White liquid is released from the head.


The genital and urinary organs in men are in direct connection. Therefore, the penetration of various pathological microorganisms often causes inflammation of both systems. Not only does urine pass through the urethra, but also during ejaculation. Unlike the female body, men have only one outlet. For this reason, discharge from the penis may indicate not only pathologies of the genital area, but also. In most cases, combined inflammation is observed. The appearance of pathological fluids from the penis is a reason to consult a urologist.

Discharge from the penis: normal

Every man is familiar with discharge from the opening of the penis. The appearance of a clear, viscous, odorless liquid on the head of the penis is considered normal. As is known from anatomy, several ducts flow into the urethra. In addition, there are preputial glands on the head of the penis. They are located under the skin of the foreskin. These glands constantly secrete a mucous secretion (smegma). Natural lubrication prevents friction between the foreskin and the head of the penis. Maximum activity of the glands is observed during puberty. With age, the discharge becomes less. Smegma may have a whitish or yellowish tint because it contains bacterial particles. Normal secretions that appear constantly in the lumen of the urethra include: urine, semen and secretions prostate gland

. Despite the fact that all these fluids are physiological, their occurrence does not always indicate normality. It is worth paying attention to the amount of secretion and the frequency of its removal.

Discharge from the penis: causes The causes of pathological discharge from the urethra can be different. In most cases, these are inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. They develop as a result of infection or as a result of chronic pathologies

  • Venereal diseases. Sexually transmitted infections are often accompanied by the appearance of pathological secretions on the head of the penis. In most cases, sexually transmitted diseases also have other manifestations. Among them are pain during urination and during sexual intercourse, increased body temperature, and the appearance of rashes on the penis.
  • Inflammatory pathologies. Clear discharge from the penis may indicate chronic disease organs of the male reproductive system. The inflammatory process most often occurs in the prostate gland (prostatitis) or urethra.
  • Allergic reactions. Discharge may be associated with increased gland activity. Most often it is caused by an allergy to contraceptives, napkins.

  • Tumors of the male genital organs. Increased secretion is associated with prostate adenoma. Benign hyperplasia of the organ is observed in older men. In some cases, discharge from the penis appears due to cancerous tumors.
  • Injuries of the seminal and urinary tract.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system, affecting the decrease in muscle tone.

Regardless of the cause of the discharge, you should consult your doctor. The choice of treatment method depends on what kind of pathology the patient has.

Types of discharge from the penis

Discharges may vary. They differ in color, composition, consistency and smell. The appearance of secretion in the lumen of the urethra does not always occur spontaneously. In most cases it is associated with sexual arousal, intake medicines or alcohol, urination, eating spicy or sweet foods.

The discharge can be mucous, purulent, bloody and mixed. If the exudate differs in its properties from the normal secretion of the prostate gland or seminal fluid, then there is an inflammatory process. An infectious disease is indicated by a change in the consistency, color and smell of the discharge. In some cases, pathological impurities may be present in physiological fluids. These include pus, blood, and lumps of mucus. Pathological discharge from the penis in men is accompanied by unpleasant sensations when urinating, sexual dysfunction, rash.

It is worth noting that if the exudate does not differ from normal secretion in its properties, this does not always indicate the absence of disease. In addition to the color and consistency of the discharge, you should pay attention to its volume and frequency of occurrence. Increased secretion of the gonads may indicate pathologies of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Discharge during inflammatory processes

Discharge from the penis white associated with inflammatory processes. They often appear due to infection with pathogenic microorganisms. Inflammation can be bacterial, viral or fungal. Depending on the route of transmission of the pathogen, sexually transmitted infections and nonspecific diseases of the genital tract are distinguished. The first are associated with infection during sexual contact. Nonspecific inflammatory processes occur due to decreased immunity, poor personal hygiene, and hypothermia. The most common sexually transmitted pathologies in men include:

  • Gonorrhea.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Genital herpes.
  • Ureaplasmosis.
  • Trichomoniasis.
  • Mycoplasmosis.

