Why do you dream of strangers in the house? Why do you dream about a stranger? It means strangers in a dream.

In reality, the death of a person is almost always perceived with great sadness and even tragedy. The desire to find out why you dream about the death of a stranger is quite natural. In many religions, leaving for the other world in dreams is interpreted not as the proximity of death in reality, but as another round in mental development and reincarnation. Often this is a direct pointer to something, but specifically what such a dream is for. You should look in dream books.

Dead stranger in a dream

Not all interpreters are unanimous in solving such a dream; much depends on the details and details that were preserved in memory after awakening. a stranger is sometimes deciphered as the relationship of the person who saw him in a dream with himself. It may be about the dreamer himself, his personality. For a more accurate interpretation, you should pay attention to the feelings that the awakened person feels.

If you want to sympathize and have compassion for the deceased, then the dreamer will have difficulty parting with old views and stereotypes. He is in the process of transitioning to something new, ready to improve. Experiencing the death of a stranger in a dream, rejoicing in his suffering, hating him, is interpreted as long-awaited freedom from painful memories.

    Miller's Dream Book

    This dream interpreter is always considers the vision of death in any of its manifestations to be a warning sign. He advises you to reconsider your life and try to find something in it that could greatly hinder you in the future. Seeing a dying person in a dream and even hearing his voice is bad news.

    If he said something else, we must remember his words. They can be of great importance to the dreamer himself. Perhaps he suffers from excessive gullibility and is too kind to others. We need to take a closer look at those around us; perhaps someone is already planning evil.

    If the dying person talked about something, then you should listen to the words and, if possible, fulfill the request.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    The death of a noble or very important stranger is prophetic. The coming to power of a wise ruler is approaching, in the state that needs it most. He will be able to establish peace and stop the wars going on in those parts.

    If the dying person looks like he is very sick - there is blatant injustice ahead. You should not accept an offer of a lucrative deal. There is a possibility that third parties will be harmed. In many ways, the salvation of the dreamer’s soul will depend on the decisions he makes.

    A painful death - harbinger of nuclear war. The initiator will be the future European ruler. The result is the death of the country, illness and torment of the survivors.

    Eastern women's dream book

    If a dying person from a dream experiences clinical death, then you should be wary of your loved ones, they have planned something, they are plotting behind your back, and you have no idea. Find out too late and you may suffer from their plans.

    Dream Interpretation of Felomena

    A similar dream about the death of an unfamiliar or completely stranger stands for the dreamer’s readiness to expand the scope of his view on, to open the way to something new, change your actions towards people and behavior in general. There is a new standard of living ahead, and it will be worthy.

    The death of an unknown woman - to significant events. They will affect the dreamer's future. Changes will not happen even with great efforts.

    Dream Interpretation of Medea

    According to this source, death - always something new, parting with the past and taking a step forward. The beginning of the unknown.

    Jewish dream book

    Promises prosperous longevity, to the one who saw the process of death of another man in his dream.

    Modern combined dream book

    If you dream that a person is an enemy, and even defeated by the hands of the sleeping person, then this means that he will have to overcome the evil forces that lurk within himself. This will make everyone happier: friends, relatives, and himself.

    According to Nostradamus

    Death of a very important gentleman - a signal of world unrest and mass unrest. There is almost a hundred percent probability of the death of some famous ruler in the near future. In this regard, struggles and divisions may arise. Civil and world rights are possible.

    The painful death of a stranger is an omen. Means the birth of a new cruel maniac. The death of many people at his hands.

    I dreamed of the clinical death of another stranger seen in a dream - an event that leads you into a stupor and indifferent attitude to reality. It can last more than one year and end just as suddenly.

    Complete dream book of the New Era

    Interpreted as reflection of someone bringing big changes with him. It is possible that this is the dreamer himself.

    According to Madame Hasse

    Longevity will be realistic for the dreamer if he repeatedly sees in his dreams how a stranger or stranger dies. If this is the same person, then it is possible There is some kind of fateful meeting ahead for both sides.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    Faithful to a major trouble that will be difficult to live with. The dream warns against rash actions. Their results will be difficult to correct.

    Medieval dream book

    The death of a person you don’t know or didn’t see well, from an angry beast, to liberation from someone's annoying guardianship, be it parents, a jealous friend or lover. The dreamer is a prisoner who saw something like this in a dream and will soon be released from prison.

    Vedic dream book

    For a sick person to see someone else's death - to improve your health, to a sure recovery. Healthy - to the news.

    According to Jung's interpretations

    Dreams about death (any) – these are dreams about the transformation of the world existing around the dreamer with the help of himself. A new look at himself will help him with this.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer

    The interpretation is not pleasant: to the death of this person. Completing something (things, paintings, books, etc.).

    Esoteric dream book

    It’s calm to watch someone’s death in a dream - to a long and calm life of the contemplative. The death of an unknown person shows the philosophical thoughts of the dreamer. We will have to change plans; if you do not take advantage of the moment, degradation and decline lie ahead.

    According to Tsvetkov

    Woman sees to a long-awaited acquaintance. For a man - to complete matters.

    Collection of dream books

    To see in a dream the long, painful agony of a stranger - to your own heavy. It will last a long time, but it will recede.

Death of a large number of people

Many interpreters agree on an opinion close to Vanga’s prediction. She is counting. That through such a dream God warns of the imminence of mass diseases and deadly epidemics. Millions will die. However, this won't last long. A way out will be found by a person who at the moment is not considered at all, he has no authority in the scientific world. It is he who will be able to discover a cure and stop diseases.

The soothsayer Nostradamus gives a different explanation for sleeping with many dead people. It is the opposite of the interpretation. In his opinion - everything is for the better, humanity will live for many centuries to come despite any cataclysms.

