Lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary text. Prayer of the Weeping Virgin Mary Mother of God cry at the cross

On Holy and Great Friday evening

about the tenth hour of the day (at the 4th hour of the day - A.R.) they slander. And having blessed the priest, beginning with the lamp, I cried out to the Lord, and set verses 6: And we sing the stichera of self-harmony.

Voice 1:

All creation, changed by fear, beheld Thee hanging on the Cross, Christ: the sun was darkened, and the foundations of the earth shook, all to the compassion of the Creator of all things. You endured the will of us for our sake, Lord, glory to You. [Twice.]

Voice 2:

Do people learn wickedness and lawlessness in vain? Have you condemned everyone to death to death? It is a great miracle that the Creator of the world surrenders into the hands of the wicked, and the Lover of Mankind ascends to the tree, even in hell he frees the prisoners, calling: Long-suffering Lord, glory to Thee.

Today, behold You, the Immaculate Virgin, on the Cross the Word is exalted, weeping with the mother’s womb, wounded by the heart of the mountaineer, and groaning painfully from the depths of the soul, tormenting the face from the hair. Likewise, beating your hearts, you cry pitifully: alas for Me, Divine Child! Alas for Me, Light of the world! Why have you gone from my sight, Lamb of God? Likewise, hold the armies of the incorporeal in awe, saying: Incomprehensible Lord, glory to Thee.

Hanging on the tree, Christ, The Creator and God of all, Who without seed gave birth to Thee, cried out bitterly: My Son, where is the kindness that entered Thy face? I can’t stand to see You being crucified unrighteously. Strive, arise, for I also see Your three-day Resurrection from the dead.

Voice 6:

Today the Lord of creation stands before Pilate, and the Creator of all is given over to the Cross, like a lamb brought by His will: he is nailed down, and pierced in the ribs, and the manna that rained on his lips is given to drink, the Redeemer of the world is strangled on the doe, and the Creator of all is mocked by His servants. O Master of Humanity! About those who crucify, they pray to their Father, saying: Father, forgive them this sin: for they do not know iniquity, that they commit unrighteousness.

Glory, the same voice:

O what a lawless host of the King of creation, condemned to death, not ashamed of the good deed, even remembering beforehand, saying to them: My people, what have I done to you? Didn't I perform miracles for Judea? Have not the dead risen with one word? Have you not healed every sickness and disease? Why are you repaying Mi? Don't you remember Me? For the healing of the wounds inflicted on Me, killing on the stomach, hanging on a tree, like a villain, the Benefactor: like a lawless one, the Lawgiver: like a condemned one, the King of all. Long-suffering Lord, glory to You.

And now, the same voice:

The terrible and glorious sacrament is now being seen in action: the intangible is withheld: tied, releasing Adam from the oath: testing the hearts and bellies, unjustly tested: in prison is shut up, Who shuts the abyss: Pilate stands before Him with trepidation the heavenly powers: strangled by the hand of the creature Creator: on the tree condemned, judge the living and the dead: the Destroyer of Hell lies in the tomb. Who endured everything mercifully and saved everyone from the oath, O gentle Lord, glory to Thee.

Entrance with the Gospel. Quiet light:

Prokeimenon, tone 4:

Dividing My garments for myself and casting lots for My clothing.

Poem: O God, My God, see Mi, where have you forsaken Me?

Exodus reading. [Chapter 33.]

The Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as if someone had spoken to his friend, and he was sent away to the army: but the servant Joshua the son of Nun, the young man, did not come out of the tabernacle.
And Moses spoke to the Lord: Behold, you say to me, bring out this people. You did not show me whom you sent with me.
You told me: I know you more than anyone else, and grace is with Me. If I have found grace before You, show me Himself to You, so that I can see You rationally: for I will find grace before You, and let me know that Your people have a great tongue.
And the verb [to him the Lord]: I myself will go before you, and I will give you rest.
And Moses said to Him: If You Yourself do not go with us, do not bring me out of here. And how will it truly be known that I have found grace from Thee, and I and Thy people, even as I go with Thee with us: and I will be glorified, and I and Thy people, more than all the tongue, are the greatest on earth?
The Lord spoke to Moses: And this word I have spoken to you, I will do: for you have found this grace before Me, and I know you above all others. And Moses said: Show me Your glory.
And the Lord said to Moses: I will go before you with My glory, and I will call on My name, the Lord is before you: and I will have mercy, even as I have shown mercy;
And he said: You cannot see My Face, lest man see My Face and live.
And the Lord said: This place is with Me, and you will stand on the stones. When My Glory has passed away, I will put you in a cleft in the stone, and I will cover you with My hand until I pass by. And I will take away My hand, and then you will see My hindmost side: My face will not appear to You.

Prokeimenon, tone 4:
Judge, Lord, those who offend me, overcome those who fight me.

Poem: Take the weapon and the shield, and rise to my aid.

Job reading. [Chapter 42.]

The Lord bless the last Job, not the same as the first: he blessed his cattle, fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand velvets, a thousand oxen, a thousand herd donkeys. And he was born seven sons and three daughters. And he called the first, Day; the second, Cassius; the third, the Horn of Amaltheus. And not being found like the daughters of Job in the heavenly places, the father gave them an inheritance among their brethren. Job lived a hundred and seventy years after the plague; in all, he lived two hundred and fourty eight years. And Job saw his sons, and his sons' sons, even to fourth kind: And Job died, old and full of days. But the Scripture is again, rise up, and the Lord will raise it up with them: this is how it is interpreted from the Book of Syria. In the land of the living Ausitides, on the borders of Idumea and Arabia: before his name was Joab. Take an Arab wife and give birth to a son, whose name is Ennon. The same father was Zareth, the son of Esau, the mother of Bozarrah, as if he were the fifth from Abraham.

Reading the prophecies of Isaiah. [Chapter 52.]

Thus says the Lord: Behold, my servant will understand, and he will be exalted and greatly glorified. Just as many will be horrified at You, so Your appearance will be dishonored from man, and Your glory from the sons of men. Thus the many nations will be amazed at Him, and the kings will stop their mouths: because they have not heard about Him, they will see, and those who have not heard will understand. Lord, who believes our hearing? And to whom did the arm of the Lord reveal itself? We proclaimed that the Child was before him, like a root in a thirsty land, that there was no form of Him lower than glory: and we saw Him, and there was no name of form or kindness. But His appearance is dishonest, belittled more than all the sons of men: a man in the ulcer, and knowing to endure illness, as if he turned away His Face, he was dishonorable, and was not accounted for. This is our sins, and it hurts for us, and we impute His being in labor, and in an ulcer from God, and in embitterment. The same ulcer was for our sins, and it was tormented for our iniquities, the punishment of our peace was on Him, by His ulcer we were healed. All, like sheep, have gone astray: man has gone astray from his way, and the Lord gave up His sin for our sakes. And He became so embittered, and did not open His mouth: like a sheep being led to the slaughter, and like a lamb silent before His shearers, so He did not open His mouth. In His humility His judgment is taken, but who can confess His generation? As if His belly was lifted up from the earth, for the sake of the iniquities of My people, He was led to death. And I will give the wicked instead of His burial, and the rich instead of His death: for you will not commit iniquity, and flattery will be found in His mouth. And the Lord wants to cleanse Him from the ulcer: if sin is given, your soul will see the long-living seed. And the Lord wants with His hand to take away the disease from His soul, to show Him light, and to create with His mind, to justify the righteous one who serves many, and He will bear their sins. For this sake He will inherit many, and He will share the gain of the strong: His soul was handed over to death, and was imputed with the lawless, and He bore the sins of many, and He was handed over for their iniquities. Rejoice, O barren child, shout and cry, O woman without stomach pain, for many are more empty children than she who has a husband.

Prokeimenon of the Apostle, tone 6:
I have placed Me in the pit of the underworld, in the dark places and shadows of death. Verse: O Lord God of my salvation, I have cried before You by day and by night.

Apostle to the Corinthians, beginning 125 : Brotherhood, word of the cross: End: And He was crucified. Alleluia, tone 1: Feed me, O God, as water has come down into my soul. Verse: The desire of my soul and passion. Verse: Let their eyes be darkened, so that they cannot see.

Gospel of Matthew, beginning 110: At about the time he made a council with all the bishops: End: Directly to the grave. The same usual litany: Rtsem everything with all my heart:

And then: Vouchsafe, Lord: Let us perform the evening prayer: And so on. And upon exclamation we sing from verse stichera similar to 4.

Voice 2:

When You were dead from the tree, Arimathea took down all the Belly, wrapped myrrh and the shroud around You, Christ, and labored with love, kissing Your incorruptible Body with his heart and lips. Otherwise, overcome by fear, rejoicing, crying out to You: glory to Your condescension, O Lover of Mankind.

Poem: The Lord reigned, clothed with beauty.

When in the new tomb you relied for all, the Savior of all, the all-laughing hell, seeing You, was horrified, the faith was crushed, the gates were broken, the tombs were opened, the dead rose, then Adam, gratefully rejoicing, cried out to You: glory to Your condescension, O Lover of Mankind.

Poem: For establish the universe, even if it does not move.

When you were carnally imprisoned in the tomb, although you abided by the nature of the Divinity, Indescribable and Undefined, you imprisoned the treasures of death and exhausted all the kingdoms of hell, O Christ: then you also vouchsafed this Saturday to Divine blessing and glory, and to Your lordship.

Poem: Holiness befits Thy house, O Lord, for the length of days.

When I see Your strength in vain, O Christ, as a charmer slandered by the lawless, I am horrified at Your unspeakable long-suffering, and the stone of the tomb, sealed with my hands, perforates the image of Your imperishable ribs. Above all, we rejoice in our salvation when we cry out to You: glory to Your condescension, O Lover of Mankind.

Glory, and now, voice 5:

Wearing you with light, like a robe, Joseph fell from the tree with Nicodemus and, seeing the dead naked woman unburied, let us accept the compassionate cry, sobbing, saying: Alas for me, Sweetest Jesus! The sun hung in the distance on the Cross, having seen it covered with darkness, and the earth shook with fear, and the church curtain was torn: but now I see Thee, for my sake death has risen by will. How shall I bury Thee, my God, or with what shroud shall I wrap myself? With which hand shall I touch Your incorruptible Body? Or will I sing songs about Your exodus, O Generous One? I magnify Your Passion, I sing hymns and Your burial with the Resurrection, calling: Lord, glory to You.

Now you also release: the Trisagion. According to Our Father:

Troparion, tone 2:

The noble Joseph took down Your Most Pure Body from the tree, wrapped it in a clean shroud and covered it with stinks, and laid it in a new tomb.

Another troparion:

An angel appeared to the myrrh-bearing women at the tomb, crying out: peace is fitting for the dead. Christ, who is incorruptible, appeared as a stranger.

Wisdom and release.

We sing Compline in our cells, and in it we sing the canon about the crucifixion of the Lord and the lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos. Irmos twice, troparia for 4: follow the Irmos of both faces together.

Lamentation of the Mother of God
Creation of Simeon Logothetes. Voice 6.

Regarding this wondrous canon, the martyr priest Pavel Florensky writes:

“...When I first had a chance to read it, it somehow powerfully invaded my heart, and it seems that only then did the words of the prayer penetrate into my consciousness: “By Thy love, wound our heart.”

On several pages, a majestic tragedy passes before us: the crucifixion of the Righteous One, the burial of God, the inexpressible sorrow of the Mother, the despair of the disciples. But the limit of human sorrow and human horror is softened by the humility of the Divine and the foreshadowed joy of the resurrection and salvation of all creation.

Is there a breast that would not be wounded by the Lamentation of the Mother of God? I cannot imagine a soul so callous. But a man’s heart, which knows neither the torments nor the joys of motherhood, which does not see a part of its body in its child, will not experience a thousandth part of that sorrow for Christ together with the Most Pure Virgin, with which the hearts of mothers will shrink when reading the Lamentation. You, long-suffering ones, should have dedicated this Creation of Simeon Logothet, because you alone will truly experience it, suffer through it in your breasts and find in it a source of new joy. And someday you will go out into a decaying society to remind it of the torment and resurrection of our Lord.”

Song 1.

Irmos: For Israel, having walked on dry land in the abyss with their feet, saw the persecutor Pharaoh and was drowned. Let us sing a victorious song to God, crying out.

Chorus: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Promised as she saw on the Cross, the Son and the Lord, the Pure Virgin, tormented, crying out to the mountaineer, with other wives, groaning, saying.

I see You now, My beloved Child and beloved, hanging on the Cross, and I am wounded in my heart by the Highlander, the Pure speech: but give the word, O Good One, to Your Servant.

Glory: By the will, My Son and Creator, endure cruel death on the tree, the Virgin said, standing at the Cross with her beloved disciple.

And now: Now My aspiration, joy and gladness, My Son and Lord would be deprived: alas for Me, I am sick at heart, Pure, crying, says.

Song 3.