To determine the causative agent of the infection and prescribe appropriate treatment, a microscopic examination of the discharge from the penis is performed. Pathological secretion venereal diseases has a thick consistency and unpleasant smell. Heavy discharge may indicate nonspecific inflammation of the genital organs. Similar pathologies include prostatitis, urethritis, balanitis. In addition, impurities are observed in diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

The appearance of clear and white discharge

White discharge from the penis does not always indicate that there is inflammation of the genitourinary system. Sometimes they are observed with increased secretion of the prostate gland. Prostatorrhea is associated with muscle tension abdominal wall. It occurs with prostate adenoma, chronic constipation. Cloudiness of the exudate indicates the development of an inflammatory process - prostatitis.

Urethrorrhea is the secretion of mucus by the glands located in the glands. It occurs during sexual arousal. Mucus serves as a lubricant designed to improve the passage of seminal fluid. In some cases, urethrorrhea is observed outside of sexual intercourse. Most often this happens in morning hours in young men and adolescents.

Discharge from the penis includes wet dreams. They are associated with increased levels of male sex hormones. Spontaneous release of sperm often occurs in adolescents in the morning. Wet dreams indicate hormonal fluctuations. Also, sperm is released if there is a violation of tone. The causes are inflammatory processes and diseases of the central nervous system.

Purulent discharge from the urethra

In infectious pathologies of bacterial etiology, purulent discharge from the penis occurs. Most often they indicate the development of gonorrhea. This disease is classified as a sexually transmitted infection. The pathology is accompanied by severe swelling of the urethra and the release of purulent exudate. It consists of epithelial cells of the urethra and a large number of neutrophils. With gonorrhea, you may experience a white, greenish, or yellow discharge from the penis. They have an unpleasant odor. Urination is accompanied by cutting pain.

Another common sexually transmitted infection is chlamydia. With this pathology, mucopurulent discharge is noted. They have a thick consistency and seem to stick to the head of the penis. In some cases, combined infections are diagnosed.

Bloody discharge from the urethra

The reason to see a doctor should be blood discharge from the penis. Most often they indicate diseases of the urinary tract. Blood may be released when the urethral canal is injured. Hematorrhea occurs after performing diagnostic manipulations on the bladder. Also bloody issues appear after the introduction of foreign bodies, in particular a catheter, into the lumen of the urethra. In this case, hematorrhea goes away within a few minutes or hours.

If blood is constantly observed when urinating, you should be examined immediately. This symptom may indicate the occurrence of kidney stones, glomerulonephritis and tumor diseases.

Diagnosis of pathologies of the urinary system

If pathological findings appear from the penis, the patient is examined. TO diagnostic measures relate:

  • Questioning the patient and examining the genitals.
  • Digital examination of the prostate gland. It allows you not only to assess the condition of the organ, but also to obtain prostate secretions.
  • Microscopic examination of the released exudate.
  • Laboratory diagnostic methods - general analysis blood and urine.
  • Instrumental examinations - ultrasound of the prostate, urography, cystoscopy.

In some cases, to diagnose the disease, microscopy of a smear obtained from the secreted fluid is sufficient.

Consequences of genital pathologies

The consequences of diseases of the male genital organs can be serious. Complications of inflammatory pathologies include infertility and impotence. Prostate tumors lead to difficulty urinating and the development of kidney failure.

Treatment for discharge from the penis

To get rid of pathological discharge from the penis, an examination is necessary. After all the tests are completed, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Depending on the causative agent of infection, they are selected medications. For gonorrhea, the well-known drug “Penicillin” is used.

Antibacterial drugs from the group of macrolides, tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones are used to treat chlamydia and other infections. These include medications Azithromycin, Doxycycline, Levofloxacin.

Preventing the appearance of discharge from the penis

To prevent genital tract infections, barrier methods of contraception are used. To avoid the development of chronic inflammatory diseases, it is necessary to support the immune system, lead healthy image life and regular sexual activity. You should also refrain from masturbation. Maintaining personal hygiene helps cope with pathogenic bacteria.