According to Freud, a similar dream with large human victims - to an imminent nuclear disaster. The culprit will be a statesman of a large country.

Whatever interpretation you prefer, it is always better to listen first of all to yourself and try to avoid rash and hasty actions.

Dreams about people can predict a lot for the dreamer. They serve as a warning of danger, or foreshadow future happiness. If you dream of a person, you need to determine who he is and whether you know him. This will help to correctly interpret the dream.

Dreams about people are considered relevant for the sleeper, because in life he encounters a society where there are enemies.

Based on this, fairly well-known esotericists offered their own interpretations of such visions:

  1. Vanga in her dream book paid great attention to the plot of the dream. She believed that if the same person is constantly seen, this signals the need to change the situation in life. Also, the sleeper should act quickly, otherwise business will stagnate. When you see in a dream an individual about whom you have been thinking a lot lately, this means that the dream is based on obsessive thoughts. In this case, the dream does not foretell anything. She also wrote about why a loved one dreams of wearing black clothes. This vision warns of the need to be on alert due to impending danger.
  2. Nostradamus believed that a vision of a person was a good omen. He believed that the dream of a man sitting on a rock foreshadows an amazing event. At the same time, it will be able to completely change ideas about life. If in a dream he turned out to be a stranger with a bestial look, then the sleeper will have to meet the Antichrist in the future. When a person in a dream was angry and aggressive, this means that a despotic tyrant will soon find himself in the role of ruler of the state. If you dreamed of a wounded person, then enormous trials await you in the future. Also in a dream, material wealth plays a big role. If you dreamed of a beggar, expect minor troubles that could lead to the loss of property. When he was rich, this is considered a prosperous sign. In this case, the dream promises a comfortable life and prosperity in the family.
  3. The family dream book states that if you have a dream in which the dreamer is unable to understand the gender of a person, this means the need to change your position or place of work. In addition, if he was on a hill, the dream foreshadows drastic changes in the dreamer’s life. Dreams with evil people prophesy grief from current events.

I dreamed of a familiar person

To interpret a dream, it is very important to know who you dreamed about. If the dreamer was familiar with the person, then this is considered a sign that serious events may occur.

In this case, the interpretation takes on special significance if the dream is repeated daily.

When a familiar person appears in night dreams for a long time and often, this indicates the presence of an internal astral connection with him. In addition, the dream indicates that she is strong enough, the relationship with the dreamed person is strong and reliable.


When you dream of a stranger who does not bring any emotions, this may mean that he is the personification of a missed chance to change your life.

According to Miller's theory, a stranger is considered a good predictor of financial success. In addition, if he was handsome and rich, then expect great life changes. Dreams in which there was an unkempt and ugly person have the opposite meaning.

For unmarried girls, this vision is considered a warning about unwanted pregnancy, which will be a consequence of a dissolute life.

Why do you dream about the person you like?

Dreams about objects of sympathy have another meaning. When you dream about a person you like, the dream often does not carry any sacred meaning. Most likely, the dreamer in real life thinks a lot about his object of desire, which is why thoughts about his lover do not leave even during sleep. On the other hand, a dream in which the dreamer saw a beloved face foretells him a romantic date. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the night when the beloved was dreamed, since the day of the week is of great importance for the interpretation of dreams.

A lot of people, a crowd

When many people dream at the same time, then it’s worth thinking about your internal state. Often a crowd in a dream signals the emergence of conflict situations that make the sleeper nervous.

In this case, it is necessary to consider the behavior of the crowd. When the crowd is noisy, then the dream has no interpretative value. If people are silent in a dream, this means that in real life the dreamer will soon have a hard time enduring trials. In order not to explode from an overabundance of emotions, you should take a vacation for a while. In addition, when the society consisted of strangers, this is considered an omen that huge conflicts and quarrels await the sleeper.

In some cases, the vision indicates the dreamer’s loneliness in reality. In this case, it is advisable to visit a psychologist and also make friends.

The gender of society in a dream has a huge influence on the interpretation:

  1. If it was not possible to find out the gender, it is interpreted that the dreamer has a great chance of getting into the elite.
  2. When you dreamed about women who were aggressively opposed to the dreamer, this is a warning that the fair sex in the future may deceive and cheat on the dreamer. Young and unmarried girls dream of encountering failures on the eve.
  3. If there were only men in the crowd, the dream recommends being wary, because it portends both trouble and self-interest. Therefore, in the days following the dreams, you should think through every step.

Why do I dream about the same person?

To find out why the same person dreams, it is necessary to approach the interpretation of the dream from a psychological point of view. Perhaps the dreamer is fixated on the same routine things. This usually indicates that the sleeper is constantly walking in circles. Based on this, you need to change something in your life so that everyday worries do not lead to a mental disorder.

Reasons why you dream about a person you don’t think about

The most common reason for these dreams is that the dreaming person is currently missing the dreamer. It also means that he is constantly thinking about him.

On the other hand, a dream signals a need for help. Usually, some time after the visions seen, a meeting with the object of the dream will occur. Based on this, the sleeper is recommended to call the person to make sure that everything is fine with him.

When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to remember the sensations from the dream. If the vision was disturbing, then expect troubles at work, which old friends will help solve. If during the dream the sleeper felt happy, then the dream indicates that in reality it is difficult for the sleeper to obtain happiness, which is why the vision is a signal from the subconscious about its need.

