Why is methanol dangerous for the human body? What is methyl alcohol and why is it dangerous for humans?

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Poisoning with methyl alcohol or methanol occurs very often and exclusively when used internally. Some take it deliberately for the purpose of intoxication - these are, as a rule, people with alcohol addiction, others get poisoned by consuming counterfeit alcoholic beverages.

Methanol is very toxic, often leading to severe health problems and death. It is very important to be able to recognize the symptoms of intoxication in time and be able to provide emergency assistance.

Composition and production of wood alcohol

Methyl alcohol or methanol is the simplest monohydric alcohol, very soluble in water, evaporates if not stored tightly and is explosive when mixed with air. By external signs it is a colorless transparent liquid with a characteristic alcoholic odor, which is difficult to distinguish from the odor of ethyl alcohol. Previously, it was obtained by dry distillation of wood, from which another name has been preserved - wood alcohol.

Just like ethanol, it burns with a blue flame when ignited, and mixes well with almost all liquids, being a solvent. These properties make it possible to use methanol as a fuel, for example, in car engines, to generate electricity electrochemically.

Methanol is the most common in various solvents and antifreeze liquids, and is also included in industrial alcohol as denatured alcohol.

Due to its high toxicity, the production of household chemicals, perfumes, and antifreeze containing methanol is prohibited in Russia; it is used exclusively in industrial and chemical production, and can only be found in counterfeit chemical products and drinks.

Is it possible to drink methyl alcohol

People who believe that the methanol contained in industrial alcohol is a cheap means of intoxication and can be consumed little by little are deeply mistaken. Its intoxicating properties are much lower than those of ethyl alcohol., but the toxicity is hundreds of times higher, because it is a dangerous poison for a living organism.

The stories are known multiple cases mass poisoning of the population with methanol when consuming counterfeit drinks: in India in 1986 - 300 people died, in El Salvador in 200 - 125 people, in Estonia in 2001 - 70 people, in Russia in 2016 - 78 people. The number of those who suffered irreparable harm to their health was ten times greater and remained disabled. These are just a few examples of cases that are repeated year after year.

Ingestion of even a few grams of methanol into the body of an adult causes intoxication, and an amount of 10 ml or more can cause serious poisoning, lethal dose methanol: 20-80 ml.

What is the effect of methanol on the human body?? Methyl alcohol, entering the liver through the bloodstream, is decomposed there by alcohol dehydrogenase - the same enzyme that decomposes ordinary alcohol, only much more toxic decomposition products are formed - formaldehyde and formic acid. The most susceptible organ is the retina, which develops atrophy and blindness.

The whole body suffers. Formic acid sharply increases the pH of the blood and all tissues, acidosis develops, it leads to a sharp disruption of metabolism in all organs, their hypoxia and the development of acute failure - blood circulation, respiration, liver, kidneys, and depression of brain function.

In cases of severe methanol poisoning after consuming large doses, patients can rarely be saved, and those who survive remain disabled (loss of vision, failure of organ function). Against this background, the question of whether it is possible to drink technical alcohol is rhetorical, because the answer to it is simple and clear.

Symptoms of methanol poisoning

After drinking methyl alcohol, severe intoxication is not observed; it goes away within 6-10 hours, but is replaced by more menacing symptoms, because during this time toxic metabolites - formaldehyde and formic acid - accumulate in the body.


Symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning increase, and by the end of the day a typical clinical picture :

  • strong headache bursting character;
  • dizziness;
  • darkening before the eyes, decreased vision up to its complete loss;
  • fall blood pressure;
  • feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • difficulty breathing, lack of air;
  • imbalance, decreased reflexes and muscle tone;
  • depression of consciousness, loss of consciousness.

In severe cases, the following are added to the signs of methanol poisoning: coma, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest. With the same dose of methanol taken, the symptoms of poisoning are more severe in those who have already used it before.

First aid to the victim

A victim of methyl alcohol intake should immediately call an ambulance and begin immediate measures. If he is conscious, you need to quickly rinse the stomach with plain water with the addition of soda (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water), after rinsing, give him an alkaline solution (half a teaspoon per glass of water) every 15 minutes.

You can give any of the enterosorbents - activated carbon, polysorb, if a little time has passed since the moment of use, after 2 hours their use is useless, because all the methanol has already been absorbed into the blood.

