How to induce labor at 39. How to speed up contractions at home

The closer the birth is, the more often a woman begins to push the time and think about when the 39th week of pregnancy has already arrived, how to speed up the birth, since psychologically this is quite a serious burden on the body.

If you ask women about their feelings and sensations at 39 weeks of pregnancy, many will not be able to answer the questions with confidence, since during this period emotions simply overwhelm, and everything happens as if in a dream. There is very little time left before the baby arrives. It doesn’t matter what kind of birth it is, the first, second or fifth, the child will change the life of the whole family.

The 39th week of pregnancy is a very important period. At this stage, the child already weighs more than 3 kg, and his height reaches 50 cm. And this is not the limit, since these indicators will increase until birth. Motor activity the baby's weight by this period will be minimized due to his large weight. If previously the mother could feel some tremors and movements, now their number will be minimal. And yet, even at this stage, the child needs to train his muscles, so he will move a little. The intensity of these movements will be about 10 times a day. At week 39, the mother should monitor how active the baby is; if there are too many movements or there are no movements at all, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The condition of the child and the feelings of the mother

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is completely ready for independent life. His internal organs, such as the kidneys, heart, lungs and gastrointestinal tract are fully prepared for independent implementation their functions. All development processes do not stop for a minute before and after the birth of the baby. The pancreas already produces special enzymes that help digest food. There are currently no beneficial bacteria in the stomach, since they can appear only after the birth of the baby.

While the baby can still receive nutrients only through the placenta. At week 39, she is actively aging as her service life ends.

At this stage, the baby’s body is completely ready for birth. But the mother’s condition may be somewhat different. Some women do not yet fully realize that their lives will soon change completely. It is impossible to say exactly how an expectant mother should behave.

Some people think about how to give birth faster at 39 weeks of pregnancy and wait for every second of contractions, while others do not even feel the approaching birth. The main thing is that all the bags are collected, the room is prepared, and the mood is high. Everything else will be resolved by itself.

If anxiety is present, it is worth talking to your baby. As a rule, this is very calming and gives strength. Moreover, at this stage the child already hears, understands, and can promptly show his reaction to his mother’s words. It’s worth talking to your child about not being late. A woman may feel that labor is approaching increased appetite. At this time, the body will urgently need to gain strength for the most important event in life.

Harbingers of childbirth

At 38-39 weeks of pregnancy, it is very important to listen to yourself in order to detect all changes and signals in time. Some women notice significant weight loss as water leaves the body. If there is a decrease in appetite, this needs to be corrected. The body needs to gain strength for childbirth.

Some mothers may increasingly feel false contractions. At week 39 they will be especially frequent and quite strong. Against the background of all the changes occurring in the body in preparation for childbirth, a woman may feel nagging pain in the lower back and abdomen, which seems to ring the body. Many women are very afraid of confusing false contractions with real ones. You can distinguish one from the other by simply changing your body position. Real contractions will be felt in any situation.

In addition to the fact that a woman will feel pain at the 39th week of pregnancy, as during menstruation, mucus secretion cannot be ruled out. During this period, it can be transparent, brown, or pink. The presence of impurities is due to the fact that at the moment there is a gradual uterine contraction, which leads to the release of plug particles. After she comes out and the discharge at the 39th week of pregnancy ends completely, we can say that labor is about to begin.

Signals that the birth of a baby is approaching can be not only physical manifestations, but also psychological factors. For example, many expectant mothers experience activation of the nesting instinct. The woman begins to actively arrange the house, rearrange things and try to do everything to make the surrounding space as cozy and lovely as possible. All this is a good way to distract yourself, but excessive physical activity will be superfluous, since at the moment you need to save your strength for the most important thing.

By 39 weeks, a woman's belly should drop, which is a sure sign that labor is about to begin. For some, this happens as early as 36 weeks, but this process may be delayed somewhat. After the stomach drops, it becomes easier for the woman to breathe and heartburn goes away. However, instead they come frequent urge to the toilet. It is worth noting here that if this is the second birth, the 39th week of pregnancy may be the final one.