Interpretation of dreams depending on the day of the week

Depending on the specific day of the week when the dream was seen, the interpretation of the dream will have different meanings:

  1. A person had a dream on Monday; the reason for the dreams was the emotional experiences of the dreamer, since the Moon is considered the patroness of dreams on this day.
  2. Since Tuesday is considered the day of Mars, dreams on this day foreshadow great results in work. Visions on Tuesday symbolize the dreamer's aspirations to move towards his intended goal.
  3. On Wednesday, dreams about people often have little significance as a foreshadowing. Usually the vision is associated with thoughts about the person in the dream.
  4. On Thursday, the dream is the most significant for interpretation. On this day, almost all dreams come true. Such dreams promise activity in the professional field, as well as excellent results of the work done.
  5. On the night from Thursday to Friday, prophetic dreams come. If you dreamed of a person on this day, the dream should be interpreted in the love sphere. Usually the vision reflects the dreamer's desires, and it is also able to foresee future relationships.
  6. On Saturday, such visions warn the sleeper about making a mistake.
  7. On Sunday, dreams have a positive interpretation. In any case, the dream is considered an omen of success and prosperity.

Many psychologists explain why people dream about people who often think about them. From the esoteric side, such visions signal both trouble and well-being. In any case, the interpretation of dreams must be approached consciously, taking into account the plot of the visions.

Why do you dream of strangers in a House in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream in which you see unfamiliar strangers speaks of a company of people with whom you are unfamiliar, perhaps your work. Seeing a large number of strangers in - your social “I”, position in society, is rather unstable and changeable.


Video: Why do you dream about strangers in the House?

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Did you dream of strangers in the House, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why strangers dream about a House in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I’m in my apartment, I lock the door from the inside, I turn around and see a strange man aiming a gun at me. I grab the gun and pull the trigger, but it doesn't fire. Then I swing my hand and hit the man several times with the butt of my gun. He falls and turns into some kind of small round object, but then he gets back to his feet, and here I wake up.

    in a dream I hear someone rustling outside the window, I look out. And these are little mongrels in the bushes, tugging at the leaves and barking. I want to open the lock and I see that it is held on by snot and the person wants to get into the house. The person is not aggressive. I am in fear. I go into the house and see strangers already in the house from different sides. They just walk and They don’t answer my questions why are you here and what do you need? I’m very scared and I don’t know what to do. There was even a gypsy And so all night Thank you if you give me an answer to my dream

    I see a strange man coming out from my balcony, finishing his cigarette. I understand that this neighbor from above climbed down from his balcony onto mine, smoked with me, and now walks through the entire apartment in shoes and clothes to the exit. I follow him, making comments that I don’t want to see him at my place, especially with a cigarette. However, he grins and says that he wants and will come to me to smoke.

    I enter my apartment and feel someone’s presence, then I see a man hidden, I remember the colors on his legs, the man was aggressive, there was a knife in his hands, but then I somehow ran out into the street, hearing the sound of a TV in the back room. The man disappeared ,did not pursue

    In the dream there were people in my house, I think it was my birthday. But they didn’t even smile and everyone didn’t find it funny... It seems they were hiding something from me and wanted to get away from me as quickly as possible. All the faces were clear, but I don’t know these people

    strangers have taken over my house. With the children, I ask them to let them into the house, one of the people answers, come at night and spend the night. I cry a lot and leave with the children. The old grandmother took her in. What is this for? I often have dreams that come true, I decipher when they come true

    I dreamed that there were a lot of strangers in my house and only one girl I knew. For some reason she lived with me temporarily. I'm mad at her because she brought everyone else. She cleaned the house. And others tried to repair something, but they broke everything. I tried to drive everyone away, but I couldn’t. Woke up in tears.

    I dreamed that a storm had begun in the city, and we were driving a car back across the bridge (that is, at reverse speed) and then the bridge was flooded with water and we would fall into the river, I got out of the car and swam to the surface. Then I dream that my house is full of strangers, drunken youth and prostitutes. Then they all leave

    In a dream, I go to the apartment I rented and live there. But the houses in the area are all the same and I can’t remember which house I live in. It seems like I found a house, I go in, go up to my floor, go to the door and the key fits. But there are already other (strangers) people in the apartment. I can’t understand whether the house is not the same, or whether these people are not legally living in my apartment.

    I dreamed about my friend’s boyfriend that he was drunk and wanted to strangle me in a club. And my friend’s 2 grandmothers, one is good, like God’s dandelion, and the other offered me to drink vodka and we got drunk

    I dreamed of a big dark house with a lot of people, one pushed my child, then my husband appeared and there was blood on his face and at the end of the dream he just left me and said that he doesn’t love me anymore

    hello, I dreamed that strangers were breaking into my house without permission, at first a man with a beard, I kicked him out, then women came and started insulting me, so I got into a fight with her and drove them away, but the man still came into my house and started screaming strongly on him. My husband appeared from somewhere, supposedly he had an accident and told me that everything was fine, and I woke up

    Hello, I dreamed that I was sleeping and heard rustling noises, as if someone was opening the door, clearly afraid of waking up my family. I listened, and then realized that they had entered the apartment. I started screaming for dad, but he continued to sleep, not Waking up, I became very scared and covered my head in the blanket. It seemed to me that a man had entered the house and he wanted to kill me.

    I come home, and strangers are sleeping in the sleeping places - refugees from Donetsk of very short stature - one is a military man, the other is a black man, but he exuded warmth. Among them was my now deceased cousin. I asked them to leave and they started to leave and then I woke up. The atmosphere was friendly, without offense or aggression.

