Energy vampires. How to recognize a “bloodsucker” by date of birth? Bioenergy by date of birth How to find out whether you are an energy vampire or not

Each person is endowed with his own energy. It can be congenital or acquired during life. There is weak energy, and there is strong energy. According to experts in the field of esotericism, a person’s personal development and success in life depend on it. How to determine your energy field?

There are no specific ways to test a person for his energy power. Energy cannot be measured with instruments. But you can feel it. As a rule, an active, purposeful and productive person has a large supply of vitality. And the one who constantly complains about a lack of energy is a person with low energy levels.

An energetically strong person is usually always in a good mood. He knows how to control his emotions, knows what he is capable of and boldly goes towards his goal. He is not afraid of difficulties, because he feels within himself the strength that will help in difficult times.

People with strong energy are more successful in life. They are cheerful and positive. Their attitude and good health make it easy to achieve their goals. Energetic people can manipulate others, defend their point of view and win attention to their person.

However, those with high energy potential must be able to control their strength. It is better to direct energy for the benefit of yourself and others. If you have strong energy, then there is a possibility that you can put the evil eye on a person and harm his biofield.

An energetically weak person often gets sick. Even if he has good ideas, he is in no hurry to implement them. People with low energy get tired quickly. They are easily offended or influenced.

Energy levels can be more accurately determined by dreams. What do you dream about most often?

If in a dream you often walk into rivers, forests, or thickets, then this is a sign of an excess of energy. This may also be indicated by music in a dream or a belt that tightly tightens your waist. In this case, everything is fine with energy. True, it happens that excessive energy does not lead to good things. If your forces are directed for good, they will be of real benefit. But if you waste it on trifles, then you will not get anything good from your inner strength.

If you constantly dream of ruins, old houses, abysses, emptiness, hunger, thirst, quarrels, fights, narrow roads and corridors, then you are experiencing a lack of vitality. This is a sign that you urgently need to change your life and restore energy.

Do not rush to despair if you suddenly realize that you are not energetically strong. There is an opinion that human energy is constantly changing. It can be congenital, hereditary (its level depends on many factors, such as place of birth, energy of birth, circumstances of birth, etc.) and acquired.

The acquired energy can change depending on the lifestyle a person leads, what he does, where he lives and with whom he communicates. Based on this, you can easily increase your energy level. There are many ways to do this.

  • Firstly, you need to eat well and establish a daily routine.
  • Secondly, you need to be alone with yourself and your thoughts more often in order to better understand yourself and your desires.
  • Thirdly, you need to give preference to something that brings moral satisfaction.
  • Fourthly, you should communicate more with people who set you up for positive emotions.

Knowing your energy potential, you can strengthen it yourself (if it is weak) or direct it in the right direction to achieve your goals. With inner strength, you can achieve anything you want. The main thing is to constantly work on energy, not to let it fail and be able to control it when necessary.

23.10.2013 16:31

Most people's day starts quite early - some get up to study, others to work. Some...

Incredible facts

When we feel down, our self-confidence drops significantly and we find it very difficult to perk up again. Few of us understand that energy vampires skillfully camouflaged.

They deplete all our reserves of positivity and plant negativity in our minds. These are people who can completely control our lives if we are not careful.

Just like vampires in history and fiction, these people often hide their identity and gain our trust by making us consider themselves friends.

Scary, isn't it? Don't be afraid, below you will read a real guide about what kind of energy vampires there are and how to calculate them by date of birth.

Types of Energy Vampires

There are only four types of energy vampires.

1. “I am right, no matter what you think or feel.”

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It doesn’t matter how much you rant about expressing your opinion about a situation or problem. They don't care. Only what they say is correct, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Even if they are wrong and they know it, they will become that person who will constantly remain silent. This childish behavior shows that you will never be able to defeat them, which means that your communication is a one-sided game.

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Try not to build a close relationship with such a person, and if he is a friend or potential partner, realize that such behavior will undoubtedly affect your future.

How to recognize an energy vampire

2. “I really love drama and I love to dramatize everything.”

