, various means are used, among which vitamins and similar complexes should be considered one of the most effective. They allow you to improve the functioning of the body, restore the ratio of vitamins, red blood cells and other components. All this is necessary to maintain ideal health of any woman.

The main task in the treatment of mastopathy is to restore normal hormone levels in the blood. By taking vitamins for mastopathy - fibrocystic disease (FCD), women not only successfully solve this problem, they also strengthen the immune and nervous systems, block the degeneration of diseased breast cells into a cancerous tumor.

How to stop a hormone riot

Mastopathy is a hormonal disease female breast. Breast tissue degenerates under the influence of unfavorable factors, fibroids form in it - compactions from connective tissue. Fluid-filled cavities called cysts appear at the edges of the milk ducts.

The simultaneous action of both processes gives a picture of the formation of fibrocystic mastopathy. And with uncontrolled cell division, nodular mastopathy is formed, which can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

The main reason for changes in the glandular tissue of the breast is a hormonal imbalance in the body: a sharp increase in estrogen - the “hormone of femininity” and inhibition of progesterone - the “pregnancy hormone”.

The reasons for this imbalance:

  • abortions;
  • nervous stress;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • disruption in the work of the bodies responsible for endocrine system: thyroid gland, adrenal glands, liver;
  • weakening of the immune system.

There is no special treatment for mastopathy as a pathological change in the body. To relieve pain, they take analgesics; it is also necessary to treat all diseases that disrupt metabolism: nervous stress, dysbacteriosis, etc. After all, metabolism creates the hormonal background in which mastopathy develops.

Each vitamin has its own role

Vitamins play a leading role in metabolism: without them, metabolic processes are impossible; a deficiency of one or more of them can unbalance the coordinated functioning of all body systems and cause disease. That is why, with mastopathy of the mammary glands, the relevant question is what vitamins and how to take in order to restore metabolism and tame the hormones that caused the disease.

Vitamin therapy for mastopathy identifies several that are especially important for this type of pathology: these are tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid and B vitamins. They are the main ones in this disease.


“Women’s vitamin” E is the most used for mastopathy.

An antioxidant that protects cells from free radicals that damage cells and contribute to their aging and degeneration into cancer. Besides:

  • enhances the effect of progesterone and stops the degeneration of glandular tissue into connective tissue. This property of tocopherol makes it especially effective for fibrocystic mastopathy. It blocks the growth of lumps in the chest and relieves inflammation. In 80% of women, fibrous compactions decreased after taking it;
  • strengthens the walls of capillaries, blocks the process of cyst formation;
  • regulates fat metabolism and prevents weight gain;
  • relieves pain syndromes of menstruation;
  • stops inflammatory processes in the chest.

Vitamin E is contraindicated for women at risk of myocardial infarction and with a tendency to thrombosis. Exceeding the dose and duration of administration can lead to hypervitaminosis.

Dosage: 400-800 mcg per day; course of admission – 2 months


Vitamin A:

  • inhibits the production of estrogens - the main culprits in the formation of compactions - fibroids;
  • relieves symptoms of gland engorgement and pain;
  • antioxidant, prevents free radical damage to cells and the formation malignant tumors.

Vitamin A for mastopathy should be taken with caution by those suffering from alcoholism, liver cirrhosis or viral hepatitis; - older women. You need to drink retinol without exceeding the dose - it accumulates in the liver and disrupts its functioning.

Dose: 500 mcg per day. Course of treatment: 6 months.

Ascorbic acid

This is the second name for vitamin C:

  • antioxidant, binds free radicals and prevents the degeneration of cells into cancer;
  • eliminates breast swelling and prevents it from increasing in size;
  • increases resistance to infections;
  • accelerates the removal of toxins from the body.

For mastopathy, ascorbic acid should be taken under the supervision of a doctor. diabetes mellitus; - for kidney stones. It is recommended to use it as part of ascarutin tablets.

Dose: 500 mg per day. Course of admission: 2 months.


Vitamin D prevents lumps and nodules in the mammary gland from turning into a malignant tumor. The peculiarity of using calciferol is that it is prescribed in combination with calcium supplements.

Dose: 10 mcg per day. Reception course: 3 winter months.