Irmos: There is no one holy like You, O Lord my God, who has lifted up the horn of Your faithful, O Good One, and established us on the rock of Your confession.

For the sake of the fear of the Jews, Peter hid himself, and all the faithful ran away, leaving Christ, the Virgin, weeping, said.

About Your terrible and strange Christmas, My Son, I was exalted more than all mothers: but alas for Me, now seeing You on the tree, I am burning in the womb.

Glory: I see My womb in my arms, in which I hold the Child, from the tree of reception, the Pure thing: but no one, alas for Me, gave this.

And now: Behold My Light, sweet, Hope and My Good Life, My God extinguished on the Cross, I am burning in my womb, Virgin, groaning, says.

Song 4.

Irmos: Christ is my strength, God and Lord, the honest Church sings divinely, crying out, celebrating in the Lord with pure meaning.

Don’t set the sun, Eternal God and Creator of all creatures, Lord, how can you endure the passion on the Cross? Clean, crying, verb.

Weeping, says the Braconial One for what is beautiful: strive, O Joseph, to approach Pilate and ask that Thy Teacher be taken down from the tree.

Glory: Seeing the Most Pure Mountaineer weeping, Joseph became embarrassed and, crying, approached Pilate: give me, crying out with tears, the Body of my God.

And now: Those who see You are wounded, and without glory, naked on the tree, My Child, I burst into flames with my womb, weeping like the Mother, the Virgin of your prophecy.

Song 5.

Irmos: With Thy God's light, O Blessed One, illumine the souls of Thy morning with love, I pray, Lead Thee, the Word of God, the True God, crying out from the darkness of sin.

Tormented and sobbing, and marveling along with Nicodemus, Joseph was taken down, and having kissed the Most Pure Body, weeping and groaning, and singing Him like God.

Having received Him with tears, the inexperienced Mother laid Him on her knee, praying to Him with tears and kissing Him, while the mountaineer wept and exclaimed.

Glory: One Hope and Life, Lord, My Son and God, in the eyes of Thy Servant I had the light, but now I would be deprived of them to You, My sweet Child and beloved.

And now: Sickness and sorrow and sighing have found Me, alas for Me, the Pure One, the mountaineer weeping, saying, seeing Thee, My beloved Child, naked and secluded, and anointed with the stench of the dead.

Song 6.

Irmos: The sea of ​​life, raised in vain by misfortunes and storms, flowed to Your quiet refuge, crying out to You: lift up my belly from aphids, O Most Merciful One.

I see You dead, Lover of mankind, reviving the dead, and containing everything, I am fiercely wounded in the womb. I would like to die with You, Most Pure One, in the words: I cannot bear to see You dead without breathing.

I am amazed to see You, Most Good God and Most Generous Lord, without glory, and without breath, and ugly: and I cry, holding You, for I did not hope, alas for Me, to see You, My Son and God.

Glory: Do you not utter the words of Your Servant, the Word of God? Won't you, O Lord, show mercy to the One who gave birth to You? Verb Pure, weeping and weeping, kissing the Body of Their Lord.

And now: I think, Master, that I will not hear Your sweet voice, nor see the kindness of Your Face, as before Your Servant: for You, My Son, have gone away from My sight.

Kontakion, tone 8:

For our sake, come, let us all sing to Him, for Mary saw Him on the tree and said: even if you endure the crucifixion, You are My Son and God.

Ikos: Seeing your Lamb drawn to the slaughter, Mary followed with outstretched hair with frosty wives, this crying: where are you going, Child? Why are you making a rapid flow? There is another food supply in Cana, and are you trying there now to make wine for them from the water? Am I going with You, Child, or will I rather wait for You? Give Me the word, the Word, do not silently pass by Me, keeping Me pure: for You are My Son and My God.

Song 7.

Irmos: The angel made the venerable cave into the venerable youth, and the Chaldeans, the scorching command of God, exhorted the tormentor to cry out: Blessed art thou, O God of our fathers.

Where, My Son and God, is the ancient annunciation that Gabriel spoke? Tsar Thee, the Son and God Most High is named: now I see Thee, My sweet Light, naked and wounded as a dead man.

Delivering sickness, now take Me with You, My Son and God, so that I may descend, O Master, into hell with You and Az: do not leave Me alone, for I no longer tolerate living without You seeing My sweet Light.

Glory: With other myrrh-bearing wives, the Immaculate Highlander wept, weeping, seeing Christ, saying: alas for Me, that I see! Where are you going now, My Son, and leaving Me alone?

And now: Exhausted and weeping, the Immaculate One said to the myrrh-bearers: weep for Me and cry to the Highlander: behold, My sweet Light and your Teacher are consigned to the grave.

Song 8.

Irmos: From the flames of the saints you poured dew and burned the righteous sacrifice with water: you did everything, O Christ, only as you wished. We extol You forever.

When Joseph saw the weeping virgin, he was torn to pieces and cried out bitterly: How can I bury You now, O my God? What shrouds will I wrap around Your Body?

The strange vision of Yours, carrying the entire creation of the Lord, surpasses the mind: for this reason Joseph, as if dead, carries You in his hand and carries and buries You with Nicodemus.

Glory: I see a strange and glorious mystery, the Virgin crying to the Son and the Lord: why are you placed in a bad tomb, raising the dead in their tombs by command?

And now: I will not rise from Thy grave, My Child, nor will Thy Servant cease to wear tears until I descend into hell: for I cannot endure Thy separation, My Son.

Song 9.

Irmos: It is not possible for man to see God; the angels do not dare to look upon the Worthiness: by You, O All-Pure One, the Word incarnate appeared as man: Who is magnified, with the heavenly howls we please You.

Joy will never touch Me from now on, weeping, saying the Immaculate One: My Light and My Joy will go into the grave: but I will not leave Him alone, here I will die and be buried with Him.

Heal now My spiritual ulcer, My Most Pure Child, crying out in tears: rise and assuage My illness and sorrow, for you can, Master, as much as you want and do, even if you were buried by your will.

Glory: Oh, how is the abyss of bounty hidden for You, the Lord speaking to the Mother in secret? For although I will save My creation, I deign to die, but I will also rise again and magnify You, as the God of heaven and earth.

And now: I will sing of Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and I bow to the riches of Thy mercy, O Master: for although Thou didst lift up Thy creation, death was lifted up, the Most Pure One said: but by Thy Resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all.

Also for Worthy:

irmos: It is impossible for man to see God:

Trisagion. According to Our Father:

Kontakion: For us for the sake of the Crucified: Lord, have mercy, 40 times. And at all times: Lord, have mercy, three times. Glory, even now: Most honorable Cherub: Bless in the name of the Lord, father.

Priest: Through the prayers of the saints our fathers:

And prayer: Undefiled, Unglamorous:

And let go. We will sing the Midnight Office in our cells.

Canon on the Crucifixion of the Lord and the Lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This canon was compiled in the 10th century AD by Saint Simeon Metaphrastus (Logothetus). Poems from it are read after Good Friday when the Lord had already died on the Cross. The reading takes place on Friday, during the Service.

The service itself is a reverent vigil before the tomb of the Savior and a funeral hymn to the Lord, the Immortal King of glory, who suffered for us.

The prayers of the Canon “Lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos” are filled with sorrow, the sadness of the Virgin Mary and the disciples of Jesus. In despair, the Mother of God finds consolation through prayer to the Lord. Jesus Christ expresses touching concern for Her. In a few words of the Son Holy Virgin finds relief from grief.

The canon “Lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos” should be in every home, written by hand. It is stored in a neat piece of paper.

Before writing, you should read at least one Gospel aloud to all family members. Fast for a week (exclude animal products, sweets, wine, tobacco), reading morning and evening prayers, then read the canon out loud for all family members and only then can you start writing the prayer. Reading the Canon gives reassurance to parents during the departure of their children, in spiritual sorrows, and sorrows.

And we should always remember that any bad deed of ours is a wound to the Most Holy Theotokos and Jesus Christ.

You are gradually changing for the better.


(On the crucifixion of the Lord and the lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Song 1

Irmos: As Israel walked through the abyss with their feet, seeing the persecutor Pharaoh drowned, we sing a victorious song to God, crying out to God.


Promised as she saw the Son and the Lord on the Cross, the Pure Virgin, tormented by a crying mountaineer, with other wives moaning in the verb.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

I see You now, My beloved Child and beloved, hanging on the Cross, and I am wounded in my heart by the Highlander, the Pure speech: but give the word, O Good One, to Thy servant.

Glory:By the will of My Son and Creator, endure cruel death on the Tree, the Virgin said, standing at the Cross with her beloved disciple.

And now:Now My aspiration, joy and gladness, My Son and Lord would be deprived: alas for Me, I am sick at heart, Pure weeping verb.

Song, 3

Irmos: There is no one as holy as You, Lord my God, who has exalted the horn of Your faithful, the Good One, and established us on the rock of Your confession.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

For the sake of the fear of the Jews, Peter hid himself, and all the faithful ran away, leaving Christ, the Virgin said weeping.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

About Your terrible and strange Christmas, My Son, I was exalted more than all mothers: but alas for Me, now seeing You on the Tree, my womb burns.

Glory:I want My Womb in my hand, as if I were holding a baby, from the Tree of Reception, the Pure thing: but no one, alas for Me, gave this.

And now:Behold My Sweet Light, my good hope and belly, my God extinguished on the Cross, I burn with my womb, the Virgin lamented the words.

Song 4

Irmos: Christ is my strength, God and Lord, the honest Church sings gloriously, crying out, celebrating in the Lord with pure meaning.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

The sun do not set, Eternal God, and Creator of all creatures, Lord, how you endured the Passion on the Cross, Pure weeping words.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Weeping in the words of the Brakoneskil, to the noble: Joseph strives to approach Pilate, and ask that your teacher be taken down from the Tree.

Glory:Seeing the Most Pure Mountaineer tear down, Joseph was embarrassed, and crying, approached Pilate, giving me, crying out with tears, the Body of my God.

And now:Those who see You are wounded, and without glory, naked on the Tree, My Child, I burn with my belly, weeping like Mother, the Virgin who proclaims.

Song 5

Irmos: With God's light, Thy Good One, I pray to illuminate the souls of You in the morning with love, Lead You to the Word of God, the true God, from the darkness of sin.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Torn to pieces and sobbing and marveling, Joseph was taken down with Nicodemus, and having kissed the Most Pure Body, weeping and groaning and singing to Him as if He were God.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Having received Him with tears, Mother of the Unmarried, laid Him on her knee, praying to Him with tears, and kissing Him, weeping and exclaiming.

Glory:I had one hope and life, My Lord Son and God, in the sight of the light of Thy servant, but now I would be deprived of it to You, My Sweet Child and Beloved.

And now:Sickness and sorrow and sighing have found Me, alas for Me, the Pure Mountaineer, weeping with words, seeing You, My Beloved Child, naked and alone, and anointed with the stench of the Dead.

Song 6

Irmos: The sea of ​​life, raised in vain by misfortunes and storms, flowed to Your quiet refuge crying out to You: lift up my belly from aphids, O Most Merciful One.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

I see You dead, Lover of mankind, who brought the dead to life, and containing everything, I am wounded by the fierceness of the womb; I would like to die with You, Most Pure One, in the words: I cannot bear to see You dead without breathing.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

I marvel at the sight of You, Most Good God and Most Generous Lord, without glory and without breath, and ugly, and I weep holding You, for I did not hope, alas for Me, to see You, My Son and God.

Glory:Will you not speak your words to Your Servant, the Word of God? Would you not, O Lord, show mercy to the one who gave birth to You, as the verb is Pure, weeping and weeping, kissing the Body of Your Lord.

And now:I think, Master, that I will not hear Your sweet voice, nor see the kindness of Your face, as I did before Your Servant; for thou My Son has gone away from My sight.

Kontakion, tone 8

For our sake, come, let us all sing of Him, for Mary saw Him on the Tree, and said: Even if you endure the crucifixion, You are My Son and God.


The Lamb saw her Lamb, drawn to the slaughter, Mary followed with outstretched hair with her hoar-frosted women, crying out: where are you going, Child, why are you making a rapid progress? food there is another marriage again in Cana, and there you are now trying to make wine for them from the water? Am I going with You, Child, or rather will I wait for You? give Me a word, the Word, do not silently pass by Me, keeping Me pure: for You are My Son and My God.

Song 7

Irmos: The angel made the venerable cave a venerable youth, and the Chaldeans, the scorching command of God, admonished the tormentor to cry out: Blessed art thou, God, our fathers.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Where, My Son and God, is the ancient annunciation that Gabriel spoke? Tsar Thee, the Son and God Most High is named: now I see Thee, My Sweet Light, naked and wounded as a Dead Man.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Delivering sickness, now accept Me with You, My Son and God, so that I may descend, O Master, into hell with You and I, do not leave Me alone: ​​for I no longer tolerate living without seeing You My Sweet Light.