    I dreamed about old ones
    old people in their house, I visited them, I vaguely remember what I did there, but I communicated with them, I remember it well, these old people are alive today, I know them, but I don’t communicate with them

    Last night I dreamed that I was somewhere in an unfamiliar place and there were strangers around me, I was looking for my home and people I knew, they tried to explain to me where to go, but I woke up and never found my home. Tell me, please, what does this mean?

    supposedly I’m lying in bed, everything is as usual. It’s night. My son is sleeping next to me in his bed. I hear a knock (timid), I don’t react.. time passes a little and I hear the front door closing... I’m lying and afraid.. time passes again , I go at my own peril and risk. I open the door in another room, and there are 2-3 non-Russian men standing there and looking at the picture. I asked, they looked at me and...... that's it

    I dreamed of my house from which people who were strangers to me, a woman and a man, were coming out, when I approached the house I saw that the woman had a syringe with a needle in her hands, and when I asked where you got the keys, she said that Kostya gave them to them, this is my ex-boyfriend, then they left and she gave me the keys.

    I dreamed of a large apartment, completely unfamiliar, many rooms, everything was beautifully furnished, each room was individual. I was asked to look after the apartment while the owners were away. At the same time, I dreamed that I went out into the street and next to me they were leading a giraffe on a rope.

    I see from the inside of my apartment, that near the door to my apartment there is a gap in the entrance, and I see through the gap that some men came to the door, and I am afraid that they will get into my apartment.. then I had to open the door for them, but they didn’t come in, but asked if my father lived here (and he lives at a different address). There seemed to be three young people, and one more girl. I said that my father doesn’t live here, and they left. I was I'm glad I got rid of them. but I was concerned about the safety of my home. That they might come later and steal or something else.

    Hello! Two years ago my mother died, and over the course of these two years I have periodically dreamed about her. I dream about her in different dreams as if she died and came back to life, that is, either she did not die, or somehow resurrected, every time I tried to ask this and it did not work. I also couldn’t talk to her at all; it seemed as if she was offended by me.

    There were a lot of strangers who were doing renovations in the entrance and they all came to me as if it were their own home and carried the dirt from the renovation into the house, I kicked them out all the time, but they still came in and wandered around. I was very angry with them in my dream. That same night I dreamed that my child’s baby tooth was shaking, and I was happy about it.

    In real life, my mother-in-law and father-in-law live with us in the second half of the house, but lead their own lives. In a dream, I go out into the common courtyard, two strangers are sitting there. In the dream it was as if I knew them. I walk into my mother-in-law’s house through bards and chaos, all the doorposts and windows there are painted beige, and in their bedroom three strange women, their backs turned to me, in blue robes and white headscarves, whitewash the walls pink

    Hello) I dreamed of a huge crowd of people who were celebrating some kind of holiday at my house, drinking, dancing, it really infuriated me, I threw my girlfriend over my shoulder and ran out into the street to call the police, there on the street I wanted to burn all these people right in the apartment by pouring everything is gasoline)

    I dreamed that a stranger girl came to my house to hang out her washed clothes. I know the girl in real life, but I don’t communicate with her. why in the dream she was not pleasant to me, and I argued with her.

    Lately I have been having plausible dreams, as if I wake up, lie in the same place where I fell asleep, can’t move, and believe that I woke up. At the same time I see a stranger entering the apartment. Once I dreamed that the owner of the apartment I was renting came in. I was looking for something in the other room. Today I dreamed that some drunk woman came in and lay down to sleep on my bed, was rude and kicked me out, and I dreamed that I couldn’t move. so realistic, even the lighting is like in reality.... And lately I have been suffering from insomnia. although I’m young, only 25.

    Hello! I had such a dream today. A man in a black suit came into the yard, wanted to take a bag of bread crackers, I didn’t give it, then he took the children’s bicycle in front of my eyes, loaded it into a car and drove off. There was a woman with him who handed me 60 rubles for the bike. I refused to take this money. After a while, 2 strangers in black clothes appeared in the house, they seemed to have forgotten some small box, my mother was holding it, one came up and hit her in the face, snatching this strange box.

    I was sitting in the bathroom, closed, with a child in my arms, but it was my child, there are no children in my life, I’m still young. and a stranger snuck into my apartment, I saw him walking around my house and looking for something

    I only remembered the images. My friends and a young man are walking along the Uskaya path. Over the years, I am walking behind everyone. I see little noses landing on them and I try to shake them off; as a result, my body is covered with insects. We're running away. The side from which they were coming. I jump over a high fence several times and find myself in my friend’s house, I hide from the inhabitants of the house, then I go to the window and see my boyfriend and my friends, I him. I hear but he doesn’t hear me and so do I. I write the word “dispute” on a piece of paper for him, I get out of the house and find myself in the floor of a collapsed house, watching the hall there is an acquaintance (whose house I broke into) she is trashing, I understand that this is a doll’s house.

    I dreamed: I arrived at the dacha at night, and there the gate was open and the light was on. I got scared, looked out the window - and there were a couple of young homeless people. I started kicking them out, they didn’t want to leave. It’s strange, I was with a dog, and instead of barking at them, she began to caress towards them. Then they left, but they had to threaten to call security from neighboring areas.

    I saw my father’s house, but I couldn’t go there. Strangers lived in it. The feeling that I no longer have my father’s house and that I am left without a home. People treated me pretty coolly.

