How to warm your hands in the cold: simple ways to quickly get the blood flowing. How to warm your hands in winter without harming your skin? To warm your hands

I have this problem: my hands get cold very often - I understand that this is probably due to poor blood circulation. They freeze both in summer and winter, constantly cold.

Could this somehow negatively affect the body’s condition in the future, and if so, how to deal with it?


    All the time cold hands can be caused by diseases of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, or as a result of a sedentary lifestyle or poor nutrition. Some of these protlemas can be eliminated by consulting a doctor. You can also work with a hand expander yourself. Lead a more active way of life. Try to improve blood circulation, partially ridding the vessels of accumulated atherosclerotic plaques. To do this, you need to reduce the proportion of fats in your food.

    Cold extremities (hands, feet) are a variant of the norm. There is nothing wrong with this, and it will not have any negative impact in the future. However, if there is concern and discomfort When your hands are cold, you can take courses of vasodilators (nicotinic acid). Or take an infusion of hawthorn fruits (for 30 grams of fruit, 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, before eating, a tablespoon).

    With the help of water procedures, you can make the vessels work more actively. To do this, cold hands need to arrange cold and hot shower. With daily water training, within a week you will feel that your hands have begun to warm up much faster. Also, after this, the handles should be lubricated with warming creams based on badger fat, essential oils pepper, fir, cinnamon, etc. This will enhance the warming effect.

    In such a situation, there are several reasons: VSD, thyroid disease, and lack of iron in the body. It’s better, of course, to see a doctor, but if you are not ready to visit a doctor, then constantly do exercises for your hands, clench and unclench your fists! In this way, you will improve blood circulation and, accordingly, your hands will warm up.

    Nowadays, pharmacies sell many creams with red pepper, which are designed to warm and improve blood flow. Try using these creams. They are mainly created on the basis of conventional caring creams, so they will not cause harm to the skin of the extremities.

    My hands are also chilly, but my reason is sedentary work at the computer.

    I deal with this problem by wearing gloves. Sometimes I rub my hands or do squats to help the blood circulate better.

    You should note how long this has been happening to you and under what circumstances; if cases are rare, then there is no reason to panic.

    Although it is highly desirable to know the condition of your blood vessels, it is possible that the doctor will send you for examination and ask you to do an MRI.

    It is worth contacting a therapist and a neurologist so as not to worry and know exactly the state of your health.

    I would refuse self-medication and taking herbs or infusions, since the cause has not yet been established.

    There are many ways to warm your hands. But the fact that they are constantly freezing may already indicate problems in the body. You definitely need to visit a doctor. Osteochondrosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia and even dieting can cause such an uncomfortable condition. The most harmless advice is not to smoke, eat normally, exercise as much as possible and wear clothes made from natural materials.

    If you are at home, or if you have hot water in the tap at work (sometimes you don’t), then the simplest and quick way To warm your hands is just to go wash them or even just hold them under running warm water.

    Constantly cold hands and feet may indicate a lack of iron in the body. First of all, you should eat right. To compensate for iron deficiency, you need to include buckwheat porridge, milk and butter, liver, meat, apples, dried apricots, pomegranates and other rich foods in your diet on iron.

    Monitor your blood pressure; most likely you have frequent changes. It is also associated with vascular weakness. Having determined what pressure, find yourself yoga exercises online, and also just rub your hands from time to time. It is advisable to wear mittens on your hands, even at home, and keep your tea cup in a warmer.

    well in winter time severe frost To prevent your hands from freezing, you can put them in your armpits and thanks to body heat you can warm your hands.

    I have the same problem. Most likely, this is exactly the case with me, the vessels do not conduct blood well to the hands, or the blood is too thick. If the second option, then take blood thinning drugs (aspirin, for example), and if the first, then nothing helps, just wear two gloves in winter.

    There can be many reasons for such a symptom and all of them, of course, affect blood circulation. Little information was given. If, say, your hands sometimes go numb, for no particular reason, your heart beats wildly when you’re nervous and your eyes darken, then you have the most common disease in which your hands get cold - NCD. It is difficult to treat.

    And in order for your hands to freeze less, you need to frequently do an active warm-up until you sweat (but without fanaticism). It helps me.

    It’s unlikely that any remedies will help, just try to keep your hands warm in winter so that they don’t freeze. The problem is that you have poor blood circulation in your extremities, including your hands. Because of this, they are always cold.

    The weather has caused deterioration in blood circulation in my hands. I do a warm-up on such days, rubbing my hands, but it doesn’t help much. Your hands get warm, but you feel a little numb. It’s better to go to the doctor if the sensations have changed and your hands are not cold as before.

