Increased temperature with inflammation of the prostate. What can be the temperature with prostatitis? Why does the temperature persist after surgery to remove prostate adenoma?

Usually symptoms any form of prostate disease includes the following:

  • Urinary problems;
  • A feeling of tingling, burning and sharp pain when going to the toilet;
  • Constant urge to urinate;
  • Chills, trembling, crawling sensation and high fever;
  • Pain in the lower back, groin, lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • Rectal pressure;
  • Discharge from the penis during defecation;
  • Feeling of genital pulsation;
  • Sexual problems and decreased libido;
  • Painful ejaculations.

Exists several types of disease. Fever is a common symptom of some of them.

Acute infectious (bacterial) prostatitis: This form of the disease is caused by infection and occurs suddenly. Symptoms always include chills and fever. Often patients observe the appearance of blood in the urine. This form of the disease is the easiest to detect and treat. Acute bacterial prostatitis is divided into several types:

  • Catarrhal– inflammation of the prostate lining and its excretory ducts. The catarrhal form is characterized frequent urination and the presence of pus in the urine. There is an increase in temperature to 37-37.5;
  • Follicular– inflammation of single segments of the gland with the formation of pustules. Signs include pain when urinating, in the groin and anus, against the background of follicular prostatitis, the patient’s body temperature can rise to 38 degrees;
  • Parenchymal (interstitial, purulent) prostatitis involving the parenchyma (collection of prostatic glands) of the prostate. Signs include pronounced dysuria, a feeling of heaviness in the perineum, pain during bowel movements, and sometimes urinary retention. The consequences of acute parenchymal prostatitis can be very serious; against the background of this form, an abscess with tissue swelling, fever (39-40 degrees) and chills often develop.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis: This type of prostatitis does not begin suddenly, but is accompanied by relapses. Infections are a common symptom Bladder. This form of the disease is rarely accompanied by an increase in temperature (sometimes up to 37.5).

(chronic pelvic pain syndrome): The disorder is common among men of all ages (from teenagers to older men), and symptoms include pain or discomfort in the groin. Is there a temperature with prostatitis? The temperature rarely rises.

Based on the above, we can conclude that:

  • Temperature with prostatitis in men only rises in the presence of acute or chronic infectious prostatitis;
  • Most often it increases up to 39-40 degrees when a disease goes from chronic to acute, this means that the exacerbation stage begins;
  • If the temperature rises to 38 degrees, this may mean that acute form of the disease, not chronic;
  • If in the background chronic prostatitis it rose to 37 degrees, which means that the body is fighting bacteria;
  • If, against the background of acute infectious prostatitis, the temperature rises to 40 degrees, this may indicate about the presence of an abscess.

What to do

Let's take a closer look at all possible cases when body temperature rises with prostatitis.

Temperature 37

A temperature with prostatitis of 37 is nothing to worry about; this is a common occurrence, meaning that the body is fighting an infection. Chronic prostatitis accompanied by an increase in temperature to this level. Against the background of such an increase, pain in the lower back often occurs when urinating, weakness, increased fatigue, dry mouth, and the patient experiences slight discomfort.

In this case, along with, it is important to drink large amount of liquid per day (at least 12 glasses of water), drink fruit juices, fruit drinks, compotes. An increase in temperature to 37 degrees is not scary, if the patient is already taking (as well as anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic drugs), there is no need to consult a doctor.

Temperature 38

Some doctors advise not to lower the temperature to 38 degrees to allow the body to fight the infection. This increase indicates development acute prostatitis. The patient experiences mild symptoms colds: weakness, lower back pain, increased sweating, moderate discomfort.

Treatment should be limited to drinking plenty of fluids(water, juices, green tea, fruit drinks, compotes) and bed rest. If the fever causes severe discomfort, you should take an antipyretic drug (for example, aspirin, ibuprofen) and consult a doctor for treatment.