Pain at 39 weeks

Everyone understands why a woman experiences unpleasant sensations like during menstruation. Everything is simple here: the body undergoes complex restructuring and preparation for the rapidly approaching birth. Pain is especially noticeable in the sacrum, pubis and pelvis.

At week 39, the active production of the hormone relaxin occurs, the purpose of which is to relax the bones and ligaments for the normal passage of the baby through the birth canal. Due to this, a divergence of the pelvic bones occurs, which causes quite severe pain at 39 weeks of pregnancy.

Pain in the sacrum and spine occurs due to a shift in the center of gravity due to increased load on the front of the body. This also becomes the cause of pain in the legs. Aching feeling in lower limbs may cover the back of the leg from the foot to the knee. To somewhat reduce unpleasant symptoms, you need to sleep in the correct position and wear a special bandage.

Additional examinations at 39 weeks

As a rule, if the pregnancy is normal, a woman does not need diagnostic procedures. There is very little time left before giving birth, so it is better to devote it to rest and simply gain strength to accomplish the greatest feat in life.

However, in some cases, an ultrasound examination may be prescribed. If there are individual indications, the doctor can check the condition of the unborn baby, determine the degree of its development and size. In addition, an ultrasound will determine the maturity of the cervix and the readiness of the body for the birth of a child.

During the examination, the doctor must assess the condition of the amniotic fluid and the maturity of the placenta, which at 39 weeks should already be at the third stage of its growth, that is, at the very last.

Later, an ultrasound examination makes it possible to understand the location of the umbilical cord. This is important, as it helps to avoid situations with entanglement and suffocation of the fetus during passage through the birth canal. If the risks of such a development are high, this may be a contraindication to natural childbirth.

I’ll say right away that I didn’t consider drug intervention. I studied the issue of home stimulation of labor. For those who were already interested in this issue, I will not say anything new. I want to help those who are just thinking about this.

So, by week 39, I realized that my strength and patience were leaving me. I'm physically and mentally exhausted. It hurts here and then goes away, insomnia, irritability, etc. - in general, the body’s fatigue increases, and the baby is in no hurry to be born.

The deadline is already good and you can try to speed up the process. I sat down at the computer, sifted through a bunch of articles and forums (periodically trying it on myself). Now, more about the main methods of inducing labor at home:

1. Sex Thanks to prostaglandins found in sperm, the cervix softens and prepares for childbirth. Blood begins to rush to the pelvis, indirectly stimulating uterine contractions, after which contractions may occur or the plug may come out. The position should be comfortable, sex should only be pleasant and not too “active”. There are unlikely to be results in 1-2 days - we need to start prepare the cervix 2-3 weeks before the due date

Contraindications: Can be used only if amniotic fluid and mucus plug are preserved. After they leak or pour out, as well as the plug comes out, the risk of infection of the woman’s genital organs increases. Under no circumstances should you use this method if you are diagnosed with placenta previa and certain pathologies. Unprotected sexual intercourse is not for women in whom candidiasis often worsens, vaginal dysbiosis occurs, or there are “genital” infections in any of the partners, because sexual intercourse can lead to relapse, which is not at all safe before childbirth.

2. Motor activity Clean up the house, wash the floors with squatting hands, wash the windows, wash clothes by hand, take long walks, climb the stairs up and down and sideways, scatter matches and pick them up one at a time, classical exercises, swimming, simple oriental dancing. Physical activity is more likely to cause contractions, if the cervix is ​​not ready, it is a waste of energy, there will be no effect.

Contraindications: Do not overuse: doing general cleaning, rearranging furniture, lifting weights in the gym or jumping until you are blue in the face at aerobics - lifting weights, jumping or sudden movements can lead to prenatal rupture of water or placental abruption. At the same time, the main thing is not to overdo it; you need to be especially careful with diagnoses of hypertension, gestosis or placenta previa.

3. Nipple massage Massage causes the release of oxytocin into the blood, and this hormone is responsible for contractions and is also an antidepressant. Stimulation of the nipples causes the uterus to contract. This method is also used after childbirth to quickly contract the uterus. Breast massage is very beneficial to the expectant mother, because this has a beneficial effect on feeding. Massage the nipples for 10-15 minutes, use various creams, oils and liquids for this. Nipple massage is one of the ways you can definitely speed up labor, but subject to a mature cervix when the body is ready for them.

