How does the contraceptive ring work? Pros and cons of using the Nuvaring contraceptive ring How does Nuvaring affect

The NuvaRing contraceptive is a soft and smooth ring that is inserted into the vagina for a period of 3 weeks. In internal cavity genital organs, it occupies the most comfortable position for a woman, adapting to the individual characteristics of the physique. Thanks to its flexibility, the ring does not cause the slightest discomfort and does not create obstacles to sports. Moreover, during sexual intercourse, neither partner feels the ring.

NuvaRing sizes are universal for women of any weight and build: its diameter is 54 mm and its thickness is 4 mm. The ring is produced in the Netherlands. Please note that the same name birth control pills doesn't happen.

How does NuvaRing work?

Under the anti-allergic shell of this product there are minimal portions of estrogen and progestogen. These are female sex hormones that have great value for her reproductive system. Inside the vagina, the ring acquires the temperature of a person’s body, and its shell becomes porous and releases hormones contained under it into the cavity of the uterus and ovaries. Action active substances targeted, hormonal effects on other organs in the body, except the genitals, do not apply. The concentration of these hormones is enough to negate the process of egg maturation and its release from the follicle. This means that pregnancy will not occur under such conditions.

Advantages of a hormonal ring

  1. Undeniable reliability.
  2. Simplicity and comfortable use (you only need to change the ring once a month).
  3. A microscopic portion of hormones in the ring, which makes it absolutely safe.
  4. Exclusively local action of active substances.
  5. The use of NuvaRing does not affect a woman’s weight.
  6. Thanks to the ring, the monthly cycle becomes more regular, and the pain during menstruation is dulled.

Disadvantages of the hormonal ring

  1. For some women, this method of birth control seems unusual from a psychological point of view.
  2. Manufacturers of NuvaRing do not guarantee complete protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
  3. The hormonal ring has quite a few contraindications.

How to use Nuvaring

The ring is inserted during menstruation on the first to fifth day (but not later!). Wash your hands thoroughly, then take the most comfortable position for you: lie down, squat, or lean your back against a wall and lift one leg.

Squeeze the pliable ring tightly with your fingers to reduce its diameter and insert it deep into the vagina. If you feel the contraceptive device after insertion, adjust it with your fingers until this discomfort disappears. Don't worry about the ring being in the "wrong" place - if you don't feel it, it means it's positioned correctly in the vagina.

The NuvaRing should remain inside you for three weeks. If you accidentally remove the ring (this can happen when changing a sanitary tampon), rinse it in warm water and reinsert it. When the hormonal product expires, carefully remove it by prying it with your index finger or squeezing it with your middle and index fingers.

This is important!

MirSovetov hastens to draw your attention to the following rules for using the NuvaRing hormonal ring.

One ring is effective for one. You must definitely remove it on the 22nd day after you installed it. In order not to get confused with the dates, you need to remember what day of the week you put the ring on - on the same day of the week you need to remove it. For example, if you put it on Thursday, you take it out 3 weeks later on Thursday. The safest thing, of course, is to immediately mark the start and end days of NuvaRing use on the calendar.

After the ring has been removed, rest for 7 days, and on the 8th day a new ring is inserted.

Attention! During the first week of using NuvaRing, doctors strongly recommend using a condom as an additional barrier method of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

How to use a hormonal ring after an abortion or childbirth

If you had it done in the first 3 months of pregnancy, place the ring in your vagina immediately after surgery. Please note that in this case it is not necessary to use a condom in the first 7 days after injection.

If some time has passed after the abortion, wait until your period and insert the hormonal ring on any day of your period no later than the fifth day. Use during the first week is mandatory.

If the abortion was performed in the second trimester, you can use NuvaRing only 3-4 weeks after the abortion. The same rule applies to childbirth. In this case, there is no need for barrier contraception in the form of a condom.

If 21 days have passed since the abortion or childbirth and during this time you have had sexual intercourse, wait until your first period to make sure that you are not pregnant. Insert the ring during your period and be sure to use a condom for 1 week.

Bleeding when using NuvaRing and after removing it

Be prepared for the fact that in many women, the abolition of the hormonal ring provokes the development of bleeding, which is explained by the cessation of the action of the active components of NuvaRing on reproductive system. You will most likely notice blood 2-3 days after you remove your birth control. Bleeding may stop immediately after the next ring is inserted or earlier.

Sometimes temporarily stopping NuvaRing does not cause bleeding. This phenomenon is considered normal if the contraceptive ring was used strictly following the rules for its use, and there was no bleeding only once. However, if a woman deviates from these recommendations and there is no blood 2 times in a row, pregnancy is suspected. A gynecologist will help clarify the situation.

During the period of wearing the ring, scanty and inconsistent bleeding may sometimes appear in the vagina. The unexpected appearance of intense bleeding also occurs. Spotting can be ignored (they usually stop quickly), but heavy bleeding is a good reason to immediately visit the antenatal clinic.

There will be no difficulties with canceling NuvaRing: just remove the ring when you decide not to use protection anymore. The body will be freed from the influence of estrogen and progestogen and will very quickly restore ovulation. Conception can occur in the first month after discontinuation of NuvaRing. No unpleasant consequences for pregnancy were noted after using the hormonal ring.

Side effects of NuvaRing

Side effects are uncommon with this contraceptive. Sometimes something may bother a woman at the beginning of using the ring, but all discomfort quickly disappears on its own. Here are some of them.

Does Nuvaring have side effects? This question interests any modern woman considering options. hormonal contraception in general and this ring in particular. Indeed, the manufacturer’s promises look tempting, but on the Internet you can find a lot of frightening reviews - supposedly some have completely stopped menstrual bleeding while using this effective contraceptive, others suffer from mood swings, emotional instability, and some cannot get pregnant. Is this true? To understand what to watch out for, you should read the instructions for use.