    Hello!! I dreamed about an apartment, but it wasn’t mine; in the dream I thought it was mine. There were a lot of strangers, all sleeping or lying on my beds, people - men and women, like guest workers, thanks in advance

    Hello, I had a dream where I was in a house, I know him, he is from my village, these are my neighbors, a family used to live there, and then after the death of her owner, everyone went away somewhere, only the son remained and he slowly began to become an alcoholic, he didn’t work anywhere and died after another binge drinking and dreaming as if some people are taking everything out of it and destroying it, I look at it all and understand that this is all the end, the house is empty, something is left, but I know that it’s all over and I’m not strangely sorry. You know, my husband’s birthday is coming soon (suicide) I dreamed about him today before this dream that he and I were making love, I really saw everything like that, maybe I’m going crazy, help me figure it out, thanks

    I dream of a huge man who cuts off the entrance gate with a grinder, then I run into the house but he cuts off this door too, I run away but he still breaks into the house. And I see that he is huge, I’m scared, but I see that he is kind, I stroke his cheek and say he is good, good

    It started when my father and I went to buy chickens when we returned home (our house)
    At the site I found a middle-aged lady who was trying an onion which I was pinching when I asked her to leave she resisted in the end when I kicked her out her mother came up and said escort our guest when I asked her who it was she did not answer
    End of the dream
    The mother doesn't know this woman, the father doesn't know either

    I dreamed of my house in which there are many strangers and who behave like at home, they are going to rebuild, build something, my son and daughter-in-law communicate with them, set the table, my ex-husband came and is also with them, no one pays attention to me, no one I ask what’s going on, they don’t answer as if I’m not there. The house is dark, there are a lot of dirty dishes, the bathroom is dirty, but hot, clean water runs, which cannot be turned off, and I understand that there will be a flood, I turn to everyone for help, but everyone just laughs at me joyfully .

    I open the door with the key in my apartment and in the hallway there is a stranger wearing a hat and smiling. I'm asking how did you get there? What are you doing here? He tells me that he is waiting for his wife. I ask which wife? She will come now and answer. I'm surprised... I look at the walls of my hallway and they are a soft peach color, and a neon-colored glow emanates from above the front door. I was surprised by the alien’s smile and very even white teeth. What could this mean?

    I dreamed of a big house where my husband and I live, evil men came into it, I kicked them out and closed the windows and doors so that they wouldn’t come in. Then I also dreamed of high water in the city; my husband and sister and I wanted to leave somewhere. Then the cat ran after me and scratched my hand, it was not pleasant. She bit and ran after me. I also dreamed about the house in which I live with my husband now. I was in it with my sister. and many people were walking along the street near the house and wanted to break into our house. then there were a lot of cars and they drove along our street.

    I'm sitting in the house and it seems like someone is sneaking up from the street
    then he approaches the door and hears one knock
    I'm scared, I decided to quiet down
    apparently that person realized that there was someone in the house and decided to act more decisively
    he started to open the window, I don’t know how, but he succeeded, I was completely scared
    I decided to get out of the window, I open the window, and at that moment some woman, about 50-60 years old, thin and with wrinkles, comes through the gate, looks at me and apparently wants to catch me
    I woke up scared

    I dreamed that the house was a mess everywhere, it seemed bright, but everything was scattered but not cleaned. The rooms seemed to be mine and the corridor was unfamiliar, but there was a tricolor cat with kittens, she actually died. This is the neighbor’s cat that we fed. Then a black-haired man, a young man, tries spend the night in the house. But for some reason I want to kick him out and no, and surprise.

    I dreamed that I was in an apartment with my sister (she lives far away), my beloved had gone somewhere on business... my sister and I were dressing up for some event... and then a lot of different girls began to appear in the apartment... one was arranging things in the closet... others were rearranging in the house....another one is putting on makeup in the bathroom near the mirror....there are a lot of people in the room and they are talking very nicely and drinking alcohol....but we cannot understand what is happening

    I return home, and there are teenage boys preparing food, behaving impudently. I begin to peel the potatoes myself and wait for my husband to arrive so that he can tell them to leave. Another woman, one of their mothers, brought olive oil and also has no doubts, what will live with us. I return her supposed gift to her.

    Strangers come into my parents’ bedroom, where for some reason I’m going to take a shower, a woman puts a cigarette in my pocket, which is broken and which I’m already smoking with a bull and some kind of wet one, there’s also a tall man in the company, They sneak into me quite brazenly, but together With that being friendly, I then turn my attention to the girl from this company, she is beautiful. Further conversation with a woman from this company who tells something about the pedigree and about the fact that some line of the pedigree, apparently their pedigree was meant, has something very sensitive in the lungs

    A 13-year-old child had a dream - all the parents of the children from the class and one (the most unpleasant child) came to our apartment when he was home alone and began to fuss about cleaning the entire apartment while talking to each other (especially the stove). The child called me, I told him that I would come home now, a minute before I arrived, everyone hurriedly left. The child was again left alone in a completely cleaned apartment. “Woke up from a misunderstanding”

    I dreamed about our old house, in which we have not lived for a long time. There were many friendly strangers who lived in it. The house was at the same time old and the border of a new building. The people who lived in it greeted me on a good side, they said that they would soon leave and live here temporarily.

    I find myself in a bar and I see strangers there, but I know for sure that we have mutual acquaintances. It seems to me that they didn’t recognize me and I’m trying to maintain this situation, they think that I’m a completely different person. Here we suddenly find ourselves in a different place. bar, and in my apartment and I don’t understand how they got here, I’m taking away from this company under the guise of falling in love a person who recognized me and we’re trying to call the police to kick them out of there, since they avoided answering how they got here and me I had the feeling that if I told them to leave now, they would definitely break something.
    Then for some reason I and this man, who called the police with me, are in a hurry somewhere by car, we are late for the train, I say, where are the tickets?
    He answers me - there were no tickets yesterday
    Me - and how do you imagine this?
    The man has some kind of plan, but the train leaves the platform right in front of our noses, but it seems like it was blown out by this man. The train is actually some kind of cosmic one))) there are no such things yet

    I dreamed.. that there were a lot of strangers in my house.. I was kicking them out but I couldn’t kick them out... I’d only kick some out.. others had already entered the rooms.. there were a lot of them everywhere.. and under the table.. and under the beds.. and on sofas.. of different ages.. both men and women.. kicked out.. kicked out.. I went into the room.. and there was a lot of water.. the whole floor was flooded... allegedly they opened the heating taps.. then.. I look.. there is no grandson ...gone somewhere...I ran to hide the laptops..otherwise..I think..they will steal..but I can’t hide it..then I look..some child..I grabbed him by the hand and threw him...he somehow fell cleverly..on hand...and I woke up with this..