Glory:With other myrrh-bearing wives, the Immaculate Highlander wept and carried, seeing Christ, saying: alas for Me, that I see! Where are you going now, My Son, and leaving Me alone?

And now:Exhausted and weeping, the Immaculate One said to the myrrh-bearers: weep for Me, and the mountaineers cry: behold, My Sweet Light, and your Teacher is surrendered to the Sepulchre.

Song 8

Irmos: From the flame you poured out dew from the saints, and you burned the righteous sacrifice with water: for you did everything, O Christ, only as you wished; We extol You forever.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

When Joseph saw the weeping virgin, he was torn to pieces and cried out bitterly: How can I now bury You, O My God? What shrouds will I wrap around Your Body?

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Your strange vision of the Lord carrying all creation is beyond the mind: for this reason Joseph, as if dead in his hand, carries You with Nicodemus and buries You.

Glory:I see a strange and glorious mystery, the Virgin crying out to the Son and the Lord: how are you supposed to be in a bad tomb, raising the dead in their tombs by command?

And now:I will not rise from Thy Sepulcher, My Child, nor will Thy Servant cease to weep tears until I descend into hell: for I cannot endure My separation, My Son.

Song 9

Irmos: It is impossible for a man to see God, the Angels do not dare to look at the Worthiness: But by You, O All-Pure One, the Word incarnate appeared as a man: He and the heavenly Ones please You.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Joy will never touch Me from now on, the Immaculate One sobbingly said: My Light and My Joy will go into the Tomb: but I will not leave Him alone, here I will die, and I will be buried with Him.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Heal now My spiritual ulcer, My Most Pure Child, crying out in tears: rise again, and assuage My illness and sorrow, for you can, Master, as much as you want, and do, even if you were buried by your will.

Glory:O how has the abyss of shedrot been hidden from you? The Lord said to the mother in secret, for although I wish to save my creature, I will die. But I will also rise again, and I will magnify You, as the God of heaven and earth.

And now:I will sing of Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and I bow to the riches of Thy mercy, O Master: for although Thou didst lift up Thy creation, death was lifted up, the Most Pure One said: but by Thy Resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all.

Also for Worthy: irmos: It is impossible for man to see God:


Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the tightness of our souls. Looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by our arrows that torment You. Do not let us, merciful Mother, perish in our hard-heartedness and from the hard-heartedness of our neighbors, for You are truly the softener of evil hearts.


O Long-suffering Mother of God, who surpassed all the daughters of the earth in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but as you who have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the One God, now and ever and forever centuries. Amen.

Lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

(Canon on the Crucifixion of the Lord and the lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Creation of Simeon Logothetes

The first version in Old Church Slavonic

1. Promised as she saw the Son and the Lord on the cross, the Pure Virgin was tormented, crying out to the mountaineer, with other wives moaning and saying:

2. I see You now, My beloved Child and beloved, hanging on the cross and I am wounded in my heart, the Pure speech: but give the word, O Good One, to Your servant.

3. By the will, My Son and Creator, endure cruel death on the tree, the Virgin said, standing at the cross with her beloved disciple.

4. Now I have been deprived of My hope, joy and gladness, My Son and Lord: alas for Me! I am sick at heart, pure crying verb.

5. For the sake of the fear of the Jews, Peter hid himself, and everyone fled back to the faithful, and abandoned Christ, the Virgin said weeping.

6. About Your terrible and strange Christmas, My Son, I was exalted above all mothers: but alas for Me! Now, seeing You on the tree, my womb is burning.

7. I see My Womb in my arms, in which I held the Child, from the tree of reception, the Pure thing: but no one, woe is Me, gave this.

8. Behold, My sweet light, My good hope and belly, My God is extinguished on the cross, I am inflamed in the womb, The Virgin groans and speaks.

9. The sun never sets, Eternal God and Creator of all creatures, Lord, how you endured the passion on the cross, Pure weeping verb.

10. Weeping with the verb, the unskilled one for the noble: strive, Joseph, to approach Pilate and ask that your Teacher be taken down from the tree.

11. Seeing the Most Pure Mountaineer weeping, Joseph became embarrassed and, crying, approached Pilate: give me, crying out with tears, the body of my God.

12. Seeing Thee wounded and naked without glory on the tree, My Child, I burst into flames with my womb, weeping like the Mother, the Virgin of Thy prophecy.

13. Torn to pieces and sobbing and marveling, Joseph was taken down along with Nicodemus, and having kissed the most pure body, weeping and groaning, and girded Him like God.

14. Having received Him with tears, the inexperienced Mother laid Him on her knee, praying to Him with tears and kissing him, while the mountaineer wept and exclaimed.

15. One hope and life, My Lord Son and God, in the eyes of Thy servant I had the light, but now I would be deprived of it to You, My sweet Child and beloved.

16. Sickness and sorrow and sighing have come upon me, alas for Me, the Pure Highlander, weeping with her words, seeing You, My beloved Child, naked and alone, and anointed with the stench of the dead.

17. I see You dead, O lover of mankind, revived the dead, and containing everything, I am wounded by the fierceness of the womb: I would like to die with You, Most Pure One, says; I can’t stand it because you’re dead without breathing.

18. I marvel at those who see You, most good God and all-wise Lord, without glory, and without breath, and ugly, and I weep, holding You, for I had no hope, alas for Me! See You, My Son and God!

19. Dost thou not speak unto Thy servant the word, the Word of God? Would you not, O Lord, show mercy to the one who gave birth to You? the verb Pure, weeping and weeping, kissing the body of their Lord.

20. I think, Master, that I will not hear your sweet voice; nor shall I see the kindness of Thy face, as Thy servant was before: for Thou art gone, O My Son, from before My sight.

21. For the sake of the Crucified One, come, let us all sing. Because Mary saw Him on the tree and said, even if you endured the crucifixion, You are My Son and My God.

22. Seeing her Lamb drawn to the slaughter, Mary followed with outstretched hair with her frosty wives, crying out: Where are you going, Child? Why are you making a rapid flow? When is there another marriage again in Cana, and are you trying there now to make wine for them from the water? Am I going with You, Child, or will I rather wait for You? Give me your word, the Word, do not silently pass by Me, keeping Me pure. For you are My Son and My God.

23. Where, My Son and God, is the ancient annunciation that Gabriel spoke? You are called the King of Thee, the Son and God of the Most High: now I see Thee, My sweet Light, naked and wounded as a dead man.

24. Eliminate sickness, now accept Me with You, My Son and God, so that I may descend, O Master, into hell with You and I, do not leave Me alone, for I no longer tolerate living without seeing You, My sweet Light.

25. With other myrrh-bearing wives, the Immaculate Highlander wept and wore, seeing Christ, saying: alas for Me, what do I see? Where are you going now, My Son, and leaving Me alone?

26. Exhausted and weeping, the Immaculate One said to the myrrh-bearers: weep for Me and weep, O mountaineer, behold, my sweet Light and your Teacher is consigned to the grave.

27. When Joseph saw the weeping virgin, she was torn to pieces and cried out bitterly: How can I bury You now, O My God, Your servant? What shrouds will I wrap around Your body?

28. Your strange vision of the Lord carrying all creation is beyond the mind: for this reason Joseph, as if dead, carries You in his hand and carries and buries You with Nicodemus.

29. I see a strange and glorious mystery, the Virgin crying to the Son and the Lord: as they are placed in an evil tomb, the dead are raised up in the tombs by command.

30. I will not rise from Thy grave, My Child, nor will Thy servant wear away tears until I go down to hell: for I cannot endure Thy separation, My Son.

31. Joy will not touch me in any way, the Immaculate One sobbingly said: My light and my joy have entered the grave. But I will not leave Him alone: ​​here I will die and be buried with Him.

32. Now heal My spiritual ulcer, My Child, the Most Pure One, crying out with tears: rise again and assuage My illness and sorrow; You can, Vladyka, do as much as you want, even if you were buried by your will.

33. Oh, how has the abyss of bounties been hidden from you, the Lord speaking to the Mother in secret? For although I may save my creature, I deign to die; but I will also rise again and magnify You, as the God of heaven and earth.

34. I will sing of Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and I bow to the riches of Thy mercy, O Master: for even though Thy creation was saved, Thou didst lift up death, said the Most Pure One; but by Your resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all!

Second option in Russian

1. The Pure Virgin, seeing her Son and Lord (Her) hanging on the cross, groaning sorrowfully, tormented and crying out together with the other wives, (thus) said:

2. “Seeing You now, My beloved Child, hanging on the cross, I am bitterly wounded in my heart,” said the pure one. “Speak, O Good One, a word to Thy servant.”

3. “My Son and Creator! You voluntarily endure cruel death on the tree,” said the Virgin, standing at the cross with her beloved disciple.

4. “Now I have lost my hope, joy and gladness - my Son and Lord: woe is Me! My heart hurts!” Pure spoke with tears.

5. “Out of fear of the Jews, Peter hid and all the faithful fled, leaving Christ,” said the Virgin, sobbing.

6. “By your wonderful and unknown birth, My Son, I was exalted before all mothers. But woe is Me! Now, at the sight of You on the cross, My womb is on fire.

7. I see Him who was born by Me and I stretch out my hands to receive Him from the cross. But no one, alas! Doesn't give it to me.

8. Behold My sweet light, My dear hope and life, My God died on the cross! My insides are on fire!” said the Virgin, groaning.

9. “Never-setting sun, Eternal God, Creator and Lord of all creations! How do you endure suffering on the cross?” said Pure, crying.

10. She who had not known marriage said, crying to the noble one: “Joseph! Hurry to Pilate and ask permission to remove your Teacher from the tree.”

11. Joseph, seeing the Most Pure One weeping bitterly, was embarrassed and weeping came to Pilate and said with tears: “Give me the body of my God.”

12. Seeing You covered with sores, dishonored and naked on the tree, weeping like a Mother, the Virgin said: “My child! Fire burns My insides."

13. Tormented and amazed, Joseph, together with Nicodemus, sobbing, took down the most pure body (of the Crucified One) and with lamentations sang Him as God.

14. His husbandless Mother received Him with tears, laid Him on her knees and with tears and bitter sobs begged Him, showered Him with kisses and exclaimed:

15. “You, Master, My Son and God, I, Your servant, had the only hope, life and light of eyes. But now I have lost You, my sweetest and beloved child!

16. Alas! “Sadness and grief and sighing torment Me,” said the Pure One, “weeping bitterly when I see You, My beloved Child, naked, abandoned and anointed with aromas of a dead man.

17. I see You dead, lover of mankind, who raised the dead and contains everything, and My womb is wounded by fierce sorrow. “I would like to die with You,” said the Most Pure One, “for it is unbearable for Me to see You as a lifeless corpse.”

18. I am amazed to see You, most gracious God and most generous Lord, without glory, without breath, without beauty. I hold You in my arms and cry, without hope - woe is Me! - to see You more, My Son and My God!

19. Won’t You speak a word to Your servant, O Word of God? Will you not, O Master, show mercy to the one who gave birth to You?” the Pure One spoke, crying, sobbing and kissing Her Lord.

20. “It seems that I, Thy servant, O Lord, will no longer hear Your sweet voice and will not see, as before, the beauty of Your face: for You, My Son, have hidden yourself from My eyes!”

21. Come, all of you, let us glorify Him who was crucified for us, Whom Mary, seeing on the tree, said: “Although You endure crucifixion, You are My Son and God.”

22. Following, along with the other wives, her Angle, who was being drawn to the slaughter, with her hair flowing, the lamb Mary cried out: “Where are you going, Child? Why are you in such a hurry? Or is there a new marriage taking place in Cana, and You rush there to turn water into wine for them? Should I go with You, Child, or is it better to wait for You? O Word! say one word to Me; do not pass by Me in silence, You who have kept Me pure: for You are My Son and My God.

23. “Where is My Son and God, the former gospel that Gabriel told Me? He called You the King, the Son of God and the Most High God: but now I see You, My sweet Light, so that I, Master, may go down with You into hell. Do not leave Me alone, for I can no longer bear to live without seeing You, My sweet Light!”

25. Weeping bitterly with the other myrrh-bearing wives and seeing Christ carried, the Immaculate One said: “Woe is Me! What do I see? Where are you going now, My Son, leaving Me alone?

26. Exhausted from sobs, the Immaculate One said to the myrrh-bearers: “Weep and weep bitterly with Me, for My sweet Light and your teacher is placed in the grave.”

27. Joseph, seeing the sobbing Virgin, was tormented and cried out bitterly: “How can I, Your servant, bury You, my God? What shrouds shall I wrap around Your body?”

28. The amazing sight surpasses the mind: Joseph and Nicodemus carry the Lord, bearing all creation, in their arms and bury him.

29. “I see an amazing and glorious mystery,” the Virgin cried out to the Son and Lord: “how are You laid in a simple tomb, Who called the dead from their graves with a word?