Temperature 39

An increase in temperature to 39 (40) degrees indicates the presence of serious inflammation in the body (often associated with development of an abscess And exacerbation of bacterial prostatitis). The patient experiences severe discomfort, acute pain in the groin, perineum, discomfort during defecation, urination is very difficult or impossible, weakness, sweating, high fever is periodically replaced by chills.

In this case, you should take an antipyretic drug (aspirin) and immediately seek medical help (best call an ambulance). It is impossible to self-medicate when the temperature rises to 39-40 degrees.

Attention! Self-medication even when the temperature rises to 40 degrees can lead to serious complications of the disease. Contact a urologist immediately.

Constant jumps

Temperature with prostatitis in the region of 37-37.2 degrees is normal. During treatment with antibiotics, this is possible; temperature fluctuations subside within several months (especially when taking B vitamins, zinc, vitamin C). If the temperature rises to 38-40 degrees, it is important to notify your doctor about this - such a fluctuation may indicate serious inflammation prostate gland(development of an abscess, accumulation of pus).

Attention! If, against the background of started therapy, no improvement is observed within 3-5 days (maximum of a week), and the temperature does not decrease, you should consult a urologist again for selection of other drugs.

Temperature in chronic prostatitis is not a rare occurrence; it often rises to 37.5 degrees. Against the background of acute prostatitis, it can rise up to 40 degrees, in which case you should immediately contact a urologist. Most often, after completing a course of antibiotic treatment, the patient’s body temperature returns to normal.

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Prostatitis is inflammatory disease prostate cancer, which occurs once in most men and significantly affects the quality of life. The pathology is accompanied by a number of symptoms, the severity of which depends on the stage of the disease. Most often, patients are concerned about problems with urination.

Is there a temperature with prostatitis in men? Patients wonder when faced with an elevated reading on the thermometer. Of course, this is possible, but high fever can also occur against the background of another disease or be a sign of a complicated course of the disease. Therefore, a sudden increase in temperature to 37-38°C is a reason to consult with your doctor.

Causes of temperature with prostatitis

An increase in temperature in acute and chronic forms occurs if the disease is of an infectious nature, but the severity of symptoms will be different. As a rule, the indicator stays around 37.1-38°C, that is, within the subfebrile range.

Exacerbation of chronic bacterial prostatitis can be accompanied by a fairly high body temperature, around 38°C and above. The main reason for such symptoms is the pronounced inflammatory process that occurs in the prostate gland during.

Pathology without fever usually occurs in those patients in whom the inflammatory process arose against the background of age-related changes. In this case, no infectious agent is observed in the prostate gland, and its function is impaired due to poor circulation and outflow of prostatic juice. This disease is called.

If the patient is worried about a very high temperature, then it may indicate the development of another pathology, for example:

  • pyelonephritis due to the spread of infection to the kidneys;
  • cystitis if the infection has entered the bladder;
  • development cancer;
  • others infectious diseases;
  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • autoimmune diseases, etc.

Any of these pathologies requires the attention of a specialist.

A low temperature may also occur. In this case, the thermometer stops at 35°C; such a symptom may indicate a chronic course or the development of severe complications. At a low temperature, the patient will experience weakness, and improvement will occur after complex therapy.

Temperature and accompanying symptoms in acute prostatitis

How long the temperature lasts for prostatitis depends on the stage of the disease and whether it is treated or not. In a chronic course, the indicator 37.1-37.2°C may not last a single day, but for several weeks or months. If there is no competent therapy, the low-grade fever will persist for years.

In addition to temperature with chronic prostatitis, the patient will also be bothered by the following symptoms:

  • disturbance of the urination process, the patient cannot pee normally, urine is released drop by drop;
  • mild aching in the groin bothers me;
  • pain occurs during ejaculation;
  • Erectile dysfunction is often observed in patients in the older age group.

The temperature may rise suddenly, and it will disappear only after full treatment. If the patient does not see a doctor and is not treated, the disease will most likely develop into chronic stage. In acute cases, other symptoms also occur:

  • strong pain in the groin, which extends into the rectum, into the perineum;
  • severe pain during urination and ejaculation;
  • difficulty urinating, possible urinary retention.