    I believe this may be due to poor circulation. In any case, you shouldn’t relax too much and do exercises with your hands, as well as more things to do in everyday life. You can also go to the doctor.

    You need to know how long this problem has bothered you - if you have had cold extremities almost your entire life, then this may be the norm for you. If the problem began after some events: severe freezing, climate change, inactive lifestyle, then it is worth analyzing what factors influenced the development of such a problem and eliminating them in the future. Before using any medications, you should consult with your physician; he may refer you to an endocrinologist or cardiologist, depending on the causes of this symptom. But there is no need to panic, and most importantly, try to improve your blood circulation with a simple set of physical exercises, including circular rotations, swinging your arms and legs, and race walking. Be healthy!

    Well, you’ve given all the advice here... it’s immediately obvious that you’re doctors of the highest category...
    my answer:
    The body lacks elements such as potassium/calcium/magnesium/zinc/iodine/iron/etc. Even if you eat all the most expensive fruit products, all the same, who eats all the “cream”?, right) - parasites.

    “don’t treat the symptoms, talk to the root” ;-)

    It is quite possible that you may have Raynaud's disease, which belongs to the group of angioneuroses, and its cause has not yet been fully elucidated. This disease is popularly called “cold extremity disease.” A spasm of the arteries occurs, and blood flows poorly to the arms (this is more common) and to the legs. This disease is characterized by the fact that the hands and feet remain cool even in the warm season. Over the years, the disease progresses and can affect the chin, ears, tip of the nose, and buttocks. The hands become bluish and then turn red. It is better to contact a vascular doctor. In any case, cold extremities are a circulatory problem. Move more, do exercises. But don't forget about the doctor. Health to everyone, physical and mental warmth.

    My hands also often get cold. The doctor told me that this is due to low blood pressure. My observations confirm the doctor's conclusion. I noticed that my hands are especially cold in those moments when the pressure is clearly low: I feel dizzy, there are spots in front of my eyes. If I take a blood pressure booster, my hands also stop freezing. For example, Cordiamin drops help me a lot - dizziness and weakness go away immediately, and my hands warm up very quickly. A cup of coffee or strong tea. These drinks increase blood pressure, and at the same time you can warm your hands on a hot cup. Another way to warm your hands is to do finger exercises. A few energetic movements, and your hands will stop freezing.

For this reason, every person should be armed with knowledge of methods by which they can warm up their cold hands.

Home methods.

At home, warming our hands if we are cold is not at all difficult. And the most simple options can be:

Cold water. It should not come as a surprise that it is cold water that can warm up icy limbs, and under the influence of hot water the skin will only suffer. Place your hands under running cold water for a while, and then pat them dry with a soft, dry towel.

A warm blanket. This method is simple, like everything ingenious. Wrap yourself in a wool blanket. If you want to keep your hands free, wrap yourself in a blanket and use gloves. So, being warm, you will have access, for example, to communicate with friends on the Internet.

The warmth of your own body. Placing them in a armpits. Almost immediately you will feel your hands filling with warmth.

Warm bath. If your whole body is stiff from the cold, take a warm bath and soak in it. Some people will have time to warm up in 15 minutes, while others will need an hour. After your bath, put on a bathrobe or warm pajamas and make yourself a cup of tea. Then your hands will be provided with long-lasting warmth.
Close person or a pet. Ask your family members to have one of them warm your hands in theirs. In this case, your four-legged friends can also help out.

The method used by fishermen.

Avid winter fishing enthusiasts have a wealth of heating experience behind them. upper limbs. And there is a simple explanation for this. After all, they spend a long period of time in an open space with a fishing rod in their hands. Who else, if not them, should master the technique of warming hands? First of all, you can warm your hands through warm mittens. Put your gloves in your bosom, and while they are warming up, you should dip your hands in the snowdrift for 20 seconds. Then dry your hands and you will instantly feel like your palms are on fire.
Now put on warm mittens and you can be sure that your hands will remain warm for at least half an hour. Fishermen, using a similar method, lower their hands into an ice hole with ice water. The essence of this method of warming the hands is that when placing the hands in an extremely cold environment, the body experiences some kind of stress. And the response to it is instant blood supply and warming of the hands.

Body training.