30. I will not depart from Your tomb, My Child, and I, Your servant, will not stop shedding tears, until I also descend into hell: for I cannot bear it.

31. From now on, joy will never touch Me, said the sobbing Immaculate One: “My light and My joy have rolled into the grave.” But I will not leave Him alone: ​​I will die here and be buried with Him.

32. Heal my spiritual wound, My Child! - the Most Pure One cried with tears. - Resurrect and satisfy My sorrow and sorrow: for You can do whatever you want, although you were buried voluntarily.”

33. “Oh, how was the abyss of mercy hidden from you? - the Lord said secretly to the Mother. - For, wanting to save My creation, I deigned to die; but I will rise again and magnify You as the God of heaven and earth.”

34. “I sing Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and worship the riches of Thy mercy, O Master! For, desiring to save Your creation, You accepted death,” said the Most Pure One. “But by Your resurrection, Savior, have mercy on us all!”

In detail: the lament of the Virgin Mary - prayer - from all open sources and different parts of the world on the site for our dear readers.

Complete collection and description: prayer of the Weeping Mother of God for the spiritual life of a believer.

On a Friday afternoon

In the holy city of Jerusalem

The Holy Virgin cried and walked,

With her were three myrrh-bearing wives.

In the city to meet them

Two Jews are coming.

“Where have you, Jews, been, where are you going?”

What will two Jews say to the Virgin:

“We now live in Jerusalem,

And we were there, tormenting Jesus Christ.

Beaten, tormented, thrown into prison,

At six o'clock on Friday they crucified him,

Legs and arms nailed.

They placed a crown on his head,

His torments and wounds cannot be counted;

They pierced Jesus in the ribs with a spear,

The earth was stained with his blood.”

The Holy Virgin heard their words,

She was unconscious for more than an hour,

She hit the ground and was barely alive.

The Blessed Virgin will groan and cry,

In grief he says:

“Alas, mother earth, take me to you

Prayer of the Weeping Virgin Mary

Lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Creation of Simeon Logothetes

In Old Church Slavonic

Translation into Russian

Lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

(Canon on the Crucifixion of the Lord and the lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

2. I see You now, My beloved Child and beloved, hanging on the cross and I am wounded in my heart, the Pure speech: but give the word, O Good One, to Your servant.

3. By the will, My Son and Creator, endure cruel death on the tree, the Virgin said, standing at the cross with her beloved disciple.

4. Now I have been deprived of My hope, joy and gladness, My Son and Lord: alas for Me! I am sick at heart, pure crying verb.

5. For the sake of the fear of the Jews, Peter hid himself, and everyone fled back to the faithful, and abandoned Christ, the Virgin said weeping.

6. About Your terrible and strange Christmas, My Son, I was exalted above all mothers: but alas for Me! Now, seeing You on the tree, my womb is burning.

7. I see My Womb in my arms, in which I held the Child, from the tree of reception, the Pure thing: but no one, woe is Me, gave this.

8. Behold, My sweet light, My good hope and belly, My God is extinguished on the cross, I am inflamed in the womb, The Virgin groans and speaks.

9. The sun never sets, Eternal God and Creator of all creatures, Lord, how you endured the passion on the cross, Pure weeping verb.

10. Weeping with the verb, the unskilled one for the noble: strive, Joseph, to approach Pilate and ask that your Teacher be taken down from the tree.

11. Seeing the Most Pure Mountaineer weeping, Joseph became embarrassed and, crying, approached Pilate: give me, crying out with tears, the body of my God.

12. Seeing Thee wounded and naked without glory on the tree, My Child, I burst into flames with my womb, weeping like the Mother, the Virgin of Thy prophecy.

13. Torn to pieces and sobbing and marveling, Joseph was taken down along with Nicodemus, and having kissed the most pure body, weeping and groaning, and girded Him like God.

14. Having received Him with tears, the inexperienced Mother laid Him on her knee, praying to Him with tears and kissing him, while the mountaineer wept and exclaimed.

15. One hope and life, My Lord Son and God, in the eyes of Thy servant I had the light, but now I would be deprived of it to You, My sweet Child and beloved.

16. Sickness and sorrow and sighing have come upon me, alas for Me, the Pure Highlander, weeping with her words, seeing You, My beloved Child, naked and alone, and anointed with the stench of the dead.

17. I see You dead, O lover of mankind, revived the dead, and containing everything, I am wounded by the fierceness of the womb: I would like to die with You, Most Pure One, says; I can’t stand it because you’re dead without breathing.

18. I marvel at those who see You, most good God and all-wise Lord, without glory, and without breath, and ugly, and I weep, holding You, for I had no hope, alas for Me! See You, My Son and God!

19. Dost thou not speak unto Thy servant the word, the Word of God? Would you not, O Lord, show mercy to the one who gave birth to You? the verb Pure, weeping and weeping, kissing the body of their Lord.

20. I think, Master, that I will not hear your sweet voice; nor shall I see the kindness of Thy face, as Thy servant was before: for Thou art gone, O My Son, from before My sight.

21. For the sake of the Crucified One, come, let us all sing. Because Mary saw Him on the tree and said, even if you endured the crucifixion, You are My Son and My God.

22. Seeing her Lamb drawn to the slaughter, Mary followed with outstretched hair with her frosty wives, crying out: Where are you going, Child? Why are you making a rapid flow? When is there another marriage again in Cana, and are you trying there now to make wine for them from the water? Am I going with You, Child, or will I rather wait for You? Give me your word, the Word, do not silently pass by Me, keeping Me pure. For you are My Son and My God.

23. Where, My Son and God, is the ancient annunciation that Gabriel spoke? You are called the King of Thee, the Son and God of the Most High: now I see Thee, My sweet Light, naked and wounded as a dead man.

24. Eliminate sickness, now accept Me with You, My Son and God, so that I may descend, O Master, into hell with You and I, do not leave Me alone, for I no longer tolerate living without seeing You, My sweet Light.

25. With other myrrh-bearing wives, the Immaculate Highlander wept and wore, seeing Christ, saying: alas for Me, what do I see? Where are you going now, My Son, and leaving Me alone?

26. Exhausted and weeping, the Immaculate One said to the myrrh-bearers: weep for Me and weep, O mountaineer, behold, my sweet Light and your Teacher is consigned to the grave.

27. When Joseph saw the weeping virgin, she was torn to pieces and cried out bitterly: How can I bury You now, O My God, Your servant? What shrouds will I wrap around Your body?

28. Your strange vision of the Lord carrying all creation is beyond the mind: for this reason Joseph, as if dead, carries You in his hand and carries and buries You with Nicodemus.

29. I see a strange and glorious mystery, the Virgin crying to the Son and the Lord: as they are placed in an evil tomb, the dead are raised up in the tombs by command.

30. I will not rise from Thy grave, My Child, nor will Thy servant wear away tears until I go down to hell: for I cannot endure Thy separation, My Son.

31. Joy will not touch me in any way, the Immaculate One sobbingly said: My light and my joy have entered the grave. But I will not leave Him alone: ​​here I will die and be buried with Him.

32. Now heal My spiritual ulcer, My Child, the Most Pure One, crying out with tears: rise again and assuage My illness and sorrow; You can, Vladyka, do as much as you want, even if you were buried by your will.

33. Oh, how has the abyss of bounties been hidden from you, the Lord speaking to the Mother in secret? For although I may save my creature, I deign to die; but I will also rise again and magnify You, as the God of heaven and earth.

34. I will sing of Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and I bow to the riches of Thy mercy, O Master: for even though Thy creation was saved, Thou didst lift up death, said the Most Pure One; but by Your resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all!

(for better understanding of the text being read)

2. “Seeing You now, My beloved Child, hanging on the cross, I am bitterly wounded in my heart,” said the pure one. “Speak, O Good One, a word to Thy servant.”

3. “My Son and Creator! You voluntarily endure a cruel death on the tree,” said the Virgin, standing at the cross with her beloved disciple.

4. “Now I have lost my hope, joy and gladness - my Son and Lord: woe is Me! My heart hurts!” Pure spoke with tears.

5. “Out of fear of the Jews, Peter hid and all the faithful fled, leaving Christ,” said the Virgin, sobbing.

6. “By your wonderful and unknown birth, My Son, I was exalted before all mothers. But woe is Me! Now, at the sight of You on the cross, My womb is on fire.

7. I see Him who was born by Me and I stretch out my hands to receive Him from the cross. But no one, alas! Doesn't give it to me.

8. Behold My sweet light, My dear hope and life, My God died on the cross! My insides are on fire!” said the Virgin, groaning.

9. “Never-setting sun, Eternal God, Creator and Lord of all creations! How do you endure suffering on the cross?” said Pure, crying.

10. She who had not known marriage said, crying to the noble one: “Joseph! Hurry to Pilate and ask permission to remove your Teacher from the tree.”

11. Joseph, seeing the Most Pure One weeping bitterly, was embarrassed and weeping came to Pilate and said with tears: “Give me the body of my God.”

12. Seeing You covered with sores, dishonored and naked on the tree, weeping like a Mother, the Virgin said: “My child! Fire burns My insides."

13. Tormented and amazed, Joseph, together with Nicodemus, sobbing, took down the most pure body (of the Crucified One) and with lamentations sang Him as God.

14. His husbandless Mother received Him with tears, laid Him on her knees and with tears and bitter sobs begged Him, showered Him with kisses and exclaimed:

15. “You, Master, My Son and God, I, Your servant, had the only hope, life and light of eyes. But now I have lost You, my sweetest and beloved child!

16. Alas! “Sadness and sorrow and sighing torment Me,” said the Pure One, “weeping bitterly when I see You, My beloved Child, naked, abandoned and anointed with aromas of a dead man.

17. I see You dead, lover of mankind, who raised the dead and contains everything, and My womb is wounded by fierce sorrow. “I would like to die with You,” said the Most Pure One, “for it is unbearable for Me to see You as a lifeless corpse.

18. I am amazed to see You, most gracious God and most generous Lord, without glory, without breath, without beauty. I hold You in my arms and cry, without hope - woe is Me! - to see You more, My Son and My God!

19. Won’t You speak a word to Your servant, O Word of God? Will you not, O Master, show mercy to the one who gave birth to You?” the Pure One spoke, crying, sobbing and kissing Her Lord.

20. “It seems that I, Thy servant, O Lord, will no longer hear Your sweet voice and will not see, as before, the beauty of Your face: for You, My Son, have hidden yourself from My eyes!”

21. Come, all of you, let us glorify Him who was crucified for us, Whom Mary, seeing on the tree, said: “Although You endure crucifixion, You are My Son and God.”

22. Following, along with the other wives, her Lamb, who was being drawn to the slaughter, with her hair flowing, the lamb Mary cried out: “Where are you going, Child? Why are you in such a hurry? Or is there a new marriage taking place in Cana, and You rush there to turn water into wine for them? Should I go with You, Child, or is it better to wait for You? O Word! say one word to Me; do not pass by Me in silence, You who have kept Me pure: for You are My Son and My God.

23. “Where is My Son and God, the former gospel that Gabriel told Me? He called You the King, the Son of God and the Most High God: but now I see You, My sweet Light, naked and dead.

24. Healer of diseases, now take Me with You, My Son and God, so that I, Master, may go with You into hell. Do not leave Me alone, for I can no longer bear to live without seeing You, My sweet Light!”

25. Weeping bitterly with the other myrrh-bearing wives and seeing Christ carried, the Immaculate One said: “Woe is Me! What do I see? Where are you going now, My Son, leaving Me alone?

26. Exhausted from sobs, the Immaculate One said to the myrrh-bearers: “Weep and weep bitterly with Me, for My sweet Light and your teacher is placed in the grave.”

27. Joseph, seeing the sobbing Virgin, was tormented and cried out bitterly: “How can I, Your servant, bury You, my God? What shrouds shall I wrap around Your body?”

28. The amazing sight surpasses the mind: Joseph and Nicodemus carry the Lord, bearing all creation, in their arms and bury him.

29. “I see an amazing and glorious mystery,” the Virgin cried to the Son and the Lord: “how are You laid in a simple tomb, Who called the dead from their graves with a word?

30. I will not depart from Your tomb, My Child, and I, Your servant, will not stop shedding tears, until I also descend into hell: for I cannot bear it.

31. From now on, joy will never touch Me, said the sobbing Immaculate One: “My light and My joy have rolled into the grave.” But I will not leave Him alone: ​​I will die here and be buried with Him.

32. Heal my spiritual wound, My Child! - the Most Pure One cried with tears. - Resurrect and satisfy My grief and sorrow: for You can do whatever you want, although you were buried voluntarily.”

33. “Oh, how was the abyss of mercy hidden from you? - the Lord said secretly to the Mother. – For, wanting to save My creation, I deigned to die; but I will rise again and magnify You as the God of heaven and earth.”

34. “I sing Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and worship the riches of Thy mercy, O Master! For, having desired to save Your creation, You accepted death,” said the Most Pure One. “But by Your resurrection, Savior, have mercy on us all!”