In addition to specific signs of inflammation of the prostate, against the background of high temperature, symptoms such as headache, weakness, decreased performance, dizziness, lack of appetite, and irritability occur.

How to reduce the temperature with prostatitis

What to do if the temperature reaches 38 degrees or higher, it is better to ask your doctor. A specialist will be able to accurately determine the cause of such a high temperature and prescribe adequate treatment. For example, if the patient himself decides that he has a fever due to inflammation of the prostate gland, but in fact the reason for the high readings is renal pathology, you can develop renal failure.

You need to know how to bring down the temperature so as not to harm the body. Without an examination, it is impossible to accurately diagnose and prescribe the correct therapy. Because increased rate on the thermometer - this is a consequence of the underlying disease, its symptom; it cannot be cured with antipyretics alone. Treatment must be comprehensive, and antibiotics are prescribed first.

If the patient does not go to the doctor, but takes antipyretics on his own, he must be prepared for the disease to become chronic, constant pain, impotence and urinary incontinence.

Complex treatment acute bacterial prostatitis consists of the following measures:

  1. Prescribe sexual rest, bed rest, light and balanced nutrition.
  2. To eliminate the infection, antibiotics are selected, depending on the pathogen.
  3. To bring down the temperature, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated, for example, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, the drug can be in the form of a rectal suppository;
  4. To improve urine flow, prescribe
  5. It is recommended to avoid promiscuity and anal sex without a condom to reduce the risk of infection.
  6. You need to eat right and strengthen your immune system.
  7. To avoid a relapse, you need to avoid hypothermia and colds.
  8. Men of any age need to monitor their health and regularly visit an andrologist for prevention.


    Prostatitis is one of the most common diseases of the male genitourinary system. An increase in temperature is a frequent companion to pathology and requires attention. Only with timely and competent therapy can you get rid of the symptoms of the inflammatory process and preserve male strength.

In an impressive number of cases it is completely asymptomatic. But often it can be accompanied by malaise, manifested in the form of high body temperature.

At this state The body's thermometer can show from 37.8 to 40 degrees.

Of course, such temperature changes are completely undesirable and can cause serious harm to the patient’s health. Of course, both a decrease and an increase in thermometer readings must be dealt with immediately. But, increasingly, men do not even realize that they have an inflammatory process in the prostate.

Only in in rare cases In addition to high body temperature, other symptoms may appear. Most men attribute high fever to normal fatigue and overwork. It is immediately worth noting that prostatitis is a disease that needs to be treated immediately. To do this, you should contact qualified specialists.

If this is not done in a timely manner, the current situation may become seriously complicated. For example, body temperature can reach 40 degrees. In this condition, the patient will suffer from high fever followed by chills. So why does the temperature rise with prostatitis? The answer can be found in this article.

Male sexual health problems depend on large quantity factors. The causes of prostatitis can be infections, an unhealthy lifestyle, an unbalanced diet devoid of all vital substances, the environment and weakened protective functions of the body.

Healthy and inflamed prostate

Prostatitis is divided into several types, depending on the etiology, as well as the form of the course. There are bacterial, infectious, and purulent.

According to astonishing statistics, in approximately 80% of all cases, the disease is provoked by non-bacterial factors. Among other things, if previously it was believed that prostatitis was a disease of older men, today it is rapidly becoming younger and is increasingly diagnosed in representatives of the stronger sex who are less than thirty years old.

More details about the forms of the disease:

The inflammatory process occurring in the prostate gland, which is considered chronic, can be triggered by the penetration of certain microorganisms into the prostate. It may be caused by other reasons.

These include the following: congestion in the genital area, as well as age. Often, even after complete relief from the disease, the prostate gland is attacked by its own immune system.

The result is temporary relief general condition. But, despite this, hidden processes are occurring in the body at this time.