    I dreamed that I went into my house, where my parents had returned from some trip and saw that they had brought an unfamiliar young fair-haired man who was walking around the house trying to help something (he was not dressed very nicely), then I The thought arose in my head that they had picked up some poor person.

    I returned to live with my mother a couple of days ago, but in my dream my mother’s apartment was a little different, I dreamed that I heard a rustling sound, went into another room and accidentally woke up my brother, he directed the phone at me and only then did I realize that it was darker than just at night, I saw someone flash in another room, but I didn’t see a face, I tried to say come out as loudly as possible, but I just wheezed, then I woke up

    I dreamed that it was as if we were in the depths, I came up to you, you were sitting at the computer, you were sitting, called you to sleep and TV said go to bed and I’m preparing a surprise for you, I went to sleep and Tino woke up and I couldn’t say a word or move anything, I tried to run my hand along the pillow, it barely worked but you weren’t there and then I started to torture, screaming, it turned out to be shouting in a whisper and not all the words, then it seemed to fly up and fall and fly up again but didn’t fly up on its own, and here on the next bed your parents were sleeping, I didn’t see their faces, but when I understood, dad was also floating in air to help me but face up as if into the sky
    looks and he was wearing a New Year's hat

    Beautiful horses galloped through my house, about 3-4 horses, then I saw that there was a flock on the roof of a very high house, I wanted to get down and terribly refused to get down. Then I dreamed that a crowd of unfamiliar, uninvited people entered my apartment and lay down to sleep in my house, I’m kicking them out.

    They broke in twice during the night. I was afraid. The phone broke in half. for the first time, each other and his friends broke into the house. They took my things and he said goodbye to me. he’s far away now... and the second time it’s unfamiliar and scary and as if someone was carrying me in the air around the room

    We get a new apartment, but we don’t live in it. In a dream, I wanted to come to the apartment to bring some things, and there the door was open, a large bed, a woman and a man came out, a woman they knew, but the man didn’t. They left. And then complete strangers walked around the apartment. In my dream I was scared, I thought they wanted to take away the apartment somehow. And then I woke up and calmed down.

    The dream was quite strange, and I remember it only in moments. At first I let strangers and a girl into my house, who asked to help them, as soon as they entered the girl disappeared, and the men began to break everything, but then that girl stopped them, they apologized and left. After that, it was as if some kind of evil had started up in the house; there were some rustling noises; my family and I were very afraid, but then everything stopped. Then I found myself in a completely incomprehensible place, where I saw disabled people who got out of their wheelchairs and made something... something like a performance, I left them and soon, I met three guys who turned out to be friends, but then, when I went for a walk with them, I saw those disabled people who were eating and standing, they started a fight with my new friends, I started to separate me saying that they were too weak to fight. and then I woke up

    I am 60 years old. I dreamed that I was in someone else’s apartment with my husband, but he died 26 years ago, but in the dream this apartment is mine. The apartment is terrible. For some reason there was a toilet in the room. A strange couple lives with us and they have a lot of bad guests. I chase them away, but they don’t leave. This same morning I see another dream. I’m also in another apartment with only my 2nd husband, he also died but 5 years ago. It’s as if we were being kicked out of the apartment. And my husband tells me we’ll sell the apartment and split the money. I dreamed about him for the second time in 5 years.

    I dreamed that I was in my grandmother’s apartment (house), where I (used to live). And that my partner (beloved) and I came together and are there, communicating normally. Then people who are strangers come (allegedly they are called relatives) and begin to boss around in my grandmother’s apartment, scolding me for why I brought him here, that my grandmother died, and here I brought a man into her house. Supposedly, this is not a place for meetings (although in fact my grandmother died a long time ago). Then he tells me, okay then, let’s go somewhere else, we’ll be with you, and he went and said that he would wait for me. And these supposed relatives tell me, but you stay to bury your grandmother tomorrow and I stayed. Then I told them everything that they were not related to me at all and what they were doing in this apartment, occupying it and that they were probably specifically waiting for my grandmother to die. Having said everything, I woke up

    A little later she says that someone there asked them to stay overnight because they had nowhere to stay, I said no because they could steal something

    I constantly have a nightmare. My daughter and I are in an unknown apartment with small children. There are unknown people in the apartment. They are dangerous, I understand that. They are criminals with knives and drink. I'm looking for a way out of the situation to save my children and daughter. The daughter seems to come to terms with all this. A fight begins. Someone cut someone off. I'm trying to run away to call the police for help. Someone is chasing me with a knife
    I wake up

    I dreamed of many strangers in my apartment and at the same time they were uninvited. They kept arriving and arriving, I didn’t understand anything, it seemed to me that my wife or my parents invited them, but no. And then, having learned that no one invited them, I decided to stop the flow of these people. They came to me with one purpose - to eat. They behaved freely like at home: they sang, prayed, listened to music and freely walked around the apartment. It was all a dream. But it seemed to last all night. Although he told me I dreamed after 9 am. And what’s most interesting is that I went from real life to a dream and saw myself sleeping on the bed, and in the dream these uninvited guests woke me up.