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This person feels best when drama unfolds around him and he becomes the center of the universe. If something suddenly goes wrong in life, they react too strongly.

Of course, we all need to discuss the negative things that sometimes happen, and we find the strength to do so in order to turn the page in the future. However, this person is completely different.

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Have you ever had a friend who didn't come to your birthday party because he had a fight with his partner? This is exactly him, a vampire - a lover of drama. If something suddenly happens to them, they easily forget all the promises made to another person.

It is important to know that there are different types of vampires of this type. There are those who can create drama for no particular reason. When in a group of friends, they will gossip and talk about things that never happened.

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They can easily make someone feel disgusting just to boost their self-esteem. If you have a friend or partner who doesn't know what it means to say something nice to someone, then most likely this person belongs to this type of energy vampire.

It is important to stop this relationship in time, and not try to fix anything, waiting for the flames to flare up.

Signs of an Energy Vampire

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When you need a helping hand, you need someone you can trust and open up to. Unfortunately, this type of vampire does not care at all what happens in your life and what negative things affect you.

They are too busy, too wrapped up in their own world to think about yours. Such a person is very easy to spot, because it is he who will change plans at the last minute, despite the fact that you have not provided a backup plan for this weekend.

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It is better to have less contact with such people, as they never think about the feelings of others and will sleep peacefully at night knowing that someone is upset with them, or they have let someone down.

Whatever you do, never rely on these people for serious things. If you have such a friend, do not agree to move into the same apartment or go on vacation with him, because he will let you down at the last moment.

How to identify an energy vampire

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This type of energy vampire is the most destructive because such a vampire will lie to get his way. If such a person wants to climb the career ladder, he will use everyone around him, moving towards his goal, without any twinge of conscience at all.

When a problem arises, such people quickly find someone to point the finger at, refusing to take any responsibility for their actions. In conversations, they dwell in detail on how much they do to make their lives more interesting.

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However, often small white lies develop into big ones, so such people are very unreliable. If they suddenly borrow something from you and it gets damaged, they'll likely pretend they have no idea what might have happened. Never lend money to such people.

Energy vampire by date of birth

Now we can talk about how to find out what type of person you are using your date of birth. In total, there are five types of people from the point of view of vampirism: white and black magicians, neutral individuals, donors (victims) and energy vampires.

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To figure out who a person is, you just need to know his full date of birth. Take a pen and a piece of paper and write the full date on it. For example, 10/18/2016. After this, you need to add up all the numbers that are in front of you (1+8+1+0+2+0+1+6=19).

The final result should not be a two-digit number, so add the numbers (1+9=10; 1+0=1). The result is one number. In our example, this is the number 1. Now let’s look at the decoding of the numbers.

These numbers indicate that a person is an energy vampire. Whether he understands it or not, he feeds on the energy of the people around him, using it to achieve his goals. However, there is no need to immediately push such a person away from you.

There is a possibility that he was a victim of circumstances, and it is not his fault that nature awarded him such a gift. Try to understand whether the person understands that he is endowed with unusual abilities.

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If he is aware and is not at all happy about this gift, wanting to get rid of it, then he definitely needs help. Vampirism can be overcome if you cultivate willpower. Such a person must learn to control this process and not be led by his evil self.

However, you should be wary if an energy vampire lives under the same roof as you. In reality, many people can feed off the energy of others. If this process occurs unconsciously, then it does not carry anything bad.

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To protect yourself, you need to learn how to properly protect yourself and protect yourself even from unconscious attacks.

But if someone you know purposefully feeds on the energy of the people around them, then it would be better if you protect yourself from communicating with this person. There are several techniques that can help you put up a barrier against energy attacks and resist more serious methods.

People who are carriers of these numbers should be extremely careful when choosing their social circle, because these people are donors. They are most susceptible to the destructive effects of vampires, because they are the easiest to attack.

Donor people should always carry a talisman with them, which can protect them from the influence of evil forces and which will be able to repel an attack. These people should learn to build mirror barriers that will help protect themselves from a vampire attack.