There are different probabilities

In the instructions, the manufacturer indicates that Nuvaring can cause side effects, and then provides an exhaustive list of such phenomena. Mostly these are fairly minor threats such as temporary bowel dysfunction or increased gas formation. All of them soon disappear on their own when the body adapts to the hormonal drug. But on the World Wide Web, some mention more severe consequences- up to unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant due to prolonged use of contraception. For some, these stories are an important incentive to completely abandon the drug that corrects female hormonal levels. Let's first look at what the manufacturer pays attention to first, and to do this, let's look at what we're talking about in general.

As can be seen from the instructions, the Nuvaring ring is a colorless product made of smooth material. This is a transparent object that has no damage on the outer sides that is visible to the human eye. The junction is either completely transparent or close to it. This unique development of Dutch doctors has a reliable contraceptive effect, helps prevent unwanted pregnancy, and provides the highest level of reliability. The ring is easy to use; you don’t need to remember every day, as is the case with tablets, what time and how to take the drug. His only weak side- to some extent a probable negative response of the body.

What's possible?

It is known that the side effects of Nuvaring can bother those who use the drug uncontrollably, without the consent of the treating doctor, and without following the instructions. In addition, there are intolerances and allergic reactions. Persons for whom Nuvaring is prohibited according to the instructions or is allowed only with great caution may encounter a negative response from the body. To minimize the dangers to yourself and reduce the chance of unpleasant experiences, before starting to use the product you should consult a professional gynecologist, and possibly take tests to determine the characteristics of your hormonal levels. In this case, you are guaranteed to find best option.

Due to side effects, Nuvaring, as indicated in the accompanying documentation, can cause a decrease in sexual desire, as well as cause increased sensitivity. The manufacturer draws attention to the possibility of activating appetite and weight gain. IN in rare cases the use of Nuvaring causes depressive states, sudden changes in mood, sometimes unpredictable. There is a possibility of headaches similar to migraines. In addition, Nuvaring can provoke a deterioration in the functioning of the visual system.

Forewarned is forearmed

As is known, the side effects of the Nuvaring ring include a negative effect on the functioning of the heart, vascular system. The likelihood of thromboembolism increases, and levels may be impaired. blood pressure. Some women have experienced hot flashes while using this contraceptive method. In addition, the ring can have a negative effect on the stomach and intestines. This is expressed in stool disorders, increased gas formation, and other disorders. There is a risk of itching, skin rashes, minor inflammations, including the facial area.

Side effects mentioned in patient reviews about the Nuvaring ring include unpleasant, even painful sensations in muscle tissue, limbs, different parts spinal column. Some complain of swelling and a general sluggish state of the body. There is a risk of cystitis, possible increased urge to urinate, dysuria. Negative responses can also be noticed from the reproductive system. Some women, when using Nuvaring as a method of contraception, experience engorgement of the breast glands, and there is a possibility of violation monthly cycle, absence bloody discharge in due time. It is known that under the influence of hormonal compounds contained in the ring, a genital node may appear, bleeding for no reason, and spotting during intimate contact are possible. Nuvaring can cause unpleasant local sensations - itching, burning, pain.

Is the devil really that scary?

As the manufacturer mentions in the instructions, although the Nuvaring ring can cause side effects, in practice this is really rare. Mostly unpleasant impressions accompany the very beginning of using a contraceptive and gradually disappear over time. No specific treatment is required. If the symptoms are severe and difficult to tolerate, you should seek help from a qualified doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will help you choose the best replacement option if Nuvaring is not suitable as a contraceptive.

Some people note in their reviews the side effects of Nuvaring: dizziness, headache. It is known that in rare cases, the use of contraceptives has even caused anxiety. When using this method of protection, vomiting is possible, although this is observed quite rarely, since the drug is used topically and not orally, and does not irritate the intestines or stomach at the stage of primary processing of the medication. The possibility of weight gain was mentioned above, but in rare cases the effect on a woman using Nuvaring was exactly the opposite - when using a contraceptive there is a risk of sudden, causeless weight loss.

Experiments and results

To understand how well-founded the reviews about the side effects of Nuvaring are, the manufacturer organized special tests. The first wave was carried out before the launch of the ring for sale, and the second - after the marketing campaign, promotion of the product, and the appearance of information about possible negative reactions in sources accessible to the general public. The peculiarity of such a study is associated with a specific effect of the human psyche, which determines the possibility of developing a negative response of the body in conditions of awareness of the likelihood of such an event. However, the results of all stages of testing clearly show that negative phenomena are recorded in a really small percentage of cases.

As noted in reviews of the Nuvaring ring, side effects can be expressed by the response of the reproductive system in the form of increased formation of leucorrhoea. In rare cases, under the influence active compounds an inflammatory process began in the vaginal mucosa. There is also a risk of inflammation in the urinary tract. Some women noted that the main disturbing phenomenon was the constant sensation of a foreign object in the body. The manufacturer draws attention to the possibility of the ring falling out. This cannot be directly attributed to side effects, but when using the product you will have to check whether the contraceptive is in place.

Rarely, but aptly: this happens too

The instructions for use indicate that the side effects of Nuvaring are a discharge reminiscent of leucorrhoea. These are relatively common, although not in all women who use contraceptives. There are reactions that are observed much less frequently. On average, their frequency is one case in every thousand, or even ten thousand, of women using the product. This is how the risk of hair loss due to contraception is assessed. With the same small degree of probability, eczema and rash may appear. An allergic reaction to the drug may result in hives. “Novaring” can cause hypoesthesia and provoke unpleasant, painful sensations in the pelvic organs. In rare cases, hormonal contraception causes an increase in breast size, provokes uterine polyps, and ectropion of the uterine cervix.