The celebration of the icon “Lamentation of the Mother of God” takes place on the Great Friday of Holy Week.

What do people pray for in the Lamentation of the Mother of God icon?: pray for deliverance from mental suffering.

Icon of the Mother of God “Lamentation of the Mother of God”

Prayer to the icon of the Mother of God “Lamentation of the Mother of God”

O Most Pure Lady Theotokos, Hope of our salvation! Look mercifully at Thy people, who stand with faith and love and worship Thy most pure image: Accept our singing of praise and pour out Thy warm prayer for us sinners to the Lord, that, despising all our sins, He will save and have mercy on us. We also pray to You with tenderness: deliver us from all sorrow and deadly ulcers, give us Your merciful help, do not reject our tears and sighs, do not forget us all the days of our life: but always remain with us, and through Your intercession and intercession with the Lord Give us joy, consolation, protection and help, so that we glorify and magnify Your Most Blessed and All-Sung Name forever and ever. Amen.

Detailed description from several sources: “The Weeping Prayer to the Virgin Mary” - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

Prayer to the Mother of God Weeping

Lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Akathists to the Blessed Virgin Mary Icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This canon was compiled in the 10th century AD by Saint Simeon Metaphrastus (Logothetus). Poems from it are read after Good Friday, when the Lord had already died on the Cross. The reading takes place on Friday, during the Service.

The service itself is a reverent vigil before the tomb of the Savior and a funeral hymn to the Lord, the Immortal King of glory, who suffered for us.

The prayers of the Canon “Lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos” are filled with sorrow, the sadness of the Virgin Mary and the disciples of Jesus. In despair, the Mother of God finds consolation through prayer to the Lord. Jesus Christ expresses touching concern for Her. In a few words of the Son, the Blessed Virgin finds satisfaction of sorrow.

The canon “Lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos” should be in every home, written by hand. It is stored in a neat piece of paper.

Before writing, you should read at least one Gospel aloud to all family members. Fast for a week (exclude animal products, sweets, wine, tobacco), reading morning and evening prayers, then read the canon out loud for all family members and only then can you start writing the prayer. Reading the Canon gives reassurance to parents during the departure of their children, in spiritual sorrows, and sorrows.

And we should always remember that any bad deed of ours is a wound to the Most Holy Theotokos and Jesus Christ.

You are gradually changing for the better.

Lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

(Canon on the Crucifixion of the Lord and the lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Creation of Simeon Logothetes

In Old Church Slavonic

1. Promised as she saw the Son and the Lord on the cross, the Pure Virgin was tormented, crying out to the mountaineer, with other wives moaning and saying:

2. I see You now, My beloved Child and beloved, hanging on the cross and I am wounded in my heart, the Pure speech: but give the word, O Good One, to Your servant.

3. By the will, My Son and Creator, endure cruel death on the tree, the Virgin said, standing at the cross with her beloved disciple.

4. Now I have been deprived of My hope, joy and gladness, My Son and Lord: alas for Me! I am sick at heart, pure crying verb.

5. For the sake of the fear of the Jews, Peter hid himself, and everyone fled back to the faithful, and abandoned Christ, the Virgin said weeping.

6. About Your terrible and strange Christmas, My Son, I was exalted above all mothers: but alas for Me! Now, seeing You on the tree, my womb is burning.

7. I see My Womb in my arms, in which I held the Child, from the tree of reception, the Pure thing: but no one, woe is Me, gave this.

8. Behold, My sweet light, My good hope and belly, My God is extinguished on the cross, I am inflamed in the womb, The Virgin groans and speaks.

9. The sun never sets, Eternal God and Creator of all creatures, Lord, how you endured the passion on the cross, Pure weeping verb.

10. Weeping with the verb, the unskilled one for the noble: strive, Joseph, to approach Pilate and ask that your Teacher be taken down from the tree.

11. Seeing the Most Pure Mountaineer weeping, Joseph became embarrassed and, crying, approached Pilate: give me, crying out with tears, the body of my God.

12. Seeing Thee wounded and naked without glory on the tree, My Child, I burst into flames with my womb, weeping like the Mother, the Virgin of Thy prophecy.

13. Torn to pieces and sobbing and marveling, Joseph was taken down along with Nicodemus, and having kissed the most pure body, weeping and groaning, and girded Him like God.

14. Having received Him with tears, the inexperienced Mother laid Him on her knee, praying to Him with tears and kissing him, while the mountaineer wept and exclaimed.

15. One hope and life, My Lord Son and God, in the eyes of Thy servant I had the light, but now I would be deprived of it to You, My sweet Child and beloved.

16. Sickness and sorrow and sighing have come upon me, alas for Me, the Pure Highlander, weeping with her words, seeing You, My beloved Child, naked and alone, and anointed with the stench of the dead.

17. I see You dead, O lover of mankind, revived the dead, and containing everything, I am wounded by the fierceness of the womb: I would like to die with You, Most Pure One, says; I can’t stand it because you’re dead without breathing.

18. I marvel at those who see You, most good God and all-wise Lord, without glory, and without breath, and ugly, and I weep, holding You, for I had no hope, alas for Me! See You, My Son and God!

19. Dost thou not speak unto Thy servant the word, the Word of God? Would you not, O Lord, show mercy to the one who gave birth to You? the verb Pure, weeping and weeping, kissing the body of their Lord.

20. I think, Master, that I will not hear your sweet voice; nor shall I see the kindness of Thy face, as Thy servant was before: for Thou art gone, O My Son, from before My sight.

21. For the sake of the Crucified One, come, let us all sing. Because Mary saw Him on the tree and said, even if you endured the crucifixion, You are My Son and My God.

22. Seeing her Lamb drawn to the slaughter, Mary followed with outstretched hair with her frosty wives, crying out: Where are you going, Child? Why are you making a rapid flow? When is there another marriage again in Cana, and are you trying there now to make wine for them from the water? Am I going with You, Child, or will I rather wait for You? Give me your word, the Word, do not silently pass by Me, keeping Me pure. For you are My Son and My God.

23. Where, My Son and God, is the ancient annunciation that Gabriel spoke? You are called the King of Thee, the Son and God of the Most High: now I see Thee, My sweet Light, naked and wounded as a dead man.

24. Eliminate sickness, now accept Me with You, My Son and God, so that I may descend, O Master, into hell with You and I, do not leave Me alone, for I no longer tolerate living without seeing You, My sweet Light.

25. With other myrrh-bearing wives, the Immaculate Highlander wept and wore, seeing Christ, saying: alas for Me, what do I see? Where are you going now, My Son, and leaving Me alone?

26. Exhausted and weeping, the Immaculate One said to the myrrh-bearers: weep for Me and weep, O mountaineer, behold, my sweet Light and your Teacher is consigned to the grave.

27. When Joseph saw the weeping virgin, she was torn to pieces and cried out bitterly: How can I bury You now, O My God, Your servant? What shrouds will I wrap around Your body?

28. Your strange vision of the Lord carrying all creation is beyond the mind: for this reason Joseph, as if dead, carries You in his hand and carries and buries You with Nicodemus.

29. I see a strange and glorious mystery, the Virgin crying to the Son and the Lord: as they are placed in an evil tomb, the dead are raised up in the tombs by command.

30. I will not rise from Thy grave, My Child, nor will Thy servant wear away tears until I go down to hell: for I cannot endure Thy separation, My Son.

31. Joy will not touch me in any way, the Immaculate One sobbingly said: My light and my joy have entered the grave. But I will not leave Him alone: ​​here I will die and be buried with Him.

32. Now heal My spiritual ulcer, My Child, the Most Pure One, crying out with tears: rise again and assuage My illness and sorrow; You can, Vladyka, do as much as you want, even if you were buried by your will.

33. Oh, how has the abyss of bounties been hidden from you, the Lord speaking to the Mother in secret? For although I may save my creature, I deign to die; but I will also rise again and magnify You, as the God of heaven and earth.

34. I will sing of Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and I bow to the riches of Thy mercy, O Master: for even though Thy creation was saved, Thou didst lift up death, said the Most Pure One; but by Your resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all!

Translation into Russian

(for better understanding of the text being read)

1. The Pure Virgin, seeing her Son and Lord (Her) hanging on the cross, groaning sorrowfully, tormented and crying out together with the other wives, (thus) said:

2. “Seeing You now, My beloved Child, hanging on the cross, I am bitterly wounded in my heart,” said the pure one. “Speak, O Good One, a word to Thy servant.”

3. “My Son and Creator! You voluntarily endure a cruel death on the tree,” said the Virgin, standing at the cross with her beloved disciple.

4. “Now I have lost my hope, joy and gladness - my Son and Lord: woe is Me! My heart hurts!” Pure spoke with tears.

5. “Out of fear of the Jews, Peter hid and all the faithful fled, leaving Christ,” said the Virgin, sobbing.

6. “By your wonderful and unknown birth, My Son, I was exalted before all mothers. But woe is Me! Now, at the sight of You on the cross, My womb is on fire.

7. I see Him who was born by Me and I stretch out my hands to receive Him from the cross. But no one, alas! Doesn't give it to me.

8. Behold My sweet light, My dear hope and life, My God died on the cross! My insides are on fire!” said the Virgin, groaning.

9. “Never-setting sun, Eternal God, Creator and Lord of all creations! How do you endure suffering on the cross?” said Pure, crying.

10. She who had not known marriage said, crying to the noble one: “Joseph! Hurry to Pilate and ask permission to remove your Teacher from the tree.”

11. Joseph, seeing the Most Pure One weeping bitterly, was embarrassed and weeping came to Pilate and said with tears: “Give me the body of my God.”

12. Seeing You covered with sores, dishonored and naked on the tree, weeping like a Mother, the Virgin said: “My child! Fire burns My insides."

13. Tormented and amazed, Joseph, together with Nicodemus, sobbing, took down the most pure body (of the Crucified One) and with lamentations sang Him as God.

14. His husbandless Mother received Him with tears, laid Him on her knees and with tears and bitter sobs begged Him, showered Him with kisses and exclaimed:

15. “You, Master, My Son and God, I, Your servant, had the only hope, life and light of eyes. But now I have lost You, my sweetest and beloved child!

16. Alas! “Sadness and sorrow and sighing torment Me,” said the Pure One, “weeping bitterly when I see You, My beloved Child, naked, abandoned and anointed with aromas of a dead man.

17. I see You dead, lover of mankind, who raised the dead and contains everything, and My womb is wounded by fierce sorrow. “I would like to die with You,” said the Most Pure One, “for it is unbearable for Me to see You as a lifeless corpse.

18. I am amazed to see You, most gracious God and most generous Lord, without glory, without breath, without beauty. I hold You in my arms and cry, without hope - woe is Me! - to see You more, My Son and My God!

19. Won’t You speak a word to Your servant, O Word of God? Will you not, O Master, show mercy to the one who gave birth to You?” the Pure One spoke, crying, sobbing and kissing Her Lord.

20. “It seems that I, Thy servant, O Lord, will no longer hear Your sweet voice and will not see, as before, the beauty of Your face: for You, My Son, have hidden yourself from My eyes!”

21. Come, all of you, let us glorify Him who was crucified for us, Whom Mary, seeing on the tree, said: “Although You endure crucifixion, You are My Son and God.”

22. Following, along with the other wives, her Angle, who was being drawn to the slaughter, with her hair flowing, the lamb Mary cried out: “Where are you going, Child? Why are you in such a hurry? Or is there a new marriage taking place in Cana, and You rush there to turn water into wine for them? Should I go with You, Child, or is it better to wait for You? O Word! say one word to Me; do not pass by Me in silence, You who have kept Me pure: for You are My Son and My God.

23. “Where is My Son and God, the former gospel that Gabriel told Me? He called You the King, the Son of God and the Most High God: but now I see You, My sweet Light, so that I, Master, may go down with You into hell. Do not leave Me alone, for I can no longer bear to live without seeing You, My sweet Light!”

25. Weeping bitterly with the other myrrh-bearing wives and seeing Christ carried, the Immaculate One said: “Woe is Me! What do I see? Where are you going now, My Son, leaving Me alone?

26. Exhausted from sobs, the Immaculate One said to the myrrh-bearers: “Weep and weep bitterly with Me, for My sweet Light and your teacher is placed in the grave.”

27. Joseph, seeing the sobbing Virgin, was tormented and cried out bitterly: “How can I, Your servant, bury You, my God? What shrouds shall I wrap around Your body?”

28. The amazing sight surpasses the mind: Joseph and Nicodemus carry the Lord, bearing all creation, in their arms and bury him.

29. “I see an amazing and glorious mystery,” the Virgin cried to the Son and the Lord: “how are You laid in a simple tomb, Who called the dead from their graves with a word?

30. I will not depart from Your tomb, My Child, and I, Your servant, will not stop shedding tears, until I also descend into hell: for I cannot bear it.