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Moreover, donors should think about regularly replenishing the vessel of vital energy, because it quickly runs out. Places of power are suitable for this. It is important to avoid cemeteries, because there you can easily become the prey of vampires and sorcerers.

These are places with positive energy, such as churches. Frequent walks in the fresh air are vital for such people, because contact with nature will help restore lost strength.

If, as a result of adding a two-digit number, you get one of these three digits, then this means that you are very lucky. You do not have supernatural abilities, and you do not know what it is to feed on someone else's energy. At the same time, you are also too tough for energy vampires.

The date of our arrival into this world speaks volumes. With help, you can determine your energy potential, learn about mistakes made in past lives, and receive guidance for action in your current reality. A person’s energy by date of birth can be determined in several ways, depending on the school of numerology.

Easy way

To calculate your energy level, multiply the year of your birth by the day and month of your birth. For example, you were born on February 12, 1976. Your calculations will be as follows: 1976 must be multiplied by 1202. The result is 2,375,152. These numbers must be added together so that a two-digit number is obtained. As a result, you will get 25. Since the average energy level starts at 21, we can say that a person born on February 12, 1976 has a fairly good energy level.

Vampires are often categorized as underdogs. Their careers and personal lives are not going well. But even if you manage to get something, after a while the success achieved is destroyed. You should not think that an energy vampire is some kind of embodiment of evil, seeking to harm everyone around. This may be a completely adequate, kind person who does not wish anything bad to anyone. However, the lack of vital energy forces him to “steal.” It is not always possible to identify a “thief”. If all living things in a person’s house die (plants dry up, birds and animals die), it is possible that he has a very low energy level.

Many people are familiar with people who love quarrels, scandals and other high-pitched showdowns. It is likely that this is a vampire. You can receive energy in other ways, for example, by making a person fall in love with you. When the lover reciprocates, the vampire shows complete indifference. The suffering of a lover literally inspires the lover of someone else's energy. For some vampires, simply being around a person they really like is quite enough.

Help yourself

Low energy of a person by date of birth- This is a kind of disease that is almost impossible to cope with. However, you can neutralize. This will make you safer not only for your loved ones, but also for yourself. You can replenish missing energy in several ways:

Don't attribute all the problems in your life to low energy levels. Some people tend to justify all their failures by an unlucky birthday, bad karma and other esoteric factors. In turn, a person’s high energy by date of birth does not guarantee that you will achieve success without any effort on your part. Use everything given to you to get the best results.

Man cannot exist without society; however, unfortunately, in your close circle you meet not only friendly and welcoming people, but also very unpleasant and even dangerous personalities. Those who like to bring discord and quarrels into a work or family group are often called energy vampires. People of this type take great pleasure when someone nearby suffers or worries. How to recognize an energy vampire and protect yourself and your loved ones from its negative influence?

Often a person notices that in the company of certain people a sudden weakness falls on him, a loss of strength is observed, the desire to do business and solve some issues disappears. It is possible that this is the result of communication with an energy vampire who absorbs the bioenergy of weaker and more sensitive natures.

In order for the process of absorption of moral forces to be launched, special conditions are required; first of all, the “victim” must be unbalanced, upset, upset or offended by something. This is what the aggressor seeks. Signs of his “work”:

  • Empty, meaningless, monotonous conversations that deprive the interlocutor of the desire to communicate
  • Endless questions and nagging
  • Reluctance to listen to answers and constant interruptions
  • Ignoring arguments, etc.

Talking to such a person is real torture! He does not listen to anyone but himself and enjoys when he sees that his interlocutor is tired and tired of such communication. At this moment, “charging” occurs: the biofield of the “donor” is destroyed, and nothing prevents the outflow of energy.

Behavior is the main “symptom”

To determine whether there are people with vampire tendencies in your immediate environment, you need to pay attention to the behavior of friends, relatives, and colleagues.

A person who is accustomed to feeding on other people's energy loves to talk on the phone; Moreover, his calls always come at the wrong time. It often rings while resting, sleeping, eating, taking a bath or shower. A telephone conversation with him is never short: it is important for him to distract the “victim” for a long time and overwhelm him with a stream of meaningless phrases.