Reviews of the side effects of the Nuvaring ring mention unpleasant, painful sensations associated with intimate contact. Against the background of hormonal contraception, mastopathy (cystic, fibrous type) may develop. Possible copious discharge, similar to the usual menstrual ones, or complete absence such, as well as bleeding that does not have a cycle. In rare cases, women experience PMS, unpleasant smell from the vagina. “Novaring” can provoke negative local sensations, cause too dry mucous membranes, and general discomfort in the genital area.

Attention to every detail

In the instructions for the Nuvaring hormonal ring, the manufacturer draws attention to the fact that estimates of the frequency of occurrence of negative responses of the body are quite approximate, since they are based on information provided voluntarily. It is currently impossible to make a more accurate assessment of the situation. Some spontaneous reports contained information about negative consequences use of the product not only for women, but also for men. When having sexual intercourse with this method of birth control, there is a risk painful sensations in the male penis. The risk of hyperemia increases, abrasions and bruises may form. All received messages were taken into account by the manufacturer and recorded in the accompanying documentation for the product.

The manufacturer, in the instructions for using Nuvaring, additionally draws attention to possible negative consequences when using a contraceptive in cases where the method of protection is contraindicated for a woman. In particular, with angioedema, Nuvaring can cause a deterioration in the general condition and exacerbation of symptoms. This result is shown not only by the described ring, but also by any exogenous hormonal compounds. Also, side effects will likely accompany the use of a contraceptive if a woman is sick with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, if neoplasms (malignant, benign) are detected, depending on hormonal levels, as well as some other conditions. All of them are listed in detail in the instructions in the part devoted to contraindications and conditions that require special care.

How does this work?

Having considered the possible side effects of Nuvaring (no menstruation, headache, bowel problems), it makes sense to understand how and why this contraceptive works. In the description, the manufacturer indicates that the contraceptive is a combination contraceptive and contains two types of hormones that correct the functioning of the female reproductive system - ethinyl estradiol and etonogestrel. The first is estrogen, now widely used as a contraceptive. The second name is progestogen, characterized by increased affinity for progesterone receptors.

The contraceptive “Novaring” is effective due to its combined effect on the female body. Active compounds can suppress the ovulation process, but to increase reliability, components have been introduced that affect other features of the female body, including the quality of mucus. As specialized tests have shown, the rate of conception per hundred women who used the medication for one year is 0.96. The studies were conducted with women aged 18-40 years. The results obtained are comparable to combined hormonal contraceptives intended for oral administration.

The big picture: attention to all factors

By the way, the negative features described above, as many people note in their responses, are completely equalized by the advantages of Nuvaring. Studies have proven that with the use of this contraceptive, in most women, the menstrual cycle becomes clear, orderly, regular, and decreases painful sensations, intensity of bleeding. Consequently, Nuvaring reduces the risk of iron deficiency in the female body. Currently, analytical data suggest that the use of this medication is a method of reducing the danger malignant neoplasms in the ovaries, endometrium.

There are no complete analogues of Nuvaring on sale, but an alternative with a similar degree of effectiveness can be called tablets that correct hormonal levels. The manufacturer clearly proves that the ring is more convenient and practical. Statistical studies show that using the item results in less spotting than using pills. The likelihood of breakthrough bleeding is reduced. Among those who used Nuvaring, there was a higher percentage of women whose bleeding was observed strictly during a break in the use of the contraceptive.

Important aspect

At the moment, there is no official information about the possible negative consequences of using Nuvaring by underage girls. No special studies were organized to determine this fact.

Analyzes were conducted to determine the effects of the active compounds on bone mineral density. The duration of the program is two years. Nuvaring was compared with the results. A reasonable conclusion was made that there was no effect on bone density when choosing Nuvaring as a method of contraception.

Some have questioned what Nuvaring's withdrawal should look like. The manufacturer points out that no special measures are required. Consent with the treating doctor is only necessary if the ring was used against the background of fibroids. Otherwise, the woman simply stops using the contraceptive at any time of her own free will.

What happens in the body?

To understand why the previous periods are restored after Nuvaring, and for what reason they change during the period of use of the drug, one should delve into the logic of its influence on a woman. Hormonal compounds contained in a small ring are automatically injected daily into the surrounding tissues, affecting the reproductive system. They quickly reach target organs, minimize the unpleasant symptoms associated with eating tablets, since they do not have the same effect on the stomach and intestines as drugs intended for oral administration.

Etonogestrel, released from the ring, quickly penetrates the body, being adsorbed through the mucous membranes of the reproductive system. The highest concentration of the compound in the circulatory system is observed approximately seven days after administration of the drug. In blood plasma, the concentration changes gradually, although the limits are relatively small. The bioavailability of the active component is 100%, that is, higher than when used orally.

Ethinyl estradiol is the second hormonal compound contained in the ring and regularly injected in small doses into the female body. The highest level of concentration in the circulatory system is observed within three days from the start of use of the product. After three weeks, a slight decrease is observed, the process of reducing the amount itself occurs smoothly. Bioavailability is estimated at 56%, which is approximately the same as tablets.

Special case

As stated above, the risk of encountering negative phenomena when using Nuvaring is higher if a woman belongs to certain groups of patients. For example, a number of dangers are associated with insufficient functioning of the renal and hepatic systems. There is no official information about how the circulation of active compounds of a contraceptive drug in the body may change under such conditions. It is assumed that when liver functionality is impaired, the metabolism of sex hormones slows down and worsens.

When to use and when not to?

Nuvaring is for everyone modern women who are interested in preventing unwanted pregnancy through a reliable method associated with a minimum of unpleasant experiences. But the list of contraindications for the name is much wider than the indications. When using the ring by women belonging to the group of those for whom it is contraindicated, there is a high probability of a negative response from the body.