Contraindications: On early stages may lead to premature birth, but this no longer threatens us

4. Colon cleansing There are several ways.

Enema. A cleansing enema irritates the back wall of the uterus, promoting its contraction. It also helps to quickly remove the mucus plug, speeding up the process of labor. It needs to be done only for women who have already reached their expected due date, that is, the baby is full-term.

Laxative. A variety of laxatives and cocktails can speed up the approach of labor. The most popular and unsafe remedy is castor oil. For example, 150 grams of orange, apricot and peach juice with 50 grams of castor oil. The laxative effect within 4 hours is usually very strong. This drink leads to active contraction of the intestinal walls, and then possibly to the onset of labor. This extreme method can cause a gag reflex due to too much unpleasant odor and the taste of castor oil, as well as contribute severe upset intestines and dehydration of the body. Thus provoked contractions with an immature cervix will not be the beginning of labor, but will manifest themselves in prolonged contractions that negatively affect the oxygen supply of the child. Some recipes call for 50 grams of vodka, wine or champagne. This alcohol will also reach your child, and if suddenly the birth goes wrong, you will end up operating table while intoxicated...

Changes in diet. You can act more humanely towards yourself. In the last weeks before giving birth, eat foods rich in fiber, and these are porridge, vegetables (cabbage, beets, fresh vegetable salads seasoned with unrefined vegetable or olive oil and parsley), fruits, some spicy dishes, due to increased intestinal motility, the uterus will contract And there is a chance to give birth 1-2 days earlier.

Fresh pineapple is believed to help soften the cervix and induce labor. But for contractions to start, you need to eat at least 7 pieces - and you are guaranteed diarrhea.

To increase the elasticity of tissues, you can successfully use the following advice: take 1 tbsp. olive oil with meals (for example, in a salad) three times a day for a slight laxative effect and preparation of the cervix and perineum for childbirth. Experiments with food, such as gluttony and, on the contrary, fasting, eating spicy or sour foods, or lemons in excessive quantities, should not be practiced. Harmful for both you and the child.

5. Herbal infusions and oils Raspberry leaves are also considered an excellent remedy for approaching labor. It is recommended to brew them and drink 2-3 glasses a day, starting from 34-36 weeks of pregnancy. Raspberries soften the ligaments around the birth canal, which promotes uterine contractions and also reduces the risk of ruptures during childbirth. Raspberry jam, raspberry leaves, brewed as tea - stimulate the onset of contractions if the cervix is ​​not mature - will not help induce labor.

A good remedy to induce contractions is tea made from ginger, cinnamon and cloves. It is recommended to drink it after the 39th week of pregnancy 3 times a day.

In order to speed up the process of cervical ripening, from 34 weeks of pregnancy you can use evening primrose oil, which is sold in capsules in almost any pharmacy - 1 capsule per day. It's rich fatty acids and promotes the production of prostaglandins. You can start taking the oil later: from 36 weeks - two capsules and three - from the 39th.

Contraindications: Mandatory before taking any herbal infusions and oils should be consulted with the doctor who is observing you in a consultation or medical center; find out about possible side effects, together with it, choose the method that suits you.

6. Aromatherapy and stimulating bath You will need an aroma lamp and rose or jasmine oils. Water is poured into the lamp, in a special recess, and 2-3 drops of oil are dripped, and then a burning candle is placed under the recess. Inhaling the vapors of these oils four times a day promotes the onset of labor.

Add 4 drops of oil (for example, cloves, roses, lavender, etc.) to 250 ml of cream, mix and pour into a filled bath. The water temperature should not exceed 37C.

Contraindications: You may be hypersensitive to one of these oils.

7. Acupressure For some expectant mothers, foot massage helps: stimulating the point located between the index and big toes, kneading the forefoot near the ankle. Find a point located 4 fingers above the inner ankle joint. Try pressing and pressing it with your index finger and thumb at different angles. Repeat three times, maintaining pressure for 10-15 seconds.