Group B

All B vitamins in mastopathy put the nervous system in order: thiamine (B1) and ribolavin (B2), in particular, reduce nervousness and painful sensations.

The role of pyridoxine (B6), in addition to stimulating the central nervous system, in suppressing prolactin synthesis. This hormone promotes lactation during breastfeeding, but in other periods of life its increase in the blood is associated with stress and gynecological diseases.

Caution: Vitamin B1 often causes an allergic reaction.

Dose: 50 mg per day. Course of admission: 6 months.


This vitamin B12:

  • has the ability to restore nerve tissue;
  • blocks the development of cancer cells;
  • increases immunity.

Indicated for fibrocystic mastopathy for recovery nervous system and stabilization of hormonal levels.

Please note: simultaneous intake of vitamin B1 with B12 increases the allergic reaction to thiamine. Retinol, tocopherol, and ascorbic acid inhibit the activity of cyanocabalamin. It is not recommended to take them at the same time.

Dose of cyanocabalamin: 2.8 mcg per day in the form of injections strictly according to the schedule and as prescribed by the doctor.

Complex drugs increase the therapeutic effect

There are several vitamin complexes with a good therapeutic effect for mastopathy. One capsule contains everything you need in the required doses. The vitamins included in the complexes can be used simultaneously, as they are well compatible with each other.

For this reason, multivitamins for fibrocystic mastopathy do not contain calciferol and cyanocabalamin, which are taken according to a separate regimen. The list of multivitamins for mastopathy is represented by the following drugs:

  1. “Triovit”, which, along with vitamins A, E, C, also contains the mineral selenium, which slows down the process of tissue death in the mammary gland. Take vitamins once a day for 2 months. Three such courses are taken per year. This is the most optimal complex for the conservative treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy.
  2. "Aevit". The composition of the complex is indicated by the name - it is tocopherol and retinol. Powerful antioxidant pair helps establish balance between female hormones esterogen and progesterone, protects the mucous membranes of the breast vessels from necrosis and prevents the formation of cysts. 1 capsule per day for a month is a sufficient course to stop the development of mastopathy.
  3. Vetoron - a general strengthening complex of vitamins A, E, C - has a strong antioxidant effect that prevents the degeneration of a benign tumor into a cancerous one. Tocopherol and retinol suppress the synthesis of estrogens - the culprits of metabolic disorders in the mammary gland. Ascorbic acid In addition, it ensures the removal of toxins from the body. Together they are able to relieve pain. Therefore, the widespread use of Vetoron for mastopathy is completely justified.


Many reasons lead to mastopathy of the mammary glands, a disease that affects most Russian women. These are unfavorable living conditions, mistakes of youth, stress - all cause irreversible phenomena in the mammary glands, which can provoke malignant tumors.

The use of vitamins healthy image life will allow you to successfully cope with the disease.

The video provides a lot of information about vitamin E.

Important to know! In women who have not given birth under 25-30 years of age, fibrocystic disease (mastopathy) does not cause much concern, but closer to 30, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth, 80 percent of women develop a complication of mastopathy. Along with women who have not given birth, many mothers who devote almost all their time to their baby forget about their health or think that this problem is trivial and will go away on its own. Expectant mothers are in an even more difficult position - during pregnancy and breastfeeding, many pharmaceutical drugs are prohibited. Did you know that mastopathy, if not treated in time by preventing the disease, can cause breast cancer. Oh completely natural remedy for mastopathy (fibrocystic disease), compatible with breastfeeding and pregnancy, read here...

If we talk about complex treatment, then vitamins for mastopathy of mammary gland diseases are very important. It is no coincidence that this role was assigned. During the disease, the body experiences a severe deficiency of beneficial micro- and macroelements, so their replenishment affects not only the successful outcome of the pathological disorder, but also the entire body as a whole. In this regard, many women may have a question: what groups of vitamins can be taken for fibrocystic and other forms of mammary gland mastopathy, and what are their benefits?

What role do vitamin preparations play in mastopathy?

When choosing a certain type of vitamins or their complex combination, it is necessary to use them correctly in health practice.