The patient needs to be put to bed, ensure rest and access to fresh air, monitor breathing, pulse and blood pressure. If breathing or cardiac arrest occurs before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to carry out primary resuscitation measures - chest compressions and artificial respiration.

In the hospital, antidotes are administered to the patient: 30% ethyl alcohol, folic acid, methylpyrazole, which reduce the breakdown of methanol to toxic products. To reduce intoxication, unithiol is administered intravenously. Intensive infusion therapy is carried out with the intravenous administration of a large amount of liquid - sodium bicarbonate, glucose, detoxifying liquids, vitamins, correction of respiratory function, heart function, forced diuresis (liquid plus diuretics) for the rapid elimination of toxins by the kidneys.

If you still have containers - a bottle, a glass - that contained the liquid you drank, they must be provided to the emergency personnel.

In severe cases for quick cleansing The patient's blood is connected to an extracorporeal hemodialysis (EG) machine. Laboratory monitoring of the concentration of methanol and its breakdown products in the blood and determination of blood pH are constantly carried out. After discharge, the patient needs long-term rehabilitation until the impaired functions are restored, if this is at all possible.

Consequences of methyl alcohol poisoning and complications

Intoxication with technical alcohol leads to the development of severe acute complications:

  • heart failure;
  • respiratory failure;
  • renal failure;
  • the development of a coma and prolonged compression syndrome, if the coma was long - several hours or more, with intoxication and dysfunction of internal organs.

Long-term consequences also inevitably develop. This may be a chronic disorder of cardiac activity, liver function, kidney function, or a disorder of nervous functions. The most common consequence is progressive visual impairment due to retinal atrophy, blindness.

Such irreversible changes in the body cannot be fully restored and very often lead to disability. This is too expensive a price to pay for the short-term and deceptive feeling of relaxation from drinking methyl alcohol.

Does methyl alcohol affect the human body? What are the consequences of using it?

Control the production and sale of ethyl alcohol in Russian Federation local government bodies, which are guided by the law of November 2, 1995 N 171-FZ.

It describes the necessary standards that must be observed in the production and sale of alcohol, as well as methods for its sale. This is done in order to protect the rights and interests of people, their health, ensure the safety of consumed alcoholic beverages, and also monitor compliance with the law in accordance with its rules and regulations.

The dangers of cheap alcohol

It also states that local governments regulate the production and sale of alcohol.

They monitor compliance and validity of licenses for the production and sale of alcoholic beverages, standards provided for equipment for its production, compliance state standards, checking the quality of produced ethanol, control its export, import and purchase.

As you know, good quality alcoholic drink cannot be cheap, and not all segments of the population can afford it. And people who have developed a persistent addiction to alcohol very often don’t care what to drink, as long as it costs less. This is how a market arose in which burnt alcohol is produced and sold at a low price. For its production, low grades of alcohol are used, including methyl alcohol. Its destructive effect on the human body is obvious.
You can come across counterfeit alcohol everywhere, and here neither a beautiful label nor the high cost of a drink can guarantee that the bottle contains high-quality alcohol. Self-made alcohol in the form of vodka, cognac, and low-alcohol drinks can cause methyl alcohol poisoning. But still, expensive alcoholic drinks are counterfeited less often, due to protective signs and dispensers that manufacturers use to protect themselves from counterfeits. Cheap counterfeits, which may contain methyl alcohol, are so harmful and dangerous to human health that they cause severe poisoning.

Therefore, during the holidays it is very important to choose high-quality alcoholic drinks from well-known brands, and also, importantly, monitor the amount of alcohol you drink. First of all, pay attention to communication, and not to drinking and toasting.

Methanol should not be drunk for the following reasons:

  • Methanol is a chemical substitute for real alcohol, used in the production of solvents and household chemicals and is absolutely not suitable for ingestion.
  • This product is highly toxic and should not be used in the food industry.
  • This product is a strong poison; its consumption can lead to complete loss of vision, and in some cases can lead to death.
  • It mixes easily with water, which makes it possible to easily use it in denatured alcohols.