The urethra is one of the most important anatomical components of the human excretory system. It serves to remove excess fluid from the body, as well as for ejaculation.

Normally from the urethra to not large quantities a colorless liquid is released, which is a product of the synthesis of special glands. Therefore, the presence of an uncharacteristic discharge should always force you to take a closer look at it. This symptom clearly indicates a sharp problem in the genitourinary area.


Pus from the penis in men can be released due to the influence of a variety of factors. The most common ones include:

  • sexually transmitted diseases (itching, discomfort and pain);
  • gonorrhea;
  • fungal infection;
  • urethritis();
  • injury();
  • prostatitis (maybe left and groin area);
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • consequences of an unprofessional procedure or diagnostic test;
  • neoplasms, etc.

Purulent discharge from the urethra in men is always a sign of disease. Moreover, its presence requires immediate consultation with a doctor. In this case, differential diagnosis and urgent treatment are necessary. If the patient is not provided timely health care, then the pathology can easily cover neighboring organs and formations.

Pus from the head of the penis photo

Features of the clinical picture in various diseases

Discharge of pus from the penis usually manifests itself in a certain way in various pathologies. With mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis or chlamydia, the patient experiences stretching formations that separate from the head of the penis. As the infection progresses, they acquire a yellow or white color and accumulate abundantly in the area of ​​the head.

Gonorrhea is characterized by a large number of ointment-like purulent discharge having an extremely repulsive odor. Gradually they become greenish and cause discomfort in the penis. The patient experiences burning and pain when visiting the toilet. In addition, he constantly feels pain in his penis. Thrush provokes the appearance heavy discharge white. Usually the pathology develops when general decline the body's defenses. Gardnerellosis manifests itself in the fact that a light liquid oozes abundantly from a man’s urethra. Sometimes it can turn yellow.

Infectious urethritis

Purulent discharge from the urethra in men in the morning clearly indicates damage by pathogenic microflora. In such a case, the main symptom is the discharge of discharge after getting out of bed. The active infectious agent in this case is gonococcus, trichomonas, ureaplasma, chlamydia, etc. Depending on the intensity of the process, the amount of discharge can be very large or insignificant. In addition, the bacterial-inflammatory process is accompanied by acute urethritis, which is characterized by:

  • leakage of pus from the urethra;
  • swelling;
  • redness of the penis;
  • difficulty releasing fluid in the toilet;
  • constant desire to defecate;
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes;
  • local and general hyperthermia.

If the patient notices at least some of these manifestations, it is necessary to immediately visit a specialist.

Diagnosis and treatment

The urologist will conduct a visual examination, offer to test urethral discharge for microflora and advise you to do a general urine test. He will definitely give you a referral for microbiological testing to determine sensitivity to antibiotics. Most diseases can be quickly treated if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. Usually he writes:

  1. Antibiotics (Azithromycin, Doxycycline and Ceftriaxone in tablets or injections of Bicillin-5 or Ecmonovocillin). You cannot prescribe the drug yourself to avoid the infection becoming chronic. This usually happens when the microflora becomes resistant to various types antibacterial agents.
  2. Probiotics that help stabilize the composition of microorganisms in the male genital area (Bifiform or Linex).
  3. Medicines that reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process (Ibuprofen, Ketanov or Paracetamol). They eliminate pain, reduce swelling and lower body temperature.
  4. Medicines that counteract smooth muscle spasms ( No-shpa or Papaverine). They facilitate the passage of urine, improve kidney function and help eliminate waste products.
  5. Immunostimulants (Viferon or Likopid), which increase the body's defenses.

Therapy for such diseases always requires a thorough preliminary differential diagnosis, a strictly individual approach and the requirement for comprehensive use of drugs.

Anatomical structure of the reproductive and urinary tracts male organs led to their direct connection. If pathogenic microorganisms enter one of the systems, then the second is also at risk. Not only urine, but also sperm is released through the urethra.