Not in all cases, these methods of warming hands can achieve a positive effect. The reason for this may lie in the individuality of your body: it simply does not know how to adapt to temperature changes. Therefore, vascular training is of primary importance, and its simplest form is massage. Blood flow and dilation of blood vessels in the hands are facilitated by daily rubbing of the upper limbs, which must be done in the morning and evening. A contrast shower will also be of great benefit. A change in water temperature serves as a good stimulus for the body to exhibit a sharp reaction, thereby training the blood vessels of the whole body. Another method of adapting the body to hypothermia is a bathhouse, but provided that you have no contraindications for visiting it.

Moisturizing gloves.

Undoubtedly, gloves are the most common way to warm your hands in winter. However, the quality of the mittens can vary greatly. In addition, certain types of gloves are designed not only to warm, but can also have a rejuvenating effect on the skin. These include moisturizing gloves impregnated with gel. This gel contains unique active components, which ensure long-term moisturizing and whitening of the skin, as well as increasing its elasticity and smoothing out wrinkles.

By using nutrients moisturizing gloves, the skin is cleansed of dead skin cells and becomes smooth, acquiring an elegant appearance. Since the gloves contain exclusively natural substances (vitamins B1, E, jojoba oil, etc.), allergic reactions are practically excluded. Environmentally friendly high-tech fabric with high breathability is used to cover the gloves.

Helium gloves do not require special care. It is only important to follow the conditions of hand washing them using mild detergents and drying them away from heating elements, avoiding direct sunlight. It should be noted that gloves have some peculiarity: the period of wearing them should not exceed 12 hours a day and cannot be more than a month.

Cosmetic hand care in winter.

As cosmetic product Cream is also used to warm the hands. At the same time, the skin needs both a day (protective) cream and a night (restorative) cream. But do not neglect the basic rule of winter hand skin care in winter - do not apply cream before going outside, since any cream contains water that naturally freezes in the cold. If you want to warm your hands in water, do not put them in boiling water: instead of having a warming effect, you risk getting seriously burned. You only need to warm your hands in warm water and liquid soap, which has a moisturizing effect. After washing your hands properly, it's time to use hand cream.

Among the many different services provided by beauty salons, there are also procedures that allow you to keep your hands warm. One of them is paraffin therapy. This procedure is designed not only to protect the hands, but also to improve blood circulation, which allows the muscles of the hands to relax and relieve fatigue.

The full course of paraffin therapy includes 10 procedures performed once a week. But the result will not take long to arrive. The very first procedure will allow you to feel all the delights of paraffin therapy, which is recommended to be combined with a hot manicure to achieve maximum effect. During the procedure, a fortified lotion is used to provide gentle care for the nails. With the help of paraffin therapy, not only the skin of your hands will be well-groomed, but also the cuticles of your fingers.

Remember, a girl’s hands are her calling card! Therefore, it is necessary to properly care for them, especially during the cold period.

It's cold in winter. And sometimes even gloves or mittens can’t save your hands from the frost. It is important to know how to properly warm your hands if they freeze, otherwise in the worst case scenario you may even lose your fingers.

Cold extremities

If a person constantly has cold feet and hands, this may indicate poor circulation. This problem most often affects women, since their body’s thermoregulation is less weak than that of men. In order for the limbs not to be constantly cold, it is necessary to warm the body, namely, do morning exercises, strengthen control over nutrition - eat hot food and drink ginger tea at least once a day, and also refuse tight clothes that constrain the body and disrupt heat exchange .

Baby warmth

If a child has cold hands, this may indicate that the child is cold. And if cold hands are accompanied by fever, this is the first sign colds. For infants the situation is different. If your baby eats and plays normally, there is no need to worry about cold hands. The reason for this is a completely different process of heat exchange in a child’s body, it differs from the heat exchange of an adult. But if the baby has cold hands and feet, and the child does not eat and sleep well, the cause may be a disease in the baby. In this case, it is better to contact your pediatrician.


Cold and wet hands of a person may indicate a disease such as hyperhidrosis. But this problem is more social than medical. The problem of wet hands is relevant in countries where it is common to use a handshake. If a person’s hands are cold, also called frog legs, this may indicate the person’s secrecy and mistrust.

In fact, everything is simpler: when nervous, a person’s hands often sweat; cold hands can simply be a coincidence. So, if a person’s hand is unpleasantly wet when shaking hands, this indicates that he is worried, rather than that the person does not trust the interlocutor. You can solve the problem simply - wipe and warm your hands.

Frozen hands

In order to warm frostbitten hands outdoors, you can use the method for warming up winter fishing enthusiasts. They certainly know how to warm their hands. If your hands are very cold, you need to take off your mittens or gloves and put them closer to your body - in your bosom or under your arms, so they will warm up faster. Hands should be immersed in ice water or the nearest snowdrift for 20-30 seconds, then dried thoroughly with a handkerchief. After this, your hands will feel warm. Now they need to be hidden in heated mittens. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times.