You should not install Nuvaring if you are hypersensitive or intolerant to any of the components used in the production of the product. This applies not only to the main compounds, but also to the excipients. You should not use Nuvaring if thrombosis or thromboembolism is diagnosed. This applies not only to the current moment, but also to the entire medical history. "Novaring" is not intended for persons whose condition suggests imminent thrombosis, as well as when determining a predisposition to it.

You should not use the Nuvaring contraceptive ring if you have focal migraines and the symptoms are neurological. This applies not only to the current moment, but also to the anamnesis. The ring is not intended for contraception in diabetics if vascular lesions are established; it is not suitable for patients with pancreatitis, malignant, benign neoplasms, bleeding of the genital organs, the cause of which cannot be determined. You should not use Nuvaring in case of severe liver diseases, during pregnancy and suspicion of conception, or when breastfeeding.

Possible, but carefully

With an increased risk of occurrence side effects involves the use of the Nuvaring ring by persons diagnosed with thrombophlebitis, heart valve disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, acute pathologies of the liver, kidneys, stones gallbladder, lupus in systemic form, chorea minor, otosclerosis, which provoked depression of auditory function.

Today it is more than wide. Each woman, having received specialist advice, can choose the remedy that suits her both for health reasons and personal wishes. Many people today prefer to use the Nuvaring vaginal ring. What is its fundamental advantage over other drugs? Do doctors' reviews and instructions for use allow you to use the Nuvaring ring for endometriosis? What are the general contraindications? What do reviews say about it? Read the details in this article.


What is included in such a contraceptive as the Nuvaring ring? Instructions and expert reviews report that each ring contains 11.7 milligrams of etonogestrel and 2.7 milligrams of ethinyl estradiol, as well as some additional components. That is why the product in question is called a contraceptive with an incredibly low hormone content. This significantly reduces the risk of any side effects typical of other hormonal contraceptives.

Indications for use

Instructions for use, reviews of the Nuvaring ring recommend using it as a means of contraception. It is, of course, hormonal, but the doses of hormones contained in the product in question are so small that the negative effect of such hormone replacement therapy should be practically not felt. However, this does not in any way reduce its effectiveness. Moreover, the Nuvaring ring, instructions for use, reviews from practicing gynecologists are recommended to be used for some time by those patients who are planning a pregnancy over a certain period, but it does not occur. In this case, pregnancy may occur due to withdrawal hormonal drug. When using contraceptives, there is a significant suppression of ovarian function by hormonal agents. After discontinuation of the drug, the appendages begin to work at full strength and ovulation occurs, which gives the woman a chance to become pregnant in this or the next cycle.

Side effects

According to patient reviews of the Nuvaring ring, side effects may occur with some frequency. A number of women do not feel them at all, while others suffer from them throughout the entire time they use the drug. How to determine which group you belong to? Consultation with a qualified medical practitioner should be sought. So, what are the side effects of the Nuvaring ring from expert reviews? The most commonly reported reactions are:

  • Increased fatigue, weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Headache.
  • Depressed, depressed state.
  • Unreasonable anxiety.
  • Emotional lability.
  • Migraine-like headache or migraine itself.
  • Cystitis.
  • Vaginitis.
  • Increase in body weight.
  • Nausea.
  • Decreased libido.
  • Vomit.
  • Quincke's edema.
  • Difficulties during sexual intercourse that are directly related to the placement of the ring.
  • Abnormal stool.
  • Hives.
  • Dysmenorrhea.
  • Cervicitis.
  • Skin itching.
  • Pain in the epigastric region.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Enlargement and sensitivity of the mammary glands.

It is important to remember: in order not to experience side effects and not to become pregnant, reviews of gynecologists strongly recommend using the Nuvaring ring only as prescribed by a doctor and exclusively according to the instructions. If you do experience one of the conditions listed above, immediately contact a specialist who can adjust the use of contraception.

Directions for use

The drug in question is intended to be administered intravaginally. It is quite possible to do this yourself. To do this, just take a position that is comfortable for you. It can be anything: lying down, standing, raising one leg, sitting. In order to start using the product in question, you need to squeeze it and insert it into the vagina. There is no exact position in which the ring must be inside for the contraceptive effect to remain. The only condition is the patient’s personal physical and psychological comfort. Therefore, the ring should be placed so as not to cause discomfort woman, including during sexual intercourse. Once the ring has been inserted, it can remain inside the vagina for up to three weeks. If the ring is accidentally removed from the vagina (for example, while a woman is removing a tampon), it should be rinsed with warm water and immediately reinserted. After twenty-one days (the day of the week should coincide with the day the product was first introduced), the ring must be removed. If a woman still wants to use contraceptives, then after seven days she inserts a new ring. During these seven days, menstrual-like bleeding must begin (usually this happens two to three days after the previous ring was removed). The following remedy should be administered according to the schedule, without focusing on the end of the described bleeding.

Do not use the Nuvaring ring if you suspect you are pregnant. First rule out the presence this state. If in the previous menstrual cycle the patient did not use contraceptives that contain hormones, then the ring must be inserted on one of the first five days of the cycle. Over the next week, you should also use additional contraceptives, in particular barrier ones (for example, condoms). If, in the previous menstrual cycle, hormonal contraceptives were still used, then the ring should be inserted on the first day after the required seven-day break or the next day after the last placebo pill was taken (taking placebo pills for some drugs of this kind replaces the break ).

What can be said about those who in the previous cycle used mini-pills or other hormone-containing drugs containing only progestogens (the same applies to intrauterine devices containing progestogen)? You can use the remedy in question on the same day that you received the last dose of the hormone, whether it is removal of the intrauterine device or injection of progestogens. In the first week, it is important to use a barrier method of contraception, since when switching from progestogen contraceptives to the Nuvaring ring, the risk of pregnancy remains in the first seven days.