The presence of purulent discharge from this canal indicates problems with one of the systems. But which one will be determined by the doctor. Self-diagnosis threatens serious problems with the genitals.


Discharge from the urethra is physiological and pathological in nature. Physiological secretions include the secretion of the sex glands, which appears during arousal. It is a clear viscous liquid that does not cause discomfort. Apart from secretions, urine, and sperm, nothing else should be released from the head. If there is a problem, then it’s time to look for the cause.

To diagnose the disease, an analysis of the secreted fluid is performed.

The cause of purulent discharge from the penis is infectious:

  • ureaplasmosis. It is provoked by bacteria that multiply on mucous membranes;
  • trichomoniasis. A common sexually transmitted disease transmitted through sexual and other means;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • mycoplasmosis.

Types of discharge

You should not come up with a fatal diagnosis for yourself if there is any discharge. A urologist or venereologist must decide on the diagnosis. Below are descriptions of the types of discharge that will help suggest (but not diagnose!) the problem.


Curdled white discharge on the head indicates candidiasis. This is a rare fungal disease in men. The pathology is accompanied by itching, pain during urination, and sex. Treatment is local.

Foamy discharge and itching of the glans indicate trichomoniasis, a common STD.
Chronic prostatitis is a male disease. Accompanied by reduced potency and problems with urination.


Indicate infectious. The discharge is a mixture of urethral mucus and epithelial cells and contains many leukocytes. The thick liquid becomes yellowish or green-yellow in color.

Pus from the urethra can be a sign of gonococcal urethritis, trichomoniasis. The pathology is accompanied by itching and pain.


Yellow fluids from the urethra accompany urological ailments due to inflammation of the mucous membrane. The main ones:

  • specific urethritis in the presence of gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis;
  • in the presence of fungi, coccal bacteria, intestinal flora;
  • non-infectious urethritis due to urethral trauma, allergies, chemical burns.

With the disease, there may be purulent discharge in the urine


This is a sign of illness. Blood is released with semen, urine and on its own. The cause is inflammation, tumor, injury to a blood vessel, damage to parts of the kidney. Other causes - tuberculosis, blood diseases, prostate cancer, bleeding in the bladder, kidneys, inflammation Bladder, tumor.


Usually accompanied by excitement. They are needed to lubricate the urethra and improve the passage of sperm through it. The volume of lubrication increases with prolonged abstinence.

Changes in discharge may indicate the presence of inflammation in the genitourinary system


A small volume of such secretions accompanies chronic chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma urethritis. Translucent mucus with pus indicates ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis in acute form.

Possible complications if left untreated

As soon as a man notices new symptoms associated with the condition of the penis, he should make an appointment with a urologist or venereologist. The doctor will take a sample for analysis, based on the results of which he will prescribe adequate treatment. If you start a sexually transmitted disease, it will turn into chronic stage, and then it will no longer be the discharge that will bother you, but more significant problems.

Often a man does not even suspect that he has a sexually transmitted disease, since they occur secretly. As soon as immunity decreases, the picture will become brighter. If the pathology is not treated, consequences are possible, including infertility and impotence. A prostate tumor can lead to impaired urination and kidney failure.

Treatment options

To eliminate purulent and other discharge from the penis, you need to undergo diagnostics. Based on the results obtained, the doctor chooses the optimal treatment regimen. If the disease is infectious, the causative agent is identified and agents acting against it are selected. For gonorrhea, Penicillin is usually prescribed, for chlamydia and infectious diseases, drugs from the group of tetracyclines, macrolides, fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Doxycycline, etc.).

Features of the child

Urinary tract infections in children are common and are caused by coli. If you leave them to their own devices, complications with the functioning of other organs are possible. Children are prescribed medications for infections in the form of cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, and penicillin.

The first symptoms of infectious urethritis are fever, vomiting, pain in the lower abdomen, and diarrhea. The pediatrician refers the child for a urine test, and if urethritis is detected, appropriate medications are prescribed. It is not possible to select treatment at home, so you should not risk the baby’s health. For treatment, you must follow the frequency and dosage of medications prescribed by your doctor if the symptoms go away faster.