31. From now on, joy will never touch Me, said the sobbing Immaculate One: “My light and My joy have rolled into the grave.” But I will not leave Him alone: ​​I will die here and be buried with Him.

32. Heal my spiritual wound, My Child! - the Most Pure One cried with tears. - Resurrect and satisfy My grief and sorrow: for You can do whatever you want, although you were buried voluntarily.”

33. “Oh, how was the abyss of mercy hidden from you? - the Lord said secretly to the Mother. – For, wanting to save My creation, I deigned to die; but I will rise again and magnify You as the God of heaven and earth.”

34. “I sing Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and worship the riches of Thy mercy, O Master! For, having desired to save Your creation, You accepted death,” said the Most Pure One. “But by Your resurrection, Savior, have mercy on us all!”

Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary

The ancient world waited a very long time for the coming of the Savior. And this thought permeates everything Old Testament. But why did the Messiah take so long to appear in human world!? The whole point is that only a woman who was ready for the great feat of self-denial and endless love could give birth to the Son of God. She had to completely entrust her life to God and consent to the virgin birth of her Son. Centuries passed and only when the Virgin Mary was born did this become possible.

Who is the Holy Mother of God

The Mother of God is the most humble and pure Virgin who has ever been born on earth.

In Christian denominations, Saint Mary is called differently:

  • Virgin or Ever-Virgin, because Mary remained a virgin in her service to God and the conception of God’s Son was immaculate;
  • Theotokos, because she is in earthly life the Mother of the Son of God;
  • Quick to hear, since Mary humbly accepted God’s command to give birth to a Son from the Holy Spirit.

Holy Scripture about the Mother of God

The Holy Scripture contains a description of only a few episodes from the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which reveal her personality. All information about the life of the Mother of God can be found only in Church Tradition, which contains ancient legends and church historical works.

Basic information about the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary is contained in the “First Gospel of James,” written approximately 150 AD. The Virgin Mary was born into the family of the righteous Joachim of Nazareth and Anna of Bethlehem. The parents of the Virgin Mary were descendants of noble royal families. They lived together in harmony until old age, but God never gave them children. But the time came and their piety was noted by the Almighty and an Angel told them the good news that they would soon have a noble daughter.

The next important event in the life of the future Mother of God is the moment when her parents brought a three-year-old girl to the Jerusalem Temple to be dedicated to God. The baby climbed fifteen steps on her own, and the High Priest Zachary came out to meet her, who was given instructions from above to lead the girl deep into the sanctuary, where none of the believers had the right to enter.

At the age of 14, the Virgin Mary independently decided to devote her entire life to God and took a vow of virginity. At the same time, she was betrothed to Elder Joseph, who came from the royal family of David through Solomon. They lived in Nazareth and the betrothed took care of the Virgin Mary, provided for her and protected her when necessary.

Saint Luke tells in his revelations about the Annunciation, when the Holy Archangel Gabriel was sent by God to the Blessed Virgin Mary with the good news of the birth of the Son. With great humility and submission, the young woman accepted the news that she was to become the Mother of God. An angel also appeared to Joseph and reported that the Virgin Mary had conceived from the Holy Spirit. And the husband accepted God’s command to accept the Mother of God as his wife.

When the time came for the end of earthly life, Archangel Gabriel descended from heaven to the Holy Mother of God during her prayer on the Mount of Olives. In his hands he held a paradise date branch. He said that in three days it would end earthly life The Most Holy Theotokos and the Lord will take her to himself.

And so it happened. At the moment of her death, the room where the Virgin Mary was was illuminated by an unusual light. And Jesus Christ himself appeared surrounded by Angels and accepted the soul of the Mother of God. The body of the Most Pure One was buried in a cave at the foot of the Mount of Olives, where her parents had previously been buried.

Introduction to the Church of the Holy Mother of God

On December 4, believers celebrate a great church holiday - the introduction of the Holy Mother of God into the temple. It is on this day that the moment when Mary was given by her parents to serve God is celebrated. On the very first day, the high priest Zechariah led the girl to the sanctuary, where she could subsequently enter every year on December 4th. The girl spent 12 years in the temple, after which she independently decided to preserve her virginity in the name of serving God.

The significant day began to be celebrated by the Church from ancient times. This is due to the fact that thanks to her parents’ introduction to the Temple, the Virgin Mary began her path to serving God, who allowed people on earth to receive their Savior. Services take place in all churches on this day. The prayers said on this day by believers give praise to the Ever-Virgin Mary and ask for the intercession of the Mother of God before the Almighty for each person praying.

Of course, such a great holiday, associated with a significant event in the church world, was reflected in icon painting. On icons dedicated to the Introduction, the Virgin Mary is always depicted in the center. Others actors are the parents on one side and the high priest Zachary, who meets the girl. Icons often depict the steps to the Temple; it was these that little Mary overcame without anyone’s help.

In the calendar cycle, this church holiday coincides with the end of the autumn season and the beginning of the winter period.

The Russian Orthodox people also celebrated on this day:

  • Celebration of a young family;
  • Opening the gates to winter;
  • Importation.

Folk signs on this day:

  • After this day, it was forbidden to dig in the street, so women had to take care to stock up on clay for household needs;
  • From this day until the ninth Thursday, rolling pins should not be used to beat out laundry, otherwise bad weather could be caused;
  • On the holiday, it was forbidden to engage in work associated with beating and friction; it was forbidden to clean and dig the ground.

Since this is a major religious holiday, it was necessary to spend it in harmony and peace with the people around. It is very good on this day to invite close friends or go to visit them. Since the Introduction always falls on the Nativity Fast, on this day it was allowed to diversify the table with fish dishes and drink a little wine.

Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Orthodox Christians have special and very deep feelings for the Mother of God. She is a model of piety and holiness for all believers. A huge number of prayers are addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos; in her honor, on great church holidays, services are performed and special canons are read.

The Prayer Book contains many prayers with which you can turn to the Most Holy Theotokos for help on various occasions. As a woman, during her earthly life she had to experience many troubles and sorrows. Fate destined her to lose her own son. The Mother of God knows firsthand what need and weakness are. Therefore, any human misfortune finds understanding and sympathy in the soul of the Most Holy Mother of God, and any fall into sin causes her unbearable suffering and she is ready to ask God for the forgiveness of the believer.

Mother's prayers for children

Mother's prayers are very important and effective. The Most Holy Theotokos is sure to hear them. And it doesn’t matter how old the child is, because mothers can always ask for blessings and protection for him from the Mother of God.

It should be remembered that prayer must come from the depths of the heart. It is important to know that you cannot pray for the good of your children to the detriment of other people. This is a great sin. Strong prayer the next one is considered.

It is read on Pokrova and sounds like this:

If a child is sick, you can turn to the Most Holy Theotokos with the following prayer:

At Christmas, a prayer is read to the Most Holy Theotokos for the conception of a child. Its text goes like this:

Prayers for the coming sleep

IN evening rule An Orthodox believer also includes a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

You can use another prayer in the evening rule:

Babies definitely require spiritual protection. Therefore, in the evening hour, mothers must definitely pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for the children’s future sleep.

To do this, you can use the following prayer:

Prayers for health

Prayers to the Holy Mother of God for health are considered one of the most powerful. If you are praying for your own health, you can use the following prayer. It is important to pray in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary, but this can be done both in church and at home.

You can pray for the health of family members with another prayer directed to the Mother of God:

Prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”

The prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary” is considered miraculous. This is due to the fact that it was these owls that Archangel Gabriel addressed the Virgin Mary when he brought her the good news of the immaculate conception of the Son of God.

Listen to the audio prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary”:

In the original at church language The prayer goes like this:

In prayer, the Virgin Mary is already addressed as the Mother of God. But it further emphasizes the fact that the Lord will be with her and will support her in her decision. The phrase "blessed among women" indicates that by God's authority the Virgin Mary is glorified among all other wives. The word “Graceful” emphasizes that the woman received the grace of God.

This prayer can be translated into Russian as follows:

The prayer “To the Virgin Mary...” is a miraculous God's word, which is capable of giving the grace of the Holy Heavens. This prayer reflects the aspiration and hope to receive help from the Mother of God in any grief, and also to beg her forgiveness and salvation for yourself and your loved ones.

Prayer “My Queen, Offering”

One of the most used prayers that contain an appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos is “My Queen, the Most Blessed.”

It is believed that she:

  • Brings joy to those in need and those who mourn;
  • Helps the offended and offended;
  • Protects the poor and wandering.

The text of the prayer reads as follows:

This prayer is read in front of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, if there is a need to maintain the pregnancy. It is also recommended to read it every day, including in the morning and evening rules.

Any prayer directed to the Most Holy Theotokos should be read correctly. It is important to have deep faith that prayer will be heard and help will be provided. You cannot read the prayer carelessly. Every word and phrase should convey deep reverence and respect for the Mother of God. It is necessary to pray to the Holy Mother of God only in a positive mood. In addition, if a believer plans to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, then he must love and honor his own mother.

The Most Holy Theotokos, like the Most High and all Saints, should be approached with pure thoughts. There should be no hatred, envy or malice in the soul. Orthodox faith allows the opportunity to pray in your own words. But if a believer decides to use the original, then he must first analyze the entire meaning of the prayer text. Then the original text must be learned in order to read the prayer without stuttering. It is allowed to insert your own request for help in your own needs into your prayer appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos. It is important that your request for help does not contain a threat to other people or be harmful to them.

When visiting a temple, you need to pray at the icon of the Holy Mother of God. Be sure to light candles at the same time. After prayer, you need to stand in silence for some time and think about your life. This will help you acquire the necessary calm and prepare yourself for the fact that everything that is sent down from heaven must be accepted humbly. In especially difficult life situations, it is permissible to turn to the Most Holy Theotokos silently. This can be done throughout the day in a secluded place, escaping for a second from all everyday problems.

How difficult it is to connect what is happening now and what once was: this glory of the removal of the Shroud and that horror, human horror that gripped all creation: the burial of Christ on that one, great, unique Friday.

Now the death of Christ tells us about the Resurrection, now we stand with lit Easter candles, now the Cross itself shines with victory and illuminates us with hope - but then it was not so. Then, on a hard, rough wooden cross, after many hours of suffering, the incarnate Son of God died in the flesh, the Son of the Virgin died in the flesh, Whom She loved like no one else in the world - the Son of the Annunciation, the Son who was the come Savior of the world.

Then, from that cross, the disciples of the Crucified One, who had previously been secret, but now, in the face of what had happened, opened up without fear, Joseph and Nicodemus took down the body. It was too late for the funeral: the body was taken to a nearby cave in the Garden of Gethsemane, laid on a slab, as was customary then, wrapped in a shroud, covering its face with a scarf, and the entrance to the cave was blocked with a stone - and that was as if that was all.

But there was more darkness and horror around this death than we can imagine. The earth shook, the sun darkened, the whole creation was shaken by the death of the Creator. And for the disciples, for the women who were not afraid to stand at a distance during the crucifixion and dying of the Savior, for the Mother of God this day was darker and more terrible than death itself.

When we now think about Good Friday, we know that the Saturday is coming, when God rested from His labors - the Saturday of victory! And we know that on the bright night from Saturday to Sunday we will sing the Resurrection of Christ and rejoice over His final victory. But then Friday was the last day. Nothing is visible behind this day, the next day was supposed to be the same as the previous one, and therefore the darkness and gloom and horror of this Friday will never be experienced by anyone, will never be comprehended by anyone as they were for the Virgin Mary and for the disciples of Christ .

We will now prayerfully listen to the Lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos, the lamentation of the Mother over the body of the cruel death of her lost Son. Let's listen to him. Thousands, thousands of mothers can recognize this cry - and, I think, Her cry is more terrible than any cry, because from the Resurrection of Christ we know that the victory of the general Resurrection is coming, that not a single one is dead in the tomb. And then She buried not only Her Son, but every hope for God’s victory, every hope for eternal life. The length of endless days began, which, as it seemed then, could never come to life again.

This is what we stand before in the image of the Mother of God, in the image of the disciples of Christ. This is what the death of Christ means. In the short remaining time, let us delve into this death with our souls, because all this horror is based on one thing: SIN, and each of us who sin is responsible for this terrible Good Friday; everyone is responsible and will answer; it happened only because a person lost love and broke away from God. And each of us, who sins against the law of love, is responsible for this horror of the death of the God-Man, the orphanhood of the Mother of God, for the horror of the disciples.

Therefore, when we venerate the sacred Shroud, we will do it with trepidation. He died for you alone: ​​let everyone understand this! - and let us listen to this Cry, the cry of the whole earth, the cry of hope that has been torn, and thank God for the salvation that is given to us so easily and which we pass by so indifferently, while it was given at such a terrible price to both the Savior God and the Mother of God, and students.