All these properties of methanol are known to everyone, but this does not stop the production of counterfeit alcoholic beverages. The price for them is quite low, since industrial alcohol is much cheaper than food alcohol. The low price of purchased alcohol for people with low incomes and a great desire to drink is a very strong factor. Statistics show that the number of such poisonings is increasing. This suggests that the market for the production of these products is expanding. In most cases, the consumers of these products are alcoholics, who are attracted not so much by the quality of the drink as by its price. It is almost impossible to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl alcohol by taste, color and smell. The effect of cheap denatured alcohol on the human body has fatal consequences.

Surrogate alcohol and its types

Counterfeit alcohol is divided into the following groups:

  1. Real surrogates. These are various alcohol tinctures sold in pharmacies, as well as surrogate alcohol. These include household chemicals, glass surface cleaners, and paint and varnish solvents.
  2. Liquids that do not contain ethyl alcohol. These are methyl and butyl and formic alcohol. All of them are very dangerous for humans and are truly poisonous.
  3. Surrogate alcohol contains methyl alcohol, so its effect on the human body is dangerous.

The lethal dose for a person who has ingested methanol is only 25-100 ml of this substance. It is instantly absorbed in the stomach, turning into formaldehyde, and then into formic acid, which destroys the cells of the body. Intoxication occurs much less than when drinking regular alcohol. The first to be affected is vision and the nervous system, pain in the eyes, a feeling of “everything is in a fog,” problems with breathing and stomach occur.

All over the world, the problem of alcoholism is at the forefront. And with the development of various industries, there are more and more surrogate admixtures for alcoholics. We need to fight this problem, find methods to combat it, broadcast the consequences and influence of alcohol on people’s bodies on television, engage in campaigning, and conduct seminars on this problem so that it does not subsequently become national.

What can you do to help with poisoning?

The first signs of poisoning with a substance can be seen within 12-18 hours after drinking alcohol-containing alcohol.

Formic acid accumulated during this time poisons the body:

  • Your head starts to hurt;
  • Dizziness appears;
  • A person vomits and feels sick;
  • Unbearable pain in the stomach begins.

The most terrible effect that formic acid has is its destructive effect on the retina of the eye. As a result, a person may completely lose vision. In the most severe cases, poisoning can lead to death.

At the first suspicion of methyl alcohol poisoning, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Before the ambulance arrives, a person needs:

  • Unfasten buttons or clothing for better ventilation.
  • Give a lot of liquid to drink (warm water is best) and artificially induce vomiting.
  • Cleanse the intestines with a laxative or enema.
  • Do not give activated carbon to the victim, since it will not have the expected effect as a sorbent.
  • Before the ambulance arrives, put the person to bed.

Even if it seems that the patient feels better, he must be hospitalized, because the consequences of poisoning chemicals methanol can be quite life-threatening, but it’s not worth the risk. Under the supervision of doctors, rehabilitation is carried out in the hospital and the necessary medications are administered. One of them is ethyl alcohol. It is given every three hours, 50-100 ml, depending on the complexity of the poisoning.

At the same time, vitamin therapy is prescribed, which includes vitamins B and E, as well as nicotinic acid, and glucose is administered intravenously.

The human body endures various disruptions very painfully. All organs need time to recover, healthy image life, walks in the fresh air are an excellent addition to the main restorative treatment.
In case of methanol poisoning due to the influence of alcohol on the human body, cardiovascular and respiratory failure occurs. To improve the patient’s condition, it is advisable to undergo a course of intensive therapy in a hospital, where a comprehensive elimination of the disease and its symptoms will be offered.

As soon as humanity first discovered the state of alcoholic intoxication, from that very time on the number of deaths from various poisonings associated with alcohol-containing liquids began. During the existence of civilization, enough people have died from low-quality alcohol, especially over the last hundred years. And even more so, it is not clear why these days you should drink alcohol of dubious quality, when today you can choose a good alcoholic drink, knowing a few necessary conditions. And it’s not clear at all what people’s desire to continue to “suppress” alcohol is. But ethyl and methyl alcohol cannot be distinguished by eye. Therefore, we need to consider the problem: methyl alcohol, its harmful effects on the human body.

Without going into the jungle of chemical analysis, it makes sense to emphasize that you cannot drink methyl alcohol, but you can drink ethyl alcohol. The last type of alcohol listed is drinkable and easily absorbed by the body. With methanol, the opposite is true. Even after consuming a dose of 50 grams of this substance, dangerous symptoms will appear, and methyl alcohol poisoning is guaranteed. In this example, not every antidote or emergency help will help, that is, there is a high probability that the person will die.