To prevent the development of genital infections and associated purulent discharge, you need to avoid unprotected sex and promiscuity. Additionally, you need to support the functioning of the body - a healthy lifestyle, a regular sexual partner, proper nutrition, physical activity and maintaining hygiene.

Discharge from the penis in men should be a reason to consult a specialist. Only in in rare cases they are normal, but generally indicate the presence of an inflammatory or infectious disease. You can find out the cause of this pathology by taking tests when visiting a urologist. The treatment regimen is prescribed in individually depending on the diagnosis and the pathogen identified.

    Show all

    Normal or pathological?

    There are several types of normal discharge. These include:

    • Urethrorrhea.
    • Smegma.
    • Sperm and wet dreams.

    Urethrorrhea appears against the background of sexual arousal and is a transparent secretion produced by the urethral glands. The volume of discharge depends on the physiology of the man and the duration of sexual abstinence. In rare cases, urethrorrhea occurs not only during arousal, but accompanies the process of defecation. The discharge contains a small amount of sperm, which, when entering the woman’s genitals, can lead to conception.

    Smegma- these are secretions that are the secretion of glands located in the glans penis and foreskin. Their quantity is small, they are odorless and can be easily washed off during daily hygiene procedures. If hygiene rules are not followed, smegma can accumulate on the skin and cause inflammatory processes. To avoid this, the penis should be washed 1-2 times a day using soap. During the procedure, it is important to retract the foreskin and wash the head of the penis.

    Normal secretions include semen (secretion of the gonads and spermatozoa) and wet dreams (). The latter type occurs in boys aged 14-15 years and in men with prolonged sexual abstinence. Normal discharge They are odorless and do not cause discomfort, and their quantity is insignificant.

    When to contact a specialist

    The main cause of pathological discharge from the urethra is the disease urethritis, which is an inflammatory process caused by infections or non-infectious factors. The infection can be specific or nonspecific. The former include gonorrhea and trichomoniasis; nonspecific urethritis can be caused by the following pathogens:

    • Streptococcus.
    • Staphylococcus.
    • Candida.
    • Ureaplasma.
    • Mycoplasma.
    • Chlamydia.
    • Herpes.
    • Escherichia coli.

    With urethritis, discharge from the penis can differ dramatically in color, transparency and smell. It depends on the bacteria that caused the disease and the stage of the inflammatory process. For the same disease, the pattern of excretion in different people is different, and with the help of a visual examination the doctor will not be able to make a diagnosis, so you need to get tested. Non-infectious causes of urethritis include:

    • Various injuries.
    • Narrowing of the urethra.
    • Exposure to chemical elements.
    • Mechanical damage to mucous membranes.
    • The influence of allergens.

    Discharge from the urethra can be caused by non-venereal inflammatory processes in the diseases balanoposthitis and prostatitis. With balanoposthitis, the discharge is abundant and purulent, accompanied by pain, swelling and. The nature of discharge during prostatitis depends on the stage of the inflammatory process (mucous or purulent). This disease is characterized by pain in the perineum, impaired potency and urination.

    White discharge

    White discharge may be different reasons occurrence. They are most often observed in the following diseases:

    • Candidiasis.
    • Ureaplasmosis.
    • Chlamydia.
    • Mycoplasmosis.

    Discharges that appear when infectious diseases, it is quite difficult to distinguish from physiological ones, which are normal. If the STD is chronic, the person long time White and clear discharge without pain or odor may be disturbing. A man can consider himself completely healthy and infect his sexual partners, so it is important to visit a specialist at the first signs of sexually transmitted infections.


    Candidiasis is a disease caused by Candida fungi. They are part of the opportunistic microflora, and if the bacterial balance is disturbed, they begin to multiply intensively. Candidiasis occurs more often in women and rarely develops in men. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the skin of the glans penis and the appearance of a white, cheesy coating. Other symptoms may include:

    • Redness of mucous membranes.
    • Red rash.
    • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
    • Itching, burning and pain in the penis area.
    • White discharge with an unpleasant sour odor.
    • Sticking of mucus in the urinary canal in the morning.