Reflexology is a way of using pressure points on the leg to initiate labor within 24-48 hours. Press firmly on one of these points, or rub them in a circular motion, applying firm pressure. Pituitary Gland: Located on the big toe, this pressure point activates the pituitary gland, which produces hormones such as oxytocin. Bladder: Located at the bottom of your leg, near your metatarsal bone, this pressure point can cause contractions in the muscles surrounding your uterus, which in turn will lead to labor contractions. Solar Plexus: Located in the center of the sole of your foot, this point will help you relax and stay calm. Ovaries and Uterus: Located on the inside of the talus bone, just under the malleolus (the bone in the ankle that protrudes), this pressure point can be tender. It can initiate uterine contractions.

Contraindications: Do not practice reflexology before 38 weeks - this may lead to premature birth.

8. Heart to heart conversation Still very good remedy To stimulate labor, you can have a pleasant conversation with your unborn baby. A story about how mom and dad are looking forward to his (her) arrival can convince the baby to leave his warm and secluded place. Medicine has long proven that the child hears his parents’ voices and reacts to them even in the womb.

Psychologists give their advice for expectant mothers: be sure to talk to your baby, talk about how everyone loves and waits for him, stroke his belly, make the baby want to meet his mother as soon as possible. Rest assured that everything will be fine.

Conclusion and conclusions: If none of the above methods had the desired effect, you need to pull yourself together and calm down. The child himself knows when he needs to be born and will choose a time and circumstance that will not depend on you. Therefore, trust your baby and try to take your mind off thoughts of delayed labor. It is useless to rush some events in our lives, since they go according to the schedule that nature has made.

Each pregnancy is individual, and even if you are 40 weeks, labor does not begin, this can be completely normal. A menstrual cycle longer than 28 days pushes back the date of birth for each extra day of its duration, which is why normal dates have such a wide range from the PDR.

Those. If you are not giving birth yet, then one of you is not yet ready for this: either your body or the baby.

P.S. Nothing helped me. I’m trying to calm down, pull myself together and wait. I won’t walk like an elephant forever!

I wish you all patience, a safe birth and healthy babies.

The 39th week of pregnancy is the time when the fetus is already fully formed. He is already preparing to go out into the world without the protection of his mother’s body. The fetus continues to gain weight. But at this time the baby is still very, very weak.

Through the umbilical cord, oxygen and nutrients that the baby needs so much continue to flow from the mother. But there is a danger that the umbilical cord may wrap around the baby’s neck and cut off his air. And, as a rule, such an incident happens quite often, but at this stage it does not pose a danger to the baby.

Changes in the mother's body

A woman at 39 weeks of pregnancy does not feel any special changes in her body, especially if this is not her first birth. The only thing that may cause some discomfort at this time is the frequent urge to urinate. Moreover, it was at this time a woman can become very nervous, tearful, but there is no need to worry about this - these are not physiological disorders, but psychological tension and fear of childbirth.

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the cervix is ​​constantly pulsating, which gradually leads to the removal of the plug, which protected the baby in the mother's body from various types of infections. This process may be accompanied by minor bloody discharge, which are not a serious cause for concern.

Gradually, the fetus will sink lower and lower, which leads to easier breathing for the mother and faster digestion of food. But the latter can lead to liquefied stools. But if you felt If your stomach drops sharply and it becomes somehow very easy for you to breathe, then it is quite possible that your baby will be born in the near future.

Fetal changes

If you want to know how to give birth faster at 39 weeks of pregnancy, then you shouldn’t rush into it too much. Yes, the pregnancy is coming to an end, and the baby can’t wait to be born. the child is accompanied by fully formed lungs, which can freely take in a portion of fresh air, and he also has fully formed digestive system. But the child does not yet have beneficial bacteria in the intestines; they will appear there after he receives the first portion of colostrum.

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the baby moves less actively. This is explained by the fact that there is much less amniotic fluid. Yes, they are still replaced every three hours, as expected, but the baby has very little room left for movement. Besides, baby at this stage I have already chosen the body position that will be present during childbirth. That is why the last ultrasound is scheduled at this stage of pregnancy, in order to know exactly how the baby is positioned in the womb and whether this position will harm him and the mother.

