The day of abolition in Chechnya is April 16th. Who's Repeal Day is a national holiday

Today in Chechnya marks the first anniversary of the abolition of the counter-terrorist operation (CTO) regime. April 16 is now celebrated in the Chechen Republic as Peace Day. This day, by order of President Ramzan Kadyrov, was declared a day off and a holiday.

On April 15, in honor of this holiday, a large-scale youth action was held in Grozny, dedicated to the anniversary of the abolition of the CTO regime in the republic, and a solemn event dedicated to the holiday was held in the republican theater and concert hall.

Today in Chechnya there will be a large-scale celebration of the first anniversary of the abolition last year of the counter-terrorist operation regime that had been in place for almost ten years. In Grozny, other cities and large settlements of the republic, folk festivals will be held, concerts with the participation of local pop stars, processions and sports shows. It is planned to hold “courage lessons” in the republic’s schools, at which teenagers who have reached the age of 14 will be awarded passports of Russian citizens.

Large-scale events of a religious nature will be held through the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Chechnya. The religious ceremonies of dhikr and mawlid will be performed in the mosques of the republic today.

Chechen law enforcement agencies have significantly strengthened security measures in connection with the celebration of Peace Day in the republic. On April 15, the central part of the Chechen capital, where the festive procession took place, and the areas adjacent to the building of the state theater and concert hall were blocked by reinforced police and military units. On the main highways of the republic and roads leading to the center of Grozny, along with stationary checkpoints, mobile police posts are set up.

President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov congratulated the population of the republic on the first anniversary of the abolition of the CTO, calling this day one of the most significant days in modern history Chechen Republic. “Exactly a year ago, the country’s leadership decided to abolish the counter-terrorist operation regime. This was a virtual recognition of the victory of the Chechen people over terrorism, Wahhabism and extremism,” Kadyrov’s statement said. “The Great Akhmat-Hadji Kadyrov managed to raise the people. Together with you, we continued it case and cleared the Chechen land of bandits. There is a constant struggle against the remnants. It is yielding results. We are able to provide assistance to neighboring regions."

According to Kadyrov, the decision to lift the CTO regime was justified. “We have proven that we are able to maintain stability and neutralize terrorists. Construction of large facilities began during the year. Investors are showing increased interest in the republic. All work to prepare the airport for giving it international status has been completed,” Kadyrov said in a statement.

“Noting the anniversary of the completion of the CTO, I would like to remember our comrades in arms. Thousands of comrades died. We lost relatives and people very close to us. Including our leader, the first President of the Chechen Republic Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov. We will remember them forever,” said Kadyrov.

A corresponding statement was made by the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Chechen Republic Nurdi Nukhazhiev. He also noted that “the abolition of the CTO regime allowed the leadership of the republic to finally consolidate peace and begin to implement socio-economic projects, which became a signal for investors to invest in various spheres of life of the republic.” “The most significant result of the abolition of the CTO,” Nukhazhiev considers giving international status to the Grozny airport.

“The abolition of the CTO regime means, first of all, the complete restoration of the residents of the Chechen Republic to their constitutional rights, the abolition of restrictions on freedom of movement and movement of goods. There is also hope for a solution to the most painful issue for the republic - establishing the whereabouts of kidnapped and missing residents of the republic ,” Nukhazhiev’s statement emphasizes, “The decision of the management. Russian Federation certainly had international significance. Also, the abolition of the CTO regime on the territory of Chechnya raised the authority of Russia in the international arena and in the Islamic world. The abolition of the CTO was a historic step, and April 16 took its rightful place in the history of the Chechen people as Peace Day."

Local observers note that the abolition of the counter-terrorist operation regime on the territory of the Chechen Republic has led to serious positive changes, but it is too early to talk about the final establishment of peace and stability.

“The abolition of the CTO regime certainly played a serious positive role in the life of the republic. This included giving the Grozny airport international status, the opening of its own customs office in the republic, an increase in the number of investments, the start of the jury trial, and so on. At the same time, it should be noted that the situation in terms of violations of the rights of citizens this year, unfortunately, not only has not improved, but has even begun to worsen. Proof of this is the almost twofold increase in the number of kidnappings and murders of people and the increase in the number of militant attacks. stabilization in the republic is premature,” a local expert told the “Caucasian Knot” correspondent.