In general, to keep your hands warm in winter, wear warm gloves, or better yet, mittens, because in mittens all your fingers are close together and they warm each other better than in gloves.

Cold hands this is a typical sign of dysfunction of blood vessel contraction. With this disease, the hands become cold and pale, and sometimes even turn blue.

What are the causes of cold hands

Cold hands and feet at:

  • Stress– worry, anxiety and fear can disrupt blood circulation in the body, and thereby reduce the portion of blood that flows to the limbs. So don't be surprised when you feel cold before a tough exam.
  • Hypofunction of the thyroid gland– disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, the organ responsible for hormonal balance in the body, also affect blood circulation and the functioning of the heart muscle. Therefore, in case of diseases of the thyroid gland, one should reckon with sudden shocks of cold, followed by a wave of heat. Taking medications that regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland will eliminate the effect of cold hands.
  • Low blood pressure– hypotension not only leads to weakness and drowsiness, but is also manifested by pallor and coldness of the extremities. The disease requires consultation with a doctor.
  • Diseases connective tissue is an autoimmune disease in which the body produces antibodies against its own cells. Damaged tissues are destroyed. It reaches pathological changes in the arteries and circulatory disorders. In addition to cold hands and feet, it also manifests itself as changes in the skin, ulceration of the mucous membranes, and sensitivity to sunlight. Requires immediate treatment to prevent damage to the tissues of internal organs, including the heart.
  • Frostbite– hypothermia or frostbite of tissues, as a result of prolonged exposure to cold air on the skin, first leads to a feeling of cold, and then burning and itching of the skin.
  • Smoking cigarettes– the nicotine contained in cigarettes causes a constriction of blood vessels, which leads to the fact that the hands of smokers are certainly more sensitive to cold than those of non-smokers.
  • Medicines– taking some medicines, including heart medications, drugs used to treat migraines, and birth control pills, may cause cold hands. It is necessary to replace medications with others.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome– People who work at a computer are susceptible to it. The nerve located between the fingers becomes inflamed as a result of constant irritation and tension. This causes the fingers to cool down. Painful symptoms often appear.
  • Cold hands and feet are also a symptom tumors and inflammation of the lungs, in this case, urgent medical attention is required.

How to warm your hands

Leaving a warm apartment on a winter morning, we are faced with a layer of cold air. Our body, as a protective reaction, redirects most of the blood to the main organs of the body, that is, the heart and lungs. This happens through the arms and legs. Therefore, it is the feet that are most vulnerable to cold. Frozen hands and feet winter is the most natural phenomenon.

The feeling of cold is a matter of individual inclination. And the feeling of cold on a hot summer day is not so much surprising as it is disturbing. And this is correct, because an increased feeling of cold can be a symptom of a serious illness. Therefore, in the case of constant feeling of cold hands You should consult a doctor to determine the cause of the disease.

In case of congenital predisposition, the doctor may recommend therapeutic treatment. It consists of taking drugs that dilate blood vessels, as well as drugs that improve peripheral circulation, available only by prescription.

Homemade ways to warm your hands bring quick relief. Just put your frozen palms in cold water. Immersing your hands in warm or hot water causes pain and can cause tissue damage through what is called heat shock. Therefore, warm your hands gradually. If your hands are cold, you can wrap yourself in a warm blanket, sweater, or put on woolen gloves. Drink a glass of warm liquid, especially honey tea or linden tea, which will warm your body from the inside.

When working on a computer, use a special mouse pad and an ergonomic keyboard that relieves stress on your wrist. A wrist band may also be helpful.


Cold hands and feet are a natural part of how our body regulates temperature and maintains its vital functions. When our body detects cold (even if the mind does not notice it), it begins to redirect more blood to vital internal organs, this will drain blood away from less important extremities such as the arms and legs, causing them to be cold and stiff. Cold hands are not only inconvenient, but also make it difficult to complete simple tasks. During frosts, cold hands can even get frostbite. Therefore, you must know how to warm up your hands when they are cold, and there are several ways to achieve this.