If an abortion was performed in the first trimester of pregnancy, then the contraceptive in question can be used immediately after the procedure (there is no need to use any other methods of contraception). If an abortion was performed in the second trimester, a miscarriage occurred, or childbirth occurred, then it is recommended to use the Nuvaring ring only starting from the fourth week after the incident. If the use of this contraceptive is started later, condoms must be used over the next week.

What if the patient forgot to insert the ring after a seven-day break? She should do this as soon as possible. However, for the next seven days it is important to use additional barrier methods of contraception, such as condoms or a vaginal diaphragm. What if the ring was accidentally removed from the vagina? If it was outside the genital tract for more than three hours, then its contraceptive effect was significantly reduced. The ring must be reinserted immediately. However, it is also important to use barrier methods of contraception (for example, condoms) over the next week. If this is the third week since you started using this ring, then it is important to ensure that it remains in the vagina for more than twenty-one days from the moment of its first insertion. The next remedy must be administered one day after the end of use of the previous one.

If for some reason the patient does not remove the drug in question in a timely manner, it is important to remember that it remains effective only for four weeks after it was first introduced. Once the woman remembers that it is necessary to remove the ring, this should be done immediately. After a break of one day, you can introduce a new remedy. If you have been using the ring for more than four weeks and have had unprotected sex since then, it is important to rule out pregnancy before starting to use the next ring.

If you have taken the required seven-day break between periods of using the product in question, but the expected menstrual-like bleeding does not begin, then it is important to rule out pregnancy (by examination by a specialist) before inserting a new ring. You can take a home pregnancy test or take a blood test for hCG.

According to reviews, the Nuvaring vaginal ring is used by some to change the time of menstruation. To do this, you can simply reduce the number of days between using the next ring by as many days as necessary for the desired shift in menstruation. If the break is short enough, the chances are high that natural monthly bleeding will not begin at all. However, this means that minor bleeding may occur during the next cycle.

In order to delay menstruation, the patient can start using the next ring without taking the required seven-day break. When the next ring is inserted, you should not be surprised by minor spotting that may occur throughout the next cycle. This is the body's reaction to the existing hormonal background. Next, it is important to insert the rings, observing all the necessary seven-day breaks.

To prevent other people from coming into contact with your used ring, it should be carefully bagged and disposed of immediately with other household waste.


Doctors' reviews do not recommend using the Nuvaring contraceptive ring for everyone. For example, there are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which a woman should avoid the contraceptive method in question. Among them are the following:

  • personal intolerance to one or more components of this vaginal ring;
  • the presence of a tumor in the liver (even if there was a history of it);
  • liver dysfunction;
  • hormone dependent malignant tumors(even if there are only suspicions of their existence);
  • thrombosis, including a history;
  • diabetes mellitus with vascular complications;
  • thromboembolism (including the risk of its development);
  • pancreatitis with hypertriglyceridemia;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
  • migraine with neurological reactions;
  • if pregnancy is suspected.

However, this is not yet full list. Among other things, you should be careful when prescribing the contraceptive in question to patients who suffer from sickle cell anemia, obesity, Crohn's disease, arterial hypertension, ulcerative colitis, epilepsy, chloasma, uterine fibroids, heart valve diseases, fibrocystic mastopathy, atrial fibrillation, systemic lupus erythematosus, dyslipoproteinemia, congenital hyperbilirubinemia, diseases of the hepatobiliary system, hemolytic uremic syndrome.

Particular caution should also be exercised by women who smoke, whose age exceeds thirty-five years, as well as those patients who have been lying down for a long time. It is also important to be careful for those who suffer from diseases that affect the insertion of the ring into the vaginal area and can contribute to its loss. These may include hernia bladder, cervical prolapse, rectal hernia, pronounced stool disorders.


It is important to remember that the Nuvaring ring instructions and reviews from gynecologists categorically prohibit women from using it not only during pregnancy, but also if there is a suspicion of pregnancy. Before you start using a new ring (which, by the way, needs to be changed every month), it is important to exclude pregnancy through examination by a qualified specialist if there was a risk of becoming pregnant in the previous month (cycle) (for example, unprotected sexual intercourse). Also, reviews from doctors prohibit the use of the Nuvaring ring while a woman is breastfeeding her baby. It is possible to resume its use only after the mother stops breastfeeding, so that the use of contraception does not affect the child in any way.


What happens if you use the Nuvaring ring incorrectly? The consequences (reviews describe them in all colors) can be the most unpleasant. As a rule, they occur when artificially high dosages of the drug in question are used. What could be the symptoms in this case? Bloody discharge from the vagina, nausea and vomiting are possible. As experts report about the contraceptive ring "Novaring", there is no one specific antidote that would relieve all unpleasant symptoms at once. Treatment will be prescribed exclusively symptomatic. If you notice the appearance of at least one of the conditions listed above, it is important to immediately contact your doctor, who will prescribe therapy and also be able to figure out whether you should continue to use the contraceptive in question.

Many women refuse to take birth control hormonal pills– combined oral contraceptives or mini-pills due to fear of “excess” or “artificial” hormones. However, not everyone knows that the contraceptive ring is also a means of hormonal contraception.

Most patients believe that the ring, being in the vagina, mechanically protects against pregnancy, confusing it with vaginal diaphragms and uterine caps. Actually this is not true. Let us examine in detail the mechanism of action of the vaginal contraceptive ring.

How the ring works and its mechanism of action

The Nuvaring contraceptive ring is a thin translucent ring with a diameter of approximately 6 cm. It is a flexible elastic ring made of a special synthetic material widely used for the production of various medical implants. The material is quite hypoallergenic, so allergies to the contraceptive ring are a very rare occurrence.