Ethyl alcohol and methyl alcohol have features that make it possible to distinguish them and draw appropriate conclusions whether to drink or not, but only if:

  • iron container;
  • copper wire;
  • burners;
  • other dishes;
  • thermometer.

You won't have to drink or taste it. You need to pour a suspicious liquid into a container and heat it over a fire. Ethanol boils at 78°C, methanol at 64°C. Another way. Heat a copper wire and dip it into the substance. Ethyl alcohol emits a smell similar to the aroma of apples, methyl alcohol smells completely different - disgusting.

The effect of ethyl alcohol on the human body is not fatal. One can also say about it that it is lighter than water, quickly ignites and serves as an antiseptic. You will not need to drink the antidote, even if there are symptoms of body poisoning. It's different with methyl. Drinking a small amount of methyl alcohol, up to 30 grams, will lead to best case scenario, to blindness. The lethal dose is 100 grams or more.

In extreme cases, an antidote or emergency care, as a rule, do not help, and the body dies. The main thing to remember is that methyl alcohol is poisonous to humans. Why and why is it so dangerous? Methanol consists of oil refinery waste, natural gas and coking coal. The formula of the substance is CH3OH. It quickly dissolves in water, other alcohols, benzene, and acetone. It was experimentally obtained by Jean Baptiste Dumas and Eugene Peligo from the products of dry distillation of wood.

Signs of poisoning

Methanol is also dangerous because it is a neurovascular poison and in frequent cases of poisoning, the antidote is usually useless due to the ensuing collapse with the development of oxygen deficiency and acidosis. It is strictly forbidden to drink it, and if a small amount of it enters the human body, we can talk about severe poisoning.

The lethal dose is different for everyone, but the danger lies in the fact that even after a minimal amount of methanol consumption, in most cases blindness or even death will occur.

The highly toxic product is used in industry and is not suitable for oral use. Often the human body is poisoned by this muck due to its own negligence, when ethyl and methyl alcohols are confused. Methyl alcohol is often used by clandestine mini-factories for the production of alcoholic beverages. If you drink such scorched vodka, then you can safely talk about serious poisoning.

The first signs and symptoms of poisoning can be observed 8 hours after drinking a toxic liquid. In some cases up to 72 hours. Early symptoms poisoning – dilated pupils, blurred vision. Other signs.

  • Witness testimony that the victim drank some kind of liquid.
  • Presence of a suspicious container.
  • The smell of alcohol from a person's mouth.
  • In a short time, the body undergoes sudden mood swings: excitement, drowsiness.
  • The victim's condition is expressed by drowsiness, which flows into unconsciousness.
  • Nausea, vomiting, unsteady gait, abdominal pain.
  • Tachycardia, convulsions, migraines.

In addition, double vision, pain in the eyeballs, loss of vision up to complete blindness. Such symptoms clearly indicate human poisoning with methyl products. If such signs are present, emergency assistance is required.

Immediate hospitalization

Once in the stomach, the poison acts as a strong toxic substance. All tissues and organs of the body are affected. It disrupts metabolism and destroys cells. Since over 80% of all fluid is excreted through the genitourinary system, it is destroyed first of all. Essentially, the body is subject to severe poisoning in a short period of time.

If a lethal dose is taken and the case is severe, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • skin texture is blue;
  • anxiety;
  • strong painful sensations in the epigastric region;
  • attacks of fear;
  • unclear consciousness;
  • feeling of tightness in the chest.

In the latter case, symptoms are not even observed - this is when the victim experiences a loss of consciousness up to coma and death. It is impossible to find an antidote for such poisoning at home. Only emergency medical care can save the unfortunate person.

First of all, doctors will try to remove methyl alcohol from the body, correct the functioning of the heart, kidneys, respiratory system, will direct efforts to combat acidosis. In fact, in every such case, the victim is admitted to a hospital, since only within the walls of the clinic can an appropriate antidote be selected. Emergency treatment is carried out in the intensive care unit or toxicology department.