The 39th week of pregnancy is accompanied by a choice of the rhythm of the child’s life. It will not change after birth. The baby actively reacts to the world around us, he sees transitions of light and shadow, and also reacts to stroking his mother’s belly. The child will be able to focus his gaze only in a few days after birth, and therefore do not forget to smile at your child more often, this is how you thank him for his efforts.

Try not to be nervous during this time. All the mother’s emotions are transmitted to the baby, and therefore this may not have a very positive effect on his development. You should not ask questions about childbirth at this stage of pregnancy. Take care of your psyche and avoid negative emotions. It’s better to think about what a joy it is to hold a little person in your arms.

The mother’s weight may no longer increase at this stage, but the baby continues to grow and gain weight. Subcutaneous fat begins to grow and wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin begins to become an increasingly pleasant shade. There is a fully formed human being within you.

Mom's feelings

Many mothers wonder how to speed up labor at 39 weeks? But you shouldn't do this. Everything must go its own way, no matter how difficult it may be for the expectant mother. The lower abdomen begins to constantly hurt, every movement of the baby begins to be felt very strongly. Almost ten kilograms of weight presses endlessly on bladder and this causes a constant urge to go to the toilet. At this stage of pregnancy, the pressure on pelvic bones and lower back pain. Often the pain spreads to the legs, which makes walking much more difficult.

In order for all these unpleasant symptoms to become a little weaker, and for the baby to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, you need to walk in the fresh air as much as possible and for as long as possible. And it’s worth making such walks a regular habit.

In order to prevent mommy from thinking about how to induce labor at 39 weeks of pregnancy, there is no need to prevent her from developing nesting syndrome. This is the desire to make your home comfortable before the baby is born.

A boost of energy for a woman during this period is very important. It helps you remember the end of your pregnancy with joy. But still worth it most of the work give it to dad, and take on the role of organizer herself. You should save your strength, you still have to give birth, and it will take a lot of energy.

At this time, the cervix shortens significantly and begins to open. The baby's head may begin to put pressure on the pelvic bones and uncomfortable sensations may lead to a desire to speed up the process of approaching childbirth.

Try to ensure that your movements are not accompanied by pain. After all, this may indicate that complications begin during pregnancy. Minor discomfort and tingling may be completely normal. Besides, mom needs watch closely for pressure. It should not rise or, conversely, fall much. And don’t be afraid of nausea and heartburn during this period. They can safely become a woman’s constant companion at this stage of pregnancy. In order to reduce unpleasant symptoms, you need to try to make your diet as healthy as possible.

Mommy belly

Many mothers in their final stages begin to think about how to speed up labor at 39 weeks of pregnancy. But you shouldn’t do this, because it’s such happiness when you’re expecting the birth of a baby.

And it is worth remembering that in the last weeks of pregnancy the belly may drop, but this may not happen at all. Both conditions are considered normal. And the less often the child moves during this time, the closer the moment when he will be born.

At this stage, the mother’s belly seems especially huge. At this time, the skin loses its elasticity and stretch marks may appear, the skin may itch and peel. To make it easier For unpleasant manifestations, you can use all kinds of creams and ointments.

It is at this time that false contractions often occur, when the stomach sharply becomes toned. False contractions pass as quickly as they occur. When the right contractions begin, you will understand it.

Weight in the last weeks of pregnancy

In the last stages of pregnancy, the mother's weight may decrease slightly, but do not worry - the baby will not suffer from this. Therefore, the norm during this period is considered to be:

  • weight gained up to 16 kg;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • weight loss is evidence of impending childbirth.

Many women lose their appetite during this period. There may also be a frequent urge to have a bowel movement. This is normal, but not always necessary.

Sex before childbirth

If mommy feels great and has no uterine tone, then sex is not contraindicated. Although many doctors think completely differently. After all, at this time the uterus comes into tone after orgasm, and such a phenomenon can provoke premature birth. But nevertheless, you should focus on your well-being.

In addition, many older women say that sex at this stage of pregnancy can gently prepare the mother for childbirth. And the hormones that released during orgasm can act as a mild pain reliever for pain. And most importantly, orgasm perfectly helps stimulate the uterus and prepares it for childbirth.