The counter-terrorist operation regime was introduced in Chechnya in the fall of 1999 and remained until April 16 last year. The introduction of a CTO regime in a certain territory provides for a number of significant restrictions on the rights of citizens, such as restrictions on free movement, passport checks, granting the right to participants in special operations to freely enter homes, and so on. Over the years of the counter-terrorism operation, according to various sources, tens of thousands of civilians were killed in Chechnya, and more than five thousand, according to official data, were kidnapped and are still considered missing.

The "Caucasian Knot" continues to monitor the situation that has developed in Chechnya after the lifting of the counter-terrorist operation regime, and chronicles the criminal incidents occurring there.

The counter-terrorist operation declared in the Chechen Republic in 1999 lasted almost ten years. During this time, the residents of the republic had to see and experience a lot, go through trials, endure in order to begin a peaceful life again, reviving their small homeland.
From the very beginning of the military events in the republic, understanding the destructiveness and fatality of resistance to the federal center, the healthy forces of Chechen society, headed by religious and politician Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, carried out active work, trying to minimize losses among the civilian population. It was hard, exhausting work, requiring not only titanic physical effort, but also great personal courage, understanding of the importance of what was happening and the need to be ready to sacrifice one’s life if necessary. Hundreds and thousands of glorious sons of the Chechen people lost their lives in this brutal war against international terrorism, hundreds of families did not live to see their fathers, brothers and sisters. Once it started its move, the military machine could not stop with one wave of the hand or with one headquarters directive; children, women, and the elderly fell under its “hot paws.”
In this struggle, we lost our leader, who stood in the way of the complete extermination of the Chechen people as an ethnic unit. International terrorism has a lot at stake and would be ready to continue the war in Russia in its Chechen sector, regardless of the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians. But on his way he met the First President of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia Akhmat-Hadzhi - a strong man, a true patriot, ready to protect his people even at the cost of his own life. It was he who wrote the unforgettable words: “I came not to stop the war, but to remove it from our lives!” His whole life was concluded in serving the people, and his love for his people was so strong that it was impossible to defeat him, that he is still with us in the person of a worthy successor, raised and prepared by him for glorious victories and achievements. Proudly raising the banner of victory handed down by his father, Hero of Russia Ramzan Kadyrov rushed forward, confidently leading his people to labor feats.
It took us incredible work to prove to the whole world that the Chechen people are, in fact, creators, that they can build cities and villages in the shortest possible time, that they have a talented and wise leader, that the Chechen police are capable of stopping and eradicating terrorism. We presented this evidence in order to say that the time of unrest and chaos is over, there are no terrorists in our lives and therefore there is no need to continue the regime of the Counter-Terrorism Operation on the territory of the Chechen Republic.
The federal center appreciated the work being done in the republic and met the wishes of the republic’s leadership and residents. The CTO regime hindered the full development of the republic and could not be fully realized investment projects, hampered the development of the tourism business, and had a negative overall impact on the image of the republic.
And on April 16, 2009, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee sent an emergency message about the abolition of the counter-terrorist operation regime on the territory of the Chechen Republic. Peace Day arrived in Chechnya, and residents breathed a sigh of relief.
Ramzan Kadyrov, a man who fought against international terrorism for many years, bringing this day closer with sleepless nights of work, said about him:
“This is a great day - the Day of Victory over International Terrorism. From this day the countdown begins new history of our republic. We have proven to the whole world that we are capable of defending Russia, defending our culture, our traditions, which we will not allow anyone to destroy. We managed to preserve our national dignity. The abolition of the CTO regime was of utmost importance in the revival of the republic.
Thanks to this truly historic decision, our region has embarked on the path of peaceful socio-economic development. Only a few years have passed since the abolition of the CTO regime, but now we can talk about significant changes that have occurred during this time.
At the time when Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov was just beginning his path to the revival of the republic, no one believed in his success. I spoke a lot with representatives of the creative, cultural, and social spheres who lived outside the region. They all unanimously stated that they did not believe in the revival of the Chechen Republic in the near future. But today they returned to their small homeland and enjoy every day with us.
I remember the day when Akhmat-Hadji began the path to creation, and I am proud that I was on this path next to him.
The Chechen people follow this path, in which the Constitution occupies a dominant place. We will keep it and follow it.
Today, foreign investors calmly come to the republic and get acquainted with its investment and economic potential. Our athletes become winners at the most prestigious international competitions. We build schools, hospitals, kindergartens, stadiums. We live peacefully and happy life. And this is our heritage, for which a huge price has been paid.”
Only those who spent many months under bombing, waiting in fear for the next purges, can truly appreciate the peace and tranquility of today. And we glorify the Day of Peace and give praise to the Almighty, Who delivered us from war.