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

Lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

When she saw Her Son and Lord hanged on the Cross, the Pure Virgin, tormented, cried bitterly with the other wives and cried out with a groan. “I see You now, My dear Child and beloved, hanging on the Cross, and I am bitterly wounded in my heart,” said the Pure One, “but give your word, O Good One, to Your Servant!” “Voluntarily, My Son and Creator, You suffer cruel death on the Tree,” the Virgin exclaimed, standing at the Cross with her beloved disciple.

“Now I have lost My hope, joy and gladness - My Son and Lord; alas for Me! I grieve with my heart,” Pure cried with tears.

“For fear of the Jews, Peter hid himself, and all the faithful fled, leaving Christ,” the Virgin cried with sobs. In Your awe-inspiring and extraordinary Nativity, My Son, I was magnified more than all mothers. But, alas for Me! Now seeing You on the Tree, I flare up internally. “I strive to take My Heart from the Tree into the arms with which I held Him as a Child. But, alas for Me,” said the Pure One, “no one gives it to Me.” “Behold, My sweet Light, My Good Hope and Life, My God died out on the Cross; I’m burning up inside!” - The virgin exclaimed with a groan. “The never-setting sun, Eternal God and Creator of all creations, Lord! How do you endure suffering on the Cross?” – The pure one cried out. Having never known marriage, she turned with tears to the venerable adviser: “Hurry, Joseph, to approach Pilate / and ask him to remove Your Teacher from the Tree.” Seeing the Most Pure One shedding bitter tears, Joseph was embarrassed and in tears approached Pilate: “Give me,” exclaiming with tears, “The Body of my God!”

“Seeing You wounded, and inglorious, naked on the Tree, My Child, I flare up internally, sobbing like a Mother,” the Virgin said.

Tormented, and sobbing, and amazed, Joseph, together with Nicodemus, took off the Most Pure Body, and kissed It with sobs and groans, and sang of Him as God. Having received Him with tears, the Mother, who did not know her husband, laid Him on her knees, praying to Him with tears and kissing, and bitterly sobbing, and exclaiming. The only Hope and Life, Lord, My Son and God, I, the Servant, had the light in My eyes Yours; now I am deprived of You, My sweet Child and beloved!

“Torment, and sorrow, and sighing have befallen Me, alas for Me,” the Pure One, weeping bitterly, exclaimed, “when I see You, My beloved Child, naked, and lonely, and anointed with the aromas of the dead!”

“Seeing You dead, O Lover of Mankind, who has revived the dead and holds everything, I am deeply wounded in my heart. I would like to die with You,” the Most Pure One proclaimed, “after all, I am not able to contemplate You lifeless, dead!” “I am amazed, contemplating You, Most Gracious God and All-Merciful Lord, without glory, and without breath, and without image; and I cry, holding You, for I did not think - woe is Me - to see You like this, My Son and God!”

“Will you not speak a word to Your Servant, the Word of God? Will you not, O Lord, take pity on the One who gave birth to You?” - cried the Pure One, kissing the Body of Her Lord with sobs and tears.

I think, Master, that I will no longer hear Your sweet voice, and I, Your Servant, will no longer see the beauty of Your face, for You, My Son, have gone, hidden from My eyes. Where, My Son and God, is the gospel of old, which Gabriel proclaimed to Me? He called You the King and Son of the Most High God; now I see You, My sweet Light, naked and covered with wounds as a dead man. Delivering me from torment, now take Me with You, My Son and God, so that I, the Master, will go down with You into hell: do not leave Me alone, for I can no longer live without seeing You, My sweet Light. With other myrrh-bearing wives, the Immaculate One with bitter sobs, looking at how the body of Christ was carried to the tomb, exclaimed: “Woe is Me that I see! Where are you going now, My Son, and leaving Me alone? Exhausted and sobbing, the Immaculate One exclaimed to the myrrh-bearers: “Weep with Me together and weep bitterly: for behold, My sweet Light and your Teacher is consigned to the grave!” Seeing the weeping virgin, Joseph tore himself to pieces and cried out bitterly: “How can I bury You now, O my God, I am Your servant? With what shrouds will I wrap Your Body?” The extraordinary appearance of You, all creation bearing the Lord, has surpassed the limits of the mind; because Joseph carries and buries you as if dead in his arms along with Nicodemus. “I see an extraordinary and glorious mystery,” the Virgin proclaimed to the Son and the Lord, “how are You laid in an insignificant tomb, raising the dead from the graves by Your command?” “I will not leave Your grave, My Child, nor will I stop shedding tears, Your Servant, until I also descend into hell: for I cannot endure separation from You, My Son!” “Joy will never come closer to Me from now on,” the Immaculate One exclaimed, sobbing, “My Light and My Joy has entered the grave; but I will not leave Him alone, I will die here and be buried with Him!” “Heal my spiritual ulcer now, My Child,” the Most Pure One cried with tears, “resurrect and quench My torment and sadness, for You can do everything, Master, and do what you want, although you were buried voluntarily!” “Oh, how the abyss of mercy has hidden from You!” “The Lord spoke secretly to the Mother, because I deigned to die, wanting to save My creation; but I will also rise again, and I will exalt You as the God of heaven and earth!”

“I sing Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and worship the riches of Thy mercy, Master: for wanting to save Thy creation, Thou accepted death,” the Most Pure One proclaimed, “but by Thy Resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all!”

This canon was compiled in the 10th century AD by Saint Simeon Metaphrastus (Logothetus). Poems from it are read after Good Friday, when the Lord had already died on the Cross. The reading takes place on Friday, during the Service.

The service itself is a reverent vigil before the tomb of the Savior and a funeral hymn to the Lord, the Immortal King of glory, who suffered for us.

The prayers of the Canon “Lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos” are filled with sorrow, the sadness of the Virgin Mary and the disciples of Jesus. In despair, the Mother of God finds consolation through prayer to the Lord. Jesus Christ expresses touching concern for Her. In a few words of the Son, the Blessed Virgin finds satisfaction of sorrow.

The canon “Lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos” should be in every home, written by hand. It is stored in a neat piece of paper.

Before writing, you should read at least one Gospel aloud to all family members. Fast for a week (exclude animal products, sweets, wine, tobacco), reading morning and evening prayers, then read the canon out loud for all family members and only then can you start writing the prayer. Reading the Canon gives reassurance to parents during the departure of their children, in spiritual sorrows, and sorrows.

And we should always remember that any bad deed of ours is a wound to the Most Holy Theotokos and Jesus Christ.

You are gradually changing for the better.

Lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

(Canon on the Crucifixion of the Lord and the lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Creation of Simeon Logothetes

In Old Church Slavonic

1. Promised as she saw the Son and the Lord on the cross, the Pure Virgin was tormented, crying out to the mountaineer, with other wives moaning and saying:

2. I see You now, My beloved Child and beloved, hanging on the cross and I am wounded in my heart, the Pure speech: but give the word, O Good One, to Your servant.

3. By the will, My Son and Creator, endure cruel death on the tree, the Virgin said, standing at the cross with her beloved disciple.

4. Now I have been deprived of My hope, joy and gladness, My Son and Lord: alas for Me! I am sick at heart, pure crying verb.

5. For the sake of the fear of the Jews, Peter hid himself, and everyone fled back to the faithful, and abandoned Christ, the Virgin said weeping.

6. About Your terrible and strange Christmas, My Son, I was exalted above all mothers: but alas for Me! Now, seeing You on the tree, my womb is burning.

7. I see My Womb in my arms, in which I held the Child, from the tree of reception, the Pure thing: but no one, woe is Me, gave this.

8. Behold, My sweet light, My good hope and belly, My God is extinguished on the cross, I am inflamed in the womb, The Virgin groans and speaks.

9. The sun never sets, Eternal God and Creator of all creatures, Lord, how you endured the passion on the cross, Pure weeping verb.

10. Weeping with the verb, the unskilled one for the noble: strive, Joseph, to approach Pilate and ask that your Teacher be taken down from the tree.

11. Seeing the Most Pure Mountaineer weeping, Joseph became embarrassed and, crying, approached Pilate: give me, crying out with tears, the body of my God.

12. Seeing Thee wounded and naked without glory on the tree, My Child, I burst into flames with my womb, weeping like the Mother, the Virgin of Thy prophecy.

13. Torn to pieces and sobbing and marveling, Joseph was taken down along with Nicodemus, and having kissed the most pure body, weeping and groaning, and girded Him like God.

14. Having received Him with tears, the inexperienced Mother laid Him on her knee, praying to Him with tears and kissing him, while the mountaineer wept and exclaimed.

15. One hope and life, My Lord Son and God, in the eyes of Thy servant I had the light, but now I would be deprived of it to You, My sweet Child and beloved.

16. Sickness and sorrow and sighing have come upon me, alas for Me, the Pure Highlander, weeping with her words, seeing You, My beloved Child, naked and alone, and anointed with the stench of the dead.

17. I see You dead, O lover of mankind, revived the dead, and containing everything, I am wounded by the fierceness of the womb: I would like to die with You, Most Pure One, says; I can’t stand it because you’re dead without breathing.

18. I marvel at those who see You, most good God and all-wise Lord, without glory, and without breath, and ugly, and I weep, holding You, for I had no hope, alas for Me! See You, My Son and God!

19. Dost thou not speak unto Thy servant the word, the Word of God? Would you not, O Lord, show mercy to the one who gave birth to You? the verb Pure, weeping and weeping, kissing the body of their Lord.

20. I think, Master, that I will not hear your sweet voice; nor shall I see the kindness of Thy face, as Thy servant was before: for Thou art gone, O My Son, from before My sight.

21. For the sake of the Crucified One, come, let us all sing. Because Mary saw Him on the tree and said, even if you endured the crucifixion, You are My Son and My God.

22. Seeing her Lamb drawn to the slaughter, Mary followed with outstretched hair with her frosty wives, crying out: Where are you going, Child? Why are you making a rapid flow? When is there another marriage again in Cana, and are you trying there now to make wine for them from the water? Am I going with You, Child, or will I rather wait for You? Give me your word, the Word, do not silently pass by Me, keeping Me pure. For you are My Son and My God.

23. Where, My Son and God, is the ancient annunciation that Gabriel spoke? You are called the King of Thee, the Son and God of the Most High: now I see Thee, My sweet Light, naked and wounded as a dead man.

24. Eliminate sickness, now accept Me with You, My Son and God, so that I may descend, O Master, into hell with You and I, do not leave Me alone, for I no longer tolerate living without seeing You, My sweet Light.

25. With other myrrh-bearing wives, the Immaculate Highlander wept and wore, seeing Christ, saying: alas for Me, what do I see? Where are you going now, My Son, and leaving Me alone?

26. Exhausted and weeping, the Immaculate One said to the myrrh-bearers: weep for Me and weep, O mountaineer, behold, my sweet Light and your Teacher is consigned to the grave.

27. When Joseph saw the weeping virgin, she was torn to pieces and cried out bitterly: How can I bury You now, O My God, Your servant? What shrouds will I wrap around Your body?

28. Your strange vision of the Lord carrying all creation is beyond the mind: for this reason Joseph, as if dead, carries You in his hand and carries and buries You with Nicodemus.

29. I see a strange and glorious mystery, the Virgin crying to the Son and the Lord: as they are placed in an evil tomb, the dead are raised up in the tombs by command.

30. I will not rise from Thy grave, My Child, nor will Thy servant wear away tears until I go down to hell: for I cannot endure Thy separation, My Son.

31. Joy will not touch me in any way, the Immaculate One sobbingly said: My light and my joy have entered the grave. But I will not leave Him alone: ​​here I will die and be buried with Him.

32. Now heal My spiritual ulcer, My Child, the Most Pure One, crying out with tears: rise again and assuage My illness and sorrow; You can, Vladyka, do as much as you want, even if you were buried by your will.

33. Oh, how has the abyss of bounties been hidden from you, the Lord speaking to the Mother in secret? For although I may save my creature, I deign to die; but I will also rise again and magnify You, as the God of heaven and earth.

34. I will sing of Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and I bow to the riches of Thy mercy, O Master: for even though Thy creation was saved, Thou didst lift up death, said the Most Pure One; but by Your resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all!

Translation into Russian

(for better understanding of the text being read)

1. The Pure Virgin, seeing her Son and Lord (Her) hanging on the cross, groaning sorrowfully, tormented and crying out together with the other wives, (thus) said:

2. “Seeing You now, My beloved Child, hanging on the cross, I am bitterly wounded in my heart,” said the pure one. “Speak, O Good One, a word to Thy servant.”

3. “My Son and Creator! You voluntarily endure cruel death on the tree,” said the Virgin, standing at the cross with her beloved disciple.

4. “Now I have lost my hope, joy and gladness - my Son and Lord: woe is Me! My heart hurts!” Pure spoke with tears.

5. “Out of fear of the Jews, Peter hid and all the faithful fled, leaving Christ,” said the Virgin, sobbing.

6. “By your wonderful and unknown birth, My Son, I was exalted before all mothers. But woe is Me! Now, at the sight of You on the cross, My womb is on fire.