If you take them in moderation, they have the following positive effect:

  1. Toxic effects on mammary gland cells are prevented.
  2. Multivitamins in a complex combination enhance the effect of anti-inflammatory and hormonal medications.
  3. The body's defenses are increased and the immune system is strengthened.
  4. Due to great influence medicines vitamins can regulate and stabilize liver function functional features this organ.
  5. The functioning of the central nervous system improves. Some vitamins have a good sedative effect, which is very important when therapeutic therapy mastopathy of the mammary glands.
  6. The hormonal levels in the woman’s body are restored and normalized.
  7. The anti-inflammatory nature of many vitamins can prevent the development of new lesions and help eliminate existing benign lesions.

All medicinal effect vitamins for mastopathy are carried out due to those included in the composition useful components.

What vitamins can you take?

Vitamins for the treatment of fibrocystic and other forms of mastopathy can reduce pain and swelling in the tissues of the mammary glands, and also help reduce the proliferation of benign neoplasms.

Among all the available types we can distinguish:

  1. Vitamin A. Normalizes hormonal levels in a woman’s body, and this, in turn, leads to a reduction in pain and swelling of the mammary glands. In addition, this vitamin prevents the development of new cancer cells, which prevents the disease from developing further.
  2. Vitamin C. Helps in strengthening the walls of blood vessels, as well as in the outflow of fluids from breast tissue and reducing swelling in benign neoplasms. In addition, it has a good antioxidant profile, removing all harmful substances from the body.
  3. Vitamin D. An indispensable assistant in preventing the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant manifestation of the disease.

In any use of vitamins for fibrocystic mastopathy and its other forms, the greatest effect is achieved through compliance with all preventive measures recommended for the disease.

Vitamin E and B groups

B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system, as well as on the hormonal balance in a woman’s body and on immunity in general.

This functional focus is very useful for all manifestations of fibrocystic and other forms of mammary gland mastopathy.

Among the representatives of group B, the following vitamins can be distinguished:

  1. B2 and B1 effectively cope with stressful conditions, eliminate the clinical consequences of neuroses and depression. Reduce pain in the tissues of the mammary glands during illness.
  2. B6. Reduces the activity of the pituitary gland producing the hormone prolactin. If you take this vitamin, you will soon notice that nervous activity has improved significantly, and the functioning of the cardiovascular system has also normalized.

Vitamin E plays an important role in a woman's body.

With fibrocystic and other forms of mammary gland mastopathy, the following effect of vitamin E occurs:

  1. It has a good antitumor orientation against the disease.
  2. Because of hormone therapy With pathology, weight gain may occur. Vitamin E will help normalize metabolism and prevent you from gaining extra pounds.
  3. Before the onset of menstrual flow, it somewhat alleviates the unpleasant symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy.
  4. Thanks to the synthesis of collagen, rapid regeneration of damaged tissues occurs and, therefore, a speedy recovery after an illness.
  5. Helps reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process.

Vitamin E must be taken according to prescribed dosages.

Complex application

Everyone knows that if you take vitamins in a complex combination, it brings more benefits. In this case, it is best to eat natural foods that contain a huge vitamin and mineral complex.

Natural micro- and macroelements can be found in the following products:

  1. Vitamin A – cheese, sweet pepper, carrots and apricots.
  2. Vitamin E – cereals, as well as vegetable oils.
  3. Vitamin C – Brussels sprouts, rose hips and currants.
  4. Vitamin D – fish products, eggs, as well as butter.
  5. B vitamins - you can highlight nuts, meat, bran, etc.

At the moment, modern pharmaceutical companies produce effective drugs, which contain several vitamins that combine perfectly with each other.

Some of the available and useful complex vitamin preparations include the following preparations:

  1. Aevit. This vitamin prevents fibrocystic mastopathy from developing further. It also improves the trophism of the skin, promotes rapid cell regeneration and improves the functioning of vascular walls.
  2. Triovit. The composition of this product is quite balanced. This is what helps to enhance the action of each vitamin, strengthen the immune system and increase protective properties against the emergence of new pathological foci. Thanks to the selenium included in the composition, tissues slow down their aging, and necrotic processes that can occur in the tissues of the mammary glands reduce their pathological effects.
  3. Vetoron. This vitamin is prescribed in the complex elimination of mastopathy. The drug has a good antioxidant and antitoxic effect, capable of restoring damaged cell structures and preventing their new destruction.