    Despite the wide range of unpleasant symptoms, the disease is highly treatable. If the fungus has affected only the skin of the head, you can limit yourself to local preparations in the form of ointments. One of the most popular remedies is Clotrimazole cream, which is applied to the affected areas 2 times a day for a week. Other effective topical medications include:

    • Nystatin ointment.
    • Natamycin.
    • Pimafucin.

    Systemic drugs in the form of tablets have a comprehensive effect on the entire body and allow you to get rid of the fungus in the shortest possible time. The most popular medication with an antifungal effect is Fluconazole. Usually, to treat thrush, a single dose of the drug at a dosage of 150 mg is sufficient.


    Ureaplasmosis is an acute infectious disorder caused by ureaplasma microbes. The disease is in most cases transmitted sexually. In some people, ureaplasmosis does not manifest itself in any way. The main symptoms of infection are the following:

    • Itching in the genital area.
    • Painful sensations.
    • Mucous white discharge from the urethra.
    • Leucorrhoea on underwear.

    Unpleasant symptoms may subside for a while and then reappear. If the disease is not treated, inflammatory pathologies of the urethra, epididymis and prostate gland may develop. Ureaplasmosis is often the cause of infertility in men, and only in rare cases does it cure itself.

    Treatment is carried out with antibiotics, which are selected individually. Tetracycline drugs, macrolides and fluoroquinols can be used. The average course of treatment is 10 days. After taking antibiotics, patients are recommended to restore the microflora with probiotics and prebiotics for several weeks.

    • Increase in body temperature to 37.5 C.
    • General weakness and fatigue.
    • Watery, mucous or purulent discharge, which is especially noticeable in the morning.
    • Itching, burning in the area reproductive organs.
    • Cloudy first drops of urine in the morning.
    • Discharge.
    • Edema and...

    Over time, the symptoms of the disease subside, and only occasionally a man notices slight discharge in the morning. This suggests that chlamydia has become chronic and treatment will take longer. Therapy may include the following groups of antibiotics:

    • Tetracyclines: Doxycycline, Dorix, Vibra-Tabs.
    • Fluoroquinols: Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin.
    • Macrolides: Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Josamycin.

    Often, the treatment regimen includes two antibiotics of different groups at once, since it is difficult to completely eliminate chlamydia from the body. Specific drugs are prescribed on an individual basis, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process and the presence of other STDs.

    • Colorless or white discharge from the urethral canal.
    • Minor pain in the groin area.
    • Enlargement of nearby lymph nodes.
    • Discomfort during sexual intercourse.
    • Frequent urge to urinate.

    If left untreated, mycoplasma can cause urethritis, cystitis, and prostatitis. Therapy includes antibacterial agents. The most popular of them are:

    • Erythromycin.
    • Doxycycline.
    • Tetracycline.

    The average course of treatment for mycoplasma is 14 days. In this case, therapy may include not only antibiotics, but also immunomodulators, vitamin complexes and carrying out local procedures.

    Transparent slime

    If clear discharge appears regularly in large quantities and has an odor, then an inflammatory process in the reproductive organs can be suspected. One of the diseases characterized by the listed symptoms is gardnerellosis. The causative agent of the pathology is the microorganism Gardnarella vaginalis. In men, this disease develops extremely rarely and is characterized by the following symptoms:

    • Increased urination.
    • Pain and burning in the reproductive organs.
    • Mucous transparent or purulent discharge.
    • The smell of rotten fish in the intimate area.

    In the treatment of gardnerellosis, antibacterial drugs are used - Metronidazole, Azithromycin and Clindamycin. Usually the doctor prescribes several antibiotics belonging to different groups.

    It is also important to restore normal microflora, the following drugs are used for this:

    • Hilak.
    • Lactovit.
    • Bifilakt.