Harbingers of childbirth

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the following warning signs may be observed:

  • “petrification” of the abdomen;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • slight weight loss and lack of appetite;
  • lowering of the abdomen.

Don’t be afraid of the harbingers; you definitely won’t sleep through the birth. Those who are going to give birth for the second or even third time should not worry especially. And therefore need to tune in in a positive way and calmly wait until you begin to give birth to your little happiness. After the first contraction begins, you must count the time. As soon as the interval between contractions is no more than an hour, you need to call an ambulance or get to the hospital yourself.

You shouldn't give birth at home, although some doctors practice home birth. To begin with, such a decision is not very good for the child, and the second is to create necessary sanitary conditions and monitoring contractions at home will be very difficult. Therefore, the second time you give birth, or the third, you need to go to the hospital immediately at the first contraction. This way you will give birth to a healthy baby under the supervision of specialists.

40 weeks, but there are no contractions, how can you induce contractions on your own, what can you do for this? To some women this will seem wild. Well, how can you risk the health of your child just to “suffer” a few days less? Most doctors are also against it different ways on how to induce contractions, and there are many of them offered on the Internet. But there are ways to speed up labor a little. Of course, these methods should be used only when the cervix is ​​almost completely ready for childbirth. Only then can some of these methods bring some benefit. So, how to induce contractions at 38, 39, 40 or 41 weeks at home using available means and how is this done in medical institutions?

1. Make love. Semen contains substances - prostaglandins, which help quickly ripen the cervix. Therefore, the more, the better in this regard. In addition, sex causes contractions - uterine spasms. Of course, not true, but false. However, sometimes it helps to start the birth process. But alcohol in this case will be superfluous.
Please note that you cannot try to induce contractions in this way after your water has broken or even just after the mucus plug. An infection may enter the uterus.
Also, this method cannot be used if the sexual partner is unwell, for example, he has an exacerbation of genital herpes.

2. Clean, do laundry or do any other household work within your capabilities. But just don’t try to find which exercises cause contractions and overexert yourself. For example, there is such a recommendation as walking all day or washing the floors a lot. All this can only provoke premature rupture of amniotic fluid, subsequent weakness of labor due to this and physical fatigue.

3. Take a laxative. There is already a large selection here. But more often there is a recommendation about castor oil. Castor oil is said to cause contractions in women. Actually, there is truth in this. Once upon a time, midwives actually provoked labor in this way. But if the cervix is ​​not prepared, the body does not produce certain hormones, then castor oil will only provoke severe intestinal spasms and diarrhea.

4. Just ask your baby to hurry up a little. You can persuade the child to be born as soon as possible. There is a very close bond between mother and baby. Perhaps everything will work out. And you won't have to look for risky methods to induce labor.

If not, then most likely the baby is simply not ready for birth. Do not rush it if there is no indication for it - there is no disturbance in blood flow, the heartbeat is normal, there are no signs of postmaturity.

Tablets and drugs that cause contractions before childbirth are already given out in maternity hospitals. You should not try to take these medications on your own! Fortunately, many of them are not available for free sale.

Usually, to prepare the body for childbirth, a woman is given antiprogesterone tablets - the same drug used for medical abortions. Stimulation of labor in this way is absolutely safe. A decrease in this hormone will not affect the fetus in any way. After all, the body’s progesterone level normally decreases towards the end of pregnancy. After this, the woman is given injections to induce contractions, usually prostaglandins. Although the same substance can be introduced into a woman’s body in the form of a gel or rectal suppositories.

But the most common and very effective remedy provoke uterine contractions - this is “Oxytocin”. Contractions can be induced if the woman is given an IV with this medicine. This stimulation of labor is quite painful and prolonged, which is why women are looking for information on the topic of inducing contractions naturally, but you should not use it without consulting a doctor.

Remember that it is possible and necessary to provoke labor only in extreme cases, according to indications. There are many women who give birth to absolutely healthy children at 41 or even 42 weeks, and their pregnancy is not considered post-term. Well, it’s better not to even think about the topic of inducing contractions ourselves. Although it is advisable to be under the supervision of doctors.