If the antibiotic was chosen incorrectly, then, accordingly, it will not have an effect on the bacteria. And they will continue to multiply.

Minor purulent foci will gradually merge into one. Next, the cellular structures of the epithelium swell, thereby clogging the excretory ducts. During this process, the temperature can rise to 40 degrees.

For chronic

In the absence of proper therapy, acute prostatitis gradually turns into chronic. This course is characterized by periodicity of symptoms.

Outside the acute stage, undesirable symptoms are completely absent or mildly expressed.

With an exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland, the signs of the disease return. Body temperature can reach 39.5 degrees.

When can you shoot down?

All attempts to lower body temperature using medicines give only short-term results. It is important to eliminate the cause of this disease.

The only time to lower the temperature is when the thermometer shows 40 degrees.

To do this you need to take Paracetamol or Aspirin.

Be sure to carefully study the instructions for the drugs in order to find out in advance about possible side effects. Also, do not delay your visit to the doctor.

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A practicing dermatovenerologist talks about increased temperature during prostatitis and other symptoms of this disease:

You should not treat prostatitis on your own. Taking certain fever-reducing medications has a short-lived effect. These medications will not help to permanently eliminate the source of inflammation, so you need to seek qualified help in time.

Prostatitis is a disease that appears in men. It is accompanied by complex inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, which is located under bladder. Temperature with prostatitis can vary within 37-40 degrees.
As a result, a person feels discomfort and depression, as well as weakness in the first stages of the disease. At this time, it is recommended to contact specialists as soon as possible.

Can there be a temperature during prostatitis, signs of the disease and consequences

Prostatitis and temperature, discomfort and painful sensations closely connected. There are a number of symptoms by which it can be identified. This is done professionally by a urologist, taking into account many nuances. It is not recommended to make independent decisions regarding treatment, as the consequences can be serious in case of mistakes.

  • Pain in the pelvic area. Typically, pain appears in the genitals.
  • Pain appears in the back area.
  • The temperature for prostatitis is 37, not lower (especially in the morning). Towards evening it rises.
  • The disease is accompanied by the appearance of scars on the prostate gland, and as a result, a man’s sexual activity is impaired.
  • Burning and cutting during urination.
  • Weak stream during urination.
  • In some cases, there may be pain during ejaculation.

Why is the disease dangerous?

One of the most dangerous complications The pathology under consideration is the temperature in chronic prostatitis, which is characterized by its instability. As a result, scars appear on the prostate gland.
In the chronic form of the disease, so-called shrinkage of the organ occurs. Often the walls of the bladder also take part in the process. The result is difficulty urinating and severe discomfort, high temperature.
Chronic prostatitis behaves very insidiously and can often, by mistake, be confused with urolithiasis. In any case, there is no need to neglect the disease - it should be treated in a timely manner, avoiding complications.

Prostatitis and temperature indicators

Today there are known forms of prostatitis: chronic, bacterial, congestive, calculous, acute, infectious, purulent. Prostatitis varies in its symptoms and signs.

Why does temperature occur with prostatitis?

When infectious agents enter the prostate, inflammatory processes occur in it. They manifest themselves in acute and chronic forms.
In the acute form, pathology can develop at a high rate. At this time, patients experience chills and fever. At first it is low, but only increased.
If this is an acute form, then the temperature can rise very quickly, up to 38-39 degrees. At this time, intoxication increases, and the number of microbes in the prostate, as well as in the entire blood of the human body as a whole, increases.
Often, temperature readings can be used to clinically diagnose the pathology in question.
If we consider the chronic form of prostatitis, then the temperature in men is about 37 degrees. If the temperature rises every day, this means that the disease is getting worse.
The temperature during chronic prostatitis can rise due to the remaining bacteria that remain due to improper treatment. Recurrent symptoms may be more complex. An increase in fever to 38-39 degrees is accompanied by feverish standing.
Many people wonder whether the temperature with prostatitis can be high. Typically, indicators can increase due to general weakness, fatigue, bad weather, flu and other colds - there are different examples. But, basically, no one immediately suspects the main reasons that lie behind this.
A more serious factor that causes an increase in temperature is inflammation of the prostate gland. During such an illness, other, milder symptoms are also observed, which men may not notice. Together, the urologist is able to determine the overall picture and make a diagnosis.
The answer to the question of whether there is a very high body temperature during illness is yes it does. This indicates that purulent inflammatory processes are occurring inside. This dangerously increases the risk of septic shock.
During illness, the temperature in men is 37 or 38 degrees. Its indicators can fluctuate between febrile and subfebrile levels.