Inside the ring there is a medicinal substance - ethinyl estradiol and etonogestrel. These are hormonal substances that are released daily from the pores of the material in quantities strictly stated by the manufacturer and enter the bloodstream through the rich vascular network of the vagina.

The hormones in the ring have the following contraceptive effects:

  1. Suppresses ovulation processes in the ovaries.
  2. They prevent the growth of the endometrium, thereby preventing implantation of the embryo.
  3. They create an artificially simulated hormonal background.
  4. They thicken the mucus in the cervical canal and prevent sperm from penetrating into the uterine cavity and tubes.

All these effects are absolutely reversible. By stopping hormonal pills or stopping using the ring, a woman can easily become pregnant within 1-3 cycles.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a birth control ring?

When used correctly, the vaginal ring is comparable in effectiveness to contraceptive pills. The Pearl index for it is less than 1.

This means that after using the ring for a year, an unplanned pregnancy occurred in only one woman out of 100. For such high effectiveness, proper use of the product is very important.

Nuvaring: instructions for use

Photo: Appearance NuvaRing rings

Let's start with the fact that any contraceptive method should be prescribed by a gynecologist, since each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will talk about below. Self-prescribing any hormonal contraception is completely unacceptable.

So, the gynecologist recommended a vaginal ring for contraception. On the market of the CIS countries there is only one model of such a product - Nuvaring, Nova-ring or NuvaRing. Nuvaring was invented in 2001 in the Netherlands and has since been actively used in America and Europe. That is why further we will start from the instructions specifically for the NuvaRing.

You need to start using the ring from the beginning of the next menstruation- that is, on her first day. You can insert the ring later - during the first five days, but then you need to use additional contraception during this cycle.

You can also use the ring after an abortion, miscarriage, or other termination of pregnancy. It would be ideal to administer Nuvaring on the first day after termination of pregnancy or from the first day of the next menstrual cycle.

How to insert the ring correctly?

Installing a contraceptive ring

For more convenient insertion of the ring, you need to take the most comfortable position - lying on your back, squatting or standing with your foot on the side of the bathtub.

The contraceptive is removed from the aluminum foil with clean hands and, squeezing it with two fingers, is inserted deep into the posterior fornix of the vagina.

This procedure can be compared to the insertion of sanitary tampons or a vaginal diaphragm or cap.

The elastic structure of the rim allows it to “stick” to the folded walls of the vagina and securely fasten there.

The ring remains in the vagina for 21 days, beginning to have its effect from the first day of insertion.

How to take out Nuvaring?

How to properly remove a hormonal ring

As we have already said, the ring is in the vagina for three weeks, after which it must be removed. Getting the ring is quite easy. It is necessary to again take a comfortable position and, picking up the headband with your finger, remove the contraceptive from the vagina.

Nuvaring cannot be reused, so the ring should be discarded after the end of the three-week cycle. Within 7 days after removal of the product, the patient should begin menstruation.

It is important to remember that regardless of menstruation, a new ring must be inserted exactly 7 days after removal.

Thus, Nuvaring is in the vagina for 3 weeks, then the woman spends 7 days without the ring, and on the 8th day a new contraceptive must be reinserted into the vagina.

Indications for use Nuvaring

The contraceptive ring is very flexible

Strictly speaking, the manufacturer stated one single indication for the use of a female ring - contraception or protection against unwanted pregnancy.

However, gynecologists often use the “positive side effects” of hormonal contraception for therapeutic purposes:

  1. Normalization and regulation of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Reducing pain during menstruation.
  3. Reducing the duration and heaviness of menstruation, which is widely used in women with endometriosis and uterine fibroids.
  4. Prevention of the growth of myomatous nodes and foci of endometriosis.
  5. Improving skin condition in women with acne and oily skin.

Contraindications to the use of Nuvaring

There are actually quite a lot of prohibitions on the use of hormonal contraception:

  1. Any hormone-dependent malignant tumors: breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, etc.
  2. Bleeding from the vagina of unknown etiology.
  3. Thrombosis and any bleeding disorders, as well as a family predisposition to them.
  4. Pregnancy and lactation. It is strictly forbidden to use the ring when breastfeeding, since the components of the drugs pass into breast milk.
  5. Severe liver diseases, as well as liver tumors.
  6. Allergy to any component of the ring.
  7. Unsanitized inflammatory diseases of the female genital area: vaginitis, colpitis, and so on.

Review of Nuvaring - kills libido, side effects(author: BirdMari, source:

It is not advisable, but it is possible to use the ring in the following situations:

  1. Smoking.
  2. Pronounced varicose veins.
  3. Heart diseases.
  4. Gallstone disease.
  5. For girls under 18 years of age.
  6. Autoimmune diseases.
  7. In the presence of severe prolapse of the genital organs and prolapse of the vaginal walls, since this significantly increases the risk of spontaneous prolapse of the ring.
  8. You should not use a hormonal female ring on the eve of surgery. It is advisable to stop using hormonal contraceptives one month before the proposed surgery.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Nuvaring ring

Photo: Back of the package

Like any method of birth control, there are pros and cons.

Let's start with the pros:

  1. The most important advantage of the product is low doses of hormones. Standard contraceptive pills contain 30 mcg of ethinyl estradiol, and only 20 mcg are released into the bloodstream daily from the ring.
  2. The second advantage of the ring, which distinguishes it from tablets, is independence of daily intake from the woman. Patients often skip pills, and the ring is in the vagina for 3 weeks in a row and itself releases the required amount of medication.
  3. Like others hormonal agents, the ring has a good effect on the condition of a woman’s hair and skin, reduces pain during menstruation, and also shortens its duration.
  4. With the help of minor deviations in the use of the ring, you can delay or speed up the onset of menstrual bleeding. This is very convenient before a vacation or an important trip. The modes of such non-standard use of the ring must be discussed in advance with the gynecologist.