    Transparent mucus is also characteristic of ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis. Discharge in these diseases is not difficult to notice - they remain on the panties and may be accompanied by a burning sensation and itching.

    Pus from the urethra

    The main cause of purulent discharge is infectious urethritis. The pus consists of urethral mucus and damaged epithelial cells. This fluid contains a large number of leukocytes and may have a yellow or greenish color. When such drops appear after urination and in the morning, a diagnosis of gonococcal urethritis can be suspected.

    Gonorrhea develops gradually and initially the discharge has a transparent color and liquid consistency, and as the disease progresses, it turns yellow or becomes green and thick. The discharge gives off a rotten smell and constantly drips from the penis. The process of urination becomes painful, and itching and burning are observed in the perineal area.

    If left untreated, inflammation can spread to the kidneys, ureters and affect the bladder area. In severe cases, necrosis of the foreskin occurs, gonorrheal prostatitis, orchitis, and balanoposthitis occur. Often male infertility, impotence and prostatitis.

    It should be carried out only after an accurate diagnosis has been made and under the supervision of a specialist. Therapy includes antibacterial drugs (Ciprofloxacin, Cefixime, Ofloxacin) and lasts 14 days. After completing the course of treatment, it is necessary to undergo control tests and, if gonococci are detected, continue therapy with other medications.

    Yellow purulent discharge may be due to trichomoniasis. They are not as abundant as with gonorrhea, and are accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • Pain when urinating.
    • Feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.
    • Frequent urge to empty the bladder.

    The skin in the perineal area often itches, and white flakes can be seen in the urine. Treatment is carried out with the drug Metronidazole, and when chronic form The disease requires complex therapy, including several antibiotics.

    Discharge from the penis can be a symptom of a severe pathology, which can only be determined by a doctor during an in-person visit. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own and without taking tests. With completely different pathologies, the discharge may be similar. If an unpleasant symptom appears after sexual intercourse without using a condom, a visit to a venereologist is mandatory. With such dangerous diseases as syphilis, chancroid and HPV, there may also be discharge from the urethra.

Any man can encounter a disease that develops in the genitourinary system. These can be both diseases that are transmitted through intimate intimacy, and diseases that develop for other reasons.

A symptom such as pus escaping from the penis should be a “bell”, since this phenomenon does not arise just like that, and if it is observed, it is necessary to find out what causes it and how to deal with it.

Alarming symptom

Normally, several types of fluids are released from the male genital organ, which are not pathological.

A man who cares about his health should monitor the nature of the discharge from the penis, so as not to miss the moment when he needs to urgently consult a doctor if he is overtaken by any disease and needs medical help.

The following types of discharge from the penis are normal:

  • Libidinal urethrorrhea, which is also called physiological. This fluid is a secretion that is secreted by the male genitals during sexual arousal by the urethral glands. The amount of urethral secretion may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the man, but if it has become different from the usual volume or has changed its character, you need to pay attention to this;
  • Smegma. These secretions are the secretion of the glans penis and glands located in the foreskin. If timely hygiene is not carried out, smegma accumulates on the foreskin, which can cause inflammation;
  • Sperm. This is a type of discharge that accompanies orgasm when a man completes sexual intercourse.

Discharge from the penis can also be pathological, for example, purulent. They can be the result of inflammatory processes, sexually transmitted diseases, cancer, and injuries.

Pus can be of different colors (whitish, yellow, yellow-green), with or without bloody inclusions. The consistency of the discharge can also be different - sticky, thick, viscous, with mucus, etc.

If you notice that you have pathological discharge, in particular pus, you should immediately consult a doctor, since this sign is alarming, and the disease with which it accompanies can cause serious consequences.