Taking warm baths for prostatitis

Hydrotherapy is accompanied by a beneficial effect on the body. In this situation, warm baths for prostatitis provide a powerful flow of blood to the unhealthy organ. Therefore, it is even recommended to take such procedures.
The course of treatment begins with a water temperature of approximately 36.6 degrees. Water is poured into the bath and after the patient sits down in it, it is raised to 42-44 degrees. As for the procedure time, it lasts about 15 minutes.
Another method approved by experts is the same techniques that were discussed above with baths, but with the addition of the appropriate medicine.
A hot bath with anti-inflammatory and analgesic herbs, such as calendula, St. John's wort or juniper, can be used, but on the condition that the constant temperature is 37. In the case when the patient has a high fever (over 39 degrees), then such activities are prohibited and ineffective. In this case, only properly selected antibiotics will help.
Hot baths for prostatitis are effective only in initial stages. When an irreversible process with prostatitis is already underway, the temperature fluctuates greatly, weakness and chills are felt, then it is better to go to a urologist. He will be able to advise how to get rid of chronic illness. Self-treatment, at neglected form- will not give results.

Temperature during chronic prostatitis, how to treat

Before visiting a doctor, most men ask whether it is possible to get rid of the disease at home without visiting a doctor. It is impossible to give an exact answer in this situation, since it depends on the symptoms and type of disease.
All methods of lowering the temperature with the help of drugs will bring only a short-term effect. Remember the mechanism of development of this symptom. It is necessary to remove the root cause - to destroy the infection. Therefore, the question of how to lower the temperature with prostatitis is inappropriate. An exception is if the thermometer shows 40 degrees, and it is not possible to seek help from a medical institution. In this case, take antipyretics: paracetamol; aspirin; ibuprofen.
Read the drug instructions to learn about side effects. Don't delay your visit to the doctor.

Inflammation of the prostate tissue is accompanied by fever with febrile and subfebrile indicators. Heat and fever, along with pain in the groin area, pain during urination and dysuric disorders, prompt the patient to seek help from a doctor.

The danger lies in the fact that the temperature with prostatitis in men is often subfebrile (in the range of 37-37.1°), and goes away after taking antipyretic drugs. The patient is in no hurry to see a doctor, believing that he has dealt with the disease on his own. Prostatitis continues to develop and turns into a chronic form that is difficult to treat.

Can the temperature rise with prostatitis?

Definitely, it can. Prostatitis is an inflammation of tissues due to: injuries, congestion and infection in the sterile environment of the gland. The disease is accompanied by several symptoms characteristic of the acute and chronic phases, which makes it possible to suspect pathology.

With prostatitis, the temperature may range from 37-41°. Indicators play an important role in making a diagnosis and determining the form of the disease.

The difference in temperature in the armpit and rectum is highly informative. In normal conditions, in a healthy patient, the difference should not exceed 0.5°. Inflammation of the prostate gland affects surrounding tissue. Rectal temperature will be elevated, despite the fact that readings taken from the armpit remain normal or low-grade fever. The difference in indicators and the presence of symptoms helps make a diagnosis.

Temperature in chronic prostatitis

Acute inflammation of the prostate gland, left without attention and appropriate treatment, often turns into a latent, stagnant form. Chronic prostatitis is more difficult to diagnose. The disease develops in a latent period, without pronounced symptoms.