Let us note the main disadvantages and side effects of the contraceptive ring:

  1. The need for careful use of the ring.
  2. A large number of contraindications and restrictions for use.
  3. In women with genital infections due to a foreign body in the vagina, inflammatory conditions may worsen, as well as an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge.
  4. The ring can sometimes fall out of the vagina spontaneously, so it is necessary to check its presence in the vagina occasionally.
  5. It is extremely rare that a ring causes discomfort to a woman or her sexual partner.
  6. While taking it, you may experience headaches, nausea, engorgement of the mammary glands, deterioration of varicose veins, decreased libido, and intermenstrual bleeding.

Photo instructions for use (abstract) of the Novaring contraceptive ring

Nuvaring ring price and where you can buy it

You can purchase the Nuvaring contraceptive ring in regular and online pharmacies. The average cost of one ring is about 1,300 rubles.

Questions and answers

Does the contraceptive ring affect libido?

Some women with individual characteristics of sex hormone metabolism may indeed experience a decrease in sexual desire and libido. This problem, as a rule, is solved by changing the estrogen dosage - that is, switching to a higher-dose contraceptive.

More often, a woman and her sexual partners with a ring, on the contrary, note some pleasant sensations during sexual intercourse, which adds variety to sexual life.

How to switch from birth control pills to the ring? What about from rings to tablets?

When using combined oral contraceptives - COCs - the ring is switched according to the same scheme - 7 days after the last tablet. If a woman used extended-course tablets, for example Jess or Dimia, then the ring should be inserted immediately after the last tablet of the blister.

When switching from progestin drugs (mini-pills), the ring can be inserted any day, but in the first 7 days it is recommended to use additional contraception.

During the reverse transition, that is, replacing the ring with tablets, the scheme is identical. When using combination tablets the transition takes place after a 7-day break. When using gestagens, the transition begins immediately after removing the ring with additional contraception during the first week.

Why does the lower abdomen and lower back feel tight when using a contraceptive ring?

Discomfort may occur with the incorrect position of the ring - for example, too close to the vaginal opening. Sometimes pain syndrome may be associated with exacerbation inflammatory diseases pelvis due to the presence of a foreign body in the vagina.

When does the contraceptive ring begin to work?

When inserted on the first day of the menstrual cycle, the ring begins to act immediately. With a later onset, a longer period is required to suppress ovulation, therefore, when introducing a ring on days 2-5 of the cycle, it is necessary to additionally protect the first 7 days.

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!


Doctors around the world are trying to create remedies contraception maximally convenient for women, safe, comfortable to use. Therefore, new, unfamiliar products appear in pharmacies from time to time. contraception; How to use them is not very clear. Currently in Russia, such contraceptives include the hormonal ring NuvaRing(although women all over the world have been using this remedy for more than a decade). We will try to give as complete an idea as possible about this method of contraception.

What is NuvaRing?

NuvaRing is a contraceptive in the form of an elastic, smooth, transparent ring that is inserted into a woman’s vagina and remains there for three weeks. Inside the female body, the ring changes its shape, occupying the optimal position in accordance with the individual characteristics of the physique. The flexible, soft ring does not cause any discomfort and does not remind you of yourself in any way.

With NuvaRing you don't need to limit your motor activity: you can safely engage in any sport, including running, swimming, horse riding. During sexual relations, the ring is not felt at all by the partners and does not create any inconvenience.

The dimensions of the ring are the same for everyone: thickness - 4 mm, diameter - 54 mm. This size is suitable for every woman, regardless of her height, weight and age, as it is able to mold to the individual contours of the body.

NuvaRing is produced in the Netherlands in one single form: in the form of a ring. There are no NuvaRing tablets. NuvaRing 1 and NuvaRing 3 differ in the number of rings in the package (one ring or three).

Composition and principle of action

Shell contraceptive ring consists of anti-allergic material. Under the shell in the ring NuvaRing is enclosed minimum dose two female sex hormones (estrogen and progestogen). This dose is less than even that contained in any of the microdosed birth control pills.

When the NuvaRing ring is inserted into the vagina, its shell heats up to the temperature of the human body (34-42 o) and becomes permeable to the hormones contained inside the ring. Released from under the membrane, hormones act directly on the uterus and ovaries. Other organs remain outside the influence of hormones.

The dose of hormones contained in NuvaRing is enough to suppress the maturation of the egg and its release from the ovary. As a result, pregnancy becomes impossible.

Advantages of the method

  • Reliability and high efficiency of contraceptive action.
  • Ease of use: replacement only once a month.
  • The body is minimally affected by hormones due to their low dosage.
  • Hormones act only locally, without putting unnecessary stress on the liver, stomach and intestines.
  • A woman’s weight does not increase when using NuvaRing.
  • The regularity of the menstrual cycle is restored (if it was disrupted). Menstruation becomes less painful.
  • The use of NuvaRing reduces the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer.
  • Ensuring a full, natural, harmonious sex life.
  • Rapid restoration of ovulation and fertility (within 4-5 weeks after removal of the hormonal ring).
  • If desired, a woman can keep the use of NuvaRing secret: the partner will not feel the presence of the ring in the vagina.

Disadvantages of the method

There are only three disadvantages:

1. The method of contraception is psychologically unusual.
2. There is a fairly extensive list of contraindications.
3. NuvaRing, like other hormonal contraceptives, does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS (HIV infection).