At the hospital, they will rinse the gastrointestinal tract, prescribe plenty of fluids, and treat with alkalis. First aid for methyl alcohol poisoning at home is just drinking warm water in large quantities and inducing vomiting. It is not recommended to do anything else with the patient.

The clinic will also give you ethanol – it is considered an antidote. It will reduce methyl oxidation and the formation of toxic products. Take the antidote every four hours for several days at the rate of 0.5 ml per kilogram of weight. They may prescribe a 5% solution and glucose intravenously. The victim is also treated with other means: soy laxative through a tube, warming the body. Somatic substances can also be used against poisoning: Reopoliglucin, sodium bicarbonate, glucose (intravenously). Anti-convulsions: Sodium hydroxybutyrate with Unitilol, Piracetam. It is important to remember that methyl alcohol is so dangerous to humans that even after recovery, survivors become disabled for life.

Methyl, or wood alcohol (methanol) is a colorless volatile liquid, highly flammable, miscible with water, ether and ethyl alcohol in any proportion, toxic. In industry it is used in the synthesis of formaldehyde, formaldehyde, isoprene, acetic acid.

In the gas production industry, methanol prevents the formation of hydrates in gas pipelines. Methanol is an excellent solvent; it is included in detergents for windows and mirrors, winter liquid for washing car windows - “anti-freeze”, is added to motor fuel as antifreeze, and also to increase the octane number, and can be used as fuel.

How to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl alcohol?

The danger to humans is that methyl alcohol is practically indistinguishable from ethyl alcohol in color, smell and taste. It, like the latter, is highly flammable and burns in air with a blue flame. In everyday life, you can try to distinguish two alcohols in the presence of copper wire. Twisting it into a spiral, heat it over a fire until red-hot and lower it into the liquid being tested. If we are dealing with methanol, then a sharp, characteristic odor of formaldehyde will certainly appear.

Lethal and toxic doses of methyl alcohol

The most common cases of methyl alcohol poisoning, often massive, were observed during the consumption of counterfeit alcohol, as well as during thefts from railway tanks and industrial warehouses. The situation is aggravated by the fact that it is almost impossible to distinguish these two alcohols by their organoleptic properties. Since the first symptoms of poisoning appear an hour after ingestion, a person often manages to take an amount of toxic liquid several times greater than the lethal one.

A dose of 5-10 ml has a pronounced toxic effect, leading to irreversible blindness, and 30-40 ml - to death. However, due to various reasons, the lethal dose can vary greatly. There are cases where death occurred after taking 40 ml of 15% methyl alcohol. At the same time, a case of survival was recorded after drinking 500 ml of pure methanol.

Symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning

An hour later, sometimes later, after taking methyl alcohol, weakness, chills, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, and headache appear. On the part of the organ of vision - “fog”, “film” or “flakes” before the eyes, photophobia. When a clinical picture of eye damage appears, in most cases blindness occurs, even if medical care is started at that moment.

May be noted loose stool, the appearance of blood in the vomit (hemorrhagic gastritis). In the future, the development of seizures, decreased blood pressure, depression of consciousness, even coma is possible. Toxic effects are associated with the products of methanol metabolism - formaldehyde and formic acid. They cause swelling and atrophy of the optic nerve, severe metabolic acidosis. Death can occur as a result of acute cardiovascular failure (pulmonary edema, exotoxic shock), acute renal failure, or respiratory arrest.

Even if you receive all the necessary emergency medical care, the mortality rate from methyl alcohol poisoning reaches 20-30% or more; more than a quarter of survivors become disabled in the first group due to complete blindness or a significant decrease in visual acuity.

First aid for methyl alcohol poisoning

The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the timing of seeking help and the amount of poison taken. First aid for poisoning with methanol or a liquid containing it is to artificially induce vomiting and immediately take an antidote. The antidote is what we were going to take initially, i.e. – ethyl alcohol. It is urgently necessary to ingest about 100-150 ml of vodka or any other alcoholic drink in an adequate dose. The liver enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase plays a key role in the metabolism of alcohols in the human body. It was found that the affinity of ethanol for this enzyme is much higher. When ethyl alcohol is absorbed, alcohol dehydrogenase switches to it and “forgets” about the methanol circulating in the blood. Thanks to this, the formation of formaldehyde and formic acid is blocked, methanol is gradually eliminated from the body unchanged by the kidneys.