Vitamins are very important for the full functioning of the body. But if we talk about the treatment of fibrocystic and other forms of mastopathy, then vitamins are still best taken only in complex drug treatment. Before use, you must familiarize yourself with the available indications, and when using, follow all established dosages in order to avoid the development of side effects. If suspicious symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Mastopathy is a dangerous and insidious disease. It is very important not only to achieve proper treatment, but also to support the body, in order to avoid the occurrence of new seals and benign tumors. Only a general effect on the body will certainly give a positive result in a short period. Physical and emotional state women is no less important in the treatment of any disease, and complexes of correctly selected micro- and macroelements contribute to its maintenance. Vitamins play an important role in mammary gland mastopathy, but not all of them are recommended.

Many people believe that with a balanced diet you get enough vitamins necessary to support immunity. Undoubtedly proper nutrition important, but a body weakened by disease does not absorb everything it needs from food, especially since some vitamins dissolve during heat treatment. We will look in more detail at which vitamins will speed up the healing process and improve the condition of the body as a whole.

How to choose a balanced complex of vitamins for mastopathy

Today there are many vitamin complexes on the market with increased content of certain groups for a more pronounced effect. Doctors recommend drinking B vitamins, iodine, vitamins A, D, C, P for mastopathy; vitamin E is given a special place.

B vitamins

Every woman experiences anxiety and anxiety when diagnosed with mastopathy. B vitamins regulate the functioning of the nervous system, reduce anxiety (B1 and B2 cope well with stress, B6 reduces the production of prolactin and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system).

These vitamins improve the production of progesterone (regulate it to an acceptable level), a hormone that stimulates the functions of the mammary gland, affecting the course of pregnancy, etc. Its absence, as well as its excess, is asymptomatic in the body. The amount of progesterone after 40 years decreases significantly; the ability to normalize its level will improve general condition body.

Vitamin C

It has a wide spectrum of action, strengthening the body's protective functions. For mastopathy, it is taken as a vaso-strengthening agent that removes excess fluid and reduces swelling. Vitamin C is a famous antioxidant that cleanses the body of toxins. This vitamin is found in large quantities in citrus fruits, berries and fruits.

Vitamin A (retinol)

In the treatment and prevention of pathologies of the mammary glands, it is one of the important additions to the main process. Retinol restores the level of essential hormones in a woman’s body and actively fights the formation and development of cancer cells. Used for all forms of mastopathy, including fibrocystic. Great content in carrots and pumpkin.

Vitamin A for mastopathy in food

Vitamin P (rutin)

Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots. The greatest effect was achieved when used in conjunction with vitamin C. Sources of vitamin P are citrus fruits, berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, currants) and herbs (dill, parsley, celery).

Vitamin D

Prevents the development of malignant tumors, improves the absorption of vitamins, and actively participates in the restoration of metabolism. Contained in fatty fish, seafood, eggs.

Iodine preparations

Iodine consumption is necessary for a woman at any age, because it improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. It is very important to follow the recommended dose, because an excess is as undesirable as a deficiency. Iodine enhances the body's protective functions, reduces inflammatory processes, and also regulates protein and fat metabolism. Contained in seafood and persimmons, salt is enriched with iodine.

Vitamin E for mastopathy

Among the many useful minerals and microelements, the use of vitamin E for mastopathy is irreplaceable. Drug treatment disrupts the natural hormonal balance of the body. It is not easy to restore it, and the action of vitamin E helps to balance and maintain hormonal levels. Vitamin E (tocopherol) normalizes progesterone levels, which is very important for fibrocystic mastopathy. Anti-inflammatory function, ability to block the development of malignant tumors, relief pain syndromes- not all the benefits of the vitamin. It also stimulates tissue repair and speeds up the healing process.

Tocopherol must be taken when the slightest sign mastopathy to prevent the development of the disease, as well as in combination with basic drugs for a speedy cure. How to take vitamin E for mastopathy can only be regulated by the attending physician. Traditionally, oil solutions of the drug or a complex of vitamins with specially selected contents recommended for mastopathy are prescribed.

Aevit: vitamin E + Retinol for mastopathy

How to take vitamins correctly

At different stages and forms of the disease, doctors recommend certain vitamin complexes selected to properly regulate the functioning of the body. How to take vitamins for mastopathy at different ages, can be agreed upon with the gynecologist only when full examination. If there are no contraindications, then for breast mastopathy, vitamins with a high content of vitamins E, A and group B are prescribed; of course, iodine intake is regulated.