If an energy predator is close to its “donor”, ​​it will try in every possible way to distract you from important matters, preventing you from focusing on resolving issues. If someone is preparing for an exam or an important interview nearby, the vampire will turn on loud music, walk from room to room, slamming doors, cough endlessly, or make other monotonous, irritating sounds. Even after several comments, he will not calm down, but will only intensify his actions, feeling that he is achieving his goal.

Some people love to savor all sorts of tragedies and misfortunes that happen to others. They are happy to retell chronicles of incidents they have seen, news about disasters or plots of horror films. Bad dreams related to the topic of death are their favorite topic of conversation! When those around them are sincerely worried and upset about one thing or another, vampires receive real pleasure, because at this moment their energy “piggy bank” is replenished with new resources.

Interesting: How to protect yourself from an energy vampire? ()

Pay attention to tastes and preferences

Interestingly, an energy vampire can be identified by his habits, manner of communication and even culinary preferences! It is believed that such people are indifferent to sweets and hot, warming drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa), while cold drinks and spicy foods are their favorite delicacies.

Pets and indoor plants do not get along well when surrounded by such people. Household appliances and various devices often break down and fail.

Another important sign is that such people simply need physical contact with their victim. Patting someone on the arm or head condescendingly, stepping on a foot, pushing someone in the back, or leaning on them in public transport are typical actions typical of vampires.

They like to borrow money and not give money back, even knowing full well about the difficult financial situation of their “sponsor”. They often promise to do something important that makes a huge difference to the person asking. Naturally, there can be no talk of any fulfillment of obligations. A person waits and hopes for help, spends his emotions and thereby “feeds” the energy hunter, who only needs this!

How to determine a threat by date of birth

Experts say that an energy vampire can be determined by his date of birth, using a special technique - numerology. A test that will require the following will help you make accurate calculations:

  • The exact date of birth of a person
  • Sheet of paper
  • Pencil

For example, the “suspect”’s birthday falls on July 6, 1985. The date is written in the form of numbers: 06 07 1985. The next step is the summation of all numbers: 0+6+0+7+1+9+8+5 = 36.

36 is a base number, the components of which must be added again: 3 + 6 = 9. If the sum of the components of the base number exceeds 11, the result indicators are again added until one digit is obtained, which is the desired one.

The number 9 in this particular example is the main number, an indicator of the level of energy that is given to a person from birth. Now the result needs to be analyzed in accordance with the following rules:

  • If the main number is less than five, this means that a person has a tendency towards energy vampirism, since his own biofield is rather weak and needs constant replenishment.
  • The main number, equal to five, six or seven, characterizes its owner as a person with a normal level of bioenergy. Such people rarely become vampires, and then only of their own free will, and not out of natural necessity.
  • Those whose main number is 8 or 9 are considered voluntary donors: they have excess energy, sharing it with others.

Knowing the date of birth of your loved ones and friends, you can calculate who in your environment poses a potential danger and think through your line of behavior with such people in advance.

When a close relative is a vampire...

Unfortunately, people who feed on other people's emotions can be found among their closest relatives. How do energy vampires behave in homes and families and how to recognize them?

Firstly, you can use the above method and calculate the energy vampire by date of birth. For those who need more compelling “evidence,” the following techniques will be useful:

  1. The easiest way is to ask the “suspect” to clasp his hands with his fingers crossed. If the thumb of the right hand is on top, all “charges” can be cleared from the person; he does not have the makings of vampirism. But in the case when the thumb of the left hand is located on top, you need to pay closer attention to a relative or friend and evaluate whether he is feeding on the energy of his loved ones.
  2. Another simple method is to pay attention to eye color. Of course, the eyes of energy bloodsuckers will not be bright red, like in the movies, those who are used to feeding on blood. However, it has been proven that people with warm eye colors - brown, green, yellow-green or black - have all the makings to “drink” the energy from those around them. At the same time, people with blue, blue, and gray eyes are more likely to act as “donors.”
  3. Of course, you can recognize an aggressor not only by external signs, but also by behavior: if there are often scandals and major quarrels in the house; spouses torment each other with jealousy and groundless suspicions, demand attention and give nothing in return - in all these situations energy vampirism can occur.