Part 1 Improving blood circulation

  1. 1 Move. It's easier to warm up your arms by doing exercises that move blood to your muscles and skin, thereby warming up your entire body.
    • Speed ​​up your pace if your hands get cold while walking.
    • Clean to get some exercise.
    • Do squats, jumping jacks, or other aerobic exercise.
  2. 2 Do hand exercises. It's not always possible to pick up and start doing exercises, so if your hands are cold and you can't get your heart rate up with aerobics, do exercises for your arms and legs.
    • Wiggle your fingers and toes.
    • Roll your hands.
    • Clench and unclench your fingers and toes.
  3. 3 Massage your palms and arms. You can also return blood flow to your hands with the help of massage. Spend some time lathering your palms, hands, and arms with oils and creams, especially in winter when skin is more prone to dryness.
    • Don't forget to massage between your fingers and your fingertips.
  4. 4 Avoid cigarettes and caffeine. Of course, this is a longer-term approach to warming your hands, but be aware that smoking and caffeine cause blood vessels to constrict, and if there isn't enough blood flowing to your hands, they will start to freeze.
    • In cold weather, start your morning not with coffee, but with a cup of white tea.

Part 2 Low temperature protection

  1. 1 Warm up your body. Since your body responds to cold by redirecting warm blood to your internal organs, you can prevent your hands from getting cold and try to warm them up, keeping your body warm and protected. If your body doesn't think your organs are in danger, it won't drain blood from your hands.
    • In cold weather, wear several layers: a base layer, an insulating layer, and an outer layer to protect you from wind and rain.
  2. 2 Wear loose clothing. Tight clothes, socks and even underwear can constrict blood vessels, thereby reducing circulation and making your hands colder. To prevent this from happening, wear comfortable and loose clothing that will not restrict your movements.
    • If you are wearing tight clothes and your hands are cold, change into looser clothes as soon as possible.
  3. 3 Wear warm gloves. It's obvious that your hands will freeze faster when exposed to the cold, so protect them from the cold with warm, loose-fitting gloves.
    • Make sure your gloves also cover your wrists, as most of the heat is lost in this area.
    • If you don't have gloves, stick your hands in your pockets or inside your jacket to keep them out of the cold.
  4. 4 Eat ginger. Ginger is a thermogenic food. These foods produce heat when you digest them. A warm cup of ginger tea will help warm up your body, including your hands. Even just holding a warm cup in your hands can restore warmth to them.
  5. 5 Use your body heat. No matter how cold it is outside, there are areas of your body that will almost always be warm (your armpits and between your thighs).
    • Place your hands on warm skin and wait until they warm up.
    • You can also try sitting on your hands, but be aware that this may reduce blood circulation, which may cause them to tingle.

Part 3 Adding a Heat Source

  1. 1 Carry self-heating heating pads or heat packs with you. If you are going somewhere in winter or at night, or just decide to take a walk in cold weather, do not forget to take disposable or reusable heating pads that can quickly warm you and your hands. The following products are good choices:
    • Hot water bottle "ClickHeat"
    • Hand warming bags
    • Pocket hand warmers with glowing charcoal sticks
    • Electric heating pad "UniHeat"
    • Heat Pax hand and foot warmers
  2. 2 Take a warm bath. Warm water will warm not only your hands, but your entire body. It will also help you relax after the cold.
    • The temperature of the bath water should not exceed 43 degrees Celsius, otherwise you may get scalded, dizzy, have low blood pressure, nausea and vomiting.
    • You can also soak your hands in warm water or pour warm water into a bowl and soak your hands and wrists in it.
  3. 3 Blow on your hands and rub them. The warm air from your lungs will instantly warm your hands. Cup your palms to keep the heat in, then quickly rub your hands together to spread the heat to the backs of your hands.
  4. 4 Warm your hands over a fire or other heat source. Campfires, heaters, hot engines, and even running computers produce enough heat to keep you warm. Most importantly, don't get too close or touch the heat source.
    • If you are wearing gloves, remove them and hold your hands directly in front of the heat source. Turn the gloves inside out and place them near a warm place. When you put them on, they will be warm and pleasant.
  5. 5 Don't drink alcohol. Although alcohol may make your skin feel warm, it actually lowers your overall body temperature. Alcohol dilates blood vessels in the skin, causing blood to be diverted away from vital organs and towards the extremities.
  6. 6 Know when to see a doctor. Although cold hands and feet are not unusual, seek immediate medical attention if you begin to feel numbness, change in skin tone, harden or thicken your skin, develop sores or blisters, start to lose hair, or experience memory loss. There are many conditions that can cause frozen hands. These include:
    • Anemia
    • Raynaud's disease
    • Diabetes
    • Nerve damage
    • Hypothyroidism
    • Vitamin B12 deficiency


  • Children, elderly people and people with reduced perception of hot and cold should not use heat packs.