A balanced diet is also important in the treatment and prevention of the disease. We need food increased content coarse fiber, which is easily found in vegetables, fruits, grains and products containing bran. Fermented milk products will give us additional calcium, seafood - iodine. Vegetable oils, especially olive oil, contain a huge amount of vitamin E. A properly selected diet and a well-prescribed complex of vitamins are a successful result in the treatment of mastopathy. In the initial mild forms of mastopathy, vitamins can simplify the treatment process without resorting to hormonal drugs.

In the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy, especially its severe forms, they use hormonal drugs which have a detrimental effect on the entire body. The use of vitamin complexes is the only salvation. Restoring liver function, eliminating nervous system disorders, and increasing the body's resistance when taking them helps in the fight against the disease. Vitamins have a powerful effect on a woman’s body. With age-related changes, they regulate hormonal levels and improve the general condition of the body.

The only vitamin that cannot be used for mastopathy is vitamin K. It enhances blood clotting and can lead to the formation of blood clots. In natural products it is found in white and cauliflower cabbage, broccoli, and tomatoes.

We can strengthen nutrition, add the necessary vitamin complexes to the diet, but we can also prevent the disease. To do this, it is enough to get rid of bad habits, wear comfortable underwear, avoid nervous tension and stress, exclude abortions, pay attention breastfeeding and do not forget to undergo periodic examinations with doctors. The frequency and regularity of sexual activity also affect the occurrence of mastopathy and the general health of a woman. By devoting a little time to health every day, it is possible to avoid many diseases and pathologies.

Bonjour everyone! Today about vitamins AEVIT, which I respect for their effectiveness and visible results.

A little background on my acquaintance with them.

I have had mastopathy since I was 15 years old. At first, I was simply diagnosed with mastopathy, but over the years, the diagnosis grew into fibrocystic mastopathy.

In the world, mastopathy is not considered a disease, since 90% of women have it.

I learned about this from my gynecologist.

In Russia, mastopathy is considered a disease

but doctors do not offer any kind of treatment.

A woman can live with a diagnosis of mastopathy all her life and not have any negative consequences. The only thing is that when cysts appear and they begin to grow, they are suggested to be removed, because there is a danger of developing breast cancer.

In short, doctors are divided into two categories: those who do not particularly dramatize about this, suggesting that they simply take care of themselves and do an ultrasound (check the condition of the tissue) every year (Thank God, I came across such), others, as soon as mastopathy appears, they conclude : must be deleted. What should we do, mere mortals who have not finished Medical Institute- it’s not clear: don’t dramatize with some, or dramatize with others.

My treatment all these years has been reduced to an annual ultrasound and Mastodinon, which was prescribed to me by the gynecologist (she does not dramatize about this disease).

And so, in 2013, during the next ultrasound, they found two small cysts. I went to the gynecologist, and she advised me to go for a consultation at the Oncology Center with a surgeon-oncologist-mammologist. And, here I am, at an appointment with an “eccentric” oncologist-mammologist, who, having examined my unfortunate breasts, did not find anything wrong. Then, he confidentially and quietly informed me that it was time for me to get married (naturally, he inquired: am I married?), otherwise younger competitors would overtake me, and I would be left alone. ???!!! What was that, people? It seemed to me that I had come to see a surgeon, not a psychologist. Apparently, this is a man of those who believe that in this life a woman should be settled (married), otherwise, her business is a pipe, especially when this old woman is 28 years old, and young competitors are still running under her feet. To be honest, I don’t like doctors who don’t work with what they have and try to give advice that no one needs.

After a “confidential” conversation, we had a short dialogue:

What are you taking for mastopathy?


- ??? (in the eyes) ... Why?

The gynecologist prescribed.

You don’t need Mastodinon, take AEVIT tablets,” and he wrote me a dosage regimen.

After that, I safely fluttered out of his office (at the same time, I didn’t think of getting married, despite a strong “friendly” recommendation).

I had never heard of these pills, but as an obedient patient, I immediately bought them. Since then I've gotten to know them quite well.

Sorry, the backstory was not short at all.

Place of purchase: any Pharmacy.