If the predator has been “calculated,” you should not despair that your loved one needs a “dose” of energy every day. It is not uncommon for such families to have harmony and understanding, since the required amount of nourishment comes to the vampire from the outside - at work, on the street, in public transport.

Additional Differences

Numerous observations of people's behavior make it possible to recognize the signs of energy vampires not only by date of birth or eye color. In addition to all the methods listed above, there are additional signs that can be used to identify a potentially dangerous person. It is interesting that vampires themselves sometimes “give away” themselves without even knowing it.

The favorite “hobby” of such people is to take part in some kind of public events (demonstrations, political rallies, large meetings). They can often be found in a long line at the doctor's office or in a shopping center - where the likelihood of a scandal is highest.

Those who like to feed on other people's emotions most often wake up in the morning in a bad mood, but by the evening, having received a portion of someone else's energy, they become cheerful, cheerful and active.

When trying to bring someone around you to clean water, the main thing is not to rush and not make hasty conclusions. What for some is a characteristic sign of vampirism, for others may be a simple behavioral feature. But in general, experts recommend behaving calmly and not succumbing to provocations, and then not a single vampire will pose any danger.

How to identify a real energy vampire? The answer to this question lies on the surface. There are people when you get close to whom you lose your vitality. Today such negative people are quite common. There are people who give energy and there are those who take it away. Without talking, it is impossible to understand how strong he is energetically. An energetic entity can be a person who feels good when others feel bad. Or a person who complains about life, illness, fatigue. Listening to him talk about himself, you become sick yourself. And there is a type of people who bring out emotions: anger, quarrel, fight... And there are many such examples. There are people who may have a different worldview and are difficult to communicate with, but this does not mean that this is an energy vampire. To correctly distinguish one from the other, you need to know what kind of vampires there can be. And how to protect yourself from them?

How to identify an energy vampire?

It is quite easy to determine that there is an energy vampire near you.

  • You don't want to communicate with this person. Subconsciously, you try to avoid any contact with him.
  • After interacting with a vampire, your health worsens - a headache begins, your hands get cold or tremble.
  • You lose your state of mental balance - you experience irritation and anger, or, conversely, fall into apathy.

It is believed that the more negative feelings the victim experiences, the more energy the vampire will receive. For example, if you simply feel a slight irritation, this will not be enough to “feed” the vampire. Therefore, he will try to bring you to hysterics, screaming or fits of rage. Now he will be satisfied, and the victim will feel exhausted, like a squeezed lemon.

Contact with energy vampires can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • sleep disturbances and bad mood;
  • deterioration of health;
  • state of depression and apathy;
  • nervous tension and irritability.

Basic types of vampires

Types of vampires are often found along these lines: the talker, the weeper, the walking misfortune and the accuser.

Type of vampire "sob" manifests itself in tears and hysterics when there are a lot of emotions.

Energy type "chatterbox", most often it is just a yard gossip or a gossip who washes dirty linen in any hut.

Energy type "accuser" He is often a leader and is always in power, bullying his subordinates.

Energy type "eternal misfortune" often likes to focus on his problems and difficulties, but without emotions. Such a whiner. The vampire is trying to capture your attention, demands your support and takes advantage of your defenselessness. When you are open, relaxed and sympathize with troubles to the core, this is where energy vampirism manifests itself. The vampire himself is not endowed with either your optimism or his own energy, so he has to feed on people.

To identify a vampire, you just need to take a closer look at how interested he is in your problems, your life and the information you are talking about. Does he have patience, empathy and tact? Is he interested in the topic of conversation? How does he behave during a conversation with you?

The people whom fate sends to you cannot always be classified as vampires. Often such difficult relationships contribute to a person's personal growth. In order to further live in harmony with yourself and in harmony with the world around you, you need to perceive such people as a life lesson or test. No need to ask God “why”? But it is necessary to pose the question differently: “for what”?