Peace Day in the Chechen Republic - abolition of the CTO on the territory of the Chechen Republic

On April 16, 2009, the director of the FSB, the head of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee of Russia, Alexander Bortnikov, on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, canceled the order of 1999 declaring the territory of the Chechen Republic a zone for conducting counter-terrorist operations (CTO).

The first President of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia Akhmat - Khadzhi Kadyrov dreamed about this day and gave his life for it. The head of the republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, completed the work begun by his father. And it was this day, as one of the events of greatest significance in the history of the Chechen people, that became a holiday.

The head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, regarding the abolition of the CTO regime, then said:

This is a great day - the day of victory over international terrorism. We have proven to the whole world that we are capable of protecting our people from terrorism, defending civil rights and freedoms, our culture and our traditions, which we will not allow anyone to destroy or abuse. The abolition of the CTO regime was of utmost importance in the revival of the republic. I remember the day when Akhmat-Hadji began the path to creation, and I am proud that I was on this path next to him. The Chechen people today follow this path, in which the Constitution occupies a dominant place. We will keep it and follow it. Today, foreign investors calmly come to the republic and get acquainted with its investment and economic potential. Our athletes become winners at the most prestigious international competitions. We build schools, hospitals,
kindergartens, stadiums. We live a peaceful and happy life. And this is our asset, for which a huge price has been paid.

April 16 of this year marks 5 years since the abolition of the counter-terrorist operation regime on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

The rector of RIU named after him congratulated the residents of the republic on this joyful event in the life of our people. Kunta-Khadzhi Mutushev Abdurakhim Abdul-Mezhitovich.

Let us recall that the counter-terrorist operation regime in Chechnya (CTO), which had been in force since 1999, was abolished on April 16, 2009 by FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that the news about the abolition of the CTO became a huge joyful event in the life of every resident of the Chechen Republic. Because the CTO regime set the republic back decades in socio-political and socio-economic development. Before the decision was made to abolish the CTO regime, the Chechen Republic went through many trials.

The first President of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia Akhmat-Hadzhi Kadyrov, seeing the suffering of the people due to the sad actions of false politicians of all stripes, who found themselves on the verge of extinction, rallied a team around him and led the republic out of this chaos.

Akhmat-Hadji as a wise man statesman understood that it was necessary to hold a referendum, adopt the Constitution of the Chechen Republic, laws on the elections of the President and Parliament of the Chechen Republic.

We know under what conditions and at what price we got the long-awaited peace.

On this path, the best of the daughters and sons of the Chechen people died, school directors and teachers, heads of districts and settlements, and representatives of the clergy were killed.

The enemies of the Chechen people spared no money and other instruments to suppress the will of the Chechen people, instilling fear in the souls of people. Constant “cleansing operations”, curfews, missing people... This chaos had to be stopped.

Akhmat-Khadzhi created an Advisory Council, an Initiative Group, which included the best representatives of the Chechen people, people who were not afraid of the threats of enemies, who believed in a true Muslim, a man with a capital letter, and became his support in this difficult hour.

As a result, on March 23, 2003, a national referendum was held with the adoption of the necessary archival state documents regulating the life of the republic. Since then, the Chechen Republic has taken a peaceful path, but it was necessary for further development cancel the CTO regime.