Price: 33.5 rubles. The price depends on the pharmacy and the city. But generally speaking, like everything else, they have gone up in price.

Appearance: capsules one in one fish oil, only without the aftertaste of fish, the taste is sweetish gelatinous. The capsules are small and can be swallowed without any problems. Sold in a blister of 10 pieces or a cardboard box of 20 pieces. I buy 3 blisters of 10 pieces.

Course of treatment according to instructions: 20-40 days.

The doctor prescribed me the following regimen: drink for a month, don’t drink for a month, and so on for six months.

When I came home and read the indications for use, I did not understand why he prescribed them to me.

Indications for use:

Vitamin deficiency A, E;

Skin lesions and diseases accompanied by impaired tissue trophism (psoriasis, some forms of eczema, ichthyosis, seborrheic dermatitis).

And only then, after carefully reading the instructions, I saw:

A combined drug, the effect of which is determined by the properties of the fat-soluble vitamins A and E included in its composition. Vitamin A is necessary for regulating the division and differentiation of the epithelium (strengthens the division epithelial cells skin, rejuvenates the cell population, inhibits keratinization processes, takes part as a cofactor in various biochemical processes). Vitamin E - has antioxidant properties, inhibits the development of free radical reactions, prevents the formation of peroxides that damage cell membranes, which is important for the development of the body, the normal function of the nervous and muscular systems. It is a cofactor of some enzyme systems. Normalizes capillary and tissue permeability, increases tissue resistance to hypoxia.

Directions for use: one capsule per day.

The doctor prescribed me two capsules a day, but having read that you can only take one, I didn’t dare take two and drank as it was written in the instructions, one at a time.

I started taking it and after a month I felt changes. Which:

Firstly, my breasts began to hurt and swell less during the period of MPS (for me this was and remains a great joy. However, in the spring, there are failures);

Secondly, actually, this is the most important thing, I began to notice that my mastopathy had decreased a little. The lumps in my chest that had been with me for many years became smaller, I really felt it upon palpation; to date, compactions have decreased significantly;

Thirdly, breast elasticity has increased.

In addition, on appearance These vitamins also have an effect.

1. They don’t make my skin lose elasticity (I’m 30 years old), and I think I’m pretty well preserved, including thanks to these vitamins. Perhaps this is self-hypnosis, but I want it to last as long as possible. Vitamins prevent skin sagging.

2. Strengthen hair and promote hair growth. Hair is more shiny.

3. Strengthen nails.

4. Eyelashes become thicker and do not fall out.

5. There are fewer skin problems in the form of various rashes.

6. Smoothes out crow's feet and fine wrinkles.

7. The skin of the face and body is more elastic.

An ultrasound scan a year later showed an improvement in the condition of the breast tissue, the cysts had decreased. I think this is very good result, especially for a person who lives half his life with mastopathy, which bothers him. Now, I just know that I have it and I take care of it, but I don’t suffer as much from all its symptoms.

I continue to take vitamins, in fact, of course, I am self-medicating, because no one told me whether I need to take them after the course prescribed by the oncologist.

I take a course of them about once every two months.

I don’t encourage anyone to repeat my example and self-medicate! Be sure to consult your doctor! If he gives you the go-ahead to receive him, then you’re on your way.

The instructions say that

the drug contains large number vitamin A and is a medicinal, not a prophylactic agent. Too much can lead to overdose.

It turns out that I take the drug quite often, but I don’t feel any negative consequences. The only thing I would advise is to take it in the first half of the day. If I take it in the evening, I feel dry mouth at night and in the morning.

If, after starting to take it, you feel somehow wrong (nothing seems to hurt, but “your paws ache, your tail falls off”), stop taking it immediately. This is either individual intolerance or an overdose (perhaps you do not have a deficiency of vitamin A and E).

I know that many people use it externally, in the form of various masks. For me, it’s better to buy at the Pharmacy liquid vitamin A and E and spread it on or add it to cream, rather than fiddling with capsules. For myself, I don’t see the need to apply it externally; taking it internally is enough for me.

I love these vitamins, they help me, but whether to use them or not is your choice, after all, this is medicine and throwing around the words “drink them and you will be happy” is stupid, everything is individual. I just told my love story with these vitamins.

Bye everyone, good health and good luck in life!