    Good morning. This morning I dreamed that gypsies broke into my house, and they were also on the street. In the dream, I tried to escape from them and ran out into the street. Please tell me what this dream could mean?

    I dreamed that I was looking from the window of my house (private house) as a minibus drove up, men got out of it and began to fence the house with some kind of portable construction fence. Everything happened very quickly, one might say, smoothly. One began to pull out the window using a grinder and a crowbar, another broke down the door, someone entered the house and began to dismantle the furniture and take out the things that were in it. I asked what you were doing, and the answer was something unintelligible and laughter. I clearly understood that the house would be demolished as soon as everyone else was demolished. I asked, where should we go, where will we live, where will our things be taken?. The answer is vague, like it’s necessary and you do what you want. In fear, I woke up with a feeling of hopelessness

Strangers in a dream are a very favorable sign for those who are tired of loneliness. In most cases, the dream book suggests interpreting what this symbol means in a dream quite literally: the dreamer will soon find himself in a large group, take part in a mass public event, or receive an invitation to a grand party.

The details of the dream will help to predict the character, goals and objectives of this crowd of people. If each of the strangers present is busy with his own business, most likely the sleeper will also find something to do with himself. When, according to the plot, the events unfold at a concert or folk festival, such questions should not arise at all, the situation speaks for itself. Dreams about dead strangers require separate consideration.

If you happen to see strangers who look quite friendly and evoke only positive emotions, it seems that in reality you have been waiting for a long time, albeit unconsciously, for this meeting in the world of night dreams. The dream book of the healer Akulina believes that cute strangers in a dream are harbingers of no less pleasant communication in reality.

Untrustworthy characters of a repulsive appearance, with marginal habits or clearly bad intentions can bring a lot of trouble to reality, warns the Women's Dream Book.

At the same time, if the events in the dream allowed you to avoid an unpleasant meeting, and ideally, to put the unknown in their place, the Egyptian Dream Book reports that in reality you will be able to brilliantly win the argument, leaving your opponents speechless with your oratory skills.

Strangers in your home

Why you dream of strangers in the house is often an echo of real events, past or future. With a high degree of probability, the French dream book suggests that what you see in a dream may well be inspired by an upcoming family celebration.

Regardless of whether you are the “culprit” of the event, you are directly involved in organizing the celebration and wish with all your heart that this event will be held at the highest level. It is not surprising that in your sleep you scroll through various possible holiday scenarios.

Miller's dream book believes that the main character in this dream is the house. In a dream, you doubt that it serves as a fortress for you, and you are afraid that strangers might actually penetrate it.

Visiting strangers

Explaining why a feast with strangers is dreamed of, the Modern interpretation considers the decisive factor to be the impression that the party seen in the dream made on the sleeper. If the holiday was ruined for some reason, this can be regarded as an alarming sign - a harbinger of quarrels and troubles.

If the dreamed evening left exceptionally pleasant memories, the dreamer will experience success in business, prosperity, and respect. An abundance of alcohol is welcomed, especially spilled drinks that stain the guests’ clothes - all this enhances the positive meaning of the dream without the slightest damage to health or reputation.

The esoteric dream book notes that visiting strangers most often happens to those who have recently changed their environment. For example, he got a job in a crowded and noisy team, moved to a metropolis from a remote place, or discovered the joys of social entertainment. A change in lifestyle causes some tension that does not go away even in sleep.

In a crowd of strangers

Hasse's dream book believes that a crowd of strangers portends the dreamer a new hobby, which implies cooperation with a mass audience. Perhaps we are talking about organizational or advertising activities, show business or spiritual unity based on common ideas.

If in a dream you saw yourself in this crowd, the French dream book suggests looking in the plot of the dream for the key to unraveling the true reason for your failures.

Why many strangers dream about it often symbolizes the secrets of the sleeper: he is seriously afraid that in reality they will become the property of the dreaming crowd. Danilova’s erotic dream book clarifies that we are talking about romantic adventures, which the dreamer, due to circumstances, does not want to show off. Such experiences are quite natural and, at the same time, groundless: the likelihood that the secret will be revealed is extremely low.

Dead Strangers

A dream in which unfamiliar dead people appear suggests that your worries are in vain. The worst thing that could happen is either left in the past, or in a dream, or has completely passed by. The dream book mentions one more reason: a minor ailment, which, however, will not affect your health in the future.

Everything that dreams about the corpses of strangers serves as a harbinger of news that will undoubtedly please the sleeping person. The dream interpreter advises you to agree to a tempting offer without hesitation, otherwise you may miss your chance.

To understand what dreams of dead strangers mean, one should consider this usually short-lived episode in the context of the dream as a whole. It is his plot that will indicate what is initially a hopeless matter; the dream book does not advise wasting energy and time on this idea or a person.

The dream book believes that the funeral of strangers in a dream foreshadows positive events or news in reality. Thanks to new circumstances, seemingly insoluble difficulties will turn out to be completely surmountable.

Ghost Strangers

What the ghosts of strangers dream about will arouse curiosity rather than distress in the sleeper. As the interpretation goes, what you see in a dream foreshadows imminent news of the death of a famous high-ranking person.

Quite often a person in a dream finds himself in the company of people completely unknown to him, and very often right at home.

Why do you dream of strangers in the house?

Let's see what the most famous dream books in the world answer to this question.

I dreamed of strangers in the house: what does it portend?

For people who have been alone for a long time, such a sign is very favorable; it can mean the emergence of new acquaintances and relationships with the opposite sex in real life. Thus, most dream books believe that there is no need to look for hidden meaning here, but to perceive it directly: if you dreamed of a crowd of strangers, it means that in real life you will have to appear in a large group, take part in public events or at a large party.