N It is necessary to distinguish between banal alcoholic intoxication that occurs when consuming high individual doses of alcohol. Additional intake of ethyl alcohol in this case will only worsen the condition. Actual methanol poisoning occurs much earlier and is accompanied by visual impairment and a rapid increase in life-threatening symptoms. After taking the antidote, you should immediately seek medical advice. medical care.

In the toxicology department of a hospital or general intensive care unit, intensive care, aimed at eliminating metabolic acidosis, correcting electrolyte disturbances, maintaining vital functions. Methanol poisoning is an indication for hemodialysis.

Poisoning associated with methyl alcohol can easily be considered one of the most common and dangerous diseases. The lethal concentration of such a substance in the blood is equal to one hundred milliliters of pure alcohol, sometimes less. Excessive penetration of methyl alcohol into human body, is dangerous and deadly.

Methyl alcohol poisoning has negative impact The human body as a whole is particularly affected by the cardiovascular and nervous systems. In such cases, it is necessary to act clearly, quickly, and harmoniously in order to provide emergency assistance to the person. Poisoning and intoxication are accompanied by painful signs, symptoms and consequences. Also read about chlorine poisoning.

Symptoms and consequences

The main reason for human poisoning with methyl alcohol is not only its use, but also its subsequent destructive effect on the body, accompanied by terrible symptoms and consequences.

Once in the human body, methanol is instantly absorbed in the stomach, where it is converted into formaldehyde and formic acid. Small amounts of such elements have a toxic effect on all internal organs and systems, killing vital cells and blocking their activities. Due to the fact that about 90 percent of this alcohol is excreted through the kidneys, damage to the genitourinary system occurs in a matter of minutes. This is precisely the greatest danger of using methyl alcohol.

Subsequently, disruption occurs nervous system, complications arise with gastrointestinal tract and painful symptoms appear. If it enters the body large number substances, rapid death occurs.

The main symptoms and signs of poisoning are the following complications:

  • spasmodic, cramping, spasmodic painful sensations, which are located in the intestines and stomach;
  • severe heartburn, belching, bloating and increased gas production;
  • bouts of vomiting blood;
  • nausea;
  • headache with throbbing in the temples and back of the head;
  • spots in the eyes;
  • visual acuity is impaired;
  • dizziness, prolonged fainting;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • manifestation of irritability, increased emotionality and aggressiveness;
  • hearing loss;
  • salivation;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • development of shortness of breath;
  • rapid and uneven heartbeat.

The above symptoms are primary if you do not start in a timely manner. medical treatment, then the clinical picture worsens significantly. In such cases, the chance of saving a person’s life decreases.

After a few days, the symptoms of poisoning become very severe and are as follows:

  • visual impairment is observed, complete blindness occurs;
  • severe pain occurs in the legs and head;
  • frequent and prolonged loss of consciousness, mental insanity occurs;
  • a superficial coma develops, which is characterized by vomiting, hiccups, speech impediment, and voluntary urination;
  • eyeballs become floating;
  • the skin becomes cold, pale and moist;
  • if a very severe alcoholic coma occurs, then the person is tormented by such manifestations as dilated signs, the skin becomes dark, the eyelids are swollen, the person loses sensitivity to pain, breathing problems occur, convulsions and hallucinations develop, and tachycardia appears;
  • If the patient is not provided with timely qualified assistance, death occurs.

That is why, when you notice the first signs and symptoms, immediately consult a doctor.

First aid and treatment

Providing first aid to a victim at home is impossible!

At the first symptoms of the body, you need to enlist the help of a specialist. Therefore, it is urgent to call an ambulance to save the victim’s life. Every minute matters - remember that. Before the doctor arrives, you can try to rinse the stomach and induce vomiting in order to remove methyl alcohol from the stomach to alleviate the victim’s suffering. This help is necessary and very important and can be done at home.

Then the doctor must administer a special antidote, namely:

  • folic acid is administered intravenously;
  • thirty percent ethanol.

In such situations, urgent hospitalization is carried out followed by treatment in a hospital. Without a doubt, methyl alcohol is the strongest poison for the human body. Such poisoning is fatal dangerous phenomenon. Be careful, if you notice signs of the disease, seek medical help and do not self-medicate.
