Natural capital and the green economy. Fundamental Research What is Natural Capital?

The stock of natural PRODUCTION RESOURCES that society is endowed with: all reserves in “natural storehouses” that can be used for production purposes, including soil, water, air, and minerals. The concept of natural capital, strictly speaking, does not include natural resources that do not have a stock form (for example, sunlight) or are not productive (for example, natural landscapes are purely consumer resources). can be RENEWABLE or NON-RENEWABLE.

View value Natural Capital in other dictionaries

Capital- m. monetary property, wealth in money; cash, cash; truther | Cash value, the value of every fishing and other establishment. One is trading.......
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Capital- capital, m. (from Latin capitalis, lit. head). 1. The totality of values ​​(see value in 2 values), with the help of which in a capitalist society through the exploitation of hired......
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Capital M.— 1. Value, which, when using hired labor, is a means of obtaining surplus value. 2. Property, property, securities, cash........
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Natural Adj.— 1. Created by nature, not by man, related to nature (1); natural. 2. One that a person possesses from birth; innate (about some quality, ability).......
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Capital— -а (-у); m. [French, English capital from Lat. capitalis - chief]
1. A set of funds (property, money, real estate) that generate profit. Industrial sector. Financial sector. Countries........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Capital— - value that brings surplus value. can be expressed in the form of cash loans and credits, in the form of means of production and even in the form of consumer goods, if........
Political dictionary

Natural- natural, natural. 1. Adj. to nature in 1 meaning, natural (book). Natural resources of Siberia. 2. Real, belonging to something by birth. Russian. peasant.........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Natural- oh, oh.
1. to Nature (1-2 characters). P-th phenomena. P-th conditions. Pth forces.
2. Natural (1 digit). The second riches of the Urals. P. gas. P. crystal. Pth resources (minerals).
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Advanced Capital— - monetary capital intended for the acquisition of means of production, organizing a business, and implementing business projects that promise to bring profit in the future. Others.......
Legal Dictionary

Active Capital— - capital free from obligations and debts.
Legal Dictionary

Share Capital— - the fixed capital of a joint-stock company, which is formed through the issue of shares. It is the authorized capital, since its size is determined by the charter of the company. A.........
Legal Dictionary

Depreciation Capital— - capital intended for the reproduction of fixed assets, formed through depreciation charges.
Legal Dictionary

Bank Capital— 1) the totality of monetary capital attracted to banks and used by them for credit, settlement and other operations, i.e. banking resources; 2) own (joint stock........
Legal Dictionary

Buffer Capital— - see RESERVE CAPITAL.
Legal Dictionary

Venture Capital— - see RISK CAPITAL
Legal Dictionary

Capital invested— - physical and monetary capital invested in a specific business, in business, in production, in trade, in scientific research or in other areas of the economy, economy. One........
Legal Dictionary

Guarantee Capital— - a term adopted in a number of countries, characterizing the equity capital of private joint-stock and savings banks, insurance companies; usually in liquid form, within........
Legal Dictionary

Flexible Capital— - capital that can be easily replaced.
Legal Dictionary

Homogeneous Capital— - capital, homogeneous in age structure.
Legal Dictionary

State Nature Reserve- (from the old Russian word “to order”, i.e. “to make inaccessible”, “to prohibit”) - a territory (water area) of particular importance for the conservation or restoration of natural......
Legal Dictionary

State Nature Reserve- - in the Russian Federation - specially protected by law natural complexes (land, subsoil,...) withdrawn forever from economic use and not subject to withdrawal for any other purposes.
Legal Dictionary

Declared Capital— - the capital of a joint-stock company, specified in its constituent and other documents.
Legal Dictionary

Money Capital— - capital in cash form. Education D.k. (monetary investments, capital investments) usually precedes the creation on its basis of physical capital, funds........
Legal Dictionary

Additional Capital- capital received through additional issue of shares or sale of shares in excess of their par value.
Legal Dictionary

Borrowed capital— - capital that is formed from funds from the issue of bonds and bank loan funds.
Legal Dictionary

Nature Reserve— - a plot of land or water space allocated in accordance with the established procedure, within which the use of natural resources and other types of human activities are limited......
Legal Dictionary

Secured Capital— - non-transferable capital.
Legal Dictionary

Natural Reserve- - a plot of land or water space allocated in accordance with the established procedure, within which the entire natural complex is completely and forever removed from economic use......
Legal Dictionary

Immobilized Capital— - 1) capital transferred from the property of a joint-stock company to the private property of entrepreneurs; 2) capital placed in low-moving securities.
Legal Dictionary

Investment Capital— - capital invested in long-term investments for a long period of darkness.
Legal Dictionary

For economic science and practice, a fundamental feature of rational environmental management is the efficient use of all types of natural capital, including natural resources. This approach was reflected at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro in 2012 (“Rio+20”). Reports and documents of UN agencies note that the basis for the transition to sustainable development is the formation of a “green” economy, an important feature of which is the efficient use of natural resources and natural capital. In recent decades, economic growth has been largely based on the global depletion of natural capital. As UN experts note, environmental deficit and social injustice are defining features of the current economic model, which is very far from “green”)