To determine a dream more accurately, you need to try to remember the details of the dream, as well as the mood and goals of the dreaming crowd. If each of the strangers is doing something different, then you will probably also find something to do for yourself. If in a dream you find yourself at some concert or holiday, then everything is clear here - expect a similar situation in reality. Dreams with deceased strangers should be considered separately.

Thus, we can conclude that appearing in a dream surrounded by an unfamiliar crowd means that, most likely, you will get a job or service, where there will be many people around you whom you do not know well, but you will be forced to communicate with them in one team.

Now let's look at these dreams in more detail:

1) if most of these people radiate smiles and fun in a dream, then in reality you will probably be at some kind of entertainment event;

2) if you feel sad and tense in a dream, this means that you should expect conflict situations with work colleagues;

3) seeing strangers in your own home is a sign that you do not feel safe at home;

4) if you watch people you don’t know eat and drink, this is a good sign that promises an improvement in material well-being;

5) some dream books interpret being in an unfamiliar crowd as the dreamer’s fear of revealing his secrets to others, and it is completely unfounded. Often such fears are associated with the fear of disclosing amorous relationships, and this is noticeable for both sexes equally;

6) if you saw inanimate strangers in a dream, this is a good symbol notifying you that there is no longer any cause for concern, and only joy and good luck await you ahead;

7) if you are at the funeral of people you don’t know - new positive circumstances will arise;

8) if you see too many strangers in your dream, this may be signs of quarrels and scandals with friends and relatives;

9) if each of the strangers you see in your dream moves and fusses very quickly, this means that in reality you will also be busy with various chores that require a lot of time and effort;

10) if in a dream you consciously do not do what all the other strangers are doing, this means that soon an obstacle will appear on your path, which will be very difficult to get rid of;

11) if you are in a crowd of strangers, but friendly people, this means that somewhere on a subconscious level you longed for such meetings. In addition, if strangers are smiling and friendly, this is a sign of equally pleasant communication in real life;

12) if a crowd you don’t know behaves defiantly, marginally and unkindly, this is a sign that many problems and unpleasant moments await you in real life. At the same time, if you managed to somehow avoid unpleasant acquaintances, or even better, outshine unfriendly strangers, this means that in real life you will be able to famously win an argument, leaving your opponents with their noses thanks to your excellent oratory art.

Strangers in the house

The appearance of strangers in a house in a dream is quite often an echo of real events that have already passed or will happen soon. There is also a high probability that such a dream could be inspired by an upcoming family holiday.

Regardless of whether the holiday is organized in your honor or not, you try to take a direct part in its organization and with all your heart desire that it be held at the highest level. Therefore, it is not surprising that in a dream all possible celebration scenarios are scrolling through your head.

Visiting strangers

A dream in which you are already visiting strangers requires a separate interpretation. With modern interpretation, the determining factor is the impression made on the dreamer by the party seen in the dream. If the celebration in a dream was spoiled for some reason, this is not a very good sign and is a harbinger of scandals and discord.

If a party you saw in a dream made an extremely positive impression on you, this is an excellent sign that promises you good luck in business, respect and financial stability. If in the dream there was a sea of ​​alcohol, drinks spilled on guests’ clothes, etc., this further enhances its positive meaning: success, joy and wealth are guaranteed to you.

Some dream books claim that a dream in which you are visiting people you don’t know often comes to those who have recently changed their environment, for example, moved from a small town or village to a noisy metropolis, got a job with a large and noisy team, and so on. The reason lies in the fact that a change in lifestyle in real life causes a certain tension, which is transmitted to a person in a dream.

I dreamed of strangers in the house according to Miller’s dream book

    If you see a completely unexpected meeting with strangers, then in such a dream everything depends on the appearance of the strangers. If they are attractive and friendly, this is a good sign; if they are not very pleasant, this is a bad sign;

    if you are in any society and feel like a stranger in it, this is a sign of future unpredictable events that will be the cause of your troubles;

    if you feel like a stranger in a dream, this means that some unusual things have become the cause of your sorrows.

Why do you dream of strangers in a house according to Freud’s dream book

    Strangers in the house, according to Freud, are a symbol of rivalry, objects of envy, and gossip:

    if a man dreams of strangers in the house, this is a sign of his lack of self-confidence;

    a woman in such a dream can meet her future spouse. If there are several strangers in a dream, you need to pay attention to the man whose facial features you remember best.

Why do you dream about strangers in a house according to Vanga’s dream book?

    if you dreamed of strangers on a waxing moon, expect the arrival of a friend or some important news;

    sometimes (on the waxing moon) - in real life she will secretly kidnap with her superiors.

Interpretation of sleep according to Nostradamus's dream book

  • If you dreamed of strangers in the house during the waxing moon, it means work worries, responsibilities, and possible discord and scandals in the family.

Strangers in the house: Loff's opinion

    to see strangers in the house in a dream - to future joy, perhaps unexpected, such as the establishment of long-lost relationships;

    sometimes (on a waxing moon) - such a dream symbolizes lips, blue computers, quarrels regarding birth. Also, in some cases, such a dream may mean that you will be forced to lie in order to clear your name.

Sleeping with strangers in a house according to Hasse's dream book

  • The appearance of strangers in the house means going to a church service. It is also possible to have major external success, which internally will seem quite small to you.

Women's dream book

    If you met attractive strangers in a dream, this means positive changes in life;

    saw strangers with repulsive appearance - to negative changes;

    if you feel like a stranger among the people around you - to troubles that will cause your troubles;

    if you don’t recognize yourself in a dream, this is a sign of inexplicable events, which will be the cause of your unhappiness.