After the appearance of degenerative changes in tissues, inflammation is replaced by an acute period lasting several days. The danger of the disease is its cyclical nature and asymptomatic development.

The presence of a chronic inflammatory process can be suspected based on low-grade symptoms. The temperature of 37° is maintained for a long time. The values ​​do not change for several days or even weeks.

Asymptomatic temperature is a clear sign of the development of chronic prostatitis. Over time, the latent disease becomes acute. Low-grade fever with inflammation of the prostate is replaced by febrile indicators, accompanied by heat and fever.

Non-infectious prostatitis occurs without any changes in temperature values. Unidentified inflammation becomes chronic. A low-grade fever appears, followed by high fever during the acute period.

Inflammation of the prostate gland is difficult to treat, often mutates and becomes the cause of serious reproductive dysfunction and infertility.

Temperature in acute prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate gland is accompanied by characteristic symptoms and febrile temperature indicators. distinguished by strong pain syndrome, purulent discharge and hematuria. One of characteristic features illness – temperature 38-39°.

Acute inflammation progresses rapidly. Clusters of pustules form inside the prostate gland. Follicular prostatitis leads to a feeling of chills and fever. Over time, the pustules unite into one large “bag”, which leads to an abscess.

Heat at acute prostatitis– this is the body’s reaction to the appearance of foreign tissues and microorganisms. Ignoring symptoms and self-medication leads to the disease becoming chronic or, in unfavorable circumstances, the death of the patient (a consequence of an abscess breaking into the rectal area).

Why is high temperature dangerous?

Febrile values ​​of 39-41° are direct evidence of the presence of acute inflammation. Do without professional medical care in this case it won't work. The consequences of late consultation with doctors and self-medication are as follows:
  • Structural changes in tissue - temperatures of 39° and above contribute to the formation of adhesions and scars in the seminal ducts and cavernous vessels. The consequences are infertility, decreased erectile function, and pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Changes in blood composition - the highest temperature with prostatitis is 40-41°. The increase in indicators is associated with the acceleration of the body's metabolism. At the same time, the speed of blood flow increases and, as a result, the oxygen saturation of the plasma decreases. The first people to suffer from febrile temperatures are: the cardiovascular system and kidneys.
Do not forget that high temperature does not appear on its own and indicates existing disorders and the development of the inflammatory process.

Prostatitis in acute phase if purulent formations occur, it can cause the death of the patient. A high temperature is a serious reason to consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

How long does the temperature last for prostate inflammation?

It all depends on the form of the disease and the prescribed treatment. The temperature for acute prostatitis lasts for 3 days, after which significant relief occurs. If no changes occur, this indicates an incorrectly selected and ineffective course of therapy.

Prolonged fever with the development of purulent inflammation of prostatitis, despite prescribed antipyretic and antibacterial drugs, indicates the need for surgical removal of the abscess.

How to reduce the temperature with inflammation of the prostate

To begin with, you should remember that self-administration of any medications is a temporary measure that does not cancel visiting a doctor.

Low-grade fever up to 38.5°C cannot be suppressed by taking medications. In case of extreme heat, immediate assistance is provided by taking 1-2 tablets of paracetamol or aspirin.

After contacting a medical facility, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. Several recommendations have been developed to reduce temperature:

  • Drinking plenty of fluids helps remove waste products, waste products of pathogenic microorganisms and toxins from the human body.
  • Bed rest - in the absence of stress on the gland, fever and fever gradually disappear. Until the end of therapy, a local increase in body temperature remains, localized in the pelvic area.
  • Adjustments in lifestyle - during treatment of the acute period, a diet according to treatment table No. 5 is prescribed, alcohol intake is prohibited, and sexual relations are excluded.
After prescribing a course of antibiotics and antipyretics, the patient's condition improves. The effectiveness of therapy is indicated by the fact that the axillary temperature and indicators in the anus become the same with a possible deviation of 0.5°.