Causes of the problem

The appearance of pus is often a consequence of such ailments:

  • Ureaplasmosis. The disease is caused by ureaplasma bacteria, which affects the mucous membranes of the genital organs, and can be infected through sexual contact. It is almost impossible to “catch” these bacteria in everyday life, but a mother can transmit the causative agent of the disease to her child during childbirth;
  • Trichomoniasis. The causative agent of the disease is Trichomonas, which is transmitted from a woman to a man through sexual contact. This is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. It is less common to become infected at home, but only if you use a towel that was used by the carrier of the causative agent of the disease;
  • Chlamydia. The causative agent of the disease is chlamydia, and infection with them also occurs through intimate intimacy. The disease is one of the most common of those in which discharge and pus appear on the penis;
  • Mycoplasmosis. Discharge with this disease makes itself felt mainly in the morning. There are many types of this pathogen, and several of them can affect the mucous membranes of the urinary canals and the penis. You can become infected with mycoplasmas - microorganisms that provoke the development of the disease - through intimate intimacy. In addition, they can be transmitted from mother to child during childbirth;
  • Gonorrhea. This disease is classified as a classic venereal disease. Become infected with gonococcus, the causative agent of the disease, through sexual contact. However, oral and anal sex are not an exception. With gonorrhea, purulent discharge is quite abundant, it has a yellowish-white or greenish tint;
  • Balanoposthitis. This is a disease accompanied by inflammation of the foreskin and head of the penis. Most often, the cause of its occurrence is non-compliance with hygiene rules. Balanoposthitis can also be provoked by some ailments of the body, in particular allergies, diabetes. The disease significantly worsens a man’s quality of life, affects sexual function, and if left untreated can result in gangrene;
  • Candidiasis. This disease is of fungal origin, and can also be contracted through sexual contact.

As a rule, all these ailments are accompanied painful sensations, itching, pain in the penis.

Diseases such as chlamydia and trichomoniasis provoke specific urethritis. Coccus bacteria, including those associated with gonorrhea, cause nonspecific urethritis. Allergies, chemical burns, injuries are the causes of non-infectious urethritis, which can also cause purulent discharge from the penis.

These are the most common reasons for the discharge of pus from the penis, and all these diseases require immediate elimination as soon as they are detected.


If you notice pathological discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. The first step in treatment is an examination that will identify the causative agent of the disease and determine the disease itself. Only after this the doctor will prescribe a course of medications and procedures. If balanoposthitis is diagnosed in an advanced form, it is possible to prescribe an operation to remove the pus.

One of the measures that must be observed during treatment is strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, and this applies to the fight against any of the ailments in which pus forms in the penis. You need to wash it several times a day using a soap solution and purified water.

Depending on the causative agent of the disease, antiviral, antifungal or antibacterial drugs are prescribed.


This is an antiprotozoal medicine, produced in the form of tablets and has an antibacterial effect. The medicine is used to treat diseases caused by various types of infections, including trichomoniasis. The active component of the drug is ornidazole, and the auxiliary elements are sodium lauryl sulfate, calcium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, povidone, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate.

The drug should be taken after meals in the amount of 1 tablet twice a day. Treatment in the presence of pus discharged from the penis with Ornidazole should be carried out for 5 days, but the doctor can adjust the timing, frequency and duration of taking the drug. A contraindication to the use of the drug is sensitivity to its components.

Caution when treating with the drug should be exercised in case of diseases of the central nervous system, alcohol addiction, liver diseases;


The drug belongs to the group of antifungal medications, and its active component is ketoconazole. The auxiliary components of the drug are petroleum jelly, glycerol, propylene glycol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate. The drug is used to treat diseases that provoke the appearance of purulent discharge from the penis, in particular, candidiasis.

The medication is used externally in the form of an ointment. It is applied in a thin layer to the penis once or twice a day. The duration of treatment with the drug is about 2-3 weeks, unless the doctor gives additional recommendations depending on the dynamics of recovery.

The product is contraindicated for use in case of hypersensitivity to its components;


This antiviral drug, the main component of which is the substance of the same name. The medicine is used, including in tablet form, for the treatment of chlamydia and nonspecific urethritis.

The list of auxiliary ingredients of the product includes calcium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide, copovidone.