The head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov has repeatedly stated the need to abolish the CTO regime at all levels state power. And his word was heard by the top leadership of the Russian Federation. The abolition of the CTO regime took place, becoming a turning point in the modern history of the Chechen Republic.

After the announcement of this joyful and enormously significant event, Grozny Airport was given the status of an international airport. International trips began, the main of which was the pilgrimage (Hajj) of Muslims to Mecca and Medina. Various international and domestic flights were also launched.

Currently, the republic is undergoing rapid processes of dynamic development in all spheres of life. New types of cities and towns delight the eyes of residents and numerous guests of the republic who arrive in the region with business proposals to participate in events of international and Russian scale.

On April 16, 2009, the director of the FSB, the head of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee of Russia, Alexander Bortnikov, on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, canceled the order of 1999 declaring the territory of the Chechen Republic a zone for conducting counter-terrorist operations (CTO).

Head of the Chechen Republic R.A. Kadyrov, regarding the abolition of the CTO regime, then said: “This is a great day - the day of victory over international terrorism. From this day on, the new history of our republic begins. We have proven to the whole world that we are capable of defending Russia, defending our culture, our traditions, which we will not allow anyone to destroy. We managed to preserve our national dignity. The abolition of the CTO regime was of utmost importance in the revival of the republic. Thanks to this truly historic decision, our region has embarked on the path of peaceful socio-economic development. Only a few years have passed since the abolition of the CTO regime, but now we can talk about significant changes that have occurred during this time. At the time when Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov was just beginning his path to the revival of the republic, no one believed in success. I spoke a lot with representatives of the creative, cultural, public sphere who lived outside the region. All of them said that they did not believe in the revival of the Chechen Republic in the near future. But today they returned to their small homeland and enjoy every day with us. I remember the day when Akhmat-Hadji began the path to creation, and I am proud that I was on this path next to him. Today the Chechen people follow the correct ideology, in which the Constitution occupies a dominant place. We will keep it and follow it. Currently, foreign investors are calmly coming to the republic to get acquainted with its investment and economic potential. Our athletes occupy the highest places on international podiums. We build schools, hospitals, kindergartens, stadiums. We live a peaceful and happy life and that is enough for us."

A lot has changed during this short period of peacetime...

The first school in Russia for training Hafiz (readers who know the Koran by heart) opened on August 23, 2010 in the Kadyrovs’ ancestral village of Tsentoroe (Khosi-Yurt) in the Kurchaloevsky district. She bears the name of Zelimkhan Kadyrov.

In 2012, Hafiz schools were opened in Grozny and Gudermes, and construction of a Hafiz school in Urus-Martan is now underway. An international Islamic conference was held in the republic. Its participants included the most famous religious figures from many countries of the world. At the moment, 21 madrassas operate in the Chechen Republic, 102 ziyarat have been restored for pilgrimage, and 818 mosques are functioning.

I would like to especially emphasize the events that took place in 2012, which literally turned the spiritual sphere of the region upside down. This is the delivery to the Chechen Republic of the sacred relics of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the relics of the companions of the Prophet (May Allah be pleased with them)

Over the course of several days, the mosque named after Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, where the relics were exhibited, was visited by more than one million people. Among them were residents of all North Caucasus, as well as other regions of Russia.

Some of the relics were left for eternal storage. This is clear evidence that in our republic everything is being done for the development of Islam, strict adherence to the path indicated by the great sheikhs and ustazs.

It should be noted that it has become a tradition in the republic to declare each coming year the year of restoration of some area. For recent years 4 theaters have been restored and are operating in the republic. The Grozny City complexes and the Akhmat Arena stadium were opened, high-rise buildings appeared in the cities of Grozny, Gudermes, Argun, and just the other day a capsule was laid for the construction of the Shali City high-rise complex in the center of Shali.

Many other events took place in cultural and sports life Chechen Republic. And the leadership of the Chechen Republic, headed by Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov, does not intend to stop there. Ahead, Insha-Allah, are achievements, successes and heights that await the sacred land of Chechnya and its citizens.