Technique of use (how to insert NuvaRing)

The woman inserts the contraceptive ring into the vagina on her own, choosing a comfortable position for this: lying down, squatting, or standing, leaning her back against the wall and raising one leg. The ring is inserted during menstruation (on the 1st – 5th day). Hands must be washed clean. NuvaRing should be squeezed with your fingers, reducing its diameter, and inserted as deep as possible into the vagina. The smooth ring will slide inside the body without hindrance. If you feel uncomfortable after this, adjust the ring with your fingers. Once in the correct position, it will become imperceptible. It doesn’t matter where exactly the NuvaRing is fixed in the vagina: an indicator of correct insertion is the absence of discomfort.

After insertion of the contraceptive ring, it is not removed for three weeks. If NuvaRing is accidentally removed (for example, together with a tampon), it is washed with warm water and returned to its original place.

When the time comes to remove the hormonal ring, it is carefully pulled out by hooking it with the index finger, or by holding it between the middle and index fingers.


The effect of one NuvaRing ring is designed for the duration of one menstrual cycle. The ring placed inside the vagina is removed on the 22nd day after insertion. In order not to lose your calculations, remember: remove the ring on the same day of the week on which it was inserted (introduced on Wednesday - remove it three weeks later on Wednesday; inserted on Friday - remove it three weeks later on Friday). It is better, of course, to mark the day of insertion and the day of removal on the calendar in advance.

After removing the ring, a 7-day break is required. On the 8th day, a new ring can be inserted.

If the patient has not used it before hormonal contraceptives, NuvaRing is administered, as mentioned above, between the 1st and 5th days of menstruation (no later than the 5th day).

If a woman switches to using NuvaRing after taking combined hormonal pills, the ring is inserted after a week-long break in contraception, on the day when she was supposed to start taking pills from the new package.

After taking the mini-pill, NuvaRing can be administered any day. After using intrauterine systems or implants - the next day after removing the IUD or implant. After injection contraception - on the day when the next injection is due.

In any case, during the first week of using NuvaRing it is recommended to additionally use a condom as a barrier method of contraception.

Use of NuvaRing after abortion or childbirth
If the abortion was performed in the first three months of pregnancy, NuvaRing can be administered immediately after the abortion. In this case, you do not need to use an additional condom.

If for some reason the hormonal ring was not inserted immediately after the abortion, you should wait until menstruation and insert NuvaRing from the 1st to the 5th day (plus using a condom for a week).

If the abortion took place in the second three weeks of pregnancy, then, just as after childbirth, you can start using NuvaRing only three weeks after the abortion. There is no need to use a condom.

If they want to introduce NuvaRing later than 21 days after childbirth or abortion, and during the intervening period there has been sexual intercourse, you need to wait until the first menstruation begins (to make sure there is no new pregnancy). Using a condom for a week is mandatory.

Break in use

If a woman, for any reason, violates the regime of using NuvaRing and takes a break from using the contraceptive ring for more than 7 days, the contraceptive effect may be lost. The longer the break, the greater the risk of unwanted pregnancy. To prevent this from happening, you must follow these recommendations:
1. If there is an extended break in using NuvaRing, you need to insert a new ring into the vagina as soon as possible (plus using a condom for a week).
2. If the ring was removed accidentally, there are 2 possible scenarios:
  • If NuvaRing was outside the vagina for less than three hours, contraceptive effect hormones will not be interrupted. The ring should be returned to its place as soon as possible.
  • If the hormonal ring is removed from the vagina for more than three hours, the contraceptive effect may be reduced. The ring, as in the previous case, must be immediately returned inside the vagina, and not removed from there for at least 7 days (plus the use of a condom for a week). Even if this episode occurred during the 3rd week of using NuvaRing, when the ring would soon have to be removed, you will have to extend the period of its use beyond 3 weeks (until 7 days have passed since the ring was returned to its place). Only then can the NuvaRing be removed and a new ring put in a week later.

Extended use

If a woman forgot to take out NuvaRing in time, and the ring was inside the vagina for 3 to 4 weeks, the contraceptive effect remains. The ring is removed as usual, and a new one is inserted a week later.

If NuvaRing stays in the vagina for more than 4 weeks, its contraceptive effect is reduced, and after removing the ring, a new one can be inserted only after making sure there is no pregnancy, i.e. waiting for the start of menstruation.

Menstruation and bleeding during and after NuvaRing use

A break in the use of NuvaRing in most women causes bleeding associated with the cessation of hormonal effects. Bleeding begins 2-3 days after extraction
contraceptive ring, and may stop after the introduction of a new ring (but maybe earlier).

In some women, a break in the use of Nuvaring is not accompanied by bleeding. This option can be considered normal if the hormonal ring was used strictly according to the recommendations, and the absence of bleeding was noted once.

While NuvaRing is in the vagina, irregular, slight spotting may occur. It is also possible that there may be sudden onset of severe bleeding. Minor discharge does not require visiting a doctor, but with heavy bleeding you should urgently see a gynecologist.

Cancellation of NuvaRing

Cancellation of NuvaRing does not require any special preparation. The contraceptive ring is simply removed when you decide to stop using contraception.

Pregnancy after stopping the contraceptive ring

After removing the NuvaRing ring, the effect of hormones on the female body stops. The ovulation process is restored, i.e. maturation of a normal egg. Within 4-5 weeks after discontinuation of NuvaRing, conception and full-fledged pregnancy may occur. normal pregnancy. There are no consequences after using the vaginal ring.

Side effects

When using the NuvaRing hormonal ring, side effects are quite rare. Typically, these phenomena occur at the beginning of using the product, and soon go away on their own, without requiring treatment.

Side effects include the following symptoms:

  • Central reactions nervous system– dizziness, headache, mood swings, anxiety.
  • Reactions of the digestive organs - nausea, sometimes abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting.
  • Reactions endocrine system– change in body weight (weight gain or loss may be noted), some increase and engorgement