7. I see Him who was born by Me and I stretch out my hands to receive Him from the cross. But no one, alas! Doesn't give it to me.

8. Behold My sweet light, My dear hope and life, My God died on the cross! My insides are on fire!” said the Virgin, groaning.

9. “Never-setting sun, Eternal God, Creator and Lord of all creations! How do you endure suffering on the cross?” said Pure, crying.

10. She who had not known marriage said, crying to the noble one: “Joseph! Hurry to Pilate and ask permission to remove your Teacher from the tree.”

11. Joseph, seeing the Most Pure One weeping bitterly, was embarrassed and weeping came to Pilate and said with tears: “Give me the body of my God.”

12. Seeing You covered with sores, dishonored and naked on the tree, weeping like a Mother, the Virgin said: “My child! Fire burns My insides."

13. Tormented and amazed, Joseph, together with Nicodemus, sobbing, took down the most pure body (of the Crucified One) and with lamentations sang Him as God.

14. His husbandless Mother received Him with tears, laid Him on her knees and with tears and bitter sobs begged Him, showered Him with kisses and exclaimed:

15. “You, Master, My Son and God, I, Your servant, had the only hope, life and light of eyes. But now I have lost You, my sweetest and beloved child!

16. Alas! “Sadness and grief and sighing torment Me,” said the Pure One, “weeping bitterly when I see You, My beloved Child, naked, abandoned and anointed with aromas of a dead man.

17. I see You dead, lover of mankind, who raised the dead and contains everything, and My womb is wounded by fierce sorrow. “I would like to die with You,” said the Most Pure One, “for it is unbearable for Me to see You as a lifeless corpse.”

18. I am amazed to see You, most gracious God and most generous Lord, without glory, without breath, without beauty. I hold You in my arms and cry, without hope - woe is Me! - to see You more, My Son and My God!

19. Won’t You speak a word to Your servant, O Word of God? Will you not, O Master, show mercy to the one who gave birth to You?” the Pure One spoke, crying, sobbing and kissing Her Lord.

20. “It seems that I, Thy servant, O Lord, will no longer hear Your sweet voice and will not see, as before, the beauty of Your face: for You, My Son, have hidden yourself from My eyes!”

21. Come, all of you, let us glorify Him who was crucified for us, Whom Mary, seeing on the tree, said: “Although You endure crucifixion, You are My Son and God.”

22. Following, along with the other wives, her Angle, who was being drawn to the slaughter, with her hair flowing, the lamb Mary cried out: “Where are you going, Child? Why are you in such a hurry? Or is there a new marriage taking place in Cana, and You rush there to turn water into wine for them? Should I go with You, Child, or is it better to wait for You? O Word! say one word to Me; do not pass by Me in silence, You who have kept Me pure: for You are My Son and My God.

23. “Where is My Son and God, the former gospel that Gabriel told Me? He called You the King, the Son of God and the Most High God: but now I see You, My sweet Light, so that I, Master, may go down with You into hell. Do not leave Me alone, for I can no longer bear to live without seeing You, My sweet Light!”

25. Weeping bitterly with the other myrrh-bearing wives and seeing Christ carried, the Immaculate One said: “Woe is Me! What do I see? Where are you going now, My Son, leaving Me alone?

26. Exhausted from sobs, the Immaculate One said to the myrrh-bearers: “Weep and weep bitterly with Me, for My sweet Light and your teacher is placed in the grave.”

27. Joseph, seeing the sobbing Virgin, was tormented and cried out bitterly: “How can I, Your servant, bury You, my God? What shrouds shall I wrap around Your body?”

28. The amazing sight surpasses the mind: Joseph and Nicodemus carry the Lord, bearing all creation, in their arms and bury him.

29. “I see an amazing and glorious mystery,” the Virgin cried out to the Son and Lord: “how are You laid in a simple tomb, Who called the dead from their graves with a word?

30. I will not depart from Your tomb, My Child, and I, Your servant, will not stop shedding tears, until I also descend into hell: for I cannot bear it.

31. From now on, joy will never touch Me, said the sobbing Immaculate One: “My light and My joy have rolled into the grave.” But I will not leave Him alone: ​​I will die here and be buried with Him.

32. Heal my spiritual wound, My Child! - the Most Pure One cried with tears. - Resurrect and satisfy My sorrow and sorrow: for You can do whatever you want, although you were buried voluntarily.”

33. “Oh, how was the abyss of mercy hidden from you? - the Lord said secretly to the Mother. - For, wanting to save My creation, I deigned to die; but I will rise again and magnify You as the God of heaven and earth.”

34. “I sing Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and worship the riches of Thy mercy, O Master! For, desiring to save Your creation, You accepted death,” said the Most Pure One. “But by Your resurrection, Savior, have mercy on us all!”

How difficult it is to connect what is happening now and what once was: this glory of the removal of the Shroud and that horror, human horror that gripped all creation: the burial of Christ on that one, great, unique Friday.

Now the death of Christ tells us about the Resurrection, now we stand with lit Easter candles, now the Cross itself shines with victory and illuminates us with hope - but then it was not so. Then, on a hard, rough wooden cross, after many hours of suffering, the incarnate Son of God died in the flesh, the Son of the Virgin died in the flesh, Whom She loved like no one else in the world - the Son of the Annunciation, the Son who was the come Savior of the world.

Then, from that cross, the disciples of the Crucified One, who had previously been secret, but now, in the face of what had happened, opened up without fear, Joseph and Nicodemus took down the body. It was too late for the funeral: the body was taken to a nearby cave in the Garden of Gethsemane, laid on a slab, as was customary then, wrapped in a shroud, covering its face with a scarf, and the entrance to the cave was blocked with a stone - and that was as if that was all.

But there was more darkness and horror around this death than we can imagine. The earth shook, the sun darkened, the whole creation was shaken by the death of the Creator. And for the disciples, for the women who were not afraid to stand at a distance during the crucifixion and dying of the Savior, for the Mother of God this day was darker and more terrible than death itself.

When we now think about Good Friday, we know that the Saturday is coming, when God rested from His labors - the Saturday of victory! And we know that on the bright night from Saturday to Sunday we will sing the Resurrection of Christ and rejoice over His final victory. But then Friday was the last day. Nothing is visible behind this day, the next day was supposed to be the same as the previous one, and therefore the darkness and gloom and horror of this Friday will never be experienced by anyone, will never be comprehended by anyone as they were for the Virgin Mary and for the disciples of Christ .

We will now prayerfully listen to the Lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos, the lamentation of the Mother over the body of the cruel death of her lost Son. Let's listen to him. Thousands, thousands of mothers can recognize this cry - and, I think, Her cry is more terrible than any cry, because from the Resurrection of Christ we know that the victory of the general Resurrection is coming, that not a single one is dead in the tomb. And then She buried not only Her Son, but every hope of God’s victory, every hope of eternal life. The length of endless days began, which, as it seemed then, could never come to life again.

This is what we stand before in the image of the Mother of God, in the image of the disciples of Christ. This is what the death of Christ means. In the short remaining time, let us delve into this death with our souls, because all this horror is based on one thing: SIN, and each of us who sin is responsible for this terrible Good Friday; everyone is responsible and will answer; it happened only because a person lost love and broke away from God. And each of us, who sins against the law of love, is responsible for this horror of the death of the God-Man, the orphanhood of the Mother of God, for the horror of the disciples.

Therefore, when we venerate the sacred Shroud, we will do it with trepidation. He died for you alone: ​​let everyone understand this! - and let us listen to this Cry, the cry of the whole earth, the cry of hope that has been torn, and thank God for the salvation that is given to us so easily and which we pass by so indifferently, while it was given at such a terrible price to both the Savior God and the Mother of God, and students.
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

Lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

When the Pure Virgin saw Her Son and Lord hanging on the Cross, she was tormented,she cried out bitterly with the other wives and cried out with a groan.

“I see You now, My dear Child and beloved, hanging on the Cross, and I am hurtbitter in heart,” said the Pure One, “but give your word, O Good One, to Thy Servant!”

“Voluntarily, My Son and Creator, You suffer cruel death on the Tree,” - Virgoexclaimed, standing at the Cross with her beloved disciple.

“Now I have lost My hope, joy and gladness - My Son and Lord; AlasTo me! I grieve with my heart,” Pure cried with tears.

“For fear of the Jews, Peter hid himself, and all the faithful fled, leaving Christ” - Virgocried with sobs.

In Your awe-inspiring and extraordinary Nativity, My Son, more than allmothers I am exalted. But, alas for Me! Now seeing You on the Tree, I flare up internally.

“I strive to take My Heart from the Tree into the arms with which I held Him as a Child.But, alas for Me,” said the Pure One, “no one gives it to Me.”

“Behold, My sweet Light, My Good Hope and Life, My God died out on the Cross;I’m burning up inside!” - Virgo, she exclaimed with a groan.

“The never-setting sun, Eternal God and Creator of all creations, Lord! How are youdo you suffer on the Cross? - The pure one cried out.

Having never experienced marriage, she turned with tears to the venerable adviser: “Hurry, Joseph,approach Pilate / and ask him to remove Your Teacher from the Tree.”

Seeing the Most Pure One shedding bitter tears, Joseph became embarrassed and, in tears, began toTo Pilate: “Give me,” exclaiming with tears, “The Body of my God!”

“Seeing You wounded, and inglorious, naked on the Tree, My Child, internallyI flare up, sobbing like a Mother,” the Virgin said.

Tormented, and sobbing, and amazed, Joseph, together with Nicodemus, took off the Most Pure Body, andkissed Him with sobs and groans, and praised Him as God.

Having received Him with tears, the Mother, who did not know her husband, laid Him on Her knees, begging Himwith tears and kisses, and bitterly sobbing, and exclaiming.

One Hope and Life, Lord, My Son and God, I, the Servant, had the light in My eyesYours; now I am deprived of You, My sweet Child and beloved!

“Torment, and sorrow, and sighing have befallen Me, woe is Me,” - Pure One, weeping bitterly,proclaimed, “When I see You, My beloved Child, naked, and lonely, andwith the scents of the anointed dead!

“Seeing You dead, Lover of mankind, who gave life to the dead and holds everything,I'm hurt with a heavy heart. I would like to die with You,” the Most Pure One proclaimed, “after allI am unable to contemplate You lifeless, dead!”

“I am amazed, contemplating You, Most Gracious God and All-Merciful Lord, without glory, andwithout breath, and without image; and I cry, holding You, for I did not think - alas for Me - that You were like thisbehold, My Son and God!”

“Will you not speak a word to Your Servant, the Word of God? Won't you, Lord, have pity onWho gave birth to you? - cried the Pure One, kissing the Body of the Lord with sobs and tears Yours.

I think, Lord, that I will no longer hear Your sweet voice or the beauty of your face.I, Your Servant, will not see You as before: for You, My Son, have gone in, hidden from sight. Mine.

Where, My Son and God, is the gospel of old, which Gabriel proclaimed to Me? Tsar andHe called You the Son of the Most High God; now I see You, My sweet Light, naked anddead man covered with wounds.

Delivering me from torment, now take Me with You, My Son and God, that I too may go down,Master, with You to hell: do not leave Me alone, for I can no longer live without seeing You,My sweet Light.

With other myrrh-bearing wives, the Immaculate One with bitter sobs, looking at how they carriedto the tomb of the body of Christ, exclaimed: “Woe is Me that I see! Where are you going now, My Son?and you leave me alone?”

Exhausted and sobbing, the Immaculate One exclaimed to the myrrh-bearers: “Weep with Me together.”and weep bitterly: for behold, My sweet Light and your Teacher is consigned to the grave!”

Seeing the maiden sobbing, Joseph tore himself to pieces and cried out bitterly: “Like You, ohMy God, now I will bury you, am I Your servant? With what shrouds will I wrap Your Body?”

The extraordinary appearance of You, all creation bearing the Lord, has surpassed the limits of the mind;because Joseph carries you like a dead man in his arms together with Nicodemus and buries.

“I see an extraordinary and glorious mystery,” the Virgin proclaimed to the Son and Lord, as inThey place You in an insignificant tomb, raising the dead from their graves by Your command?”

“I will not leave Your grave, My Child, nor will I stop shedding tears, Your Servant,until I also descend into hell: for I cannot endure separation from You, My Son!”

“Heal my spiritual ulcer now, My Child,” the Most Pure One cried with tears,“Rise up and quench My torment and sorrow, for You can do everything, Lord, and do whatwant, even though he was buried voluntarily!”

“Oh, how the abyss of mercy is hidden from You!” - The Lord spoke secretly to the mother, becauseI deigned to die, wanting to save My creation; but I will also rise again, and I will magnify You asGod of heaven and earth!

“I sing Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, and worship the riches of Thy mercy,“Lord: for wanting to save Your creation, You accepted death,” the Most Pure One proclaimed, ““But by Your Resurrection, Savior, have mercy on us all!”
